I'm heading off to attempt to sleep, got a crazy long day ahead of me in prep work..got the Turkey Brining, and the Venison marinating. Still gotta touch up the floor, add leaves to the table, prepare the dough for rolls, and make the pie crusts.. Shave the yams, and boil them. Boil the eggs, and bake the cornbread for the stuffing. There's a lot more to do, but I gotta get some rest! Lol
Ps.. I seem to see old usernames resurfacing, and or old users under new names.. Makes me smile.. See you all in the morning. Stay safe Missourians, and everyone else too!
I'm heading off to attempt to sleep, got a crazy long day ahead of me in prep work..got the Turkey Brining, and the Venison marinating. Still gotta touch up the floor, add leaves to the table, prepare the dough for rolls, and make the pie crusts.. Shave the yams, and boil them. Boil the eggs, and bake the cornbread for the stuffing. There's a lot more to do, but I gotta get some rest! Lol
Ps.. I seem to see old usernames resurfacing, and or old users under new names.. Makes me smile.. See you all in the morning. Stay safe Missourians, and everyone else too!
Have seen Hugh Freaking Dillin come back as paulonious, and seen givebloodreborn come back as givebloodreborn, and there's another I can't think of right now..
I'm heading off to attempt to sleep, got a crazy long day ahead of me in prep work..got the Turkey Brining, and the Venison marinating. Still gotta touch up the floor, add leaves to the table, prepare the dough for rolls, and make the pie crusts.. Shave the yams, and boil them. Boil the eggs, and bake the cornbread for the stuffing. There's a lot more to do, but I gotta get some rest! Lol
Ps.. I seem to see old usernames resurfacing, and or old users under new names.. Makes me smile.. See you all in the morning. Stay safe Missourians, and everyone else too!
Just how many people are you cooking for, anyway? Sounds like dozens.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
I'm heading off to attempt to sleep, got a crazy long day ahead of me in prep work..got the Turkey Brining, and the Venison marinating. Still gotta touch up the floor, add leaves to the table, prepare the dough for rolls, and make the pie crusts.. Shave the yams, and boil them. Boil the eggs, and bake the cornbread for the stuffing. There's a lot more to do, but I gotta get some rest! Lol
Ps.. I seem to see old usernames resurfacing, and or old users under new names.. Makes me smile.. See you all in the morning. Stay safe Missourians, and everyone else too!
Just how many people are you cooking for, anyway? Sounds like dozens.
No shit! It was enough cooking for just the two of us last year.
It's fun though - and how home is overtaken by those scents.
Hope you blast some good music during your day, whispering!
I'm heading off to attempt to sleep, got a crazy long day ahead of me in prep work..got the Turkey Brining, and the Venison marinating. Still gotta touch up the floor, add leaves to the table, prepare the dough for rolls, and make the pie crusts.. Shave the yams, and boil them. Boil the eggs, and bake the cornbread for the stuffing. There's a lot more to do, but I gotta get some rest! Lol
Ps.. I seem to see old usernames resurfacing, and or old users under new names.. Makes me smile.. See you all in the morning. Stay safe Missourians, and everyone else too!
Just how many people are you cooking for, anyway? Sounds like dozens.
No shit! It was enough cooking for just the two of us last year.
It's fun though - and how home is overtaken by those scents.
Hope you blast some good music during your day, whispering!
You know it!! And there's about 11 people altogether. Totally rocking VS. Thanks 2 feign reluctance!!
If you're into his music, I recommend Miles' Kind of Blue once you've got the mainbrain shit out of the way and can take a breather
That sounds nice! Spinning some Elvis right now.. Heartbreak Hotel. He helps me not miss my mother the rare occasion that that happens.. And for some reason Thanksgiving always does it!!
Happy thanksgiving everyone!! Hope your holidays are wonderful and full of love laughter good good and your football team wins.. I'm rooting for The Bears cause the lions play EVERY YEAR!!! So it's tradition for me to root on the opposing side! Enjoy those around you, and have a great day!
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,805
Happy Thanksgiving Whispering Hands
Happy Thanksgiving Friends!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Gobble,gobble friends.Hope all is having a happy and healthy. For those venturing to the movies today as my family does every thanksgiving may I recommend Intersteller with Mcconaghy,Hathaway and chastain.It was very very good.
Gobble,gobble friends.Hope all is having a happy and healthy. For those venturing to the movies today as my family does every thanksgiving may I recommend Intersteller with Mcconaghy,Hathaway and chastain.It was very very good.
my family does the theater on turkey day/xmas too sometimes! If the last hobbit had been out we would have. We saw all the Lord of Rings and a few harry potters on the holidays! Cheers everybody!
I haven't made it into the lounge in a few days.Hows everybody holding up?
Morning, rr!
With a nod to some of the heavy discussions happening here, I say with my own oomph - this weather is fucking with my hair! Love the rain yet curse the humidity's effect on these curls.
Outstanding whispering.It is 82 degrees,blue skies and balmy with a light tropical breeze off the Atlantic here in South Florida.Ya know,exactly like December should be when you live somewhere that skips the shitty seasons. I trust your cookingpalooza for thanksgiving was a tasty hit with your family? I actually commented to my wife as I was dumping stove top stuffing into the pot for its 4 min life cycle.That someone on the PJ site(you) makes fresh cornbread for the stuffing.I was then told to take the time and to feel free to create the same but she was having no hassle,stove top.lol We respect some good cornbread here in the south lands.Yum w/warm smear of butter or a cup of chili.
Outstanding whispering.It is 82 degrees,blue skies and balmy with a light tropical breeze off the Atlantic here in South Florida.Ya know,exactly like December should be when you live somewhere that skips the shitty seasons. I trust your cookingpalooza for thanksgiving was a tasty hit with your family? I actually commented to my wife as I was dumping stove top stuffing into the pot for its 4 min life cycle.That someone on the PJ site(you) makes fresh cornbread for the stuffing.I was then told to take the time and to feel free to create the same but she was having no hassle,stove top.lol We respect some good cornbread here in the south lands.Yum w/warm smear of butter or a cup of chili.
Yeah!! I'm working on mastering Chili! Seems to be a Nan's thing! Lol my Dad and brother are the Chili makers in our family. As for the feast it went really well!! Everyone was stuffed when they left, my second cousins joked all day about how their plane wouldn't be able to take off to return to Cali!! Lol as with every year, the Venison was gobbled up, with no left overs, and now I have made two turkey pot pies, and a turkey and wild rice soup with the leftovers! By Christmas we'll be ready for the traditional goose!! Hahahaha!! Anyhow jealous of your 82 degrees, it's half that warm Here! But I'll take it after yesterday's 10 degrees!! Lol
I haven't made it into the lounge in a few days.Hows everybody holding up?
Morning, rr!
With a nod to some of the heavy discussions happening here, I say with my own oomph - this weather is fucking with my hair! Love the rain yet curse the humidity's effect on these curls.
Fondly, Frizzy Redhead
Yeah, I'm too argumentative to debate! I get too involved. And these heavy subject lines just depress me! I remember part of why I avoided this section for so long!! Ha! Anyhow I have no idea what humidity= frizz must be like... I have true Danish/Scandinavian hair follicles. I can't even curl it with a curling iron! To get curl, I have to wrap it wet, and let it dry that way.. Otherwise it just falls out, the curl, not my hair..;-) I hope you're having a good day regardless!
I haven't made it into the lounge in a few days.Hows everybody holding up?
Morning, rr!
With a nod to some of the heavy discussions happening here, I say with my own oomph - this weather is fucking with my hair! Love the rain yet curse the humidity's effect on these curls.
Fondly, Frizzy Redhead
Hedo,you guys can always use the rain right? I watched the LA episode of Foo Fighters sonic highways on HBO last night.I was waxing poetic about the era they talked about in music in LA pre hair band days kinda late 70s early 80s club rock /punk scene(Runaways,Germs,etc) Add in the classics from LA at the time like Van Halen and wow what a cool west coast dirty seedy glorious vibe.I wasn't bar age until mid 80s so I caught the tail end version with our Palm beach,Ft.Lauderdale,Miami style but it was a cool era.Did you or Hubby experience that? I woulda loved to see Joan Jett when she was in the Runaways.
Ps.. I seem to see old usernames resurfacing, and or old users under new names.. Makes me smile.. See you all in the morning. Stay safe Missourians, and everyone else too!
It's fun though - and how home is overtaken by those scents.
Hope you blast some good music during your day, whispering!
For her memory and for you/yours - hope this makes you smile as well.
Happy Thanksgiving Friends!
Here's to friends
For those venturing to the movies today as my family does every thanksgiving may I recommend Intersteller with Mcconaghy,Hathaway and chastain.It was very very good.
Happy fuck-it-day indeed!
Harpoon variety pack and pj Moline on the big screen...women and children tucked safely away!
Interesting, as I've always read/heard that lyric as both "inner sense" and "innocence".
Maybe not so far off, in the end.
With a nod to some of the heavy discussions happening here, I say with my own oomph - this weather is fucking with my hair! Love the rain yet curse the humidity's effect on these curls.
Frizzy Redhead
I trust your cookingpalooza for thanksgiving was a tasty hit with your family? I actually commented to my wife as I was dumping stove top stuffing into the pot for its 4 min life cycle.That someone on the PJ site(you) makes fresh cornbread for the stuffing.I was then told to take the time and to feel free to create the same but she was having no hassle,stove top.lol
We respect some good cornbread here in the south lands.Yum w/warm smear of butter or a cup of chili.
Here! But I'll take it after yesterday's 10 degrees!! Lol
I watched the LA episode of Foo Fighters sonic highways on HBO last night.I was waxing poetic about the era they talked about in music in LA pre hair band days kinda late 70s early 80s club rock /punk scene(Runaways,Germs,etc) Add in the classics from LA at the time like Van Halen and wow what a cool west coast dirty seedy glorious vibe.I wasn't bar age until mid 80s so I caught the tail end version with our Palm beach,Ft.Lauderdale,Miami style but it was a cool era.Did you or Hubby experience that? I woulda loved to see Joan Jett when she was in the Runaways.