What is there to say?
An amazing movie made about your favorite source of entertainment, by an acclaimed director. Does it get any better?
I listen to Pearl Jam every day at work for hours. I weight lift to Pearl Jam at the gym after work. I visit the site almost every night and day to check setlist, news and stories. Whenever I’m in a good mood I hum the chorus of “Alive.” I compare every single song or artist I hear to the band. I have a tattoo, a room dedicated with framed posters full of all of the shows I went to. I would and have driven countless hours to get the feeling that I get and only get when these 6 guys are together. It’s almost incomprehensible to my friends, co-workers and family.
All of that being said, this movie exceeded my expectations. I was glued to the screen for a complete 109 minutes straight. Songs that I didn’t appreciate so much throughout the years, “Blood,” “Not For You,” I have a whole new fascination with. It was perfect.
This band transcends music as an entertainment medium. Sure, the albums Riot Act, Avocado and Backspacer were overlooked in the film but justifiably so. The band has so much history. I appreciated the narration of Green River and the creation of the term “Grunge.” As much as I like Nirvana, it is my deepest wish that every person who claims that Cobain invented the genre are forced to watch this film. Stating that Kurt “invented” grunge is comparable to people believing that Christopher Columbus “discovered” America. While on the subject, the Kurt story was touching. Although I haven’t seen the footage since I was 9 years old, the Andy Rooney narrative literally struck a nerve that pissed me off.
My favorite scenes:
Security Guard
Do the Evolution
Seeing three of my favorite shows that I attended being shown in a movie director by Cameron Crowe. (MSG, Philly 3 and 4 (if you look close in the beginning of the film the is concert footage from Philly 4, easy to tell by the falling confetti)
Also, a few weeks ago I was trying to get attention to get an Ames night 1 poster by posting a trivia question so I’ll just answer it as a fun fact. The two completely different songs with the same title that Eddie has sung is “Little Sister.” (Elvis cover and QOTSA guest appearance.)
I felt like I was watching a familiar story about some close friends and that I could share their tears and laughter with them. Then I had the sad realization that I have never actually met any of them. Maybe one day ...
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
This movie went beyond my expectations...it was AMAZING and I can't wait to own it so I can check out the bonus footage. I've been a fan since 1991 and I couldn't have asked for more in this film. It really hit me on a personal level too...
My heart dropped when I heard my brother's voice in the film from an interview he had with Eddie almost 20 years ago in Columbus. We lost him a month later in a traffic accident. They used snippets from the interview in two parts of the movie. Hearing this proves that this band really cares about their fans...I've reached out to them, and so have other members of my family, and they listened.
Thanks, Pearl Jam.
Wow I would have just lost it and cried the whole time. You should ask the band if you could have the interview recorded.
It was pretty emotional and intense. Fortunately I have a copy of the interview and I listen to it all the time. I was only six when he passed away in 1991 and my memories are limited because I was so young, so it's good to hear his voice once in a while.
A roller coaster of emotions: sadness, joy, funny, mad, excitment...etc
Parts of the movie that brought chills and made my heart cry out with pain was the Mother Love Bone section and the tragic accident at Roskilde.
Watching Eddie remember his connection to Jeff when he joined the band was a tear jerker.
Chris Cornell talking about Andrew Wood (so sad), Eddie and Mike made it special. I loved the way Chris Cornell described Mike McCready's power and skills on guitar. He was right on point. Mike Rules!
The Hilarious parts for me: the MTV Singles premiere party. I was on the floor watching Eddie try to fix the sound and he really did was change the lighting. lol
Stone finding his grammy and his dirty coffee cup was hilarious. He sure can be sarcastic.
Jeff talking about his home town was touching. Makes you think sometimes life works in mysterious ways and bcs of that, it leads you to make changes in your life.
I wish they would elaborate more on the Drummer issue, but I guess that will never happen...but did think the way they sum it up was clever and funny.
Cameron Crowe did show a bit of music creativity sessions in the bus between Eddie and Stone. Don't remember if they were others after "Ten" but I hoped he could have show a bit more of how they create an album in a studio. I'm always curious on how that works.
Also would have love to see more details and specifics on the eras of albums Yield, Binaural and the later ones. Maybe not much to document?!?
I hated seeing the Bu$hleaguer clip just because it reminded me how the show just did a 360, I didn't like the boos but everyone has a right of free speech. What I couldn't stand was the disrespect of people cursing the band and throwing coins at Eddie's face. I thought that was oncall for. But I guess Cameron Crowe wanted to show that PJ are human and not all shows have happy endings. Also he wanted to show PJ involvement with today's affairs and the art of expressing themselves up on stage. I remember loving EV's performance that night but the way some fans treated the band made me feel very uncomfortable. It was such an awesome and intense show, sad it ended with Eddie throwing his mic stand hard on the floor.
Watching some of their old performances and rescent ones made me dance in my seat. I wanted to sing along like if it was a live concert. Actually I was in some of the shows: Verona (2 other Italy cities), MSG, Nassau Coliseum It felt special to remember that moment shared with the rest the fans .
Over all I loved the movie but left me wanting more and more PJ I guess as a fan we always want more.
I'm hoping the DVD have lots of extra bonus material.
Thank you Cameron and Everyone involved in this production and creation! Thank you Pearl Jam for your music and for all that you bring...you fill my heart with happiness everytime I hear or see you live.
Had to give my tkts away to another PJ fan here on the site for Tues screening. I woke up @ 3am to let the dog out and just got done watching it! I can't wait to get it on DVD! Awesome! I don't know how anyone could think different. For those who expected more: Defintion of greedy - Excessively desirous of acquiring or possessing, especially wishing to possess more than what one needs or deserves....... I don't want to be greedy. I'm glad they gave us this... Can't wait to see what's on the DVD
Make sure the fortune that you seek
Is the fortune that you need
Went to see the film in Philly last night...one word can describe my experience...incredible! Just being in a theater filled with Jammers was the most amazing thing and sharing that experience with everyone really gave me a sense of connection with the band. PJ has had such a tremendous effect on its fans, myself included, that it was cool to see the trials and success that they went through.
Seriously, just want to thank Cameron Crowe, Eddie, Jeff, Mike, Matt, and Stone and say how awesome it is that you guys are still around and still making us, the fans, feel like we are your friends! Awesome movie and I can't wait for the next 20!
So, "conveniently enough" I was not able to sleep this morning(being a Saturday that sucks) but Ive been sick, blah blah...enough about me.
I made my way downstairs and bought Pearl Jam 20 from my On Demand service. Having been a PJ fan since they came out, it was truly an experience...even at 5am in my living room. This band has spoken to me since I was 17 years old. Seeing their stories on screen(stories which mostly I had heard or read about) was truly a wonderful experience for me.
On the whole, I feel like I had the chills through the whole thing. Emotional moments, which I feel, as a fan, I shared with the band(death of Andy Wood and Kurt, Roskilde, etc) Temple of the Dog, which I feel is one of the greatest, most underrated albums of all time. And just watching Eddie as a performer over the years. There is truly no band like Pearl Jam, and Im glad about that. I can not wait until they come back to CT, hopefully next year....
I am a 5th grade teacher and routinely play soft music in my class while the kids read. I play acoustic Pearl Jam more often than not...even use some of their songs to teach imagery and symbolism. I have a former student who is a freshman in college now who has just recently "discovered" Pearl Jam. She discovered them by seeing their 1992 Pinkpop performance...and she, like her former teacher, is obsessed! I know she'll be jealous that I saw the movie before her! I am proud to be a fan of Pearl Jam, and the movie is something I will watch again and again
Great movie especially if you also have the book to refer back to. The book definitely fills in some of the blanks, so to speak.
I only have 2 negative things to say that have no impact on my opinion this film was great:
1. Too much reliance on live footage from Italy 2006. This was bordering on being Immagine in Cornice Part II
2. Betterman was labeled as being from New York in 2010. While some of the footage was, it was cut in with footage from what appeared to be Italy and Mexico. A bit confusing.
Been talking about this film all night and most likely all day with my wife... We seen it last night at the Franklin institute in Philly. Got soaked on the way into the theater and my wife took a nasty fall on some steps but all in all it was worth it. When exiting the theater it felt as though we had just left a pearl jam concert... The emotional roller coaster,one great song after another and then seeing Alive from 9/30/09 footage from the spectrum was pretty much over the top(theater applauded during this scene
Favorite moments : ed and stone Playing brother (daughter)
Jeff ament showing his home town and sharing how his love for music began.
The MTV drunken Eddie performance
Eddie getting pissed off at security and singing "very loudly" haha in the security guards direction.
Matt cameron having to learn like 70 songs in 10 days or something ha ha lmao.
The band almost broke up after binaural !? Wtf ? I never knew that ... I thought That almost happened in 2003
The whole film was unreal, I mean I still can't believe I got to look into the life of the band ... The guys finally opened up. I could watch 5 or 6 more hours of this stuff.
AMAZING 2 HOURS! in SEATTLE, where if you DIDN'T get CHILLS at least a handful of times, you were too drunk or HI
Favorite Part. ...........when Ed does his CRAZY EYES, and is a foot away SCREAMING the song at this beefed up security guard.......gotta LOVE CRAZY EYES! its like he went to someplace else, "thats F****** UP, leave the kid alone!" GREATEST BAND IN THE WORLD!~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~!
Got it ppv on directv....Unbelievable. I have zero complaints. Most didn't but I thought the handling of the drummer issue was pretty funny.
Long story short...no football for me today
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Very short and to the point. It was okay. It was kind of all over the place at times and slow. There were funny moments and touching ones.
I think it could have been done a lot better and told a complete story. Like someone stated before, if I were gonna introduce a new fan to PJ, I would not send them to this movie as it never really did them justice.
At times I felt like I was watching a 2 hour long music video.
Having been a pj fan for over 20 years now, I would have to say I guess after having seen the Foos documentary, I was let down by this one. Theirs, while different angle wise, seemed to be complete as this one was all over the place at times...
3 outta 5 stars.
1991-11-30 St. Paul, MN
1992-08-28 St. Paul, MN
1998-06-30 Minneapolis, MN
2000-10-08 East Troy, WI
2003-06-16 St. Paul, MN
2006-06-26 St. Paul, MN
2006-06-27 St. Paul, MN
2006-07-07 San Diego, CA
2007-08-05 Chicago, IL
2008-06-24 New York, NY
2009-08-23 Chicago, IL
2009-08-24 Chicago, IL
2011-07-02 EV Minneapolis, MN
2011-09-03 PJ20 East Troy, WI
2011-09-04 PJ20 East Troy, WI
2013-07-19 Wrigley Chicago, IL
2014-10-19 St. Paul, MN
Thank you Cameron Crowe. Thank you Pearl Jam. Enlightening, entertaining, sometimes emotional. Funny. And I think it lived up to what I see this film as: a celebration of the band, its longevity, and the highs and lows along the way.
Personal highlights:
Stone's reactions and facial expressions at the TM Congressional hearing.
crowd singing Betterman.
Stone finding his Grammy in the basement. "Oh look there's a Grammy!"
Ed's change toward aggression while watching security man-handle fans during "Breath"
These guys deserve every praise and as a fan I feel extremely fortunate they have stuck together for so long.
On a final note I would like to respond to Andy Rooney's question:
"Do they work at all? Are they contributing anything to the world they're taking so much from?"
Contributing anything? What are you giving, Andy Rooney? Your opinions. With all due respect, Fuck you, Mr. Rooney.
Indianapolis '98 2000: Cincinnati, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Detroit Cleveland '03 2006: Denver 7/2,7/3, Gorge 7/22, 7/23 Charlotte '13 2016: Jacksonville, Greeneville, Columbia
Andy Rooney's a dinosaur curmudgeon. He was then and is now even more so. Is he even still on tv anymore? That was back when CBS was the old people network, pre-2000 when they had Murder She Wrote and Matlock on. Average age of the viewer was 65. Coincidentally when I was at PJ20 I looked around and thought to myself, wow look at all the people who took time out of work to be here.
Boston 5/17/10
Tres Mts. 3/27/11
EV Solo:Providence 6/15/11 Boston 6/16/11 Hartford 6/18/11
PJ20 9/3/11-9/4/11
Concert Wishlist: I am Mine, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, In Hiding, All Those Yesterdays, I Got Shit, Long Road, Light Years
"Pearl Jam are not just a band, they are a choice, and if you make that choice, you become one of the few lucky people on this planet to have your life enriched by the greatest gift that music ever gave" -- substitute
To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy
Pearl Jam is the Boxer. We're just happy to be the bag -- Aaron Cunningham,Fanviews '98
There was a scene in the film where ed slides down a pole. I remember reading a Deep article by Tom Tomorrow about a night that he spent at Ed's place and describing sliding down the pole. It was cool to put the two together. I love that idea, to get down instead of taking stairs.
On a final note I would like to respond to Andy Rooney's question:
"Do they work at all? Are they contributing anything to the world they're taking so much from?"
Contributing anything? What are you giving, Andy Rooney? Your opinions. With all due respect, Fuck you, Mr. Rooney.
Well said...someone should send this to him!
1991-11-30 St. Paul, MN
1992-08-28 St. Paul, MN
1998-06-30 Minneapolis, MN
2000-10-08 East Troy, WI
2003-06-16 St. Paul, MN
2006-06-26 St. Paul, MN
2006-06-27 St. Paul, MN
2006-07-07 San Diego, CA
2007-08-05 Chicago, IL
2008-06-24 New York, NY
2009-08-23 Chicago, IL
2009-08-24 Chicago, IL
2011-07-02 EV Minneapolis, MN
2011-09-03 PJ20 East Troy, WI
2011-09-04 PJ20 East Troy, WI
2013-07-19 Wrigley Chicago, IL
2014-10-19 St. Paul, MN
Saw it on ppv
Basically disappointed .
Agree the editing of subjects is all over the place.
Would have prefered a more even look at mike and matt's stories..
Cameron could have easily made each album as a segment...
Did not touch on any one memorable show beyond 1992!
I was expecting more songs analyzed for meanings and performance.
Where are all the key concerts?
Soldiers field 1995
Idio 1993
Boston orpheum 1994
Randalls island 1996
The breath campaign at msg 1998
Poland 2000
The Boston experiment 2003
The gorge shows?
Only one song for Philly? And not even a narrative of why it was special ?
That would have been the movie I expected..
A live band celebrating 20 years should have more analysis of the famous shows?
Ooh and I forgot
The Vic 2007
Newcastle Australia 2006 where the city petioned the band to come and then let them pick the setlist.
The only thing I think the movie did great was the temple of the dog segment and chris Cornell was soooo heartbreakingly honest!
"This here's a REQUEST!"
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
I just watched this on DIRECTV. Overall, it was great seeing anything two hours long featuring this band. I loved the documentary. My only outstanding opinion is that I thought the story of the last 10 years or so seemed rushed. Awesome, and we are very fortunate to see this.
Kansas City 5/3/2010
St. Louis 5/4/2010
St. Louis 7/1/2011 (EV Solo)
East Troy 9/3/2011
East Troy 9/4/2011
Wrigley Field 7/19/2013
I just saw the movie yesterday at the Brattle Theater in Cambridge, MA. I thought it was amazing. I know a lot of people have been complaining about certain things - the last ten years not being discussed that much, key shows in their history not talked about, etc. While that would have been cool, the movie was two hours long and it could have easily been five to ten hours long with all of that stuff added. It really digged into their history and how they became a band and how they stuck together as a band. In the past ten years, the one thing that could have ended the band was Roskilde, and they touched upon that. And the one thing keeping this band going strong are the fans.
It was great seeing the old footage, most of what I haven't seen before. The I remember watching the MTV Unplugged performance and that just convinced me at the time that I had a new favorite band and that "Black" was my favorite song. The emotion that Ed had when he sang that and when he sang most songs really connected with the fans in a special way. And it still does...
Thank you Cameron Crowe and Pearl Jam - can't wait for the DVD with all of the extras!
NY 9/29/96; NJ 9/8/98; NY 9/10/98; NY 8/24/00; Mansfield 7/2/03; Mansfield 7/11/03; Boston 9/28/04 (VFC); Post-Letterman, NY 5/4/06; Boston 5/24/06; Boston 5/25/06; Mansfield 6/28/08; Mansfield 6/30/08; Boston 5/17/10; Dublin 6/22/10; Alpine Valley 9/3/11; Alpine Valley 9/4/11; Worcester 10/15/13; Worcester 10/16/13; Brooklyn 10/18/13; Philadelphia 4/29/16; Boston 8/5/16; Boston 8/7/16, Seattle 8/8/18, Seattle 8/10/18, Boston 9/2/18, Boston 9/4/18
Mike Watt featuring EV, NY 4/27/95; Three Fish w/JA, NY 7/11/96; Three Fish w/JA, NY 6/11/99; EV Solo, Boston 8/1/08, Tres Mts. w/JA & MM, Boston 3/27/11; EV Solo, Boston 6/16/11
I too saw the movie at the Brattle in Cambridge yesterday and it was an awesome experience.Cameron did such a good job with the movie.It was funny and sad and everything in between.Awesome!!!!!
Favourite parts:
- Singles party,
- Stone and the Grammy Award,
- Ed climbing,
- Chris & Ed Hunger Strike
Most emotional parts:
- Roskilde,
- Chris about Andy
It's growing up just like me.
An amazing movie made about your favorite source of entertainment, by an acclaimed director. Does it get any better?
I listen to Pearl Jam every day at work for hours. I weight lift to Pearl Jam at the gym after work. I visit the site almost every night and day to check setlist, news and stories. Whenever I’m in a good mood I hum the chorus of “Alive.” I compare every single song or artist I hear to the band. I have a tattoo, a room dedicated with framed posters full of all of the shows I went to. I would and have driven countless hours to get the feeling that I get and only get when these 6 guys are together. It’s almost incomprehensible to my friends, co-workers and family.
All of that being said, this movie exceeded my expectations. I was glued to the screen for a complete 109 minutes straight. Songs that I didn’t appreciate so much throughout the years, “Blood,” “Not For You,” I have a whole new fascination with. It was perfect.
This band transcends music as an entertainment medium. Sure, the albums Riot Act, Avocado and Backspacer were overlooked in the film but justifiably so. The band has so much history. I appreciated the narration of Green River and the creation of the term “Grunge.” As much as I like Nirvana, it is my deepest wish that every person who claims that Cobain invented the genre are forced to watch this film. Stating that Kurt “invented” grunge is comparable to people believing that Christopher Columbus “discovered” America. While on the subject, the Kurt story was touching. Although I haven’t seen the footage since I was 9 years old, the Andy Rooney narrative literally struck a nerve that pissed me off.
My favorite scenes:
Security Guard
Do the Evolution
Seeing three of my favorite shows that I attended being shown in a movie director by Cameron Crowe. (MSG, Philly 3 and 4 (if you look close in the beginning of the film the is concert footage from Philly 4, easy to tell by the falling confetti)
Also, a few weeks ago I was trying to get attention to get an Ames night 1 poster by posting a trivia question so I’ll just answer it as a fun fact. The two completely different songs with the same title that Eddie has sung is “Little Sister.” (Elvis cover and QOTSA guest appearance.)
It was pretty emotional and intense. Fortunately I have a copy of the interview and I listen to it all the time. I was only six when he passed away in 1991 and my memories are limited because I was so young, so it's good to hear his voice once in a while.
Tres Mts. 3/27/11
EV Solo:Providence 6/15/11 Boston 6/16/11 Hartford 6/18/11
PJ20 9/3/11-9/4/11
Concert Wishlist: I am Mine, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, In Hiding, All Those Yesterdays, I Got Shit, Long Road, Light Years
Parts of the movie that brought chills and made my heart cry out with pain was the Mother Love Bone section and the tragic accident at Roskilde.
Watching Eddie remember his connection to Jeff when he joined the band was a tear jerker.
Chris Cornell talking about Andrew Wood (so sad), Eddie and Mike made it special. I loved the way Chris Cornell described Mike McCready's power and skills on guitar. He was right on point. Mike Rules!
The Hilarious parts for me: the MTV Singles premiere party. I was on the floor watching Eddie try to fix the sound and he really did was change the lighting. lol
Stone finding his grammy and his dirty coffee cup was hilarious. He sure can be sarcastic.
Jeff talking about his home town was touching. Makes you think sometimes life works in mysterious ways and bcs of that, it leads you to make changes in your life.
I wish they would elaborate more on the Drummer issue, but I guess that will never happen...but did think the way they sum it up was clever and funny.
Cameron Crowe did show a bit of music creativity sessions in the bus between Eddie and Stone. Don't remember if they were others after "Ten" but I hoped he could have show a bit more of how they create an album in a studio. I'm always curious on how that works.
Also would have love to see more details and specifics on the eras of albums Yield, Binaural and the later ones. Maybe not much to document?!?
I hated seeing the Bu$hleaguer clip just because it reminded me how the show just did a 360, I didn't like the boos but everyone has a right of free speech. What I couldn't stand was the disrespect of people cursing the band and throwing coins at Eddie's face. I thought that was oncall for. But I guess Cameron Crowe wanted to show that PJ are human and not all shows have happy endings. Also he wanted to show PJ involvement with today's affairs and the art of expressing themselves up on stage. I remember loving EV's performance that night but the way some fans treated the band made me feel very uncomfortable. It was such an awesome and intense show, sad it ended with Eddie throwing his mic stand hard on the floor.
Watching some of their old performances and rescent ones made me dance in my seat. I wanted to sing along like if it was a live concert. Actually I was in some of the shows: Verona (2 other Italy cities), MSG, Nassau Coliseum
Over all I loved the movie but left me wanting more and more PJ
I'm hoping the DVD have lots of extra bonus material.
Thank you Cameron and Everyone involved in this production and creation! Thank you Pearl Jam for your music and for all that you bring...you fill my heart with happiness everytime I hear or see you live.
Is the fortune that you need
Seriously, just want to thank Cameron Crowe, Eddie, Jeff, Mike, Matt, and Stone and say how awesome it is that you guys are still around and still making us, the fans, feel like we are your friends! Awesome movie and I can't wait for the next 20!
I made my way downstairs and bought Pearl Jam 20 from my On Demand service. Having been a PJ fan since they came out, it was truly an experience...even at 5am in my living room. This band has spoken to me since I was 17 years old. Seeing their stories on screen(stories which mostly I had heard or read about) was truly a wonderful experience for me.
On the whole, I feel like I had the chills through the whole thing. Emotional moments, which I feel, as a fan, I shared with the band(death of Andy Wood and Kurt, Roskilde, etc) Temple of the Dog, which I feel is one of the greatest, most underrated albums of all time. And just watching Eddie as a performer over the years. There is truly no band like Pearl Jam, and Im glad about that. I can not wait until they come back to CT, hopefully next year....
I am a 5th grade teacher and routinely play soft music in my class while the kids read. I play acoustic Pearl Jam more often than not...even use some of their songs to teach imagery and symbolism. I have a former student who is a freshman in college now who has just recently "discovered" Pearl Jam. She discovered them by seeing their 1992 Pinkpop performance...and she, like her former teacher, is obsessed! I know she'll be jealous that I saw the movie before her! I am proud to be a fan of Pearl Jam, and the movie is something I will watch again and again
I only have 2 negative things to say that have no impact on my opinion this film was great:
1. Too much reliance on live footage from Italy 2006. This was bordering on being Immagine in Cornice Part II
2. Betterman was labeled as being from New York in 2010. While some of the footage was, it was cut in with footage from what appeared to be Italy and Mexico. A bit confusing.
Favorite moments : ed and stone Playing brother (daughter)
Jeff ament showing his home town and sharing how his love for music began.
The MTV drunken Eddie performance
Eddie getting pissed off at security and singing "very loudly" haha in the security guards direction.
Matt cameron having to learn like 70 songs in 10 days or something ha ha lmao.
The band almost broke up after binaural !? Wtf ? I never knew that ... I thought That almost happened in 2003
The whole film was unreal, I mean I still can't believe I got to look into the life of the band ... The guys finally opened up. I could watch 5 or 6 more hours of this stuff.
Favorite Part. ...........when Ed does his CRAZY EYES, and is a foot away SCREAMING the song at this beefed up security guard.......gotta LOVE CRAZY EYES! its like he went to someplace else, "thats F****** UP, leave the kid alone!"
Long story short...no football for me today
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
the grammy in stones basement was classic
I think it could have been done a lot better and told a complete story. Like someone stated before, if I were gonna introduce a new fan to PJ, I would not send them to this movie as it never really did them justice.
At times I felt like I was watching a 2 hour long music video.
Having been a pj fan for over 20 years now, I would have to say I guess after having seen the Foos documentary, I was let down by this one. Theirs, while different angle wise, seemed to be complete as this one was all over the place at times...
3 outta 5 stars.
Personal highlights:
Stone's reactions and facial expressions at the TM Congressional hearing.
crowd singing Betterman.
Stone finding his Grammy in the basement. "Oh look there's a Grammy!"
Ed's change toward aggression while watching security man-handle fans during "Breath"
These guys deserve every praise and as a fan I feel extremely fortunate they have stuck together for so long.
On a final note I would like to respond to Andy Rooney's question:
"Do they work at all? Are they contributing anything to the world they're taking so much from?"
Contributing anything? What are you giving, Andy Rooney? Your opinions. With all due respect, Fuck you, Mr. Rooney.
2000: Cincinnati, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Detroit
Cleveland '03
2006: Denver 7/2,7/3, Gorge 7/22, 7/23
Charlotte '13
2016: Jacksonville, Greeneville, Columbia
Tres Mts. 3/27/11
EV Solo:Providence 6/15/11 Boston 6/16/11 Hartford 6/18/11
PJ20 9/3/11-9/4/11
Concert Wishlist: I am Mine, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, In Hiding, All Those Yesterdays, I Got Shit, Long Road, Light Years
My god, I think it was soo funny when I first see it back on the days!
To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy
Pearl Jam is the Boxer. We're just happy to be the bag -- Aaron Cunningham,Fanviews '98
Well said...someone should send this to him!
Basically disappointed .
Agree the editing of subjects is all over the place.
Would have prefered a more even look at mike and matt's stories..
Cameron could have easily made each album as a segment...
Did not touch on any one memorable show beyond 1992!
I was expecting more songs analyzed for meanings and performance.
Where are all the key concerts?
Soldiers field 1995
Idio 1993
Boston orpheum 1994
Randalls island 1996
The breath campaign at msg 1998
Poland 2000
The Boston experiment 2003
The gorge shows?
Only one song for Philly? And not even a narrative of why it was special ?
That would have been the movie I expected..
A live band celebrating 20 years should have more analysis of the famous shows?
Ooh and I forgot
The Vic 2007
Newcastle Australia 2006 where the city petioned the band to come and then let them pick the setlist.
The only thing I think the movie did great was the temple of the dog segment and chris Cornell was soooo heartbreakingly honest!
EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
10/25/13 Hartford
Kansas City 5/3/2010
St. Louis 5/4/2010
St. Louis 7/1/2011 (EV Solo)
East Troy 9/3/2011
East Troy 9/4/2011
Wrigley Field 7/19/2013
It was great seeing the old footage, most of what I haven't seen before. The I remember watching the MTV Unplugged performance and that just convinced me at the time that I had a new favorite band and that "Black" was my favorite song. The emotion that Ed had when he sang that and when he sang most songs really connected with the fans in a special way. And it still does...
Thank you Cameron Crowe and Pearl Jam - can't wait for the DVD with all of the extras!
NY 9/29/96; NJ 9/8/98; NY 9/10/98; NY 8/24/00; Mansfield 7/2/03; Mansfield 7/11/03; Boston 9/28/04 (VFC); Post-Letterman, NY 5/4/06; Boston 5/24/06; Boston 5/25/06; Mansfield 6/28/08; Mansfield 6/30/08; Boston 5/17/10; Dublin 6/22/10; Alpine Valley 9/3/11; Alpine Valley 9/4/11; Worcester 10/15/13; Worcester 10/16/13; Brooklyn 10/18/13; Philadelphia 4/29/16; Boston 8/5/16; Boston 8/7/16, Seattle 8/8/18, Seattle 8/10/18, Boston 9/2/18, Boston 9/4/18
Mike Watt featuring EV, NY 4/27/95; Three Fish w/JA, NY 7/11/96; Three Fish w/JA, NY 6/11/99; EV Solo, Boston 8/1/08, Tres Mts. w/JA & MM, Boston 3/27/11; EV Solo, Boston 6/16/11