I'm don't have high expectations of the interview. Lance chose Oprah because she will only ask soft questions. He will answer in vague terms and no mention will be made of how mean he is, i.e. ruining people's careers and businesses because they opposed doping in cycling or spoke out against it.
I can't figure out why he would admit to anything anyway. He has two lawsuits pending, plus possibly the qui tam action. His admitting doping seems to me would hurt him in those lawsuits. And he has already been barred for life from competition so not sure how his confessing on Oprah would change any of that. Maybe it is because he can't stand to stay out of the limelight and he thinks this is his chance to postpone obscurity for a while. As far as remorse. Knowing the things that Lance has done over the past 15 years or more I don't think he as the ability to feel remorse, honesty or compassion. But he can put up a good front.
Yeah, he obviously chose Oprah for a reason. If he wanted to actually come clean, he'd have picked Barbara Walters or something. This will be like a televised therapy session. Oprah will sympathize with him.
I fucking hate Oprah.
I've seen plenty of "shamed" people go on Oprah, and it's always the same, it gets turned pity/sympathy party for the accused, and they always come out looking sympathetic, then Oprah gives them a reality show. All except for James Frey, but he made the mistake of crossing Oprah herself, and she isn't as forgiving as she expects us to be.
I'm not sure Barbara Walters would be better. She's lost all journalistic integrity in my opinion, and is just a tabloid journalist more obsessed with celebrity (and constantly reminding us she's friends with celebrities) than truth or anything like that. One of the worst things I saw of her was when "Catch Me If You Can" came out. She had Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg and Leonardo DiCaprio on her show. She totally ignored Hanks and Spielberg, and just flirted with DiCaprio in a very awkward manner and asked him a bunch of stupid questions like if he had a girlfriend, and what he looks for in a girl, etc.
I could sit here and list the shows I'd like to see him go on, where they wouldn't pussyfoot around the issue, but Lance isn't going to go on any of those shows. He chose Oprah for a reason. He wants to come across as sympathetic, and Oprah will do that for him. She'll do anything he wants for the exclusive, Oprah is dying to stay relevant since she retired from her show.
i disagree its not like james freys stock went up after the interview. in fact, id argue anyone who questions oprah, who questions that show, usually is hurt from a pr standpoint
Leno went on Oprah after the Conan/Late night fiasco. No one watched the interview, and Leno's reputation still
Oprah certainly didnt throw a pity party for MJ either.
This is too good. Apparently the newspaper in Britain that got sued by Lance a few years go for printing a story about Lance doping, took out this full page ad in the Chicago paper! Ha! Will Oprah listen? Naw.....
Another reason why Lance may be going on Oprah, and this may be too much of conspiracy theory, but what if Lance really has no intention to confess he just wants everyone to watch the show so he can repeat the same ole shit he has repeated before.... everybody did it (doping), it was a level playing field, I've done so much good for cancer patients, witch hunt, jealous people etc. etc. And he knows that if he leaks info that he is going to confess everyone will be tuning in. Of course, not sure how that would help him that much except he thinks it is a way to continue to fight without legally fighting.
i still dont see a reason why he would confess. money isnt an issue for him. He has other books out. Despite the bad press he's had in the last 6 months or so, he still has millions of fans and supporters. And he's never wavered one iota from day 1. To go from that to confessing is quite a 180.
By confessing he opens himself up to huge lawsuits and major legal proceedings. He could deny it for the rest of his life and that would result in him never
Again, i do think people can do wrrong and can feel sad and can feel remorse. Its a sad state of the world if we arent given that.
And him confessing to compete again or play a role in cycling of some kind, isnt really noteworthy if thats his strategy. Mcgwire for one is an example of that. Petite, Clemons etc...
In fact, nearly all these guys have been forgiven. You think clemons gets booed? In this thread just the other day someone was arguing Cleomns awards CY Young awards and strikeout and stats STILL make him hall of fame eligable.
i disagree its not like james freys stock went up after the interview. in fact, id argue anyone who questions oprah, who questions that show, usually is hurt from a pr standpoint
I didn't say it did, so I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with. I was saying most people (I guess it depends on whether she likes the person) get the sympathy treatment, but James Frey did not. She went to town on him and tore him a new asshole, presumably because he made her look stupid.
I'd like to have someone do the interview who knows something about cycling. I figured Oprah wasn't much of a sports fan after I saw her try to rub off Drew Brees' birthmark after hugging him, thinking she left some makeup on his face. :fp:
My guess is Lance will admit to doping in general terms, not giving much detail and not commenting on his intimidation of others and general assholishness.
so wait, he's saying he's sorry, but not what he is sorry for ?
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
i dont think many people have discussed this issue in the many varying and complex aspects of it. We'll have to see the response on Thursday and the weeks and months and years after in terms of his fans and how they react.
I think this case is unique for several reasons. Lance effected and impacted people far beyond normal sports boundaries. The 7 tour wins were incredible but i think most people related to the story on a much more personal level. Bonds and Mcgwire had no personal meaning to me, although i loved watching Mcgwire during the summer of 98. As Lance said, cancer effects every single person. we all know someone who has it. I do. My grandma died in 2005 of breast cancer, so him winning the tour during those years, of course, one couldnt help but look at it as some sort of "for her and everyone else" type deal. And theres no question he's raised millions for research and has worked to raise the consciousness of people about the disease. I think most people saw him through that lens, that he symbolized their mom, dad, grandma, uncle, themselves even, who had the disease. Lance symbolized the fact one could be considered dead, 6 weeks to live, and not only could he live, he could win what is arguably the most difficult sporting event in existence.
For me, and I think alot of other people, it was more about the cancer, and our personal connection to it.
I wore the yellow ribbon for years, and still have a livestrong t-shirt. my parents went to one of those livestrong fundraisers and "ride with lance' things.
Do i feel let down, sure a little. Who wouldnt if you are a fan of lance. But i dont think he's going silently into the night. I have no doubt he'll spend the rest of his life fighting for cancer awareness and research. the guy hasnt absconded with millions.
I also think i understand somewhat why he did what he did. Not necessarily the doping, but the lying about it. As enumerated above, his lying was tied into something Mcgwire, Bonds, Giambi, Conseco etc.. never was. Which is cancer and cancer awareness. Lance is something to people that those other guys never were. So, I think the lie became too big. He became a symbol for people, for millions, and admitting he lied about it, would let millions of people down. I dont think he should have lied, but i do think his situation is unique from other dopers in all sports. Marion Jones doesnt mean quite the same thing to people as Lance. Clemons doesnt mean quite the same thing to people as Lance.
I believe people can change. And i also believe people have feelings. Lance does no doubt. And he made a mistake, and lied and cheated. I do think its possible he feels regret and sadness about what he did. And i think he can be forgiven.
In fact, i think his image and reputation will stay the same, and possibly even get bolstered. I dont think most people's reaction to the interview will be to hang the guy and disavow him. I think most people will be angered, but also sympathetic, and understanding.
As far as im concerned, the most important thing he's ever done is the cancer awareness stuff. And i would argue it means way more than any Tour.
I dont think thats being in denial. Nor do I think the reaction by the public to the interview should be seen as denial. I think very few athletes have had this sort of impact on people emotionally and personally. As a kid I worshipped jordan, had all his jerseys and shoes, watched all the games, but i never felt like i knew him, or understood him. With lance, you felt like you personally knew the guy. And everyone else did too.
I spent those summers like everyone else, glued to the tube, watching this guy seemingly dominate at will, and doing it, after having testicular, brain and lung cancer. I think he brought many people hope. Families who had people who had cancer, and cancer survivors themselves. I think that was a real thing. This idea that for those 7 summers, people actually believed because of this guy from texas, that you really could do anything. That anything was possible, that you could train hard enough and beat cancer, and beat cancer and ride hundreds of miles up these insane mountains and win. 7 times. in a row.
Thats what interests me. I dont know if that fades. or is erased. Or is gone. Is that personal connection and power gone now? What does it mean? How do we evaluate it?
What does it mean to be inspired by that Nike ads he shot? If you were inspired by those like I was, what does it mean in 2013? How do you deal with it? Come to terms with it?
These are more than emotions about winning or losing. They are life itself, inspiration, the drive to continue, to practice and train endless hours and achieve your dreams, that cancer seems like a death sentence but maybe isnt etc...
so wait, he's saying he's sorry, but not what he is sorry for ?
WSJ is reporting he confessed to the USADA last month in Denver, and that several people have said he feels regret at his previous denials and tactics. He evidently, considered confessing in October.
i think its hard for people on this board and elsewhere, the antilance gang, to acknowledge lance is a complex guy. he;s done some great things, and he's done some bad things. People seem so interested in lumping people in either or. Not both. Thats why the guy hasnt been run out on rails and wont be, even after thursday. The overwhelming majority of the public is willing to say he did some bad stuff but also did some good stuff. Its easier to deal with if we put everyone in one category. He's bad he murdered people, and she's good because she is a good person. The truth is often more grey, and all people are a little bit of both. People are complex beings.
the guy spends his days when not on the bike going to congress to lobby for funding for cancer awareness, and has a foundation explicitly for that purpose.
We all saw the guy for years, a decade. We all know what he did was wrong. But I not once heard him say it was about "me me me", or about him and the glory. From day 1, it was always about the millions of people effected by cancer. Bonds never talked like that. Tyler Hamilton didnt spend his time talking about that stuff, nor did Clemons. How many interviews have you seen with lance? How many times did he talk about cancer awareness and that it was important?
i thought Oprah retired? wasn't there some big show where it was her last show? ghost of The Who's Farewell Tour
and lance armstrong, is and always was a complete fraud. never liked the guy one bit. and i can't believe that people will turn this on to watch this sniveling conniving loser break down like he actually regrets cheating. he just regrets getting caught.
i thought Oprah retired? wasn't there some big show where it was her last show? ghost of The Who's Farewell Tour
She didn't retire, she just retired the Oprah show, in order to work on her cable network The Oprah Winfrey Network, otherwise known as OWN. It's not surprising you haven't heard of it, it has pretty much been a bust, supposedly having lost over 300 million dollars so far.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
i thought Oprah retired? wasn't there some big show where it was her last show? ghost of The Who's Farewell Tour
She didn't retire, she just retired the Oprah show, in order to work on her cable network The Oprah Winfrey Network, otherwise known as OWN. It's not surprising you haven't heard of it, it has pretty much been a bust, supposedly having lost over 300 million dollars so far.
yeah i read Letterman was on there recently, but sadly i missed it.
oh well.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
and lance armstrong, is and always was a complete fraud. never liked the guy one bit. and i can't believe that people will turn this on to watch this sniveling conniving loser break down like he actually regrets cheating. he just regrets getting caught.
the bloke is douche. any fake tears he gives will never compensate the clean, morally strong riders that could have won the tour. That he even has a chance of redemption after everything he has done must be even more galling. as the comment says, he just regrets getting caught and being snitched on.
1. lance is doing this for one and one reason only ... that is to serve lance which in this particular case is to compete again ... he has a lifetime ban right now which means he can not compete in any event sanctioned by usada or wada ... and that means triathalons and ironmans ... the money is secondary ... even with pending lawsuits - he should still be comfortable for the rest of his life as he made a lot of money from livestrong ...
2. i see music is still defending this guy to the bitter end ... it's amazing how one can ignore how he's exploited his cancer, his bullying of people, his actions that caused significant suffering to those that only wanted to live an honest life ... lance is an asshole ... everyone who knows him - knows that ... it's no secret ... you have to be one to do the things he's done (and that isn't doping) ... it's what puts him in the same category as bonds as far as i'm concerned ... men with little integrity ...
I have zero interest in watching or evening hearing about it.
what is fascinating about all of this is how many different people and parties had to be involved in this cover up ... it's staggering ... from the UCI to Nike to Oakley to US Postal ... it's mind boggling to think that it's taken this long ... and that it really wouldn't have happened if Lance doesn't make that comeback at the tour ...
it points to how corrupt the system is especially when money is involved ... a lot of people made money off lance and on that basis alone motivated them to perpetuate this lie ...
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
I'm not going to dismiss LA's usage of PED's but what I'm most bothered by was his intimidation/bullying of those who testified or spoke out against him. To me this was far worse than his drug usage in that how it impacted those who were speaking the truth about what he did, even though many other riders were using in that 6 of the 7 races he won they couldn't name any other riders as winner of TDF. :(
Maybe he should become a whisleblower for the government or cycling agencies on how he was able to keep his testing undetected for so long.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
I'm not going to dismiss LA's usage of PED's but what I'm most bothered by was his intimidation/bullying of those who testified or spoke out against him. To me this was far worse than his drug usage in that how it impacted those who were speaking the truth about what he did, even though many other riders were using in that 6 of the 7 races he won they couldn't name any other riders as winner of TDF. :(
Maybe he should become a whisleblower for the government or cycling agencies on how he was able to keep his testing undetected for so long.
Yes, that is what makes Lance different from the other dopers. His intimidation and bullying tactics that cost other people their careers, jobs, and reputations. He is mean and ruthless. AND for those of you saying the "good" that he did for his foundation he had ulterior motives. Livestrong was/is his brand. He made money - lots of money - off of that brand. Further, it appears as if he made money off of the foundation and for sure had expenses paid by the foundation. I read an article not too long ago where the foundation sponsored a ride in Canada or Alaska and rich people paid a large sum of money to "ride with Lance." I can't remember the sum but it seems like it was $2,500 or $5,000.00 per person. He came to the ride just in time to start riding, then took off ahead of the people who paid to ride with him, then left right after the ride. And the worst thing, his fee was one-half of the amount each person paid. The other half went to the foundation. So he makes money from foundation appearances. The foundation is important to him for that reason.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
I'm not going to dismiss LA's usage of PED's but what I'm most bothered by was his intimidation/bullying of those who testified or spoke out against him. To me this was far worse than his drug usage in that how it impacted those who were speaking the truth about what he did, even though many other riders were using in that 6 of the 7 races he won they couldn't name any other riders as winner of TDF. :(
Maybe he should become a whisleblower for the government or cycling agencies on how he was able to keep his testing undetected for so long.
Yes, that is what makes Lance different from the other dopers. His intimidation and bullying tactics that cost other people their careers, jobs, and reputations. He is mean and ruthless. AND for those of you saying the "good" that he did for his foundation he had ulterior motives. Livestrong was/is his brand. He made money - lots of money - off of that brand. Further, it appears as if he made money off of the foundation and for sure had expenses paid by the foundation. I read an article not too long ago where the foundation sponsored a ride in Canada or Alaska and rich people paid a large sum of money to "ride with Lance." I can't remember the sum but it seems like it was $2,500 or $5,000.00 per person. He came to the ride just in time to start riding, then took off ahead of the people who paid to ride with him, then left right after the ride. And the worst thing, his fee was one-half of the amount each person paid. The other half went to the foundation. So he makes money from foundation appearances. The foundation is important to him for that reason.
I'd love to see a breakdown of Livestrongs finances. How much did cancer research, Nike, and Lance each receive?
Alright, alright, alright!
Tom O. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I'm not going to dismiss LA's usage of PED's but what I'm most bothered by was his intimidation/bullying of those who testified or spoke out against him. To me this was far worse than his drug usage in that how it impacted those who were speaking the truth about what he did, even though many other riders were using in that 6 of the 7 races he won they couldn't name any other riders as winner of TDF. :(
Maybe he should become a whisleblower for the government or cycling agencies on how he was able to keep his testing undetected for so long.
Yes, that is what makes Lance different from the other dopers. His intimidation and bullying tactics that cost other people their careers, jobs, and reputations. He is mean and ruthless. AND for those of you saying the "good" that he did for his foundation he had ulterior motives. Livestrong was/is his brand. He made money - lots of money - off of that brand. Further, it appears as if he made money off of the foundation and for sure had expenses paid by the foundation. I read an article not too long ago where the foundation sponsored a ride in Canada or Alaska and rich people paid a large sum of money to "ride with Lance." I can't remember the sum but it seems like it was $2,500 or $5,000.00 per person. He came to the ride just in time to start riding, then took off ahead of the people who paid to ride with him, then left right after the ride. And the worst thing, his fee was one-half of the amount each person paid. The other half went to the foundation. So he makes money from foundation appearances. The foundation is important to him for that reason.
I'd love to see a breakdown of Livestrongs finances. How much did cancer research, Nike, and Lance each receive?
Me too, but the records that Livestrong has made public are not clear or defined (on purpose more than likely). Although I've heard rumors in the cycling community that the IRS is taking a hard look at the organization. And another "in the know" guy that posts on CN forum said that Livestrong will be the next to fall.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
Me too, but the records that Livestrong has made public are not clear or defined (on purpose more than likely). Although I've heard rumors in the cycling community that the IRS is taking a hard look at the organization. And another "in the know" guy that posts on CN forum said that Livestrong will be the next to fall.
when you purposefully make a livestrong.org and a livestrong.com that look almost identical but with hidden variances - you know it's shady ...
Just saw a clip of Oprah from this morning.
She said he was "fully prepared" for the 2 and half hour interview,
and she had 112 questions going in.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
so wait, he's saying he's sorry, but not what he is sorry for ?
sorry he got caught....sorry his house of cards collapsed.....sorry his ego took a huge hit...etc, etc.
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
i disagree its not like james freys stock went up after the interview. in fact, id argue anyone who questions oprah, who questions that show, usually is hurt from a pr standpoint
Leno went on Oprah after the Conan/Late night fiasco. No one watched the interview, and Leno's reputation still
Oprah certainly didnt throw a pity party for MJ either.
i still dont see a reason why he would confess. money isnt an issue for him. He has other books out. Despite the bad press he's had in the last 6 months or so, he still has millions of fans and supporters. And he's never wavered one iota from day 1. To go from that to confessing is quite a 180.
By confessing he opens himself up to huge lawsuits and major legal proceedings. He could deny it for the rest of his life and that would result in him never
Again, i do think people can do wrrong and can feel sad and can feel remorse. Its a sad state of the world if we arent given that.
And him confessing to compete again or play a role in cycling of some kind, isnt really noteworthy if thats his strategy. Mcgwire for one is an example of that. Petite, Clemons etc...
In fact, nearly all these guys have been forgiven. You think clemons gets booed? In this thread just the other day someone was arguing Cleomns awards CY Young awards and strikeout and stats STILL make him hall of fame eligable.
I didn't say it did, so I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with. I was saying most people (I guess it depends on whether she likes the person) get the sympathy treatment, but James Frey did not. She went to town on him and tore him a new asshole, presumably because he made her look stupid.
As I said...
My guess is Lance will admit to doping in general terms, not giving much detail and not commenting on his intimidation of others and general assholishness.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I think this case is unique for several reasons. Lance effected and impacted people far beyond normal sports boundaries. The 7 tour wins were incredible but i think most people related to the story on a much more personal level. Bonds and Mcgwire had no personal meaning to me, although i loved watching Mcgwire during the summer of 98. As Lance said, cancer effects every single person. we all know someone who has it. I do. My grandma died in 2005 of breast cancer, so him winning the tour during those years, of course, one couldnt help but look at it as some sort of "for her and everyone else" type deal. And theres no question he's raised millions for research and has worked to raise the consciousness of people about the disease. I think most people saw him through that lens, that he symbolized their mom, dad, grandma, uncle, themselves even, who had the disease. Lance symbolized the fact one could be considered dead, 6 weeks to live, and not only could he live, he could win what is arguably the most difficult sporting event in existence.
For me, and I think alot of other people, it was more about the cancer, and our personal connection to it.
I wore the yellow ribbon for years, and still have a livestrong t-shirt. my parents went to one of those livestrong fundraisers and "ride with lance' things.
Do i feel let down, sure a little. Who wouldnt if you are a fan of lance. But i dont think he's going silently into the night. I have no doubt he'll spend the rest of his life fighting for cancer awareness and research. the guy hasnt absconded with millions.
I also think i understand somewhat why he did what he did. Not necessarily the doping, but the lying about it. As enumerated above, his lying was tied into something Mcgwire, Bonds, Giambi, Conseco etc.. never was. Which is cancer and cancer awareness. Lance is something to people that those other guys never were. So, I think the lie became too big. He became a symbol for people, for millions, and admitting he lied about it, would let millions of people down. I dont think he should have lied, but i do think his situation is unique from other dopers in all sports. Marion Jones doesnt mean quite the same thing to people as Lance. Clemons doesnt mean quite the same thing to people as Lance.
I believe people can change. And i also believe people have feelings. Lance does no doubt. And he made a mistake, and lied and cheated. I do think its possible he feels regret and sadness about what he did. And i think he can be forgiven.
In fact, i think his image and reputation will stay the same, and possibly even get bolstered. I dont think most people's reaction to the interview will be to hang the guy and disavow him. I think most people will be angered, but also sympathetic, and understanding.
As far as im concerned, the most important thing he's ever done is the cancer awareness stuff. And i would argue it means way more than any Tour.
I dont think thats being in denial. Nor do I think the reaction by the public to the interview should be seen as denial. I think very few athletes have had this sort of impact on people emotionally and personally. As a kid I worshipped jordan, had all his jerseys and shoes, watched all the games, but i never felt like i knew him, or understood him. With lance, you felt like you personally knew the guy. And everyone else did too.
I spent those summers like everyone else, glued to the tube, watching this guy seemingly dominate at will, and doing it, after having testicular, brain and lung cancer. I think he brought many people hope. Families who had people who had cancer, and cancer survivors themselves. I think that was a real thing. This idea that for those 7 summers, people actually believed because of this guy from texas, that you really could do anything. That anything was possible, that you could train hard enough and beat cancer, and beat cancer and ride hundreds of miles up these insane mountains and win. 7 times. in a row.
Thats what interests me. I dont know if that fades. or is erased. Or is gone. Is that personal connection and power gone now? What does it mean? How do we evaluate it?
What does it mean to be inspired by that Nike ads he shot? If you were inspired by those like I was, what does it mean in 2013? How do you deal with it? Come to terms with it?
These are more than emotions about winning or losing. They are life itself, inspiration, the drive to continue, to practice and train endless hours and achieve your dreams, that cancer seems like a death sentence but maybe isnt etc...
WSJ is reporting he confessed to the USADA last month in Denver, and that several people have said he feels regret at his previous denials and tactics. He evidently, considered confessing in October.
the guy spends his days when not on the bike going to congress to lobby for funding for cancer awareness, and has a foundation explicitly for that purpose.
We all saw the guy for years, a decade. We all know what he did was wrong. But I not once heard him say it was about "me me me", or about him and the glory. From day 1, it was always about the millions of people effected by cancer. Bonds never talked like that. Tyler Hamilton didnt spend his time talking about that stuff, nor did Clemons. How many interviews have you seen with lance? How many times did he talk about cancer awareness and that it was important?
Thats why its unique
and lance armstrong, is and always was a complete fraud. never liked the guy one bit. and i can't believe that people will turn this on to watch this sniveling conniving loser break down like he actually regrets cheating. he just regrets getting caught.
She didn't retire, she just retired the Oprah show, in order to work on her cable network The Oprah Winfrey Network, otherwise known as OWN. It's not surprising you haven't heard of it, it has pretty much been a bust, supposedly having lost over 300 million dollars so far.
yeah i read Letterman was on there recently, but sadly i missed it.
oh well.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
the bloke is douche. any fake tears he gives will never compensate the clean, morally strong riders that could have won the tour. That he even has a chance of redemption after everything he has done must be even more galling. as the comment says, he just regrets getting caught and being snitched on.
2. i see music is still defending this guy to the bitter end ... it's amazing how one can ignore how he's exploited his cancer, his bullying of people, his actions that caused significant suffering to those that only wanted to live an honest life ... lance is an asshole ... everyone who knows him - knows that ... it's no secret ... you have to be one to do the things he's done (and that isn't doping) ... it's what puts him in the same category as bonds as far as i'm concerned ... men with little integrity ...
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
what is fascinating about all of this is how many different people and parties had to be involved in this cover up ... it's staggering ... from the UCI to Nike to Oakley to US Postal ... it's mind boggling to think that it's taken this long ... and that it really wouldn't have happened if Lance doesn't make that comeback at the tour ...
it points to how corrupt the system is especially when money is involved ... a lot of people made money off lance and on that basis alone motivated them to perpetuate this lie ...
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more- ... -1.1188512
Maybe he should become a whisleblower for the government or cycling agencies on how he was able to keep his testing undetected for so long.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Yes, that is what makes Lance different from the other dopers. His intimidation and bullying tactics that cost other people their careers, jobs, and reputations. He is mean and ruthless. AND for those of you saying the "good" that he did for his foundation he had ulterior motives. Livestrong was/is his brand. He made money - lots of money - off of that brand. Further, it appears as if he made money off of the foundation and for sure had expenses paid by the foundation. I read an article not too long ago where the foundation sponsored a ride in Canada or Alaska and rich people paid a large sum of money to "ride with Lance." I can't remember the sum but it seems like it was $2,500 or $5,000.00 per person. He came to the ride just in time to start riding, then took off ahead of the people who paid to ride with him, then left right after the ride. And the worst thing, his fee was one-half of the amount each person paid. The other half went to the foundation. So he makes money from foundation appearances. The foundation is important to him for that reason.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Me too, but the records that Livestrong has made public are not clear or defined (on purpose more than likely). Although I've heard rumors in the cycling community that the IRS is taking a hard look at the organization. And another "in the know" guy that posts on CN forum said that Livestrong will be the next to fall.
when you purposefully make a livestrong.org and a livestrong.com that look almost identical but with hidden variances - you know it's shady ...
She said he was "fully prepared" for the 2 and half hour interview,
and she had 112 questions going in.
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
sorry he got caught....sorry his house of cards collapsed.....sorry his ego took a huge hit...etc, etc.
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14