Total shambles. Let's hope Presale II is more successful. I wonder how many MEN tickets are left, if any? I had tickets in the cart five times over the last three hours. So frustrating.
6 times for me but every time i got to the checkout bit it said there was nothing in my cart! its been an absolute shambles.
i took screenshots of them in my cart and emailed crowdsurge saying that i want my tickets. im awaiting a response :?:
This was pretty much what happened to me. Total fucking joke. Hopefully once they sort it i'll get my tix.
SECC - Jun 03, 2000
Leeds Festival - Aug 25, 2006
Reading Festival - Aug 27, 2006
Wembley Arena - Jun 18, 2007
ISS Dome - Jun 21, 2007
MEN - Aug 17, 2009
Odyssey - Jun 23, 2010
Wuhlheide - Jun 30, 2010
MEN - Jun 20, 2012
MEN - Jun 21, 2012
Leeds - Jul 8, 2014
Total shambles. Let's hope Presale II is more successful. I wonder how many MEN tickets are left, if any? I had tickets in the cart five times over the last three hours. So frustrating.
6 times for me but every time i got to the checkout bit it said there was nothing in my cart! its been an absolute shambles.
i took screenshots of them in my cart and emailed crowdsurge saying that i want my tickets. im awaiting a response :?:
This was pretty much what happened to me. Total fucking joke. Hopefully once they sort it i'll get my tix.
SECC - Jun 03, 2000
Leeds Festival - Aug 25, 2006
Reading Festival - Aug 27, 2006
Wembley Arena - Jun 18, 2007
ISS Dome - Jun 21, 2007
MEN - Aug 17, 2009
Odyssey - Jun 23, 2010
Wuhlheide - Jun 30, 2010
MEN - Jun 20, 2012
MEN - Jun 21, 2012
Leeds - Jul 8, 2014
Total shambles. Let's hope Presale II is more successful. I wonder how many MEN tickets are left, if any? I had tickets in the cart five times over the last three hours. So frustrating.
6 times for me but every time i got to the checkout bit it said there was nothing in my cart! its been an absolute shambles.
i took screenshots of them in my cart and emailed crowdsurge saying that i want my tickets. im awaiting a response :?:
SECC - Jun 03, 2000
Leeds Festival - Aug 25, 2006
Reading Festival - Aug 27, 2006
Wembley Arena - Jun 18, 2007
ISS Dome - Jun 21, 2007
MEN - Aug 17, 2009
Odyssey - Jun 23, 2010
Wuhlheide - Jun 30, 2010
MEN - Jun 20, 2012
MEN - Jun 21, 2012
Leeds - Jul 8, 2014
It's a heavy joke. You can not do this with the time and illusion of people. After 20 years, presales should be better controlled!
I tried to pay seven times and...what happened? ...Nothing...Black screen and to "begin the begin" once more time... Grrrr :evil:
I am very angry... After this stressful day, I think that I will live one week less! :twisted:
For the first time I can ever recall the Gods were with me today - got my Amsterdam tickets in 10 mins, 2 refreshes and done. All seems a bit amateurish and shambolic though.
I was able to get tickets to all shows but it took me an hour and it is my job to have computer skills
It is a shame that they can't find a decent provider to do this stuff.
Dare I say that ticketmaster probably has the infrastructure to handle it ?
Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Mar 22, 1995 // Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Mar 14, 1998 // Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Mar 15, 1998 // Shoreline Amphitheatre - Oct 30, 1999 // Wembley Arena - May 29, 2000 // Wembley Arena - May 30, 2000 // Cardiff Arena - Jun 06, 2000 (met Ed) // Paramount Theater, Seattle - Mar 18, 2005 // Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Nov 10, 2006 // Brisbane Entertainment Centre - Nov 11, 2006 // Wuhlheide - Aug 15, 2009 // Hyde Park - June 25,2010 // Bilbao BBK - July 9, 2010 // PJ20 Alpine Valley - Sept 3 & 4, 2011 // Manchester - June 20, 2012 (met wife) // Amsterdam - June 26, 2012 // Prague - July 2, 2012 // Berlin - July 4, 2012 // Stockholm - July 7, 2012 // Oslo - July 9, 2012 // Copenhagen - July 10, 2012 // Philadelphia - October 21, 2013 // Leeds - July 8, 2014 // Prague - July 1, 2018 // Gold Coast - Nov 13, 2024
Dimi you are the bestest. Always the glue that keep us crazies together. So why you going to the show I'm not going to. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
2009 Philly Spectrum 10/28
2010 Jazz Fest*Kansas City*St.Louis*Columbus*Noblesville*Bristow*
Berlin*WM3Little Rock*Bridge 1&2
2011 Eddie Vedder*Chicago*St Louis*San Diego*Long Beach*Los Angles*Santa Barbara
PJ20 1&2*Canada Tour*Montreal*Toronto 1&2*Ottawa*Hamilton*Winnipeg*
Really disappointed that things have not worked out today with the pre-sale, hopefully things will get sorted before the general sale starts but can understand everyone's frustrations - especially if it's happened previously! Please let us know asap what's going on - and don't tell me the MEN is sold out already, I'll be livid. :evil:
I've just sent this to CrowdSurge. I don't expect it'll do much good, but it's worth a punt:
To whom it may concern:
I was one of the many people who wasted a serious amount of time this evening trying to buy Pearl Jam tickets and failing due to the staggering incompetence of your system. More than a dozen times, I went through the process of trying to check out the tickets that were in my cart, only to be told that they weren't in my cart. After that, every time, I tried to re-add tickets to my cart, I was greeted with a blank screen, or put back into a queue. Every aspect of this is utterly unacceptable.
The image at the link below shows clearly and definitively that the tickets were in my cart at the time when your system was trying to convince me that they weren't. It also shows the time as 17:11 giving the lie to the assertion that I had exceeded the time left to pay, as the pre-sale had only opened less than that allotted time beforehand. I was therefore prevented from completing my legitimate purchase under your false pretenses. There is, as such, no acceptable reason why I, or the many others in the same position, should not have been able to obtain those tickets.
It is my assertion that you are under obligation to ensure that I, and anyone else who approaches you with a similar complaint about the appalling service we have received this evening, be allowed the opportunity to complete their legitimate transactions BEFORE you open up another general pre-sale. Anything less than this is to do a further disservice to your customers. I expect to hear from you on this matter as soon as is possible.
93: Slane
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
I feel for you guys that didn't get tickets YET, I was lucky and ended up getting tickets to Amsterdam it took about 45 minutes and about 4,000 refreshes (not lying).
That's my tip for the future...refresh, if you get a error screen hit refresh. All you gotta do is hit refresh the same time someone ends their transaction and you're in.
Good luck, hope to see any and all of you in Amsterdam!
I remember vividly the hassle and stress getting the Wembley Arena tickets through the 10c website in 2007, and after hearing about how Crowdsurge would provide a far easier and quicker method of buying 10c tickets through the pre-sale, I expected the process to be straightforward. Instead I found myself cursing at my work computer (not it's fault in this instance obviously!) and became increasingly frustrated at servers not responding, Meditation Gurus (WTF are they?!) and general error messages. Eventually phoned my wife as I was going to have to leave the office to head for home as she is out tonight. Have around a half hour drive to my house and didn't want to miss out on potentially getting tickets during the intervening time so she said she would go on the computer at home and try. She must have special powers or something because at her first attempt, she succeeded in getting two tickets for the Manchester gig.
Incredibly frustrating for the hour or so I spent myself trying to get them, however after reading some of the posts on here, others have spent longer to only end up with the message from Crowdsurge to tell them that due to matters out of their control they have had to take down the pre-sale. Utterly ridiculous. There needs to be a full explanation from Crowdsurge as to how this could have happened. Surely they should have expected the volume of members trying to purchase tickets at one time. One would suggest inexperience on their part. Although if this effort is anything to go by, the chance of them gaining further experience may be limited!
Wembley Arena, London 2007 Manchester 1, Manchester Arena, 2012 Leeds First Direct Arena, 2014
many ppl on the Euro tour facebook page have claimed that they've spoken to Crowdsurge on the phone and ppl there have confirmed some talks are going on with 10C and pre-sales will be up again tonight UK time.
I propose this is a bad idea as in central europe it is close to midnight and most of us have to wake up early for work.
Please 10C consider holding off the pre-sales until everything is ironed out and we have all received adequate notice via email/PM. Please also seriously consider doing it one venue/date at a time to prevent the mad rush. Thanks for listening.
if I keep holding out,.... will the light shine through?
Did they realize that in Europe, where who are trying to buy the tickets live, is night?
Why start at 9am PST!?!?!!?
Why all dates at the same time having a site that crashes for thousands of people together connected?
I suppose was necessary to let all that people take the tickets all together... but with these results... why use another site?
I'm ill, I should sleep now... not wait I don't know how for a mail or something else to buy tickets... and tomorrow I should go to work... all this is unbelievable...
Refresh refresh refresh... this is because a server hangs... every refresh is a request, and thousands of requests in a while means hangs... damned F5... waiting for the autorefresh is better for everyone... in this way some lucky superF5 guy have the tickets, and a lot of people not...
I was also in a queue, then I got through a lot of times and the message appeared that my cart is empty, over and over again.
I guess I'll try to get GA tickets. I think that shouldn't be a problem.
I don't care about 10C tickets anymore.
Wow what a mess. I managed to get 2 tickets for Manchester after resisting the urge to manually refresh for an hour, only to wake up to read these horror stories. I hope you all manage to get tickets somehow.
If i don't get tickets for Amsterdam i will be standing outside and kill the ones with PJ-shirts newer then 2000
Melkweg 1992 visitors need to have a free entree
Damned.. too bad only so little concerts in Europe.
Now France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and many many more are trying to get the few tickets available..
so be carefull you, if you see a 2.10 meter high Neanderthaler with wild eyes screening the people in the front line you better be wearing some old Pearl Jam t-shirts... :twisted:
| Pinkpop 1992 *BEST EVER* | Rotterdam 1993 | Amsterdam 1996 | Pinkpop 2000 | Arnhem 2006 | Nijmegen 2007 | Rotterdam 2009 | Nijmegen 2010 | Amsterdam I + II 2012 ** | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2012 First European Concert *EPIC*| Amsterdam I + II 2014 | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2016 night I | Amsterdam I + II 2018 | Amsterdam I -> Canceled + II 2022 *EPIC
Hi people
long to veiwer , first time poster . First off I've always relied on my friend for tix , goodies ect.. who's been in 10c for a long time and other then the last UK arena shows , there's never been a major problem before . One thing that no one has really touched on but the signs were there are, despite the band no longer being MTV darlings or poster boys , over the last few years the band have undergone a 2nd wind and our favourite lil rock n roll band have become fuckin' massive again , seriously .Things like the Reading Festival being show live on the BBC, PJ 20 on BBC4 before my dvd even arrived , Hyde Park on Sky ect... here in the UK converted people who before may have been a bit curious into wanting to actually leave the house and see the band for themselves. How many of you have told your friends, family or whoever, you need to see this band ? Well people took note and I think a lot of people got caught with their pants down on this. I went to Dublin alone in 97 , today I could fill a bus with people who want to see them in action. There are people trying to get tickets who have never tried in the past because the current music seen sucks shit and they want to see one of the true great rock bands and a better set of fans you couldn't wish for. Have faith , they'll sort it and come June I'm sure I will be sitting in a cafe in Amsterdam with one or two of you good people ,sampling the local goodness and all this will be a hazy memory . On a lighter note anyone remember the touts getting a proper kicking at the Astoria ?
If i don't get tickets for Amsterdam i will be standing outside and kill the ones with PJ-shirts newer then 2000
Melkweg 1992 visitors need to have a free entree
Damned.. too bad only so little concerts in Europe.
Now France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and many many more are trying to get the few tickets available..
so be carefull you, if you see a 2.10 meter high Neanderthaler with wild eyes screening the people in the front line you better be wearing some old Pearl Jam t-shirts... :twisted:
I reckon if you've seen shows since 1992, you don't need to see any more of them and it'd be only fair to give your tickets to some poor soul who hasn't been able to see the band as many times.
No bitching any more they locked everything :shock: it's not fun like this
If i don't get tickets for Amsterdam i will be standing outside and kill the ones with PJ-shirts newer then 2000
Melkweg 1992 visitors need to have a free entree
Damned.. too bad only so little concerts in Europe.
Now France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and many many more are trying to get the few tickets available..
so be carefull you, if you see a 2.10 meter high Neanderthaler with wild eyes screening the people in the front line you better be wearing some old Pearl Jam t-shirts... :twisted:
I reckon if you've seen shows since 1992, you don't need to see any more of them and it'd be only fair to give your tickets to some poor soul who hasn't been able to see the band as many times.
If i don't get tickets for Amsterdam i will be standing outside and kill the ones with PJ-shirts newer then 2000
Melkweg 1992 visitors need to have a free entree
Damned.. too bad only so little concerts in Europe.
Now France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and many many more are trying to get the few tickets available..
so be carefull you, if you see a 2.10 meter high Neanderthaler with wild eyes screening the people in the front line you better be wearing some old Pearl Jam t-shirts... :twisted:
I reckon if you've seen shows since 1992, you don't need to see any more of them and it'd be only fair to give your tickets to some poor soul who hasn't been able to see the band as many times.
If i don't get tickets for Amsterdam i will be standing outside and kill the ones with PJ-shirts newer then 2000
Melkweg 1992 visitors need to have a free entree
Damned.. too bad only so little concerts in Europe.
Now France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and many many more are trying to get the few tickets available..
so be carefull you, if you see a 2.10 meter high Neanderthaler with wild eyes screening the people in the front line you better be wearing some old Pearl Jam t-shirts... :twisted:
I got tix to Amsterdam, I will be wearing a PJ shirt that is newer than 2000, I'm 6'2", 235lbs, and I really don't think you're going to kill me, or can kill me.
If i don't get tickets for Amsterdam i will be standing outside and kill the ones with PJ-shirts newer then 2000
Melkweg 1992 visitors need to have a free entree
Damned.. too bad only so little concerts in Europe.
Now France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and many many more are trying to get the few tickets available..
so be carefull you, if you see a 2.10 meter high Neanderthaler with wild eyes screening the people in the front line you better be wearing some old Pearl Jam t-shirts... :twisted:
I got tix to Amsterdam, I will be wearing a PJ shirt that is newer than 2000, I'm 6'2", 235lbs, and I really don't think you're going to kill me, or can kill me.
:roll: The guy is upset about not getting tickets and was joking a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
If i don't get tickets for Amsterdam i will be standing outside and kill the ones with PJ-shirts newer then 2000
Melkweg 1992 visitors need to have a free entree
Damned.. too bad only so little concerts in Europe.
Now France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and many many more are trying to get the few tickets available..
so be carefull you, if you see a 2.10 meter high Neanderthaler with wild eyes screening the people in the front line you better be wearing some old Pearl Jam t-shirts... :twisted:
I got tix to Amsterdam, I will be wearing a PJ shirt that is newer than 2000, I'm 6'2", 235lbs, and I really don't think you're going to kill me, or can kill me.
Cancel my subscription to the Ressurection
Send my credentials to the house of detention
If i don't get tickets for Amsterdam i will be standing outside and kill the ones with PJ-shirts newer then 2000
Melkweg 1992 visitors need to have a free entree
Damned.. too bad only so little concerts in Europe.
Now France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and many many more are trying to get the few tickets available..
so be carefull you, if you see a 2.10 meter high Neanderthaler with wild eyes screening the people in the front line you better be wearing some old Pearl Jam t-shirts... :twisted:
I got tix to Amsterdam, I will be wearing a PJ shirt that is newer than 2000, I'm 6'2", 235lbs, and I really don't think you're going to kill me, or can kill me.
:roll: The guy is upset about not getting tickets and was joking
After all the recent random killings in the world, who would joke about that? Maybe he should have said "I will beat you up." I would have been totally fine with that, and wouldn't have even commented.
I need a spare 10C ticket for Oslo... and two for Berlin, PLEASE!!!! :( We booked flights already and I fucked it up, couldn't get regular tickets and we forgot to renew memberships... we already have one spare 10C for Oslo and are desperately looking for a second. Anyone? :shock: Please PM me. THANKS!!!
This was pretty much what happened to me. Total fucking joke. Hopefully once they sort it i'll get my tix.
Leeds Festival - Aug 25, 2006
Reading Festival - Aug 27, 2006
Wembley Arena - Jun 18, 2007
ISS Dome - Jun 21, 2007
MEN - Aug 17, 2009
Odyssey - Jun 23, 2010
Wuhlheide - Jun 30, 2010
MEN - Jun 20, 2012
MEN - Jun 21, 2012
Leeds - Jul 8, 2014
This was pretty much what happened to me. Total fucking joke. Hopefully once they sort it i'll get my tix.
Leeds Festival - Aug 25, 2006
Reading Festival - Aug 27, 2006
Wembley Arena - Jun 18, 2007
ISS Dome - Jun 21, 2007
MEN - Aug 17, 2009
Odyssey - Jun 23, 2010
Wuhlheide - Jun 30, 2010
MEN - Jun 20, 2012
MEN - Jun 21, 2012
Leeds - Jul 8, 2014
Leeds Festival - Aug 25, 2006
Reading Festival - Aug 27, 2006
Wembley Arena - Jun 18, 2007
ISS Dome - Jun 21, 2007
MEN - Aug 17, 2009
Odyssey - Jun 23, 2010
Wuhlheide - Jun 30, 2010
MEN - Jun 20, 2012
MEN - Jun 21, 2012
Leeds - Jul 8, 2014
I tried to pay seven times and...what happened? ...Nothing...Black screen and to "begin the begin" once more time... Grrrr :evil:
I am very angry... After this stressful day, I think that I will live one week less! :twisted:
It is a shame that they can't find a decent provider to do this stuff.
Dare I say that ticketmaster probably has the infrastructure to handle it ?
2010 Jazz Fest*Kansas City*St.Louis*Columbus*Noblesville*Bristow*
Berlin*WM3Little Rock*Bridge 1&2
2011 Eddie Vedder*Chicago*St Louis*San Diego*Long Beach*Los Angles*Santa Barbara
PJ20 1&2*Canada Tour*Montreal*Toronto 1&2*Ottawa*Hamilton*Winnipeg*
Could I hire your talents for Presale II; I more than willing to buy you a few rounds of beer...
To whom it may concern:
I was one of the many people who wasted a serious amount of time this evening trying to buy Pearl Jam tickets and failing due to the staggering incompetence of your system. More than a dozen times, I went through the process of trying to check out the tickets that were in my cart, only to be told that they weren't in my cart. After that, every time, I tried to re-add tickets to my cart, I was greeted with a blank screen, or put back into a queue. Every aspect of this is utterly unacceptable.
The image at the link below shows clearly and definitively that the tickets were in my cart at the time when your system was trying to convince me that they weren't. It also shows the time as 17:11 giving the lie to the assertion that I had exceeded the time left to pay, as the pre-sale had only opened less than that allotted time beforehand. I was therefore prevented from completing my legitimate purchase under your false pretenses. There is, as such, no acceptable reason why I, or the many others in the same position, should not have been able to obtain those tickets.
It is my assertion that you are under obligation to ensure that I, and anyone else who approaches you with a similar complaint about the appalling service we have received this evening, be allowed the opportunity to complete their legitimate transactions BEFORE you open up another general pre-sale. Anything less than this is to do a further disservice to your customers. I expect to hear from you on this matter as soon as is possible. ... mycart.jpg
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2
That's my tip for the future...refresh, if you get a error screen hit refresh. All you gotta do is hit refresh the same time someone ends their transaction and you're in.
Good luck, hope to see any and all of you in Amsterdam!
Incredibly frustrating for the hour or so I spent myself trying to get them, however after reading some of the posts on here, others have spent longer to only end up with the message from Crowdsurge to tell them that due to matters out of their control they have had to take down the pre-sale. Utterly ridiculous. There needs to be a full explanation from Crowdsurge as to how this could have happened. Surely they should have expected the volume of members trying to purchase tickets at one time. One would suggest inexperience on their part. Although if this effort is anything to go by, the chance of them gaining further experience may be limited!
Manchester 1, Manchester Arena, 2012
Leeds First Direct Arena, 2014
I propose this is a bad idea as in central europe it is close to midnight and most of us have to wake up early for work.
Please 10C consider holding off the pre-sales until everything is ironed out and we have all received adequate notice via email/PM. Please also seriously consider doing it one venue/date at a time to prevent the mad rush. Thanks for listening.
...there goes my chance to see my favorite band on my bday...down the drain
Why start at 9am PST!?!?!!?
Why all dates at the same time having a site that crashes for thousands of people together connected?
I suppose was necessary to let all that people take the tickets all together... but with these results... why use another site?
I'm ill, I should sleep now... not wait I don't know how for a mail or something else to buy tickets... and tomorrow I should go to work... all this is unbelievable...
Refresh refresh refresh... this is because a server hangs... every refresh is a request, and thousands of requests in a while means hangs... damned F5... waiting for the autorefresh is better for everyone... in this way some lucky superF5 guy have the tickets, and a lot of people not...
I guess I'll try to get GA tickets. I think that shouldn't be a problem.
I don't care about 10C tickets anymore.
the same ... if the problem is not corriged I will be always fucked !!!!!
Melkweg 1992 visitors need to have a free entree
Damned.. too bad only so little concerts in Europe.
Now France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Greece and many many more are trying to get the few tickets available..
so be carefull you, if you see a 2.10 meter high Neanderthaler with wild eyes screening the people in the front line you better be wearing some old Pearl Jam t-shirts... :twisted:
long to veiwer , first time poster . First off I've always relied on my friend for tix , goodies ect.. who's been in 10c for a long time and other then the last UK arena shows , there's never been a major problem before . One thing that no one has really touched on but the signs were there are, despite the band no longer being MTV darlings or poster boys , over the last few years the band have undergone a 2nd wind and our favourite lil rock n roll band have become fuckin' massive again , seriously .Things like the Reading Festival being show live on the BBC, PJ 20 on BBC4 before my dvd even arrived , Hyde Park on Sky ect... here in the UK converted people who before may have been a bit curious into wanting to actually leave the house and see the band for themselves. How many of you have told your friends, family or whoever, you need to see this band ? Well people took note and I think a lot of people got caught with their pants down on this. I went to Dublin alone in 97 , today I could fill a bus with people who want to see them in action. There are people trying to get tickets who have never tried in the past because the current music seen sucks shit and they want to see one of the true great rock bands and a better set of fans you couldn't wish for. Have faith , they'll sort it and come June I'm sure I will be sitting in a cafe in Amsterdam with one or two of you good people ,sampling the local goodness and all this will be a hazy memory . On a lighter note anyone remember the touts getting a proper kicking at the Astoria ?
I reckon if you've seen shows since 1992, you don't need to see any more of them and it'd be only fair to give your tickets to some poor soul who hasn't been able to see the band as many times.
LOL!! nice try!!
I got tix to Amsterdam, I will be wearing a PJ shirt that is newer than 2000, I'm 6'2", 235lbs, and I really don't think you're going to kill me, or can kill me.
:roll: The guy is upset about not getting tickets and was joking
Send my credentials to the house of detention
After all the recent random killings in the world, who would joke about that? Maybe he should have said "I will beat you up." I would have been totally fine with that, and wouldn't have even commented.