another student shot in school



  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Godfather. wrote:
    if a bad guy knows you have a gun believe me he is LESS likely to attack you.
    I grew up with gun's my father and I did a lot of hunting, when I was 16 I was home alone
    one summer while my family was in Chicago for a family reunion and then about 3:00am I could hear
    somebody up stares walking from room to room so grabbed my 30-30 and put 3 rounds in it then I could hear them on
    the wood deck around back so I walked out to the side of the house and saw them then I pointed the rifle at one of them them and pulled the hammer back and 3:00 in the morning they heard that hammer pull back just fine, to me they were older guys about 20-25 or so and it was the first time I saw a grown man cry and piss his pants. point is guns save lives too. ;)


    yes, they do. but is that worth all the lives they take?

    if I had to use a gun today to save my family (wife and Son) yes.
    I understand what your saying but taking guns away from good people will not fix the problems like
    the ones in this school,it's like the old saying go's if we outlaw gun's then only outlaws will have guns.
    if guns are outlawed then the problems will only get worse with crime IMO, home invasions would probably
    increase, the first thing on a bad guys mind is "dose my next victim have a gun ?" also what about the drug
    dealers and bank robbers, I promise you they will not give up their gun's.
    it's a ugly sticky situation and I think only stiffer penalties will slow it down to a some what safer place.

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    btw crime will never go away guns or not and the best we can do is keep it out of our homes and our family's and loved ones safe.

  • Godfather. wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    if a bad guy knows you have a gun believe me he is LESS likely to attack you.
    I grew up with gun's my father and I did a lot of hunting, when I was 16 I was home alone
    one summer while my family was in Chicago for a family reunion and then about 3:00am I could hear
    somebody up stares walking from room to room so grabbed my 30-30 and put 3 rounds in it then I could hear them on
    the wood deck around back so I walked out to the side of the house and saw them then I pointed the rifle at one of them them and pulled the hammer back and 3:00 in the morning they heard that hammer pull back just fine, to me they were older guys about 20-25 or so and it was the first time I saw a grown man cry and piss his pants. point is guns save lives too. ;)


    yes, they do. but is that worth all the lives they take?

    if I had to use a gun today to save my family (wife and Son) yes.
    I understand what your saying but taking guns away from good people will not fix the problems like
    the ones in this school,it's like the old saying go's if we outlaw gun's then only outlaws will have guns.
    if guns are outlawed then the problems will only get worse with crime IMO, home invasions would probably
    increase, the first thing on a bad guys mind is "dose my next victim have a gun ?" also what about the drug
    dealers and bank robbers, I promise you they will not give up their gun's.
    it's a ugly sticky situation and I think only stiffer penalties will slow it down to a some what safer place.


    I will never say that guns need to be outlawed, because that's not the answer. (I rather wish they had never been invented, but I digress). I agree with that. But there needs to be stiffer penalties and better regulation, if that's possible.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    found it, buddah bless the search user posts was posted in the "suicide"thread in march 2008 and its more about suicide than guns, but it explains how i feel about guns and how one simple act can affect many lives for many years to come...

    by gimmesometruth27 » 29 Feb 2008 20:13

    i am so sorry to read the stories posted in this thread. i will share my story of suicide because i think i need to get it off my chest.

    one of my very good friends committed suicide when i was 12. his name was Matt and he was 14 at the time. he was a year ahead of me in school and he was really outgoing, the life of the party, and a really popular kid. he was a skater and wore a really cool mohawk, which you did not see too often in middle school. he got into his fair share of trouble at school, mainly for acting out but nothing too serious. mainly just the smartass kid who would get on the teacher's nerves.

    we used to ride the bus together and after school in the spring we would all meet up at the neighborhood catholic church after school and play football, baseball, or roller hockey depending on the weather. fall it was baseball or football, rain it was football for sure, winter it was always roller hockey. the church always had the best fields for sports and parking lots for hockey so we always went there. his mom was devoutly catholic and was at the church every night for various reasons, she was involved with the youth group, was a reader, was one of those people that either sang and led the chorus at mass or helped administer communion. she was a really good woman. his father was kind of a jerk. he was really hard on Matt. anything he did was never good enough to meet, let alone exceed his father's standards. he never talked to any of us kids and i don't remember ever seeing him at the church. we heard rumors that his dad used to beat him, but we never noticed any outward signs of abuse. Matt always denied everything and since he was older, his word meant alot to me. besides, all of our group had gotten spanked by our parents before so we thought it was normal. we were so young.

    one day Matt organized everyone to go up to the church and play football after school. the last thing he ever said to me was "bring your ball and i'll see ya at the field" as he was getting off the bus. it was a Wednesday and it was a really nice day, one of the first warm days in march. i remember it like it was yesterday. only Matt never showed up. it was weird because he was always the first one there and the last one to leave and we never knew why. now that i am older i realize that he never wanted to be at home. so around 5:00 or so we saw Matt's mom's car leave the parking lot and we never thought much of it. we had heard some sirens and emergency vehicles go by a little before that, but that happend all the time on the busy street the church was on. it got dark so we went home for the night. i went to the ice rink for hockey practice an hour or so later and i got home about 9:00. i remember i set my bag down and the phone rang. my dad answered and it was my friend Tina who lived down the street from Matt. She told him to tell me that something had happened to Matt, he had shot himself and he was dead.

    my dad hung up the phone and i will never forget the look on his face. it was like one of those "How the fuck am I supposed to explain this to my son??" kind of looks. he told me to sit down and he sat down next to me and told me "son," which i thought was funny because he never ever once called me "son" before that or since then......"son, i don't know how to tell you this, so i am just going to say it. Tina just called and wanted me to tell you that Bruno's dead. He shot himself this afternoon....I am so sorry...." years later my dad said that moment was the most difficult moment of his life as a father.

    i didn't know what to do or what to think. i was only 12, i had no idea how to fathom what had happened. he was the first one of my friends that died. i had been to funerals for old people before that time, but nothing like this. our school was devestated. we had grief counselors there for several days i remember. the day after Matt's death many kids did not go to school. there were fears of copy-cat suicides and my parents made me go to school because they did not want me staying at home alone in my very depressed state. the thing that still messes with me to this day was we heard and saw the ambulance and police cars go by and we saw his mom drive off to his house once someone called the church to tell her what had happened. weeks later we found out that a kid on our bus who was 11 gave him the gun. Matt had asked to borrow it a few days before so he could go in the woods behind his house and hunt squirrels.

    school was never the same after that. it took me a long time to be able to walk past his house after that. i remember crying for months when i would see his house or hear a song by The Cure, which was his favorite band. we never played football after school again, and if we did try to play baseball or hockey it was never the same. i should have seen it coming because he tried to give me his skateboard a few weeks before saying he was getting a new one and that he didn't need it. i didn't take it because i was not much of a skater. i found out he tried to give another friend his prized remote controlled car because he was "getting a new one".

    looking back, i see that the warning signs were there and i have lived with the guilt for all of these years. none of us knew how bad it was at home for Matt because he never talked about it. none of us were ever invited over there when his dad was home. some time later the parents divorced. i guess they were too devestated to go on together. i remember seeing the mom at church and she was like a different person. she seemed to age 20 years seemingly overnight. she was just totally heartbroken for years.

    i sometimes think of all of the things Matt never got to do that all of us have managed to experience. he never got to go to high school, never got to go to college, never got to go to a concert, never got to have sex, never got to get drunk or high, never got to drive a car, never bought a house or did anything that adults do in their daily life. and he never got old.

    i do know that our collective childhoods were forever changed after that. our innocence was lost in that one day. we were naieve to think "people our age don't kill themselves, they die in accidents or due to illness". but we realized that suicide was for real, and it happens more often than we ever dared to imagine.

    jesus, i just realized it will be 20 years next month. i am sorry to ramble in this post but i have never written about Matt. i just started to write a little blurb about him and it just kept pouring out of me. we still talk about him at times but its always with a sad tone. i really miss him, especially right now. every time i hear The Cure, or the song "there is a light that never goes out" by Morrissey i think of him.

    my deepest sympathies go out to everyone else who has experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide.

    That's deep. Good story. I can understand pshycologicaly why you wouldn't like guns. Rest in Peace to your friend Matt.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    mb262200 wrote:
    found it, buddah bless the search user posts was posted in the "suicide"thread in march 2008 and its more about suicide than guns, but it explains how i feel about guns and how one simple act can affect many lives for many years to come...

    by gimmesometruth27 » 29 Feb 2008 20:13

    i am so sorry to read the stories posted in this thread. i will share my story of suicide because i think i need to get it off my chest.

    one of my very good friends committed suicide when i was 12. his name was Matt and he was 14 at the time. he was a year ahead of me in school and he was really outgoing, the life of the party, and a really popular kid. he was a skater and wore a really cool mohawk, which you did not see too often in middle school. he got into his fair share of trouble at school, mainly for acting out but nothing too serious. mainly just the smartass kid who would get on the teacher's nerves.

    we used to ride the bus together and after school in the spring we would all meet up at the neighborhood catholic church after school and play football, baseball, or roller hockey depending on the weather. fall it was baseball or football, rain it was football for sure, winter it was always roller hockey. the church always had the best fields for sports and parking lots for hockey so we always went there. his mom was devoutly catholic and was at the church every night for various reasons, she was involved with the youth group, was a reader, was one of those people that either sang and led the chorus at mass or helped administer communion. she was a really good woman. his father was kind of a jerk. he was really hard on Matt. anything he did was never good enough to meet, let alone exceed his father's standards. he never talked to any of us kids and i don't remember ever seeing him at the church. we heard rumors that his dad used to beat him, but we never noticed any outward signs of abuse. Matt always denied everything and since he was older, his word meant alot to me. besides, all of our group had gotten spanked by our parents before so we thought it was normal. we were so young.

    one day Matt organized everyone to go up to the church and play football after school. the last thing he ever said to me was "bring your ball and i'll see ya at the field" as he was getting off the bus. it was a Wednesday and it was a really nice day, one of the first warm days in march. i remember it like it was yesterday. only Matt never showed up. it was weird because he was always the first one there and the last one to leave and we never knew why. now that i am older i realize that he never wanted to be at home. so around 5:00 or so we saw Matt's mom's car leave the parking lot and we never thought much of it. we had heard some sirens and emergency vehicles go by a little before that, but that happend all the time on the busy street the church was on. it got dark so we went home for the night. i went to the ice rink for hockey practice an hour or so later and i got home about 9:00. i remember i set my bag down and the phone rang. my dad answered and it was my friend Tina who lived down the street from Matt. She told him to tell me that something had happened to Matt, he had shot himself and he was dead.

    my dad hung up the phone and i will never forget the look on his face. it was like one of those "How the fuck am I supposed to explain this to my son??" kind of looks. he told me to sit down and he sat down next to me and told me "son," which i thought was funny because he never ever once called me "son" before that or since then......"son, i don't know how to tell you this, so i am just going to say it. Tina just called and wanted me to tell you that Bruno's dead. He shot himself this afternoon....I am so sorry...." years later my dad said that moment was the most difficult moment of his life as a father.

    i didn't know what to do or what to think. i was only 12, i had no idea how to fathom what had happened. he was the first one of my friends that died. i had been to funerals for old people before that time, but nothing like this. our school was devestated. we had grief counselors there for several days i remember. the day after Matt's death many kids did not go to school. there were fears of copy-cat suicides and my parents made me go to school because they did not want me staying at home alone in my very depressed state. the thing that still messes with me to this day was we heard and saw the ambulance and police cars go by and we saw his mom drive off to his house once someone called the church to tell her what had happened. weeks later we found out that a kid on our bus who was 11 gave him the gun. Matt had asked to borrow it a few days before so he could go in the woods behind his house and hunt squirrels.

    school was never the same after that. it took me a long time to be able to walk past his house after that. i remember crying for months when i would see his house or hear a song by The Cure, which was his favorite band. we never played football after school again, and if we did try to play baseball or hockey it was never the same. i should have seen it coming because he tried to give me his skateboard a few weeks before saying he was getting a new one and that he didn't need it. i didn't take it because i was not much of a skater. i found out he tried to give another friend his prized remote controlled car because he was "getting a new one".

    looking back, i see that the warning signs were there and i have lived with the guilt for all of these years. none of us knew how bad it was at home for Matt because he never talked about it. none of us were ever invited over there when his dad was home. some time later the parents divorced. i guess they were too devestated to go on together. i remember seeing the mom at church and she was like a different person. she seemed to age 20 years seemingly overnight. she was just totally heartbroken for years.

    i sometimes think of all of the things Matt never got to do that all of us have managed to experience. he never got to go to high school, never got to go to college, never got to go to a concert, never got to have sex, never got to get drunk or high, never got to drive a car, never bought a house or did anything that adults do in their daily life. and he never got old.

    i do know that our collective childhoods were forever changed after that. our innocence was lost in that one day. we were naieve to think "people our age don't kill themselves, they die in accidents or due to illness". but we realized that suicide was for real, and it happens more often than we ever dared to imagine.

    jesus, i just realized it will be 20 years next month. i am sorry to ramble in this post but i have never written about Matt. i just started to write a little blurb about him and it just kept pouring out of me. we still talk about him at times but its always with a sad tone. i really miss him, especially right now. every time i hear The Cure, or the song "there is a light that never goes out" by Morrissey i think of him.

    my deepest sympathies go out to everyone else who has experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide.

    That's deep. Good story. I can understand pshycologicaly why you wouldn't like guns. Rest in Peace to your friend Matt.
    yeah its pretty heavy, and has been hard to live with knowing an 11 year old gave him the gun. thats pretty much what galvanized my position at such a young age.. thanks for understanding my point of view and for your well wishes.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    mb262200 wrote:
    found it, buddah bless the search user posts was posted in the "suicide"thread in march 2008 and its more about suicide than guns, but it explains how i feel about guns and how one simple act can affect many lives for many years to come...

    by gimmesometruth27 » 29 Feb 2008 20:13

    i am so sorry to read the stories posted in this thread. i will share my story of suicide because i think i need to get it off my chest.

    one of my very good friends committed suicide when i was 12. his name was Matt and he was 14 at the time. he was a year ahead of me in school and he was really outgoing, the life of the party, and a really popular kid. he was a skater and wore a really cool mohawk, which you did not see too often in middle school. he got into his fair share of trouble at school, mainly for acting out but nothing too serious. mainly just the smartass kid who would get on the teacher's nerves.

    we used to ride the bus together and after school in the spring we would all meet up at the neighborhood catholic church after school and play football, baseball, or roller hockey depending on the weather. fall it was baseball or football, rain it was football for sure, winter it was always roller hockey. the church always had the best fields for sports and parking lots for hockey so we always went there. his mom was devoutly catholic and was at the church every night for various reasons, she was involved with the youth group, was a reader, was one of those people that either sang and led the chorus at mass or helped administer communion. she was a really good woman. his father was kind of a jerk. he was really hard on Matt. anything he did was never good enough to meet, let alone exceed his father's standards. he never talked to any of us kids and i don't remember ever seeing him at the church. we heard rumors that his dad used to beat him, but we never noticed any outward signs of abuse. Matt always denied everything and since he was older, his word meant alot to me. besides, all of our group had gotten spanked by our parents before so we thought it was normal. we were so young.

    one day Matt organized everyone to go up to the church and play football after school. the last thing he ever said to me was "bring your ball and i'll see ya at the field" as he was getting off the bus. it was a Wednesday and it was a really nice day, one of the first warm days in march. i remember it like it was yesterday. only Matt never showed up. it was weird because he was always the first one there and the last one to leave and we never knew why. now that i am older i realize that he never wanted to be at home. so around 5:00 or so we saw Matt's mom's car leave the parking lot and we never thought much of it. we had heard some sirens and emergency vehicles go by a little before that, but that happend all the time on the busy street the church was on. it got dark so we went home for the night. i went to the ice rink for hockey practice an hour or so later and i got home about 9:00. i remember i set my bag down and the phone rang. my dad answered and it was my friend Tina who lived down the street from Matt. She told him to tell me that something had happened to Matt, he had shot himself and he was dead.

    my dad hung up the phone and i will never forget the look on his face. it was like one of those "How the fuck am I supposed to explain this to my son??" kind of looks. he told me to sit down and he sat down next to me and told me "son," which i thought was funny because he never ever once called me "son" before that or since then......"son, i don't know how to tell you this, so i am just going to say it. Tina just called and wanted me to tell you that Bruno's dead. He shot himself this afternoon....I am so sorry...." years later my dad said that moment was the most difficult moment of his life as a father.

    i didn't know what to do or what to think. i was only 12, i had no idea how to fathom what had happened. he was the first one of my friends that died. i had been to funerals for old people before that time, but nothing like this. our school was devestated. we had grief counselors there for several days i remember. the day after Matt's death many kids did not go to school. there were fears of copy-cat suicides and my parents made me go to school because they did not want me staying at home alone in my very depressed state. the thing that still messes with me to this day was we heard and saw the ambulance and police cars go by and we saw his mom drive off to his house once someone called the church to tell her what had happened. weeks later we found out that a kid on our bus who was 11 gave him the gun. Matt had asked to borrow it a few days before so he could go in the woods behind his house and hunt squirrels.

    school was never the same after that. it took me a long time to be able to walk past his house after that. i remember crying for months when i would see his house or hear a song by The Cure, which was his favorite band. we never played football after school again, and if we did try to play baseball or hockey it was never the same. i should have seen it coming because he tried to give me his skateboard a few weeks before saying he was getting a new one and that he didn't need it. i didn't take it because i was not much of a skater. i found out he tried to give another friend his prized remote controlled car because he was "getting a new one".

    looking back, i see that the warning signs were there and i have lived with the guilt for all of these years. none of us knew how bad it was at home for Matt because he never talked about it. none of us were ever invited over there when his dad was home. some time later the parents divorced. i guess they were too devestated to go on together. i remember seeing the mom at church and she was like a different person. she seemed to age 20 years seemingly overnight. she was just totally heartbroken for years.

    i sometimes think of all of the things Matt never got to do that all of us have managed to experience. he never got to go to high school, never got to go to college, never got to go to a concert, never got to have sex, never got to get drunk or high, never got to drive a car, never bought a house or did anything that adults do in their daily life. and he never got old.

    i do know that our collective childhoods were forever changed after that. our innocence was lost in that one day. we were naieve to think "people our age don't kill themselves, they die in accidents or due to illness". but we realized that suicide was for real, and it happens more often than we ever dared to imagine.

    jesus, i just realized it will be 20 years next month. i am sorry to ramble in this post but i have never written about Matt. i just started to write a little blurb about him and it just kept pouring out of me. we still talk about him at times but its always with a sad tone. i really miss him, especially right now. every time i hear The Cure, or the song "there is a light that never goes out" by Morrissey i think of him.

    my deepest sympathies go out to everyone else who has experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide.

    That's deep. Good story. I can understand pshycologicaly why you wouldn't like guns. Rest in Peace to your friend Matt.
    yeah its pretty heavy, and has been hard to live with knowing an 11 year old gave him the gun. thats pretty much what galvanized my position at such a young age.. thanks for understanding my point of view and for your well wishes.

    I was thinking about this story again and got to wondering,,,,,where did the 11 year old get the gun and was anything done about it? I feel like we need to enforce very strict laws to those that are responsible for giving guns to people that are not suppose to have them. Not enforce anything on the 11 year old, after all he was just a kid and probably didn't know any better,,,,but he got that gun from somewhere and something should have been done about that.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    mb262200 wrote:
    I was thinking about this story again and got to wondering,,,,,where did the 11 year old get the gun and was anything done about it? I feel like we need to enforce very strict laws to those that are responsible for giving guns to people that are not suppose to have them. Not enforce anything on the 11 year old, after all he was just a kid and probably didn't know any better,,,,but he got that gun from somewhere and something should have been done about that.

    the 11 year old got it from his dads gun safe. the dad was in prison for something else and somehow the kid was able to get into the gun safe. i am not sure whatever happened to the kid's dad.. i was 12 and was only worried about losing my friend. we did not think about legal issues at that age.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    mb262200 wrote:
    I was thinking about this story again and got to wondering,,,,,where did the 11 year old get the gun and was anything done about it? I feel like we need to enforce very strict laws to those that are responsible for giving guns to people that are not suppose to have them. Not enforce anything on the 11 year old, after all he was just a kid and probably didn't know any better,,,,but he got that gun from somewhere and something should have been done about that.

    the 11 year old got it from his dads gun safe. the dad was in prison for something else and somehow the kid was able to get into the gun safe. i am not sure whatever happened to the kid's dad.. i was 12 and was only worried about losing my friend. we did not think about legal issues at that age.

    This is one of my concerns about the idea that guns locked in safes are no longer a threat. I think kids are usually better able to get into their parents' safes than the parents give them credit for.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    educate your kid's on gun safety when they are old enough to understand,till then keep them in a safe place
    and locked up.

  • I knew exactly where my Dad's guns were and where the ammunition was and how to use the guns.. probably from age 8 onwards. He had 2 shotguns, a 30/06 and a 22. Every kid that grows up on a farm probably knows where his dad's guns were located.

    I also knew that they were dangerous and I was to only use them with his supervision. I never even thought about using those guns without his supervision.

    Guns are and always will be a part of American life. Education and parental responsibility have to be the #1 priority.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    Guns are and always will be a part of American life.
    And so will be violence, mayhem and incidents such as this one (an many other like it).
  • PJPOWERPJPOWER Posts: 6,499
    My thoughts on this is that maybe we should require people to have licenses to have children...In an ideal world, children have the social skills to keep them from resorting to violence to deal with their anger. In the world today, children are exposed to a ton of violence and rewarded for it (A.K.A Grand Theft Auto)...Guns have been around for a long time, but school shootings have increased ten fold in the past 30 or so years. My family owned guns...I was bullied in school...but I, as many other people do, had a decent set of morals and values to keep me from going and blowing the head off of someone that I was mad at. How can we enforce a ban on unfit parents?
  • redrock wrote:
    Guns are and always will be a part of American life.
    And so will be violence, mayhem and incidents such as this one (an many other like it).

    I'm optimistic that eventually people will stop killing each other. We're supposed to be the smartest species on the planet but the only one to kill each other for a purpose other than eating the victim. (ok... chickens will fight to the death too) Quite the paradox. I'm hopeful for a leap in emotional intelligence soon... maybe that is what 2012 is. Maybe I'm being polyanna...
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • redrock wrote:
    Guns are and always will be a part of American life.
    And so will be violence, mayhem and incidents such as this one (an many other like it).

    I'm optimistic that eventually people will stop killing each other.

    we'll destroy ourselves or the planet (making it inhabitable) before that ever happens. I'm usually an optimist, but in this case, I don't think there's any reason to believe that mankind is smart enough to keep his own species thriving.

    dolphins will eventually rule the world. They'll evolve and start walking on land. And they'll start a football team and call themselves the Miami Humans.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • we'll destroy ourselves or the planet (making it inhabitable) before that ever happens. I'm usually an optimist, but in this case, I don't think there's any reason to believe that mankind is smart enough to keep his own species thriving.

    dolphins will eventually rule the world. They'll evolve and start walking on land. And they'll start a football team and call themselves the Miami Humans.

    There is this concept called "neurogenetic evolution" that theorizes that our DNA/RNA is "intelligent" and its goal is the survival of our species. The human mind, imagination, intelligence about intelligence - all is a result of the DNA/RNA survival guide, according to neurogenetic evolution. It is a quite interesting science and makes me optimisitic in the future of humans.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    3 killed in Alabama university shooting

    February 12, 2010 5:29 p.m. EST

    (CNN) -- Three people were killed and one was wounded Friday after a shooting at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, said Ray Garner, a spokesman for the university.

    A female shooter was in custody, he said.

    The incident occurred about 4:15 p.m. in Shelby Hall, which police were still searching, said Trent Willis, a spokesman for the mayor. "We do have some witnesses," he said.
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    A female shooter is extremely unusual. Wow.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    scb wrote:
    3 killed in Alabama university shooting

    February 12, 2010 5:29 p.m. EST

    (CNN) -- Three people were killed and one was wounded Friday after a shooting at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, said Ray Garner, a spokesman for the university.

    A female shooter was in custody, he said.

    The incident occurred about 4:15 p.m. in Shelby Hall, which police were still searching, said Trent Willis, a spokesman for the mayor. "We do have some witnesses," he said.
    this shit is getting ridiculous..we must be getting desensitized to it since it was not even covered on any major news websites until hours after the fact...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    A female shooter is extremely unusual. Wow.

    Young people fighting a society they want nothing to do with, with violence at all hands. Its very sad how but gender has nothing to do with it. It does not surprise me.
  • the shooter went to freakin' harvard.

    what is it about that place?

    First the unabomber and now this nutbag...
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • Commy wrote:
    A female shooter is extremely unusual. Wow.

    Young people fighting a society they want nothing to do with, with violence at all hands. Its very sad how but gender has nothing to do with it. It does not surprise me.

    She isn't exactly young...

    "Amy Bishop, 42, a Harvard-educated neurobiologist who became an assistant professor at the school in 2003, has been charged with capital murder."

    she was quoted as saying, "It didn't happen. There's no way. ... They are still alive." :?
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    "he wrote:

    She isn't exactly young...

    "Amy Bishop, 42, a Harvard-educated neurobiologist who became an assistant professor at the school in 2003, has been charged with capital murder."

    she was quoted as saying, "It didn't happen. There's no way. ... They are still alive." :?

    Apparently she was just denied tenure at the university.
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    Commy wrote:
    A female shooter is extremely unusual. Wow.

    Young people fighting a society they want nothing to do with, with violence at all hands. Its very sad how but gender has nothing to do with it. It does not surprise me.

    The ideal is that gender has nothing to do with it, but the reality is quite different. Almost all of these rampaging shooters are men. Perhaps things are changing.
  • I'm surprised so few people have commented on the fact that this is a middle-aged woman who went to Harvard... not exactly the typical aggressor in "school shootings" (a teenage boy with a poor upbringing who has been bullied his whole life)
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    I'm surprised so few people have commented on the fact that this is a middle-aged woman who went to Harvard... not exactly the typical aggressor in "school shootings" (a teenage boy with a poor upbringing who has been bullied his whole life)

    This case is more similar to the classic "postal shooting" scenario, in which middle-agred man gets "tired" and finally snaps, shooting up the workplace.
  • I'm surprised so few people have commented on the fact that this is a middle-aged woman who went to Harvard... not exactly the typical aggressor in "school shootings" (a teenage boy with a poor upbringing who has been bullied his whole life)

    This case is more similar to the classic "postal shooting" scenario, in which middle-agred man gets "tired" and finally snaps, shooting up the workplace.

    yeah... like the movie "He Was a Quiet Man."

    geez... just take the office copier out to a field and beat it with baseball bats like the rest of us! :lol:
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • dasvidanadasvidana Grand Junction CO Posts: 1,356
    I cannot believe the latest news....saddens me to think that people are just trying to learn/teach and end up getting shot. I just wish we could institute rules to make schools as safe as airports and government buildings. If that means metal detectors and armed guards at the doors, so be it.
    It's nice to be nice to the nice.
  • __ Posts: 6,651
    dasvidana wrote:
    I cannot believe the latest news....saddens me to think that people are just trying to learn/teach and end up getting shot. I just wish we could institute rules to make schools as safe as airports and government buildings. If that means metal detectors and armed guards at the doors, so be it.

    This made me wonder.... Have any of you seen data on whether an person more likely to be killed in a school shooting or in a hijacked plane in the US? Gotta be school shooting, right?
  • scb wrote:
    dasvidana wrote:
    I cannot believe the latest news....saddens me to think that people are just trying to learn/teach and end up getting shot. I just wish we could institute rules to make schools as safe as airports and government buildings. If that means metal detectors and armed guards at the doors, so be it.

    This made me wonder.... Have any of you seen data on whether an person more likely to be killed in a school shooting or in a hijacked plane in the US? Gotta be school shooting, right?

    I'd be willing to bet both are less likely than say... getting hit by lightning.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • dasvidanadasvidana Grand Junction CO Posts: 1,356 ... 2009-a.pdf

    Statistical info on youth violence in case anyone is interested.
    It's nice to be nice to the nice.
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