So you are saying that people in this thread don't realize that they are afraid of something that doesn't exist and that is why they criticize some religion.
I am not looking at fear as black and white. Obviously we're talking about emotions here...I cant physically see Byrnzie banging his head against his keyboard.
I think people who quickly dismiss it as fear, have a problem only seeing it as black and white. So you can't believe that maybe one just thinks some of this is silly? It cant be silly, it can only be fear?
So silliness brings people to the emotional point of being ridiculing, hurtful, insulting ...
really :?
thats a stretch.
It is so very obvious some are defensive and that is why they react as they do.
So you do see the criticizing also ... why criticize another's beliefs at all?
What is the purpose in that? Why come and ridicule at all if not out of fear and insecurity,
if not out of the need to prove something to someone ... or disapprove one might say.
The thing I think you're missing is that when some non-believers criticize religion, they might just be pointing out why they don't subscribe to it or why they feel its contradictory...Sometimes criticism is good you know. Constructive criticism sometimes opens the mind to something someone doesnt see...You see it as an attack, I see it otherwise. I also see people pointing out contradictory things in religion, which usually goes unanswered, especially around here. Why was the post where I quoted Cosmo dismissed by everyone? Easy answer: there is no answer. And its contradictory. I call that out, not out of fear, because I find it hard to digest that other people just brush this stuff off and say "well, God works in mysterious ways!" :?
satansbed wrote:
Godfather. wrote:
it just dawned on me this morning that this question created offense to some of you or you wouldn't have posted sarcastic replys,usally these kinds of replys are an attempt to hide fears or doubts within or about ourselfs...does the thought of God scare you ? maybe if you cover your eyes with your hands it will all go away ?
it also showed the lack of respect people have for each other on the train and the world in general, we all have beliefs and standards we live by are ones beliefs better than the next persons ? are your standards higher ?
who are we to judge the next person for the color of their skin,where they grew up,how they dress or the God they believe in ? what is it inside of people that the name of God scares them to a point that they feel they have nothing but rude or scarcastic remarks towards the beliefs of others to say ?'s fear my friends plain and simple....vanity drenched fear, I mean who on earth or the heavens could be smarter or have control over you or your life other than you right ?
Nah bru its just that a stupid question deserves stupid answers
It may be disrespectful, but its not fear.
Thats his opinion though. To some people, i'm sure it is a stupid question because if you take it literally as anon-believer, it is kinda asinine. But if you take the thousands of descriptions from history (especially the Bible), and decide to have a discussion about it (whether a believer or non-believer) you will get some colorful descriptions. Persoanlly, i've never read that passage from Revelations..I try not to rush judgement of it because I dont know its context, but it came across as some very whacky shit to me. (not fear, btw)
So silliness brings people to the emotional point of being ridiculing, hurtful, insulting ...
really :?
thats a stretch.
It is so very obvious some are defensive and that is why they react as they do.
So you do see the criticizing also ... why criticize another's beliefs at all?
What is the purpose in that? Why come and ridicule at all if not out of fear and insecurity,
if not out of the need to prove something to someone ... or disapprove one might say.
Aww your insulted, well guess what no one has the right not to be offended
why is this planet so different from all the other planets sorrounding us ? why is it the only planet that we have seen from here to mars and beyond that can sustain life ?
'That we have seen...' Key words Godfather. We don't know what's 'out there'. And what about this new planet recently discovered just beyond our solar system - Kepler-22? Slap bang in the middle of the Goldilocks zone - could sustain life, just like earth.
I think it would be very arrogant and presumptuous of us to think we are the only planet with an 'evolved' life form. I'm sure there are a number of them yet to be discovered (or have they already discovered us?) though life forms may be different - 'It's life Jim, but not as we know it'!
But then this doesn't really have anything to do with this thread, so sorry I digressed.
Back to what does god look like... As it is anthropomorphic, it has the attributes those who need to believe in one gave it. This to be able to bring an 'unknown/unthinkable' to a level they can master. So their human attributes have been transposed to their god. Physically, there are the traditional images of, what it would seem, a christian based god (since there are talks of jesus, I am assuming this thread is mainly discussing this kind of god). This is the guy in the sky with the long white hair, white beard and flowing robes. Though god shouldn't have any physical representation as he is immaterial. One believing in god's perception of this 'nature' will be of emotions humans can understand - compassion, love, etc. but maybe thought of 100/1000 or infinitely more that we could ever be capable of ourselves as humans.
Depending on your culture, whether one is following a religion or not, if one believes, he/she has been in a way 'conditioned' by religion's (man's) representation of god - whether one would like to admit it or not.
What god means to the people who believe in him is a very different question.
So silliness brings people to the emotional point of being ridiculing, hurtful, insulting ...
really :?
thats a stretch.
It is so very obvious some are defensive and that is why they react as they do.
So you do see the criticizing also ... why criticize another's beliefs at all?
What is the purpose in that? Why come and ridicule at all if not out of fear and insecurity,
if not out of the need to prove something to someone ... or disapprove one might say.
Aww your insulted, well guess what no one has the right not to be offended
I think you're right. I am full of fear, I fear for the human race when intelligent and mostly rational adults can believe in this fairy tale we call god. No wonder we make a mess of everything.
thank you for making my point
those who are defensive can not recognize their own defensive behavior
and the need to ridicule others beliefs because of it
I don't get it.
Why is it mean and disrespectful to disagree with someone regarding religion?
I mean, I don't believe the Christians got it right... neither do the Muslims or the Jews or the Scientologists or even the Atheists. I respect their beliefs as their own... and choose a different path by following my own beliefs.
Just because I do not believe what they believe... I am rude and disrespectful to them?
I don't get it.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
why is this planet so different from all the other planets sorrounding us ? why is it the only planet that we have seen from here to mars and beyond that can sustain life ?
The important variable in this quation is time... the Earth can sustain life at this time.
It will all end some day... the planet's core will cool and he Earth will die. The Sun will cool and it will die, taking the remnants of the Earth with it. Our galaxy is on a collision course with Andromeda and that day, many things will change.
We just happen to be living in a time when all of the factors are right. Hasn't always been that way... won't always be that way.
Maybe... instead of hoping there is some Heaven on the other side of Death's door... we celebrate the one thing we know for certain... that we are alive today.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
why is this planet so different from all the other planets sorrounding us ? why is it the only planet that we have seen from here to mars and beyond that can sustain life ?
The important variable in this quation is time... the Earth can sustain life at this time.
It will all end some day... the planet's core will cool and he Earth will die. The Sun will cool and it will die, taking the remnants of the Earth with it. Our galaxy is on a collision course with Andromeda and that day, many things will change.
We just happen to be living in a time when all of the factors are right. Hasn't always been that way... won't always be that way.
Maybe... instead of hoping there is some Heaven on the other side of Death's door... we celebrate the one thing we know for certain... that we are alive today.
wow what a great reply ! as you know I am a believer but always enjoy a good honest from the heart reply
thanks Cosmo.
Come on Godfather. You wanted to provoke by asking a question that cannot be answered.
except by me...................
Here is God:
I thought the question was ....
thought provoking
and enjoyed some of the replies by those who put some serious thought into it ...
believers and nonbelievers
I agree. A lot of my initial responses, I kept to myself though at first, not wanting to offend.
Lizard's response got me thinking though...
Many images of God describe an older, strong, white bearded white man.
I find this common depiction a narcissistic and self-indulgent reflection (plz note, this is criticism due to disbelief, not fear) of who used to makes the rules.
Robes and everything is always must be breezy in Heaven.
My opinion, if there is a God, he/she/it doesnt have a "look", and cant look like anything.
I find the idea of Jesus, or Son of God being sent to earth in human form to teach us a lesson, a little hard to believe. Again, I now criticize the religion that was taught to me as a child, due to my personal choices and my understanding of the religion as it pertains to my environment, nothing more, nothing less...
why is this planet so different from all the other planets sorrounding us ? why is it the only planet that we have seen from here to mars and beyond that can sustain life ?
'That we have seen...' Key words Godfather. We don't know what's 'out there'. And what about this new planet recently discovered just beyond our solar system - Kepler-22? Slap bang in the middle of the Goldilocks zone - could sustain life, just like earth.
I think it would be very arrogant and presumptuous of us to think we are the only planet with an 'evolved' life form. I'm sure there are a number of them yet to be discovered (or have they already discovered us?) though life forms may be different - 'It's life Jim, but not as we know it'!
But then this doesn't really have anything to do with this thread, so sorry I digressed.
Back to what does god look like... As it is anthropomorphic, it has the attributes those who need to believe in one gave it. This to be able to bring an 'unknown/unthinkable' to a level they can master. So their human attributes have been transposed to their god. Physically, there are the traditional images of, what it would seem, a christian based god (since there are talks of jesus, I am assuming this thread is mainly discussing this kind of god). This is the guy in the sky with the long white hair, white beard and flowing robes. Though god shouldn't have any physical representation as he is immaterial. One believing in god's perception of this 'nature' will be of emotions humans can understand - compassion, love, etc. but maybe thought of 100/1000 or infinitely more that we could ever be capable of ourselves as humans.
Depending on your culture, whether one is following a religion or not, if one believes, he/she has been in a way 'conditioned' by religion's (man's) representation of god - whether one would like to admit it or not.
What god means to the people who believe in him is a very different question.
I agree. A lot of my initial responses, I kept to myself though at first, not wanting to offend.
Lizard's response got me thinking though...
Many images of God describe an older, strong, white bearded white man.
I find this common depiction a narcissistic and self-indulgent reflection (plz note, this is criticism due to disbelief, not fear) of who used to makes the rules.
Robes and everything is always must be breezy in Heaven.
My opinion, if there is a God, he/she/it doesnt have a "look", and cant look like anything.
I find the idea of Jesus, or Son of God being sent to earth in human form to teach us a lesson, a little hard to believe. Again, I now criticize the religion that was taught to me as a child, due to my personal choices and my understanding of the religion as it pertains to my environment, nothing more, nothing less...
breezy in heaven that is a precious thought could be a lovely poem
where's Godfather
I believe in miracles and for me, it is here one finds God
and from that point forward God is always there...
I feel God, I live God . This is what the senses I have now tell me
this is what miracles have shown me.
Isn’t God meant to instill fear Man? Isn’t this the backbone of the meaning to the reference ‘I’ll put the fear of God in you’ when God, Man and Church dictates punishment? Isn’t this the crutch of our modern crusade around the world? We play God everyday because we’ve created God in our image. People aren’t afraid of the concept of God; people have become woeful of MAN’s manipulation of the God factor to justify their means to an end.
Religion has replaced God, if not, then why are there so many religions and supposedly only one God? Is it because we have a need to personalize things, we’ve created our own concept of the God factor, its meaning and its interpretation to the point that it has become a ‘my God is better than your God’ mentality? If not, what’s the point in having Catholics, Christians, Baptists, Protestants or Evangelists - Why aren’t we all Jewish?
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
Isn’t God meant to instill fear Man? Isn’t this the backbone of the meaning to the reference ‘I’ll put the fear of God in you’ when God, Man and Church dictates punishment? Isn’t this the crutch of our modern crusade around the world? We play God everyday because we’ve created God in our image. People aren’t afraid of the concept of God; people have become woeful of MAN’s manipulation of the God factor to justify their means to an end.
Religion has replaced God, if not, then why are there so many religions and supposedly only one God? Is it because we have a need to personalize things, we’ve created our own concept of the God factor, its meaning and its interpretation to the point that it has become a ‘my God is better than your God’ mentality? If not, what’s the point in having Catholics, Christians, Baptists, Protestants or Evangelists - Why aren’t we all Jewish?
cause 'we' all worship CHRIST. which makes us christians.
catholics, baptists, protestants and evangelists are all christian. why we arent all jewish is cause of the worship of jesus christ. jesus was a jew.. those who worship/ped him are CHRISTian. in the beginning they were all small 'c' catholic. this was derived from the greek word katholikos, which means universal. time passed and schisms appeared within the christian/catholic church. those small 'c' catholics who remained true to the original church became big 'C' catholics, as other denominations appeared and identified themselves as lutheran, protestant, baptists, whatever.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
it just dawned on me this morning that this question created offense to some of you or you wouldn't have posted sarcastic replys,usally these kinds of replys are an attempt to hide fears or doubts within or about ourselfs...does the thought of God scare you ? maybe if you cover your eyes with your hands it will all go away ?
it also showed the lack of respect people have for each other on the train and the world in general, we all have beliefs and standards we live by are ones beliefs better than the next persons ? are your standards higher ?
who are we to judge the next person for the color of their skin,where they grew up,how they dress or the God they believe in ? what is it inside of people that the name of God scares them to a point that they feel they have nothing but rude or scarcastic remarks towards the beliefs of others to say ?'s fear my friends plain and simple....vanity drenched fear, I mean who on earth or the heavens could be smarter or have control over you or your life other than you right ?
don't get your panties in a bunch. seriously, what did you expect with such a silly question? if there is a god, no one knows what it looks like.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
So silliness brings people to the emotional point of being ridiculing, hurtful, insulting ...
really :?
thats a stretch.
It is so very obvious some are defensive and that is why they react as they do.
So you do see the criticizing also ... why criticize another's beliefs at all?
What is the purpose in that? Why come and ridicule at all if not out of fear and insecurity,
if not out of the need to prove something to someone ... or disapprove one might say.
the funny thing is you don't see how condescending you are to those who don't share you beliefs. we could also claim that is out of fear for your god and your eternal life.
why the fuck do I need to rejoice about your beliefs when you don't rejoice about mine? I don't give a shit what you believe, so I need not rejoice in it.
asking what god looks like is like asking what life on Rigel 7 looks like. if it exists, nobody knows. so why ask other than to incite flames like you and GF do nothing but?
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
it just dawned on me this morning that this question created offense to some of you or you wouldn't have posted sarcastic replys,usally these kinds of replys are an attempt to hide fears or doubts within or about ourselfs...does the thought of God scare you ? maybe if you cover your eyes with your hands it will all go away ?
it also showed the lack of respect people have for each other on the train and the world in general, we all have beliefs and standards we live by are ones beliefs better than the next persons ? are your standards higher ?
who are we to judge the next person for the color of their skin,where they grew up,how they dress or the God they believe in ? what is it inside of people that the name of God scares them to a point that they feel they have nothing but rude or scarcastic remarks towards the beliefs of others to say ?'s fear my friends plain and simple....vanity drenched fear, I mean who on earth or the heavens could be smarter or have control over you or your life other than you right ?
Nah bru its just that a stupid question deserves stupid answers
Yes Godfather it is fear, it causes some to be cruel, disrespectful and insecure.
I love the post above about the universe and consciousness and sight being just one sense.
We have senses that have not been channeled or discovered as of yet ....
hurry up Dec 2012!
I don't fear that which I don't know exists. Kinda like bigfoot or Loch Ness or ghosts. I find it laughable that you think we jest out of fear.
I would expect no less from you HFD..aside from my belief and faith let me have a second to explain why your reply is with little thought before typing...
fear of the unknown is most common, the boogie man under your bed or in the closet, the strange noises you hear in the house when your all alone, not being able to see in the dark but feeling a presents near you, fear of being alone or fear of death and if there is a God will I go to hell or will he forgive my sins ? etc.
so tell me what do you hide behind you laugh at others...maybe your questions of or out of fear ? EVERYBODY feels fear of some kind or another it's nothing to be ashamed of it's human nature. please accept my reply with all due respect for you.
So silliness brings people to the emotional point of being ridiculing, hurtful, insulting ...
really :?
thats a stretch.
It is so very obvious some are defensive and that is why they react as they do.
So you do see the criticizing also ... why criticize another's beliefs at all?
What is the purpose in that? Why come and ridicule at all if not out of fear and insecurity,
if not out of the need to prove something to someone ... or disapprove one might say.
the funny thing is you don't see how condescending you are to those who don't share you beliefs. we could also claim that is out of fear for your god and your eternal life.
why the fuck do I need to rejoice about your beliefs when you don't rejoice about mine? I don't give a shit what you believe, so I need not rejoice in it.
asking what god looks like is like asking what life on Rigel 7 looks like. if it exists, nobody knows. so why ask other than to incite flames like you and GF do nothing but?
I am sorry you can not rejoice with others you are missing out on much.
How do you know I do not rejoice with you? You are on the defensive perhaps
you can not tell. Rather combative.
No one answered my question...
why come andridicule and criticize?what is the purpose
and truly there is nothing more condescending then just that!
As far as fear it is showing in those with their defensive attitudes ...
otherwise one would think they would be happy with others beliefs.
No need for put downs or insulting another's beliefs when one is not
on the defensive.
They are comfortable with their beliefs and allow others to share theirs
without being threatened.
This was a great question, not at all silly, only to some non believers,
There were some great answers ... answers from the heart.
For me ...this question was about feelings and some shared them beautifully.
Yes Godfather it is fear, it causes some to be cruel, disrespectful and insecure.
I love the post above about the universe and consciousness and sight being just one sense.
We have senses that have not been channeled or discovered as of yet ....
hurry up Dec 2012!
I don't fear that which I don't know exists. Kinda like bigfoot or Loch Ness or ghosts. I find it laughable that you think we jest out of fear.
One becomes defensive when they feel the need to defend,
when they perceive an unfounded threat. Often from previous experience or even
How many times have we heard some say they hate it when believers try to convert them...
so they are on the defensive even when a believer is not doing that....
this the unfounded unprovoked threat.
This based in fear ....again are you thinking black and white ... monster etc :?
I am not talking about a fear of God just threatened by the messenger to the
point of being defensive.
No need to defend when we respect others beliefs. No need to ridicule, make fun of,
or insult.
So silliness brings people to the emotional point of being ridiculing, hurtful, insulting ...
really :?
thats a stretch.
It is so very obvious some are defensive and that is why they react as they do.
So you do see the criticizing also ... why criticize another's beliefs at all?
What is the purpose in that? Why come and ridicule at all if not out of fear and insecurity,
if not out of the need to prove something to someone ... or disapprove one might say.
the funny thing is you don't see how condescending you are to those who don't share you beliefs. we could also claim that is out of fear for your god and your eternal life.
why the fuck do I need to rejoice about your beliefs when you don't rejoice about mine? I don't give a shit what you believe, so I need not rejoice in it.
asking what god looks like is like asking what life on Rigel 7 looks like. if it exists, nobody knows. so why ask other than to incite flames like you and GF do nothing but?
I am sorry you can not rejoice with others you are missing out on much.
How do you know I do not rejoice with you? You are on the defensive perhaps
you can not tell. Rather combative.
No one answered my question...
why come andridicule and criticize?what is the purpose
and truly there is nothing more condescending then just that!
As far as fear it is showing in those with their defensive attitudes ...
otherwise one would think they would be happy with others beliefs.
No need for put downs or insulting another's beliefs when one is not
on the defensive.
They are comfortable with their beliefs and allow others to share theirs
without being threatened.
This was a great question, not at all silly, only to some non believers,
There were some great answers ... answers from the heart.
For me ...this question was about feelings and some shared them beautifully.
Yes it is silly because it can't be answered weather there is a god or not.
satansbed wrote:
Godfather. wrote:
it just dawned on me this morning that this question created offense to some of you or you wouldn't have posted sarcastic replys,usally these kinds of replys are an attempt to hide fears or doubts within or about ourselfs...does the thought of God scare you ? maybe if you cover your eyes with your hands it will all go away ?
it also showed the lack of respect people have for each other on the train and the world in general, we all have beliefs and standards we live by are ones beliefs better than the next persons ? are your standards higher ?
who are we to judge the next person for the color of their skin,where they grew up,how they dress or the God they believe in ? what is it inside of people that the name of God scares them to a point that they feel they have nothing but rude or scarcastic remarks towards the beliefs of others to say ?'s fear my friends plain and simple....vanity drenched fear, I mean who on earth or the heavens could be smarter or have control over you or your life other than you right ?
Nah bru its just that a stupid question deserves stupid answers
It may be disrespectful, but its not fear.
Thats his opinion though. To some people, i'm sure it is a stupid question because if you take it literally as anon-believer, it is kinda asinine. But if you take the thousands of descriptions from history (especially the Bible), and decide to have a discussion about it (whether a believer or non-believer) you will get some colorful descriptions. Persoanlly, i've never read that passage from Revelations..I try not to rush judgement of it because I dont know its context, but it came across as some very whacky shit to me. (not fear, btw)
Aww your insulted, well guess what no one has the right not to be offended ... ata_player
'That we have seen...' Key words Godfather. We don't know what's 'out there'. And what about this new planet recently discovered just beyond our solar system - Kepler-22? Slap bang in the middle of the Goldilocks zone - could sustain life, just like earth.
I think it would be very arrogant and presumptuous of us to think we are the only planet with an 'evolved' life form. I'm sure there are a number of them yet to be discovered (or have they already discovered us?) though life forms may be different - 'It's life Jim, but not as we know it'!
But then this doesn't really have anything to do with this thread, so sorry I digressed.
Back to what does god look like... As it is anthropomorphic, it has the attributes those who need to believe in one gave it. This to be able to bring an 'unknown/unthinkable' to a level they can master. So their human attributes have been transposed to their god. Physically, there are the traditional images of, what it would seem, a christian based god (since there are talks of jesus, I am assuming this thread is mainly discussing this kind of god). This is the guy in the sky with the long white hair, white beard and flowing robes. Though god shouldn't have any physical representation as he is immaterial. One believing in god's perception of this 'nature' will be of emotions humans can understand - compassion, love, etc. but maybe thought of 100/1000 or infinitely more that we could ever be capable of ourselves as humans.
Depending on your culture, whether one is following a religion or not, if one believes, he/she has been in a way 'conditioned' by religion's (man's) representation of god - whether one would like to admit it or not.
What god means to the people who believe in him is a very different question.
Oh... btw.. it's not fear (or insecurity)...
wish you could have answered my questions instead of patronizing another human being
those who are defensive can not recognize their own defensive behavior
and the need to ridicule others beliefs because of it
Why is it mean and disrespectful to disagree with someone regarding religion?
I mean, I don't believe the Christians got it right... neither do the Muslims or the Jews or the Scientologists or even the Atheists. I respect their beliefs as their own... and choose a different path by following my own beliefs.
Just because I do not believe what they believe... I am rude and disrespectful to them?
I don't get it.
Hail, Hail!!!
except by me...................
Here is God:
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
The important variable in this quation is time... the Earth can sustain life at this time.
It will all end some day... the planet's core will cool and he Earth will die. The Sun will cool and it will die, taking the remnants of the Earth with it. Our galaxy is on a collision course with Andromeda and that day, many things will change.
We just happen to be living in a time when all of the factors are right. Hasn't always been that way... won't always be that way.
Maybe... instead of hoping there is some Heaven on the other side of Death's door... we celebrate the one thing we know for certain... that we are alive today.
Hail, Hail!!!
thanks Cosmo.
actually I was hoping for something a little different but I should have known better btw cool pic ! that is a piece of great art.
I thought the question was ....
thought provoking
and enjoyed some of the replies by those who put some serious thought into it ...
believers and nonbelievers
its kind of a cool subject indeed
I agree. A lot of my initial responses, I kept to myself though at first, not wanting to offend.
Lizard's response got me thinking though...
Many images of God describe an older, strong, white bearded white man.
I find this common depiction a narcissistic and self-indulgent reflection (plz note, this is criticism due to disbelief, not fear) of who used to makes the rules.
Robes and everything is always must be breezy in Heaven.
My opinion, if there is a God, he/she/it doesnt have a "look", and cant look like anything.
I find the idea of Jesus, or Son of God being sent to earth in human form to teach us a lesson, a little hard to believe. Again, I now criticize the religion that was taught to me as a child, due to my personal choices and my understanding of the religion as it pertains to my environment, nothing more, nothing less...
where's Godfather
I believe in miracles and for me, it is here one finds God
and from that point forward God is always there...
I feel God, I live God . This is what the senses I have now tell me
this is what miracles have shown me.
Religion has replaced God, if not, then why are there so many religions and supposedly only one God? Is it because we have a need to personalize things, we’ve created our own concept of the God factor, its meaning and its interpretation to the point that it has become a ‘my God is better than your God’ mentality? If not, what’s the point in having Catholics, Christians, Baptists, Protestants or Evangelists - Why aren’t we all Jewish?
amen brothers and sisters
Too Good to be True
cause 'we' all worship CHRIST. which makes us christians.
catholics, baptists, protestants and evangelists are all christian. why we arent all jewish is cause of the worship of jesus christ. jesus was a jew.. those who worship/ped him are CHRISTian. in the beginning they were all small 'c' catholic. this was derived from the greek word katholikos, which means universal. time passed and schisms appeared within the christian/catholic church. those small 'c' catholics who remained true to the original church became big 'C' catholics, as other denominations appeared and identified themselves as lutheran, protestant, baptists, whatever.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
don't get your panties in a bunch. seriously, what did you expect with such a silly question? if there is a god, no one knows what it looks like.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I don't fear that which I don't know exists. Kinda like bigfoot or Loch Ness or ghosts. I find it laughable that you think we jest out of fear.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
the funny thing is you don't see how condescending you are to those who don't share you beliefs. we could also claim that is out of fear for your god and your eternal life.
why the fuck do I need to rejoice about your beliefs when you don't rejoice about mine? I don't give a shit what you believe, so I need not rejoice in it.
asking what god looks like is like asking what life on Rigel 7 looks like. if it exists, nobody knows. so why ask other than to incite flames like you and GF do nothing but?
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
fear of the unknown is most common, the boogie man under your bed or in the closet, the strange noises you hear in the house when your all alone, not being able to see in the dark but feeling a presents near you, fear of being alone or fear of death and if there is a God will I go to hell or will he forgive my sins ? etc.
so tell me what do you hide behind you laugh at others...maybe your questions of or out of fear ? EVERYBODY feels fear of some kind or another it's nothing to be ashamed of it's human nature.
How do you know I do not rejoice with you? You are on the defensive perhaps
you can not tell. Rather combative.
No one answered my question...
why come and ridicule and criticize? what is the purpose
and truly there is nothing more condescending then just that!
As far as fear it is showing in those with their defensive attitudes ...
otherwise one would think they would be happy with others beliefs.
No need for put downs or insulting another's beliefs when one is not
on the defensive.
They are comfortable with their beliefs and allow others to share theirs
without being threatened.
This was a great question, not at all silly, only to some non believers,
There were some great answers ... answers from the heart.
For me ...this question was about feelings and some shared them beautifully.
when they perceive an unfounded threat. Often from previous experience or even
How many times have we heard some say they hate it when believers try to convert them...
so they are on the defensive even when a believer is not doing that....
this the unfounded unprovoked threat.
This based in fear ....again are you thinking black and white ... monster etc :?
I am not talking about a fear of God just threatened by the messenger to the
point of being defensive.
No need to defend when we respect others beliefs. No need to ridicule, make fun of,
or insult.
Yes it is silly because it can't be answered weather there is a god or not.