My youngest is 19, so I know the stress they put you thru.Keep on rockin.
Never had any problems like this before #:-S Some crazy little fights for school but that´s all. I am always thinking he is too much at home! Can you believe that? I was never at home at this age - always on tour... lol Most time he is at the computer - I hate some little fights at home. The only thing I have to know about all this shit that´s happened today is if the date is right . My son isn´t sure anymore what date the officers mentioned. Seems he was nervy as he was asked. I can understand that. He had never something to do with the police. Most time you see them here is when they check the road traffic.
Wanted to say I am very sorry for your losses. Good to hear that you both can smile now. Everytime I hear Man Of The Hour (if I am alone) I could go crazy only thinking about loosing my dad. Do you believe this people who say they talk to our lost ones? Do you know what - this Long Island Medium Lady is also on TV in Germany ! lol Seems like she makes a lot of money with this show. I think everyone should do what he believes. And I am sure as long as we think of our loved ones it will be good for us too in many ways!
So thank you both again - only 4 hours left for sleep Gute Nacht >:D<
I just posted this in another thread.It will probably be better appreciated here in the comfy lounge.Its a Friday anthem. I love hearing this to start a weekend.Please enjoy a little Zac Brown singing"Chicken Fried".
Ok one more test.Here is a video someone took from the Foo Fighters gig I was lucky enough to be at last wed night in Richmond Va.1500 peeps and a small theatre.Energy was insane.
After Euro shows this summer we were amazed at how Americans are big fat fatties! LOL I guess we forgot
It's a sign of prosperity! Or it could be because people in Cincy eat this … food??
Hahahaha no doubt about it, a sign of prosperity, and a sign of weakness! I have family from the area so "Cincinnati chili" is a weakness I know well lol
I'm a sucker for chili cheese fries as much as the next glutton, but jesus...whole lotta cheesin goin on.
You want perfect proportions (no cheese avalanches allowed on my watch), visit Carney's on Sunset, should you be inclined to traipse about LA and its eateries.
Man that makes my tummy hurt just looking at that bowl of filth.That would throw the system off for a week. That being said,I bet at 1am after some Beverages and such I might totally think otherwise.
If you haven't enjoyed this dish before, some explanation is necessary. There is a pile of spaghetti under there, so when you mix it through it isn't as gross as it looks. Actually though, the chili is incredibly rich, it is a version of Greek chili which is a typically spicy (not spicy hot, just filled with spices like Mediterranean food tends to be) and wouldn't be very palatable without some starch to tone it down. The mountain of cheese is "necessary", as, in smaller amounts you wouldn't taste it at all. When I make a 5-way (chili, spaghetti, onions, beans, and cheese) I use Cabot Farms Seriously Sharp Cheddar (best cheese in the world) instead of mild cheddar like Skyline uses, and I am able to use 1/4 of the amount and get more flavor. Oh yeah its quite delish, but not something you eat very often....unless you are a big fat fatty lol
Happy Friday from the St.Louis show.Weather sucks,but food is good and drinks are a plenty.Ready to get our PJ on.Have a most excellent weekend loungers.peace
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,808
Happy Friday from the St.Louis show.Weather sucks,but food is good and drinks are a plenty.Ready to get our PJ on.Have a most excellent weekend loungers.peace
Have a great time, rr! Hopefully we'll get a some reviews from you and gimme and anyone else here seeing the show!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Thanks Bri,FYI you would be proud of this city.It is cleaner then any mid sized city I've been to,and lots of trees and green spaces.who knew?Not so much as a cig butt or gum wrapper in a gutter.Spotless.Im impressed.Very quiet though.
Post edited by rr165892 on
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,808
Thanks Bri,FYI you would be proud of this city.It is cleaner then any mid sized city I've been to,and lots of trees and green spaces.who knew?Not so much as a cig butt or gum wrapper in a gutter.Spotless.Im impressed.Very quiet though.
Sounds great! I hope I get a chance to visit there some day!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Show was great.they played 3 hrs.We got Footsteps,Imagine,Chloe(My Daughters name and white whale song for me)Dancer/Crown,Down,Not for you,just to name a few.Great energy and crowd.Will be a top notch bootleg.
Show was great.they played 3 hrs.We got Footsteps,Imagine,Chloe(My Daughters name and white whale song for me)Dancer/Crown,Down,Not for you,just to name a few.Great energy and crowd.Will be a top notch bootleg.
=D> Congrats for this great show and that you got Chloe Dancer! Seems like PJ are having a cool time too ! Are you going to another show? How I wish I could be in the States for only one of the gigs!
Show was great.they played 3 hrs.We got Footsteps,Imagine,Chloe(My Daughters name and white whale song for me)Dancer/Crown,Down,Not for you,just to name a few.Great energy and crowd.Will be a top notch bootleg.
=D> Congrats for this great show and that you got Chloe Dancer! Seems like PJ are having a cool time too ! Are you going to another show? How I wish I could be in the States for only one of the gigs!
No,this is it for me.I also travel for Foo Fighters and got A hell of a show from them also 2weeks ago in Richmond,VA.Can only Leave reality behind for a little bit,after this weekend gotta get back to it. Ya,know they did really seem to be having fun last night and they are sounding tight as ever.
Jeez, rr...did you even sleep in this morning?! Happy you got a kickass show (and frankly, I'm impressed these guys can go three hours almost every night with such energy at their ages - not that they're "old", but you know what I mean).
It's going to hit 100 degrees here today, so we're gonna try to stay inside with the AC today. Hate the heat!
I hate the cold give me heat and a/c any day.Its cold here in STL.I can't wait to get back to the humidity of South Florida tmorro. Ah,the old Wake and Bake Sat Morning.Very Classic.What old movie did you go with?When I was younger I used to love that process,with a bowl(s) of Sugar Smacks and aMonster movie or Classic cartoons.But I'm going way back here.Now a days all my "baking" is at night when I can shut out the world.enjoy!
Y'all are giving me the munchies...oh wait I did that :-) gonna rock some scrabble and some chess with the preggers!
PS. Heat and humidity over cold?? Lunacy I say!! Give me cold, I'll bundle down and light up the fire...I want to live where air conditioners don't. The silent perfection of moonlight on fresh snow is worth any amount of discomfort.
I am always thinking he is too much at home! Can you believe that? I was never at home at this age - always on tour... lol Most time he is at the computer - I hate some little fights at home.
The only thing I have to know about all this shit that´s happened today is if the date is right . My son isn´t sure anymore what date the officers mentioned. Seems he was nervy as he was asked. I can understand that. He had never something to do with the police. Most time you see them here is when they check the road traffic.
Wanted to say I am very sorry for your losses. Good to hear that you both can smile now.
Everytime I hear Man Of The Hour (if I am alone) I could go crazy only thinking about loosing my dad.
Do you believe this people who say they talk to our lost ones?
Do you know what - this Long Island Medium Lady is also on TV in Germany ! lol
Seems like she makes a lot of money with this show. I think everyone should do what he believes. And I am sure as long as we think of our loved ones it will be good for us too in many ways!
So thank you both again - only 4 hours left for sleep
Gute Nacht
Ps-can someone please tell me how to get the full YouTube video to show and not just the link.Im kinda lacking in my skills in this area.Thanky
Seeee,what I mean.Do I need any of the above Icons to convert it?
Or am I taking the wrong link?
Try manually deleting it and see if that works. Meantime, enjoy some Highwaymen
Whoever filmed it must have been right next to us.That was where we were
And you're very welcome - if you preview before posting, it should show just as it did with your last two.
After Euro shows this summer we were amazed at how Americans are big fat fatties! LOL I guess we forgot
I'm a sucker for chili cheese fries as much as the next glutton, but jesus...whole lotta cheesin goin on.
You want perfect proportions (no cheese avalanches allowed on my watch), visit Carney's on Sunset, should you be inclined to traipse about LA and its eateries.
(The train, the train!)
Sioux City Sarsaparilla sounds pretty good right now. So does a white russian.
How I wish I could be in the States for only one of the gigs!
Ya,know they did really seem to be having fun last night and they are sounding tight as ever.
It's going to hit 100 degrees here today, so we're gonna try to stay inside with the AC today. Hate the heat!
Nice chill morning so far.
Wake, check.
Bake, about to be checked
Ah,the old Wake and Bake Sat Morning.Very Classic.What old movie did you go with?When I was younger I used to love that process,with a bowl(s) of Sugar Smacks and aMonster movie or Classic cartoons.But I'm going way back here.Now a days all my "baking" is at night when I can shut out the world.enjoy!
PS. Heat and humidity over cold?? Lunacy I say!! Give me cold, I'll bundle down and light up the fire...I want to live where air conditioners don't. The silent perfection of moonlight on fresh snow is worth any amount of discomfort.