Here is one of the few 5 star reviews for Sim City on Amazon:
You'd think I'd be mega unhappy like everyone else at the constant waiting and lack of actually being able to play a game I purchased.
Well, you'd be wrong.
The hours upon hours since launch that I haven't been able to log in, whether it be sitting in queues, or server busy messages, or just plain old not working screens, I've managed to do a heap of things that I never do when I'm locked in my man cave playing video games.
I've washed the dishes, the laundry, changed the oil in the car, mopped the floors, dusted, did a spot of gardening, greeted my children who I hadn't really seen since Christmas, walked the dog, asked how my wife's day has been and listened to the entire response, restocked the groceries and many more things! My family has never been happier that they've got a father and husband again.
In fact, I feel like Simcity has given me a new lease on life. This wouldn't have been possible without the seemingly crazy decision to have constant online connections and server side save points even for single player.
So I can only thank EA and Maxis. Your failures have been my rewards. 5 stars!
Very disappointed about the enormous amount of glitches in MLB The Show this year. This game has always been far from perfect. But they've hit new lows this year. I can't believe they'd have the nerve to put that shit out into stores. A complete disgrace not only to the great franchise The Show developers have made, but a disgrace to video gaming in general. If you can't get the game right by it's release date, then don't put it out. I'm sick of waiting for patches with this game.
Way are the glitches? I was gonna pick it up this weekend but I might wait now...
Very disappointed about the enormous amount of glitches in MLB The Show this year. This game has always been far from perfect. But they've hit new lows this year. I can't believe they'd have the nerve to put that shit out into stores. A complete disgrace not only to the great franchise The Show developers have made, but a disgrace to video gaming in general. If you can't get the game right by it's release date, then don't put it out. I'm sick of waiting for patches with this game.
Way are the glitches? I was gonna pick it up this weekend but I might wait now...
Among the many small ones, the huge one is that there's sometimes a lag/stutter on the animation when the pitcher releases his pitch...making it nearly impossible to hit the ball. It doesn't happen all the time. I've played a few games without it. I've played a few where it comes and goes. And a few where it was unplayable. It's not just online's in all game modes. It'll be fixed on the first patch I'm sure. But it's very, VERY annoying.
Here is one of the few 5 star reviews for Sim City on Amazon:
You'd think I'd be mega unhappy like everyone else at the constant waiting and lack of actually being able to play a game I purchased.
Well, you'd be wrong.
The hours upon hours since launch that I haven't been able to log in, whether it be sitting in queues, or server busy messages, or just plain old not working screens, I've managed to do a heap of things that I never do when I'm locked in my man cave playing video games.
I've washed the dishes, the laundry, changed the oil in the car, mopped the floors, dusted, did a spot of gardening, greeted my children who I hadn't really seen since Christmas, walked the dog, asked how my wife's day has been and listened to the entire response, restocked the groceries and many more things! My family has never been happier that they've got a father and husband again.
In fact, I feel like Simcity has given me a new lease on life. This wouldn't have been possible without the seemingly crazy decision to have constant online connections and server side save points even for single player.
So I can only thank EA and Maxis. Your failures have been my rewards. 5 stars!
This is the first I've heard of these problems. I wasn't really interested in the game, I enjoyed SimCity and SimCity 2000 back in the day, but they kind of ran their course with me. I figured this would be the same game, just better graphics. The commercials, which air CONSTANTLY, don't really show much gameplay or anything, it's just that guy from Workaholics being a goofball.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
Very disappointed about the enormous amount of glitches in MLB The Show this year. This game has always been far from perfect. But they've hit new lows this year. I can't believe they'd have the nerve to put that shit out into stores. A complete disgrace not only to the great franchise The Show developers have made, but a disgrace to video gaming in general. If you can't get the game right by it's release date, then don't put it out. I'm sick of waiting for patches with this game.
Way are the glitches? I was gonna pick it up this weekend but I might wait now...
Among the many small ones, the huge one is that there's sometimes a lag/stutter on the animation when the pitcher releases his pitch...making it nearly impossible to hit the ball. It doesn't happen all the time. I've played a few games without it. I've played a few where it comes and goes. And a few where it was unplayable. It's not just online's in all game modes. It'll be fixed on the first patch I'm sure. But it's very, VERY annoying.
I sorta remember that pitch hiccup on last years game from time to time too. :?
Don't recall if it got fixed.
Fire Emblem is making the 3DS look very tempting ...
I've heard nothing but good things about it. Monster Hunter 3 though is why i'm going to pick up a 3DS, so it's going to be awhile before i get a chance to play Fire Emblem.
OK. I dusted off the 3ds (meant to sell it after I realized it was a mistake and bought a Vita, but never did)... and got Fire Emblem Awakening.
I played the early stages. A bunch of cut scenes and dialogue. Still has that Nintendo - Japanese feel to it. 3d is pretty decent. Game play is OK looks like it has good potential. Pretty linear so far, but Im just in the beginning. It looks like it will be neatly-bound and not overly complex which is great.
Fire Emblem is making the 3DS look very tempting ...
fantastic game, picked it up a few weeks ago. i am new to the fire emblem series (now that i think about it, it might be the first one released in north america) so i picked the easy settings route and the option to get my characters back if they die. i am about half way through the campaign and the settings i chose make the game relatively linear. if you go the harder route it looks like it can be brutal, which i will do my 2nd go around. it's one big chess match with a good story line and solid, solid graphics. it's a must for the 3ds. great streetpass features as well (exchange weapons, battle teams on various maps, etc).
this is going to be a strong year for the 3DS, nice looking crop of games coming out...
Red dead was a great game if you like to get drunk while playing games. I loved it, I was often a bit hammered, saying to myself, well, here I am a bit drunk in the open prairies on my horse and that there raccoon is gonna get shot! And i'd do some of the game and barely remember what I accomplished.
Red dead was a great game if you like to get drunk while playing games. I loved it, I was often a bit hammered, saying to myself, well, here I am a bit drunk in the open prairies on my horse and that there raccoon is gonna get shot! And i'd do some of the game and barely remember what I accomplished.
I used to get stoned every time I played but I would get sucked into games so bad that I would get kinda freaked out at times. Couldnt play games like Silent Hill or Resident Evil, got too freaked out. :shock: I liked sneaking and shooting people, still do. I tend to not play when I am drunk though for some reason. I guess I prefer to do other things when drunk like listen to or play music. I will give red dead a drunk run tonight though.
Red dead was a great game if you like to get drunk while playing games. I loved it, I was often a bit hammered, saying to myself, well, here I am a bit drunk in the open prairies on my horse and that there raccoon is gonna get shot! And i'd do some of the game and barely remember what I accomplished.
I used to get stoned every time I played but I would get sucked into games so bad that I would get kinda freaked out at times. Couldnt play games like Silent Hill or Resident Evil, got too freaked out. :shock: I liked sneaking and shooting people, still do. I tend to not play when I am drunk though for some reason. I guess I prefer to do other things when drunk like listen to or play music. I will give red dead a drunk run tonight though.
yeah, being high would definitely be better for Red DEad. Its a huge game, and sometimes, there's not a lot going on in between destinations. But I loved it.
Red Dead is one of my alltime favorites. I haven't played it in a loooooong time. I may have to pop it in and play through it again!
I have and played Dishonored. I thought it was just ok. I actually got bored with it after a while. Got toward the end without finishing it. I may need to start over. I tried to be as stealthy as possible, but sometimes you just gotta light some people up!
Red Dead is one of my alltime favorites. I haven't played it in a loooooong time. I may have to pop it in and play through it again!
I have and played Dishonored. I thought it was just ok. I actually got bored with it after a while. Got toward the end without finishing it. I may need to start over. I tried to be as stealthy as possible, but sometimes you just gotta light some people up!
Lol, that is exactly how I was with Dishonored too. It was fun but it got a little boring toward the end. I did finish though. I had to kill those bastards. :evil:
Bravo, EA, bravo.
:fp: :fp: :fp:
You'd think I'd be mega unhappy like everyone else at the constant waiting and lack of actually being able to play a game I purchased.
Well, you'd be wrong.
The hours upon hours since launch that I haven't been able to log in, whether it be sitting in queues, or server busy messages, or just plain old not working screens, I've managed to do a heap of things that I never do when I'm locked in my man cave playing video games.
I've washed the dishes, the laundry, changed the oil in the car, mopped the floors, dusted, did a spot of gardening, greeted my children who I hadn't really seen since Christmas, walked the dog, asked how my wife's day has been and listened to the entire response, restocked the groceries and many more things! My family has never been happier that they've got a father and husband again.
In fact, I feel like Simcity has given me a new lease on life. This wouldn't have been possible without the seemingly crazy decision to have constant online connections and server side save points even for single player.
So I can only thank EA and Maxis. Your failures have been my rewards. 5 stars!
Beat Far Cry 3 yesterday, pretty good indeed. Easy achievements, will have to 1000 that one before DLC is released and ruins the gamerscore!
I plan on breaking out the PS3 version this weekend.
Among the many small ones, the huge one is that there's sometimes a lag/stutter on the animation when the pitcher releases his pitch...making it nearly impossible to hit the ball. It doesn't happen all the time. I've played a few games without it. I've played a few where it comes and goes. And a few where it was unplayable. It's not just online's in all game modes. It'll be fixed on the first patch I'm sure. But it's very, VERY annoying.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
This is the first I've heard of these problems. I wasn't really interested in the game, I enjoyed SimCity and SimCity 2000 back in the day, but they kind of ran their course with me. I figured this would be the same game, just better graphics. The commercials, which air CONSTANTLY, don't really show much gameplay or anything, it's just that guy from Workaholics being a goofball.
Don't recall if it got fixed.
Pretty intense and quite brutal at times
I played the early stages. A bunch of cut scenes and dialogue. Still has that Nintendo - Japanese feel to it. 3d is pretty decent. Game play is OK looks like it has good potential. Pretty linear so far, but Im just in the beginning. It looks like it will be neatly-bound and not overly complex which is great.
fantastic game, picked it up a few weeks ago. i am new to the fire emblem series (now that i think about it, it might be the first one released in north america) so i picked the easy settings route and the option to get my characters back if they die. i am about half way through the campaign and the settings i chose make the game relatively linear. if you go the harder route it looks like it can be brutal, which i will do my 2nd go around. it's one big chess match with a good story line and solid, solid graphics. it's a must for the 3ds. great streetpass features as well (exchange weapons, battle teams on various maps, etc).
this is going to be a strong year for the 3DS, nice looking crop of games coming out...
I will still be playing this game for sure.
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
I have it. You'll like it.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Starting Red Dead Redemption next. I know only a few years late on that one but I got it for $15 at Target. :thumbup:
Fun game
I think I've been through it 4 or 5 times
Went back to AC Brotherhood before starting any of my many new games/dlc haha
I like going stealth in games rather than running into a room with my dick out and guns blazing. So I really liked this one.
Ah. My fault
I was talking about Red Dead
Hope you enjoy it, though.
I used to get stoned every time I played but I would get sucked into games so bad that I would get kinda freaked out at times. Couldnt play games like Silent Hill or Resident Evil, got too freaked out. :shock: I liked sneaking and shooting people, still do. I tend to not play when I am drunk though for some reason. I guess I prefer to do other things when drunk like listen to or play music. I will give red dead a drunk run tonight though.
Yeah, the Fallout games were great. Just the right balance of shooting humans to nonhumans.
I have and played Dishonored. I thought it was just ok. I actually got bored with it after a while. Got toward the end without finishing it. I may need to start over. I tried to be as stealthy as possible, but sometimes you just gotta light some people up!
Lol, that is exactly how I was with Dishonored too. It was fun but it got a little boring toward the end. I did finish though. I had to kill those bastards. :evil: