Never played a 3DS, but I played Ocarina Of Time on N64 back in the day, it's a hell of a game. And I'm not really into Zelda games. If it's the same game just with jazzed up graphics, it should be really good.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
Never played a 3DS, but I played Ocarina Of Time on N64 back in the day, it's a hell of a game. And I'm not really into Zelda games. If it's the same game just with jazzed up graphics, it should be really good.
Never played a 3DS, but I played Ocarina Of Time on N64 back in the day, it's a hell of a game. And I'm not really into Zelda games. If it's the same game just with jazzed up graphics, it should be really good.
I'm still not sure how to say "Ocarina"
It's like ock-arena, the ock being like lock, block, etc.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
So far, I like this year's Show. Haven't seen any glitches yet.
They come and go. I'm playing today with no problem.
I started a RTTS character and played a few games. I noticed the audio broadcast is a bit lacking. I mean, I'll hear nothing from them, then occasionally they'll say something.... Weird.
I've also been using "Zone" hitting. The last couple years I'd been using "Pure Analog". Not sure which I like better...
So far, I like this year's Show. Haven't seen any glitches yet.
They come and go. I'm playing today with no problem.
I started a RTTS character and played a few games. I noticed the audio broadcast is a bit lacking. I mean, I'll hear nothing from them, then occasionally they'll say something.... Weird.
I've also been using "Zone" hitting. The last couple years I'd been using "Pure Analog". Not sure which I like better...
I've always used zone hitting. And not to pat myself on the back..but I'm kind of a master of it. Of the current top 100 ranked online players (I'm ranked # 64), I'm third in homeruns per game at 2.26.
I've always used zone hitting. And not to pat myself on the back..but I'm kind of a master of it. Of the current top 100 ranked online players (I'm ranked # 64), I'm third in homeruns per game at 2.26.
Damn dude! That's awesome! Is that rankings for online games or does it track your single player games too?
My RTTS player is hitting something like .552 after about 10 games. I don't remember that many fastballs down the middle in previous games...
What's your PSN name? Send me a friends invite if you haven't already. Mine is the same as here "mca47".
Anybody play Dead Space 3 yet? Thoughts? Also, anybody excited for Bioshock Infinite? Not gonna lie, I have high expectations, Bioshock 1 was and is my favorite game of all time, even after the gigantic disappointment of 2.
I've always used zone hitting. And not to pat myself on the back..but I'm kind of a master of it. Of the current top 100 ranked online players (I'm ranked # 64), I'm third in homeruns per game at 2.26.
Damn dude! That's awesome! Is that rankings for online games or does it track your single player games too?
My RTTS player is hitting something like .552 after about 10 games. I don't remember that many fastballs down the middle in previous games...
What's your PSN name? Send me a friends invite if you haven't already. Mine is the same as here "mca47".
No it's just for online. Actually, I've been playing The Show since I think 2009 and I've never once played the computer or RTTS. And the online ranking system is cool this year because you get a rating instead of just experience points. With experience points, whoever plays the game the most moves up the leaderboard faster. The rating takes efficiency into account more than simply playing a gazillion games. So I'm currently ranked 58th with a record of 41-5 while the guy that's ranked 61st is 73-20. Last year, he'd be way ahead of me just because he has more XP.
Anybody play Dead Space 3 yet? Thoughts? Also, anybody excited for Bioshock Infinite? Not gonna lie, I have high expectations, Bioshock 1 was and is my favorite game of all time, even after the gigantic disappointment of 2.
I just beat 2, but from what I've read, Part 3 is a big departure in game play from the first 2. Game play is more action oriented and they have strayed away from the survival horror aspect.
I think I'm gonna wait for the inevitable PS4 sequel.
And so you see, I have come to doubt All that I once held as true I stand alone without beliefs The only truth I know is you.
I've always used zone hitting. And not to pat myself on the back..but I'm kind of a master of it. Of the current top 100 ranked online players (I'm ranked # 64), I'm third in homeruns per game at 2.26.
Damn dude! That's awesome! Is that rankings for online games or does it track your single player games too?
My RTTS player is hitting something like .552 after about 10 games. I don't remember that many fastballs down the middle in previous games...
What's your PSN name? Send me a friends invite if you haven't already. Mine is the same as here "mca47".
No it's just for online. Actually, I've been playing The Show since I think 2009 and I've never once played the computer or RTTS. And the online ranking system is cool this year because you get a rating instead of just experience points. With experience points, whoever plays the game the most moves up the leaderboard faster. The rating takes efficiency into account more than simply playing a gazillion games. So I'm currently ranked 58th with a record of 41-5 while the guy that's ranked 61st is 73-20. Last year, he'd be way ahead of me just because he has more XP.
Gotcha. I've only played this game online a few times over the years due to the lag. I have a fast connection but the lag drives me nuts!!
What's the point of even selling a hard copy version of a game? If you're just going to instal the game and never touch the disc again, then you might as well just download the game from the online store.
What's the point of even selling a hard copy version of a game? If you're just going to instal the game and never touch the disc again, then you might as well just download the game from the online store.
Back when it was suggested that the next gen systems would not allow for used games I assumed both would go the same direction. I mean, I get it either way. A) You don't want to piss off the gamers who like used games and the flexibility to borrow or bring a game over to a friends place, etc. and You want to be able to pay your developers what they deserve and therefore keep them happy/onboard to make future quality games...
Yeah, it's early, but if Microsoft goes that route AND has some pointless install-only based discs...could spell trouble. Hopefully for Xbox fans, this is just some silly rumor because from the responses people are posting on gaming websites....people aren't happy about this.
What's the point of even selling a hard copy version of a game? If you're just going to instal the game and never touch the disc again, then you might as well just download the game from the online store.
Back when it was suggested that the next gen systems would not allow for used games I assumed both would go the same direction. I mean, I get it either way. A) You don't want to piss off the gamers who like used games and the flexibility to borrow or bring a game over to a friends place, etc. and You want to be able to pay your developers what they deserve and therefore keep them happy/onboard to make future quality games...
Yeah, it's early, but if Microsoft goes that route AND has some pointless install-only based discs...could spell trouble. Hopefully for Xbox fans, this is just some silly rumor because from the responses people are posting on gaming websites....people aren't happy about this.
The always-on rumours started with the PS4 and were confirmed false (so far, who's to say they just won't pull a Linux and add it after launch). I won't believe that MS will for the always on bs until it's official, it's just too stupid.
Most PS3 games require an install, although don't completely eliminate the disc (?) - could be closer to that. Doesn't really make any sense otherwise, unless it's because of the garbage read time of brd. Will be sticking with current gen for quite some time, I think!
The always-on rumours started with the PS4 and were confirmed false (so far, who's to say they just won't pull a Linux and add it after launch). I won't believe that MS will for the always on bs until it's official, it's just too stupid.
Most PS3 games require an install, although don't completely eliminate the disc (?) - could be closer to that. Doesn't really make any sense otherwise, unless it's because of the garbage read time of brd. Will be sticking with current gen for quite some time, I think!
I'd say half of PS3 games require some sort of install due to the Blu-ray read time which vary in size. I know companies are getting to the downloadable titles, but I just don't get the purchase of a disc to install the entire thing...then the disc itself is useless. You also have to figure next gen games are going to hold a lot of data. If you require ALL games to be installed, that HDD is going to fill up really quick. Hell, the new version of The Show has a 5 or 10GB install (optional) and that game isn't that big compared to others.
Let's just hope the rumors are BS. When is MS planning on their reveal?
I want a reason to own both consoles when they are released and right now I'd buy a PS4 (barring some crazy price) on release date.
I'd say half of PS3 games require some sort of install due to the Blu-ray read time which vary in size. I know companies are getting to the downloadable titles, but I just don't get the purchase of a disc to install the entire thing...then the disc itself is useless. You also have to figure next gen games are going to hold a lot of data. If you require ALL games to be installed, that HDD is going to fill up really quick. Hell, the new version of The Show has a 5 or 10GB install (optional) and that game isn't that big compared to others.
Let's just hope the rumors are BS. When is MS planning on their reveal?
I want a reason to own both consoles when they are released and right now I'd buy a PS4 (barring some crazy price) on release date.
I based my PS3 disc on my own ownership, not sure I have one that didn't install a good chunk off the disc on first play. You make a very good point that I agree with - the HDD is going to have to be a giant if this is the way they go.
I don't know when the reveal is. To be honest, if the rumours are true the install wouldn't keep me from getting one. Could be prep for the world of digital download, however. The always on connectivity (which could be a quick-fire/connected/updated always on as opposed to DRM always on) would have me thinking twice, but I don't know if it would stop me from getting one. I am not in a rush for either, plenty of life left in the old dogs!
I like the idea of it not reading from the disc. How many disc errors have you got while playing? It also increases noise and heat.
The disc is needed because a lot of people dont have high speed internet or if they do they may not play online, like myself. The disc hopefully can be reused if your HDD dies or you uninstall a game and want to reinstall it a year or two later.
I really hope they dont use DRM but wouldnt be surprised. If Xbox does it and Sony doesnt, I guess I will jump ship to Sony. I am not buying both. If they both do it, then I probably wont buy one until there are games available for $20. I refuse to pay over $30 for a game.
I like the idea of it not reading from the disc. How many disc errors have you got while playing? It also increases noise and heat.
The disc is needed because a lot of people dont have high speed internet or if they do they may not play online, like myself. The disc hopefully can be reused if your HDD dies or you uninstall a game and want to reinstall it a year or two later.
I really hope they dont use DRM but wouldnt be surprised. If Xbox does it and Sony doesnt, I guess I will jump ship to Sony. I am not buying both. If they both do it, then I probably wont buy one until there are games available for $20. I refuse to pay over $30 for a game.
Yeah, in an ideal world a disc wouldn't be needed. While harddrives have gotten much cheaper over the years, there is no way a next gen system is going to come with a terabyte HDD...which would probably be needed for 100% installs...otherwise you're going to have to install and uninstall in order to keep space available. I have a fast internet connection and I am not a fan of downloading 10GB games...and that's "this gen". Downloading a 50-100GB game is not going to happen for me. F that!
I've actually never had a disc read error.
You never spend more than $30 on a game? How do you do that? Used and old games?
I install all the games I am playing on my 120g 360 HDD. There is more than enough space to install as many games as I'm going to be playing at once - say I've got 10 games on the go, which is not true or even close to it, I have them all installed. The disc is only used for verification. I can see the same thing being done for the next gen system, mind you if they're forcing it they're going to have to go big on the HDD space.
What was the PS4 hard drive?
I delete a game after I've beaten it, or if it is not getting played, and re-install it when I want to. Turns out it isn't a huge ordeal, still faster than a 32mb update for the PS3 (not really but funny :P).
Hopefully the always-on DRM rumour isn't true. If it were, and Sony changed plans and didn't implement it, then maybe MS will abandon it before it is released anyway.
I like the idea of it not reading from the disc. How many disc errors have you got while playing? It also increases noise and heat.
The disc is needed because a lot of people dont have high speed internet or if they do they may not play online, like myself. The disc hopefully can be reused if your HDD dies or you uninstall a game and want to reinstall it a year or two later.
I really hope they dont use DRM but wouldnt be surprised. If Xbox does it and Sony doesnt, I guess I will jump ship to Sony. I am not buying both. If they both do it, then I probably wont buy one until there are games available for $20. I refuse to pay over $30 for a game.
Yeah, in an ideal world a disc wouldn't be needed. While harddrives have gotten much cheaper over the years, there is no way a next gen system is going to come with a terabyte HDD...which would probably be needed for 100% installs...otherwise you're going to have to install and uninstall in order to keep space available. I have a fast internet connection and I am not a fan of downloading 10GB games...and that's "this gen". Downloading a 50-100GB game is not going to happen for me. F that!
I've actually never had a disc read error.
You never spend more than $30 on a game? How do you do that? Used and old games?
Yep, I only buy old or used games. Too much speculation right now. It is fun to speculate but I am not going to get upset until I hear something from Sony and MS.
I dont really by used games too often, and I dont borrow them... and also rarely sell games. So its not too bad for me.
I do let others borrow my games though
Yeah, I never buy used games. It's extremely rare that I sell games. Occasionally when Gamestop (who I really hate) has some deal going on I'll find a game that I know I'll never play again and trade it in on a new one that I've been wanting. I did once purchase a game on Ebay. Game had been out for one week, I found it on Ebay for like $15. Apparently the dude selling it didn't like it and just wanted to get rid of it....Score!
99% of my games are purchased new.
Finally get a chance to play Ocarina of Time ...
Better be worth the hype ....
Never played a 3DS, but I played Ocarina Of Time on N64 back in the day, it's a hell of a game. And I'm not really into Zelda games. If it's the same game just with jazzed up graphics, it should be really good.
It's like ock-arena, the ock being like lock, block, etc.
They come and go. I'm playing today with no problem.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I've also been using "Zone" hitting. The last couple years I'd been using "Pure Analog". Not sure which I like better...
I've always used zone hitting. And not to pat myself on the back..but I'm kind of a master of it. Of the current top 100 ranked online players (I'm ranked # 64), I'm third in homeruns per game at 2.26.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Damn dude! That's awesome! Is that rankings for online games or does it track your single player games too?
My RTTS player is hitting something like .552 after about 10 games. I don't remember that many fastballs down the middle in previous games...
What's your PSN name? Send me a friends invite if you haven't already. Mine is the same as here "mca47".
No it's just for online. Actually, I've been playing The Show since I think 2009 and I've never once played the computer or RTTS. And the online ranking system is cool this year because you get a rating instead of just experience points. With experience points, whoever plays the game the most moves up the leaderboard faster. The rating takes efficiency into account more than simply playing a gazillion games. So I'm currently ranked 58th with a record of 41-5 while the guy that's ranked 61st is 73-20. Last year, he'd be way ahead of me just because he has more XP.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I think I'm gonna wait for the inevitable PS4 sequel.
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
Your game status when you're playing baseball is very very long hahaha ... ce=twitter
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
:fp: :fp: :fp:
Back when it was suggested that the next gen systems would not allow for used games I assumed both would go the same direction. I mean, I get it either way. A) You don't want to piss off the gamers who like used games and the flexibility to borrow or bring a game over to a friends place, etc. and
Yeah, it's early, but if Microsoft goes that route AND has some pointless install-only based discs...could spell trouble. Hopefully for Xbox fans, this is just some silly rumor because from the responses people are posting on gaming websites....people aren't happy about this.
Most PS3 games require an install, although don't completely eliminate the disc (?) - could be closer to that. Doesn't really make any sense otherwise, unless it's because of the garbage read time of brd. Will be sticking with current gen for quite some time, I think!
Let's just hope the rumors are BS. When is MS planning on their reveal?
I want a reason to own both consoles when they are released and right now I'd buy a PS4 (barring some crazy price) on release date.
I don't know when the reveal is. To be honest, if the rumours are true the install wouldn't keep me from getting one. Could be prep for the world of digital download, however. The always on connectivity (which could be a quick-fire/connected/updated always on as opposed to DRM always on) would have me thinking twice, but I don't know if it would stop me from getting one. I am not in a rush for either, plenty of life left in the old dogs!
The disc is needed because a lot of people dont have high speed internet or if they do they may not play online, like myself. The disc hopefully can be reused if your HDD dies or you uninstall a game and want to reinstall it a year or two later.
I really hope they dont use DRM but wouldnt be surprised. If Xbox does it and Sony doesnt, I guess I will jump ship to Sony. I am not buying both. If they both do it, then I probably wont buy one until there are games available for $20. I refuse to pay over $30 for a game.
I've actually never had a disc read error.
You never spend more than $30 on a game? How do you do that? Used and old games?
What was the PS4 hard drive?
I delete a game after I've beaten it, or if it is not getting played, and re-install it when I want to. Turns out it isn't a huge ordeal, still faster than a 32mb update for the PS3 (not really but funny :P).
Hopefully the always-on DRM rumour isn't true. If it were, and Sony changed plans and didn't implement it, then maybe MS will abandon it before it is released anyway.
Yep, I only buy old or used games. Too much speculation right now. It is fun to speculate but I am not going to get upset until I hear something from Sony and MS.
I do let others borrow my games though
Yeah, I never buy used games. It's extremely rare that I sell games. Occasionally when Gamestop (who I really hate) has some deal going on I'll find a game that I know I'll never play again and trade it in on a new one that I've been wanting. I did once purchase a game on Ebay. Game had been out for one week, I found it on Ebay for like $15. Apparently the dude selling it didn't like it and just wanted to get rid of it....Score!
99% of my games are purchased new.