Boycott Anything Involving AZ

Any of you folks who feel AZ's is in the wrong, with this new law against illegals, need to join the movement to boycott anything involving AZ. Boycott games, vacationing, or anything that comes out of that state.
The same people who feel threaten by illegals are the same people who felt threaten by blacks, certain white people are just passing down the hate from generation to generation...its all over our history. This has everything to do with racism, that's the bottom line... Reform could take place, but these people want no part of making illegals actual citizens, even though it could be financially beneficial to our country.
Hope I could at least find someone else out there who is willing to take this type of action.
The same people who feel threaten by illegals are the same people who felt threaten by blacks, certain white people are just passing down the hate from generation to generation...its all over our history. This has everything to do with racism, that's the bottom line... Reform could take place, but these people want no part of making illegals actual citizens, even though it could be financially beneficial to our country.
Hope I could at least find someone else out there who is willing to take this type of action.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Why make another thread on the same thing?
BTW I hope more states follow suit.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
This is a serious issue- I really don't think its anything to laugh about. As someone who is against this law, I am doing whatever I can to support my position.
You hope other states follow? So do all racist (not saying your a racist).
Just because the color of our skin isn't white doesn't make us sinners or criminals. I feel sorry for the parents of non white people, having to explain to there children that they are going to have to carry multiple forms of identification because they can easily be detained, based on the color of there skin.. ... .. Don't tell me that there aren't certain racist cops who are going to love abusing this authority.... Just like we have had military officials abuse people in the time of war, we will have cops terrorizing innocent people. .... giving another bad rap to American's.
I'm totally against this new law, but I don't think this is the answer. In fact, I think such a boycott would actually further hurt the people opponents of the law are trying to protect.
Who are "these people" you speak of? I would say they're the politicians who passed the law, and perhaps even the citizens who supported it (not all of whom are white, by the way, just as not all whites supported it). But who are the people who would be affected by a boycott? Everyone from Arizona, including those who didn't support the law and those who will be harassed because of it.
I just got home from a skate competition where a Native American friend of mine from AZ was selling merchandise from his skateboard company. All proceeds go to sponsor Native skaters and build skate parks on the Rez. Should we have boycotted his company because he's from Arizona? Of course not. And imagine the harm that could be done if we did.
I think it's important to distinguish between the people of a state or country and its government. I would encourage you to think this through a little more before calling for everyone to boycott, to determine whether it would really result in your intended effect or whether there may be unintended consequences.
It might be a joke to you, but for many of us who weren't born with white skin - it's definitely not funny. This is a stressful time for many of us American's who weren't fortunate enough to be born with white skin....
I stand by my statement. I would ofcourse encourage people to use judgment when choosing to participate - Charitable things would ofcourse be something that I would not boycott (common sense).
I speak of racist people, politicians, and general citizens, who have stained our history with hate and fear.
I understand that it's not only white people who supported this bill, but the fact is that if you don't have white skin you can be targeted.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
I just don't understand how a boycott of AZ would only target racists any more than profiling Hispanics would only target undocumented immigrants. It's the same kind of generalization. And, again, Hispanics in AZ will be hurt by it, whether that's your intention or not. Do you disagree that this will happen or do you just believe it's necessary collateral damage? If you want to just target racists, why not just say boycott all racist-owned businesses nationwide? Even if you somehow boycotted only the government of AZ, that would only hurt their budget and cause them to cut funds to the poor, largely Hispanic and Native, populations. I've seen this kind of generalization before and I hate it: People want to protest a state's government for its treatment of its people, so they protest the state as a whole, as if the state is not comprised of the very people they think they're supporting! :? :(
This law targets brown-skinned AMERICANS. Why is that so hard to understand?
Why is it so hard for these people that are coming across to do it the correct way? My great great grandparents did, my wifes family did too. Hell my co worker who is Mexican-American believes there should be more stringent laws.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
But now you've changed the subject. No one is saying they shouldn't do it the correct way (though I have said elsewhere that this can be very difficult). What is being said here about this law is that it encourages the harassment of Americans who appear to be Mexican. Do you disagree?
I'm not speaking for you, nor do I believe that all white people are racist- I am posting my position and looking for supporters-
This is simple - I don't think I should worry about being deported or treated like a criminal because of the color of my skin. Some Police officers could be racist and could abuse that power and deport me, because they believed I was an illegal.... everything is possible.
actually, i think it's a horrible, racist law myself.
i heard something about police being able to act if there was suspicion of someone being in the country illegally. now what can that possibly mean other than that police can target whomever they want and blame it on appearance?
How did your great grand parents do it? How did your wife's family do it?
In today's times you need to be very wealthy or wait over 10-20 years for any type of process.
Most people come here because they are trying to survive - Put yourself in the shoes of an immigrant - If you had no food, had no money, had no running water, basically had nothing, but new you had a chance of at least putting food on the table if you went to America, what would you do? Would you die doing nothing or die trying?
In most cases they come to this country and find jobs doing anything.... They don't come here to pick up a sign and stand on the corner bagging for money..... does that happen or has that ever happen, probably - I've never seen it, but I am sure its possible. But really they come here to find opportunity.
In today's times you need to be very wealthy or wait over 10-20 years for any type of process.
Most people come here because they are trying to survive - Put yourself in the shoes of an immigrant - If you had no food, had no money, had no running water, basically had nothing, but new you had a chance of at least putting food on the table if you went to America, what would you do? Would you die doing nothing or die trying?
In most cases they come to this country and find jobs doing anything.... They don't come here to pick up a sign and stand on the corner bagging for money..... does that happen or has that ever happen, probably - I've never seen it, but I am sure its possible. But really they come here to find opportunity.[/quote]
Well my family did not come from money they did whatever they needed to do. So since it is hard, we should just give them a pass? Yes America is the land of opportunity, but it comes from hard work, and I am not saying people form Latin America would not work hard, just that people need to wait there turn and do it legally.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
All those people drawing Hitler moustaches on President Obama's pictures... this law is closer to anything that happened in 1939 Germany than anything happening here. In Germany, authorities could randomly select those people whom 'Looked Jewish' and question them for their papers. This is the same spirit of legislation that was envoked in Germany. Jews (Slavs and gypsies) were scapegoated as the cause of German economics problems... taking away businesses and jobs from German people and the German citizenry bought into it. They weren't bad people... those Germans, just as the americans that support this type of legislation are. They are just buying into the talking points of politicians and pundits.
Is Arizona Nazi Germany? No... I'm not saying that. So, save your bullshit arguement about us not rounding up Mexicans and placing them in Death Camps... that is NOT my point.
Is Illegal Immigration and issue? Yes... one that needs to be addressed. But, how about we take a Humanitarian approach to a long term solution that goes beyond walls and paperwork?
Are the people who support this thing bad people? No... they aren't. Just like the poeple of 1939 Germany weren't. Both are being fed fear and distrust disguised as patriotism and National pride.
Again... I am NOT saying that Arizona is Nazis. I am just drawing parallels in the basic character of this law. I believe we need to study history and learn the lessons from her... so we do not travel the same roads... step on the same landmines. I would like to think that if I had lived in Germany as a German citizen in 1939, I would have spoken up and protested the targeting of Jews and Slavs. I admit... I probably wouldn't have because to do so woud be a risk of life. I hope that I wouldn't have been one that hailed the Jewish round-up as good for my nation. But, seriously... I don't know.
What I do know... this law is not what defines, 'Being American'.
Hail, Hail!!!
I mean most illegal immigrants are refugees escaping from a country that has failed them (Mexico)
I agree the humanitarian approach is the best. Illegal immigration is a problem that needs to be dealt with. There just needs to be a better approach.
so much so NAU will be formed and it will look like just another form of bailout
I think the US has already tried that, btw see how far your humanitarian rights get you in mexico.
many of these guys make $10 a day in their homeland and they would stay if they could only make $15 ...
for those who think they should "fix" their homeland - they should consider the US's (CIA) role in latin america ... "wealth" in the US is founded on the exploitation of others ... latin america is no stranger to the influences of american involvement ...
in any case - i think Cosmo's post sums it up nicely ... it's too bad many will just see nazi and automatically dismiss it ...
wow that was a great post,I don't agree with the Nazi paralles,I have talked to a German friend that was there
when hitler was having the Jews rounded up and sent to camps and the thing's she saw out of the small street level window in their celler was horrible,she told me she saw Jews hanging from light poles all down the street
and Nazi's went door to door and even german citizens were scard, that will not happen here.
I think we should make it simple, easy and free for anyone who wants to come here to do so legally (with the exception of known terrorists.
Nationalism and the concept of borders is just too close minded and restrictive in today's world. We're people. Just because one was born a little farther south than me, should I treat them different?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.