I got my PS4 at launch and have been enjoying it quite a bit. Nothing more impressive than GTAV or The Last of Us, but the experience as a whole is great for all the reasons mca47 mentioned.
If I were to rank the games I have as far as the most technically impressive when compared to last gen games from first to last, I'd have to say:
1. NBA 2k14
2. Killzone: Shadow Fall
3. Need for Speed: Rivals
4. Assassin's Creed IV
5. Madden 25
6. Lego Marvel (hey, I needed a great co-op game for me and my son to play together )
I'm not counting the PS+ games that were free, although Resogun and Warframe are a lot of fun.
You played "flower"? Got high reviews but kinda... strange
I like 2k basketball... Some things I dislike on the games point of view... Can't change the uniform for your opponent and no out of town scores or simming, boxscores, etc. Madden is the same issue. I like to take the whole League all in with sports games. Can't stand when you basically just get your schedule and go
You played "flower"? Got high reviews but kinda... strange
I like 2k basketball... Some things I dislike on the games point of view... Can't change the uniform for your opponent and no out of town scores or simming, boxscores, etc. Madden is the same issue. I like to take the whole League all in with sports games. Can't stand when you basically just get your schedule and go
Yeah, I played Flower on PS3 when it came out. I thought it was a great game. Very different, but just a beautiful game.
zelda: a link between worlds gets a 10. got it as an early christmas present last night and logged a couple hours.
fantastic game, fun game play, 3d works VERY well with this one.
a common complaint people have with this one is you can rent all items/equipment very early in the game (you can use the items as long as you want, but once you die, they automatically get returned to the shop). i don't see that as a weakness, because early on in the game, i can tell this can become one of the more challenging zelda games to date so you don't need to waste time & frustration trying to find the boomerang, hookshot, etc, etc.
turning link into a painting on any wall adds a whole new dynamic of strategy and thinking when you try and navigate yourself around hyrule. that is going to be crazy challenging when you are already trying to figure out what switch to hit, how to get from A to B in a dungeon and so on.
zelda: a link between worlds gets a 10. got it as an early christmas present last night and logged a couple hours.
fantastic game, fun game play, 3d works VERY well with this one.
a common complaint people have with this one is you can rent all items/equipment very early in the game (you can use the items as long as you want, but once you die, they automatically get returned to the shop). i don't see that as a weakness, because early on in the game, i can tell this can become one of the more challenging zelda games to date so you don't need to waste time & frustration trying to find the boomerang, hookshot, etc, etc.
turning link into a painting on any wall adds a whole new dynamic of strategy and thinking when you try and navigate yourself around hyrule. that is going to be crazy challenging when you are already trying to figure out what switch to hit, how to get from A to B in a dungeon and so on.
looking forward to playing this one for a while.
I'm debating on this. Between the games on my iPad Mini and PS Vita (with all the free PS+ downloads), I'm not sure how much love a 3DS would get. I have a regular DS XL and an original 3DS, but I love the look of the 3DS XL. I just picked up the Mario and Luigi 3DS XL Bundle last night for $149 and can get the Zelda bundle for the same (Target has ALL 3DS XL systems on sale and I had some gift cards to burn). I would give one to my son eventually but I hate how the games are downloads in the bundles and not actual carts. Right now I'm not opening anything, I just think for the price you can't beat it. I really love the look of the Zelda 3DS with the triforce graphic though. Decisions decisions...
I'm debating on this. Between the games on my iPad Mini and PS Vita (with all the free PS+ downloads), I'm not sure how much love a 3DS would get. I have a regular DS XL and an original 3DS, but I love the look of the 3DS XL. I just picked up the Mario and Luigi 3DS XL Bundle last night for $149 and can get the Zelda bundle for the same (Target has ALL 3DS XL systems on sale and I had some gift cards to burn). I would give one to my son eventually but I hate how the games are downloads in the bundles and not actual carts. Right now I'm not opening anything, I just think for the price you can't beat it. I really love the look of the Zelda 3DS with the triforce graphic though. Decisions decisions...
debating upgrading to an XL too. i have the zelda 3ds (original size) that came with the ocarina of time bundle. i saw target had the XLs on sale for $150. missed out on the newest zelda bundle as they were sold out at all the targets by my apartment.
could pull the trigger on the all black XL, but trying to figure out if the $150 is worth it. i'll probably make up my mind and decide to pick it up when the sale is over
I'm debating on this. Between the games on my iPad Mini and PS Vita (with all the free PS+ downloads), I'm not sure how much love a 3DS would get. I have a regular DS XL and an original 3DS, but I love the look of the 3DS XL. I just picked up the Mario and Luigi 3DS XL Bundle last night for $149 and can get the Zelda bundle for the same (Target has ALL 3DS XL systems on sale and I had some gift cards to burn). I would give one to my son eventually but I hate how the games are downloads in the bundles and not actual carts. Right now I'm not opening anything, I just think for the price you can't beat it. I really love the look of the Zelda 3DS with the triforce graphic though. Decisions decisions...
debating upgrading to an XL too. i have the zelda 3ds (original size) that came with the ocarina of time bundle. i saw target had the XLs on sale for $150. missed out on the newest zelda bundle as they were sold out at all the targets by my apartment.
could pull the trigger on the all black XL, but trying to figure out if the $150 is worth it. i'll probably make up my mind and decide to pick it up when the sale is over
My Target is actually sold out of the Zelda bundle as well but there's a lady at my Best Buy who seems to really like me and already said she would price match it for me if I wanted. They only have like 1 or 2 left and I'm going by there tomorrow to decide.
So I really dig my PS4 so far.
One gripe...and maybe it's just me....I love the new controller but it doesn't seem to hold a charge nearly as long as the PS3 controllers.
Anyone else notice this?
So I really dig my PS4 so far.
One gripe...and maybe it's just me....I love the new controller but it doesn't seem to hold a charge nearly as long as the PS3 controllers.
Anyone else notice this?
I need to know what the biggest difference is from the PS3. Huge or what?
Was thinking of waiting till it comes down more in price.
I don't play a ton of games and use it more as an entertainment center - does it have blu ray, netflix, all that junk as well?
So I really dig my PS4 so far.
One gripe...and maybe it's just me....I love the new controller but it doesn't seem to hold a charge nearly as long as the PS3 controllers.
Anyone else notice this?
I need to know what the biggest difference is from the PS3. Huge or what?
Was thinking of waiting till it comes down more in price.
I don't play a ton of games and use it more as an entertainment center - does it have blu ray, netflix, all that junk as well?
As of now there isn't a "huge" difference as far as graphical quality.
The XMB and user interface is fantastic and the machine is super fast. The new controller is damn near perfect (though mine doesn't seem to hold a charge as long as my PS3 controllers).
The price likely won't come down until the "slim" comes out....which will likely be in 2 years.
It plays Blurays and has all the entertainment apps. Oddly, it doesn't play music CDs. :?
So I really dig my PS4 so far.
One gripe...and maybe it's just me....I love the new controller but it doesn't seem to hold a charge nearly as long as the PS3 controllers.
Anyone else notice this?
I need to know what the biggest difference is from the PS3. Huge or what?
Was thinking of waiting till it comes down more in price.
I don't play a ton of games and use it more as an entertainment center - does it have blu ray, netflix, all that junk as well?
As of now there isn't a "huge" difference as far as graphical quality.
The XMB and user interface is fantastic and the machine is super fast. The new controller is damn near perfect (though mine doesn't seem to hold a charge as long as my PS3 controllers).
The price likely won't come down until the "slim" comes out....which will likely be in 2 years.
It plays Blurays and has all the entertainment apps. Oddly, it doesn't play music CDs. :?
i'll wait 8-12 months and pull the trigger on an xbox one.
as far as graphics... was walking by a microsoft store the other day here in chicago and they had about five huge LCD TVs set up, with five xbox ones playing a couple games. the NBA game looked like i was watching ESPN. it looked stunning. thought there was a huge upgrade right there from the 360.
can't really speak to many other games though. watching youtube videos doesn't always give credit to where credit is due.
i'll wait 8-12 months and pull the trigger on an xbox one.
as far as graphics... was walking by a microsoft store the other day here in chicago and they had about five huge LCD TVs set up, with five xbox ones playing a couple games. the NBA game looked like i was watching ESPN. it looked stunning. thought there was a huge upgrade right there from the 360.
can't really speak to many other games though. watching youtube videos doesn't always give credit to where credit is due.
You should just get one now. The SKU will be the same in a year, the cost will be the same too.
That 12 months of missing out on new and pretty games!
I have no regrets dropping $399 on my PS4.
finished GTA-V a few days ago. By far the worst and shortest in the series I think. Was it short to anyone else?
I loved playing Trevor, thats about it.
Maybe i'll check out Last of Us next.
I got a Wii for xmas...gotta find some fun two player games... My wife has a sore shoulder from bowling.
finished GTA-V a few days ago. By far the worst and shortest in the series I think. Was it short to anyone else?
I loved playing Trevor, thats about it.
Maybe i'll check out Last of Us next.
I got a Wii for xmas...gotta find some fun two player games... My wife has a sore shoulder from bowling.
Did you do the side missions/jobs too?
I found if you stuck to doing all the main story missions it went quick. Mix in the side jobs and it spread it out better.
finished GTA-V a few days ago. By far the worst and shortest in the series I think. Was it short to anyone else?
I loved playing Trevor, thats about it.
Maybe i'll check out Last of Us next.
I got a Wii for xmas...gotta find some fun two player games... My wife has a sore shoulder from bowling.
Did you do the side missions/jobs too?
I found if you stuck to doing all the main story missions it went quick. Mix in the side jobs and it spread it out better.
Last of Us was phenomenal!
Yeah, I think I finished those too. I'm at about 74%, but after I finished the last story mission, I lost interest I suppose.
I think I owned/purchased 1-2 properties. I hate to re-hash old games, but I liked GTA San andreas where you could take over gang territories. Or even Vice City and GTA-4 felt like you were taking over the city, buying stuff and making progress. This new one never felt like that.
I will check out last of Us though!
finished GTA-V a few days ago. By far the worst and shortest in the series I think. Was it short to anyone else?
I loved playing Trevor, thats about it.
Maybe i'll check out Last of Us next.
I got a Wii for xmas...gotta find some fun two player games... My wife has a sore shoulder from bowling.
Did you do the side missions/jobs too?
I found if you stuck to doing all the main story missions it went quick. Mix in the side jobs and it spread it out better.
Last of Us was phenomenal!
Yeah, I think I finished those too. I'm at about 74%, but after I finished the last story mission, I lost interest I suppose.
I think I owned/purchased 1-2 properties. I hate to re-hash old games, but I liked GTA San andreas where you could take over gang territories. Or even Vice City and GTA-4 felt like you were taking over the city, buying stuff and making progress. This new one never felt like that.
I will check out last of Us though!
GTA5 online is pretty fun...especially if you play with friends.
It's tough at first being a low level with a crappy gun in a world with 15 others at level 65 flying fighter jets.
I think I'm around lvl 15 or so.
Did you do the side missions/jobs too?
I found if you stuck to doing all the main story missions it went quick. Mix in the side jobs and it spread it out better.
Last of Us was phenomenal!
Yeah, I think I finished those too. I'm at about 74%, but after I finished the last story mission, I lost interest I suppose.
I think I owned/purchased 1-2 properties. I hate to re-hash old games, but I liked GTA San andreas where you could take over gang territories. Or even Vice City and GTA-4 felt like you were taking over the city, buying stuff and making progress. This new one never felt like that.
I will check out last of Us though!
GTA5 online is pretty fun...especially if you play with friends.
It's tough at first being a low level with a crappy gun in a world with 15 others at level 65 flying fighter jets.
I think I'm around lvl 15 or so.
fighter jets!?
I forgot about the online...I may just have to give that a shot.
fighter jets!?
I forgot about the online...I may just have to give that a shot.
Heck yeah!
Did you ever get a fighter jet in the single player mode?
There are a couple in the military base. It is hard to get, but you bust into the base, haul ass to the jet, hop in and and hopefully take off before you are blown to bits.
I think it took me about 5 tries before I was able to get it. If you do it as Trevor, you can fly it to his hanger. Just park it in the hanger and it'll be there anytime you need it.
It's a lot of fun to fly!
Not sure when it becomes available online though. My guess is around level 50-60.
I only have a helicopter and a single engine plane available at my level. Though that single engine plane works wonders as a kamikaze option against other players!
fighter jets!?
I forgot about the online...I may just have to give that a shot.
Heck yeah!
Did you ever get a fighter jet in the single player mode?
There are a couple in the military base. It is hard to get, but you bust into the base, haul ass to the jet, hop in and and hopefully take off before you are blown to bits.
I think it took me about 5 tries before I was able to get it. If you do it as Trevor, you can fly it to his hanger. Just park it in the hanger and it'll be there anytime you need it.
It's a lot of fun to fly!
Not sure when it becomes available online though. My guess is around level 50-60.
I only have a helicopter and a single engine plane available at my level. Though that single engine plane works wonders as a kamikaze option against other players!
I was going to try that but totally forgot! I did make off with a jet from the regular airport a few times.
So, is the online multiplayer mostly a survival game?
Nah, there a lots of missions to do and many that need other people to cooperate with you to finish them. There are a bunch of aholes who will just come up and kill you for no reason, but there are a lot of others who will help or just have fun.
RBI was best for playing against another person. Baseball Stars was great for stats and building a team (until the fucking battery would reset after playing 75 games and clean the memory out), but I didn't play against my friends often.
Love the little blue hermit you have there, it reminds me of a skills game called soltstrice it was a nintendo game, this is going way back when Grandfather was alive, anyway it was an awesome game i wish they brought it back out in xbox or something..
RBI was best for playing against another person. Baseball Stars was great for stats and building a team (until the fucking battery would reset after playing 75 games and clean the memory out), but I didn't play against my friends often.
RBI Baseball was fantastic when playing others. It was so simple that you could play incredibly intoxicated and still do pretty well!
If I were to rank the games I have as far as the most technically impressive when compared to last gen games from first to last, I'd have to say:
1. NBA 2k14
2. Killzone: Shadow Fall
3. Need for Speed: Rivals
4. Assassin's Creed IV
5. Madden 25
6. Lego Marvel (hey, I needed a great co-op game for me and my son to play together
I'm not counting the PS+ games that were free, although Resogun and Warframe are a lot of fun.
I like 2k basketball... Some things I dislike on the games point of view... Can't change the uniform for your opponent and no out of town scores or simming, boxscores, etc. Madden is the same issue. I like to take the whole League all in with sports games. Can't stand when you basically just get your schedule and go
fantastic game, fun game play, 3d works VERY well with this one.
a common complaint people have with this one is you can rent all items/equipment very early in the game (you can use the items as long as you want, but once you die, they automatically get returned to the shop). i don't see that as a weakness, because early on in the game, i can tell this can become one of the more challenging zelda games to date so you don't need to waste time & frustration trying to find the boomerang, hookshot, etc, etc.
turning link into a painting on any wall adds a whole new dynamic of strategy and thinking when you try and navigate yourself around hyrule. that is going to be crazy challenging when you are already trying to figure out what switch to hit, how to get from A to B in a dungeon and so on.
looking forward to playing this one for a while.
I'm debating on this. Between the games on my iPad Mini and PS Vita (with all the free PS+ downloads), I'm not sure how much love a 3DS would get. I have a regular DS XL and an original 3DS, but I love the look of the 3DS XL. I just picked up the Mario and Luigi 3DS XL Bundle last night for $149 and can get the Zelda bundle for the same (Target has ALL 3DS XL systems on sale and I had some gift cards to burn). I would give one to my son eventually but I hate how the games are downloads in the bundles and not actual carts. Right now I'm not opening anything, I just think for the price you can't beat it. I really love the look of the Zelda 3DS with the triforce graphic though. Decisions decisions...
debating upgrading to an XL too. i have the zelda 3ds (original size) that came with the ocarina of time bundle. i saw target had the XLs on sale for $150. missed out on the newest zelda bundle as they were sold out at all the targets by my apartment.
could pull the trigger on the all black XL, but trying to figure out if the $150 is worth it. i'll probably make up my mind and decide to pick it up when the sale is over
My Target is actually sold out of the Zelda bundle as well but there's a lady at my Best Buy who seems to really like me and already said she would price match it for me if I wanted. They only have like 1 or 2 left and I'm going by there tomorrow to decide.
One gripe...and maybe it's just me....I love the new controller but it doesn't seem to hold a charge nearly as long as the PS3 controllers.
Anyone else notice this?
I need to know what the biggest difference is from the PS3. Huge or what?
Was thinking of waiting till it comes down more in price.
I don't play a ton of games and use it more as an entertainment center - does it have blu ray, netflix, all that junk as well?
The XMB and user interface is fantastic and the machine is super fast. The new controller is damn near perfect (though mine doesn't seem to hold a charge as long as my PS3 controllers).
The price likely won't come down until the "slim" comes out....which will likely be in 2 years.
It plays Blurays and has all the entertainment apps. Oddly, it doesn't play music CDs. :?
All in all, I'm very happy with my purchase.
Yeah, I think I can wait the two years.
as far as graphics... was walking by a microsoft store the other day here in chicago and they had about five huge LCD TVs set up, with five xbox ones playing a couple games. the NBA game looked like i was watching ESPN. it looked stunning. thought there was a huge upgrade right there from the 360.
can't really speak to many other games though. watching youtube videos doesn't always give credit to where credit is due.
That 12 months of missing out on new and pretty games!
I have no regrets dropping $399 on my PS4.
I loved playing Trevor, thats about it.
Maybe i'll check out Last of Us next.
I got a Wii for xmas...gotta find some fun two player games... My wife has a sore shoulder from bowling.
I found if you stuck to doing all the main story missions it went quick. Mix in the side jobs and it spread it out better.
Last of Us was phenomenal!
Yeah, I think I finished those too. I'm at about 74%, but after I finished the last story mission, I lost interest I suppose.
I think I owned/purchased 1-2 properties. I hate to re-hash old games, but I liked GTA San andreas where you could take over gang territories. Or even Vice City and GTA-4 felt like you were taking over the city, buying stuff and making progress. This new one never felt like that.
I will check out last of Us though!
GTA5 online is pretty fun...especially if you play with friends.
It's tough at first being a low level with a crappy gun in a world with 15 others at level 65 flying fighter jets.
I think I'm around lvl 15 or so.
fighter jets!?
I forgot about the online...I may just have to give that a shot.
Heck yeah!
Did you ever get a fighter jet in the single player mode?
There are a couple in the military base. It is hard to get, but you bust into the base, haul ass to the jet, hop in and and hopefully take off before you are blown to bits.
I think it took me about 5 tries before I was able to get it. If you do it as Trevor, you can fly it to his hanger. Just park it in the hanger and it'll be there anytime you need it.
It's a lot of fun to fly!
Not sure when it becomes available online though. My guess is around level 50-60.
I only have a helicopter and a single engine plane available at my level. Though that single engine plane works wonders as a kamikaze option against other players!
I was going to try that but totally forgot! I did make off with a jet from the regular airport a few times.
So, is the online multiplayer mostly a survival game?
There are a bunch of aholes who will just come up and kill you for no reason, but there are a lot of others who will help or just have fun.
That game was a classic for sure!
Baseball Stars was where it was at. Bases Loaded and Baseball Simulator 1000 were also miles better