Fast Times came out the year I graduated high school, and I think shot mostly around LA. Good times AND high times!
rr, sounds like a nice day and evening for you. I'll be following in your footsteps later, minus the gym, nap, burger and beer :-B
Jason P... !
Hedo,at least your priorities are in line for the evening.Enjoy. Truth be told ,I still wear the checkerboard Vans.I have like 10 pairs in all different colors.Some things never change.
Kce8-if you have never seen Fast Time at Ridgemont High do yourself a favor and watch it.
found it on Movienerd...looks funny ! I was just ten as this came out. Love Sean Penn and it has a great cast so I def. will watch it. Oh and it has a funny German title! Something like "I think I´m standing in the forrest !" )
Fast Times came out the year I graduated high school, and I think shot mostly around LA. Good times AND high times!
rr, sounds like a nice day and evening for you. I'll be following in your footsteps later, minus the gym, nap, burger and beer :-B
Jason P... !
Hedo,at least your priorities are in line for the evening.Enjoy. Truth be told ,I still wear the checkerboard Vans.I have like 10 pairs in all different colors.Some things never change.
Those were all I wore in junior and senior high - back in my skateboarding days! Now, I still wear skate shoes but no more skating for me.
Looking forward to raising a glass/snifter/bowl/what have you to Pandora this evening
Fast Times came out the year I graduated high school, and I think shot mostly around LA. Good times AND high times!
rr, sounds like a nice day and evening for you. I'll be following in your footsteps later, minus the gym, nap, burger and beer :-B
Jason P... !
Hedo,at least your priorities are in line for the evening.Enjoy. Truth be told ,I still wear the checkerboard Vans.I have like 10 pairs in all different colors.Some things never change.
Those were all I wore in junior and senior high - back in my skateboarding days! Now, I still wear skate shoes but no more skating for me.
Looking forward to raising a glass/snifter/bowl/what have you to Pandora this evening
Kce8-if you have never seen Fast Time at Ridgemont High do yourself a favor and watch it.
Mr hand was in Popeye too, played granpapi. Just watched it the other day.
kce, I was wondering how the title would translate. Love it!
Yeah great title in German: "Ich glaub´ ich steh´ im Wald !" (next little German lesson after all this "Halts Maul" ) think badbrains loves it ! lol )
HALTS MAUL! I do love it! )
oh yes, I know ! lol Do you know it´s not only "shut up" it´s more agressive like " Shut the fuck/hell up!" lol I would never say it personally to someone but everytime I read it here it makes me laugh now!
Hedo,you were class of 82/83? In LA that was heavy Valley Girl territory.
Yup, rr, Class of '83! We were on the LA side of the hill though had a few Valley Girl types. All types, actually. It was a pretty cool mix of people at the time. The year after I graduated, they installed metal detectors because someone got stabbed.
Wow... how long has it been since I've been here? And it takes sad news to bring me back. Hope all the 'old friends' here are well. Still see a few of you! It's been busy times in the redrock household. Nothing spectacular but just everyday busy. Daughter now in her second year of the Wildlife Conservation & Environment degree and still loving it. She will be going to both Borneo and Peru with her course - can you believe that? I've changed jobs (though with the same company) and I'm loving it. I'm the Regional Charity and Social Coordinator and it's wonderful. It's all about fundraising, helping the disadvantaged and promoting social responsibility. A far cry from the previous role which was all about maximising profit. I'm giving money away! Caught PJ here in the UK, managed a few other gigs and have a couple in the pipeline.
Wow... how long has it been since I've been here? And it takes sad news to bring me back. Hope all the 'old friends' here are well. Still see a few of you! It's been busy times in the redrock household. Nothing spectacular but just everyday busy. Daughter now in her second year of the Wildlife Conservation & Environment degree and still loving it. She will be going to both Borneo and Peru with her course - can you believe that? I've changed jobs (though with the same company) and I'm loving it. I'm the Regional Charity and Social Coordinator and it's wonderful. It's all about fundraising, helping the disadvantaged and promoting social responsibility. A far cry from the previous role which was all about maximising profit. I'm giving money away! Caught PJ here in the UK, managed a few other gigs and have a couple in the pipeline.
Life is good. Hope yours is as well! xx
Welcome back redrock, plz show your presence here more often!
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,808
Redrock! Sorry it took sad news to bring you back but it's good to see you here! Yes, It's been a long time! Our kids seem to seek adventure as well. My goddaughter wants to go to Paris (or wherever the latest exotic place is that calls to her) and my step-daughter is eagerly looking at going to Spain to teach English. Congratulations on your new job. What a cool new position for you!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
The fuck? I was reading some other threads, feeling kind of, I don't know...soft. Vulnerable.
Then THIS? Might have to crown you for the ultimate segue, rr.
And now that you've opened the door wide open! Please bring on the sticks on toast, with bit of American melted (nothing against the Swiss but I don't get their putting holes in the cheese. WHY? Balance it out with your watches and chocolate) and 1000 island dressing and lots of lettuce.
The gourmet palette never rests.What better venue to share such wisdom on a Sat night then the lounge.And yes Hedo American cheese would have been my go to here but since I rarely eat like this the fridge was kinda out of choices.But I did mix my ketchup and mayo and made a special sauce(1000island).Im with ya there. Wifey crashed out during the cooking process(it was her idea) so I ate both of our servings..Very satisfying I must say.
Ha,I thought that's where u were going with the chocolate.Sounds yummy.I was browsing a like minded cook book earlier in the evening at our local Urban Outfitters while momma was shopping.They had some space cakes that sounded delish.
We tried an edible last each of a 2x2 piece of fudge. Tasted more like weed than chocolate and for good reason - damn strong!
(hence my odd reference to Switzerland's chocolate and Dali's melting watches...the fuck?! )
They are making them damn near dangerous nowadays! They are using whole bud and even condensates now and it blows the trimmins away! You gotta be careful lol
I bought some local Shagbark Hickory Syrup, and Jalapeño Lime Syrup today...oh yeah can't wait till I get the munchies bad enough to tap into those natural goodnesses.
At the onset, I figured we'd be taking more in thirty minutes or so. But, after about an hour, my husband said "you must be feeling it because you haven't spoken for the last half hour". Nor had he
Local syrup! Sounds delicious. I don't use it often but when I do, it's Mrs. B. Not kosher, I know.
I have some every few days when I have local syrup, maple in the spring hickory in the fall. I quit buying artificial syrups a couple years ago. I eat my share of processed food, I'm no whole food nut, but I am a total syrup snob lol The trees bleed sugar where I live so it's the only sensible way to be!
Truth be told ,I still wear the checkerboard Vans.I have like 10 pairs in all different colors.Some things never change.
I was just ten as this came out. Love Sean Penn and it has a great cast so I def. will watch it. Oh and it has a funny German title! Something like "I think I´m standing in the forrest !"
kce, I was wondering how the title would translate. Love it!
Looking forward to raising a glass/snifter/bowl/what have you to Pandora this evening
(next little German lesson after all this "Halts Maul"
With the vans ,here is pretty much my high school wardrobe,add in polka dot quicksilvers and about 15 other concert tees.
Do you know it´s not only "shut up" it´s more agressive like " Shut the fuck/hell up!" lol
I would never say it personally to someone but everytime I read it here it makes me laugh now!
Oh how times have changed.
Hope all the 'old friends' here are well. Still see a few of you!
It's been busy times in the redrock household. Nothing spectacular but just everyday busy. Daughter now in her second year of the Wildlife Conservation & Environment degree and still loving it. She will be going to both Borneo and Peru with her course - can you believe that?
I've changed jobs (though with the same company) and I'm loving it. I'm the Regional Charity and Social Coordinator and it's wonderful. It's all about fundraising, helping the disadvantaged and promoting social responsibility. A far cry from the previous role which was all about maximising profit. I'm giving money away!
Caught PJ here in the UK, managed a few other gigs and have a couple in the pipeline.
Life is good. Hope yours is as well! xx
Our kids seem to seek adventure as well. My goddaughter wants to go to Paris (or wherever the latest exotic place is that calls to her) and my step-daughter is eagerly looking at going to Spain to teach English.
Congratulations on your new job. What a cool new position for you!
Still, I'm happy for you and your daughter. Hope you both continue to do and be well!
Then THIS? Might have to crown you for the ultimate segue, rr.
And now that you've opened the door wide open! Please bring on the sticks on toast, with bit of American melted (nothing against the Swiss but I don't get their putting holes in the cheese. WHY? Balance it out with your watches and chocolate) and 1000 island dressing and lots of lettuce.
Wifey crashed out during the cooking process(it was her idea) so I ate both of our servings..Very satisfying I must say.
We tried an edible last each of a 2x2 piece of fudge. Tasted more like weed than chocolate and for good reason - damn strong!
(hence my odd reference to Switzerland's chocolate and Dali's melting watches...the fuck?!
I bought some local Shagbark Hickory Syrup, and Jalapeño Lime Syrup today...oh yeah can't wait till I get the munchies bad enough to tap into those natural goodnesses.
Local syrup! Sounds delicious. I don't use it often but when I do, it's Mrs. B. Not kosher, I know.
The trees bleed sugar where I live so it's the only sensible way to be!