Outstanding whispering.It is 82 degrees,blue skies and balmy with a light tropical breeze off the Atlantic here in South Florida.Ya know,exactly like December should be when you live somewhere that skips the shitty seasons. I trust your cookingpalooza for thanksgiving was a tasty hit with your family? I actually commented to my wife as I was dumping stove top stuffing into the pot for its 4 min life cycle.That someone on the PJ site(you) makes fresh cornbread for the stuffing.I was then told to take the time and to feel free to create the same but she was having no hassle,stove top.lol We respect some good cornbread here in the south lands.Yum w/warm smear of butter or a cup of chili.
Yeah!! I'm working on mastering Chili! Seems to be a Nan's thing! Lol my Dad and brother are the Chili makers in our family. As for the feast it went really well!! Everyone was stuffed when they left, my second cousins joked all day about how their plane wouldn't be able to take off to return to Cali!! Lol as with every year, the Venison was gobbled up, with no left overs, and now I have made two turkey pot pies, and a turkey and wild rice soup with the leftovers! By Christmas we'll be ready for the traditional goose!! Hahahaha!! Anyhow jealous of your 82 degrees, it's half that warm Here! But I'll take it after yesterday's 10 degrees!! Lol
10 degrees.That sucks.Sorry.I won't tell you then that our lovely jupiter Beach is packed today with People escaping the very same shitty weather. Stay warm
Hedo,you guys can always use the rain right? I watched the LA episode of Foo Fighters sonic highways on HBO last night.I was waxing poetic about the era they talked about in music in LA pre hair band days kinda late 70s early 80s club rock /punk scene(Runaways,Germs,etc) Add in the classics from LA at the time like Van Halen and wow what a cool west coast dirty seedy glorious vibe.I wasn't bar age until mid 80s so I caught the tail end version with our Palm beach,Ft.Lauderdale,Miami style but it was a cool era.Did you or Hubby experience that? I woulda loved to see Joan Jett when she was in the Runaways.
Oh hell yeah. I dig it and we need it! But it's hilarious how the newsfolk are calling it a "storm" (though you'd think it was by how some drive).
My husband, an Ohio guy, got the late 80s/early 90s of NIN and Marilyn Manson.
I was fortunate to witness the early formations of RHCP and GnR. At the time, I was friends wtih Slash, Steve Adler and Tracy Ulrich, and they played in our backyard for my 15th birthday. No fame for any of them yet, but they fucking rocked.
And my best friend and I used to watch her older brother play guitar with Hillel Slovak and Jack Irons...maybe 1978 or 79? Was buddies with Hillel's little brother at the time. Sweet, cute, shy boy.
And Joan Jett still kicks ass!
whispering - thanks, it is so far. I hope for you too, Miss Newly-Employed
Hedo,you guys can always use the rain right? I watched the LA episode of Foo Fighters sonic highways on HBO last night.I was waxing poetic about the era they talked about in music in LA pre hair band days kinda late 70s early 80s club rock /punk scene(Runaways,Germs,etc) Add in the classics from LA at the time like Van Halen and wow what a cool west coast dirty seedy glorious vibe.I wasn't bar age until mid 80s so I caught the tail end version with our Palm beach,Ft.Lauderdale,Miami style but it was a cool era.Did you or Hubby experience that? I woulda loved to see Joan Jett when she was in the Runaways.
Oh hell yeah. I dig it and we need it! But it's hilarious how the newsfolk are calling it a "storm" (though you'd think it was by how some drive).
My husband, an Ohio guy, got the late 80s/early 90s of NIN and Marilyn Manson.
I was fortunate to witness the early formations of RHCP and GnR. At the time, I was friends wtih Slash, Steve Adler and Tracy Ulrich, and they played in our backyard for my 15th birthday. No fame for any of them yet, but they fucking rocked.
And my best friend and I used to watch her older brother play guitar with Hillel Slovak and Jack Irons...maybe 1978 or 79? Was buddies with Hillel's little brother at the time. Sweet, cute, shy boy.
And Joan Jett still kicks ass!
whispering - thanks, it is so far. I hope for you too, Miss Newly-Employed
Hedo,you guys can always use the rain right? I watched the LA episode of Foo Fighters sonic highways on HBO last night.I was waxing poetic about the era they talked about in music in LA pre hair band days kinda late 70s early 80s club rock /punk scene(Runaways,Germs,etc) Add in the classics from LA at the time like Van Halen and wow what a cool west coast dirty seedy glorious vibe.I wasn't bar age until mid 80s so I caught the tail end version with our Palm beach,Ft.Lauderdale,Miami style but it was a cool era.Did you or Hubby experience that? I woulda loved to see Joan Jett when she was in the Runaways.
Oh hell yeah. I dig it and we need it! But it's hilarious how the newsfolk are calling it a "storm" (though you'd think it was by how some drive).
My husband, an Ohio guy, got the late 80s/early 90s of NIN and Marilyn Manson.
I was fortunate to witness the early formations of RHCP and GnR. At the time, I was friends wtih Slash, Steve Adler and Tracy Ulrich, and they played in our backyard for my 15th birthday. No fame for any of them yet, but they fucking rocked.
And my best friend and I used to watch her older brother play guitar with Hillel Slovak and Jack Irons...maybe 1978 or 79? Was buddies with Hillel's little brother at the time. Sweet, cute, shy boy.
And Joan Jett still kicks ass!
whispering - thanks, it is so far. I hope for you too, Miss Newly-Employed
Hedo,you guys can always use the rain right? I watched the LA episode of Foo Fighters sonic highways on HBO last night.I was waxing poetic about the era they talked about in music in LA pre hair band days kinda late 70s early 80s club rock /punk scene(Runaways,Germs,etc) Add in the classics from LA at the time like Van Halen and wow what a cool west coast dirty seedy glorious vibe.I wasn't bar age until mid 80s so I caught the tail end version with our Palm beach,Ft.Lauderdale,Miami style but it was a cool era.Did you or Hubby experience that? I woulda loved to see Joan Jett when she was in the Runaways.
Oh hell yeah. I dig it and we need it! But it's hilarious how the newsfolk are calling it a "storm" (though you'd think it was by how some drive).
My husband, an Ohio guy, got the late 80s/early 90s of NIN and Marilyn Manson.
I was fortunate to witness the early formations of RHCP and GnR. At the time, I was friends wtih Slash, Steve Adler and Tracy Ulrich, and they played in our backyard for my 15th birthday. No fame for any of them yet, but they fucking rocked.
And my best friend and I used to watch her older brother play guitar with Hillel Slovak and Jack Irons...maybe 1978 or 79? Was buddies with Hillel's little brother at the time. Sweet, cute, shy boy.
And Joan Jett still kicks ass!
whispering - thanks, it is so far. I hope for you too, Miss Newly-Employed
Whoa! Great stories here! Cool that you mentioned the ever so awesome Joan Jett too!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
OK, had to Google that. I may be one of the few who's never seen the film
Trying to power through the afternoon...I got rear-ended last night (not in the good way, either!) on the way home. Just sitting there waiting for the green turn arrow and the guy behind me said his foot slipped off the brake. OK, buddy. He was nice enough, apologetic, and no damage to my car. We went our separate ways.
I felt fine too but today?
Back is screaming!
So yeah...3.5 hours and then I can properly take care of business.
OK, had to Google that. I may be one of the few who's never seen the film
Trying to power through the afternoon...I got rear-ended last night (not in the good way, either!) on the way home. Just sitting there waiting for the green turn arrow and the guy behind me said his foot slipped off the brake. OK, buddy. He was nice enough, apologetic, and no damage to my car. We went our separate ways.
I felt fine too but today?
Back is screaming!
So yeah...3.5 hours and then I can properly take care of business.
OK, had to Google that. I may be one of the few who's never seen the film
Trying to power through the afternoon...I got rear-ended last night (not in the good way, either!) on the way home. Just sitting there waiting for the green turn arrow and the guy behind me said his foot slipped off the brake. OK, buddy. He was nice enough, apologetic, and no damage to my car. We went our separate ways.
I felt fine too but today?
Back is screaming!
So yeah...3.5 hours and then I can properly take care of business.
Ha! Sometimes I can't resist innuendo :-$
Years ago in London, the taxi in which I was riding got rear-ended. After, I relayed this to my dinner-mates and got horrified, "oh dear!" looks from them (and was politely told what the term means over there).
And "taking care of business" in THAT sense equals self-medication!
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,804
OK, had to Google that. I may be one of the few who's never seen the film
Trying to power through the afternoon...I got rear-ended last night (not in the good way, either!) on the way home. Just sitting there waiting for the green turn arrow and the guy behind me said his foot slipped off the brake. OK, buddy. He was nice enough, apologetic, and no damage to my car. We went our separate ways.
I felt fine too but today?
Back is screaming!
So yeah...3.5 hours and then I can properly take care of business.
Ha! Sometimes I can't resist innuendo :-$
Years ago in London, the taxi in which I was riding got rear-ended. After, I relayed this to my dinner-mates and got horrified, "oh dear!" looks from them (and was politely told what the term means over there).
And "taking care of business" in THAT sense equals self-medication!
Sounds like you could use it, H.- feel better soon!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
First, thank you! Tylenol and Advil have done shit, and I'm avoiding pain pills at all costs. Bless the availability of strong weed and healthy snifters of brandy.
And second, your beautiful Bowzer has the eyes of our Beans. Gorgeous green, much expression/comprehension, and best of all, heavy on the liner.
Since we are all sharing on this sat morning.I thought I would add to Hedos healing process with my contribution.I have no cats,so this will have to do.Good Morning all. I'm not sure what kind the last one is but I'm thinking of adopting her.
I'm trying to convince Mrs rr that in honor of pet appreciation a sexy cat woman suit is totally appropriate attire for a sat evening.At this point she Dosent agree but I'm still trying to work this out.lol Yes We are dog people.Had a cutsie lil kitten back in the 80s that took out a waterbed mattress with her baby claws(remember those?Nothing better then chilling with a black light listening to Floyd or Zeppelin while properly relaxed just floating away in tranquility,Ahhh good times)And flood our apartment.So that was the the last time we had a cat.But still like em.
That schnoz! He's beautiful...and looks like quite the studious pooch.
We were at my sister's for Thanksgiving, and spending all that time with their Golden made me realize how much I MISS dogs. They're just so goofy and expressive. Although by the time we left, my clothes reeked of her.
Yes he likes to break a mental sweat from time to time.lol I've never been able to get him to wear those glasses again without wanting to eat em. We are blessed we have low shed very clean smelling pups so that helps.
Since we are all sharing on this sat morning.I thought I would add to Hedos healing process with my contribution.I have no cats,so this will have to do.Good Morning all. I'm not sure what kind the last one is but I'm thinking of adopting her.
That is a Hairless. Though Pharoh Cats are hairless as well. And those are adorable!!
I haven't made it into the lounge in a few days.Hows everybody holding up?
Morning, rr!
With a nod to some of the heavy discussions happening here, I say with my own oomph - this weather is fucking with my hair! Love the rain yet curse the humidity's effect on these curls.
Fondly, Frizzy Redhead
Yeah, I'm too argumentative to debate! I get too involved. And these heavy subject lines just depress me! I remember part of why I avoided this section for so long!! Ha! Anyhow I have no idea what humidity= frizz must be like... I have true Danish/Scandinavian hair follicles. I can't even curl it with a curling iron! To get curl, I have to wrap it wet, and let it dry that way.. Otherwise it just falls out, the curl, not my hair..;-) I hope you're having a good day regardless!
Hey whisper, guess where I am???? Sitting in a deer blind you say.... Yes Hope all is well, passed on a small 10 pointer yesterday, hoping 2 see the "swap donkey" my buddy has named since this buck is like a 190 class 10 pointer .
Stay warm
My husband, an Ohio guy, got the late 80s/early 90s of NIN and Marilyn Manson.
I was fortunate to witness the early formations of RHCP and GnR. At the time, I was friends wtih Slash, Steve Adler and Tracy Ulrich, and they played in our backyard for my 15th birthday. No fame for any of them yet, but they fucking rocked.
And my best friend and I used to watch her older brother play guitar with Hillel Slovak and Jack Irons...maybe 1978 or 79? Was buddies with Hillel's little brother at the time. Sweet, cute, shy boy.
And Joan Jett still kicks ass!
whispering - thanks, it is so far. I hope for you too, Miss Newly-Employed
Trying to power through the afternoon...I got rear-ended last night (not in the good way, either!) on the way home. Just sitting there waiting for the green turn arrow and the guy behind me said his foot slipped off the brake. OK, buddy. He was nice enough, apologetic, and no damage to my car. We went our separate ways.
I felt fine too but today?
Back is screaming!
So yeah...3.5 hours and then I can properly take care of business.
Years ago in London, the taxi in which I was riding got rear-ended. After, I relayed this to my dinner-mates and got horrified, "oh dear!" looks from them (and was politely told what the term means over there).
And "taking care of business" in THAT sense equals self-medication!
And thanks, Brian! One hour to go!
Since you previously posted some Cat photos, Here, my kitty...Bowzer, and one of her many looks, Bowzer just got the news of your pain.
First, thank you! Tylenol and Advil have done shit, and I'm avoiding pain pills at all costs. Bless the availability of strong weed and healthy snifters of brandy.
And second, your beautiful Bowzer has the eyes of our Beans. Gorgeous green, much expression/comprehension, and best of all, heavy on the liner.
Since we are all sharing on this sat morning.I thought I would add to Hedos healing process with my contribution.I have no cats,so this will have to do.Good Morning all.
I'm not sure what kind the last one is but I'm thinking of adopting her.
"Fuck you, get me out of this NOW" (except for the last one you posted
You have a dog, if I remember correctly?
Yes We are dog people.Had a cutsie lil kitten back in the 80s that took out a waterbed mattress with her baby claws(remember those?Nothing better then chilling with a black light listening to Floyd or Zeppelin while properly relaxed just floating away in tranquility,Ahhh good times)And flood our apartment.So that was the the last time we had a cat.But still like em.
Ok a couple more
We were at my sister's for Thanksgiving, and spending all that time with their Golden made me realize how much I MISS dogs. They're just so goofy and expressive. Although by the time we left, my clothes reeked of her.
Also, I love the PJ with Cats thread
I've never been able to get him to wear those glasses again without wanting to eat em.
We are blessed we have low shed very clean smelling pups so that helps.
I'd be writhing in agony to if I had a cat on me. Sorry hedo, I hate cats!
You're just lucky you have other redeeming qualities!
Hope all is well, passed on a small 10 pointer yesterday, hoping 2 see the "swap donkey" my buddy has named since this buck is like a 190 class 10 pointer .