Anybody playing Destiny on the xbox one? Just started it. Anybody have any tips?
Lots to learn there; it'll come, awesome game. The more you use something armor/weapon/abilities, the more it will level/upgrade. Do lots of Bounties to get the Vanguard Marks. Do Crucible to get the Crucible Marks...etc. Strike teams earn more rewards. I was invited to a Fireteam last night, didn't know the person, and it turned out to be one of the Heroic ones. We were slaughtered lol. I'll just keep working on my skills and armor before I try that again. Have a great time. If you have, watch some people playing under "Games." You can pick up more tips that way.
Edit: Oh and when there's a public event spawning, get to it fast. Great rewards.
After logging 6 – 8 hours in Destiny, my first impression is … why did Bungie stop making HALO games? That is like Ferrari shutting down the Ferrari plant and then spend a crazy amount of money to build a Lexus. A Lexus is a fine car, but why not keep pumping out Ferraris?
The gameplay mechanics are great. The graphics look great. Soundtrack is great. Mission layout is confusing. The Tower hub is confusing. Sometimes I’m not sure if a mission is over. Playing with someone else is great but I would think they would have it set up to make it easier to join random players. Also, figuring out how to level up and upgrade isn’t abundantly clear.
It also had a little feel of Eternal Death Slayer 3 when J.P. rendered the dwarves and the elves in different colors to meet release deadlines.
Also, I don’t think Tyrion Lannister had any concept of how many people would be playing this game when he phoned-in the V.O. for the Dinklage Bot.
I think the game has potential as Bungie will keep pumping effort into it (hopefully) but it feels like it is still in beta mode.
After logging 6 – 8 hours in Destiny, my first impression is … why did Bungie stop making HALO games? That is like Ferrari shutting down the Ferrari plant and then spend a crazy amount of money to build a Lexus. A Lexus is a fine car, but why not keep pumping out Ferraris?
The gameplay mechanics are great. The graphics look great. Soundtrack is great. Mission layout is confusing. The Tower hub is confusing. Sometimes I’m not sure if a mission is over. Playing with someone else is great but I would think they would have it set up to make it easier to join random players. Also, figuring out how to level up and upgrade isn’t abundantly clear.
It also had a little feel of Eternal Death Slayer 3 when J.P. rendered the dwarves and the elves in different colors to meet release deadlines.
Also, I don’t think Tyrion Lannister had any concept of how many people would be playing this game when he phoned-in the V.O. for the Dinklage Bot.
I think the game has potential as Bungie will keep pumping effort into it (hopefully) but it feels like it is still in beta mode.
Anybody playing Destiny on the xbox one? Just started it. Anybody have any tips?
Lots to learn there; it'll come, awesome game. The more you use something armor/weapon/abilities, the more it will level/upgrade. Do lots of Bounties to get the Vanguard Marks. Do Crucible to get the Crucible Marks...etc. Strike teams earn more rewards. I was invited to a Fireteam last night, didn't know the person, and it turned out to be one of the Heroic ones. We were slaughtered lol. I'll just keep working on my skills and armor before I try that again. Have a great time. If you have, watch some people playing under "Games." You can pick up more tips that way.
Edit: Oh and when there's a public event spawning, get to it fast. Great rewards.
Thanks. Will do! Digging it so far. Can't wait for elder scrolls.
Anybody playing Destiny on the xbox one? Just started it. Anybody have any tips?
Lots to learn there; it'll come, awesome game. The more you use something armor/weapon/abilities, the more it will level/upgrade. Do lots of Bounties to get the Vanguard Marks. Do Crucible to get the Crucible Marks...etc. Strike teams earn more rewards. I was invited to a Fireteam last night, didn't know the person, and it turned out to be one of the Heroic ones. We were slaughtered lol. I'll just keep working on my skills and armor before I try that again. Have a great time. If you have, watch some people playing under "Games." You can pick up more tips that way.
Edit: Oh and when there's a public event spawning, get to it fast. Great rewards.
Thanks. Will do! Digging it so far. Can't wait for elder scrolls.
ohhhhhhh, another PJ fan after my own heart. Think they'll let us take care of the Thalmor? Have a great Destiny weekend!
I'd definitely check out the new long as it wasn't as buggy as the last couple. New Vegas...or whatever it was called completely ruined the end of the game because of a bug. I started a mission, left to get ammo or something, came back and the final mission wasn't open anymore and I couldn't restart it. Made me really mad! All that time and the very end of the game got corrupted. Ugh!
Fallout 3 (dc) was incredible and if you are someone who goes for all the side missions and 100%, is a masterpiece. Even the dlc are great.
New Vegas seemed sloppy and rushed. It was buggy and wasn't nearly as tight as the dc game. Also things like invisible walls if you managed to go off the grid and get up mountains sucked. I'm a huge fallout fan and didn't finish.
I am all in for racing sims. Next gen wheel set ups aren't looking too good right now. Fanatec just emailed me about a thousand-dollar wheel base and indicate they have plans for next gen wheels....but for that price they can keep them
The Crew for XB1 also has some potential, and Forza Horizon looks great. Played the demo and it's more or less the same as Horizon 1.
Does anyone have the mission Time to get away? It's from Martin and is the last mission I need to complete the online missions.It opens at rank 20 I'm 310 and can't seem to get it no matter how many time I call Martin. Can you sent me an invite?
Ok so I finished the story part of Destiny. Left me wanting a little more. Found it to be incredibly easy and repetitive. The game is visually beautiful and some of the smoothest gameplay I have ever played. It just feels like it is unfinished. I am guessing in large part because it is. There is incredible potential and all kinds of directions they can go in. I hope they utilize it to it's fullest. Now it just seems like I am farming to level up with nothing more to look forward to. I give it a B+. I am optimistic they can come up with some fresh stuff to add to it, as they left it full of room.
Very tempting to get into Destiny. Everyone I know is playing it. Got a month away till Bayonetta 2 which I can not wait to play. Loved the first one. Then November the Mario Kart 8 Pack 1 release.
Very tempting to get into Destiny. Everyone I know is playing it. Got a month away till Bayonetta 2 which I can not wait to play. Loved the first one. Then November the Mario Kart 8 Pack 1 release.
I would recommend it based on the potential. Not something I'd want to jump in late when all the people online are much higher rank. The story just isnt very deep or long for the size of the game. That being said, there are multiple game modes you can grind on and rank up with or against people. I was looking forward to a good story and some fantastic cinematic sequences. Not as much in there as I had hoped. What was there is pretty incredible.
I am all in for racing sims. Next gen wheel set ups aren't looking too good right now. Fanatec just emailed me about a thousand-dollar wheel base and indicate they have plans for next gen wheels....but for that price they can keep them
The Crew for XB1 also has some potential, and Forza Horizon looks great. Played the demo and it's more or less the same as Horizon 1.
My last two wheels have been Logitech g25/27, I'll keep my eyes on fantec and see what they bring out next.
Not sure of DriveClub is more Sim than Arcade, I prefer more 'realistic' Physics, so hoping it's in line with Gran Turismo.
Very tempting to get into Destiny. Everyone I know is playing it. Got a month away till Bayonetta 2 which I can not wait to play. Loved the first one. Then November the Mario Kart 8 Pack 1 release.
I would recommend it based on the potential. Not something I'd want to jump in late when all the people online are much higher rank. The story just isnt very deep or long for the size of the game. That being said, there are multiple game modes you can grind on and rank up with or against people. I was looking forward to a good story and some fantastic cinematic sequences. Not as much in there as I had hoped. What was there is pretty incredible.
For me, I would be playing the single player story campaign mode. Not a big fan online multiplayer gaming.
I am all in for racing sims. Next gen wheel set ups aren't looking too good right now. Fanatec just emailed me about a thousand-dollar wheel base and indicate they have plans for next gen wheels....but for that price they can keep them
The Crew for XB1 also has some potential, and Forza Horizon looks great. Played the demo and it's more or less the same as Horizon 1.
My last two wheels have been Logitech g25/27, I'll keep my eyes on fantec and see what they bring out next.
Not sure of DriveClub is more Sim than Arcade, I prefer more 'realistic' Physics, so hoping it's in line with Gran Turismo.
As for Fanatec, they've got a good fanbase, but my experience with their CSR Wheel has not been great (it works well, but it's cheaply made and not cheap to buy
If anybody is into the assasins creed or batman games, the shadow of mordor game that came out yesterday is fantastic so far. I can't comment on too much of the story line because I have been running around executing monsters for the last two days. A cool feature is the enemies getting promoted if they kill you and becoming more powerful members of Sauron's army. This game is pretty violent and the combat seems a little smoother than AC. Just my two cents so far.
If anybody is into the assasins creed or batman games, the shadow of mordor game that came out yesterday is fantastic so far. I can't comment on too much of the story line because I have been running around executing monsters for the last two days. A cool feature is the enemies getting promoted if they kill you and becoming more powerful members of Sauron's army. This game is pretty violent and the combat seems a little smoother than AC. Just my two cents so far.
Picked it up today! Great game so far. Basically AC and Batman in a Lord of Rings setting. But it works! Probably 2-3 hours in and I can't wait to play more! The AI promotion thing is really cool. Right before I logged off I was attacked by 5 captains! It did not end well! Hahaha! Good game!
If anybody is into the assasins creed or batman games, the shadow of mordor game that came out yesterday is fantastic so far. I can't comment on too much of the story line because I have been running around executing monsters for the last two days. A cool feature is the enemies getting promoted if they kill you and becoming more powerful members of Sauron's army. This game is pretty violent and the combat seems a little smoother than AC. Just my two cents so far.
Picked it up today! Great game so far. Basically AC and Batman in a Lord of Rings setting. But it works! Probably 2-3 hours in and I can't wait to play more! The AI promotion thing is really cool. Right before I logged off I was attacked by 5 captains! It did not end well! Hahaha! Good game!
When they sound the alarm in their turf you are pretty much screwed. Hahaha.
Edit: Oh and when there's a public event spawning, get to it fast. Great rewards.
The gameplay mechanics are great. The graphics look great. Soundtrack is great. Mission layout is confusing. The Tower hub is confusing. Sometimes I’m not sure if a mission is over. Playing with someone else is great but I would think they would have it set up to make it easier to join random players. Also, figuring out how to level up and upgrade isn’t abundantly clear.
It also had a little feel of Eternal Death Slayer 3 when J.P. rendered the dwarves and the elves in different colors to meet release deadlines.
Also, I don’t think Tyrion Lannister had any concept of how many people would be playing this game when he phoned-in the V.O. for the Dinklage Bot.
I think the game has potential as Bungie will keep pumping effort into it (hopefully) but it feels like it is still in beta mode.
The new fallout seems to be in process too
New Vegas...or whatever it was called completely ruined the end of the game because of a bug. I started a mission, left to get ammo or something, came back and the final mission wasn't open anymore and I couldn't restart it. Made me really mad! All that time and the very end of the game got corrupted. Ugh!
New Vegas seemed sloppy and rushed. It was buggy and wasn't nearly as tight as the dc game. Also things like invisible walls if you managed to go off the grid and get up mountains sucked. I'm a huge fallout fan and didn't finish.
I usually have a wheel set up for racing games, can't play on a remote control.
Fanatec just emailed me about a thousand-dollar wheel base and indicate they have plans for next gen wheels....but for that price they can keep them
The Crew for XB1 also has some potential, and Forza Horizon looks great. Played the demo and it's more or less the same as Horizon 1.
Does anyone have the mission
Time to get away? It's from Martin and is the last mission I need to complete the online missions.It opens at rank 20
I'm 310 and can't seem to get it no matter how many time I call Martin.
Can you sent me an invite?
Pm me if you can and we can set something up
-Seattle,Wash-Key Arena-9/22/9 -Pemberton,B.C-7/17/16
-Vancouver,B.C-GM Place -9/25/9 -Seattle,Wash-Safeco Field-8/8/18
-Vancouver,B.C-Pacific Coliseum-9/25/11 -Seattle,Wash-Safeco Field-8/10/18
-Misoula,MT-Adams Field House-9/30/12 -Vancouver,BC-Rogers Arena-5/4/24
Not sure of DriveClub is more Sim than Arcade, I prefer more 'realistic' Physics, so hoping it's in line with Gran Turismo.
As for Fanatec, they've got a good fanbase, but my experience with their CSR Wheel has not been great (it works well, but it's cheaply made and not cheap to buy