I don't understand why wives want their husbands to stop doing what they love/like just because she can't. My wife tried that with me. Not that I drank a lot anyway. But it was just the point of her saying it's not fair that you can and I can't. Yea right, I'm a man dammit. I don't need anyone telling me I can't drink. Bull shit.
I found out the heater in my truck doesn't work very well unless I'm revving the engine.
None of that is true except the part about the heater in my truck!
I don't understand why wives want their husbands to stop doing what they love/like just because she can't. My wife tried that with me. Not that I drank a lot anyway. But it was just the point of her saying it's not fair that you can and I can't. Yea right, I'm a man dammit. I don't need anyone telling me I can't drink. Bull shit.
I found out the heater in my truck doesn't work very well unless I'm revving the engine.
None of that is true except the part about the heater in my truck!
How the hell am I supposed to maintain food discipline when evil little fuckers bring Custom completely awesome smelling cupcakes from our local cupcake shop to my office?There is a freakin peanut butter cup sticking out of one of them.My gosh,I'm pretty sure im going to cave once my appetite increasing evening activities commence.
The mother - MOTHER! - of one of our accountants made two huge trays of baked goodies for our office. Fudge, cookies, truffles...all beautifully decorated. Couldn't believe they were homemade.
I'm not one to down a lot of sweets at once but ohhh mama, were they good.
It's nice to cave once in awhile, rr
(by the way, the new winky dude up there looks like he got something in his eye)
I would have to have some serious di-uhbittus to ever give up sweets. To me it's like green, or music, it enhances life... Some ganj, music, and sweets all together, now that is living! Hedo style! Scrape and butter that shit, its orgy time!
I would have to have some serious di-uhbittus to ever give up sweets. To me it's like green, or music, it enhances life... Some ganj, music, and sweets all together, now that is living! Hedo style! Scrape and butter that shit, its orgy time!
You know it, gambs! I love the sweet too but have become more the savory type. Maybe a bit of both? Probably why Payday is one of my favorite candy bars.
rr, those look like the cupcakes my office sometimes brings in. They have red velvet ones, Hostess cupcake style, etc.
I would have to have some serious di-uhbittus to ever give up sweets. To me it's like green, or music, it enhances life... Some ganj, music, and sweets all together, now that is living! Hedo style! Scrape and butter that shit, its orgy time!
You know it, gambs! I love the sweet too but have become more the savory type. Maybe a bit of both? Probably why Payday is one of my favorite candy bars.
rr, those look like the cupcakes my office sometimes brings in. They have red velvet ones, Hostess cupcake style, etc.
Here's to decadence, in all its forms!
Mmm choco covered pretzls are my go to for the sweet n salty combo. To quote the Hedobot "Let us cavort like the Greeks of old! You know the ones I mean."
Now somebody is talking about a Third world war. And the police said this was normal control
Invite them to the Lounge Car. We don't worry about shit like that here. :-D
I think it's time to get this weekend fired up.Anyone want some shots?It is the season.Have a great Friday night Loungers. JC don't agree with some of your posts,but there is no denying you have quality taste in music on this Friday.Enjoy. What no Elf tonight?
Now somebody is talking about a Third world war. And the police said this was normal control
Invite them to the Lounge Car. We don't worry about shit like that here. :-D
I think it's time to get this weekend fired up.Anyone want some shots?It is the season.Have a great Friday night Loungers. JC don't agree with some of your posts,but there is no denying you have quality taste in music on this Friday.Enjoy. What no Elf tonight?
I'm still getting over last weeks cold. Would love a hot toddy right about now! :-D
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Congrats Gambs it's awesome being a dad.Even if your offspring have freaky amounts of baby beard.
Off to work. Have a great day, gang!
This was provided by Gambs baby doctor.Dont ask how I got it.But I'm pretty sure lil dude like to rock out!
I found out the heater in my truck doesn't work very well unless I'm revving the engine.
None of that is true except the part about the heater in my truck!
I'm not one to down a lot of sweets at once but ohhh mama, were they good.
It's nice to cave once in awhile, rr
(by the way, the new winky dude up there looks like he got something in his eye)
di-uhbittus to ever give up sweets. To me it's like green, or music, it enhances life... Some ganj, music, and sweets all together, now that is living! Hedo style!
Scrape and butter that shit, its orgy time!
rr, those look like the cupcakes my office sometimes brings in. They have red velvet ones, Hostess cupcake style, etc.
Here's to decadence, in all its forms!
"Let us cavort like the Greeks of old! You know the ones I mean."
And I love this boy! So much like his dad.
Third world war. And the police said this was normal control
JC don't agree with some of your posts,but there is no denying you have quality taste in music on this Friday.Enjoy.
What no Elf tonight?