Boycott Anything Involving AZ



  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    scb wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    Wow you learn something new every day! correct me if I am wrong please.......I have a few questions

    Only people with white skin that are Americans are racist bigots?
    All other nationalities and skin color (other than white) that are Americans, are not racist bigots?
    Now if someone is from another country and white, and here legally are they racist bigots also?

    I just need to know because I always thought you had to actually talk with someone to find out if they are racist......My I will know just by looking at someone’s skin color if they are a racist...

    Then again I guess I am not as lucky being born white as the OP said......because when people look at my skin color I am considered a racist just because I am white....,is that racial profiling?

    1. Only white people - as a group, on a national level - have the POWER to be racist.

    2. No one has said that all white people are racists.

    3. You are not considered racist because you are white. You are considered racist because you say racist things and promote racist ideas.

    Really ?...not totally true.

  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    scb wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    no thats not true and the legal immigrants will have nothing to worry as long as they are legal,
    this country has been kicked in the nuts over this crap we as tax payers are footing the bill for all illegal
    people here and then we have to listen to this shit about rights ? they can go to their own fuckin country and
    enjoy their rights there or do it right and become a American citizen and EARN the right to be here.
    racism my ass, this country has laws like em or not we got em and if enter this country illegally your breaking one right off the bat.


    1. Are you actually saying that legal immigrants won't be frequently stopped by the police because of this law?

    2. Please prove that we taxpayers are footing the bill for illegal immigrants.

    1) are you actually saying ALL brown people will be stoped ?



    1. You didn't answer my question. And, no, I wouldn't say ALL brown people anything. I am saying that brown people will be considerably more likely to be stopped & that it will happen more often.

    2. I can't open the link on my iPod, so I'll have to read it later.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:

    no thats not true and the legal immigrants will have nothing to worry as long as they are legal,
    this country has been kicked in the nuts over this crap we as tax payers are footing the bill for all illegal
    people here and then we have to listen to this shit about rights ? they can go to their own fuckin country and
    enjoy their rights there or do it right and become a American citizen and EARN the right to be here.
    racism my ass, this country has laws like em or not we got em and if enter this country illegally your breaking one right off the bat.

    how can you not see that this law encourages racial profiling? are you that thick? how are these cops going to know if people are here legally or not unless they pull them over, or stop them on the street and ask for their papers? i am of the opinion that they are going to stop and fuck with more people that are here legally than they will those that are illegal. and its all based on skin color....nope, no racism there... :roll:

    in a situation like Az. who else will they check and I don't think the police will be pulling over brown person they see......are you that thick ? why don't you sit down and really think about it instead of dreaming up a worst case
    si-fi scenario.


    How will they know which Mexican-looking people to stop & which ones to leave alone?
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    Godfather from San Diego- What is your problem? Let's try and figure this out- Is it that illegal's are costing you money? is it that they are trying to change the laws? is it the color of there skin? there language?
    Be more specific- I know you agree with the AZ law, but why. I want to try and see if we can figure something out. Because if we can figure something out then the rest of the country can do the same.
    Let's take everything into consideration and go from there. I am a citizen you are a citizen ... Let's work something out.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    Godfather. wrote:
    scb wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    Wow you learn something new every day! correct me if I am wrong please.......I have a few questions

    Only people with white skin that are Americans are racist bigots?
    All other nationalities and skin color (other than white) that are Americans, are not racist bigots?
    Now if someone is from another country and white, and here legally are they racist bigots also?

    I just need to know because I always thought you had to actually talk with someone to find out if they are racist......My I will know just by looking at someone’s skin color if they are a racist...

    Then again I guess I am not as lucky being born white as the OP said......because when people look at my skin color I am considered a racist just because I am white....,is that racial profiling?

    1. Only white people - as a group, on a national level - have the POWER to be racist.

    2. No one has said that all white people are racists.

    3. You are not considered racist because you are white. You are considered racist because you say racist things and promote racist ideas.

    Really ?...not totally true.


    Care to elaborate?
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    tonifig8 wrote:
    people will not be deported unless they are here illegally. Why so afraid? All it seems like you are doing is worrying about the worst possible scenarios. When a person is stopped and they don't have "papers" or I.D it will probably be a minor inconvenience to most. but if you have it you don't have anything to worry about. They aren't going to take your id burn it and then deport you the next hour...
    It seems like fear mongering to me as much as any the side you disagree with does. Lots of what ifs in this scenario, my guess is this doesn't make it past the state supreme court, much less the U.S. supreme court. You are right, there probably are better approaches, but it sure doesn't seem like either side wants to compromise so what are they supposed to do, nothing?

    why so afraid? Because I am not white and could easily be fucked with based on the color of my skin. It's something that I would now have to prepare myself for in case I were in AZ. I am different because I am now profiled as a potential criminal simply based on my appearance. So if I am on a time schedule, and I am out for a morning jog I would now have to carry is that making me a free? I pay taxes and I do my part to support my country, yet I am different based on my color. What if you and I were hanging out together in the parking lot waiting for a pj show to start (lets say ur white) and a cop stops me to discuss my legal status .... and doesn't question you because your white...Would you be ok with that? Would you understand that the fact that I am now profiled as a potential immigrant I have to be subjected to such treatment? Or is your response simple? "just have documentation and we can go about our fun"

    think about that......I am not saying I don't support some kind of reform or protecting our boarders.... but this is not the way to do it.... and nothing is being done because the US benefits from illegals! believe that or not....but its true

    I do think about it. But I have always had the opinion that if any law enforcement agent stops me, which has happened often in the airport especially because of the way I travel, give him what he wants and be polite. I have been fucked with by cops, I have had horrible experiences with the police, I have been handcuffed, had my car searched, and still I could careless because in the end I have nothing to worry about so I never do. Is this law an inconvenience, yes, but nothing more than that unless you are illegal. I think you are worrying WAY too much about stuff that hasn't happened yet.

    It isn't as simple as nothing is being done because the US benefits from illegal immigration. It isn't that simple. That isn't a fact so quit acting like it is. The use of conflict theory on this forum is outrageous.

    but again, I would be very surprised if this law stands up to judicial review
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • Al not so Sharpton said the same thing on Geraldo last night. That there should be a boycott.... :roll: and illlegals are taking jobs from blacks... Just goes to show he's nothing more than a race baiter...

    I hear everyone and saying that dark skinned people's rights are going to be violated or that there is going to be racial profiling, How do you know ? I heard that the only way that the police could ask you if you are a citizen is if there is a traffic stop or a crime is being committed.Skin color has nothing to do with it. These people just happen to be dark skinned. Don't you people realize how out of control it is down there.It's catastrophic... Should we not have boarders and just let anybody come here ??? Was it more important to ram through a gov run healthcare bill or seal up the boarders?

    What about the residents of AZ and the country that support this bill ? Don't they and we have rights? They are trying to protect their livelihood and their state and Isn't it the Job of the federal GOV to protect it's citizens from people that are clearly breaking the law by crossing our borders ILLEGALLY. Arizona is doing the job that clearly the federal GOV won't due,and that is to protect it's people. Look at the impact illegal immagration has had on our schools ,hospitals, and not to mention crime. What about all the traffic accidents caused by illegals and the ones involved in DUI"s that didn't even have a license or car insurance where people have been actually killed ??? I can think of about 2 that happened in my state alone.
  • tonifig8 wrote:
    If Pearl Jam were to play in AZ I probably wouldn't go because of fear....and because of my boycott.... What if some COP tried to fuck with me and deport me to Mexico? It would be one big ass mess! All of this because of the color of my skin.... I would just rather avoid it and enjoy them in other parts of the country where the color of my skin is still acceptable.

    :roll: give me a fckn break dude... you are really starting to sound ridiculous.
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Al not so Sharpton said the same thing on Geraldo last night. That there should be a boycott.... :roll: and illlegals are taking jobs from blacks... Just goes to show he's nothing more than a race baiter...

    I hear everyone and saying that dark skinned people's rights are going to be violated or that there is going to be racial profiling, How do you know ? I heard that the only way that the police could ask you if you are a citizen is if there is a traffic stop or a crime is being committed.Skin color has nothing to do with it. These people just happen to be dark skinned. Don't you people realize how out of control it is down there.It's catastrophic... Should we not have boarders and just let anybody come here ??? Was it more important to ram through a gov run healthcare bill or seal up the boarders?

    What about the residents of AZ and the country that support this bill ? Don't they and we have rights? They are trying to protect their livelihood and their state and Isn't it the Job of the federal GOV to protect it's citizens from people that are clearly breaking the law by crossing our borders ILLEGALLY. Arizona is doing the job that clearly the federal GOV won't due,and that is to protect it's people. Look at the impact illegal immagration has had on our schools ,hospitals, and not to mention crime. What about all the traffic accidents caused by illegals and the ones involved in DUI"s that didn't even have a license or car insurance where people have been actually killed ??? I can think of about 2 that happened in my state alone.

    So if a dark skin American Citizen is deported or treated unjustly will you come to there rescue? Some cops are going to use this as an opportunity to treat people like shit! Stop acting like we live in a perfect world. When US soldiers are in other country's some of them try and do the right thing, but then there are others who commit horrible crimes against innocent people! I could name about a dozen occasions in recent times.

    No one is arguing that all immigrants who have come to this country legally or illegally have been perfect people. Heck the terrorist who came to this country and committed the 9/11 crimes came here legally. We wont get anywhere going back and forth about good things/bad things immigrants have done for this country- We can go back and forth on the crimes the US has committed against other races in and out of the US, that's not the point. The point is that we need to do something to fix the problem and not take steps in the wrong direction in doing so. Racial profiling wont fix the problem, its only going to create more.
    Obama stepped up with Healthcare because he felt it was the humanitarian thing to do.... But people who oppose it argue about the COST not about the life's it will save.

    This is going to affect American citizen's one way or another- Citizen's who support this are mostly white - they wont be affected by it, Citizens who do not support this are mostly dark skinned who will be affected by this.
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    prfctlefts wrote:
    tonifig8 wrote:
    If Pearl Jam were to play in AZ I probably wouldn't go because of fear....and because of my boycott.... What if some COP tried to fuck with me and deport me to Mexico? It would be one big ass mess! All of this because of the color of my skin.... I would just rather avoid it and enjoy them in other parts of the country where the color of my skin is still acceptable.

    :roll: give me a fckn break dude... you are really starting to sound ridiculous.

    Why is this ridiculous? I am sure it will happen- Don't you watch the news? Don't you see people beat by the police don't you hear about the law suits against city's because of police crime? Are you that ridiculous to believe all Cops live and die by the law?
    You give me a Fckn break dude and put yourself in my shoes!
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    I do think about it. But I have always had the opinion that if any law enforcement agent stops me, which has happened often in the airport especially because of the way I travel, give him what he wants and be polite. I have been fucked with by cops, I have had horrible experiences with the police, I have been handcuffed, had my car searched, and still I could careless because in the end I have nothing to worry about so I never do. Is this law an inconvenience, yes, but nothing more than that unless you are illegal. I think you are worrying WAY too much about stuff that hasn't happened yet.

    It isn't as simple as nothing is being done because the US benefits from illegal immigration. It isn't that simple. That isn't a fact so quit acting like it is. The use of conflict theory on this forum is outrageous.

    but again, I would be very surprised if this law stands up to judicial review

    An inconvenience to the dark skinned American, but not the White American- Ok, I guess I could look at that way and just accept it :roll: . Do you see the racial tensions that will build because of this? Or are you ok with that? Is there a better way of dealing with this?
    Oh the US doesn't benefit from illegals? Why did they bring in blacks from Africa, Asians, people from South America, etc..etc... Cheap labor... exploitation ... and now what do they do? They still hire them ship jobs out of the country. You blame immigrants for taking your jobs, but its the corporations who left to avoid the cost of labor and to maximize profits!
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    scb wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    Wow you learn something new every day! correct me if I am wrong please.......I have a few questions

    Only people with white skin that are Americans are racist bigots?
    All other nationalities and skin color (other than white) that are Americans, are not racist bigots?
    Now if someone is from another country and white, and here legally are they racist bigots also?

    I just need to know because I always thought you had to actually talk with someone to find out if they are racist......My I will know just by looking at someone’s skin color if they are a racist...

    Then again I guess I am not as lucky being born white as the OP said......because when people look at my skin color I am considered a racist just because I am white....,is that racial profiling?

    1. Only white people - as a group, on a national level - have the POWER to be racist.

    2. No one has said that all white people are racists.

    3. You are not considered racist because you are white. You are considered racist because you say racist things and promote racist ideas.
    Thanks...I never knew
    Would that include white people with dark tans?
    and half black half white, people
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Al not so Sharpton said the same thing on Geraldo last night. That there should be a boycott.... :roll: and illlegals are taking jobs from blacks... Just goes to show he's nothing more than a race baiter...

    Will you (and others) please stop using illegal as a noun? Their personhood is not defined by their legal status.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I hear everyone and saying that dark skinned people's rights are going to be violated or that there is going to be racial profiling, How do you know ?

    Seriously? Do you actually think this won't happen? The law calls for law enforcement to require papers from anyone who they suspect might be here illegally? How do you think these suspects will be identified if not by their appearance?
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I heard that the only way that the police could ask you if you are a citizen is if there is a traffic stop or a crime is being committed.Skin color has nothing to do with it.

    That's not true. Read the law. (And maybe get a more reliable source of information.)

    prfctlefts wrote:
    Don't you people realize how out of control it is down there.It's catastrophic...

    Again with the sky is falling stuff? It's funny that none of my many friends who live in Arizona think it's catastrophic and out of control there. It's also noteworthy that we in New Mexico don't feel like our state is having enough problems to warrant such a law.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    What about the residents of AZ and the country that support this bill ? Don't they and we have rights?

    So what happened to that idea that people's rights end at the point where they infringe on the rights of others? Funny how that idea - that so many claim to stand so strongly for - flies right out the window when it's someone else's rights being infringed upon. :roll:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Look at the impact illegal immagration has had on our schools ,hospitals, and not to mention crime. What about all the traffic accidents caused by illegals and the ones involved in DUI"s that didn't even have a license or car insurance where people have been actually killed ??? I can think of about 2 that happened in my state alone.

    Please enlighten us as to what percentage of problems with schools and hospitals in the US are due to illegal immigration? And what percentage of crime in the US is committed by illegal immigrants? What percentage of DUIs are caused by illegal immigrants? And how can you POSSIBLY fault people for not having drivers licenses or car insurance when they are PROHIBITED from getting those things? (A prohibition that is supported, I might add, by the very same people who then go and complain that illegal immigrants don't have these things!)

    I say we only allow people to live here who have sound reasoning skills. Of course that would mean we'd have to swap out many Americans for Mexicans.
  • tonifig8 wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Al not so Sharpton said the same thing on Geraldo last night. That there should be a boycott.... :roll: and illlegals are taking jobs from blacks... Just goes to show he's nothing more than a race baiter...

    I hear everyone and saying that dark skinned people's rights are going to be violated or that there is going to be racial profiling, How do you know ? I heard that the only way that the police could ask you if you are a citizen is if there is a traffic stop or a crime is being committed.Skin color has nothing to do with it. These people just happen to be dark skinned. Don't you people realize how out of control it is down there.It's catastrophic... Should we not have boarders and just let anybody come here ??? Was it more important to ram through a gov run healthcare bill or seal up the boarders?

    What about the residents of AZ and the country that support this bill ? Don't they and we have rights? They are trying to protect their livelihood and their state and Isn't it the Job of the federal GOV to protect it's citizens from people that are clearly breaking the law by crossing our borders ILLEGALLY. Arizona is doing the job that clearly the federal GOV won't due,and that is to protect it's people. Look at the impact illegal immagration has had on our schools ,hospitals, and not to mention crime. What about all the traffic accidents caused by illegals and the ones involved in DUI"s that didn't even have a license or car insurance where people have been actually killed ??? I can think of about 2 that happened in my state alone.

    So if a dark skin American Citizen is deported or treated unjustly will you come to there rescue? Some cops are going to use this as an opportunity to treat people like shit! Stop acting like we live in a perfect world. When US soldiers are in other country's some of them try and do the right thing, but then there are others who commit horrible crimes against innocent people! I could name about a dozen occasions in recent times.

    No one is arguing that all immigrants who have come to this country legally or illegally have been perfect people. Heck the terrorist who came to this country and committed the 9/11 crimes came here legally. We wont get anywhere going back and forth about good things/bad things immigrants have done for this country- We can go back and forth on the crimes the US has committed against other races in and out of the US, that's not the point. The point is that we need to do something to fix the problem and not take steps in the wrong direction in doing so. Racial profiling wont fix the problem, its only going to create more.
    Obama stepped up with Healthcare because he felt it was the humanitarian thing to do.... But people who oppose it argue about the COST not about the life's it will save.

    This is going to affect American citizen's one way or another- Citizen's who support this are mostly white - they wont be affected by it, Citizens who do not support this are mostly dark skinned who will be affected by this.

    Why would an american citizen be deported based on their skin color ? :?
    and I never said we live in a perfect world either.
    Healthcare was a power grab your just to blind to see it.
    Those who are citizens should have nothing to worry about if you are not breaking the law.. I can guarantee you that law enforcement will be taking every precaution nesscary so that no ones rights are violated cos the last thing they want is bad press and a lawsuit right now. But I do agree with you that there are some bad cops out there. I just think you are over reacting bcos there are a lot more people than there are cops and they already said they weren't going to just stop people for no reason.

    and just look how peaceful these people are...
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    aerial wrote:
    scb wrote:
    aerial wrote:
    Wow you learn something new every day! correct me if I am wrong please.......I have a few questions

    Only people with white skin that are Americans are racist bigots?
    All other nationalities and skin color (other than white) that are Americans, are not racist bigots?
    Now if someone is from another country and white, and here legally are they racist bigots also?

    I just need to know because I always thought you had to actually talk with someone to find out if they are racist......My I will know just by looking at someone’s skin color if they are a racist...

    Then again I guess I am not as lucky being born white as the OP said......because when people look at my skin color I am considered a racist just because I am white....,is that racial profiling?

    1. Only white people - as a group, on a national level - have the POWER to be racist.

    2. No one has said that all white people are racists.

    3. You are not considered racist because you are white. You are considered racist because you say racist things and promote racist ideas.
    Thanks...I never knew
    Would that include white people with dark tans?
    and half black half white, people

    Can you actually provide some substance to this issue? Or are all your comments full of sh@! ?
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    how do you people blame this on Arizona, white Americans and law enforcement? Why not blame the illegal immigrants and do something about it....
    illegal immigrants broke the law and your okay with it?
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    prfctlefts wrote:
    they already said they weren't going to just stop people for no reason.

    Please show us where in the law this is prohibited.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    aerial wrote:
    how do you people blame this on Arizona, white Americans and law enforcement? Why not blame the illegal immigrants and do something about it....
    illegal immigrants broke the law and your okay with it?


    What were we thinking?!? After all, it's the undocumented immigrants who made this law!

    Wait......... :?
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    Why would an american citizen be deported based on their skin color ? :?
    and I never said we live in a perfect world either.
    Healthcare was a power grab your just to blind to see it.
    Those who are citizens should have nothing to worry about if you are not breaking the law.. I can guarantee you that law enforcement will be taking every precaution nesscary so that no ones rights are violated cos the last thing they want is bad press and a lawsuit right now. But I do agree with you that there are some bad cops out there. I just think you are over reacting bcos there are a lot more people than there are cops and they already said they weren't going to just stop people for no reason.

    and just look how peaceful these people are...

    Most of the people on the video are kids. How do you expect kids to react? How would you react if you were told your parents were going to be deported because of the color of there skin. That didn't appear to be a small riot or much of anything. It look like people acting out there fears of the future. Have you ever seen an animal eyes when it is about to be slaughtered? That reminds me that.

    I could show you a dozen videos about hate in America, but what will that solve? You will look for another excuse and not look for a solution.

    Healthcare was a power grab? From who? Corporations? I'm to blind to see what? That corporations are still making a killing off of America.... that they sell medicine that kills you slowly and doesn't cure you? That anyone who claims specific natural products can help cure or treat a disease can be thrown in jail because Corporations don't want to affect there profits?
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    tonifig8 wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Al not so Sharpton said the same thing on Geraldo last night. That there should be a boycott.... :roll: and illlegals are taking jobs from blacks... Just goes to show he's nothing more than a race baiter...

    I hear everyone and saying that dark skinned people's rights are going to be violated or that there is going to be racial profiling, How do you know ? I heard that the only way that the police could ask you if you are a citizen is if there is a traffic stop or a crime is being committed.Skin color has nothing to do with it. These people just happen to be dark skinned. Don't you people realize how out of control it is down there.It's catastrophic... Should we not have boarders and just let anybody come here ??? Was it more important to ram through a gov run healthcare bill or seal up the boarders?

    What about the residents of AZ and the country that support this bill ? Don't they and we have rights? They are trying to protect their livelihood and their state and Isn't it the Job of the federal GOV to protect it's citizens from people that are clearly breaking the law by crossing our borders ILLEGALLY. Arizona is doing the job that clearly the federal GOV won't due,and that is to protect it's people. Look at the impact illegal immagration has had on our schools ,hospitals, and not to mention crime. What about all the traffic accidents caused by illegals and the ones involved in DUI"s that didn't even have a license or car insurance where people have been actually killed ??? I can think of about 2 that happened in my state alone.

    So if a dark skin American Citizen is deported or treated unjustly will you come to there rescue?

    I don't believe this is what is going to happen. It isn't like they are going to drive you to the border that instant and say "here is a canteen filled with piss and vinegar...good luck." An american citizen has NOTHING to worry about other than a little inconvenience. In my OPINION this law will not, and I repeat, not increase police brutality. It may increase the contact the police have with residents, but remember in order for this to be used in practice they have to prove they are not RACIALLY profiling anyone. But like I said, there is no way this gets past judicial review...
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,309
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Healthcare was a power grab your just to blind to see it.
    as an aside to this thread, and sorry for going off topic, but i am sick of asking this question, but i will do it one more time. how was healthcare a power grab? please cite reputable sources, you keep saying this and telling us to wake up, but you offer nothing to support your paranoid position.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    aerial wrote:
    how do you people blame this on Arizona, white Americans and law enforcement? Why not blame the illegal immigrants and do something about it....
    illegal immigrants broke the law and your okay with it?

    Dude, what is your suggestion? I am a dark skinned person and would be targeted by police because of the color of my skin, this isn't fare to me as a law abiding US citizen.

    The law has been broken, now what? The US committed horrible crimes against many people white, black, grey, orange,brown, tall, short, etc..etc... what are you going to do about it? Do we become a greater society and learn something from it or do we try and oppress?

    I know what I would do about this situation ......
  • scb wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Al not so Sharpton said the same thing on Geraldo last night. That there should be a boycott.... :roll: and illlegals are taking jobs from blacks... Just goes to show he's nothing more than a race baiter...

    Will you (and others) please stop using illegal as a noun? Their personhood is not defined by their legal status.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I hear everyone and saying that dark skinned people's rights are going to be violated or that there is going to be racial profiling, How do you know ?

    Seriously? Do you actually think this won't happen? The law calls for law enforcement to require papers from anyone who they suspect might be here illegally? How do you think these suspects will be identified if not by their appearance?
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I heard that the only way that the police could ask you if you are a citizen is if there is a traffic stop or a crime is being committed.Skin color has nothing to do with it.

    That's not true. Read the law. (And maybe get a more reliable source of information.)

    prfctlefts wrote:
    Don't you people realize how out of control it is down there.It's catastrophic...

    Again with the sky is falling stuff? It's funny that none of my many friends who live in Arizona think it's catastrophic and out of control there. It's also noteworthy that we in New Mexico don't feel like our state is having enough problems to warrant such a law.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    What about the residents of AZ and the country that support this bill ? Don't they and we have rights?

    So what happened to that idea that people's rights end at the point where they infringe on the rights of others? Funny how that idea - that so many claim to stand so strongly for - flies right out the window when it's someone else's rights being infringed upon. :roll:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Look at the impact illegal immagration has had on our schools ,hospitals, and not to mention crime. What about all the traffic accidents caused by illegals and the ones involved in DUI"s that didn't even have a license or car insurance where people have been actually killed ??? I can think of about 2 that happened in my state alone.

    Please enlighten us as to what percentage of problems with schools and hospitals in the US are due to illegal immigration? And what percentage of crime in the US is committed by illegal immigrants? What percentage of DUIs are caused by illegal immigrants? And how can you POSSIBLY fault people for not having drivers licenses or car insurance when they are PROHIBITED from getting those things? (A prohibition that is supported, I might add, by the very same people who then go and complain that illegal immigrants don't have these things!)

    I say we only allow people to live here who have sound reasoning skills. Of course that would mean we'd have to swap out many Americans for Mexicans.

    I really don't know what fucking planet you or your friends are living on as far as you don't think there is a problem on the southern boarder. Do you even watch the news? You know why you don't think its a problem ? Cos it hasn't affected you... That's why.

    you acuse me of the sky is falling stuff is why don't you go ask that ranchers family that was just killed how they feel about the problem. I think you are living in a bubble and are very narrow minded. if You think that there arent illegal aliens here that are driving on our roads with out a license or ins you are really in denial. ... city-crime ... city-crime ... care_N.htm
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I really don't know what fucking planet you or your friends are living on as far as you don't think there is a problem on the southern boarder. Do you even watch the news? You know why you don't think its a problem ? Cos it hasn't affected you... That's why.

    I don't need to watch (Fox) news to know what's happening on the border... I LIVE on the border! Please explain to me how illegal immigration has affected you more than it's affected me.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    you acuse me of the sky is falling stuff is why don't you go ask that ranchers family that was just killed how they feel about the problem.

    Didn't we already address this in the other thread? The rancher was murdered (presumably) by a MURDERER, who happened to be Mexican. Not all Mexicans are murderers. In fact, most murderers in AZ are not Mexican. The problem is murderers - regardless of their color or nation of origin - not Mexicans.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I think you are living in a bubble and are very narrow minded. if You think that there arent illegal aliens here that are driving on our roads with out a license or ins you are really in denial. ... city-crime

    :? Dude, what are you talking about? I said there are undocumented immigrants driving without drivers licenses or car insurance... and I said they are doing so because people like you refuse to let them get drivers licenses or car insurance. You can't have it both ways. You want them to have drivers licenses and car insurance? Let them get drivers licenses and car insurance! That's what we did in my state and - guess what? - we have less of a problem now!
  • aerialaerial Posts: 2,319
    scb wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I really don't know what fucking planet you or your friends are living on as far as you don't think there is a problem on the southern boarder. Do you even watch the news? You know why you don't think its a problem ? Cos it hasn't affected you... That's why.

    I don't need to watch (Fox) news to know what's happening on the border... I LIVE on the border! Please explain to me how illegal immigration has affected you more than it's affected me.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    you acuse me of the sky is falling stuff is why don't you go ask that ranchers family that was just killed how they feel about the problem.

    Didn't we already address this in the other thread? The rancher was murdered (presumably) by a MURDERER, who happened to be Mexican. Not all Mexicans are murderers. In fact, most murderers in AZ are not Mexican. The problem is murderers - regardless of their color or nation of origin - not Mexicans.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I think you are living in a bubble and are very narrow minded. if You think that there arent illegal aliens here that are driving on our roads with out a license or ins you are really in denial. ... city-crime

    :? Dude, what are you talking about? I said there are undocumented immigrants driving without drivers licenses or car insurance... and I said they are doing so because people like you refuse to let them get drivers licenses or car insurance. You can't have it both ways. You want them to have drivers licenses and car insurance? Let them get drivers licenses and car insurance! That's what we did in my state and - guess what? - we have less of a problem now![/quote]

    In your last post you said you had no problems...
    So are you saying if we legalize everything there will be no problems...oooh ok
    “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    prfctlefts wrote:
    scb wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Al not so Sharpton said the same thing on Geraldo last night. That there should be a boycott.... :roll: and illlegals are taking jobs from blacks... Just goes to show he's nothing more than a race baiter...

    Will you (and others) please stop using illegal as a noun? Their personhood is not defined by their legal status.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I hear everyone and saying that dark skinned people's rights are going to be violated or that there is going to be racial profiling, How do you know ?

    Seriously? Do you actually think this won't happen? The law calls for law enforcement to require papers from anyone who they suspect might be here illegally? How do you think these suspects will be identified if not by their appearance?
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I heard that the only way that the police could ask you if you are a citizen is if there is a traffic stop or a crime is being committed.Skin color has nothing to do with it.

    That's not true. Read the law. (And maybe get a more reliable source of information.)

    prfctlefts wrote:
    Don't you people realize how out of control it is down there.It's catastrophic...

    Again with the sky is falling stuff? It's funny that none of my many friends who live in Arizona think it's catastrophic and out of control there. It's also noteworthy that we in New Mexico don't feel like our state is having enough problems to warrant such a law.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    What about the residents of AZ and the country that support this bill ? Don't they and we have rights?

    So what happened to that idea that people's rights end at the point where they infringe on the rights of others? Funny how that idea - that so many claim to stand so strongly for - flies right out the window when it's someone else's rights being infringed upon. :roll:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Look at the impact illegal immagration has had on our schools ,hospitals, and not to mention crime. What about all the traffic accidents caused by illegals and the ones involved in DUI"s that didn't even have a license or car insurance where people have been actually killed ??? I can think of about 2 that happened in my state alone.

    Please enlighten us as to what percentage of problems with schools and hospitals in the US are due to illegal immigration? And what percentage of crime in the US is committed by illegal immigrants? What percentage of DUIs are caused by illegal immigrants? And how can you POSSIBLY fault people for not having drivers licenses or car insurance when they are PROHIBITED from getting those things? (A prohibition that is supported, I might add, by the very same people who then go and complain that illegal immigrants don't have these things!)

    I say we only allow people to live here who have sound reasoning skills. Of course that would mean we'd have to swap out many Americans for Mexicans.

    I really don't know what fucking planet you or your friends are living on as far as you don't think there is a problem on the southern boarder. Do you even watch the news? You know why you don't think its a problem ? Cos it hasn't affected you... That's why.

    you acuse me of the sky is falling stuff is why don't you go ask that ranchers family that was just killed how they feel about the problem. I think you are living in a bubble and are very narrow minded. if You think that there arent illegal aliens here that are driving on our roads with out a license or ins you are really in denial. ... city-crime ... city-crime ... care_N.htm

    Problem on the Southern Board has nothing to do with undocumented people. I've never heard of Mexican's killing people to simply cross the boarder. Yeah like that makes sense. Let me kill someone and then I'll go out and look for job ... What a good way to start.... That all has to do with drugs.
    We can go back and forth on this with different situations. How do you tell the parents who lost there son in War, defending the interest of the USA, that they now have to be deported because they aren't citizens - yet they gave up there son/daughters for this country- Oh well you should have never came here! Dude we have committed horrible crimes against many races, should all those people take action against the US? What are we solving here? can we debate this and look for a solution or should we just keep exchanging history?

    If are a racist then we probably wont get anywhere, but if you are open minded and are willing to accept people of different back rounds as citizens then maybe we can get somewhere. And please don't tell me that the 20 million undocumented people here should wait in line for 20 years to do it the right way, because slaves of all races were immediately legal to live under this flag.
    Why don't you ask the mother who cannot have a proper funeral for her son who died in
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    aerial wrote:
    In your last post you said you had no problems...
    So are you saying if we legalize everything there will be no problems...oooh ok

    :? Huh? What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously. What are you talking about?? :? :?
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    It is my understanding that the new rule is being imposed because the set of rules for entering the U.S. is being disregarded by a large number of people.

    When I enter country I abide by the rules and carry a passport with me at all times. When I'm in the U.S. I carry identification with me at all times unless I'm swimming. It sucks that Arizona is doing this but there are a good number of people that didn't follow the rules for entering the U.S. and unfortunately it is going to affect some law abiding citizens and legal immigrants along the way.

    As for racial profiling, I don't think the cops need this law anyway to add to their repertoire. That is what Click-It or Ticket is for.
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books USA Posts: 2,672
    aerial wrote:
    scb wrote:
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I really don't know what fucking planet you or your friends are living on as far as you don't think there is a problem on the southern boarder. Do you even watch the news? You know why you don't think its a problem ? Cos it hasn't affected you... That's why.

    I don't need to watch (Fox) news to know what's happening on the border... I LIVE on the border! Please explain to me how illegal immigration has affected you more than it's affected me.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    you acuse me of the sky is falling stuff is why don't you go ask that ranchers family that was just killed how they feel about the problem.

    Didn't we already address this in the other thread? The rancher was murdered (presumably) by a MURDERER, who happened to be Mexican. Not all Mexicans are murderers. In fact, most murderers in AZ are not Mexican. The problem is murderers - regardless of their color or nation of origin - not Mexicans.
    prfctlefts wrote:
    I think you are living in a bubble and are very narrow minded. if You think that there arent illegal aliens here that are driving on our roads with out a license or ins you are really in denial. ... city-crime

    :? Dude, what are you talking about? I said there are undocumented immigrants driving without drivers licenses or car insurance... and I said they are doing so because people like you refuse to let them get drivers licenses or car insurance. You can't have it both ways. You want them to have drivers licenses and car insurance? Let them get drivers licenses and car insurance! That's what we did in my state and - guess what? - we have less of a problem now![/quote]

    In your last post you said you had no problems...
    So are you saying if we legalize everything there will be no problems...oooh ok

    Let's use some common sense for a moment. If illegal immigrants were to become citizens- what would be the benefit? And would those benefits out weight the negatives?
    For example 20 million people would have to pay a fee, 20 million would now have to purchase insurance, 20 million would now have identification, 20 million would now pay various taxes..etc..etc.. Who would benefit from this? what would be the negatives?
    Please don't say 20 million people would be on welfare because that's just plain stupid.
    Please don't tell me 20 million
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    tonifig8 wrote:
    Any of you folks who feel AZ's is in the wrong, with this new law against illegals, need to join the movement to boycott anything involving AZ. Boycott games, vacationing, or anything that comes out of that state.
    The same people who feel threaten by illegals are the same people who felt threaten by blacks, certain white people are just passing down the hate from generation to generation...its all over our history. This has everything to do with racism, that's the bottom line... Reform could take place, but these people want no part of making illegals actual citizens, even though it could be financially beneficial to our country.

    Hope I could at least find someone else out there who is willing to take this type of action.

    It sure does seem to me, in reading all of your posts OP that you really do not like living in America. Why don't you exercise one of our greatest rights, being able to travel freely, and move. No one is keeping people in Arizona.
    Completely bias reports have come out on both sides of the immigration issue regarding its true cost to America as a whole, so I cannot really speak to the actual cost to all tax payers. But I can say from my knowledge and experience, there are many illegal immigrants who come to Minneapolis with active TB or LTBI. These people, note the term because that is what they are, get thousands of dollars in healthcare paid for by property taxes and money from the state of minnesota. That is a substantial cost. I am glad we do it, otherwise TB might become a huge problem again, but it is still a cost. I don't know how much they pay in taxes as a group, but I do know the ones I work with do not pay a dime as they work for only cash. We would not have this cost if the border was secure.
    The law will get struck down by either the state or us supreme court, so I am not sure what you are worried about anyway. why on earth do you keep ignoring me when I say that? This is either the greatest troll job in the history of the internet or you are just ignoring it because it is more fun to complain about something that hasn't happened yet.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
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