I just watched it twice on Verizon On-demand. I loved It. But, I am so jealous reading all of the reviews from everyone that was lucky enough to see it with a large crowd. Unfortuntely, it was not shown anywhere close to Pittsburgh. Watching, cheering and singing along by myself was not the same. I thought all of the rare footage was amazing. Loved it!
OMG!! That movie so Rocked & you could hear a pin drop in the cinema, lots of die hard fans in there. Yeah no biggie about drummer history, all bands go through different creative paths & change but not too worry I could watch Matt Cameron play all day.
I think everyone should see this movie, such a great insight to their music lives & thought it had a good balance of all pj members. I laughed, I cried ...it was brilliant.
I just want to congratulate all you boys, you've made your families & fans so proud. What I love is that you've dealt with all those pressures being in the spotlight, you're still so down to earth, not pretentious, kept your cool through all the bullshit, your fans truly respect you & each other.
Hope to see you in 2012 back in Australia again!!
Loved it!!! (even better than the fooies one lol, well that's probably because I love PJ way more)
Just can't wait to get all my other goodies now.
Much Love & Respect xo
Very short and to the point. It was okay. It was kind of all over the place at times and slow. There were funny moments and touching ones.
I think it could have been done a lot better and told a complete story. Like someone stated before, if I were gonna introduce a new fan to PJ, I would not send them to this movie as it never really did them justice.
At times I felt like I was watching a 2 hour long music video.
Having been a pj fan for over 20 years now, I would have to say I guess after having seen the Foos documentary, I was let down by this one. Theirs, while different angle wise, seemed to be complete as this one was all over the place at times...
3 outta 5 stars.
Yes. unfortunately. But the soundtrack? 7 out of 5 stars. Make that 10.
Saw it for the second time last night at the great old Brattle in Cambridge, might see if I can scare up another ticket before it leaves the 'big screen' for good.
Anyone notice the credits noted a lot of folk who weren't in the film (Springsteen and others). Guess they show up on the DVD.
Film good but too short and with so little time I might have spent less on Andy Wood (sorry MLB fans no disrespect intended!) It seemed to celebrate longevity in the end instead of AMAZING music and vitality. Being together 20 years isn't such a feat; it's what they've DONE with it.
saw it for the 1st time at the Franklin Institute last night. definitely cool seeing it on a bigger screen and great sound system. glad i didn't try it on the on-demand before seeing it in a theater setting. kind of surprised that for a tuesday night in the city theater still had probably 200 or so people in it and everyone was really quiet. i don't think anyone got up at all during the showing. very good crowd. like a few have said not totally blown away since there was almost nothing new that most of us weren't aware about the band but still was really darn good. so many parts of the movie took me back to the times and feeling of those years. even watching the MTV clips was a reminder of what that once was. so many thoughts collided as i watched. thoughts of things i was going through in those years, the how and where PJ became and was a part of my life. they did kind of breeze past the last 10 years but i guess that was because of time constraints.
some of my favorite parts: video of Ed going nuts on the security guard during Breath, Ed showing the picture of his dad, Ed getting emotional when talking about rooming with Jeff on the 1st tour, stone's general sarcasm, jeff comparing his career at the time to the clippers, and of course Ed on Time magazine with the insert on the right corner of the mag talking about 'those phabulous phillies'.
edit: how could i forget stone saying 'our guys really fucking good too' - that was so cool.
Must admit - I have much love for the drummers - but i don't get why people feel there needs to be more time dedicated to explaining everything? Just move on - obviously they have. I think more than anything the film is a celebration of the band's ability to ride the waves and still be standing on their boards 20 years after they first paddled out. Some people expect too much of this band sometimes I believe. They already give us so much. It's why many bands build up walls and hold back on things because the more you open up to your fans the more they want from you. I'm grateful we get as much as we are given. They don't owe me anything more than what they already have given. It's all icing on the cake at the moment. Great film. Very energizing.
I agree! well said! let them be or Ed will put up an even bigger wall in front of his house.
~ * ~ * 12/7/03: Long live YIELD night!! * ~ * ~
i've got scratches all over my arms....one for each day since i fell apart. i did what i had to do....if there was a reason, it was you...
Ok, so just got home from the Scottsdale, AZ showing. I originally had tix for Tucson, as that was the only theater showing it within driving distance (1 1/2 hours away), but then I got an email for the IPIC theater in Scottsdale regarding an 8:00 showing. It is a great theater that serves beer/wine/cocktails, and they eventually added at least 6 more screenings b/c the 8:00 sold out. Awesome venue.
As for the movie, thank you Cameron Crowe. I recall seeing Singles in the theater back in the day and enjoying it, yet, I have always thought it was the best soundtrack ever. Then, Cameron topped himself with the in-depth look at the Yield album (Single Video Theory), which may explain some of that album's absence b/c hardcore fans surely have that album - although I missed it as well. As a huge Almost Famous fan, Cameron Crowe has even topped his greatest MOVIES. This was the best theater experience I have had in a decade, and I was a film minor at USC.
The footage he was able to put together and the editing is amazing. PJ has been the soundtrack to my life, as Ten peaked my interest in middle school, I stuck with No Code/Yield through college when most bailed, and my love for this band has grown bigger by the year, including Man of the Hour almost single-handedly getting through my father's suicide. Cameron Crowe just "gets it" with this band, and we are lucky for him to be able to communicate to the masses what we hardcore fans already know. While my favorite album has migrated to No Code, these albums have to grow on you. It is a really uneven studio album at first listen (i.e. Sometimes to Hail Hail to Who You Are is a strange transition) - having said that, these three are GEMS if you are reading this forum. The beauty of the movie is that it will maybe provide some incentive for fans of the early days to discover what the fans that stuck with them already knew - this band has simply aged better than wine.
Thank you PJ and Cameron Crowe - I cannot wait until PJ30
so sorry about your dad, but appreciate you sharing such a personal time relating to PJ. so many of us grew up going through school with them by our side...I remember driving my car in FL blasting Yield and loving every second. Hail Hail is one of my fav songs, so I'm so happy that made the first movie. can't wait for the dvd/blu ray!!!! and so happy to be around such incredibly passionate fans.
~ * ~ * 12/7/03: Long live YIELD night!! * ~ * ~
i've got scratches all over my arms....one for each day since i fell apart. i did what i had to do....if there was a reason, it was you...
Loved it...to me the best part was Stone and Eddie on the bus working on "Daughter"....just awesome stuff
Saw it in Indy at 7pm.....if you were the asshole behind me (the only asshole in the theater acting like a drunk moron) that kept making that piercing whistle you don't realize how close I was to kicking your teeth in
LOL! I felt the same way at Alpine. I wanted to throw the drunk idiots down the mountain. And since we're venting....to the nasty b behind me on the 10c lawn, I hope you had a better night. She was mad b/c I let 2 of MY FRIENDS stand with me to watch the show. She (as I did) were planted on the lawn for a few hours prior so when people who "didn't put the time in" came up next to me, she got her panties all in a bunch claiming she wasn't able to see anymore. It's not like they had HUGE jumbo-trons or anything. Geesh! Hope she got laid that night b/c she NEEDED it!
~ * ~ * 12/7/03: Long live YIELD night!! * ~ * ~
i've got scratches all over my arms....one for each day since i fell apart. i did what i had to do....if there was a reason, it was you...
the movie was so great to see. so much better than expected and i expected it to be great. can't wait till i get my blu ray extra footage discs. been trying to find it on demand for cablevision optimum "IO" but it doesn't seem to be anywhere. was wondering if anyone else was having a problem. i live in the dutchess county new york area. thanks for your time. once again great movie and can't wait to see it again.
I had to read everyone's reviews before writing my own. I was in NYC on the first night waiting in line w/my fellow fans. I actually FORGOT my credit card that I purchased the tickets with and nearly had a heart attack, but was able to find the confirmation email on my phone. Thank goodness for smart phones!!!!
I was stoked to see people wearing their PJ gear (shirts, hats, etc...I even saw the PJ vans! pretty cool for guys). I had my misprinted Alpine sweatshirt on. Going into the theatre, I was surprised (but happy) at how small and intimate the theatre was. There were some whistles and shouts about the TEN CLUB which made everyone giddy for the show to start. The girl from the Alpine YouTube video opening her 10c tickets was there and it was funny b/c some people took photos with her. A fan became famous amongst the club which was cool b/c it meant most people there were REAL fans and follow all of the posts, videos, etc.
I was pretty much mesmerized the entire movie and had a REALLY hard time getting up after the credits were over and the lights came on. I definitely wanted more.
Amazing highlights for me was seeing footage of shows I was at b/c it made me feel like I was part of not only the movie, but part of THEIR history rather than them being such a big part of mine. They are in all of my videos and photos so it was really cool to be in theirs. Singing along to Betterman at MSG was emotional, beautiful, and a night I'll never forget..it brought me right back when I saw it on the big screen. But even moreso was the footage from Nassau Coliseum when they got "booed" for Bu$hleager. That was actually my very first concert (even though I've been a fan from the start). My dad got me 1 ticket (yes, a SINGLE ticket) for my birthday...was up in the nosebleeds. I had binoculars (that he gave me..lol). I worked my way down to better seats, but I nearly cried when they were getting boo'ed b/c I was so amazed I was actually there in person with them! Oh what a night!
The Singles party was hilarious. My husband was with me and is also in a band. At dinner after the show he was telling me how all bands have a night like that and how he could relate to when Ed was rolling around on stage in a drunken stupor b/c he also did the same. lol! It was great b/c my husband told me a story about himself before we were together...and it was all sparked b/c of PJ and this film. (We have a lot connections with the band, though....the first time we MET was at a PJ concert) ; ) It's always amazing to me how a band and their music can have such a direct impact on how they shape people's live....MY life.
I loved Neil laughing behind stage....I loved the sobering tribute to Andy and getting a peek at his relationship with Chris all b/c Stone didn't want to move out of his house....I loved that they (Andy & Chris) created a song in their rooms every day to play for each other....
To even get a glimpse into their lives like this is a gift so I can't and won't complain how later footage wasn't in the film. How many of you go around with video camera's documenting your lives? Not many I suspect. It's really spectacular to have so much early footage of not only shows, but they guys just hanging out on their couch, in their RV, the backstage footage...so much!
I cracked up when they showed images of the "grunge" era..in particular the Guess ad (any other gals out there catch that?) That was such a HUGE ad in all of the magazine back then...it was such a blast from the past to see it again. And how about Stone and Jeff saying HI in Spanish for MTV? lol! That was hilarious!
I could go on and on about all the magnificent parts of the film and how perfectly the songs matched up and told the stories for them. The following morning I took out my Mother Love Bone, Singles and Temple of the Dog albums to listen on my drive to work. I thought of Andy...and Chris and also how Eddie said how much he loved performing Hunger Strike and how meaningful it is to him.
In a way, I wish the film came out before the Alpine Valley show so all the TOTD naysayers claiming Chris took up too much time would just sit back and shut up. He lost a best friend and was paying tribute to him and the great friends he's been left with b/c of the horrible tragedy. I'm not us fans will ever get to see that again so I really cherish the fact I was there. Think about it...if not for Andy's untimely death, there would be no Pearl Jam. Can you even imagine a world without them??? So, if Chris and the boys want to sing 50 songs in his honor, then so be it!
I look forward to seeing more on the blu-ray and sharing more thoughts with my fellow fam jamily! We are such a lucky group.
Thank you Cameron and thank you Pearl Jam. I hope that wall I signed at Alpine does go up in your studio (I heard) and you feel the true love from all of us. You've been the soundtrack to my life and I'll be forever grateful.
Here's to 20 more years together!
~ * ~ * 12/7/03: Long live YIELD night!! * ~ * ~
i've got scratches all over my arms....one for each day since i fell apart. i did what i had to do....if there was a reason, it was you...
phenomenal documentary, better than i expected. would've liked to see more stuff during the mid 90s and more about the drummer situation but besides that it was great. crowe definitely knows how to make a movie
Beacon '08
Philly 2-4 '09
Newark '10
MSG 1+2 '10
E.V. Beacon 1+2 '11
Made in America Festival '12
Worcester 1+2 '13
Brooklyn 1+2 '13
Global Citizens Festival '15
MSG 1+2 '16
Fenway Park 1+2 '16 Ohana '17 Home Shows 1+2 '18 Ohana '18 Ohana '19 Sea Hear Now '21 Ohana '21 LA 1+2 '22 Austin 1+2 '23 Ohana '23 Vegas 1+2 '24 LA 1+2 '24 MSG 1+2 '24 Ohana '24
I've ordered book and CD but they haven't arrived yet (in Australia). Saw the movie, Cameron did a great job. Interesting to note, it is school vacation time here and we went to a lot of movies. PJ20 was the only full theatre!
Loved it and it was shown for free in my town. I wished they would have focussed on the fans a little more. Also they should have mentioned Ames bros and B. Klausen. IMHO. Other than that it was fucking awesome. I can't wait to see it again.
Did I read somewhere that it was going to be on PBS in the near future?
Just saw it last night, really cool with some notes..
I went to school for film, and started specifically in Documentary, so to see a Doc about my favorite band was a real treat, having said that going to film school makes you overly critical and analytic about art in general. Which is unfortunate, some time its hard to turn off the inner critic or "how could this be better" type of mind set.
I guess, I was anticipated it to be super personal, somewhere along the lines of the book "Five Against One" though that wasn't an official source telling. They really didn't go into depth about Mike's personal stuff and what ever tension they're may have been with Ed and Stone.
From a film makers perspective maybe wanted more a linear story. They really glossed over the albums. I'm super grateful Yield has it's own Dvd, I'd love to watch any raw footage from that and I liked how the included some interviews from that era. Having said that there was some heavy stuff Chris Cornell teary up over Andy, felt like I was in the room with him. The origin story or release I got teary too!
And the drummer thing...wow they really just skimmed that. It's a pretty lengthy piece though, and I understand only so much can be put in, especially cause they're also trying to snare non Pj fans.
I order the Special Edition DVd, and am looking forward to the additional footage that's put on for that.
Having said that Cameron Crowe tried to cram 20 years into a 2 hour film and thats a hefty job.
Can't wait for the dvd!
I admit, times have gotten tough...and my PJ Memebership was tossed to the side. Not by choice. I apologize. But I did re-new....with a new number...SUX! But I NEVER stopped loving you!!! Regardless - just watched PJ20 on "In Demand" via Xfinity/Comcast! What can I say...? It was....Wonderful! Just loved it!!!My husband loved it! We all grow older together... Us and our "Pearl Jam!" You remain the music of our LIFE!Just ordered the DVD! Can't wait! I have friends whom can't wait to view! (Pearl Jam Fans....from Australia.) Dinner/Wine Party and PJ 20 viewing!!! I still love you Pearl Jam! ALWAYS will! You remain in my heart! Always! Happy 20th!
"Vitology" is MY favorite! "Yield" is awesome....but "Release" from "Ten" is probably my favorite. Hope I didn't make a mistake (Mojitos tonite!) If so - I WILL correct myself!
I refuse to post a silly "Smiley"
If you didn't get a chance to see the movie and are in the New York City area The Showcase Cinema de Lux Ridge Hill in Yonkers is playing PJ20 Thursday October 6th through Saturday October 8th nationalamusements.com for showtimes.
Caught the second screening in Toronto @ The Ryerson. Incredible atmosphere for the film. Hard to keep a dry eye for the Denmark footage.
I then went to the UK screening in Manchester (OK, OK, Salford...) and it was just as good the second time around.
Manchester 04.06.00, Leeds 25.08.06, Wembley 18.06.07, Dusseldorf 21.06.07, Shepherds Bush 11.08.09, Manchester 17.08.09, Adelaide 17.11.09, Melbourne 20.11.09, Sydney 22.11.09, Brisbane 25.11.09, MSG1 20.05.10, MSG2 21.05.10, Dublin 22.06.10, Belfast 23.06.10, London 25.06.10, Long Beach 06.07.11 (EV), Los Angeles 08.07.11 (EV), Toronto 11.09.11, Toronto 12.09.11, Ottawa 14.09.11, Hamilton 14.09.11, Manchester 20.06.12, Manchester 21.06.12, Amsterdam 26.06.2012, Amsterdam 27.06.2012, Berlin 04.07.12, Berlin 05.07.12, Stockholm 07.07.12, Oslo 09.07.12, Copenhagen 10.07.12, Manchester 28.07.12 (EV), Brooklyn 18.10.13, Brooklyn 19.10.13, Philly 21.10.13, Philly 22.10.13, San Diego 21.11.13, LA 23.11.13, LA 24.11.13, Oakland 26.11.13, Portland 29.11.13, Spokane 30.11.13, Calgary 02.12.13, Vancouver 04.12.13, Seattle 06.12.13, Trieste 22.06.14, Vienna 25.06.14, Berlin 26.06.14, Stockholm 28.06.14, Leeds 08.07.14, Philly 28.04.16, Philly 28.04.16, MSG1 01.05.16, MSG2 02.05.16
Wow I have not posted here in a while. PJ20 is excellent . The way it was put together with the footage they had was excellent. It left you feeling a little personal feeling with the band. And how Seattle was different from the other music city icons. It was nice to see how they all hung out. Seeing the ups and downs and fun that has happen over the years was very heart felt. And when you go to your next concert there will be such a strong connection with them it may be over whelming. As a fan PJ20 has not only given you thier history but your own as well... I Loved It
I really don't care that not everything I wanted to see was covered. I thought the pacing was just right. It was thoroughly entertaining start to finish.
Watching it with so many like-minded people was a treat (and worth the $19 for parking, let alone the cost of admission).
After having read the book, it seemed like they could have made the documentary ten hours long (not that I would have minded one bit). Overall, I think the book and documentary compliment each other nicely while avoid being too redundant of one another.
I can already see myself going through the book while watching the DVD, because I'm a nerd like that.
I on-demanded the movie last night. I loved it. My 13 year old boy watched too. (even with all the f bombs...whatever, it's american history.) I watched it again when I got home from work. I plan on doing the same tomorrow.
***Desperately looking for a Pearl Jam Phillies themed Oct. 31 Philadelphia shirt in M or L. Got one you don't want/need? Help a brother out!
I walked into a shop last week that sold 'real life' books and I couldn't believe IT! .....
I saw a big, white, thick book I was not expecting to see. I almost fainted.
I wanted to buy it NOW!,
but stupid priorities stuck their head in.
I put food on the table instead.
But what I really want to say is,
I just put a * Stickman * sticker on the rear window of my car,
I should have done it 20 years ago.
I think everyone should see this movie, such a great insight to their music lives & thought it had a good balance of all pj members. I laughed, I cried ...it was brilliant.
I just want to congratulate all you boys, you've made your families & fans so proud. What I love is that you've dealt with all those pressures being in the spotlight, you're still so down to earth, not pretentious, kept your cool through all the bullshit, your fans truly respect you & each other.
Hope to see you in 2012 back in Australia again!!
Loved it!!! (even better than the fooies one lol, well that's probably because I love PJ way more)
Just can't wait to get all my other goodies now.
Much Love & Respect xo
Anyone notice the credits noted a lot of folk who weren't in the film (Springsteen and others). Guess they show up on the DVD.
Film good but too short and with so little time I might have spent less on Andy Wood (sorry MLB fans no disrespect intended!) It seemed to celebrate longevity in the end instead of AMAZING music and vitality. Being together 20 years isn't such a feat; it's what they've DONE with it.
some of my favorite parts: video of Ed going nuts on the security guard during Breath, Ed showing the picture of his dad, Ed getting emotional when talking about rooming with Jeff on the 1st tour, stone's general sarcasm, jeff comparing his career at the time to the clippers, and of course Ed on Time magazine with the insert on the right corner of the mag talking about 'those phabulous phillies'.
edit: how could i forget stone saying 'our guys really fucking good too' - that was so cool.
Watched it last night... what an experience...
So many emotions! After the movie I was kinda "drunk" from all the feelings. What a great great story.
...is it so wrong to think that love can keep us safe?
I agree! well said! let them be or Ed will put up an even bigger wall in front of his house.
i've got scratches all over my arms....one for each day since i fell apart. i did what i had to do....if there was a reason, it was you...
so sorry about your dad, but appreciate you sharing such a personal time relating to PJ. so many of us grew up going through school with them by our side...I remember driving my car in FL blasting Yield and loving every second. Hail Hail is one of my fav songs, so I'm so happy that made the first movie. can't wait for the dvd/blu ray!!!! and so happy to be around such incredibly passionate fans.
i've got scratches all over my arms....one for each day since i fell apart. i did what i had to do....if there was a reason, it was you...
LOL! I felt the same way at Alpine. I wanted to throw the drunk idiots down the mountain. And since we're venting....to the nasty b behind me on the 10c lawn, I hope you had a better night. She was mad b/c I let 2 of MY FRIENDS stand with me to watch the show. She (as I did) were planted on the lawn for a few hours prior so when people who "didn't put the time in" came up next to me, she got her panties all in a bunch claiming she wasn't able to see anymore. It's not like they had HUGE jumbo-trons or anything. Geesh! Hope she got laid that night b/c she NEEDED it!
i've got scratches all over my arms....one for each day since i fell apart. i did what i had to do....if there was a reason, it was you...
I was stoked to see people wearing their PJ gear (shirts, hats, etc...I even saw the PJ vans! pretty cool for guys). I had my misprinted Alpine sweatshirt on. Going into the theatre, I was surprised (but happy) at how small and intimate the theatre was. There were some whistles and shouts about the TEN CLUB which made everyone giddy for the show to start. The girl from the Alpine YouTube video opening her 10c tickets was there and it was funny b/c some people took photos with her. A fan became famous amongst the club which was cool b/c it meant most people there were REAL fans and follow all of the posts, videos, etc.
I was pretty much mesmerized the entire movie and had a REALLY hard time getting up after the credits were over and the lights came on. I definitely wanted more.
Amazing highlights for me was seeing footage of shows I was at b/c it made me feel like I was part of not only the movie, but part of THEIR history rather than them being such a big part of mine. They are in all of my videos and photos so it was really cool to be in theirs.
The Singles party was hilarious. My husband was with me and is also in a band. At dinner after the show he was telling me how all bands have a night like that and how he could relate to when Ed was rolling around on stage in a drunken stupor b/c he also did the same. lol! It was great b/c my husband told me a story about himself before we were together...and it was all sparked b/c of PJ and this film. (We have a lot connections with the band, though....the first time we MET was at a PJ concert) ; ) It's always amazing to me how a band and their music can have such a direct impact on how they shape people's live....MY life.
I loved Neil laughing behind stage....I loved the sobering tribute to Andy and getting a peek at his relationship with Chris all b/c Stone didn't want to move out of his house....I loved that they (Andy & Chris) created a song in their rooms every day to play for each other....
To even get a glimpse into their lives like this is a gift so I can't and won't complain how later footage wasn't in the film. How many of you go around with video camera's documenting your lives? Not many I suspect. It's really spectacular to have so much early footage of not only shows, but they guys just hanging out on their couch, in their RV, the backstage footage...so much!
I cracked up when they showed images of the "grunge" era..in particular the Guess ad (any other gals out there catch that?) That was such a HUGE ad in all of the magazine back then...it was such a blast from the past to see it again. And how about Stone and Jeff saying HI in Spanish for MTV? lol! That was hilarious!
I could go on and on about all the magnificent parts of the film and how perfectly the songs matched up and told the stories for them. The following morning I took out my Mother Love Bone, Singles and Temple of the Dog albums to listen on my drive to work. I thought of Andy...and Chris and also how Eddie said how much he loved performing Hunger Strike and how meaningful it is to him.
In a way, I wish the film came out before the Alpine Valley show so all the TOTD naysayers claiming Chris took up too much time would just sit back and shut up. He lost a best friend and was paying tribute to him and the great friends he's been left with b/c of the horrible tragedy. I'm not us fans will ever get to see that again so I really cherish the fact I was there. Think about it...if not for Andy's untimely death, there would be no Pearl Jam. Can you even imagine a world without them??? So, if Chris and the boys want to sing 50 songs in his honor, then so be it!
I look forward to seeing more on the blu-ray and sharing more thoughts with my fellow fam jamily! We are such a lucky group.
Thank you Cameron and thank you Pearl Jam. I hope that wall I signed at Alpine does go up in your studio (I heard) and you feel the true love from all of us. You've been the soundtrack to my life and I'll be forever grateful.
Here's to 20 more years together!
i've got scratches all over my arms....one for each day since i fell apart. i did what i had to do....if there was a reason, it was you...
Philly 2-4 '09
Newark '10
MSG 1+2 '10
E.V. Beacon 1+2 '11
Made in America Festival '12
Worcester 1+2 '13
Brooklyn 1+2 '13
Global Citizens Festival '15
MSG 1+2 '16
Fenway Park 1+2 '16
Ohana '17
Home Shows 1+2 '18
Ohana '18
Ohana '19
Sea Hear Now '21
Ohana '21
LA 1+2 '22
Austin 1+2 '23
Ohana '23
Vegas 1+2 '24
LA 1+2 '24
MSG 1+2 '24
Ohana '24
really??? I watched it in Cinepolis Universidad Sept/20th... IT WAS AWESOME!!!!
may be you bought tickets por 21st or 22nd, didn't you?
won't let the darkness swallow me
Did I read somewhere that it was going to be on PBS in the near future?
I went to school for film, and started specifically in Documentary, so to see a Doc about my favorite band was a real treat, having said that going to film school makes you overly critical and analytic about art in general. Which is unfortunate, some time its hard to turn off the inner critic or "how could this be better" type of mind set.
I guess, I was anticipated it to be super personal, somewhere along the lines of the book "Five Against One" though that wasn't an official source telling. They really didn't go into depth about Mike's personal stuff and what ever tension they're may have been with Ed and Stone.
From a film makers perspective maybe wanted more a linear story. They really glossed over the albums. I'm super grateful Yield has it's own Dvd, I'd love to watch any raw footage from that and I liked how the included some interviews from that era. Having said that there was some heavy stuff Chris Cornell teary up over Andy, felt like I was in the room with him. The origin story or release I got teary too!
And the drummer thing...wow they really just skimmed that. It's a pretty lengthy piece though, and I understand only so much can be put in, especially cause they're also trying to snare non Pj fans.
I order the Special Edition DVd, and am looking forward to the additional footage that's put on for that.
Having said that Cameron Crowe tried to cram 20 years into a 2 hour film and thats a hefty job.
Can't wait for the dvd!
Yep, PBS is going to show the movie on Oct. 21:
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters ... film/1860/
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
I refuse to post a silly "Smiley"
"Empty pockets will Allow a greater Sense of wealth...." EV/ITW
I then went to the UK screening in Manchester (OK, OK, Salford...) and it was just as good the second time around.
I loved it!!!!
I really don't care that not everything I wanted to see was covered. I thought the pacing was just right. It was thoroughly entertaining start to finish.
Watching it with so many like-minded people was a treat (and worth the $19 for parking, let alone the cost of admission).
After having read the book, it seemed like they could have made the documentary ten hours long (not that I would have minded one bit). Overall, I think the book and documentary compliment each other nicely while avoid being too redundant of one another.
I can already see myself going through the book while watching the DVD, because I'm a nerd like that.
I walked into a shop last week that sold 'real life' books and I couldn't believe IT! .....
I saw a big, white, thick book I was not expecting to see. I almost fainted.
I wanted to buy it NOW!,
but stupid priorities stuck their head in.
I put food on the table instead.
But what I really want to say is,
I just put a * Stickman * sticker on the rear window of my car,
I should have done it 20 years ago.
Cheers to Pearl Jam ** CLINK **