Is this documented fact? It seems more likely that you've got some Fireman/Klansman pals at the dept. that bitch to you about how they're better than blacks. And would you agree that blacks make better athletes? I think you would, which is why they are often hired as the "BEST person for the job PERIOD". So why would a black person be inferior to a white person as a fireman? From what I've seen it is physically demanding similar to athletics.
Why is it OK to argue that "blacks make better athletes", but a similar proclaimation like "whites or Asians make better businesspeople" is racist? For the record, no, I don't think blacks are athletically superior to other groups, any more than I think whites are inherently smarter. I think there are social and cultural explanations for why blacks dominate certain pro sports, just as such explanations can account for discrepancies in white collar jobs.
Oh, well if it's a cultural issue and not becuase blacks are actually born with better athletic ability then they must be dominant in athletics because whites can afford playstations and xboxes so instead of actually using their bodies they are just eating donuts while playing NBA 2k10. Right?
Some of you just don't get it and seem percectly fine with affirmitive action and welfare. In my area last year around the back to school time of year the gov gave handouts (Money) to people on welfare for them to get their kids back to school items (pencils, notebooks,etc.) and what did they do with the money. They went to wal-mart to buy Tv's, playstations, videogames. There is a trend in inner-city areas and education is not part of it. Look at the stats of minorities in prison and how many of them come from singe parent upbringings. People need to quit looking for excuses of how and why certin races are not making improvement. GIVING handouts does nothing but perpetuate lazyness and those people raise kids to think and live the same way. Its a pattern. I think just being a minority gets you a scholorship these days so there really is no excuse.
Some of you just don't get it and seem percectly fine with affirmitive action and welfare. In my area last year around the back to school time of year the gov gave handouts (Money) to people on welfare for them to get their kids back to school items (pencils, notebooks,etc.) and what did they do with the money. They went to wal-mart to buy Tv's, playstations, videogames. There is a trend in inner-city areas and education is not part of it. Look at the stats of minorities in prison and how many of them come from singe parent upbringings. People need to quit looking for excuses of how and why certin races are not making improvement. GIVING handouts does nothing but perpetuate lazyness and those people raise kids to think and live the same way. Its a pattern. I think just being a minority gets you a scholorship these days so there really is no excuse.
unfortunately when you take a certain tone people tune out the message regardless of how correct the comments may be. i have made the same point on the previous page regarding the culture of the inner city black communities. until that changes how can progress be made.
Some of you just don't get it and seem percectly fine with affirmitive action and welfare. In my area last year around the back to school time of year the gov gave handouts (Money) to people on welfare for them to get their kids back to school items (pencils, notebooks,etc.) and what did they do with the money. They went to wal-mart to buy Tv's, playstations, videogames. There is a trend in inner-city areas and education is not part of it. Look at the stats of minorities in prison and how many of them come from singe parent upbringings. People need to quit looking for excuses of how and why certin races are not making improvement. GIVING handouts does nothing but perpetuate lazyness and those people raise kids to think and live the same way. Its a pattern. I think just being a minority gets you a scholorship these days so there really is no excuse.
In my mind this is sort of a chicken or egg type thing. I don't think it's as clear cut as any of us like to think. I do know that racial profiling is NOT imaginary and that does add to the stats of minorities in prison. But do I think that's the only reason so many minorites end up there? No.
Like Byrnzie suggested, a history of slavery and segragation DOES affect blacks in America today.
You emphasize the word "GIVING" as if it is a bad thing. I believe that to be a very deep-rooted flaw in society and character. This world needs more giving. It would solve a whole lot of the problems many of us face throughout our lives. Let's have bigger hearts and not demonize the word "GIVING".
Also, yes, I have no problem with affirmitive action or welfare. Although they are two completely different things and I support them for very different reasons. I tend to believe that my stance on those two issues proves that I do "get it."
Some of you just don't get it and seem percectly fine with affirmitive action and welfare. In my area last year around the back to school time of year the gov gave handouts (Money) to people on welfare for them to get their kids back to school items (pencils, notebooks,etc.) and what did they do with the money. They went to wal-mart to buy Tv's, playstations, videogames. There is a trend in inner-city areas and education is not part of it. Look at the stats of minorities in prison and how many of them come from singe parent upbringings. People need to quit looking for excuses of how and why certin races are not making improvement. GIVING handouts does nothing but perpetuate lazyness and those people raise kids to think and live the same way. Its a pattern. I think just being a minority gets you a scholorship these days so there really is no excuse.
In my mind this is sort of a chicken or egg type thing. I don't think it's as clear cut as any of us like to think. I do know that racial profiling is NOT imaginary and that does add to the stats of minorities in prison. But do I think that's the only reason so many minorites end up there? No.
Like Byrnzie suggested, a history of slavery and segragation DOES affect blacks in America today.
You emphasize the word "GIVING" as if it is a bad thing. I believe that to be a very deep-rooted flaw in society and character. This world needs more giving. It would solve a whole lot of the problems many of us face throughout our lives. Let's have bigger hearts and not demonize the word "GIVING".
Also, yes, I have no problem with affirmitive action or welfare. Although they are two completely different things and I support them for very different reasons. I tend to believe that my stance on those two issues proves that I do "get it."
a history of slavery and segregation does affect blacks today only because they let it still affect them. No current black man or woman in America was ever a slave. Can you honestly say that a majority of blacks in America are working to rise above discrimination of the past and of today, or does the black community foster a culture that uses white america and supposed racism for their problems?
Some of you just don't get it and seem percectly fine with affirmitive action and welfare. In my area last year around the back to school time of year the gov gave handouts (Money) to people on welfare for them to get their kids back to school items (pencils, notebooks,etc.) and what did they do with the money. They went to wal-mart to buy Tv's, playstations, videogames. There is a trend in inner-city areas and education is not part of it. Look at the stats of minorities in prison and how many of them come from singe parent upbringings. People need to quit looking for excuses of how and why certin races are not making improvement. GIVING handouts does nothing but perpetuate lazyness and those people raise kids to think and live the same way. Its a pattern. I think just being a minority gets you a scholorship these days so there really is no excuse.
In my mind this is sort of a chicken or egg type thing. I don't think it's as clear cut as any of us like to think. I do know that racial profiling is NOT imaginary and that does add to the stats of minorities in prison. But do I think that's the only reason so many minorites end up there? No.
Like Byrnzie suggested, a history of slavery and segragation DOES affect blacks in America today.
You emphasize the word "GIVING" as if it is a bad thing. I believe that to be a very deep-rooted flaw in society and character. This world needs more giving. It would solve a whole lot of the problems many of us face throughout our lives. Let's have bigger hearts and not demonize the word "GIVING".
Also, yes, I have no problem with affirmitive action or welfare. Although they are two completely different things and I support them for very different reasons. I tend to believe that my stance on those two issues proves that I do "get it."
Profiling happens almost everytime a cop questions someone, simply profiling does not land you in jail. So the people in prision are in there for a reason. I am not sure why slavery is an issue these days, how many people are left that were once slaves? I do consider GIVING a bad thing when you do not earn it or do anything productive for society. The people that are receiving this giving are not trying to improve their life, they are trying to get a free ride bu having no responsibilities and getting what we all work for daily. They are now trying to pass an act where people on welfare can have cellphones and a plan. When will it end. Section 8 housing already get cable... things that I see as privlages are GIVEN to them as they are some pre-requsite for their lifestyle. It is sickening what I have to work for and what people are GIVEN.
Some of you just don't get it and seem percectly fine with affirmitive action and welfare. In my area last year around the back to school time of year the gov gave handouts (Money) to people on welfare for them to get their kids back to school items (pencils, notebooks,etc.) and what did they do with the money. They went to wal-mart to buy Tv's, playstations, videogames. There is a trend in inner-city areas and education is not part of it. Look at the stats of minorities in prison and how many of them come from singe parent upbringings. People need to quit looking for excuses of how and why certin races are not making improvement. GIVING handouts does nothing but perpetuate lazyness and those people raise kids to think and live the same way. Its a pattern. I think just being a minority gets you a scholorship these days so there really is no excuse.
In my mind this is sort of a chicken or egg type thing. I don't think it's as clear cut as any of us like to think. I do know that racial profiling is NOT imaginary and that does add to the stats of minorities in prison. But do I think that's the only reason so many minorites end up there? No.
Like Byrnzie suggested, a history of slavery and segragation DOES affect blacks in America today.
You emphasize the word "GIVING" as if it is a bad thing. I believe that to be a very deep-rooted flaw in society and character. This world needs more giving. It would solve a whole lot of the problems many of us face throughout our lives. Let's have bigger hearts and not demonize the word "GIVING".
while i agree that people should be more charitable in their everyday lives, governmental programs tend to lead to a situation where someone has little to no incentive to improve their situation. If working at McDonalds or Walmart puts you over the top and makes you ineligible for benefits why would you do it? That is the problem that needs to be changed. All you teach someone that way is to work just hard enough to stay in the same situation. Personally I think more should be spent on vocational training than providing funds. It would be better in the long run for everyone.
But as far as wealth building goes, it takes generations. But it really is more about the fact that blacks, who are in the same situation as whites, face higher interest rates for loans and are denied more often. Just a few points can mean the difference between saving thousands of dollars and having to live check to check.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Oh, well if it's a cultural issue and not becuase blacks are actually born with better athletic ability then they must be dominant in athletics because whites can afford playstations and xboxes so instead of actually using their bodies they are just eating donuts while playing NBA 2k10. Right?
Maybe ... Or perhaps less perjoratively, white and asian kids are encouraged to excel academically, while black kids are encouraged to use their physical attributes to succeed. Do you have a particular need to slam white people while at the same time extolling the superior athletic prowess of blacks? Maybe I am reading too much into the donut remark.
Many of the Native people around me growing up were actively dissuaded from doing well in school and going to post-secondary institutions, even if they clearly had the smarts to do so. A few of them didn't care and went to school anyway, but the social pressure to avoid being an "apple" (red on the outside, white on the inside) was tremendous. Native people do not have the same athletic outlets that US blacks do, by the way. I had the advantage of parents who placed a lot of stock in academic success, while many of the people around me did not. I am a mixed race person and I don't look much different from your average whiteboy ... That probably helped me more than I really care to admit, which I think was Byrnzie's point. Still had to make different choices than many of those around me, though.
Oh, well if it's a cultural issue and not becuase blacks are actually born with better athletic ability then they must be dominant in athletics because whites can afford playstations and xboxes so instead of actually using their bodies they are just eating donuts while playing NBA 2k10. Right?
Maybe ... Or perhaps less perjoratively, white and asian kids are encouraged to excel academically, while black kids are encouraged to use their physical attributes to succeed. Do you have a particular need to slam white people while at the same time extolling the superior athletic prowess of blacks? Maybe I am reading too much into the donut remark.
Many of the Native people around me growing up were actively dissuaded from doing well in school and going to post-secondary institutions, even if they clearly had the smarts to do so. A few of them didn't care and went to school anyway, but the social pressure to avoid being an "apple" (red on the outside, white on the inside) was tremendous. Native people do not have the same athletic outlets that US blacks do, by the way. I had the advantage of parents who placed a lot of stock in academic success, while many of the people around me did not. I am a mixed race person and I don't look much different from your average whiteboy ... That probably helped me more than I really care to admit, which I think was Byrnzie's point. Still had to make different choices than many of those around me, though.
My comment about donuts was somewhat sarcastic. And I certainly don't intend to slam whites or exaggerate blacks and their athletic ability. My point which I think you agree with is that this shit is beyond complicated. It's not as simple as "different color, same situation" and seeing who succeeds and who fails. In my opinion, there is no such thing as "same situation". Not for ethnicity, gender, nationality, sexual preference and on and on.
It amazes me how people discount the long-term affects of oppression and bigotry. It wasn't that long ago that blacks couldn't vote. It wasn't that long ago that blacks were enslaved. Jesus, women also have a history of oppression in this country and couldn't vote not too long ago. They've had it much better off than blacks in this country and they still make less than men. Why do you think that is? I think it has something to do with being "newer" to the workforce and earning respect from those around them and their employers. Women don't have as long a history of being in the workforce. Neither do blacks. And now, they both make less. Even after years of being treated "equal". This shit takes time to overcome. Not months, not years, but generations and centuries. Humans are terribly slow learners.
It amazes me how people discount the long-term affects of oppression and bigotry. It wasn't that long ago that blacks couldn't vote. It wasn't that long ago that blacks were enslaved. Jesus, women also have a history of oppression in this country and couldn't vote not too long ago. They've had it much better off than blacks in this country and they still make less than men. Why do you think that is? I think it has something to do with being "newer" to the workforce and earning respect from those around them and their employers. Women don't have as long a history of being in the workforce. Neither do blacks. And now, they both make less. Even after years of being treated "equal". This shit takes time to overcome. Not months, not years, but generations and centuries. Humans are terribly slow learners.
Yep, we can agree on this point. By the way, this is one of the better discussions of race that I've had on this board.
It amazes me how people discount the long-term affects of oppression and bigotry. It wasn't that long ago that blacks couldn't vote. It wasn't that long ago that blacks were enslaved. Jesus, women also have a history of oppression in this country and couldn't vote not too long ago. They've had it much better off than blacks in this country and they still make less than men. Why do you think that is? I think it has something to do with being "newer" to the workforce and earning respect from those around them and their employers. Women don't have as long a history of being in the workforce. Neither do blacks. And now, they both make less. Even after years of being treated "equal". This shit takes time to overcome. Not months, not years, but generations and centuries. Humans are terribly slow learners.
Yep, we can agree on this point. By the way, this is one of the better discussions of race that I've had on this board.
You guys prove my point each and everytime you post. You are making excuses for why they have not succeeded. They are GIVEN every tool to succeeded for FREE and there is still no progress being made. There are no minority youth today that have expierenced slavery or segragation, you would probably have to go up to their grandparents for any kind of experience. When does this excuse end? How long does it take to get over these long term affects?
It amazes me how people discount the long-term affects of oppression and bigotry. It wasn't that long ago that blacks couldn't vote. It wasn't that long ago that blacks were enslaved. Jesus, women also have a history of oppression in this country and couldn't vote not too long ago. They've had it much better off than blacks in this country and they still make less than men. Why do you think that is? I think it has something to do with being "newer" to the workforce and earning respect from those around them and their employers. Women don't have as long a history of being in the workforce. Neither do blacks. And now, they both make less. Even after years of being treated "equal". This shit takes time to overcome. Not months, not years, but generations and centuries. Humans are terribly slow learners.
Yep, we can agree on this point. By the way, this is one of the better discussions of race that I've had on this board.
You guys prove my point each and everytime you post. You are making excuses for why they have not succeeded. They are GIVEN every tool to succeeded for FREE and there is still no progress being made. There are no minority youth today that have expierenced slavery or segragation, you would probably have to go up to their grandparents for any kind of experience. When does this excuse end? How long does it take to get over these long term affects?
I don't think anyone knows, but even if people conceded the points you make, it would still lend it self to ask the question of why aren't the opportunities being taken advantage of...I can give a two year old a screwdriver or table saw, but that doesn't mean they know how to use it. Just being given the tools isn't everything.
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
It amazes me how people discount the long-term affects of oppression and bigotry. It wasn't that long ago that blacks couldn't vote. It wasn't that long ago that blacks were enslaved. Jesus, women also have a history of oppression in this country and couldn't vote not too long ago. They've had it much better off than blacks in this country and they still make less than men. Why do you think that is? I think it has something to do with being "newer" to the workforce and earning respect from those around them and their employers. Women don't have as long a history of being in the workforce. Neither do blacks. And now, they both make less. Even after years of being treated "equal". This shit takes time to overcome. Not months, not years, but generations and centuries. Humans are terribly slow learners.
Yep, we can agree on this point. By the way, this is one of the better discussions of race that I've had on this board.
You guys prove my point each and everytime you post. You are making excuses for why they have not succeeded. They are GIVEN every tool to succeeded for FREE and there is still no progress being made. There are no minority youth today that have expierenced slavery or segragation, you would probably have to go up to their grandparents for any kind of experience. When does this excuse end? How long does it take to get over these long term affects?
what i've just realized is there are-
racists that hate
racists that are ignorant
The whole world will be different soon... - EV
RED ROCKS 6-19-95
AUGUSTA 9-26-96
BOSTON 9-29-04
BOSTON 5-25-06
BOSTON 5-17-10
PJ20 9-3-11
PJ20 9-4-11
WRIGLEY 7-19-13
WORCESTER 10-15-13
WORCESTER 10-16-13
HARTFORD 10-25-13
see your last comments are part of the problem - white america can NEVER make arguments about black america without being labeled racists. until both blacks and whites can HONESTLY and OPENLY listen to each others comments and arguments can they begin to work together to improve the situation.
see your last comments are part of the problem - white america can NEVER make arguments about black america without being labeled racists. until both blacks and whites can HONESTLY and OPENLY listen to each others comments and arguments can they begin to work together to improve the situation.
96 Randall's Island II
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
It amazes me how people discount the long-term affects of oppression and bigotry. It wasn't that long ago that blacks couldn't vote. It wasn't that long ago that blacks were enslaved. Jesus, women also have a history of oppression in this country and couldn't vote not too long ago. They've had it much better off than blacks in this country and they still make less than men. Why do you think that is? I think it has something to do with being "newer" to the workforce and earning respect from those around them and their employers. Women don't have as long a history of being in the workforce. Neither do blacks. And now, they both make less. Even after years of being treated "equal". This shit takes time to overcome. Not months, not years, but generations and centuries. Humans are terribly slow learners.
Yep, we can agree on this point. By the way, this is one of the better discussions of race that I've had on this board.
You guys prove my point each and everytime you post. You are making excuses for why they have not succeeded. They are GIVEN every tool to succeeded for FREE and there is still no progress being made. There are no minority youth today that have expierenced slavery or segragation, you would probably have to go up to their grandparents for any kind of experience. When does this excuse end? How long does it take to get over these long term affects?
I already answered. Generations, even centuries, if ever. Certainly not years or even decades. I don't think you realize the scope or affects of oppression and bigotry.
So you think blacks and/or other minorities as just making excuses? Now why do you think that is? Why do they make excuses?
Why are they not as financially successful as whites?
What is your solution?
Is there no REAL problem here and they just need a good dose of Tony Robins or Zig Ziglar to help them get off their asses and tackle the world?
I already answered. Generations, even centuries, if ever. Certainly not years or even decades. I don't think you realize the scope or affects of oppression and bigotry.
So you think blacks and/or other minorities as just making excuses? Now why do you think that is? Why do they make excuses?
Why are they not as financially successful as whites?
What is your solution?
Is there no REAL problem here and they just need a good dose of Tony Robins or Zig Ziglar to help them get off their asses and tackle the world?
Oh wait, we're not supposed to help them.
Damnit. Now what?"
Truthfully we have no idea how long it takes for those affects to wear off. Your just throwing out a long number there. I addressed why they are not as successful, they do not use the tools given. They do not attend schools because there is no support system at home. My solution would be that if your on welfare you can not reporduce, and if you do then YOU need to support your home and child, not the GOV. That would be a start, that would then in turn make people more personally responsible for things that they actually pay for. Also Drug test. You wonder why section 8 housing is so bad. Because they put no money into it. And for being called a racisit??? You can call me what you want to but nothing that i have presented is false. and it all comes from concern for society. You can certinly help people without GIVING handouts.
Truthfully we have no idea how long it takes for those affects to wear off. Your just throwing out a long number there. I addressed why they are not as successful, they do not use the tools given. They do not attend schools because there is no support system at home. My solution would be that if your on welfare you can not reporduce, and if you do then YOU need to support your home and child, not the GOV. That would be a start, that would then in turn make people more personally responsible for things that they actually pay for. Also Drug test. You wonder why section 8 housing is so bad. Because they put no money into it. And for being called a racisit??? You can call me what you want to but nothing that i have presented is false. and it all comes from concern for society. You can certinly help people without GIVING handouts.
Wtf? I didn't call you a racist. I think you're confused.
I guess what I want you to explain to me is WHY do they not use the tools given? Because I believe in many instances we make it hard for them. Affirmitive action helps make it easier for minorities to use the tools "GIVEN" as you say.
Do you deny that racism exists? Clearly it takes many generations AT LEAST for a white society as a whole to change their attitudes and actions towards minorities. I just don't see how anyone could even begin to argue that. Do you deny that racism in this country today stems from or at least is HUGELY affected by a history of slavery, oppression, bigotry? Because it sounds to me like you are denying that.
So please be clear - are you:
(A) Denying that racism exists in America OR
(B) Denying that a history of extreme racism via slavery, oppression, bigotry has any affect on racism in America today
see your last comments are part of the problem - white america can NEVER make arguments about black america without being labeled racists. until both blacks and whites can HONESTLY and OPENLY listen to each others comments and arguments can they begin to work together to improve the situation.
I can totally respect that...
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
It amazes me how people discount the long-term affects of oppression and bigotry. It wasn't that long ago that blacks couldn't vote. It wasn't that long ago that blacks were enslaved. Jesus, women also have a history of oppression in this country and couldn't vote not too long ago. They've had it much better off than blacks in this country and they still make less than men. Why do you think that is? I think it has something to do with being "newer" to the workforce and earning respect from those around them and their employers. Women don't have as long a history of being in the workforce. Neither do blacks. And now, they both make less. Even after years of being treated "equal". This shit takes time to overcome. Not months, not years, but generations and centuries. Humans are terribly slow learners.
Yep, we can agree on this point. By the way, this is one of the better discussions of race that I've had on this board.
You guys prove my point each and everytime you post. You are making excuses for why they have not succeeded. They are GIVEN every tool to succeeded for FREE and there is still no progress being made. There are no minority youth today that have expierenced slavery or segragation, you would probably have to go up to their grandparents for any kind of experience. When does this excuse end? How long does it take to get over these long term affects?
Great point....I hate it that what you said will labeled racist on this forum. But its not. Disagreeing with a minority situation does not make you racist.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Some of you just don't get it and seem percectly fine with affirmitive action and welfare. In my area last year around the back to school time of year the gov gave handouts (Money) to people on welfare for them to get their kids back to school items (pencils, notebooks,etc.) and what did they do with the money. They went to wal-mart to buy Tv's, playstations, videogames. There is a trend in inner-city areas and education is not part of it. Look at the stats of minorities in prison and how many of them come from singe parent upbringings. People need to quit looking for excuses of how and why certin races are not making improvement. GIVING handouts does nothing but perpetuate lazyness and those people raise kids to think and live the same way. Its a pattern. I think just being a minority gets you a scholorship these days so there really is no excuse.
I think I found the female side of me. All of your posts make excellent points that are right on the money whether people here like it or not.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Great point....I hate it that what you said will labeled racist on this forum. But its not. Disagreeing with a minority situation does not make you racist.
Great, then maybe you can explain this?:
'The report attributes part of the cause to the "powerful role of persistent discrimination in housing, credit and labour markets. African-Americans and Hispanics were at least twice as likely to receive high-cost home mortgages as whites with similar incomes," the report says.'
Some of you just don't get it and seem percectly fine with affirmitive action and welfare. In my area last year around the back to school time of year the gov gave handouts (Money) to people on welfare for them to get their kids back to school items (pencils, notebooks,etc.) and what did they do with the money. They went to wal-mart to buy Tv's, playstations, videogames.
Do you have any evidence of this? Did someone follow these people to the Walmart and note down what they bought and with what money they paid for it? Sounds like just more racist bullshit to me.
Great point....I hate it that what you said will labeled racist on this forum. But its not. Disagreeing with a minority situation does not make you racist.
Great, then maybe you can explain this?:
'The report attributes part of the cause to the "powerful role of persistent discrimination in housing, credit and labour markets. African-Americans and Hispanics were at least twice as likely to receive high-cost home mortgages as whites with similar incomes," the report says.'
And why do you think that is??? Does it say that?? No? Well why??? If its true which it probably is....why are they being discriminatory??? Dont you think their must be a pretty good business decision on the matter? you think its one big conspiracy to keep the Blacks and Hispanics down?? :roll:
Thank God The term "black" was used in the OP's title....I would have been burned at the stake by now.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Some of you just don't get it and seem percectly fine with affirmitive action and welfare. In my area last year around the back to school time of year the gov gave handouts (Money) to people on welfare for them to get their kids back to school items (pencils, notebooks,etc.) and what did they do with the money. They went to wal-mart to buy Tv's, playstations, videogames.
Do you have any evidence of this? Did someone follow these people to the Walmart and note down what they bought and with what money they paid for it? Sounds like just more racist bullshit to me.
No...she made it up to win an argument. Man oh man are you green.
Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
And why do you think that is??? Does it say that?? No? Well why??? If its true which it probably is....why are they being discriminatory??? Dont you think their must be a pretty good business decision on the matter? you think its one big conspiracy to keep the Blacks and Hispanics down?? :roll:
Thank God The term "black" was used in the OP's title....I would have been burned at the stake by now.
Sure, it's just good business, and to suggest it may be anything else would be tantamount to indulging in crazy conspiracy theories. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Some of you just don't get it and seem percectly fine with affirmitive action and welfare. In my area last year around the back to school time of year the gov gave handouts (Money) to people on welfare for them to get their kids back to school items (pencils, notebooks,etc.) and what did they do with the money. They went to wal-mart to buy Tv's, playstations, videogames.
Do you have any evidence of this? Did someone follow these people to the Walmart and note down what they bought and with what money they paid for it? Sounds like just more racist bullshit to me.
No...she made it up to win an argument. Man oh man are you green.
Except she didn't win any argument. Keep trying pal, you may get there one day.
I did not make it up, no reason to... you can probably look it up if you'd like. I guess you are saying that welfare money is not abused?
I am losing some patience with some of you. For every question you ask why is this? There is a very simple reason. And racism goes boths ways, and I would be wiling to bet anything that reverse racisim is much more of an issue today. All my points come from the truth not racisim.
Minorities have it very easy today, there is alot that goes into getting loans, such as credit, collertal, etc.
You guys are trying to find some abstract reason to find racisim in everything that dosent go a minorties way.
I am amused that you guys think its fair what the gov gives. For how hard I assume some of you work don't you think its ridiculous that YOU have to pay for what they recieve as handouts.
Conclusion - They like being taken care of and the gov(you) footing the bill. Next time you guys are out go ahead and drive through the inner city and tell me what you see, I drive through Over the Rhine (cincinnati) every morning and through the West Side (Price HIll) and i see houses with no windows, 3 year olds out at 11pm and... cars with rims, very nice cloathing and jewlery.
Like I said put very strict rules on welfare and you will see alot of improvements in personal responsibility.
I did not make it up, no reason to... you can probably look it up if you'd like. I guess you are saying that welfare money is not abused?
I am losing some patience with some of you. For every question you ask why is this? There is a very simple reason. And racism goes boths ways, and I would be wiling to bet anything that reverse racisim is much more of an issue today. All my points come from the truth not racisim.
Minorities have it very easy today, there is alot that goes into getting loans, such as credit, collertal, etc.
You guys are trying to find some abstract reason to find racisim in everything that dosent go a minorties way.
I am amused that you guys think its fair what the gov gives. For how hard I assume some of you work don't you think its ridiculous that YOU have to pay for what they recieve as handouts.
Conclusion - They like being taken care of and the gov(you) footing the bill. Next time you guys are out go ahead and drive through the inner city and tell me what you see, I drive through Over the Rhine (cincinnati) every morning and through the West Side (Price HIll) and i see houses with no windows, 3 year olds out at 11pm and... cars with rims, very nice cloathing and jewlery.
Like I said put very strict rules on welfare and you will see alot of improvements in personal responsibility.
I can agree with the view that racism can go both ways, 100%. I think we part ways when it comes to the blanket notion that minorities have it easy, though. Social class always gets ignored in these debates, by the way, by both sides. The white poor probably have less of a chance than the black rich ... And the black or Indian poor get a double whammy.
unfortunately when you take a certain tone people tune out the message regardless of how correct the comments may be. i have made the same point on the previous page regarding the culture of the inner city black communities. until that changes how can progress be made.
Like Byrnzie suggested, a history of slavery and segragation DOES affect blacks in America today.
You emphasize the word "GIVING" as if it is a bad thing. I believe that to be a very deep-rooted flaw in society and character. This world needs more giving. It would solve a whole lot of the problems many of us face throughout our lives. Let's have bigger hearts and not demonize the word "GIVING".
Also, yes, I have no problem with affirmitive action or welfare. Although they are two completely different things and I support them for very different reasons. I tend to believe that my stance on those two issues proves that I do "get it."
a history of slavery and segregation does affect blacks today only because they let it still affect them. No current black man or woman in America was ever a slave. Can you honestly say that a majority of blacks in America are working to rise above discrimination of the past and of today, or does the black community foster a culture that uses white america and supposed racism for their problems?
Profiling happens almost everytime a cop questions someone, simply profiling does not land you in jail. So the people in prision are in there for a reason. I am not sure why slavery is an issue these days, how many people are left that were once slaves? I do consider GIVING a bad thing when you do not earn it or do anything productive for society. The people that are receiving this giving are not trying to improve their life, they are trying to get a free ride bu having no responsibilities and getting what we all work for daily. They are now trying to pass an act where people on welfare can have cellphones and a plan. When will it end. Section 8 housing already get cable... things that I see as privlages are GIVEN to them as they are some pre-requsite for their lifestyle. It is sickening what I have to work for and what people are GIVEN.
while i agree that people should be more charitable in their everyday lives, governmental programs tend to lead to a situation where someone has little to no incentive to improve their situation. If working at McDonalds or Walmart puts you over the top and makes you ineligible for benefits why would you do it? That is the problem that needs to be changed. All you teach someone that way is to work just hard enough to stay in the same situation. Personally I think more should be spent on vocational training than providing funds. It would be better in the long run for everyone.
But as far as wealth building goes, it takes generations. But it really is more about the fact that blacks, who are in the same situation as whites, face higher interest rates for loans and are denied more often. Just a few points can mean the difference between saving thousands of dollars and having to live check to check.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Maybe ... Or perhaps less perjoratively, white and asian kids are encouraged to excel academically, while black kids are encouraged to use their physical attributes to succeed. Do you have a particular need to slam white people while at the same time extolling the superior athletic prowess of blacks? Maybe I am reading too much into the donut remark.
Many of the Native people around me growing up were actively dissuaded from doing well in school and going to post-secondary institutions, even if they clearly had the smarts to do so. A few of them didn't care and went to school anyway, but the social pressure to avoid being an "apple" (red on the outside, white on the inside) was tremendous. Native people do not have the same athletic outlets that US blacks do, by the way. I had the advantage of parents who placed a lot of stock in academic success, while many of the people around me did not. I am a mixed race person and I don't look much different from your average whiteboy ... That probably helped me more than I really care to admit, which I think was Byrnzie's point. Still had to make different choices than many of those around me, though.
It amazes me how people discount the long-term affects of oppression and bigotry. It wasn't that long ago that blacks couldn't vote. It wasn't that long ago that blacks were enslaved. Jesus, women also have a history of oppression in this country and couldn't vote not too long ago. They've had it much better off than blacks in this country and they still make less than men. Why do you think that is? I think it has something to do with being "newer" to the workforce and earning respect from those around them and their employers. Women don't have as long a history of being in the workforce. Neither do blacks. And now, they both make less. Even after years of being treated "equal". This shit takes time to overcome. Not months, not years, but generations and centuries. Humans are terribly slow learners.
Yep, we can agree on this point. By the way, this is one of the better discussions of race that I've had on this board.
You guys prove my point each and everytime you post. You are making excuses for why they have not succeeded. They are GIVEN every tool to succeeded for FREE and there is still no progress being made. There are no minority youth today that have expierenced slavery or segragation, you would probably have to go up to their grandparents for any kind of experience. When does this excuse end? How long does it take to get over these long term affects?
I don't think anyone knows, but even if people conceded the points you make, it would still lend it self to ask the question of why aren't the opportunities being taken advantage of...I can give a two year old a screwdriver or table saw, but that doesn't mean they know how to use it. Just being given the tools isn't everything.
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
what i've just realized is there are-
racists that hate
racists that are ignorant
RED ROCKS 6-19-95
AUGUSTA 9-26-96
BOSTON 9-29-04
BOSTON 5-25-06
BOSTON 5-17-10
PJ20 9-3-11
PJ20 9-4-11
WRIGLEY 7-19-13
WORCESTER 10-15-13
WORCESTER 10-16-13
HARTFORD 10-25-13
see your last comments are part of the problem - white america can NEVER make arguments about black america without being labeled racists. until both blacks and whites can HONESTLY and OPENLY listen to each others comments and arguments can they begin to work together to improve the situation.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
So you think blacks and/or other minorities as just making excuses? Now why do you think that is? Why do they make excuses?
Why are they not as financially successful as whites?
What is your solution?
Is there no REAL problem here and they just need a good dose of Tony Robins or Zig Ziglar to help them get off their asses and tackle the world?
Oh wait, we're not supposed to help them.
Damnit. Now what?
So you think blacks and/or other minorities as just making excuses? Now why do you think that is? Why do they make excuses?
Why are they not as financially successful as whites?
What is your solution?
Is there no REAL problem here and they just need a good dose of Tony Robins or Zig Ziglar to help them get off their asses and tackle the world?
Oh wait, we're not supposed to help them.
Damnit. Now what?"
Truthfully we have no idea how long it takes for those affects to wear off. Your just throwing out a long number there. I addressed why they are not as successful, they do not use the tools given. They do not attend schools because there is no support system at home. My solution would be that if your on welfare you can not reporduce, and if you do then YOU need to support your home and child, not the GOV. That would be a start, that would then in turn make people more personally responsible for things that they actually pay for. Also Drug test. You wonder why section 8 housing is so bad. Because they put no money into it. And for being called a racisit??? You can call me what you want to but nothing that i have presented is false. and it all comes from concern for society. You can certinly help people without GIVING handouts.
I guess what I want you to explain to me is WHY do they not use the tools given? Because I believe in many instances we make it hard for them. Affirmitive action helps make it easier for minorities to use the tools "GIVEN" as you say.
Do you deny that racism exists? Clearly it takes many generations AT LEAST for a white society as a whole to change their attitudes and actions towards minorities. I just don't see how anyone could even begin to argue that. Do you deny that racism in this country today stems from or at least is HUGELY affected by a history of slavery, oppression, bigotry? Because it sounds to me like you are denying that.
So please be clear - are you:
(A) Denying that racism exists in America OR
(B) Denying that a history of extreme racism via slavery, oppression, bigotry has any affect on racism in America today
I can totally respect that...
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Great point....I hate it that what you said will labeled racist on this forum. But its not. Disagreeing with a minority situation does not make you racist.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
I think I found the female side of me. All of your posts make excellent points that are right on the money whether people here like it or not.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Great, then maybe you can explain this?:
'The report attributes part of the cause to the "powerful role of persistent discrimination in housing, credit and labour markets. African-Americans and Hispanics were at least twice as likely to receive high-cost home mortgages as whites with similar incomes," the report says.'
Do you have any evidence of this? Did someone follow these people to the Walmart and note down what they bought and with what money they paid for it? Sounds like just more racist bullshit to me.
Thank God The term "black" was used in the OP's title....I would have been burned at the stake by now.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
No...she made it up to win an argument. Man oh man are you green.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Sure, it's just good business, and to suggest it may be anything else would be tantamount to indulging in crazy conspiracy theories. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Except she didn't win any argument. Keep trying pal, you may get there one day.
I am losing some patience with some of you. For every question you ask why is this? There is a very simple reason. And racism goes boths ways, and I would be wiling to bet anything that reverse racisim is much more of an issue today. All my points come from the truth not racisim.
Minorities have it very easy today, there is alot that goes into getting loans, such as credit, collertal, etc.
You guys are trying to find some abstract reason to find racisim in everything that dosent go a minorties way.
I am amused that you guys think its fair what the gov gives. For how hard I assume some of you work don't you think its ridiculous that YOU have to pay for what they recieve as handouts.
Conclusion - They like being taken care of and the gov(you) footing the bill. Next time you guys are out go ahead and drive through the inner city and tell me what you see, I drive through Over the Rhine (cincinnati) every morning and through the West Side (Price HIll) and i see houses with no windows, 3 year olds out at 11pm and... cars with rims, very nice cloathing and jewlery.
Like I said put very strict rules on welfare and you will see alot of improvements in personal responsibility.
I can agree with the view that racism can go both ways, 100%. I think we part ways when it comes to the blanket notion that minorities have it easy, though. Social class always gets ignored in these debates, by the way, by both sides. The white poor probably have less of a chance than the black rich ... And the black or Indian poor get a double whammy.