
THE WALKING DEAD...and all things zombie



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    RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    next week!!!! :corn:

    what happened to the girl that got shot? (was that Beth?) I thought the bullet hit her or did i miss something. :?

    She came back as a zombie, she got shot in the chest or something.

    They better not drag out the Governor for a season and a half again. 4 episodes, anymore than that and I'm going to start thinking this show is out of ideas and milking everything...

    she did? i don't rememebr that part. i remember the dude next to her getting shot. I'll have to rewatch that part. Wasn't that Beth (Hershel's daughter) though?

    Pretty sure it wasn't. Beth was in a room with Judith (and other kids I presume) away from the people that were sick. The woman you saw was a "red shirt" from Woodbury.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
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    stickfig13stickfig13 Posts: 1,532
    stickfig13 wrote:
    Am I the only one that's not thrilled about the governor plot line coming back?

    I'm with you. Hopefully this doesn't last longer than an episode or 2.

    New season. So far nothing has really developed except the characters coming to terms with themselves as zombie slayers......Then they bring back the villain from the previous season where they spent the whole season building toward a showdown.

    I know I'm in the minority, but I need so major plot development to keep me interested.
    Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
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    she did? i don't rememebr that part. i remember the dude next to her getting shot. I'll have to rewatch that part. Wasn't that Beth (Hershel's daughter) though?

    Pretty sure it wasn't. Beth was in a room with Judith (and other kids I presume) away from the people that were sick. The woman you saw was a "red shirt" from Woodbury.

    If it was Beth I doubt Hershel could have so easily blasted her with the shotgun. And I also think Beth is still in the kids ward watching Judith.
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    that wasn't beth. it was an unnamed woodbury-ite. beth is taking care of Judith in the place where Carl was the whole time.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
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    rival. wrote:

    two episodes ago i was wondering why they didn't just unload on all of those walkers that were about to take down the gate. they had the guns, they had the ammo, it was obviously a very serious threatening situation. just take them out in one wave. meleeing them one after another through the fence was not a good tactic.

    they were trying to stay away from using guns as the noise just draws more walkers. so I'm not sure why, after they unloaded the machine guns for 20 minutes, more walkers didn't wander by.

    lizzie is some kind of freak. she's going to end up being part of some major swerve. maybe she kills carl or the govnah or something. or sticks Bob in the eye with a broken whiskey bottle.

    the group won't be at the prison much longer. shit's about to get REAL, homies.

    oh, and everyone keeps saying Daryl is going to freak on Rick about Carol. He's not going to do anything. He has always respected Rick with any decision he makes. Once Rick tells Daryl he did it to save her life (from Tyrese), which he will to keep the peace, he'll be unhappy about it, but he'll calm down and be thankful to him.

    I bet Carol comes back and kills guvnah, winks at Rick, and then rides a horse off into the distance. :lol:
    Gimli 1993
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    thefixer9thefixer9 Posts: 9,376
    Finally! Last Sunday's episode finally brought the drama I wanted to see! Sure, it's sad that Glen will probably die soon and all people in the prison are dying, but the last 20 minutes of the episode kept me on the edge of my seat. And I'm so happy the governor is back! Next week will be great.
    Tres Mts- 3/16/2011
    Eddie Vedder- 7/16/11
    Brad- 4/21/12 (RSD Performance), 4/27/12, 8/10/12
    Flight To Mars- 5/23/12
    RNDM- 11/27/12

    PEARL JAM- 12/6/13 I have finally seen Pearl Jam live!
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    NamiNami Newfoundland Posts: 5,992
    thefixer9 wrote:
    Finally! Last Sunday's episode finally brought the drama I wanted to see! Sure, it's sad that Glen will probably die soon and all people in the prison are dying, but the last 20 minutes of the episode kept me on the edge of my seat. And I'm so happy the governor is back! Next week will be great.

    agree... finally got the ol heart pumpin...

    governor will be awesome... scene where he is just sitting there by the campfire as the walker is crawling towards him is badass. cmon Sunday!
    Hamilton 9-13-05; Toronto 5-9-06, Toronto 8-21-09, Toronto 9-12-11, Hamilton 9-15-11....
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    PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,154
    stickfig13 wrote:

    I know I'm in the minority, but I need so major plot development to keep me interested.

    I'm with you...they've hit a snag in the storyline.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
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    stickfig13stickfig13 Posts: 1,532
    stickfig13 wrote:

    I know I'm in the minority, but I need so major plot development to keep me interested.

    I'm with you...they've hit a snag in the storyline.


    A lot is happening without anything really happening
    Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
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    http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/11/10/walki ... -governor/

    Seems like we're going to see patches quite a bit this season
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    Better DanBetter Dan Posts: 5,684
    stickfig13 wrote:
    stickfig13 wrote:

    I know I'm in the minority, but I need so major plot development to keep me interested.

    I'm with you...they've hit a snag in the storyline.


    A lot is happening without anything really happening

    Yup. Getting bored with this show again. LOL that's happened a lot since season 2. :fp:
    2003: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Seattle; 2005: Monterrey; 2006: Chicago 1 & 2, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Detroit; 2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa; 2009: Austin, LA 3 & 4, San Diego; 2010: Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis; 2011: PJ20 1 & 2; 2012: Missoula; 2013: Dallas, Oklahoma City, Seattle; 2014: Tulsa; 2016: Columbia, New York City 1 & 2; 2018: London, Seattle 1 & 2; 2021: Ohana; 2022: Oklahoma City
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    Better Dan wrote:
    stickfig13 wrote:

    A lot is happening without anything really happening

    Yup. Getting bored with this show again. LOL that's happened a lot since season 2. :fp:

    I don't think the writers understanding pacing. If you watch 3-4 episodes in a row its not so bad but when you watch one episode every 7 days its seems like nothing happened. Dexter did this a lot too as the seasons went on. Breaking Bad was pretty great at delivering the goods while maintaining a long term story arc. With Walking Dead then need to trim the fat on some stuff, and get to the point.
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    stickfig13stickfig13 Posts: 1,532
    Better Dan wrote:
    stickfig13 wrote:

    A lot is happening without anything really happening

    Yup. Getting bored with this show again. LOL that's happened a lot since season 2. :fp:

    I don't think the writers understanding pacing. If you watch 3-4 episodes in a row its not so bad but when you watch one episode every 7 days its seems like nothing happened. Dexter did this a lot too as the seasons went on. Breaking Bad was pretty great at delivering the goods while maintaining a long term story arc. With Walking Dead then need to trim the fat on some stuff, and get to the point.

    Agreed. This season is shaping up to be like last. Major build up involving the governor and we will most likely get nothing. I hate to be so critical of a show I love, but the potential the show had has gotten bogged down in lame story lines and predictable walkers.

    Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
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    I don't think the writers understanding pacing. If you watch 3-4 episodes in a row its not so bad but when you watch one episode every 7 days its seems like nothing happened. Dexter did this a lot too as the seasons went on. Breaking Bad was pretty great at delivering the goods while maintaining a long term story arc. With Walking Dead then need to trim the fat on some stuff, and get to the point.

    I just think a lot of people don't understand this show. it can't be constant drama/killing/fighting. that would get boring and stupid. there has to be some character development somewhere. and the non-drama parts are the foreshadowing of the shit hitting the fan. it always hits it, you just don't know when.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
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    stickfig13 wrote:

    Agreed. This season is shaping up to be like last. Major build up involving the governor and we will most likely get nothing. I hate to be so critical of a show I love, but the potential the show had has gotten bogged down in lame story lines and predictable walkers.


    this is funny.

    1) where do they get the supplies to fix the fence?
    2) how do they temporarily get rid of the walkers while they fix said fence?
    3) where are they getting the construction crew to do so? :lol:

    they simply don't have the manpower to do it all. half of the group is quarantined and is dying/died from the flu. one quarter of the group is out getting supplies and medication. the ones left are just trying to hang on with what little they have. you know desperation hits when you have a 10 year old with a machine gun. and then we see the guvnah about to make shit WORSE.

    I'm not sure how much more action/drama/storyline you want. jesus.

    it's like this forum is filled with you-can't-please-anyone-pearl-jam-fans or something. ;)
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
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    I don't think the writers understanding pacing. If you watch 3-4 episodes in a row its not so bad but when you watch one episode every 7 days its seems like nothing happened. Dexter did this a lot too as the seasons went on. Breaking Bad was pretty great at delivering the goods while maintaining a long term story arc. With Walking Dead then need to trim the fat on some stuff, and get to the point.

    I just think a lot of people don't understand this show. it can't be constant drama/killing/fighting. that would get boring and stupid. there has to be some character development somewhere. and the non-drama parts are the foreshadowing of the shit hitting the fan. it always hits it, you just don't know when.

    Breaking Bad, even Dexter(when it was good) had less killing and action, then Walking Dead does. I'd even say Game of Thrones has less killing, and way more characters. With AGOT if you miss an episode you actually miss something. Walking Dead has had too many episodes where if you missed it one week you could watch the following week and not be out of the loop.

    Character development? Really? This is season 4, i think most of the viewers know who these characters are, time for development is pass, it's time for story telling. And it always hits the fan? Did you watch the last episode of season 3? A man with an army runs away from smoke grenades? The whole second half of the season was a build up to a war, and all we got was a bully running away when the wimp wouldnt give up his lunch money.

    Let me try to compare this to the comics, the prison war was around issue 30 in the comics, in that arc the Governor dies and the prison is destroyed so the group has to move on. 30 some issues is about 3 years, same as 3 seasons. Except a comic takes about 10-20 minutes to read, the show runs about 45 minutes. So in nearly twice the time as the comics the show has not even accomplished what is likely to happen to season 4, the Governor dies and the group moves from the prison. This is a clear case of milking the story, dragging it out cause the ratings are high. Plus the show for obvious reasons didn't do the Michonne Governor part, now that would have made the Governor one of the worst villains in all of TV. So if they kept to the pacing of the comics, which we so popular it created the show, season 2 could have ended with where we are today...

    This show moves slower than a legless zombie. I'm not calling for nonstop zombie slaughter, but let the story move along at a reasonable pace, these characters and the story are becoming static, and where is the character development in static characters? Just let them breathe at this point, the story will keep the characters alive and fresh if it is good, a great foundation has been set for all the characters 2 seasons ago, now run with it.
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    stickfig13 wrote:

    Agreed. This season is shaping up to be like last. Major build up involving the governor and we will most likely get nothing. I hate to be so critical of a show I love, but the potential the show had has gotten bogged down in lame story lines and predictable walkers.


    this is funny.

    1) where do they get the supplies to fix the fence?
    2) how do they temporarily get rid of the walkers while they fix said fence?
    3) where are they getting the construction crew to do so? :lol:

    I have to comment on this too quickly.

    1. where do they get vaccines and ammo? i think building supplies would be easier to come by.
    2. same way the walked through a crowd of zombies in season 1, lead them away this season with the pigs. send darly out to trap some rabbits, bait the zombies...they have shown pretty often zombies arent that hard to herd.
    3. where do they get the crew to man a sick ward, a kids ward, go on supply runs, man the watch towers, tend the garden, cook the food?
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    Breaking Bad, even Dexter(when it was good) had less killing and action, then Walking Dead does. I'd even say Game of Thrones has less killing, and way more characters. With AGOT if you miss an episode you actually miss something. Walking Dead has had too many episodes where if you missed it one week you could watch the following week and not be out of the loop.

    Character development? Really? This is season 4, i think most of the viewers know who these characters are, time for development is pass, it's time for story telling. And it always hits the fan? Did you watch the last episode of season 3? A man with an army runs away from smoke grenades? The whole second half of the season was a build up to a war, and all we got was a bully running away when the wimp wouldnt give up his lunch money.

    Let me try to compare this to the comics, the prison war was around issue 30 in the comics, in that arc the Governor dies and the prison is destroyed so the group has to move on. 30 some issues is about 3 years, same as 3 seasons. Except a comic takes about 10-20 minutes to read, the show runs about 45 minutes. So in nearly twice the time as the comics the show has not even accomplished what is likely to happen to season 4, the Governor dies and the group moves from the prison. This is a clear case of milking the story, dragging it out cause the ratings are high. Plus the show for obvious reasons didn't do the Michonne Governor part, now that would have made the Governor one of the worst villains in all of TV. So if they kept to the pacing of the comics, which we so popular it created the show, season 2 could have ended with where we are today...

    This show moves slower than a legless zombie. I'm not calling for nonstop zombie slaughter, but let the story move along at a reasonable pace, these characters and the story are becoming static, and where is the character development in static characters? Just let them breathe at this point, the story will keep the characters alive and fresh if it is good, a great foundation has been set for all the characters 2 seasons ago, now run with it.

    precisely why I stopped watching game of thrones. I got sick of having to learn about 6 new character and their 17 alliances every week.

    I just find that this show flows at the pace it should, how it actually would in this situation had it been in real life. it's not always crazy, it's not always stagnant. I think it's balanced very well. and yes, character development. like real humans, characters in tv should never stop developing. there's always something new to learn about them from their past or something new for them to learn about themselves. that's real fucking life. that's why it's relatable even though it's about zombies.

    I watched Lost from beginning to end. You wanna talk about endless nonsensical character development? they were using that show as a vehicle every week to explain the entire history of one person no one gave a shit about. they had no idea where that show as going. Walking Dead has a purpose, and the producers and writers seem very clear about it. at least to me. maybe I'm just a little more patient with it; I don't know. maybe because I haven't watched Dexter, or Breaking Bad, or even Sopranos. Or read the comics.

    have there been a few episodes that seemed like the bridge between two others? of course. but in my opinion those have been necessary evils and in the minority. But I'm also not a serial tv show expert. So far, I think this show is brilliant. If I had one complaint, it would be about Michonne's character. She started out as a hooded vigilante with two jawless walkers on chains and now she's talking about her "feelings". I don't like that shit one bit. I want to see her bite the guvnah's ear off. Instead I think she's going to give him a hug before she lets Daryl put an arrow through his good eye. But whatever. That's about my only complaint with the show.

    That and the lack of Maggie Boobies.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
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    thefixer9thefixer9 Posts: 9,376
    Fuck this show... :lol:
    Tres Mts- 3/16/2011
    Eddie Vedder- 7/16/11
    Brad- 4/21/12 (RSD Performance), 4/27/12, 8/10/12
    Flight To Mars- 5/23/12
    RNDM- 11/27/12

    PEARL JAM- 12/6/13 I have finally seen Pearl Jam live!
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    cubBEE_girlcubBEE_girl Waiting for next year... Posts: 3,365
    Here's an interview with the governor....

    http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/11/10/walki ... -governor/

    'The Walking Dead': David Morrissey discusses the return of the Governor and what's next!
    By Dalton Rosson

    Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead was brutal. The virus took hold and starting killing people, who then, in turn, came back as zombies and started killing more people. We almost lost Glenn, and Sasha too. But the moment that will no doubt have people buzzing the most was the very last shot, which revealed the long-awaited return of the Governor. We saw the Woodbury villain staring at the prison in the distance. But what does it mean? Where has he been? And what comes next? I spoke to the man behind the eye patch, actor David Morrissey, to get some answers. (Also make sure to check out our Q&A with Walking Dead showrunner Scott M. Gimple, who talks about what to expect next with the Governor.)

    ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Well, sir, a very ominous reentry onto the show as we see the Governor spying on the prison. This guy just cannot let it go, can he?

    DAVID MORRISSEY: He’s looking for safety, and the main thing for the prison is it’s the safe place to be. It’s the alternative of our world in the zombie apocalypse. The prison is a place of protection, not a place of incarceration, so that’s why he’s looking at it.

    EW: So it’s not a personal vendetta?
    MORRISSEY: He’s looking at the building, I would suggest, rather than the people in it. Although the people in it are an inconvenience, because they’re in his way of getting safety. But it’s more about the building than the people.

    EW: So I know we’re now going to finally find out what the Governor has been up to since we saw him slaughtering his own and disappearing with his two foot soldiers, and I know it will involve flashbacks showing what happened to him in the aftermath of that. What else can you tell us about what we are going to see?

    MORRISSEY: What you see at the end of this last episode is that he’s fit, he looks well, he looks healthy — so he’s ready for confrontation in whatever form that takes. So our questions are piqued at the end of episode 5 and that’s where we’ll go in episode 6. We’ll see a bit more of where he’s been in the ensuing months. I think it’s fair to say that at the end of season 3 we left him in a very difficult space. He had turned on his own people and he didn’t do that with any pleasure. He’s not somebody who was doing that in any premeditated way. It comes out of him in a quite spontaneous anger. It’s like a red mist has descended on him and I think what we’ll see in the coming episodes is someone who is coming to terms with that new person that we saw at the end of season 3 — whether he’s embracing that person or fighting that person. That is what we will see. He’s changed. He’s definitely changed. That is fair to say. And what we will see is where that change has taken him.

    EW: Last season when we were introduced to the Governor we saw him at an earlier point than we did in the comic book in terms of his evolution. And then we watched him devolve over the course of the season. Where is that evolution now?

    MORRISSEY: He’s still the man that we know. It’s not like we can erase his past or change the character totally. He is a man who is aware of himself now. I think the Governor at the beginning of season 3 was a man who was building a future. He had a future for Woodbury. He had a plan for Woodbury. And those plans get smashed. And certainly the future for his daughter and any sort of cure experiment that he and Milton were exploring — that’s out the window now. We leave him with himself and his two henchmen — he’s lost everything. So he is a man that has lost everything. And I think what we see coming up is how he deals with that loss. He’s a dangerous man still and he knows how dangerous he is. He knows what he’s capable of and that is a very dangerous thing. And like I said, it’s about whether he embraces that man and how dangerous he is, or whether he fights him. That’s the question coming in — which character is he happy to be? Which character is he trying to be? We see him at the end of episode 5 and he’s standing outside that prison and looking at that prison and we don’t know whether he’s come in peace or come in war. We don’t know that yet. So we have to wait for that reveal in the upcoming episodes. He might have had an about face, but we don’t know. He’s a man who recognizes his own capabilities. That is fair to say.

    EW: There’s always that question: Does a villain realize or even think of himself as a villain? And it sounds like what you’re saying is that he is really taking stock of his own situation and trying to make sense of what he is and what’s he’s become.

    MORRISSEY: I think he’s intelligent enough to know that there is something that can take over himself. I don’t think he’s totally happy with the capabilities that he’s shown. It was never in his plan to turn on his own people. And the loss of his daughter has done something terrible to his brain. That’s the fight he will have going forward. I think once anybody has committed an act like that or done something like that, they know their capabilities, and it’s about whether they can keep control of themselves. Because they really know now — it’s that cliché of “you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry” — there’s a sense from him that he knows where his anger can take him. And that’s his battle. And will certainly be his battle in season 4.

    EW: I know you used Robert Kirkman’s Rise of the Governor novel for help with your backstory last year. With two more Governor books out now, is that something we’re going to be exploring more? Is that a tool you’ve used heading into this season?

    MORRISSEY: Everything is a tool in Robert’s writing because he writes so well. I strongly urge everybody to read all there of those novels because I think they are brilliant. I personally like Robert’s writing in those three novels more than the comic books. But that’s my genre: I like novels more than I like graphic books. So I get a lot from his novels. Whether we use that in the season coming up, you’ll have to wait and see, but I get such a lot from Robert’s writing about the Governor as a character and all his building blocks are in them for me. As I said, whether we use them in the season going forward you’ll have to wait and see, but they are so rich in characterization, so yes, I do use them in that way.

    For more ‘Walking Dead’ news, follow Dalton on Twitter @DaltonRoss.

    i love the packers.
    I lost a bet...
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    Better DanBetter Dan Posts: 5,684

    I don't think the writers understanding pacing. If you watch 3-4 episodes in a row its not so bad but when you watch one episode every 7 days its seems like nothing happened. Dexter did this a lot too as the seasons went on. Breaking Bad was pretty great at delivering the goods while maintaining a long term story arc. With Walking Dead then need to trim the fat on some stuff, and get to the point.

    I just think a lot of people don't understand this show. it can't be constant drama/killing/fighting. that would get boring and stupid. there has to be some character development somewhere. and the non-drama parts are the foreshadowing of the shit hitting the fan. it always hits it, you just don't know when.

    I agree with you, but I don't think there is enough meaningful character development in the show to keep it interesting and all too often it resorts back to more zombie kililng. I'm actually kind've bored of all the zombie/fighting scenes at this point. :o Just my opinion though and I'm glad you are enjoying the show. Maybe, despite what I would have expected, the premise just isn't interesting to me for a long running show. I do still like the show and plan to keep watching, but it just isn't holding my attention as much as some other stuff right now.
    2003: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Seattle; 2005: Monterrey; 2006: Chicago 1 & 2, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Detroit; 2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa; 2009: Austin, LA 3 & 4, San Diego; 2010: Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis; 2011: PJ20 1 & 2; 2012: Missoula; 2013: Dallas, Oklahoma City, Seattle; 2014: Tulsa; 2016: Columbia, New York City 1 & 2; 2018: London, Seattle 1 & 2; 2021: Ohana; 2022: Oklahoma City
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    Better DanBetter Dan Posts: 5,684

    I don't think the writers understanding pacing. If you watch 3-4 episodes in a row its not so bad but when you watch one episode every 7 days its seems like nothing happened. Dexter did this a lot too as the seasons went on. Breaking Bad was pretty great at delivering the goods while maintaining a long term story arc. With Walking Dead then need to trim the fat on some stuff, and get to the point.

    I just think a lot of people don't understand this show. it can't be constant drama/killing/fighting. that would get boring and stupid. there has to be some character development somewhere. and the non-drama parts are the foreshadowing of the shit hitting the fan. it always hits it, you just don't know when.

    Breaking Bad, even Dexter(when it was good) had less killing and action, then Walking Dead does. I'd even say Game of Thrones has less killing, and way more characters. With AGOT if you miss an episode you actually miss something. Walking Dead has had too many episodes where if you missed it one week you could watch the following week and not be out of the loop.

    I agree. I watch and enjoy a lot of "slow burn" shows and the things that keep those going are characters and good plotting. I think the plotting on TWD is weak. For example, I loved the first half of season 3 but towards the last half it seemed like nothing was happening because nothing could happen until the season finale. Setup episodes are fine, but when every week is starting to feel like setup I think you have problems.
    2003: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Seattle; 2005: Monterrey; 2006: Chicago 1 & 2, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Detroit; 2008: West Palm Beach, Tampa; 2009: Austin, LA 3 & 4, San Diego; 2010: Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis; 2011: PJ20 1 & 2; 2012: Missoula; 2013: Dallas, Oklahoma City, Seattle; 2014: Tulsa; 2016: Columbia, New York City 1 & 2; 2018: London, Seattle 1 & 2; 2021: Ohana; 2022: Oklahoma City
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    Better Dan wrote:
    Setup episodes are fine, but when every week is starting to feel like setup I think you have problems.

    Lost had setup SEASONS. :lol:
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
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    igotid88igotid88 Posts: 27,563
    Will they explain Hershel's leg coming back?
    I miss igotid88
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    igotid88 wrote:
    Will they explain Hershel's leg coming back?

    :?: he wears a prosthetic.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
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    PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,154
    I'm all for character development, but the development isn't interesting.

    They really aren't moving the story forward. The zombie apocalypse is like a elephant in the room....ok, we know they all have it, but why...what caused it.

    Instead, we get sidetracked stories involving the Governor and a superbug in the prison.

    Again, all fine and good...but it seems since Frank Darabont left, showrunners are grasping at what to do next.

    What do I know though...the show continues to bring in record numbers...and in key demographics, it actually beats Sunday Night Football.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
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    So far, I think this show is brilliant. If I had one complaint, it would be about Michonne's character. She started out as a hooded vigilante with two jawless walkers on chains and now she's talking about her "feelings". I don't like that shit one bit. I want to see her bite the guvnah's ear off. Instead I think she's going to give him a hug before she lets Daryl put an arrow through his good eye. But whatever. That's about my only complaint with the show.

    That and the lack of Maggie Boobies.

    Since the show won't touch it I won't be spoiling anything by saying it but the part i was alluding to about the Governor and Michonne, she was raped by the Governor. On top of the at one of her pet zombies was her boyfriend. She may be the most broken character of the group. but she keeps pushing on like Rick. She really doesn't give up. I'm not all that far with the comics, but she is maybe the one character the show really could do some exploring with cause she is really awesome. The comic fans were not very happy with the silent treatment the show gave her last season because that is not Michonne. Michonne was a mother and a outgoing person until the zombies, they sorta do need to give the tv fans that backstory....
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    I'm all for character development, but the development isn't interesting.

    They really aren't moving the story forward. The zombie apocalypse is like a elephant in the room....ok, we know they all have it, but why...what caused it.

    Instead, we get sidetracked stories involving the Governor and a superbug in the prison.

    Again, all fine and good...but it seems since Frank Darabont left, showrunners are grasping at what to do next.

    What do I know though...the show continues to bring in record numbers...and in key demographics, it actually beats Sunday Night Football.


    I'm not sure this show is moving towards a solution or endgame as you hope it is. I think this show is, and always has been, about the fact that this is now life, this is how the world is now, and the show is dealing with life as it is now, post apocalypse. I don't think these are side stories at all. I think this IS the story. The on going story of survival. I think anyone looking for answers as to why they have it or a cure or how it all came to be will be sorely disappointed.

    maybe you'll get those answers whenever the show finally ends, but I learned from Lost not to watch a show again waiting for answers. If I get them, bonus, but I'm just enjoying following the walking dead as they try to survive the ZA.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
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    Since the show won't touch it I won't be spoiling anything by saying it but the part i was alluding to about the Governor and Michonne, she was raped by the Governor. On top of the at one of her pet zombies was her boyfriend. She may be the most broken character of the group. but she keeps pushing on like Rick. She really doesn't give up. I'm not all that far with the comics, but she is maybe the one character the show really could do some exploring with cause she is really awesome. The comic fans were not very happy with the silent treatment the show gave her last season because that is not Michonne. Michonne was a mother and a outgoing person until the zombies, they sorta do need to give the tv fans that backstory....

    yeah, my buddy who has read all the comics has told me about that incident. I think we gathered a few episodes ago that Michonne had been a mother, since she didn't want to go near judith and when she did all she did was cry. So I'm guessing that back story will continue at some point. But still, her entrance into the show is FAR from what she is now.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
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    PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,154

    See, therein lies the difference, I enjoyed the ride with Lost. They always threw a twist and turn that kept me guessing and looking forward to next week. I don't get that from Walking Dead...haven't in a while. I'm invested as a viewer to see an eventual resolution, but the story has flattened out.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
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