Firstly let's start with the fact that it was a great performance and any night watching Pearl Jam play live is a great night.
It must be great for the band to play to so many fans as well - which they deserve to do.
Things that didn't work for me:
Hyde Park or any venue that is just flat field with a big stage and 60,000 people in front of it is not great from a fan point of view - I found myself a long way from the stage with a view obscured by taller people and hundreds of phones and cameras held aloft. You miss out on a bit of the excitement and emotion the further back you are. Unfortunately for me - I'm too polite and didn't want to start pushing through people who were already shoulder to shoulder - unlike a lot of people who were continuously backward and forward. As has been said - I suppose this is what to expect from a festival crowd - along with people talking/shouting to each other the whole way through as if there was nothing going on on that big square thing at the front!
I don't begrudge Pearl Jam the chance to headline a big festival but as they play here rarely it's a shame when it's the only date. If PJ want to do another outdoor gig here - why not try a stadium of some sort where there is seating all around as well as flat field in the middle?
Obviously it's going to be a 'festival' set list too - so heavy on the 'Ten' songs - but it was great to hear 5 tracks off 'Backspacer' - As I love the 2 most recent albums - more off them would've been great - also playing recent stuff keeps a band relevant. We don't want PJ going down the greatest hits track every time they play - which they don't to be honest - but it's not a very big step........... As great as Even Flow and Alive are (and believe me I love those tracks!), and I'm going to be controversial here - you don't have to play them every night as there are so many more great tracks to choose from.
Also - Hyde Park sound not great. Joe Strummer track, Nothingman, SOLAT, Go, The Fixer, Unthought Known, Amogst The Waves - all great moments!
That's what I think anyway.
Hope you come back soon!
Hyde Park or any venue that is just flat field with a big stage and 60,000 people in front of it is not great from a fan point of view - I found myself a long way from the stage with a view obscured by taller people and hundreds of phones and cameras held aloft
I totally agree, the venue choice v poor... I never actually saw the band once, whole concert was via the screens....
Gotta say it was a bloody amazing concert, we were on the right by the centre divide near front, chilling and dancing with a group of lovely swedish girls and had a great view, no hassle from surges, and when Eddie said to move back 3, we ALL did. Solidarity! Weirdly the left side was a mess! God knows how many I saw being dragged outta there..
It was only my second Pearl Jam show (1st being Reading- which was purely brutal!) and gotta say it was just incredible! (It was my dad's first - he was over the moon!)
High octane setlist, songs that made me cry with happiness, a brilliant atmosphere between the band and us in the crowd... I freakin' LOVED IT!
I absolutely loved Of the Earth, and I want more! The whole crowd singing Betterman made my heart swell.. Just beautiful. Oh and Go was fantastic- as was Do the Evolution!
Oh happy happy me!! And I'm still buzzing! Thanks guys, you were incredible!! Hail Hail!
It was my first PJ gig and I was blown away. The mixture of songs from the first three albums was more than I could have hoped for (I first bought Ten in 1992).
I was about a 800m away from the front of the stage and I got some reasonable photos. I was close to three, quite drunk guys. who ahead of the gig seemed more interested in chatting-up two girls behind me. However, as soon as PJ opened they joined in with all the crowd singing and knew the words to every song. They gained my respect after that!
I'm a veteran of the London punk scene (1978 to 1980) and I've attended many gigs where I've felt more threatened than I was at any stage on Friday (UK Subs/Angelic Upstarts at The Rainbow is one that sticks out in my mind - I honestly thought I was going to die that night).
i think i met the same group of swedish girls.. they even taught me some swedish
That's exactly the thing! Seems a lot of people on this board encountered jerks, looks like we met some great funny fans who just wanted to rock out like the rest of us!
Forget the little bad bits, revel in the incredible great bits! Of which there were LOADS.
I was on the right side too, learned last year that it was really easy to get close to the front from that side. Was about half way between the stage and the vip-grandstand. And besides, Stone's side is where it's at these days. Sorry, Mike, but the real guitar god in the band is someone else... Great view, the sound was ok, the audience was pretty good, singing along and not being too rude towards others. Some bottles flying around (and luckily targeted at some brazilians taking turns sitting on each others shoulders and more interested in taking pictures of each other than watching the band. The show overall was great, amazing to see such a huge crowd and the band playing like they mean it. Can't wait until Berlin.
Stone's side is where it's at these days. Sorry, Mike, but the real guitar god in the band is someone else...
Is Stone the better musician - probably
Is Stone more fun to watch on stage - no frakkin way! Mike is the fucking energizer bunny. He interacts with the crowd a lot too. Stone does his thing, no doubt, but he tends to be in his own zone more. Mike lives off the crowd. and definitely plays it up for them.
Mike McCready makes the energizer bunny look tired.
London rocked - plain and simple. It didn't touch Belfast but I never thought it would. It was always going to be a greatest hits show and with hits that great they couldn't fail
Changing the subject slightly ...anyone know if their releasing a boot fo rthis show? Had in a look in other threads but couldnt see anything mentioned?
Sorry to hear of all the people who had negative experiences. Alcohol and festivals don't work for everyone and sorry to criticize any individual but when I found out Mrs.Veddertown was pregnant I changed my standing tickets for Belfast straight away. In London she stayed back with a friend to allow me a chance to get close. You can try and justify it anyway you want but tickets are exchangable and whether you think you should have a right to stand in peace at a show which you should, it isn't realistic. Hope your partner isn't too shaken up and you realise that your original post only tarred yourself with the selfish brush. Life is bigger than anything and PJ will be back. Show number three for me and all in the space of four days too. This was a great experience for me, sitting with Pke and his lovely family outside Buckingham Palace getting tipsy was a highlight this week and then the show came. Missed almost all the support acts but saw EV/BH doing Under Pressure which filled me with much joy! Given To Fly was a sweet opener and the next half hour flew past too quickly. I'm not going to moan about the fact this setlist was almost an amalgamation of the Irish shows, it was absolutely stunning and Arms Aloft was even better this time. Singalongs were just beautiful and hearing Go, Red Mosquito and another jaw dropping Porch made for a great night. I have such an appreciation for Just Breathe that I didn't previously have before this week. Black and Betterman had those around me in bouncing form. Completely different experience this show being outdoors and by the end Pke and myself were pretty drunk but we were very happy and very sensible surprisingly! I don't know what my favourite moment was but the Brain Damage/Corduroy and Of This Earth are up there with all I've mentioned. Roll on Berlin and the next tour. Pearl Jam and it's crazy legion of fans has changed something for me this week and if you have that same feeling you'll know what I mean. There were moments this week that reminded me of South America 05 and Europe should get a tour every year!! Best wishes to everyone out there we've met this week. Peace.
Like a book among the many on a shelf...
Dublin 02 Arena - 22/6/10. Belfast Odyssey Arena - 23/6/10. London Hyde Park - 25/6/10. Berlin Wuhlheide - 30/6/10.
Manchester MEN - 20/06/12. Manchester MEN - 21/06/12
I fucking SURVIVED the rail at this gig! No, you don't understand unless you were at the Mike's side of the rail. Stone's side wasn't all that rough.
Very impressive! I died 5 times that night... until NFY when my ribs were crackin like pringles and Mike was basically mouthing out "Get OUT!" at me and I decided to take his word and save my life... enjoyed the rest of the show from a safe distance actually dancing and smiling... pheeww!!!
I fucking SURVIVED the rail at this gig! No, you don't understand unless you were at the Mike's side of the rail. Stone's side wasn't all that rough.
Very impressive! I died 5 times that night... until NFY when my ribs were crackin like pringles and Mike was basically mouthing out "Get OUT!" at me and I decided to take his word and save my life... enjoyed the rest of the show from a safe distance actually dancing and smiling... pheeww!!!
When Mike mouths 'Get Out', it's time to go!
Cancel my subscription to the Ressurection
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Weather couldn't have been better. This must have been the hottest weekend London ever saw, My girlfriend and me, we arrived thursday at noon and stayed until sunday morning and we are baked. Stuck in a crowd on Oxford Street with the sun coming down at you = not good. Stuck in a crowd in Hyde Park at a Pearl Jam gig = really good. Pretty strange security at the entrance. The guy in front of us had to get those little packages of potatoe crisps out of his bag while we got to keep about two litre of water and two meal deals from Boots (excellent stuff btw). So we arrived shortly after the initial entrance and checked out the Merch. Bought the Deer t-shirt for my girlfriend and the wonderful Poster for myself (anyone else afraid, that they accidentally put that aweful "Hard Rock Calling Weekend" poster in your tube?)
The choice of bands for this day was good. Robert Francis was a bit boring but only played for 20 minutes and some people seem to have liked it. The Gaslight Anthem played like 8 songs and were gone in an instant. Not a very impressive gig but entertaining nonetheless. The Hives on the other hand ARE entertainment. Not a band that I'd buy a record from but to see them on stage was exciting. The moment where they stood still for about 3 minutes drove the crowd crazy (kind of ironic when you think about it) - one of the best moments of this day along with Eddie joining Ben Harper for Under Pressure in his quite entertaining set. I heard someone saying "No one likes this guy"(Ben) but then, after three or four songs, he was dancing like a madman...Good show.
A lot has been said about the crowd at this place...two things about english fans: when they are dedicated, they're the best crowd in the world. The level of singing at this gig was ridiculous. I could barely even hear Eddie during most of the songs. On the other hand you have "fans" who seem to have bought a ticket just to get the opportunity to talk to someone on the phone while standing in a 50.000+ crowd...I didn't get this at all. I was on Stones side, so not a lot of pushing there but still some annoying people but you gotta live with that. The band itself was in fine form. GTF was a nice choice for an opener and the crowd exploded into the chorus. Once, Of The Earth and WWS were nice surprises, so was Not for You and Nothingman. Still many hits with DTE (which got roaring crowd reactions), Even Flow, Better Man, Why Go, Corduroy, Alive and so on. Most of the quiet moments like the Brain Damage tag or Wasted Reprise got lost in the crowd noise as the sound wasn't really loud enough, especially Eds voice and guitar. I think Black is a quite popular song in England but anyway I was surprised they did that - clearly one of the highlights of the set. At this point the crowd was just a singing along, no one pushing at all, no embarassing boobie moments (that's just my opinion ). No one said anything about Go?! I think that (strangely) got the most crowd reaction - crazy version! Red Mosquito was insane, too, with Harper looking like he is just about to fall over right after this song. Amazing gig after all, some strange experiences but it was fun. I'm excited to hear how the atmosphere transfers to the bootleg.
Very good show, 3 days on and my voice is still recovering from all the singing, I went insane! I honestly thought the sound was a bit low, I recalled the earlier bands being the same, thinking they would turn it up a notch for PJ, but they didn't. I'm not sure if I was in a bad sound spot, was pretty central and far up. Highlights for me was Black, Go, unthought Unknown was a new one I wanted them to play, so thank you PJ! Red mosquito was great with Ben, we all know he would appear on stage at some point, I didn't know he would play on that song, tis nice :)Just breath was nice, got all the couples slow dancing in the middle of the crowd! Even Flow and Cordurey was insane as usual. Alive was just amazing, never faulters to be great. Was hoping they would finish off with something other than Yellow Ledbetter, but again, its still great. Can't wait to see them yet again on another mind blowing tour. Come back to england soon PJ!
A very good concert but a bad audience : too much beer and too many people not interested by the bands and the music. I don't think that I will return to this festival.
The amount of people who pushed passed me (around 30 rows from the front right of stage) who were 'trying to find their friends' only for the same people to come out past me three songs later with tears streaming down their faces said alot. I have been going to gigs for a long time and I can guage the crowd of how they will react before the band even come on. I am sorry people had unpleasent experiences, but there are a lot of idiots out there. Fortunately I can handle myself in concert situations and I am happy to push someone twice my weight away if they want to mosh. But people who are not used to how a crowd works at a rock gig should simply not go where the crowd will be the most violent. I went to see the Gaslight Anthem last year and when someone went down in the crowd, everyone tried quickly to form some sort of guard so they could get up. Granted this gig was in the Kentish Town Forum but I really hope the boys stick to their own bespoke gigs from now on. I love seeing them and seeing them three times in nine months in London is awesome. But I would trade the Hyde Park experience for another Shepherd's Bush or O2 any day of the week. Great show but fingers crossed they play an arena show again soon.
I do want to react to this, for this puts the blame on the wrong side of the stick. I have been to many concerts, had to deal with many crowds, but if you stood on the left hand side near the centre this particular night was very bad. You had to be there to understand. Some of us were fighting for their lives. (And I'm not trying to be negative here, but trying to start a fair debate about this.) When you stood there it doesn't matter if you knew how a crowd works or not; you got squashed. Why does a concert have to be violent anyway?
I agree with Shepherd Bush or 02; I might come back to London to see those. I will never go to London Calling again.
There was a definite theme of Roskilde hanging over Eddie's head though.
Yeah I dont blame him for that especially since the second they started of with Given to fly which was the 1st track, one hell of a moshpit started with it. I must have helped at least 6 to 8 ppl to get out of the crowd, and it just kept getting worst. I reckon it was the setup of field, with that corridor in the middle. On mike's side there were a couple of fights too which sucked. (How on earth can you fight at such a show).
It was one hell of a show and loved every second of it and that experimental song was great, looking forward for the new album already
Red Mosquitoe was amazing with Mike's and Ben's solos, just beautiful and I agree with the ppl that said that Mike was on fire. Oh and Porch and that new intro to it im loving it.
It was just a shame that i missed Even Flow I was getting pulled out of the crowd and on the way out I met Woody Harelson so for a few minutes I didnt hear anything
There seems to be much comment on the crowds behaviour here, which i fully understand. I was front stone side, and really enjoyed it, it was a little hectic, rammed in, and squashed but then again i fully expect that. Its a general admission rock show, anyone expecting to get their spot and not move really needs a reality check.
Of course there are always the tits that go over the top and ruin the experience for those around them but where we were the security did a wonderful job of sorting those idiots out. They were superb at helping out those struggling and picking out morons for ejection.
Some people baffle me though, I stood in the vacinity of a couple who always go early to grab the rail, stone side, they were ther in dublin and belfast too, and Berlin, manchester london etc last year too. Always in the same spot. They dont seem to enjoy the shows at all. Never move, never sing, never smile, and seem totally preoccupied at having a go at anyone behind them who nudges them accidently or is pushed into their backs. The guy started the show warning a guy next to me to make sure he doesnt touch his wife, and to stay back. I have seen him do this at every show I have seen him at. He's just not getting it, Now I understand there is no need for some of the crowd behaviour we suffer, but what this guy experienced was nothing but a little ruffling at a rock show.....but he spent the entire 3 gigs i saw him at going balistic at security about people pushing from behind. I mean honestly what do you expect when you are on the barrier? It blew my mind, and it culminated with him being dragged out by security at london because he copuldnt control himself. For a guy in his 40's at least he behaved like a fool.....trying to square up to security as they pulled him out and rejecting their intervention. Then his wife followed.....strange and i think i dont understand this guy more in that he does this every show, its not like its his first show and its a he constantly makes the deicsion to wait all day to get the rail and spend the whole performance going ape at those around him...
bizarre, and the only negative experience i saw invol;ving a tenclubbers, whom generally blew me away yet again as tio their friendliness, diversity and banter......
June 25, 2010 London, England, Hyde Park, Hard Rock Calling Festival
Set List: Given To Fly, Why Go, Brain Damage (Waters), Corduroy, Got Some, Once, World Wide Suicide, Small Town, Amongst The Waves, Even Flow, Unthought Known, Nothing Man, Arms Aloft (Bullen, Shields, Slatterly, Stafford, Strummmer), Not For You, Of The Earth, State Of Love And Trust, Do The Evolution, Wasted Reprise, Better Man/Save It For Later (Charley, Cox, Morton, Steele, Wakeling)
1st encore: Just Breathe, Red Mosquito w/Ben Harper, Black, Porch
2nd encore: Go, The Fixer, Alive, Yellow Ledbetter
Please share your experiences of the show here...the Fanview threads are preserved on the board.
Please keep the Fanview threads for Fanviews. It's ok to begin another thread on discussions of other topics and/or debates.
Thank you
Hey Sea dont forget Under Pressure (David Bowie & Freddie Mercury song) when Eddie came out during Ben Harper's set. It was beautiful, that was song was always one of my top favourite tunes
Wow, what an amzing night, i am still buzzing! My legs are absolutely battered with bruises the size of tennis balls and a size 10 footprint shaped graze on my shin but I loved every minute.
As a 7 stone, size 0 girl, I handled the crowd no problem so don't get why so many people are complaining. I was only a few rows from the barrier but didn't think it was too bad. Yeah there were a few idiots who just wanted to fight but I didn't feel scared at any point. I don't understand why people who have a problem with rowdy crowds, bother trying to get to the front! If you can't handle it, stay back and watch where you feel safe.
I have to admit, I was one of the crowd surfers during alive :oops: but hey, I'm only little and even got groped a few times on the way through! I'm getting married in a month and the last 6 months have pretty much been taken over by planning so for those few minutes when I was surfing over fellow fans heads, I felt so free and Alive!
Highlight for me was finally hearing Red Mosquito and Just Breathe was lovely (a romantic moment with my hubby to be as we're having the song during the wedding ceremony!) Also, standing on hubby's shoulders during Black - the view was amazing from 11 foot in the air! Loved every single minute of those 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Just hope they com back next year to the O2 again!
Thanks to Pearl Jam and all there amazing fans for another awesome night!
Underneath this smile lies everything........... all my hopes, anger, pride and shame
The show was amazing, but the crowd was really bad :( I don't know why the organizers didn't use additional barriers in the middle of the park to separate the crowd, I was in 2nd raw until the 3rd song and then I was forced to pass the barrier for my own safety...I was a little pissed off... then I realized that I was in London at Hyde Park with Pearl Jam playing...I WAS LUCKY JUST TO BE THERE! so I've enjoyed the rest of the show crying and laughing and dancing and singing as loud as I could this is pearl jam'fan life! AMAZING!
Thanks guys you've definitely changed my life!
I don't question our existence
I just question our modern needs
I'm a veteran of the London punk scene (1978 to 1980) and I've attended many gigs where I've felt more threatened than I was at any stage on Friday.
i'm not a veteran but also been to HC/punk concerts before. after all i sadly have to say that being on mike's side at a PJ show had always been more brutal than those. never got punched and pushed harder - by big adult men and grumpy girls - than here. it's sad as i thought we are in it for the same reason? or was there an strongest-elbow-contest i missed? and no, i'm not crazy or drunk, just a regular girl that wants to enjoy the concert without fighting with idiots. sad how it affects the evening when youre not in the 'good crowd'. well, maybe i was just not lucky with my position.
anyways, we really enjoyed the london show on stones side with nice neighbors (hi canada! hi florida!). well, one drunken guy spoiled 'of the earth' but otherwise we were lucky and went home smiling
The amount of people who pushed passed me (around 30 rows from the front right of stage) who were 'trying to find their friends' only for the same people to come out past me three songs later with tears streaming down their faces said alot. I have been going to gigs for a long time and I can guage the crowd of how they will react before the band even come on. I am sorry people had unpleasent experiences, but there are a lot of idiots out there. Fortunately I can handle myself in concert situations and I am happy to push someone twice my weight away if they want to mosh. But people who are not used to how a crowd works at a rock gig should simply not go where the crowd will be the most violent. I went to see the Gaslight Anthem last year and when someone went down in the crowd, everyone tried quickly to form some sort of guard so they could get up. Granted this gig was in the Kentish Town Forum but I really hope the boys stick to their own bespoke gigs from now on. I love seeing them and seeing them three times in nine months in London is awesome. But I would trade the Hyde Park experience for another Shepherd's Bush or O2 any day of the week. Great show but fingers crossed they play an arena show again soon.
I do want to react to this, for this puts the blame on the wrong side of the stick. I have been to many concerts, had to deal with many crowds, but if you stood on the left hand side near the centre this particular night was very bad. You had to be there to understand. Some of us were fighting for their lives. (And I'm not trying to be negative here, but trying to start a fair debate about this.) When you stood there it doesn't matter if you knew how a crowd works or not; you got squashed. Why does a concert have to be violent anyway?
I agree with Shepherd Bush or 02; I might come back to London to see those. I will never go to London Calling again.
a concert doesn't have to be that voilent. Last thing we want. The point i am trying to make is that the people who want to get to the front who are not used to the commotion you get there baffles me. We went to see a rock band not s club 7. There will be movement and jostling around. 10clubbers will be used to it, getting in first for the best views but it's the late commers who ruined it for everyone else. If it was a 10c only show, we may not have had these problems. I feel for those who were squashed i really do, but it wasn't like that at the o2. I'm glad everyone was ok. And i for one am happy with the safety calls from eddie. I just wish a few of the idiots listened.
Rock on!!!!
Seen Pearl Jam 4 times in London, once in Manchester, as well as an Eddie show at Hammersmith.
Through no fault of their own, this show didn't go down anywhere near as well as certain others I've been to. It wasn't in the same class as Reading at all.
The sound was poor and the crowd was packed with part-timers.
I prefer a more dedicated crowd and a cranked soundsystem!
It must be great for the band to play to so many fans as well - which they deserve to do.
Things that didn't work for me:
Hyde Park or any venue that is just flat field with a big stage and 60,000 people in front of it is not great from a fan point of view - I found myself a long way from the stage with a view obscured by taller people and hundreds of phones and cameras held aloft. You miss out on a bit of the excitement and emotion the further back you are. Unfortunately for me - I'm too polite and didn't want to start pushing through people who were already shoulder to shoulder - unlike a lot of people who were continuously backward and forward. As has been said - I suppose this is what to expect from a festival crowd - along with people talking/shouting to each other the whole way through as if there was nothing going on on that big square thing at the front!
I don't begrudge Pearl Jam the chance to headline a big festival but as they play here rarely it's a shame when it's the only date. If PJ want to do another outdoor gig here - why not try a stadium of some sort where there is seating all around as well as flat field in the middle?
Obviously it's going to be a 'festival' set list too - so heavy on the 'Ten' songs - but it was great to hear 5 tracks off 'Backspacer' - As I love the 2 most recent albums - more off them would've been great - also playing recent stuff keeps a band relevant. We don't want PJ going down the greatest hits track every time they play - which they don't to be honest - but it's not a very big step........... As great as Even Flow and Alive are (and believe me I love those tracks!), and I'm going to be controversial here - you don't have to play them every night as there are so many more great tracks to choose from.
Also - Hyde Park sound not great. Joe Strummer track, Nothingman, SOLAT, Go, The Fixer, Unthought Known, Amogst The Waves - all great moments!
That's what I think anyway.
Hope you come back soon!
Gotta say it was a bloody amazing concert, we were on the right by the centre divide near front, chilling and dancing with a group of lovely swedish girls and had a great view, no hassle from surges, and when Eddie said to move back 3, we ALL did. Solidarity! Weirdly the left side was a mess! God knows how many I saw being dragged outta there..
It was only my second Pearl Jam show (1st being Reading- which was purely brutal!) and gotta say it was just incredible! (It was my dad's first - he was over the moon!)
High octane setlist, songs that made me cry with happiness, a brilliant atmosphere between the band and us in the crowd... I freakin' LOVED IT!
I absolutely loved Of the Earth, and I want more! The whole crowd singing Betterman made my heart swell.. Just beautiful. Oh and Go was fantastic- as was Do the Evolution!
Oh happy happy me!! And I'm still buzzing! Thanks guys, you were incredible!! Hail Hail!
just one think i´d like to get of my chest.. i think Dublin was far more dangerous if you were close to the stage.. but thats just my opinion...
I was about a 800m away from the front of the stage and I got some reasonable photos. I was close to three, quite drunk guys. who ahead of the gig seemed more interested in chatting-up two girls behind me. However, as soon as PJ opened they joined in with all the crowd singing and knew the words to every song. They gained my respect after that!
I'm a veteran of the London punk scene (1978 to 1980) and I've attended many gigs where I've felt more threatened than I was at any stage on Friday (UK Subs/Angelic Upstarts at The Rainbow is one that sticks out in my mind - I honestly thought I was going to die that night).
Any how, I cannot wait for the bootleg!
Damn right! I'll be checking the site daily for that
In the meantime, I've built the setlist in iTunes, and it's making my hairs stand on end right this instant
I'm still beaming!! Forget the match earlier today!
Back in the UK as soon as possible PLEASE!
That's exactly the thing! Seems a lot of people on this board encountered jerks, looks like we met some great funny fans who just wanted to rock out like the rest of us!
Forget the little bad bits, revel in the incredible great bits! Of which there were LOADS.
Btw, here's a cool pic I took about 30 minutes before the doors opened :
Is Stone the better musician - probably
Is Stone more fun to watch on stage - no frakkin way! Mike is the fucking energizer bunny. He interacts with the crowd a lot too. Stone does his thing, no doubt, but he tends to be in his own zone more. Mike lives off the crowd. and definitely plays it up for them.
pearl jam are frankly stunning live
You were out on the street :shock:
Cool photo mrk2!
Dublin 02 Arena - 22/6/10. Belfast Odyssey Arena - 23/6/10. London Hyde Park - 25/6/10. Berlin Wuhlheide - 30/6/10.
Manchester MEN - 20/06/12. Manchester MEN - 21/06/12
The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED
#resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
#standingman #duranadam
When Mike mouths 'Get Out', it's time to go!
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Weather couldn't have been better. This must have been the hottest weekend London ever saw, My girlfriend and me, we arrived thursday at noon and stayed until sunday morning and we are baked. Stuck in a crowd on Oxford Street with the sun coming down at you = not good. Stuck in a crowd in Hyde Park at a Pearl Jam gig = really good. Pretty strange security at the entrance. The guy in front of us had to get those little packages of potatoe crisps out of his bag while we got to keep about two litre of water and two meal deals from Boots (excellent stuff btw). So we arrived shortly after the initial entrance and checked out the Merch. Bought the Deer t-shirt for my girlfriend and the wonderful Poster for myself (anyone else afraid, that they accidentally put that aweful "Hard Rock Calling Weekend" poster in your tube?)
The choice of bands for this day was good. Robert Francis was a bit boring but only played for 20 minutes and some people seem to have liked it. The Gaslight Anthem played like 8 songs and were gone in an instant. Not a very impressive gig but entertaining nonetheless. The Hives on the other hand ARE entertainment. Not a band that I'd buy a record from but to see them on stage was exciting. The moment where they stood still for about 3 minutes drove the crowd crazy (kind of ironic when you think about it) - one of the best moments of this day along with Eddie joining Ben Harper for Under Pressure in his quite entertaining set. I heard someone saying "No one likes this guy"(Ben) but then, after three or four songs, he was dancing like a madman...Good show.
A lot has been said about the crowd at this place...two things about english fans: when they are dedicated, they're the best crowd in the world. The level of singing at this gig was ridiculous. I could barely even hear Eddie during most of the songs. On the other hand you have "fans" who seem to have bought a ticket just to get the opportunity to talk to someone on the phone while standing in a 50.000+ crowd...I didn't get this at all. I was on Stones side, so not a lot of pushing there but still some annoying people but you gotta live with that. The band itself was in fine form. GTF was a nice choice for an opener and the crowd exploded into the chorus. Once, Of The Earth and WWS were nice surprises, so was Not for You and Nothingman. Still many hits with DTE (which got roaring crowd reactions), Even Flow, Better Man, Why Go, Corduroy, Alive and so on. Most of the quiet moments like the Brain Damage tag or Wasted Reprise got lost in the crowd noise as the sound wasn't really loud enough, especially Eds voice and guitar. I think Black is a quite popular song in England but anyway I was surprised they did that - clearly one of the highlights of the set. At this point the crowd was just a singing along, no one pushing at all, no embarassing boobie moments (that's just my opinion
Oh...where was the 2nd stage anyway?
I do want to react to this, for this puts the blame on the wrong side of the stick. I have been to many concerts, had to deal with many crowds, but if you stood on the left hand side near the centre this particular night was very bad. You had to be there to understand. Some of us were fighting for their lives. (And I'm not trying to be negative here, but trying to start a fair debate about this.) When you stood there it doesn't matter if you knew how a crowd works or not; you got squashed. Why does a concert have to be violent anyway?
I agree with Shepherd Bush or 02; I might come back to London to see those. I will never go to London Calling again.
Yeah I dont blame him for that especially since the second they started of with Given to fly which was the 1st track, one hell of a moshpit started with it. I must have helped at least 6 to 8 ppl to get out of the crowd, and it just kept getting worst. I reckon it was the setup of field, with that corridor in the middle. On mike's side there were a couple of fights too which sucked. (How on earth can you fight at such a show).
It was one hell of a show and loved every second of it and that experimental song was great, looking forward for the new album already
Red Mosquitoe was amazing with Mike's and Ben's solos, just beautiful and I agree with the ppl that said that Mike was on fire. Oh and Porch and that new intro to it im loving it.
It was just a shame that i missed Even Flow I was getting pulled out of the crowd and on the way out I met Woody Harelson so for a few minutes I didnt hear anything
Of course there are always the tits that go over the top and ruin the experience for those around them but where we were the security did a wonderful job of sorting those idiots out. They were superb at helping out those struggling and picking out morons for ejection.
Some people baffle me though, I stood in the vacinity of a couple who always go early to grab the rail, stone side, they were ther in dublin and belfast too, and Berlin, manchester london etc last year too. Always in the same spot. They dont seem to enjoy the shows at all. Never move, never sing, never smile, and seem totally preoccupied at having a go at anyone behind them who nudges them accidently or is pushed into their backs. The guy started the show warning a guy next to me to make sure he doesnt touch his wife, and to stay back. I have seen him do this at every show I have seen him at. He's just not getting it, Now I understand there is no need for some of the crowd behaviour we suffer, but what this guy experienced was nothing but a little ruffling at a rock show.....but he spent the entire 3 gigs i saw him at going balistic at security about people pushing from behind. I mean honestly what do you expect when you are on the barrier? It blew my mind, and it culminated with him being dragged out by security at london because he copuldnt control himself. For a guy in his 40's at least he behaved like a fool.....trying to square up to security as they pulled him out and rejecting their intervention. Then his wife followed.....strange and i think i dont understand this guy more in that he does this every show, its not like its his first show and its a he constantly makes the deicsion to wait all day to get the rail and spend the whole performance going ape at those around him...
bizarre, and the only negative experience i saw invol;ving a tenclubbers, whom generally blew me away yet again as tio their friendliness, diversity and banter......
Hey Sea dont forget Under Pressure (David Bowie & Freddie Mercury song) when Eddie came out during Ben Harper's set.
As a 7 stone, size 0 girl, I handled the crowd no problem so don't get why so many people are complaining. I was only a few rows from the barrier but didn't think it was too bad. Yeah there were a few idiots who just wanted to fight but I didn't feel scared at any point. I don't understand why people who have a problem with rowdy crowds, bother trying to get to the front! If you can't handle it, stay back and watch where you feel safe.
I have to admit, I was one of the crowd surfers during alive :oops: but hey, I'm only little and even got groped a few times on the way through! I'm getting married in a month and the last 6 months have pretty much been taken over by planning so for those few minutes when I was surfing over fellow fans heads, I felt so free and Alive!
Highlight for me was finally hearing Red Mosquito and Just Breathe was lovely (a romantic moment with my hubby to be as we're having the song during the wedding ceremony!) Also, standing on hubby's shoulders during Black - the view was amazing from 11 foot in the air! Loved every single minute of those 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Just hope they com back next year to the O2 again!
Thanks to Pearl Jam and all there amazing fans for another awesome night!
Thanks guys you've definitely changed my life!
I just question our modern needs
** **
i'm not a veteran but also been to HC/punk concerts before. after all i sadly have to say that being on mike's side at a PJ show had always been more brutal than those. never got punched and pushed harder - by big adult men and grumpy girls - than here. it's sad as i thought we are in it for the same reason? or was there an strongest-elbow-contest i missed? and no, i'm not crazy or drunk, just a regular girl that wants to enjoy the concert without fighting with idiots. sad how it affects the evening when youre not in the 'good crowd'. well, maybe i was just not lucky with my position.
anyways, we really enjoyed the london show on stones side with nice neighbors (hi canada! hi florida!). well, one drunken guy spoiled 'of the earth' but otherwise we were lucky and went home smiling ... E0OTgyfQ==
a concert doesn't have to be that voilent. Last thing we want. The point i am trying to make is that the people who want to get to the front who are not used to the commotion you get there baffles me. We went to see a rock band not s club 7. There will be movement and jostling around. 10clubbers will be used to it, getting in first for the best views but it's the late commers who ruined it for everyone else. If it was a 10c only show, we may not have had these problems. I feel for those who were squashed i really do, but it wasn't like that at the o2. I'm glad everyone was ok. And i for one am happy with the safety calls from eddie. I just wish a few of the idiots listened.
Seen Pearl Jam 4 times in London, once in Manchester, as well as an Eddie show at Hammersmith.
Through no fault of their own, this show didn't go down anywhere near as well as certain others I've been to. It wasn't in the same class as Reading at all.
The sound was poor and the crowd was packed with part-timers.
I prefer a more dedicated crowd and a cranked soundsystem!