The Northern Italian food failed to impress us until we got to Tirol. Spaghetti and pizza "aint got nothin" on speck and hay cheese! Wurst and kartoffelsoup, schnitzel, spaetzl, Sacher Torte, ans strudel oh my! Yeah Italy can keep its pasta and plain tomato sauce, I'll take the Germanic food any day! I'm not sure I will make it to Berlin, there are no Alps there lol. I am a man of the mountains and I'm not sure I could spare one minute of time in Europe away from those beautiful peaks and valleys. Pearl Jam is the only thing that could make it happen, so next time maybe we skip Italy for Germany! :-) Honestly, I would see the band, skip the city, and head back to the mountains for some fresh air and some speck!
You are so right, and Tirol is very special. As I was a kid we always traveled to Austria or Tirol - it is so beautiful all time of the year! So I can understand you choose the mountains then if only PJ would come more often to Germany (Munich or Salzburg etc)...then maybe I would choose it too!
For me it´s a dream to sometimes travel to Vancouver to see whales in free nature! But I think this will be a dream forever... There are so many great places in this world...
I'm partial to Heidelberg! Not only did my grandfather attend university there, but the people were particularly welcoming (not that the others I met in Germany weren't).
I remember 25+ years ago, going to a pub there - and I do NOT like beer; probably had whiskey - but the place was so cool, and the proprietors so warm toward me. And the city! Just beautiful.
I also dug Cologne.
Will say though, boat ride on the Rhine while sorely bueno!
And don't get me started on Austria. Never even seen the film, but the hills were alive
hey hedonist, ) so you have to come back to bring a complete movie to your You must have got one or two of the bad whiskeys (it´s a German funny phrase)
Ok you can skip Cologne, it´s like a 1,5 hour drive from my home and I would say take a boat on a nice sunny day up the Rhein to Mannheim and see Heidelberg again. Such a beautiful city! On this way you could see beautiful castles and castle ruins in the Rheingau!
If you then get your whiskey please let me know - I don´t like beer as well ! )
Late enough for a drink here in Germany! Cheers! >-
One of several hangovers in Germany (and Austria) was when we were stuck in some remote hotel in Bad Ems. Lots of Schnapps! My god it was tasty but powerful.
No bad results from the whiskey I drank there - at least I don't think so
Hope you're all having a nice Sunday.
Football's going here on mute (husband says it's comforting to have it on, and damned if he's right), and Elvis is singing away. Turn it up!
And now I'm craving Schnell Imbiss stand. Real white bratwurst, fresh brotchen with senf , pomfrites, but skip the mayo and dunk pomfrites in curry sauce aka ketchup and curry.
Are the Broetchen also crunchy ? Think I am getting hungry now...but usually I am not eating it so often...really good idea bc I have no time to cook today!
Are the Broetchen also crunchy ? Think I am getting hungry now...but usually I am not eating it so often...really good idea bc I have no time to cook today!
Yes but inside soft. Perfect to open up and place that bratwurst. Liberal amount of real mustard not that yellow imitation they have here and yum yum.
Happy Monday,I have cold bottles of h20 here to help you folks detox from the weekend and keep up your hydration.They will be replaced later with cold Delicious bottles of Goose Island 312(Urban Wheat Beer) prior to tonight's football game for those still chillin in lounge.Enjoy your week.
Are the Broetchen also crunchy ? Think I am getting hungry now...but usually I am not eating it so often...really good idea bc I have no time to cook today!
Yes but inside soft. Perfect to open up and place that bratwurst. Liberal amount of real mustard not that yellow imitation they have here and yum yum.
Seems like this are real German Broetchen! Glad you like this stuff!
I'm reading that a 3rd version is due out by the end of the year, and it will be able to make ice cream....So I guess I'll wait for that! Cause I like ice cream.
Just FYI for loungers who are enjoying a delicious cup of Java this morning,I'd like to share with you that Caribou Coffee is 10x better tasting and less bitter then Starbucks.That is all.Have a great day!!!!
Mmmm, coffee. Though I drink only one cup in the morning, I do love it. We currently brew Dunkin Donuts and Peet's but will search out your recommendation. Bob Marley's brand is pretty tasty too.
Hope everyone has a nice Thursday. My office is closed for Rosh Hashana so I shall be truly lounging about this train today
DD is also tasty. I think I'm just really anti Starbucks right now.Im rebelling.Im making a stand gosh dang it.I have removed all Starbucks from the Krups maker in my office,And have replaced it all with "Jamacian me crazy" and" Caribou" and soon DD. Ah huh,I feel better now.
And thank you! I don't necessarily observe it but lit a candle and some incense in honor of my dad (sixth anniversary of his passing yesterday), since this holiday meant so much to him.
It's funny how even though I miss him immensely, the sadness is gone. Hell, I'm smiling as I type this.
I also think he wouldn't have a problem with my raising a bowl to him either
This Thursday will be in my mind for maybe a little bit longer...
And not bc I just paid 630 $ for my car repair today!
As I came home my son told me the police was at his education company asking him if he knows something about an break-in into an casino! What the hell.... So wtf we are living in a very small city and what did this policemen think ? If they wanted to know something couldn´t they make it in another way? Hey now everyone believes that he is criminal even the policemen said it and he really is not. Also what I want to say is I know my son has nothing to do with that -no question bc he even wasn´t in Germany at that time - but it really sucks bc in a small town like this you can imagine what it means if the police comes to your work. Espacially in our country where we don´t have this anonymity like in big citys. I know all will say ok be lucky you have a son you can trust and noone will ever think that he has done somethink like that but why the hell didn´t the police officers do not think about stuff like this? I mean my son is now 18 since two weeks and just gets into his second learning year after finishing school and you may know that shit like this will give you a doubt reputation. He said that he was ashamed like hell only bc the Secretary and his training supervisor could have think something wrong. Now he has to go to the police office next wednesday to make a statement and even if you are only been asked some questions they will make a file and that sucks! So I told him that I will pick him up after school and go with him an than I swear after my son has done his thing I will tell this f..king policemen some shit !!! I wouldn´t have a problem if they do their work but I mean they do that all the time. Don´t they have some senses? Man that tried crack was in July ! They said they have found a paper from the driving school with his name near the location!?! Ok I have to stop now, I am getting angry - but wasn´t before thinking so much of it. So the only thing I am angry about is their missing sense for what this official visit can mean for this young man !!! Know I talked too long - sorry for that but it just flows probably bc I am alone at home today...
Next wednesday will be my first police office visit since I made an interview for my school paper in maybe 1987 - lol !?! ;;) ....
This Thursday will be in my mind for maybe a little bit longer...
And not bc I just paid 630 $ for my car repair today!
As I came home my son told me the police was at his education company asking him if he knows something about an break-in into an casino! What the hell.... So wtf we are living in a very small city and what did this policemen think ? If they wanted to know something couldn´t they make it in another way? Hey now everyone believes that he is criminal even the policemen said it and he really is not. Also what I want to say is I know my son has nothing to do with that -no question bc he even wasn´t in Germany at that time - but it really sucks bc in a small town like this you can imagine what it means if the police comes to your work. Espacially in our country where we don´t have this anonymity like in big citys. I know all will say ok be lucky you have a son you can trust and noone will ever think that he has done somethink like that but why the hell didn´t the police officers do not think about stuff like this? I mean my son is now 18 since two weeks and just gets into his second learning year after finishing school and you may know that shit like this will give you a doubt reputation. He said that he was ashamed like hell only bc the Secretary and his training supervisor could have think something wrong. Now he has to go to the police office next wednesday to make a statement and even if you are only been asked some questions they will make a file and that sucks! So I told him that I will pick him up after school and go with him an than I swear after my son has done his thing I will tell this f..king policemen some shit !!! I wouldn´t have a problem if they do their work but I mean they do that all the time. Don´t they have some senses? Man that tried crack was in July ! They said they have found a paper from the driving school with his name near the location!?! Ok I have to stop now, I am getting angry - but wasn´t before thinking so much of it. So the only thing I am angry about is their missing sense for what this official visit can mean for this young man !!! Know I talked too long - sorry for that but it just flows probably bc I am alone at home today...
Next wednesday will be my first police office visit since I made an interview for my school paper in maybe 1987 - lol !?! ;;) ....
Wow, I wish you and your son well through this - it sounds like bullshit, especially with the police's comments to you.
And your son should feel no shame, no matter the perceptions or conclusions others may draw from this. I'm a firm believer in how one acts, in their character, vs. gossip and speculation.
Kce8 Good luck with this.Should your son even though innocent bring legal council with him to the inquest? What exactly did they say he was involved in.I was trying to follow your
Hedo,I lost my dad 3 years ago Father's Day weekend no less.He had just built a huge spread for my step mom ,she is a trauma nurse and himself to retire in the foothills north of Las Vegas.He dropped while best buy was at the house hooking up his tvs.We got the call he was on life support and My brother and I flew from Fl to Vegas on a red eye.He died shortly after we got there.At least we got to say goodbye.He wasn't awake but it helped us.Ironically my step mom had to go back to work after his passing and got a job with the hospital he died in on the same floor and has to work in that same room every day.Kinda freaky. So cheers to the falling fathers today.
Do you ever watch Long Island medium on tlc.Teresa caputo is her name and she talks to those who passed.Very cool show and she is very good.Inalways think of my loved ones gone when I watch but like you said without sadness just hope for that they still watch out and surround us.
Wow, I wish you and your son well through this - it sounds like bullshit, especially with the police's comments to you.
And your son should feel no shame, no matter the perceptions or conclusions others may draw from this. I'm a firm believer in how one acts, in their character, vs. gossip and speculation.
Thank you hedonist, you are so right! I will call the police tomorrow. Don´t know why my son must go to the office. I think I will take the boarding passes to let them see that he wasn´t here at this time. Never thought something like this could happen to us here in this boring part. Only good that my son is so down to earth and calm. I am not worried about that all but not everybody is thinking like you do. So some people will only say that the police was searching for him at his work. And this people are not interested about the truth. That´s what makes me feel sad for my son. Funny thing is that I first laughed as my son told me this story. Espacially as I heard the crime happened in a sunday night ( he always stays at home then) ! First question was "Why the hell are they coming to your company, we are living in a small village? Good thing is the training supervisor said the officers are crazy and laughed about it! That shows me they trust him and that´s just good!
So thank you for your response I think I just had to talk about that ! >:D<
No it´s so late I have to find some sleep. Good night hedonist and all you jammers ! >-
Kce8 Good luck with this.Should your son even though innocent bring legal council with him to the inquest? What exactly did they say he was involved in.I was trying to follow your
Hedo,I lost my dad 3 years ago Father's Day weekend no less.He had just built a huge spread for my step mom ,she is a trauma nurse and himself to retire in the foothills north of Las Vegas.He dropped while best buy was at the house hooking up his tvs.We got the call he was on life support and My brother and I flew from Fl to Vegas on a red eye.He died shortly after we got there.At least we got to say goodbye.He wasn't awake but it helped us.Ironically my step mom had to go back to work after his passing and got a job with the hospital he died in on the same floor and has to work in that same room every day.Kinda freaky. So cheers to the falling fathers today.
Do you ever watch Long Island medium on tlc.Teresa caputo is her name and she talks to those who passed.Very cool show and she is very good.Inalways think of my loved ones gone when I watch but like you said without sadness just hope for that they still watch out and surround us.
Oh man, tough that must've been, both in timing and circumstance. What a blessing you DID get to say goodbye. Who knows if he heard you; I'm convinced mine did.
Wild about your stepmom - I hope she's doing ok in that environment. I'm not sure I'd have the fortitude.
I've never watched that show but now am curious. I'm sure we've got it on demand, will check it out.
And yes, cheers to those good men. Thanks for the smile, bud.
Kce8 Good luck with this.Should your son even though innocent bring legal council with him to the inquest? What exactly did they say he was involved in.I was trying to follow your
Hedo,I lost my dad 3 years ago Father's Day weekend no less.He had just built a huge spread for my step mom ,she is a trauma nurse and himself to retire in the foothills north of Las Vegas.He dropped while best buy was at the house hooking up his tvs.We got the call he was on life support and My brother and I flew from Fl to Vegas on a red eye.He died shortly after we got there.At least we got to say goodbye.He wasn't awake but it helped us.Ironically my step mom had to go back to work after his passing and got a job with the hospital he died in on the same floor and has to work in that same room every day.Kinda freaky. So cheers to the falling fathers today.
Do you ever watch Long Island medium on tlc.Teresa caputo is her name and she talks to those who passed.Very cool show and she is very good.Inalways think of my loved ones gone when I watch but like you said without sadness just hope for that they still watch out and surround us.
Sorry for my bad English...! They only asked him where he was at that time and if he know some of the kids who are chilling near the casino (little playhouse). Someone tried to open a back door there on a Sunday night. That happened in my hometown (little city) ~10km from our village in July. They found a paper (driving lessons training) with his name on it near the casino. But why do they come now when that was in July? My son said that he and some friends sometimes were going to a shop after the driving lessons and that he then put the papers in the bill bc he didn´t need them anymore. So he told the officers that and they said they do believe him. I have no idea why they asked my son. He isn´t often in this city and never at a Sunday night. The officers also asked him to name his friends and asked him to come to the office next Wednesday after school. I think they only want to talk to him, they never accused him. They said they do not think he was involved. I don´t think he need an advocate. I am sure this is a mistake and I am not worried. I am only angry that the officers came to my sons company. Not really sure what happened. Maybe they found the paper and asked some kids from there if they knew my son and where he works and all this stuff. I am curious why did that not happen in July ? I really believe the officers have no glue and only surching for something. Maybe they only do their work a little bit slowly... So thank you for your wishes and I hope I made it better now lol ! I think my thoughts were flowing too fast as I wrote the first page. And it takes so long, I just saw hedonist commended while I was writing....
No worries about your English,I'm just busting your chops,keeping it light.I think the boarding passes are a great way to show he wasn't there.Case closed!!
For me it´s a dream to sometimes travel to Vancouver to see whales in free nature! But I think this will be a dream forever...
There are so many great places in this world...
I remember 25+ years ago, going to a pub there - and I do NOT like beer; probably had whiskey - but the place was so cool, and the proprietors so warm toward me. And the city! Just beautiful.
I also dug Cologne.
Will say though, boat ride on the Rhine while sorely bueno!
And don't get me started on Austria. Never even seen the film, but the hills were alive
You must have got one or two of the bad whiskeys (it´s a German funny phrase)
Ok you can skip Cologne, it´s like a 1,5 hour drive from my home and I would say take a boat on a nice sunny day up the Rhein to Mannheim and see Heidelberg again. Such a beautiful city! On this way you could see beautiful castles and castle ruins in the Rheingau!
If you then get your whiskey please let me know - I don´t like beer as well !
Late enough for a drink here in Germany! Cheers!
No bad results from the whiskey I drank there - at least I don't think so
Hope you're all having a nice Sunday.
Football's going here on mute (husband says it's comforting to have it on, and damned if he's right), and Elvis is singing away. Turn it up!
Cheers !
Think I am getting hungry now...but usually I am not eating it so often...really good idea bc I have no time to cook today!
Looks amaaaaazing, I want.
Looks interesting indeed! But given the cost and how infrequently I go the edibles route, would probably just get it at my MMJ.
Let us know if you purchase it!
Hope everyone has a nice Thursday. My office is closed for Rosh Hashana so I shall be truly lounging about this train today
I think I'm just really anti Starbucks right now.Im rebelling.Im making a stand gosh dang it.I have removed all Starbucks from the Krups maker in my office,And have replaced it all with "Jamacian me crazy" and" Caribou" and soon DD.
Ah huh,I feel better now.
And thank you! I don't necessarily observe it but lit a candle and some incense in honor of my dad (sixth anniversary of his passing yesterday), since this holiday meant so much to him.
It's funny how even though I miss him immensely, the sadness is gone. Hell, I'm smiling as I type this.
I also think he wouldn't have a problem with my raising a bowl to him either
And not bc I just paid 630 $ for my car repair today!
As I came home my son told me the police was at his education company asking him if he knows something about an break-in into an casino! What the hell....
So wtf we are living in a very small city and what did this policemen think ? If they wanted to know something couldn´t they make it in another way? Hey now everyone believes that he is criminal
even the policemen said it and he really is not. Also what I want to say is I know my son has nothing to do with that -no question bc he even wasn´t in Germany at that time - but it really sucks bc in a small town like this you can imagine what it means if the police comes to your work. Espacially in our country where we don´t have this anonymity like in big citys.
I know all will say ok be lucky you have a son you can trust and noone will ever think that he has done somethink like that but why the hell didn´t the police officers do not think about stuff like this? I mean my son is now 18 since two weeks and just gets into his second learning year after finishing school and you may know that shit like this will give you a doubt reputation. He said that he was ashamed like hell only bc the Secretary and his training supervisor could have think something wrong.
Now he has to go to the police office next wednesday to make a statement and even if you are only been asked some questions they will make a file and that sucks!
So I told him that I will pick him up after school and go with him an than I swear after my son has done his thing I will tell this f..king policemen some shit !!! I wouldn´t have a problem if they do their work but I mean they do that all the time. Don´t they have some senses? Man that tried crack was in July ! They said they have found a paper from the driving school with his name near the location!?!
Ok I have to stop now, I am getting angry - but wasn´t before thinking so much of it.
So the only thing I am angry about is their missing sense for what this official visit can mean for this young man !!!
Know I talked too long - sorry for that but it just flows probably bc I am alone at home today...
Next wednesday will be my first police office visit since I made an interview for my school paper in maybe 1987 - lol !?! ;;) ....
Thanx, now I am just feeling better!
And your son should feel no shame, no matter the perceptions or conclusions others may draw from this. I'm a firm believer in how one acts, in their character, vs. gossip and speculation.
Hedo,I lost my dad 3 years ago Father's Day weekend no less.He had just built a huge spread for my step mom ,she is a trauma nurse and himself to retire in the foothills north of Las Vegas.He dropped while best buy was at the house hooking up his tvs.We got the call he was on life support and My brother and I flew from Fl to Vegas on a red eye.He died shortly after we got there.At least we got to say goodbye.He wasn't awake but it helped us.Ironically my step mom had to go back to work after his passing and got a job with the hospital he died in on the same floor and has to work in that same room every day.Kinda freaky. So cheers to the falling fathers today.
Do you ever watch Long Island medium on tlc.Teresa caputo is her name and she talks to those who passed.Very cool show and she is very good.Inalways think of my loved ones gone when I watch but like you said without sadness just hope for that they still watch out and surround us.
I will call the police tomorrow. Don´t know why my son must go to the office. I think I will take the boarding passes to let them see that he wasn´t here at this time.
Never thought something like this could happen to us here in this boring part. Only good that my son is so down to earth and calm.
I am not worried about that all but not everybody is thinking like you do. So some people will only say that the police was searching for him at his work. And this people are not interested about the truth. That´s what makes me feel sad for my son.
Funny thing is that I first laughed as my son told me this story. Espacially as I heard the crime happened in a sunday night ( he always stays at home then) ! First question was "Why the hell are they coming to your company, we are living in a small village?
Good thing is the training supervisor said the officers are crazy and laughed about it! That shows me they trust him and that´s just good!
So thank you for your response I think I just had to talk about that ! >:D<
No it´s so late I have to find some sleep.
Good night hedonist and all you jammers !
Wild about your stepmom - I hope she's doing ok in that environment. I'm not sure I'd have the fortitude.
I've never watched that show but now am curious. I'm sure we've got it on demand, will check it out.
And yes, cheers to those good men. Thanks for the smile, bud.
(also, sweet dreams to you, kce!)
They only asked him where he was at that time and if he know some of the kids who are chilling near the casino (little playhouse). Someone tried to open a back door there on a Sunday night. That happened in my hometown (little city) ~10km from our village in July. They found a paper (driving lessons training) with his name on it near the casino. But why do they come now when that was in July? My son said that he and some friends sometimes were going to a shop after the driving lessons and that he then put the papers in the bill bc he didn´t need them anymore. So he told the officers that and they said they do believe him. I have no idea why they asked my son. He isn´t often in this city and never at a Sunday night.
The officers also asked him to name his friends and asked him to come to the office next Wednesday after school. I think they only want to talk to him, they never accused him. They said they do not think he was involved. I don´t think he need an advocate.
I am sure this is a mistake and I am not worried. I am only angry that the officers came to my sons company.
Not really sure what happened. Maybe they found the paper and asked some kids from there if they knew my son and where he works and all this stuff. I am curious why did that not happen in July ? I really believe the officers have no glue and only surching for something. Maybe they only do their work a little bit slowly...
So thank you for your wishes and I hope I made it better now lol ! I think my thoughts were flowing too fast as I wrote the first page. And it takes so long, I just saw hedonist commended while I was writing....