Some guy ran into the front rows trying to get on stage and security guard did an amazing job by grabbing him and lifting him over the rails and dragging him out. That was the odd moment of the night.
Crazy! We read about a couple of incidents with security in the set list relay thread last night.
A note about the crowds: From my observations, the Pearl Jam crowds are getting older (30+ yrs) and they don't rock out like they once did.
I think you hit the nail on the head. Some of us may be just as enthusiastic at a concert at 30+ as we were at 20, but I'm sure a lot of people don't rock out like they use to.
Also, people experience concerts differently. Sure, it's a little disappointing when the people around you aren't jumping up and down and dancing like you are, but it doesn't mean that they're not enjoying and appreciating Pearl Jam just as much as you are, and it doesn't lessen my PJ experience. I know a lot of people who think fist pumping, arm waving, and clapping along is cheesy... to each his own.
Great set list, Vancouver! You got some real gems, and I love the love for No Code last night.
Amazing set list! The band had tons of energy and really had some fun. The crowd was good enough. As for the sound, they seemed to be having some issues all night, but they played through it, and sounded really good despite it.
What an amazing night... 3rd time seeing the band and sure hope i don't need to wait another 6 years. Present Tense brought tears to my eyes. The song is something I play often as I trudge the road of happy destiny and remember that if I have one foot in yesterday and the other in tomorrow then I'm pissing all over today. Thank-You PJ for a night i will not soon forget.
1. I relayed the set to Drop The Leash 10 last night. That was actually really fun. I sold my extra 10c to a cool guy (Mike) and he helped me out on a couple of songs when it took me a while to figure it out. My biggest brain freeze came on Rockin' In the Free World. I kept thinking All Along the Watchtower; Mike gave me an initial look like I was insane for not knowing it, but helped me anyway. I was embarrassed :oops:
2. My first time using a 10c ticket. Sitting in the 10c section brings more energy and life to a PJ concert. I looked around at the other non-10c sections and they were not as enthusiastic. Made for a much more pleasant experience.
3. When Eddie threw a banjo to a 5 or 6 year old sitting on his Dad's shoulders. That was awesome!
4. Seeing security guards, not once but twice, tackle and throw concert goers out. Not sure what happened, but one of those was in the row behind me during Porch. :roll:
5. Crown of Fucking Thorns w/ Chloe Dancer prelude. Worth the price of admission just for that song. Beautiful and magical.
6. The setlist overall was superb. The only thing that would have made it perfect was a little Immortality dedicated to thefixer9 :twisted:
7. It was pretty clear that Eddie wasn't feeling 100%, but he persevered wonderfully. The whole band was great!
Last night was awesome! Despite almost no sleep I'm still totally jazzed..
I wanna give a shout out to you awesome Canadians! You're good people.. As someone noted earlier, you did need Canadian money to buy a beer, and I unfortunately found that out AFTER I'd waited a half hour in line. (The merch and beer lines were my only complaint).. But a really nice local helped me out w/ local currency. (I know, I know, I should have had local currency. But I was only there for 12 hours!!)
Also the busses at the end of the night - "Just get on, don't worry about the fare".... who does that?!! Wonderful Vancouver - that's who.
I was in the 6th row on Stone's side, and I KNOW that we were all rockin' up there.. No lack of energy from us!
I also love how Eddie connects w/ the crowd. He looks out purposefully - he wants to see who's there, what people are up to -(Mike really does too).. And I love how they all connect on stage, huddling around Matt's kit, or when Ed walks over to Boom kinda just to check in .. Sets em apart from all the rest.
We all know it - but they really are the best.
And I love the fans too - seeing people on my flight up and back, coming from all over the world, and in the customs line at 5 AM this morning, as one friend put it, "We do what we gotta do..." Damn straight.
Thanks Pearl Jam and 10C - hope to catch up in South America!
LA 7/9/06 & 7/10/06
The Gorge 7/22/06 & 7/23/06
Antwerp 8/30/06
Bridge 2 10/22/06
Honolulu 12/2/06 & 12/9/06
Munich 6/12/07
Katowice 6/13/07, London 6/18/07, Lollapalooza 8/07, LA (EV) 4/12/08 & 4/13/08, Ouside Lands 09
Little Wing? I believe that hasn't been played since 1995 perhaps. Might only be the second time they've ever really attempted it.
little wing was played as intrumental tab after YL and b4 star spangled banner at the gorge nite 1 in '06. following nite, they played it straight thru, lyrics and all, after ed popped up sang atop the soundboard roof - "this is for all my new friends in the back" get the boot. it is badass.
last nite, band seemed in great spirits, great setlist, met some really nice people from all over. great fucking time.
special thanks to 'calibigwave' jay for the hookup.
1. I relayed the set to Drop The Leash 10 last night. That was actually really fun. I sold my extra 10c to a cool guy (Mike) and he helped me out on a couple of songs when it took me a while to figure it out. My biggest brain freeze came on Rockin' In the Free World. I kept thinking All Along the Watchtower; Mike gave me an initial look like I was insane for not knowing it, but helped me anyway. I was embarrassed :oops:
2. My first time using a 10c ticket. Sitting in the 10c section brings more energy and life to a PJ concert. I looked around at the other non-10c sections and they were not as enthusiastic. Made for a much more pleasant experience.
3. When Eddie threw a banjo to a 5 or 6 year old sitting on his Dad's shoulders. That was awesome!
4. Seeing security guards, not once but twice, tackle and throw concert goers out. Not sure what happened, but one of those was in the row behind me during Porch. :roll:
5. Crown of Fucking Thorns w/ Chloe Dancer prelude. Worth the price of admission just for that song. Beautiful and magical.
6. The setlist overall was superb. The only thing that would have made it perfect was a little Immortality dedicated to thefixer9 :twisted:
7. It was pretty clear that Eddie wasn't feeling 100%, but he persevered wonderfully. The whole band was great!
Great night!!
I was in the row behind you in seat 4! If you were around me, I might've pissed you off because I was singing along to every song since they pulled out such a fucking incredible setlist.
I wasn't so sure what happened with that guy in the row that got mugged by security, but I think he was taking someone else's seat, or at least was accused of doing so. It ruined the part of the Porch solo for me, right when they were showing tons of energy. I guess I'll have to wait for the bootlegs in order to fully enjoy it.
But like other people have said, just an amazing set list and an amazing night. 6 songs from No Code (!!!), Glorified G, Off He Goes, Bee Girl, Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns! The only ones I'm surprised of not hearing were Daughter and Better Man, but I guess they probably played those songs enough on the tour. I would easily trade Daughter and Better Man for the set list that we got tonight.
I hope to regain my voice and rest my neck, but what a night and incredible show. Thank you so much Pearl Jam for putting on an incredible show! I hope to possibly win the lottery time. It bummed me out when Ed was saying how the front rows were showing no energy (typical Seattle) while I was losing my voice from singing along to every song.
Member Number: 437xxx
Pearl Jam:
Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Sep 21, 2009
Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC - Sep 25, 2011
Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Dec 6, 2013
Eddie Vedder Solo:
Benaroya Hall - Seattle, WA - Jul 15, 2011
First of all want to thank all for setting up the preparty had a blast met some new folks and some I havent see in a while. This was my first show in Canada and let me say they blew me away the crowd that is. We were talking at the preparty and i was saying that Seattle crowds are very yuppie and snobby and seem like a bunch of microsoft execs that got free tickets and have nothing else beter to do on a friday night and they have to be there and here an occasional song on Kisw. Last nights crowd didnt sit threw any songs and it was loud very loud. The setlist was amazing after getting back from Alpine Valley thought it would be hard to top that and they would have alot to live up to and they did they brought it and some rareties as well. Garden was amazing and always love Crown of thorns. Like Alpine the beer issue and merch stands where long but it was worth it. Looking forward to the 2012 tour See u all there!!!
Sound is great in the front part of the floor and probably a lot of the lower bowl, and muddy poop everywhere else. The PC is a concrete den, so it's not the best venue to play, but I suppose it was imperative that the Canucks lose a useless Silly Season game in Rogers. :P
The floor seat access beer line seemed shorter but I didn't really get a good look. No bathroom line-ups at all.
Great setlist, lots of fun with the instrument switching, and it's always a treat to be a part of a Happy Birthday, to George (Is this where I can formally request that the Ask George column be reinstated in Deep?) George must have the reflexes of a tiger and the wariness of a coyote to successfully avoid consecutive 2 cake attacks.
Mike doesn't play solos so much as he delivers sermons. Testify!
I haven't seen as many gigs as others 'round these parts - I think this is my 12th? But this one became my favourite show by the time they kicked into Garden.
I think it's pretty fair to say the whole crowd wasn't on the same page. Parts were good, parts were bad. Fact, 7 full sections in the upper end of the arena had all but a few people sitting during the first 10 songs- I couldn't believe it! We were in row 10, and only 1 person in our section in front of us was standing (& he was going nuts, which was great).
That said, didn't stop us from standing and having a great time! Great show, great set list!
Next time the people in the front row come to a show, maybe they'll switch tix with someone who's losing their shit the whole show - like me! That was incredible!
I couldn't agree more. I've sat through 20 shows watching the people in the front row. Most of the lottery winners are mundane, boring and lifeless.
A note about the crowds: From my observations, the Pearl Jam crowds are getting older (30+ yrs) and they don't rock out like they once did. Also, many of the people in the crowd don't know Bee Girl, Pilate or Garden. They are there to see Betterman, Black, Daughter, Just Breathe etc... I found the same thing in Hamilton, even in the 10C sections. PJ crowds aren't WILD anymore, end of story. The crowds in Toronto or East Troy are about as good as it gets now.
obviously u wernt in Edmonton ,
“I know I was born and I know that I'll die
The in between is mine
I am mine”
Next time the people in the front row come to a show, maybe they'll switch tix with someone who's losing their shit the whole show - like me! That was incredible!
I couldn't agree more. I've sat through 20 shows watching the people in the front row. Most of the lottery winners are mundane, boring and lifeless.
A note about the crowds: From my observations, the Pearl Jam crowds are getting older (30+ yrs) and they don't rock out like they once did. Also, many of the people in the crowd don't know Bee Girl, Pilate or Garden. They are there to see Betterman, Black, Daughter, Just Breathe etc... I found the same thing in Hamilton, even in the 10C sections. PJ crowds aren't WILD anymore, end of story. The crowds in Toronto or East Troy are about as good as it gets now.
Had a great time, much has been said already. Crowd was.... good enough!
The best band!!
MVP was Matt Cameron with Jeff Ament a very close second. They were rocking so hard during the jams. Everyone's enraptured by EV's mirror or tambourine throwing while the boys are huddled around the kit and totally grooving. Stone Gossard seemed a bit less into it compared to previous shows I've seen. Played great, just not as many smiles (except while drumming!) or moving around the stage.
Opening and first 2/3 of main set had me fist-pumping head-banging with everybody (5 rows up into stands, about 25 floor-rows out from stage), and then the "collectors" songs started with Unemployable and you could feel the life drain out of the crowd. Present Tense was great, but the set limped into a very intense Lukin and Porch to close it out. It's not because Unemployable and Glorified G aren't popular songs, it's because they aren't popular and simply are not that good. Wishlist is good, but hardly an energizer.
Life returned to the crowd later with SOLAT, but then Ole before Alive to close Encore 1? I think it's a good song, but it's only been heard by 10C and Jimmy Fallon viewers! Fun to watch EV challenge the front row, but wtf do you expect Eddie? Everybody and their budgie pissing their pants to a song they've never heard before?! And then he calls them out in public! What a fucking prick.
Anyway, from then on it was full-on the best rock and roll you'll ever see. It was like a band-crew-party/reunion. Lots and lots of fun and awesome playing by everybody.
Looking forward to next time.
wow, first post ever, and you call Eddie a "fucking prick?"
San Diego 10/25/00 Irvine 6/03/03 Los Angeles 7/9/06 Los Angeles 7/10/06 Los Angeles 7/12/08 (VH1 Rock Honors the Who) Los Angeles 10/01/09 Los Angeles 4/12/08 (EV solo) Los Angeles 10/06/09 MSG 5/20/10 San Diego 7/5/11 (EV solo) Los Angeles 11/23/13 Los Angeles 11/24/13 Sao Paulo, Brazil 11/14/15 Ohana Encore 10/01/21 San Diego 5/03/22 Los Angeles 5/21/24 Los Angeles 5/22/24
pilate, glorified g, mankind!!!, smile, chloe dancer/crown of thorns, and little wing.
i would've shat myself by the end. wish i was there.
and eddie still had to call people out to get into it? jesus. oh well.
glad you guys had a good time, vancouver. hope it makes up for the shitty june. (hey at least you guys made it to the dance. i'm a leafs fan hahaha.)
Three shows into my girl and I's little mini tour and, for the first time in 20 years, I somehow landed front row. When I picked up my tickets, I saw the seat number and assumed it was the row, and I just steeled my resolve to just be in the same building as the band I've been traveling to see for at least as long as I have been passionate about music in general. It was like the pictures of the two profiles that make up the wine glass and as I stared at the tickets, I slowly realized that the row was actually the number 1 and the seat numbers on the two tickets were different. I began shaking all over and a smile wide enough to swallow the Georgia Straight came over my face. I spent the next several hours extremely excited, nervous, and just overcome with gratitude and anticipation...
FFWD to Mudhoney. Getting to the front row was quite a process involving multiple ticket inspections, several wristbands, etc. The first thing I noticed is how few people were in their seats just before the opening band. Front row? There was no way my girl and I were missing a minute of this.. Mudhoney is a great opener and each one of their band contributes a huge part of their very rocking high energy sound.
Then the first few strains of Philip Glass' Metamorphosis. House lights dropped and the band arrived to a flood of chemical reactions in my brain and an increase of blood pumping from my very full heart. Here, I must admit to a slight let down to hear EWBTC opener. After the -unbelievable version of Wash in Edmonton and the last show of the tour I expected something a little more stirring, but I knew what would follow would quickly remove any doubt. And the band immediately proved the theory right by rocking our asses off.
The experience was one of the most memorable and amazing of my whole experience with the band over 20 years and 40 some shows, but I have to make a few quick observations. Sound: I don't know what the front row is supposed to sound like because I've never been, but right away there were some high frequency overtones and a distinct blurring of the vocals that I have never heard before. Ed was visibly pissed off about some monitor issues and at one point even using his middle finger to gesture very angrily to someone side stage to turn something down in his monitors. Second: crowd. I can't really say anything about this- hello? Front row? All I know is that, despite my own foot injury I have been trying to nurse back to health this tour, I spent the entire show jumping on my good foot and singing along to every word. My girl danced her heart out. She spent the time between the opening band and the first set tearing the sleeves off her thermal for god's sakes! We were directly in front of Stone and from what I could tell, the people immediately to our left seemed to be really into the show and I have no idea about the people to my right as I was facing toward center stage most of the time. Sometime early in the set, I saw one of the PJ security people running toward the middle from stage right and stop directly in front of me. Behind us some drunk asshole had been running across the seats of the people in the second row. The security guy jumped up onto the bench fixed to backside of the barrier and grabbed the runner by the back of his shirt, but didn't really have the leverage to get him over the rail. I grabbed him around the middle and the both of us launched him over the barrier. On the way over, he kicked my girl in the head so hard he knocked his shoe off. It was still under her seat at the end of the show. When they lead him off to be kicked out presumably, I was hoping they would bring him back to me for just a minute. Despite a mild concussion and some bad energy, we none the less rocked our way through an amazing setlist for an amazing show. Ed seemed to miss the whole thing and we were bummed when he called out some people, apparently directly in front of him, that weren't giving back the kind of amazing energy the band brought and implicated the entire front row as being lackluster.
Amazing band, amazing performance, and incredible seats that made for a night I will remember always!
PERSONALLY, not my favorite show, but i probably should SHUT the H UP. I got a GREAT----Animal, Lukin, SMILE, and Chloe/Crown of NOT sure what im bitching about, but here I go.....
-venue, not great, no bars near venue. i normally DIG 10c pre partys, but that space was too clinical or off, felt like there was a "half priced books sale" so my only complaint there is where it was at, not the sweetness of OUR beloved 10c PEEPS!
-crowd, eh
- set list on paper seems better than it was in person. just felt OFF for some reason
-my seats KINDA SUCKED. those PRICKS in the front row, ID LOSE MY MIND FOR 3 hours if I was THAT CLOSE to GREATNESS, and im 38 and OLD, but id come PROPER! a holes
My last two shows were PJ20- Alpine, and I was 4th row night two, paid thru the nose, not 10c, but hey, what can I expect? nutin touching PJ20 weekend for awhile.......
I LOVE ALL you cra cra CRAZY, PJ peeps, guess it depends on who your arond as well..........
02. Hail Hail
03. Save You
04. Animal
05. Got Some
All second tracks from their studio albums. For a while I thought they were going to keep going and knock them all out. Even Flow and World Wide Suicide showed up later. All we were missing was Spin The Black Circle and Faithfull. 75% isn't bad!
02. Hail Hail
03. Save You
04. Animal
05. Got Some
All second tracks from their studio albums. For a while I thought they were going to keep going and knock them all out. Even Flow and World Wide Suicide showed up later. All we were missing was Spin The Black Circle and Faithfull. 75% isn't bad!
That's cool... I would have LOVED to get Spin The Black Circle!
LA 7/9/06 & 7/10/06
The Gorge 7/22/06 & 7/23/06
Antwerp 8/30/06
Bridge 2 10/22/06
Honolulu 12/2/06 & 12/9/06
Munich 6/12/07
Katowice 6/13/07, London 6/18/07, Lollapalooza 8/07, LA (EV) 4/12/08 & 4/13/08, Ouside Lands 09
Another awesome show. Tickets were not the greatest at all cause of all the out of towners, but didnt matter much when it was all over. Thanks again Pearl Jam!! I hope its not 2 years b4 I see another show though...
thanks to Nastasja, Zebra27, Reflectedfromafar, Gus, GD274660...what an epic night/weekend
Was great to meet you all. Thanks for the recommendations all weekend, you added to a great weekend.
To me, the crowd was good. B- grade, I think people are being a little harsh because the front row was poor. I was in 14 and everyone for 5-10 rows around me was on their feet the whole time and was into it. Was a great show, good luck in S. America!
Post edited by GD274660 on
San Jose 10/93, San Francisco 6/95, San Jose 11/95, St Louis 4/03, Columbus 5/10, MSGII 5/21/2010, Alpine Valley 09/03/2011 and 09/04/2011
this show was a blast! we had such a great time & really enjoyed getting to see friends from the us & canada that were there. got awesome seats...3 rows up on the side.
just totally dig the setlist! really couldn't have asked for a more amazingly rockin' setlist in my view. chloe dancer/crown of thorns was just beautiful. i love that we got treated to lots of no code... @ my 18th show i finally got to hear smile...fuck YES!
great, great show. crossed off four songs I'd never heard before and 5 more I'd only heard twice.
sunday and not a full arena meant there was no way we were gonna touch the energy of the last show here in 09. but we gave it a try, plus the amount of rarities in the set, meant casual fans were left out and the energy dipped. ED was PISSED at the end of Ole, wow. I have NEVER seen him that mad in person, or "that side" of him come out on stage, but it was intense as anything from back in the day. very cool to see he can turn that on.
i lost my shit during mankind and rocked HARD with the wife for that one, screaming the chorus.
pilate was a fantastic moment.
was definitely disappointed to hear small town get the start. call me a spoiled fan, but it did nothing for me. i still screamed hello, however. i was well aware of the significance of the next 4 songs as they happened, all number 2 on the studio albums.
Garden was excellent. Great stuff.
I cant wait to hear the Porch solo again, very unique.
Ed talked about Sept 11th and went into World Wide Suicide. Heavy stuff, and quite a downer. very sad.
I could take or leave Bee Girl, had already seen it in Van 05.
Chloe/Crown was out of this world. A moment I will never forget, goosebump city. I'm no stranger to crown (5 now), but the chloe intro was chilling. I would pick this as a moment to relive.
Smile was great to get, only had it once before in Boston, but trust me, when you hear the boot, the end is BOTCHED. very awkward end to the song, sounded odd.
Search and Destroy sounded waaaaaaaaaay better than it did in Calgary. Enjoyed it this time.
Free world was good as usual, but this performance was enhanced greatly by the Tim DeJulio guy, shit he was ripping it up, hard. Great soloing. And of course,
Ledbetter going into full Little Wing was fantastic. Mike killed, really in the zone. I love getting a song after Ledbetter, happened a few times no for me, its such a treat.
All in all, not the best show ever for myself, but a hell of a lot of GREAT moments. I just found it lacked a good flow, it gained momentum and lost it very easily, maybe because of the song choices.
Anyways, thats my take on it. See you in 2012 PJ!
Van '98, Sea I+II '00, Sea '01, Sea II '02, Van '03, Gorge, Van, Cal, Edm '05, Bos I+II, Phi I+II, DC, SF II+III, Port, Gorge I+II '06, DC, NY I+II '08, Sea I+II, Van, Ridge , LA III+IV' 09, Indy '10, Cal, Van '11, Lond, Van, Sea '13, Memphis '14, RRHOF '17, Sea I+II '18, Van I+II, Vegas I+II '24
Had someone told me Small Town opened last night, I would have NEVER expected the show that unfolded. This would appear to be the show to attend. Hail, hail the lucky ones.
Little Wing? I believe that hasn't been played since 1995 perhaps. Might only be the second time they've ever really attempted it. I'm curious to know if Bruce joined them for Chloe/Crown. It would seem pretty appropriate.
Little Wing played (at least) at Gorge in '06, I believe. Can't remember if it was 1 or 2. Bruce did not play Chloe/Crown.
"A compliment for us, is a compliment for you."
Vancouver '05, Denver I/II '06, Gorge I/II '06, MSG I/II '08, VH1 Rock Honors '08, Seattle I/II '09, Vancouver '11
EV: Portland '11, Seattle Benaroya I/II '11
I hadn't heard 3 of those songs. Period. So was great. Gotta say I'm tired of 'Rocking in the Free world' lol.
Audio: Wasn't super impressed, I could tell when Mudhoney was playing. Still, once your into it, you didn't notice.
Seats: For the amount of crap I went through with 10c, I was somewhat dissapointed, but we ended up sitting beside other 10c members who were in the same row as the 2009 Van show. That in itself was funny, it showed our membership numbers were consistant with seating.
Funny notes:
+Ha, Ed harps so bad on Seattle. He's done it at a few shows now. Give them a show in Seattle, then make fun of them.
+ Pre-party fundraiser was awesome! My wife and I were not sure if it would be as good as the Pub in 09', but it turned out fine. Looked like alot of donations. Met some other PJ'ers from Kelowna. (Who later got the Setlist
+ You know what I really was happy about, was soundcheck. It's weird, but was def happy listening to it. Would love to sit in on one.
- Holy c3ap, that poster is ugly. Ha, first time I didn't purchase from a show we went to. Arras France poster is the best still IMO! (biased, yes)
- Beer. You have got to be kidding me with that line up.
- Sound, mentioned, meh.
- Ed seemed sick for sure. Spittin, no swallowing remember.
- I knew that little kid was going to get a tamberine, was waiting to see it happen.
- Great guitar solo's.
- Acoustic song's made we wish Ed was doing another solo tour.
Thats it, Thats all. See you again in 2 years in Van. Or maybe Euro!
So much has been said that I agree with, so I'll just get on with the photos. I captured some good moments...Stone on Mankind, Matt/Stone swapped, etc. My favorite is Ed w/ the guitar during Porch.
"A compliment for us, is a compliment for you."
Vancouver '05, Denver I/II '06, Gorge I/II '06, MSG I/II '08, VH1 Rock Honors '08, Seattle I/II '09, Vancouver '11
EV: Portland '11, Seattle Benaroya I/II '11
Crazy! We read about a couple of incidents with security in the set list relay thread last night.
I think you hit the nail on the head. Some of us may be just as enthusiastic at a concert at 30+ as we were at 20, but I'm sure a lot of people don't rock out like they use to.
Also, people experience concerts differently. Sure, it's a little disappointing when the people around you aren't jumping up and down and dancing like you are, but it doesn't mean that they're not enjoying and appreciating Pearl Jam just as much as you are, and it doesn't lessen my PJ experience. I know a lot of people who think fist pumping, arm waving, and clapping along is cheesy... to each his own.
Great set list, Vancouver! You got some real gems, and I love the love for No Code last night.
here is a vid of the opening of the show:
1. I relayed the set to Drop The Leash 10 last night. That was actually really fun. I sold my extra 10c to a cool guy (Mike) and he helped me out on a couple of songs when it took me a while to figure it out. My biggest brain freeze came on Rockin' In the Free World. I kept thinking All Along the Watchtower; Mike gave me an initial look like I was insane for not knowing it, but helped me anyway. I was embarrassed :oops:
2. My first time using a 10c ticket. Sitting in the 10c section brings more energy and life to a PJ concert. I looked around at the other non-10c sections and they were not as enthusiastic. Made for a much more pleasant experience.
3. When Eddie threw a banjo to a 5 or 6 year old sitting on his Dad's shoulders. That was awesome!
4. Seeing security guards, not once but twice, tackle and throw concert goers out. Not sure what happened, but one of those was in the row behind me during Porch. :roll:
5. Crown of Fucking Thorns w/ Chloe Dancer prelude. Worth the price of admission just for that song. Beautiful and magical.
6. The setlist overall was superb. The only thing that would have made it perfect was a little Immortality dedicated to thefixer9
7. It was pretty clear that Eddie wasn't feeling 100%, but he persevered wonderfully. The whole band was great!
Great night!!
Sacramento, 7/16/1998
San Francisco, 7/18/2006
Oakland, 7/11/2011 (Eddie Vedder)
Vancouver, BC, 9/25/2011
Oakland, 10/26/2013
I wanna give a shout out to you awesome Canadians! You're good people.. As someone noted earlier, you did need Canadian money to buy a beer, and I unfortunately found that out AFTER I'd waited a half hour in line. (The merch and beer lines were my only complaint).. But a really nice local helped me out w/ local currency. (I know, I know, I should have had local currency. But I was only there for 12 hours!!)
Also the busses at the end of the night - "Just get on, don't worry about the fare".... who does that?!! Wonderful Vancouver - that's who.
I was in the 6th row on Stone's side, and I KNOW that we were all rockin' up there.. No lack of energy from us!
I also love how Eddie connects w/ the crowd. He looks out purposefully - he wants to see who's there, what people are up to -(Mike really does too).. And I love how they all connect on stage, huddling around Matt's kit, or when Ed walks over to Boom kinda just to check in .. Sets em apart from all the rest.
We all know it - but they really are the best.
And I love the fans too - seeing people on my flight up and back, coming from all over the world, and in the customs line at 5 AM this morning, as one friend put it, "We do what we gotta do..." Damn straight.
Thanks Pearl Jam and 10C - hope to catch up in South America!
The Gorge 7/22/06 & 7/23/06
Antwerp 8/30/06
Bridge 2 10/22/06
Honolulu 12/2/06 & 12/9/06
Munich 6/12/07
Katowice 6/13/07, London 6/18/07, Lollapalooza 8/07, LA (EV) 4/12/08 & 4/13/08, Ouside Lands 09
little wing was played as intrumental tab after YL and b4 star spangled banner at the gorge nite 1 in '06. following nite, they played it straight thru, lyrics and all, after ed popped up sang atop the soundboard roof - "this is for all my new friends in the back" get the boot. it is badass.
last nite, band seemed in great spirits, great setlist, met some really nice people from all over. great fucking time.
special thanks to 'calibigwave' jay for the hookup.
I was in the row behind you in seat 4! If you were around me, I might've pissed you off because I was singing along to every song since they pulled out such a fucking incredible setlist.
I wasn't so sure what happened with that guy in the row that got mugged by security, but I think he was taking someone else's seat, or at least was accused of doing so. It ruined the part of the Porch solo for me, right when they were showing tons of energy. I guess I'll have to wait for the bootlegs in order to fully enjoy it.
But like other people have said, just an amazing set list and an amazing night. 6 songs from No Code (!!!), Glorified G, Off He Goes, Bee Girl, Chloe Dancer/Crown of Thorns! The only ones I'm surprised of not hearing were Daughter and Better Man, but I guess they probably played those songs enough on the tour. I would easily trade Daughter and Better Man for the set list that we got tonight.
I hope to regain my voice and rest my neck, but what a night and incredible show. Thank you so much Pearl Jam for putting on an incredible show! I hope to possibly win the lottery time. It bummed me out when Ed was saying how the front rows were showing no energy (typical Seattle) while I was losing my voice from singing along to every song.
Pearl Jam:
Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Sep 21, 2009
Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC - Sep 25, 2011
Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Dec 6, 2013
Eddie Vedder Solo:
Benaroya Hall - Seattle, WA - Jul 15, 2011
The floor seat access beer line seemed shorter but I didn't really get a good look. No bathroom line-ups at all.
Great setlist, lots of fun with the instrument switching, and it's always a treat to be a part of a Happy Birthday, to George (Is this where I can formally request that the Ask George column be reinstated in Deep?) George must have the reflexes of a tiger and the wariness of a coyote to successfully avoid consecutive 2 cake attacks.
Mike doesn't play solos so much as he delivers sermons. Testify!
I haven't seen as many gigs as others 'round these parts - I think this is my 12th? But this one became my favourite show by the time they kicked into Garden.
That said, didn't stop us from standing and having a great time! Great show, great set list!
The in between is mine
I am mine”
wow, first post ever, and you call Eddie a "fucking prick?"
Irvine 6/03/03
Los Angeles 7/9/06
Los Angeles 7/10/06
Los Angeles 7/12/08 (VH1 Rock Honors the Who)
Los Angeles 10/01/09
Los Angeles 4/12/08 (EV solo)
Los Angeles 10/06/09
MSG 5/20/10
San Diego 7/5/11 (EV solo)
Los Angeles 11/23/13
Los Angeles 11/24/13
Sao Paulo, Brazil 11/14/15
Ohana Encore 10/01/21
San Diego 5/03/22
Los Angeles 5/21/24
Los Angeles 5/22/24
Yes it did, it was awesome
And his taste in music is kinda shitty too (well, I guess at least he likes SOME Pearl Jam). Umemployable is awesome. :P
i would've shat myself by the end. wish i was there.
and eddie still had to call people out to get into it? jesus. oh well.
glad you guys had a good time, vancouver. hope it makes up for the shitty june. (hey at least you guys made it to the dance. i'm a leafs fan hahaha.)
FFWD to Mudhoney. Getting to the front row was quite a process involving multiple ticket inspections, several wristbands, etc. The first thing I noticed is how few people were in their seats just before the opening band. Front row? There was no way my girl and I were missing a minute of this.. Mudhoney is a great opener and each one of their band contributes a huge part of their very rocking high energy sound.
Then the first few strains of Philip Glass' Metamorphosis. House lights dropped and the band arrived to a flood of chemical reactions in my brain and an increase of blood pumping from my very full heart. Here, I must admit to a slight let down to hear EWBTC opener. After the -unbelievable version of Wash in Edmonton and the last show of the tour I expected something a little more stirring, but I knew what would follow would quickly remove any doubt. And the band immediately proved the theory right by rocking our asses off.
The experience was one of the most memorable and amazing of my whole experience with the band over 20 years and 40 some shows, but I have to make a few quick observations. Sound: I don't know what the front row is supposed to sound like because I've never been, but right away there were some high frequency overtones and a distinct blurring of the vocals that I have never heard before. Ed was visibly pissed off about some monitor issues and at one point even using his middle finger to gesture very angrily to someone side stage to turn something down in his monitors. Second: crowd. I can't really say anything about this- hello? Front row? All I know is that, despite my own foot injury I have been trying to nurse back to health this tour, I spent the entire show jumping on my good foot and singing along to every word. My girl danced her heart out. She spent the time between the opening band and the first set tearing the sleeves off her thermal for god's sakes! We were directly in front of Stone and from what I could tell, the people immediately to our left seemed to be really into the show and I have no idea about the people to my right as I was facing toward center stage most of the time. Sometime early in the set, I saw one of the PJ security people running toward the middle from stage right and stop directly in front of me. Behind us some drunk asshole had been running across the seats of the people in the second row. The security guy jumped up onto the bench fixed to backside of the barrier and grabbed the runner by the back of his shirt, but didn't really have the leverage to get him over the rail. I grabbed him around the middle and the both of us launched him over the barrier. On the way over, he kicked my girl in the head so hard he knocked his shoe off. It was still under her seat at the end of the show. When they lead him off to be kicked out presumably, I was hoping they would bring him back to me for just a minute. Despite a mild concussion and some bad energy, we none the less rocked our way through an amazing setlist for an amazing show. Ed seemed to miss the whole thing and we were bummed when he called out some people, apparently directly in front of him, that weren't giving back the kind of amazing energy the band brought and implicated the entire front row as being lackluster.
Amazing band, amazing performance, and incredible seats that made for a night I will remember always!
-venue, not great, no bars near venue. i normally DIG 10c pre partys, but that space was too clinical or off, felt like there was a "half priced books sale" so my only complaint there is where it was at, not the sweetness of OUR beloved 10c PEEPS!
-crowd, eh
- set list on paper seems better than it was in person. just felt OFF for some reason
-my seats KINDA SUCKED. those PRICKS in the front row, ID LOSE MY MIND FOR 3 hours if I was THAT CLOSE to GREATNESS, and im 38 and OLD, but id come PROPER! a holes
My last two shows were PJ20- Alpine, and I was 4th row night two, paid thru the nose, not 10c, but hey, what can I expect? nutin touching PJ20 weekend for awhile.......
I LOVE ALL you cra cra CRAZY, PJ peeps, guess it depends on who your arond as well..........
03. Save You
04. Animal
05. Got Some
All second tracks from their studio albums. For a while I thought they were going to keep going and knock them all out. Even Flow and World Wide Suicide showed up later. All we were missing was Spin The Black Circle and Faithfull. 75% isn't bad!
That's cool... I would have LOVED to get Spin The Black Circle!
The Gorge 7/22/06 & 7/23/06
Antwerp 8/30/06
Bridge 2 10/22/06
Honolulu 12/2/06 & 12/9/06
Munich 6/12/07
Katowice 6/13/07, London 6/18/07, Lollapalooza 8/07, LA (EV) 4/12/08 & 4/13/08, Ouside Lands 09
Was great to meet you all. Thanks for the recommendations all weekend, you added to a great weekend.
To me, the crowd was good. B- grade, I think people are being a little harsh because the front row was poor. I was in 14 and everyone for 5-10 rows around me was on their feet the whole time and was into it. Was a great show, good luck in S. America!
just totally dig the setlist! really couldn't have asked for a more amazingly rockin' setlist in my view. chloe dancer/crown of thorns was just beautiful. i love that we got treated to lots of no code... @ my 18th show i finally got to hear smile...fuck YES!
don't it make me smile...
angels share laughter
sunday and not a full arena meant there was no way we were gonna touch the energy of the last show here in 09. but we gave it a try, plus the amount of rarities in the set, meant casual fans were left out and the energy dipped. ED was PISSED at the end of Ole, wow. I have NEVER seen him that mad in person, or "that side" of him come out on stage, but it was intense as anything from back in the day. very cool to see he can turn that on.
i lost my shit during mankind and rocked HARD with the wife for that one, screaming the chorus.
pilate was a fantastic moment.
was definitely disappointed to hear small town get the start. call me a spoiled fan, but it did nothing for me. i still screamed hello, however. i was well aware of the significance of the next 4 songs as they happened, all number 2 on the studio albums.
Garden was excellent. Great stuff.
I cant wait to hear the Porch solo again, very unique.
Ed talked about Sept 11th and went into World Wide Suicide. Heavy stuff, and quite a downer. very sad.
I could take or leave Bee Girl, had already seen it in Van 05.
Chloe/Crown was out of this world. A moment I will never forget, goosebump city. I'm no stranger to crown (5 now), but the chloe intro was chilling. I would pick this as a moment to relive.
Smile was great to get, only had it once before in Boston, but trust me, when you hear the boot, the end is BOTCHED. very awkward end to the song, sounded odd.
Search and Destroy sounded waaaaaaaaaay better than it did in Calgary. Enjoyed it this time.
Free world was good as usual, but this performance was enhanced greatly by the Tim DeJulio guy, shit he was ripping it up, hard. Great soloing. And of course,
Ledbetter going into full Little Wing was fantastic. Mike killed, really in the zone. I love getting a song after Ledbetter, happened a few times no for me, its such a treat.
All in all, not the best show ever for myself, but a hell of a lot of GREAT moments. I just found it lacked a good flow, it gained momentum and lost it very easily, maybe because of the song choices.
Anyways, thats my take on it. See you in 2012 PJ!
Little Wing played (at least) at Gorge in '06, I believe. Can't remember if it was 1 or 2. Bruce did not play Chloe/Crown.
Vancouver '05, Denver I/II '06, Gorge I/II '06, MSG I/II '08, VH1 Rock Honors '08, Seattle I/II '09, Vancouver '11
EV: Portland '11, Seattle Benaroya I/II '11
I hadn't heard 3 of those songs. Period. So was great. Gotta say I'm tired of 'Rocking in the Free world' lol.
Audio: Wasn't super impressed, I could tell when Mudhoney was playing. Still, once your into it, you didn't notice.
Seats: For the amount of crap I went through with 10c, I was somewhat dissapointed, but we ended up sitting beside other 10c members who were in the same row as the 2009 Van show. That in itself was funny, it showed our membership numbers were consistant with seating.
Funny notes:
+Ha, Ed harps so bad on Seattle. He's done it at a few shows now. Give them a show in Seattle, then make fun of them.
+ Pre-party fundraiser was awesome! My wife and I were not sure if it would be as good as the Pub in 09', but it turned out fine. Looked like alot of donations. Met some other PJ'ers from Kelowna. (Who later got the Setlist
+ You know what I really was happy about, was soundcheck. It's weird, but was def happy listening to it. Would love to sit in on one.
- Holy c3ap, that poster is ugly. Ha, first time I didn't purchase from a show we went to. Arras France poster is the best still IMO! (biased, yes)
- Beer. You have got to be kidding me with that line up.
- Sound, mentioned, meh.
- Ed seemed sick for sure. Spittin, no swallowing remember.
- I knew that little kid was going to get a tamberine, was waiting to see it happen.
- Great guitar solo's.
- Acoustic song's made we wish Ed was doing another solo tour.
Thats it, Thats all. See you again in 2 years in Van. Or maybe Euro!
Vancouver '05, Denver I/II '06, Gorge I/II '06, MSG I/II '08, VH1 Rock Honors '08, Seattle I/II '09, Vancouver '11
EV: Portland '11, Seattle Benaroya I/II '11