Bush's torture admission is a dismal moment for democracy



  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,580
    cajunkiwi wrote:

    Just another way to show how out of touch acedemia is with the real world...in the real world "plagiarism" is something people are expected to instead of reinventing the wheel. ;)

    I'd be willing to bet you could find these issues with TONS of books. Just a guess on my part, no facts to back that up. And also nothing that is even remotely worth caring about.

    Actually, in the real world your ass will get burned if you plagiarize. Ask Jayson Blair, Zachery Kouwe, and James Frey. The Rolling Stones had to add k.d. Lang to the list of songwriters on "Anybody Seen My Baby?" when it was discovered they'd stolen her melody from "Constant Craving." Men At Work lost a lawsuit and had to pay Larrakin Music royalties from "Down Under" when it was ruled they stole part of the melody from "Kookaburra." Alex Haley may have won a Pulitzer Prize for "Roots," but when it was discovered that he'd plagiarized it he had to fork over half a million dollars... which doesn't sound like much now, but considering that happened in 1978, that was quite a chunk of change.

    I'd add that this IS something worth caring about. One of the things both liberal and conservative posters on this board have agreed upon in the past is that one of the things that pisses us all off is a lack of accountability. Well, I'd say not giving a crap about an ex-president plagiarizing his memoir isn't doing a whole lot to fix that problem.

    Just found your next thing to get outraged about...how long will it last before moving on to the next outrage?

    Clearly you misunderstood, in business, it is important to always leverage/reapply (steal) the good ideas that have worked in order to get things done quickly without reinventing the wheel. That was my point.

    So, when is Pearl Jam going to be sued?
    hippiemom = goodness
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,580
    I also find it funny that you think the music industry is the real world. ;)
    hippiemom = goodness
  • I also find it funny that you think the music industry is the real world. ;)

    lol I misunderstood your original post - sorry.

    I don't think the music industry is anywhere near the real world, but not everyone I listed was a musician - two were journalists and two were authors. I just don't believe in giving someone a free pass for something based on their job title. Stealing is stealing - and there's a big difference between using something as inspiration so you don't have to reinvent the wheel, and passing someone else's work off as something you came up with yourself from scratch.
    And I listen for the voice inside my head... nothing. I'll do this one myself.
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