Wow... imagine if that T-shirt said, "Moustache Rides... 5 Cents".
And do not feel that people who do not believe in God... lack hope and faith. They are not lost and empty and alone. Positive human traits are not exclusve to religious people... or people who say they are religious.
Also... you need to explain to me WHY or HOW "Doubting a Christian view as a Christian, is better than to doubt the Atheist view as an atheist". Because, i don't get it. How is doubting your God any better than doubting the non-existance of Him?
because we cannot KNOW FOR SURE who is right. If the atheist is right, then both, Christians and ahteist end up... in Nothingness. If Jesus is right, the good Christians (and probably all good people / or all people, it depends on the interpretation) end up in Heaven.
Plus, your life here gets better. I was not talking about hope like the hope to stay healthy or earn a lot of money. I was talking about the one big hope: that this life means something. that everyday matters. that death is not the end,
It's like the Da Vinci Code, but instead of Masons and clues, we have Excla-Masons, and lots of people without a clue*.:p
I should quit while I'm ahead.: cool:
*On both sides of whatever argument we're on at this point.:p
haha! Excla Masons!
I've found it all very illuminating and never been a big believer in black or white so there's no sides in an argument, just folks arguing from their perspective. Could be a lot of sides.
I've found it all very illuminating and never been a big believer in black or white so there's no sides in an argument, just folks arguing from their perspective. Could be a lot of sides.
It's like a big circle, and we're all just tossing our opinions into the middle. But sometimes, you get tired of throwing things, or your arm gets kinda sore cos you're outta shape. And then you just kinda wanna play Ring Around The Rosie. Can we?:D
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Sorry, but as I said, every possible opinion is out there and I only trust academic rescources when it comes to important information. The internet is a black hole of unhealthy ideollogy-ridden crazy texts, videos and so on.... I dont want to read something like that. (I read a few lines. I'm sorry it sounds arrogant.)
arrogant? i think not.
After the death of Belshazzar in 539 B.C., the Persian Emperor Cyrus conquered Babylon and forced the Babylonian princes to flee to Pergamum. They continued their reign there as priest-kings of Babylonian paganism. In 133 B.C., Attalus III, the last Babylonian King to rule in Pergamum, willed his dominions to the Roman Caesar, and the kingdom of Pergamum merged with the Roman Empire along with Satan-Nimrod’s throne and the title "Pontifex Maximus."
In 63 B.C., Julius Caesar, who had been elected Pontifex Maximus, became emperor of Rome and vested the office of Roman emperor with the priestly powers and functions of the Babylonian Pontiff. Henceforth, the title Pontifex Maximus was used by the Roman Caesars as illustrated on a Roman coin depicting the image of Augustus Caesar (27 B.C.-14 A.D.) with his title "Pont. Max.," which is an abbreviation of Pontifex Maximus (Figure 4, page 26). Thus, the Roman emperors, like the preceding Babylonian emperors, now served as priests of Babylonian paganism, and bore the title Pontifex Maximus.
For centuries, Pergamum remained the site of Nimrod’s throne. With the appearance of Christianity, Babylonian paganism threatened the early Christian church of Pergamum as related in the Revelation given by Jesus to His Apostle John, who referred to Pergamum as the seat of Satan’s throne which is Nimrod’s throne:
"And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘The words of him who has the sharp two-edged sword.
"‘I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is [i.e., Nimrod’s Throne]; you hold fast my name and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells. But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam [pagan Babylonian trinity of Nimrod], who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice immorality.
- Apostle John
In 376 A.D., Gratian became the first Roman emperor to refuse the idolatrous title of Pontifex Maximus. He presented the Babylonian Throne, or Satan-Nimrod’s Throne to the bishop of Rome.
By this time, the Roman bishops had advanced in political power, and in 378 A.D., Bishop Damasus was elected Pontifex Maximus, becoming the official pagan Babylonian priest seated on Satan’s throne in Rome. As such, the bishop converted the pagan Babylonian temples of Rome into Trinitarian Christian churches and introduced the worship of Nimrod, Semiramis and the god-incarnate son under the respective titles of "god the father," "god the son" and "god the holy spirit." All the pomp and ceremony that existed in ancient Babylon was now practiced as Roman Trinitarian Christianity.
Before the Babylonian conversion into Trinitarian Christianity, the early Christians were a small cult surrounded by numerous Babylonian pagan temples. Historians, however, relate the amazing "overnight" conversion of Romans to Trinitarian Christianity, which coincided to a remarkable and unprecedented disappearance of paganism. In actuality, the Roman pagans did not convert to Trinitarian Christianity; but rather, Bishop Damasus exercised his authority as head of Babylonian paganism in Rome, and replaced all the Christian elders with pagan priests and continued the practice of the pagan Babylonian Mystery religion under the name of Trinitarian Christianity. Henceforth, all the bishops of Rome have donned the robes of Nimrod along with the title of Pontifex Maximus.
The Roman Catholic bishops were viewed by most Christians as head of Trinitarian Christianity, and entitled pope or "pater patrum" in Latin, that is, "father of the fathers," despite the fact that Jesus the Christ forbid His followers to refer to anyone as father except for the heavenly Father:
But you are not to be called rabbi [Hebrew for master or teacher ], for you have one teacher, and you are all brethren. And call no man your father [pope, derived from the Greek "papa" meaning father138 ] on earth, for you have one Father, who is inheaven. Neither be called masters, for you have one master, the Christ.
because we cannot KNOW FOR SURE who is right. If the atheist is right, then both, Christians and ahteist end up... in Nothingness. If Jesus is right, the good Christians (and probably all good people / or all people, it depends on the interpretation) end up in Heaven.
Plus, your life here gets better. I was not talking about hope like the hope to stay healthy or earn a lot of money. I was talking about the one big hope: that this life means something. that everyday matters. that death is not the end,
boy i am going to bed right now.
I've heard this one before... and you know what? It's belief... 'Just In Case'. The logic is used to basically cover your ass in case God exists and the rules thrown down by religion apply. Like, you don't need a Commandment to tell you not to steal... you don't keep from stealing because God sees everything and will judge you by your actions... you don't steal because it just ain't right.
And as I have stated... I know a lot of people who do not buy into religion that are kind and generous and humble and giving. Instead of hoping for more after this life... they are DOING good in the time they are alloted.
The whole concept of Heaven and Hell is based upon doing good and not doing bad... with strings attached. The purpose of goodness... kindness... forgiveness... is NOT to be rewarded or acknowledged. You do those things because of the humanity in you... because it is the right thing to do... the human thing to do.
So... yeah... you are tired. Go to sleep and read this stuff with a fresh sense. And please, understand, I am NOT trying to dissuade you or cause doubt. I am just posing my beliefs on why I'm better off on my own.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
It's like a big circle, and we're all just tossing our opinions into the middle. But sometimes, you get tired of throwing things, or your arm gets kinda sore cos you're outta shape. And then you just kinda wanna play Ring Around The Rosie. Can we?:D
Yes! A bit like playing soggy biscuit! :eek:
I've read some interesting things here today though. It's not changed my opinion, no wait, it's not changed my beliefs but it's interesting. I do find it interesting that people project so much onto Ed when they don't know him.
We can play Ring Around The Rosie my friend HOWEVER, it's probably better we don't do it here, given the current climate.
I've read some interesting things here today though. It's not changed my opinion, no wait, it's not changed my beliefs but it's interesting. I do find it interesting that people project so much onto Ed when they don't know him.
We can play Ring Around The Rosie my friend HOWEVER, it's probably better we don't do it here, given the current climate.
Yeah... for me, Ed's little speeches are food for thought when I want to mull over the meaning of the music. They're not what got me into the band, or what will keep me buying their music. I guess it helps that he's pretty liberal, but it's not some life-altering deal.
And even that is more thought than I like to put into analysing Ed's beliefs. Cos they're his, not mine.
And now? Now I frolick merrily.:p
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Love is my religion, Love is my religion, Love is my religion
I'll take you to the temple tonight
All my days I've been searching, to find out what this life is worth
through the books and bibles of time I've made up my mind
I don't condemn, I don't convert, this is a calling have you heard
bring all the lovers to the fold, cause no one is gonna lose their soul
Love is my religion, Love is my religion, Love is my religion
hey you can take it or leave it, and you don't have to believe it
I don't want to fight, hey let's go fly a kite
there's nothing that we can't cure, and I'll keep you in my arms for sure
so don't let nobody stop us, free spirits have to soar
with you I share the gift, the gift that we now know oh oh oh
Well I'm done searching now, I found out what this life is worth
not in the books that I find, but by searching my mind
I don't condemn, I don't convert
this is the calling have you heard, bring all the lovers to the fold
no one is gonna lose their soul
If the atheist is right, then both, Christians and ahteist end up... in Nothingness. .
You got it Man...nothingness....when you die you die....as does a cell, plant, fish or monkey.
Religion was created as a means to control the percieved human weaknesss that threatened formation of civilization. Excellent example, the ole Burka, covering every inch of "flesh".
One could say religion was a success and it does have good tennants, tho shall not kill, fk your neighbors wife etc.
We can though now move to the next level and drop the fear and intollerance.
Yeah... for me, Ed's little speeches are food for thought when I want to mull over the meaning of the music. They're not what got me into the band, or what will keep me buying their music. I guess it helps that he's pretty liberal, but it's not some life-altering deal.
And even that is more thought than I like to put into analysing Ed's beliefs. Cos they're his, not mine.
And now? Now I frolick merrily.: p
Yes, well I expect that Ed will share his views at a concert, I don't have to agree with all of them, but I go knowing full well I will hear them and that's ok with me. I also go knowing that people will be excited and their excitment will manifest in different ways. So if there are people completely beside themselves that they're in the same room with him, that doesn't bother me either. I just enjoy watching other people enjoying themselves however they do that. It's all good. Part of the experience really.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream!
Yes, well I expect that Ed will share his views at a concert, I don't have to agree with all of them, but I go knowing full well I will hear them and that's ok with me. I also go knowing that people will be excited and their excitment will manifest in different ways. So if there are people completely beside themselves that they're in the same room with him, that doesn't bother me either. I just enjoy watching other people enjoying themselves however they do that. It's all good. Part of the experience really.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream!
Agree....one of my favorite emotions at a concert is the positive energy pouring out of the crowd....everyones freakin happy and all buzzing on the same thing.
Agree....one of my favorite emotions at a concert is the positive energy pouring out of the crowd....everyones freakin happy and all buzzing on the same thing.
Yes the energy is really something.
Nothing like being around all that positive energy.
Sadly, we're all sheep to a different shepard. Most of us aren't that smart, cool, funny, or thoughtful. And none of us have "The Answer" no matter how convinced we are otherwise.
I've heard this one before... and you know what? It's belief... 'Just In Case'. The logic is used to basically cover your ass in case God exists and the rules thrown down by religion apply. Like, you don't need a Commandment to tell you not to steal... you don't keep from stealing because God sees everything and will judge you by your actions... you don't steal because it just ain't right.
And as I have stated... I know a lot of people who do not buy into religion that are kind and generous and humble and giving. Instead of hoping for more after this life... they are DOING good in the time they are alloted.
The whole concept of Heaven and Hell is based upon doing good and not doing bad... with strings attached. The purpose of goodness... kindness... forgiveness... is NOT to be rewarded or acknowledged. You do those things because of the humanity in you... because it is the right thing to do... the human thing to do.
So... yeah... you are tired. Go to sleep and read this stuff with a fresh sense. And please, understand, I am NOT trying to dissuade you or cause doubt. I am just posing my beliefs on why I'm better off on my own.
Agreed, but this "'Just In Case" ( a concept by Kant, is he known in USA?) only applies in times when your faith is weak. This happens alot when going in discourse with atheists. Dont think this talk here doesnt get me doubting, cuz it does. I dont think atheist are stupid. I just think we live in a shitty time for faith, at least in the industry nations.
Religion was created as a means to control the percieved human weaknesss that threatened formation of civilization. Excellent example, the ole Burka, covering every inch of "flesh".
Thats arrogant of you to say. How do you know how religion was created?Were you there?
One could say religion was a success and it does have good tennants, tho shall not kill, fk your neighbors wife etc.
We can though now move to the next level and drop the fear and intollerance.
Take a good look at your history book. The 20century was the experiment with trying out societies without religion. It ended up in the biggest disaster of mankind. Hitler was a naturalist. Stalin was a communist.
Plus, Christianity today is not fear mongering nor intollerant. It is a prejudice.
but it is still implying the expansion of the universe and how this expansion came to be. That was what I talked about.
I think this is our problem- you are arguing about a first cause, which as I said earlier is not a part of the big bang theory. The big bang theory looks at events post planck epoch. Your criticism would be better focused on the Hartle-Hawking model, or another similar model proposing the creation event of a universe.
These are the purely speculative mathamatical models that really don't have the support of a great deal of evidence. But the big bang theory is supported almost universally by astronomers.
I really don't care what yours or anybody's beliefs are. And despite the fact that you can tell that I am not a scientist (Degree in biology, currently completing masters in astronomy and full time science teacher... close enough for you?), I only posted in this topic because a few people had posted comments showing that they did not understand the science- I don't even remember who it was- and I thought I would present a more accurate decription of the theories.
Disagree with the theories by all means... just disagree with the right theories.
but it is still implying the expansion of the universe and how this expansion came to be. That was what I talked about.
i was always under the impression that nature is about balance. it is for this reason that i accept the premise of the expansion of the universe at a rate comparable to that of the pull of gravity. otherwise the universe would just collapse in on itself.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
all i'm saying is the world becomes a better place when people don't have to be friends to fucking respect or be KIND to each other!!
maybe you should wear a sign around your neck that say "I am an atheist,fuck off" so we will know not to offend you with our politeness.
Great post... I agree 100%
The lack of kindness and respect in the world today is all that's wrong with the world... and Cate has proven that religion has NOTHING to do with that.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
The lack of kindness and respect in the world today is all that's wrong with the world... and Cate has proven that religion has NOTHING to do with that.
all i've proven is that i dont like people. read all my posts helen.
ive been an atheist since i was 11. i can't tell you how long ive been misanthropic but i know it hasn't been as long as ive been an atheist.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
all i've proven is that i dont like people. read all my posts helen.
ive been an atheist since i was 11. i can't tell you how long ive been misanthropic but i know it hasn't been as long as ive been an atheist.
That's fine and all well and good to admit... so you don't like people... you don't respect them unless you know them... that's ok... but to ME it's that kinda attitude that spreads hate amongst people. If a stranger is unnecessarily rude to me, it puts me in a bad mood for the day. However, if a stranger takes a moment of their time for ME, like holding a door open or saying bless you, it reminds me that everyone else rushing around are actually human too and it DOES actually put me in a good mood.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
That's fine and all well and good to admit... so you don't like people... you don't respect them unless you know them... that's ok... but to ME it's that kinda attitude that spreads hate amongst people. If a stranger is unnecessarily rude to me, it puts me in a bad mood for the day. However, if a stranger takes a moment of their time for ME, like holding a door open or saying bless you, it reminds me that everyone else rushing around are actually human too and it DOES actually put me in a good mood.
please show me where i said i am rude to people? i said i don't respect serial killers not ALL people. and definitely not people i dont even know. if you had read all my posts you would have seen me make that clear. sure i said i don't acknowledge when people say 'bless you' and it shits me but i don't see that as rudeness. i don't tell them to fuck off. i remain neutral.
its not just that i don't like people. i can't deal with them. i'm not a bitch... unless you piss me off. and even then chances are i may well just turn my back on you. you would probably like me if we met helen and i' likewise with you. but that doesnt change the fact that i can't 'hang' with people. it isnt a reflection on thsoe people. it's me. i know that.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
please show me where i said i am rude to people? i said i don't respect serial killers not ALL people. and definitely not people i dont even know. if you had read all my posts you would have seen me make that clear. sure i said i don't acknowledge when people say 'bless you' and it shits me but i don't see that as rudeness. i don't tell them to fuck off. i remain neutral.
its not just that i don't like people. i can't deal with them. i'm not a bitch... unless you piss me off. and even then chances are i may well just turn my back on you. you would probably like me if we met helen and i' likewise with you. but that doesnt change the fact that i can't 'hang' with people. it isnt a reflection on thsoe people. it's me. i know that.
cate, you have to understand that I'm only going by the things you say here . You did initially say about how any stranger could be a serial killer... I later noticed that you retracted it. You also said in your last post that you don't like people! And I really believe we'd get on great if we met but just recently your posts seem to be negative and they haven't always been. I hope all's ok with you and DON'T take that as patronising cos I mean it.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
because we cannot KNOW FOR SURE who is right. If the atheist is right, then both, Christians and ahteist end up... in Nothingness. If Jesus is right, the good Christians (and probably all good people / or all people, it depends on the interpretation) end up in Heaven.
Plus, your life here gets better. I was not talking about hope like the hope to stay healthy or earn a lot of money. I was talking about the one big hope: that this life means something. that everyday matters. that death is not the end,
boy i am going to bed right now.
Sssshhhh. Don't say the word "theory". Leads to mean discussions, and lots of exclamation marks.
Hallelujah! I have the key!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
It's like the Da Vinci Code, but instead of Masons and clues, we have Excla-Masons, and lots of people without a clue*.:p
I should quit while I'm ahead.:cool:
*On both sides of whatever argument we're on at this point.:p
I've found it all very illuminating and never been a big believer in black or white so there's no sides in an argument, just folks arguing from their perspective. Could be a lot of sides.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
It's like a big circle, and we're all just tossing our opinions into the middle. But sometimes, you get tired of throwing things, or your arm gets kinda sore cos you're outta shape. And then you just kinda wanna play Ring Around The Rosie. Can we?:D
arrogant? i think not.
After the death of Belshazzar in 539 B.C., the Persian Emperor Cyrus conquered Babylon and forced the Babylonian princes to flee to Pergamum. They continued their reign there as priest-kings of Babylonian paganism. In 133 B.C., Attalus III, the last Babylonian King to rule in Pergamum, willed his dominions to the Roman Caesar, and the kingdom of Pergamum merged with the Roman Empire along with Satan-Nimrod’s throne and the title "Pontifex Maximus."
In 63 B.C., Julius Caesar, who had been elected Pontifex Maximus, became emperor of Rome and vested the office of Roman emperor with the priestly powers and functions of the Babylonian Pontiff. Henceforth, the title Pontifex Maximus was used by the Roman Caesars as illustrated on a Roman coin depicting the image of Augustus Caesar (27 B.C.-14 A.D.) with his title "Pont. Max.," which is an abbreviation of Pontifex Maximus (Figure 4, page 26). Thus, the Roman emperors, like the preceding Babylonian emperors, now served as priests of Babylonian paganism, and bore the title Pontifex Maximus.
For centuries, Pergamum remained the site of Nimrod’s throne. With the appearance of Christianity, Babylonian paganism threatened the early Christian church of Pergamum as related in the Revelation given by Jesus to His Apostle John, who referred to Pergamum as the seat of Satan’s throne which is Nimrod’s throne:
"And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘The words of him who has the sharp two-edged sword.
"‘I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is [i.e., Nimrod’s Throne]; you hold fast my name and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells. But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam [pagan Babylonian trinity of Nimrod], who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice immorality.
- Apostle John
In 376 A.D., Gratian became the first Roman emperor to refuse the idolatrous title of Pontifex Maximus. He presented the Babylonian Throne, or Satan-Nimrod’s Throne to the bishop of Rome.
By this time, the Roman bishops had advanced in political power, and in 378 A.D., Bishop Damasus was elected Pontifex Maximus, becoming the official pagan Babylonian priest seated on Satan’s throne in Rome. As such, the bishop converted the pagan Babylonian temples of Rome into Trinitarian Christian churches and introduced the worship of Nimrod, Semiramis and the god-incarnate son under the respective titles of "god the father," "god the son" and "god the holy spirit." All the pomp and ceremony that existed in ancient Babylon was now practiced as Roman Trinitarian Christianity.
Before the Babylonian conversion into Trinitarian Christianity, the early Christians were a small cult surrounded by numerous Babylonian pagan temples. Historians, however, relate the amazing "overnight" conversion of Romans to Trinitarian Christianity, which coincided to a remarkable and unprecedented disappearance of paganism. In actuality, the Roman pagans did not convert to Trinitarian Christianity; but rather, Bishop Damasus exercised his authority as head of Babylonian paganism in Rome, and replaced all the Christian elders with pagan priests and continued the practice of the pagan Babylonian Mystery religion under the name of Trinitarian Christianity. Henceforth, all the bishops of Rome have donned the robes of Nimrod along with the title of Pontifex Maximus.
The Roman Catholic bishops were viewed by most Christians as head of Trinitarian Christianity, and entitled pope or "pater patrum" in Latin, that is, "father of the fathers," despite the fact that Jesus the Christ forbid His followers to refer to anyone as father except for the heavenly Father:
But you are not to be called rabbi [Hebrew for master or teacher ], for you have one teacher, and you are all brethren. And call no man your father [pope, derived from the Greek "papa" meaning father138 ] on earth, for you have one Father, who is inheaven. Neither be called masters, for you have one master, the Christ.
I've heard this one before... and you know what? It's belief... 'Just In Case'. The logic is used to basically cover your ass in case God exists and the rules thrown down by religion apply. Like, you don't need a Commandment to tell you not to steal... you don't keep from stealing because God sees everything and will judge you by your actions... you don't steal because it just ain't right.
And as I have stated... I know a lot of people who do not buy into religion that are kind and generous and humble and giving. Instead of hoping for more after this life... they are DOING good in the time they are alloted.
The whole concept of Heaven and Hell is based upon doing good and not doing bad... with strings attached. The purpose of goodness... kindness... forgiveness... is NOT to be rewarded or acknowledged. You do those things because of the humanity in you... because it is the right thing to do... the human thing to do.
So... yeah... you are tired. Go to sleep and read this stuff with a fresh sense. And please, understand, I am NOT trying to dissuade you or cause doubt. I am just posing my beliefs on why I'm better off on my own.
Hail, Hail!!!
Yes! A bit like playing soggy biscuit! :eek:
I've read some interesting things here today though. It's not changed my opinion, no wait, it's not changed my beliefs but it's interesting. I do find it interesting that people project so much onto Ed when they don't know him.
We can play Ring Around The Rosie my friend HOWEVER, it's probably better we don't do it here, given the current climate.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yeah... for me, Ed's little speeches are food for thought when I want to mull over the meaning of the music. They're not what got me into the band, or what will keep me buying their music. I guess it helps that he's pretty liberal, but it's not some life-altering deal.
And even that is more thought than I like to put into analysing Ed's beliefs. Cos they're his, not mine.
And now? Now I frolick merrily.:p
I'll take you to the temple tonight
All my days I've been searching, to find out what this life is worth
through the books and bibles of time I've made up my mind
I don't condemn, I don't convert, this is a calling have you heard
bring all the lovers to the fold, cause no one is gonna lose their soul
Love is my religion, Love is my religion, Love is my religion
hey you can take it or leave it, and you don't have to believe it
I don't want to fight, hey let's go fly a kite
there's nothing that we can't cure, and I'll keep you in my arms for sure
so don't let nobody stop us, free spirits have to soar
with you I share the gift, the gift that we now know oh oh oh
Well I'm done searching now, I found out what this life is worth
not in the books that I find, but by searching my mind
I don't condemn, I don't convert
this is the calling have you heard, bring all the lovers to the fold
no one is gonna lose their soul
ed should cover this... ziggy's version is a lil fruity, ed could do make it rule.
You got it Man...nothingness....when you die you die....as does a cell, plant, fish or monkey.
Religion was created as a means to control the percieved human weaknesss that threatened formation of civilization. Excellent example, the ole Burka, covering every inch of "flesh".
One could say religion was a success and it does have good tennants, tho shall not kill, fk your neighbors wife etc.
We can though now move to the next level and drop the fear and intollerance.
Yes, well I expect that Ed will share his views at a concert, I don't have to agree with all of them, but I go knowing full well I will hear them and that's ok with me.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yes the energy is really something.
Nothing like being around all that positive energy.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Gotta be the same as folks in a church....PJ concerts just like a rockin church congregation....its all good.
if only pj served communion wafers and wine.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
That being said, christian rock does kinda blow.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Ed does to the front row!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
Agreed, but this "'Just In Case" ( a concept by Kant, is he known in USA?) only applies in times when your faith is weak. This happens alot when going in discourse with atheists. Dont think this talk here doesnt get me doubting, cuz it does. I dont think atheist are stupid. I just think we live in a shitty time for faith, at least in the industry nations.
We are not cells or plants, fish or monkey. We are human. We have a soul and we constitute meaning. We have it in us to wonder about our creator.
Thats arrogant of you to say. How do you know how religion was created?Were you there?
Take a good look at your history book. The 20century was the experiment with trying out societies without religion. It ended up in the biggest disaster of mankind. Hitler was a naturalist. Stalin was a communist.
Plus, Christianity today is not fear mongering nor intollerant. It is a prejudice.
I think this is our problem- you are arguing about a first cause, which as I said earlier is not a part of the big bang theory. The big bang theory looks at events post planck epoch. Your criticism would be better focused on the Hartle-Hawking model, or another similar model proposing the creation event of a universe.
These are the purely speculative mathamatical models that really don't have the support of a great deal of evidence. But the big bang theory is supported almost universally by astronomers.
I really don't care what yours or anybody's beliefs are. And despite the fact that you can tell that I am not a scientist (Degree in biology, currently completing masters in astronomy and full time science teacher... close enough for you?), I only posted in this topic because a few people had posted comments showing that they did not understand the science- I don't even remember who it was- and I thought I would present a more accurate decription of the theories.
Disagree with the theories by all means... just disagree with the right theories.
i was always under the impression that nature is about balance. it is for this reason that i accept the premise of the expansion of the universe at a rate comparable to that of the pull of gravity. otherwise the universe would just collapse in on itself.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
The lack of kindness and respect in the world today is all that's wrong with the world... and Cate has proven that religion has NOTHING to do with that.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
all i've proven is that i dont like people. read all my posts helen.
ive been an atheist since i was 11. i can't tell you how long ive been misanthropic but i know it hasn't been as long as ive been an atheist.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
please show me where i said i am rude to people? i said i don't respect serial killers not ALL people. and definitely not people i dont even know. if you had read all my posts you would have seen me make that clear. sure i said i don't acknowledge when people say 'bless you' and it shits me but i don't see that as rudeness. i don't tell them to fuck off. i remain neutral.
its not just that i don't like people. i can't deal with them. i'm not a bitch... unless you piss me off. and even then chances are i may well just turn my back on you. you would probably like me if we met helen and i' likewise with you. but that doesnt change the fact that i can't 'hang' with people. it isnt a reflection on thsoe people. it's me. i know that.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you