where was uproar? are you kidding? there was no uproar then because they actually thought smoking was GOOD FOR YOU, relieving stress, etc. the uproar came when the facts were discovered.
Is anyone here actually advocating abolishing outdoor smoking? I haven't seen any post declaring that. Smoking is a nuisance, having to smell the bastards, but I can't tell someone not to smoke outside. In fact, I laugh at them all winter!!
But I also thinks it's sad when they tell me they can't afford a necessity in life, or even a luxury for their children (like sports), yet they have a $400 a month smoking habit. Hello, priorities?
I QUIT WHEN MY WIFE WAS PREGNANT WITH OUR FIRST. I have fallen off the wagon a couple of times, but ultimately I knew what was right for my kid (now kidS). And I smoked heavily for nearly 15 years. If you want it bad enough, it can be done.
I'm fine with designated areas, i.e. an out of the way smoking lounge. I'm also fine with an employer or proprietor who doesn't want to offer such an area. I'm fine if they do it in their car or in their home as long as they don't expose other (such as children) to it. I don't think smoking should be allowed anywhere in public, where it might bother the mass majority of the population who are non-smokers.
Yet, the mass majority of the population were the smokers up until the last ten or so years. Everyone smoked (except me, I actually tried to like smoking, didn't work). And the popular thing to do was smoke in the 40s through the 70s. Where was the uproar then? Oh,yeah...they were the ones smoking.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Times are changing because we are becoming more educated and health conscious. I don't know how accurate these are, but I've heard trends like these that are comparable:
I enjoy seeing everyones perspectives in here, and the best thing i've learned is that maybe I should approach someone who is smoking an ask nicely for them to stop or move. Unfortunatley, I think many times this wont end well, but who knows? And the most personal situation I've had to deal with was a co-worker in close quarters. Had that guy never been fired, I really can't even imagine what would've/could've happened.
But one other thing I really have been considering is that man ypeople herre throw around terms like "close-mindedness" and "control others"... my answer to this is exactly what I read by Cosmo (who is an ocasional smoker). He is very conscious of his surroundings and how his actions might affect others. This forced me to think like a smoker and realize that I would want to act like him so that I do not have to force my choices onto another human. Of course, many smokers might not have been a non-smoker since they were teens or very young, so they often don't think like a non-smoker and/or realize how they are negatively affecting people around them.
I've done this before with smoker friends and they've been very courteous to not be near me with their smoke. I do usually have to say something, but that's fine, I don't have a problem with asking nicely. Most smokers will not jump down one's throat if asked in a nice way to please move. And on my way to a PJ show when I was 7 months pregnant, a smoker blew my mind by apologizing profusely for smoking while walking down the street in front of me. I think generalizing smokers to being non-receptive to 2nd hand smoke isn't always fair. I mean, look at Cosmo.
I think generalizing smokers to being non-receptive to 2nd hand smoke isn't always fair. I mean, look at Cosmo.
you're right. it has nothign to do with the smoking status of the individual, just the personality. I know lots of non-smokers that are inconsiderate assholes.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
No I am a non smoker. I smoked from the ages of 19 to 23 then quit when I met JB who had quit after being a teen smoker.
My son smokes, my daughter does not. JB smokes cigars, all my sisters smoke or did. My father did not and my Mama did very lightly.
One thing that seems to be dismissed is that the analogies of not being able
to do certain things while away from home...
this incorrect and for some reason being used as an analogy
of what the nonsmokers have given up, I guess?? :?
All the things stated people can and they do, away from home, crap, drink have sex....etc.
The naked and sing off tune might actually work soon...naked karaoke theres an idea, I bet people sound a lot better when naked
I'm not touching the 'the gettin jiggy with it" stuff as you knew I wouldn't...hey were you being a jag?
This for scb....
I was speaking of the free will of scb loved ones and the right to choose what they enjoy or need.
And yes scb... I was not being condescending that was coming from the heart, from my life experience.
I believe, as I have said before, what we do for others is pretty much all we will take with us from this world when we go.
'The love you receive is the love that is saved'
That was my point to you, that it is an opportunity for great love to be there with someone in their time of need. If that is dying from smoking so be it.
The spin you put on being with your loved one in that capacity didn't seem to approach the challenge in a positive way. Perhaps I took that wrong. I apologize if so, it seemed a little high horse ish.
Would you rather a loved one not suffer, of course. Would you rather they lived their life in a perfect way so as to remain healthy as long as possible? Sure, but that is not in our control nor should it be.
My sister passed from throat cancer 5 years ago. She was the ripe old age of 58, that's 3 short years older than I am now.
Would I like her to still be walking the earth? yes,
was it her choice to smoke and drink? yes and to not quit when advised? yes.
Was it a lesson learned for her on the other side? yes.
Did she know how very much I loved and accepted her and her choices? yes.
This life lesson has also taught me much.
We must think for ourselves in this life and learn from our mistakes.
To all those that jumped on the 12 hour thingy.....
yes I feel it is extremely hard for a smoker to go 12 hours without smoking, not impossible but very stressful and why should they?... where is the compromise there?
The non smokers are saying they should go 12 hours because they don't want to compromise.
It doesn't matter that the smokers have designated areas or are not able to smoke in restaurants bars or the workplace.
They want it their way no no way.They want to do away with it.
They do not want to see a cigarette, basically that's what it comes down to.
Abolish the right to smoke in public.
Fast forward a few years and then perhaps one step further, the insurances costs to take care of ill smokers is a burden...a very good reason to abolish it and make it illegal all together.
One right gone.
This of course worries an open minded person because what will be the next right taken away?
Who will be targeted next in a society of the perfect?
Perhaps those that listen to loud music... perhaps tougher laws on weed :shock:
The non smokers will not agree with me,
my stance.... let the smokers have their areas to smoke and keep the right to smoke in public,
the non smokers are on the road to remove choice.
Without compromise there is no reason.... what follows is a mind that is closed to the subject
and as we see here, the heart soon loses it's compassion.
and then everybody sucks
I think the thing you seem to be missing here is this... smoking is not a necessity. It is a habit.... an addiction... but certainly not a necessity. I think it is closer to masturbation, than crapping... because you have to crap.... whether you want to or not. And yeah, i admit it... I masturbate... but, I can sit through a plane ride without doing it... just as i can sit through a plane ride without firing up a smoke. But, if I have to crap... I have no choice. Good thing they put those crappers on the planes.
Also, those other things you say we have the freedom to do outside our homes... crap, drink, have sex... no.... we can't. I can't just crap on the the sidewalk... I can't drive down the street, chugging a bottle of Jack Daniels... I can't have sex at the bus stop outside the elementary school. Am i being denied freedoms? No. Sure, there are restrooms, bars and motels for those types of activities and there are places for people to smoke.
About compromise... what about the smoker's compromise? I know what it is like... I SMOKE. Still, i show some consideration to those who do not. Yes... it is MY Choice to smoke... but, it is not my Right to expose you to my consequences. It is less a matter of compromise and more of a case of consideration.
Regarding your loved ones... I am truely sorry. You say they are 'Life Lessons' which you learn from and make you stronger. But, are they really lessons if you never learn and continually repeat them? You lose a sibling and what did you learn from it... to sit by and support the same lifestyle choices of loved ones so they may walk the same path that ends with the same results that leads to nothing changed? What is the greater character trait... allowing one to repeat the same experiment that have proven to have negative results.... or trying to help them so they do not end up in the same place? One is the easy way... the other is difficult... which one do you choose?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Just going to post a big SORRY
sorry I upset you so scb....Truly.
I don't want you to confuse being caring with condescending
so I better leave it at that and not try to win any approval from you.
I do hope your loss of affection for me is not due to the fact we disagree.
I know you are a bigger person than that but wonder how you could allow that to be the result.
But for the record, I don't believe you ever mentioned your loved one of concern was your twin,
I assumed it was your Mother.
Huge difference, I do understand Twin relationships as my sisters are twins
and I understand sister relationships.
The relationship entirely different than that with your Mother.
Either case I don't know if you got my drift on it all anyways.
As I said I do know what it is like to lose a sister to addiction, smoke and drink
and the lesson I have taken from that is we make our own mistakes and
should be loved in spite of them. Which we agree on...yes?
My mind is not closed to the subject and my heart is wide open.
I will continue to fight for the right of the smokers to smoke in designated public areas
as I feel this a fair compromise.
I want to add..as far as treating you like a child
I don't know about Jean but perhaps it is a similar thing,
I am just about 55 years old
you are my children's age
sorry that might sneak out at times. I apologize if that is wrong.
I have an 30 extra years of life's lessons to share but they may be unwanted.
I find that the case with my own children at times.
Well thanks for your good intentions. Presuming that someone needs your advice about how to interact with their own family members when you have absolutely no understanding of the nature of their relationship is pretty fucking condescending though. So is talking to them like they have no experience with or understanding of addiction.
Then don't talk about your family problems if you want us all out of your business. Try to have a good day, ok?
Haha... I don't have any family problems. I certainly wasn't talking about any family problems. I merely mentioned that I never give anyone shit for smoking except my sister. Then I started getting all this condescending, unsolicited "advice" about how to interact with her.
we had a out-door smoking area out near the back of the plant so for the most part nobody else needed to go there.
let me ask you something...lets say I am far away from anybody and having a cig, along comes joe blow and wants to talk to me should I A. put out my cig to see what he want's..or B. joe blow can wait till I'm finished smoking to talk me. ? guess what happens..I choose plan B. if joe blow sees me smoking and don't want second hand smoke he should do his best to wait for me or stay away from me..pretty simple right ?
you guys are blowing this stuff way out of proportion,you make sound like smokers are out to kill the world
with 2nd hand smoke and we have no rights at all, just stay away from smokers it's simple.
You have a designated area for you to smoke... it's called 'Your Car'. You want to have a smoke... go out to the parking lot, get in your car, turn on the stereo and fire up a smoke. That's what I do.
And... don't flick the butt or empty your ashtray in the parking lot... that's what the trash can at your house is for.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
And... don't flick the butt or empty your ashtray in the parking lot... that's what the trash can at your house is for.
funny story about that.........there was a car of 3 guys parked outside my father-in-law's house. The dude in the backseat opened the car door and proceeded to dump the car ashtray all over the curb and his lawn. My father in law, priceless, went up to the car, scooped a bunch of it up with a tiny gardening shovel, opened the door and dumped it back in the car!
The guys did nothing.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
And... don't flick the butt or empty your ashtray in the parking lot... that's what the trash can at your house is for.
funny story about that.........there was a car of 3 guys parked outside my father-in-law's house. The dude in the backseat opened the car door and proceeded to dump the car ashtray all over the curb and his lawn. My father in law, priceless, went up to the car, scooped a bunch of it up with a tiny gardening shovel, opened the door and dumped it back in the car!
The guys did nothing.
I know a couple of smokers that won't smoke in their cars because they don't want their cars to smell like smoke.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
And... don't flick the butt or empty your ashtray in the parking lot... that's what the trash can at your house is for.
funny story about that.........there was a car of 3 guys parked outside my father-in-law's house. The dude in the backseat opened the car door and proceeded to dump the car ashtray all over the curb and his lawn. My father in law, priceless, went up to the car, scooped a bunch of it up with a tiny gardening shovel, opened the door and dumped it back in the car!
The guys did nothing.
I know a couple of smokers that won't smoke in their cars because they don't want their cars to smell like smoke.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I SMOKE. Still, i show some consideration to those who do not.
Thank you for showing consideration. And thank you for your voice of reason. It's really not about smoking at all; it's about consideration (and rights, I guess). I have a problem with inconsideration of any kind and with anyone forcing others to suffer the consequences of their behaviors (or beliefs).
I know you are a bigger person than that but wonder how you could allow that to be the result.
But for the record, I don't believe you ever mentioned your loved one of concern was your twin,
I assumed it was your Mother.
Huge difference, I do understand Twin relationships as my sisters are twins
and I understand sister relationships.
The relationship entirely different than that with your Mother.
I have other family members and loved ones who smoke as well, but she was the person I primarily had in mind.
I didn't want to mention that it was my twin because there are people on this board who know her, so I try to be vague when talking about her and her business.
I tend to get upset any time I feel like people are butting in to our relationship, so it's not just you.
As I said I do know what it is like to lose a sister to addiction, smoke and drink
and the lesson I have taken from that is we make our own mistakes and
should be loved in spite of them. Which we agree on...yes?
Of course. I know that we make our own mistakes and I love people no matter what, which is why I take offense to your assumption that I don't. And, more than anyone I know, I stand by people throughout all their bad habits and the consequences of those habits for the person and for those of us who love them, including horrible deaths. But I think I have a right and sometimes even an obligation to the people I love to share my views with them, especially when their behavior is harmful to themselves or others (including myself).
My mind is not closed to the subject and my heart is wide open.
I will continue to fight for the right of the smokers to smoke in designated public areas
as I feel this a fair compromise.
I want to add..as far as treating you like a child
I don't know about Jean but perhaps it is a similar thing,
I am just about 55 years old
you are my children's age
sorry that might sneak out at times. I apologize if that is wrong.
I have an 30 extra years of life's lessons to share but they may be unwanted.
I find that the case with my own children at times.
I can understand that and I know I'm guilty of doing the same thing sometimes. (I guess what goes around comes around, huh?)
Well thanks for your good intentions. Presuming that someone needs your advice about how to interact with their own family members when you have absolutely no understanding of the nature of their relationship is pretty fucking condescending though. So is talking to them like they have no experience with or understanding of addiction.
Then don't talk about your family problems if you want us all out of your business. Try to have a good day, ok?
Haha... I don't have any family problems. I certainly wasn't talking about any family problems. I merely mentioned that I never give anyone shit for smoking except my sister. Then I started getting all this condescending, unsolicited "advice" about how to interact with her.
Take it as you will scb, but I already told you I was TRYING to be helpful.
Times are changing because we are becoming more educated and health conscious. I don't know how accurate these are, but I've heard trends like these that are comparable:
Thanks - that's really interesting. I especially found this part to be important: "While the numbers of people smoking decreased across groups from all educational levels, the less educated stopped smoking five times more slowly than those at higher education levels."
Then don't talk about your family problems if you want us all out of your business. Try to have a good day, ok?
Haha... I don't have any family problems. I certainly wasn't talking about any family problems. I merely mentioned that I never give anyone shit for smoking except my sister. Then I started getting all this condescending, unsolicited "advice" about how to interact with her.
Take it as you will scb, but I already told you I was TRYING to be helpful.
I've just noticed this, do you write every post like it is a song? It's quite an unusual style, with new lines just randomly starting. Or is it like your iPhone that does that?
Just going to post a big SORRY
sorry I upset you so scb....Truly.
I don't want you to confuse being caring with condescending
so I better leave it at that and not try to win any approval from you.
I do hope your loss of affection for me is not due to the fact we disagree.
I know you are a bigger person than that but wonder how you could allow that to be the result.
But for the record, I don't believe you ever mentioned your loved one of concern was your twin,
I assumed it was your Mother.
Huge difference, I do understand Twin relationships as my sisters are twins
and I understand sister relationships.
The relationship entirely different than that with your Mother.
Either case I don't know if you got my drift on it all anyways.
As I said I do know what it is like to lose a sister to addiction, smoke and drink
and the lesson I have taken from that is we make our own mistakes and
should be loved in spite of them. Which we agree on...yes?
My mind is not closed to the subject and my heart is wide open.
I will continue to fight for the right of the smokers to smoke in designated public areas
as I feel this a fair compromise.
I want to add..as far as treating you like a child
I don't know about Jean but perhaps it is a similar thing,
I am just about 55 years old
you are my children's age
sorry that might sneak out at times. I apologize if that is wrong.
I have an 30 extra years of life's lessons to share but they may be unwanted.
I find that the case with my own children at times.
we had a out-door smoking area out near the back of the plant so for the most part nobody else needed to go there.
let me ask you something...lets say I am far away from anybody and having a cig, along comes joe blow and wants to talk to me should I A. put out my cig to see what he want's..or B. joe blow can wait till I'm finished smoking to talk me. ? guess what happens..I choose plan B. if joe blow sees me smoking and don't want second hand smoke he should do his best to wait for me or stay away from me..pretty simple right ?
you guys are blowing this stuff way out of proportion,you make sound like smokers are out to kill the world
with 2nd hand smoke and we have no rights at all, just stay away from smokers it's simple.
1) Depends...you talking about being at work and Joe blow needing to talk to you about work? Well, unless you have an official "break time", then yes, put it out. If on official "break time", then no.
"You guys" who are you referring to?
My only point was that your employer has every right to limit how, when, or where you smoke (if at all) on their property.
But I also thinks it's sad when they tell me they can't afford a necessity in life, or even a luxury for their children (like sports), yet they have a $400 a month smoking habit. Hello, priorities?
This is a entirely different but major problem with America. The same people spending $400 a month of cigarrettes, and have a flat screen TV with cable, also receive welfare. I don't know what ever happend to priorities and sacrifice. The way I was raised, the necessities of life, and saving for the future, came before luxeries and bad habits. And you don't spend what you don't have. It's really a culture crisis!
Yet, the mass majority of the population were the smokers up until the last ten or so years. Everyone smoked (except me, I actually tried to like smoking, didn't work). And the popular thing to do was smoke in the 40s through the 70s. Where was the uproar then? Oh,yeah...they were the ones smoking.
Actually, even in the 40s, the majority of the people didn't smoke. That rate has generally declined since then. So obviously the majority were not smokers up until ten years ago either.
we had a out-door smoking area out near the back of the plant so for the most part nobody else needed to go there.
let me ask you something...lets say I am far away from anybody and having a cig, along comes joe blow and wants to talk to me should I A. put out my cig to see what he want's..or B. joe blow can wait till I'm finished smoking to talk me. ? guess what happens..I choose plan B. if joe blow sees me smoking and don't want second hand smoke he should do his best to wait for me or stay away from me..pretty simple right ?
you guys are blowing this stuff way out of proportion,you make sound like smokers are out to kill the world
with 2nd hand smoke and we have no rights at all, just stay away from smokers it's simple.
1) Depends...you talking about being at work and Joe blow needing to talk to you about work? Well, unless you have an official "break time", then yes, put it out. If on official "break time", then no.
"You guys" who are you referring to?
My only point was that your employer has every right to limit how, when, or where you smoke (if at all) on their property.
........ :roll: ..yes your right about that and I agree.
but I am growing weary of all this "my rights..your rights" bullshit,if one persons rights are infringed on by another persons rights who is right ?...... :crazy: reminds me a pool sign my friends had at their pool when I was a kid.."I won't swim in your toilet if you don't pee in my pool"
I've just noticed this, do you write every post like it is a song? It's quite an unusual style, with new lines just randomly starting. Or is it like your iPhone that does that?
Just going to post a big SORRY
sorry I upset you so scb....Truly.
I don't want you to confuse being caring with condescending
so I better leave it at that and not try to win any approval from you.
I do hope your loss of affection for me is not due to the fact we disagree.
I know you are a bigger person than that but wonder how you could allow that to be the result.
But for the record, I don't believe you ever mentioned your loved one of concern was your twin,
I assumed it was your Mother.
Huge difference, I do understand Twin relationships as my sisters are twins
and I understand sister relationships.
The relationship entirely different than that with your Mother.
Either case I don't know if you got my drift on it all anyways.
As I said I do know what it is like to lose a sister to addiction, smoke and drink
and the lesson I have taken from that is we make our own mistakes and
should be loved in spite of them. Which we agree on...yes?
My mind is not closed to the subject and my heart is wide open.
I will continue to fight for the right of the smokers to smoke in designated public areas
as I feel this a fair compromise.
I want to add..as far as treating you like a child
I don't know about Jean but perhaps it is a similar thing,
I am just about 55 years old
you are my children's age
sorry that might sneak out at times. I apologize if that is wrong.
I have an 30 extra years of life's lessons to share but they may be unwanted.
I find that the case with my own children at times.
Iphone?...I wouldn't know what to do with it techno impaired here
Actually I think that's my thoughts and they are pretty random as you've experienced!
maybe I want to grow up to be something different
like a poet
and I'll write
all I know it!
I've just noticed this, do you write every post like it is a song? It's quite an unusual style, with new lines just randomly starting. Or is it like your iPhone that does that?
Just going to post a big SORRY
sorry I upset you so scb....Truly.
I don't want you to confuse being caring with condescending
so I better leave it at that and not try to win any approval from you.
I do hope your loss of affection for me is not due to the fact we disagree.
I know you are a bigger person than that but wonder how you could allow that to be the result.
But for the record, I don't believe you ever mentioned your loved one of concern was your twin,
I assumed it was your Mother.
Huge difference, I do understand Twin relationships as my sisters are twins
and I understand sister relationships.
The relationship entirely different than that with your Mother.
Either case I don't know if you got my drift on it all anyways.
As I said I do know what it is like to lose a sister to addiction, smoke and drink
and the lesson I have taken from that is we make our own mistakes and
should be loved in spite of them. Which we agree on...yes?
My mind is not closed to the subject and my heart is wide open.
I will continue to fight for the right of the smokers to smoke in designated public areas
as I feel this a fair compromise.
I want to add..as far as treating you like a child
I don't know about Jean but perhaps it is a similar thing,
I am just about 55 years old
you are my children's age
sorry that might sneak out at times. I apologize if that is wrong.
I have an 30 extra years of life's lessons to share but they may be unwanted.
I find that the case with my own children at times.
Iphone?...I wouldn't know what to do with it techno impaired here
Actually I think that's my thoughts and they are pretty random as you've experienced!
maybe I want to grow up to be something different
like a poet
and I'll write
all I know it!
I've just noticed this, do you write every post like it is a song? It's quite an unusual style, with new lines just randomly starting. Or is it like your iPhone that does that?
Iphone?...I wouldn't know what to do with it techno impaired here
Actually I think that's my thoughts and they are pretty random as you've experienced!
maybe I want to grow up to be something different
like a poet
and I'll write
all I know it!
a dream come true Pandi.
from the master of putting thought and word together
in beautiful form
to move the heart
and bless the soul
But I also thinks it's sad when they tell me they can't afford a necessity in life, or even a luxury for their children (like sports), yet they have a $400 a month smoking habit. Hello, priorities?
This is a entirely different but major problem with America. The same people spending $400 a month of cigarrettes, and have a flat screen TV with cable, also receive welfare. I don't know what ever happend to priorities and sacrifice. The way I was raised, the necessities of life, and saving for the future, came before luxeries and bad habits. And you don't spend what you don't have. It's really a culture crisis!
Yet, the mass majority of the population were the smokers up until the last ten or so years. Everyone smoked (except me, I actually tried to like smoking, didn't work). And the popular thing to do was smoke in the 40s through the 70s. Where was the uproar then? Oh,yeah...they were the ones smoking.
Actually, even in the 40s, the majority of the people didn't smoke. That rate has generally declined since then. So obviously the majority were not smokers up until ten years ago either.
I just overheard the conversation of a couple of public health scientists in my office. One of them was saying it was the Nazis who discovered that smoking is bad for you - back in the '30s. He said that after learning the results of the research, Hitler stopped smoking and wouldn't allow anyone to smoke in his presence. So I guess some people knew of the effects of second-hand smoke as far back as the '30s.
I just overheard the conversation of a couple of public health scientists in my office. One of them was saying it was the Nazis who discovered that smoking is bad for you - back in the '30s. He said that after learning the results of the research, Hitler stopped smoking and wouldn't allow anyone to smoke in his presence. So I guess some people knew of the effects of second-hand smoke as far back as the '30s.
I thought I heard that cigarettes are not what they used to be and are much more potent (and hazardous to our health) today than what they were years ago. Just what I've heard, I don't know for sure.
I just overheard the conversation of a couple of public health scientists in my office. One of them was saying it was the Nazis who discovered that smoking is bad for you - back in the '30s. He said that after learning the results of the research, Hitler stopped smoking and wouldn't allow anyone to smoke in his presence. So I guess some people knew of the effects of second-hand smoke as far back as the '30s.
I thought I heard that cigarettes are not what they used to be and are much more potent (and hazardous to our health) today than what they were years ago. Just what I've heard, I don't know for sure.
I would have thought the opposite, but I don't really know. Have they always had filters on them (the manufactured ones, I mean)?
I just want to point out that as bad as cigarettes are for people in general, no one can make another person quit. It's got to come from within the smoker to decide what they want to do. Think about that with your sister. I know that if someone hated my bad habits, it would not make me stop them. I've got to want to quit for me for anything to happen. Give up that need to decide for your sister and she may just make the right decision.
Okay, I'm a little confused...
Who is trying to make anyone quit? People who complain aren't complaining that smokers smoke, people who complain do it because they don't wanna smell that shit while they work, or eat, or whatever.
Is anyone here actually advocating abolishing outdoor smoking? I haven't seen any post declaring that. Smoking is a nuisance, having to smell the bastards, but I can't tell someone not to smoke outside. In fact, I laugh at them all winter!!
But I also thinks it's sad when they tell me they can't afford a necessity in life, or even a luxury for their children (like sports), yet they have a $400 a month smoking habit. Hello, priorities?
I QUIT WHEN MY WIFE WAS PREGNANT WITH OUR FIRST. I have fallen off the wagon a couple of times, but ultimately I knew what was right for my kid (now kidS). And I smoked heavily for nearly 15 years. If you want it bad enough, it can be done.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
http://www.faqs.org/abstracts/Health/Tr ... -race.html
I've done this before with smoker friends and they've been very courteous to not be near me with their smoke. I do usually have to say something, but that's fine, I don't have a problem with asking nicely. Most smokers will not jump down one's throat if asked in a nice way to please move. And on my way to a PJ show when I was 7 months pregnant, a smoker blew my mind by apologizing profusely for smoking while walking down the street in front of me. I think generalizing smokers to being non-receptive to 2nd hand smoke isn't always fair. I mean, look at Cosmo.
you're right. it has nothign to do with the smoking status of the individual, just the personality. I know lots of non-smokers that are inconsiderate assholes.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I think the thing you seem to be missing here is this... smoking is not a necessity. It is a habit.... an addiction... but certainly not a necessity. I think it is closer to masturbation, than crapping... because you have to crap.... whether you want to or not. And yeah, i admit it... I masturbate... but, I can sit through a plane ride without doing it... just as i can sit through a plane ride without firing up a smoke. But, if I have to crap... I have no choice. Good thing they put those crappers on the planes.
Also, those other things you say we have the freedom to do outside our homes... crap, drink, have sex... no.... we can't. I can't just crap on the the sidewalk... I can't drive down the street, chugging a bottle of Jack Daniels... I can't have sex at the bus stop outside the elementary school. Am i being denied freedoms? No. Sure, there are restrooms, bars and motels for those types of activities and there are places for people to smoke.
About compromise... what about the smoker's compromise? I know what it is like... I SMOKE. Still, i show some consideration to those who do not. Yes... it is MY Choice to smoke... but, it is not my Right to expose you to my consequences. It is less a matter of compromise and more of a case of consideration.
Regarding your loved ones... I am truely sorry. You say they are 'Life Lessons' which you learn from and make you stronger. But, are they really lessons if you never learn and continually repeat them? You lose a sibling and what did you learn from it... to sit by and support the same lifestyle choices of loved ones so they may walk the same path that ends with the same results that leads to nothing changed? What is the greater character trait... allowing one to repeat the same experiment that have proven to have negative results.... or trying to help them so they do not end up in the same place? One is the easy way... the other is difficult... which one do you choose?
Hail, Hail!!!
sorry I upset you so scb....Truly.
I don't want you to confuse being caring with condescending
so I better leave it at that and not try to win any approval from you.
I do hope your loss of affection for me is not due to the fact we disagree.
I know you are a bigger person than that but wonder how you could allow that to be the result.
But for the record, I don't believe you ever mentioned your loved one of concern was your twin,
I assumed it was your Mother.
Huge difference, I do understand Twin relationships as my sisters are twins
and I understand sister relationships.
The relationship entirely different than that with your Mother.
Either case I don't know if you got my drift on it all anyways.
As I said I do know what it is like to lose a sister to addiction, smoke and drink
and the lesson I have taken from that is we make our own mistakes and
should be loved in spite of them. Which we agree on...yes?
My mind is not closed to the subject and my heart is wide open.
I will continue to fight for the right of the smokers to smoke in designated public areas
as I feel this a fair compromise.
I want to add..as far as treating you like a child
I don't know about Jean but perhaps it is a similar thing,
I am just about 55 years old
you are my children's age
sorry that might sneak out at times. I apologize if that is wrong.
I have an 30 extra years of life's lessons to share but they may be unwanted.
I find that the case with my own children at times.
Haha... I don't have any family problems. I certainly wasn't talking about any family problems. I merely mentioned that I never give anyone shit for smoking except my sister. Then I started getting all this condescending, unsolicited "advice" about how to interact with her.
You have a designated area for you to smoke... it's called 'Your Car'. You want to have a smoke... go out to the parking lot, get in your car, turn on the stereo and fire up a smoke. That's what I do.
And... don't flick the butt or empty your ashtray in the parking lot... that's what the trash can at your house is for.
Hail, Hail!!!
If only it were...
funny story about that.........there was a car of 3 guys parked outside my father-in-law's house. The dude in the backseat opened the car door and proceeded to dump the car ashtray all over the curb and his lawn. My father in law, priceless, went up to the car, scooped a bunch of it up with a tiny gardening shovel, opened the door and dumped it back in the car!
The guys did nothing.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I know a couple of smokers that won't smoke in their cars because they don't want their cars to smell like smoke.
Hail, Hail!!!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Thank you for showing consideration. And thank you for your voice of reason. It's really not about smoking at all; it's about consideration (and rights, I guess). I have a problem with inconsideration of any kind and with anyone forcing others to suffer the consequences of their behaviors (or beliefs).
Thank you.
It's not.
I have other family members and loved ones who smoke as well, but she was the person I primarily had in mind.
I didn't want to mention that it was my twin because there are people on this board who know her, so I try to be vague when talking about her and her business.
I tend to get upset any time I feel like people are butting in to our relationship, so it's not just you.
I think I did, because I don't think you said anything I don't already know or haven't experienced in one form or another.
Of course. I know that we make our own mistakes and I love people no matter what, which is why I take offense to your assumption that I don't. And, more than anyone I know, I stand by people throughout all their bad habits and the consequences of those habits for the person and for those of us who love them, including horrible deaths. But I think I have a right and sometimes even an obligation to the people I love to share my views with them, especially when their behavior is harmful to themselves or others (including myself).
I can understand that and I know I'm guilty of doing the same thing sometimes. (I guess what goes around comes around, huh?)
Take it as you will scb, but I already told you I was TRYING to be helpful.
Thanks - that's really interesting. I especially found this part to be important: "While the numbers of people smoking decreased across groups from all educational levels, the less educated stopped smoking five times more slowly than those at higher education levels."
1) Depends...you talking about being at work and Joe blow needing to talk to you about work? Well, unless you have an official "break time", then yes, put it out. If on official "break time", then no.
"You guys" who are you referring to?
My only point was that your employer has every right to limit how, when, or where you smoke (if at all) on their property.
Actually, even in the 40s, the majority of the people didn't smoke. That rate has generally declined since then. So obviously the majority were not smokers up until ten years ago either.
........ :roll: ..yes your right about that and I agree.
but I am growing weary of all this "my rights..your rights" bullshit,if one persons rights are infringed on by another persons rights who is right ?...... :crazy: reminds me a pool sign my friends had at their pool when I was a kid.."I won't swim in your toilet if you don't pee in my pool"
sorry I misunderstood you.
Actually I think that's my thoughts and they are pretty random as you've experienced!
maybe I want to grow up to be something different
like a poet
and I'll write
all I know it!
a dream come true Pandi.
in beautiful form
to move the heart
and bless the soul
I just overheard the conversation of a couple of public health scientists in my office. One of them was saying it was the Nazis who discovered that smoking is bad for you - back in the '30s. He said that after learning the results of the research, Hitler stopped smoking and wouldn't allow anyone to smoke in his presence. So I guess some people knew of the effects of second-hand smoke as far back as the '30s.
I thought I heard that cigarettes are not what they used to be and are much more potent (and hazardous to our health) today than what they were years ago. Just what I've heard, I don't know for sure.
I would have thought the opposite, but I don't really know. Have they always had filters on them (the manufactured ones, I mean)?
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Who is trying to make anyone quit? People who complain aren't complaining that smokers smoke, people who complain do it because they don't wanna smell that shit while they work, or eat, or whatever.
Are we all talking about different things?