I know alot of people were down on people sitting down this week and I think I defended them earlier in the week. i mentioned age and injuries and other illnesses but tonight I can't defend those people that were sitting down anymore... Like I said before I have a bad back and had the flu earlier this week but once the lights go down and the boys hit the stage I am magically cured and feel 110% better and jump and dance and sing to every song until the band says they're done. Ahh, the healing power of Pearl Jam. I love this fucking band!
Think I have determined, I am going to pass...
I'll follow the thread and smile for everyone at the show.
Hub will post ticket soon!
If you decide not to go, I'm sorry, but you will utterly regret it for the rest of your life. Go....enjoy!!!
Ha-HA-Ha! I was jammin' in Row 4 seat 3 Sect. 201 !!!
ha, funny. maybe we should start a thread entitled section 201, row 4..
My fiance and I were in section 201, row 1, seats 1-2. Glad to have been with a great section. Did anyone else notice how nice the security guards were? They were like icing on the cake for a great show. Looking forward to tonight.
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
I know alot of people were down on people sitting down this week and I think I defended them earlier in the week. i mentioned age and injuries and other illnesses but tonight I can't defend those people that were sitting down anymore... Like I said before I have a bad back and had the flu earlier this week but once the lights go down and the boys hit the stage I am magically cured and feel 110% better and jump and dance and sing to every song until the band says they're done. Ahh, the healing power of Pearl Jam. I love this fucking band!
Think I have determined, I am going to pass...
I'll follow the thread and smile for everyone at the show.
Hub will post ticket soon!
Are you kidding me? This brings me back to the Devore show in 2000. I was sick as a dog with a fever, I couldn't stop coughing, I was one day removed from a horrible root canal, and the show was outdoors on a chilly 60-degree night. Oh, and I was going to the show by myself (back in the day when the 10C allowed you to buy only one ticket) because I couldn't afford a second ticket when the tickets originally went on sale.
But there was not a millisecond that went by in which I considered missing the show. And I didn't. And it rocked. And I would still be kicking myself today, many, many shows later, if I had missed it then.
Go to the show! This one's going to be epic...
Everything has chains...Absolutely nothing's changed. - PJ
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
Great show!!! Have seen 200+ concerts, but never have seen anyone jump over the railing. I was in 317 row AA, guy comes up says "would you jump?" Of course, not being THAT high, I say not a chance. 30 seconds later, over he goes. I hope no one below was hurt. After not moving for a minute or two, the guy was taken out on a stretcher. Big buzz kill, hope the guy is ok.
Can't wait for tonight, but PLEASE, nobody jump.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
Are you kidding me? This brings me back to the Devore show in 2000. I was sick as a dog with a fever, I couldn't stop coughing, I was one day removed from a horrible root canal, and the show was outdoors on a chilly 60-degree night. Oh, and I was going to the show by myself (back in the day when the 10C allowed you to buy only one ticket) because I couldn't afford a second ticket when the tickets originally went on sale.
But there was not a millisecond that went by in which I considered missing the show. And I didn't. And it rocked. And I would still be kicking myself today, many, many shows later, if I had missed it then.
Go to the show! This one's going to be epic...
I hear what you are saying, but -- how old were you in 2000? I'm old (40), at least according to the young whippersnappers on this board, and my kids don't stop making demands of me just because I am sick. Telling myself that later I would regret not attending last night's show got me through it, and it was great. I don't know if I can take two nights in a row like this, though. If you go tonight, and you see an "old" woman faint, do her a favor and catch her, please (I'm not heavy).
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
I hear what you are saying, but -- how old were you in 2000? I'm old (40), at least according to the young whippersnappers on this board, and my kids don't stop making demands of me just because I am sick. Telling myself that later I would regret not attending last night's show got me through it, and it was great. I don't know if I can take two nights in a row like this, though. If you go tonight, and you see an "old" woman faint, do her a favor and catch her, please (I'm not heavy).
i'm "old" too and i havent been feeling well this week either so i definitely feel your pain. i dont have kids so i couldnt imagine how drained you must be right now. i hope you can catch a good nap and be rested enough to enjoy what will probably be one of the best pj shows ever!
If nothing is everything, I'll have it all
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
i'm "old" too and i havent been feeling well this week either so i definitely feel your pain. i dont have kids so i couldnt imagine how drained you must be right now. i hope you can catch a good nap and be rested enough to enjoy what will probably be one of the best pj shows ever!
Thank you. At the very least, I plan to nap in the car until 8:15 or so. I would hate to miss the best Halloween party ever.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Are you kidding me? This brings me back to the Devore show in 2000. I was sick as a dog with a fever, I couldn't stop coughing, I was one day removed from a horrible root canal, and the show was outdoors on a chilly 60-degree night. Oh, and I was going to the show by myself (back in the day when the 10C allowed you to buy only one ticket) because I couldn't afford a second ticket when the tickets originally went on sale.
But there was not a millisecond that went by in which I considered missing the show. And I didn't. And it rocked. And I would still be kicking myself today, many, many shows later, if I had missed it then.
Go to the show! This one's going to be epic...
Still debating! If it was just a cold I was getting over, I'd definitely not hesitate. But I was so sick a couple days ago, I almost had to go to the hospital.
I am not young, young (31)...but we'll see! I'm sure it WILL be an awesome night.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I'll ride the wave,Where it takes me, I'll hold the pain, Release me"
"I'm not about to give thanks or appologize"
"Caught a bolt of lighting, cursed the day he let it go"
Highlights: pretty much everything, but particularly the crowd and the band's reaction to it, In My Tree, Breath, and mamasan in reverse.
My thirteenth show. The first will always be on a pedestal for sentimental reasons, but Friday might become #1b. After Gonna See My Friend and the Fixer I was thinking it may be a more run of the mill show but then Matt kicked in with In My Tree, which is one of my favorites. The span from the start of it through Deep was probably the most unbelievable stretch of a show I had seen: GtF, Tremor Christ, MFC, it was just all unreal. For me Habit and Cropduster brought a bit of a lull, but the rest of the first set (Present Tense!) was phenomenal.
In the encores, the string quartet, with Eddie introducing and thanking each member individually, was nice and Jeremy may have been the best version I have heard. I was on a high from it, but nothing could prepare me for what was next. After my fifth or sixth show I started making a list of the ten favorite songs I hadn't yet heard them play live. Breath has always been number one. Like most of us, I can identify nearly any of their songs within a second. At each show, before every song they play I think about how great it would be to hear the beginning of Breath. When they really went into it, it took me a couple seconds to realize it wasn't just in my head and they were actually playing it. They pulled it off marvelously, and it was well worth the wait. In the end they played four of the songs on that list: Breath (1), Tremor Christ (5), and then two off the new album I added with Force of Nature and Unthought Known. Force of Nature doesn't seem to get a ton of love, but man I like that song so much. Had the band allowed me to come up with the setlist I don't think there is much I would have changed. Reverse mamasan, Hold On, Breath, Tremor Christ, In My Tree, and Present Tense...unbelievable. I couldn't have been more happy.
I attended with show with a friend who was a PJ virgin. He didn't know much beyond the radio songs until I made him a mix CD with a few songs off each album that I am particularly fond of or songs they often play. What was great was that they ended up playing a lot of songs off the list that aren't regulars, such as In My Tree, In Hiding, and Present Tense, plus a few on the CD that are regulars with GtF and DtE. I was also thrilled that he got to hear Alive, as the song has certainly taken on a different meaning and the crowd reacts so well to it.
After the show he said that when Alive ended he assumed the show was over because they would want to close with what is more or less their anthem. But after seeing Sonic Reducer and Baba, he said he understood why they kept going. As soon as EV opened Sonic Reducer by saying "Let's play some punk rock" the crowd when batshit crazy. I like the song and all, but I have never seen the audience react to it they way it did. Unbelievable. I didn't think it was possible, but the energy grew even more for Baba. Our seats were near the top of 204. Not great, but not bad. We were near a corner so we had a pretty good view of the entire audience. A lot of people in our section were pretty lame, but it was as though every other section was on fire the entire night. I've seen some good crowds before, but nothing like what I saw last night. I normally brush off the comments about how [insert your city here] has the best crowd, but it made me believe those from Philadelphia may have a point.
Unfortunately I can't go to Saturday's show and am so envious of those of you who are going. EV said something about how it is unrealistic to play everything in the four nights because they may have to play for six hours, but I have a feeling they are going to come pretty close.
yeah...night 3 looks absolutely ridiculous
absolutely can't wait for tomorrow ... like a little kid on christmas
was there on wednesday...but don't think it will even compare to tomorrow
looks like you show 3 people got your money's worth
those encores are as good as i've seen
happy for those that got to see this show!!!
any chance they do a pre show set tomorrow ... before bad religion
i know they have done this before (gorge and boston maybe)
this seems like it would be the perfect spot for something like that
any thoughts?
I was kind of drunk (all right, real drunk) but I remember eddie mentioning trying to play their entire catalog in the spectrum, but that its too large. but, you never know, so show up early
I, too, am about to pass out, but before I do let me just say: UnBelievably PheNominal Show!!!! I went Wed. and was afraid I would never get that "out of this world, mind-bending feeling" again at a PJ show, ya know? That feeling we all had 7-10 years ago... I actually thought either I was getting too old or had seen them too many times. WRONG!!! Anyone who is secretly harboring this fear like I was, Let IT GO!! Tonight Blew my mind. Blew it, I say!!! I rocked out way harder than my years/# of shows should allow. I defied time this evening, all because this F*cking show was Ridiculous!! Tremor Christ, Off He Goes, Crazy Mary, Breathe, FOOTSTEPS for christ's sake. I can (almost) take no more. Goin tomorrow (in costume) though I could die Happy right now. Keep thinkin' about what's left for tomorrow: Release, Immortality, Come Back, Man of the Hour...etc. I don't know how I'm gonna do it. Thank you Pearl Jam. Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! You've brought my early days w/you back to me. I LOVE YOU , Always Have, Always Will. I owe you so much, I don't know how you do it. Tonight is untouchable. Brilliant. No words to do it justice...goodnight my fellow fans, all is right with the world
It is so incredible that so many people had the same overwhelmed feeling that I had last night. The best way to put it into perspective is that at one point I was so in unison with the band and was rocking so hard that I almost blacked out and fell over. Pretty crazy considering I was sober as a judge! I caught myself on the chair in the next row, embraced the moment and just went right back to going nuts. What a show! I really hope the make a DVD of these shows! It made the six and a half hour drive back to NH totally worth the pain that I am in now!
Eddie called out Joni from Australia and she was side stage for quite a bit of the show...he talked about her accident in Hawaii. BEST BAND EVER.
Does anyone who went to that show have any photos of video footage of this? Anyone? Please.
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
AWESOME SHOW !!!! The Crowd was electric and the band seemed to feed off of this.
Heard some great songs I haven't heard in awhile (Sonic Reducer Rocked !).
Philly III was GREAT !!
This was probably the 8th PJ show for my wife and the 11th or 12th for me. Coming from North Jersey, I was a little worried about heading into a Philly crowd. That being said...not only did I sit next the nicest, coolest people in Section 223, Row 18 - but this was def. one of if not the best PJ shows I have ever seen. The set list was amazing (see Tremor Christ, In Hiding, Breath, Footsteps, Light Years, etc.) and the crowd was probably the best I have ever been among. This was truly such a magic evening that right now, 24 hours later, I am still thinking about it and trying to shake it off. I had to turn down tix tonite with my buddy due to halloween family commitments - turns out he texted me taht he won lottery tix and has 10th row dead center. My only solace is that is going to be hard to match last night...Thank you Eddie, Mike, Stone, Jeff, Matt and Boom. You are such a huge part of my life...and your show made my year!! For those of you who know..you understand. Pearl Jam is a religion and Eddie is the God!
Epic show...I almost wanna say better than State College '03. I thought Wed was amazing until last night blew the nuts out of it. A little ticked i'm not there tonight...i thought i had tix for the final Spectrum show until they announced two more. Bastards. Haha. I was in 107 for both shows and yes, I was one of the giants in row 9 (white hat). Sorry for blocking the view...i hate being that guy but it's also great to be able to see without a problem
Epic show...I almost wanna say better than State College '03. I thought Wed was amazing until last night blew the nuts out of it. A little ticked i'm not there tonight...i thought i had tix for the final Spectrum show until they announced two more. Bastards. Haha. I was in 107 for both shows and yes, I was one of the giants in row 9 (white hat). Sorry for blocking the view...i hate being that guy but it's also great to be able to see without a problem
Which row? I was row 10, seat 8....wonder if you were the one in front of me.
They played Sonic Reducer I would have loved to have seen that one live
That and Footsteps were definitely my biggest/rarest highlights having seen each only *once* before
(yeah, yeah - Hold On was the biggest unexpected gem for everyone - true)
Then I thought back to the first time I saw Sonic Reducer in '95 in New Orleans and I noticed that the Official PearlJam.com Tour Setlist makes no mention what so ever of the coolest part of that specific version...
Thought I had dreamt it and couldn't find it anywhere - thank God for google and youtube
On a separate note - blew away night 2 imho, but I have no idea how they top that - at least not for me, but if they do - I may kill myself for not going tonight (#4)
i don't think you need to be disappointed. as far as the setlists are concerned, night 3 is about as close to perfect as i can imagine - even though night 4 had 40-odd songs and some incredible inclusions from way outta left field, i still think night 3 is pretty damn good-looking! wish i could have seen these 4 amazing shows - you are all incredibly fortunate people!
Sydney 3 1998; Brisbane 1 2003; Sydney 1/2/3 2003; Brisbane 1/2 2006; Sydney 1/2/3 2006; Melbourne 1/2 2006; Adelaide 2009; EV Solo Sydney 1 2011.
If you decide not to go, I'm sorry, but you will utterly regret it for the rest of your life. Go....enjoy!!!
hmmmm...back on the fence!
My fiance and I were in section 201, row 1, seats 1-2. Glad to have been with a great section. Did anyone else notice how nice the security guards were? They were like icing on the cake for a great show. Looking forward to tonight.
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Are you kidding me? This brings me back to the Devore show in 2000. I was sick as a dog with a fever, I couldn't stop coughing, I was one day removed from a horrible root canal, and the show was outdoors on a chilly 60-degree night. Oh, and I was going to the show by myself (back in the day when the 10C allowed you to buy only one ticket) because I couldn't afford a second ticket when the tickets originally went on sale.
But there was not a millisecond that went by in which I considered missing the show. And I didn't. And it rocked. And I would still be kicking myself today, many, many shows later, if I had missed it then.
Go to the show! This one's going to be epic...
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
Can't wait for tonight, but PLEASE, nobody jump.
I hear what you are saying, but -- how old were you in 2000? I'm old (40), at least according to the young whippersnappers on this board, and my kids don't stop making demands of me just because I am sick. Telling myself that later I would regret not attending last night's show got me through it, and it was great. I don't know if I can take two nights in a row like this, though. If you go tonight, and you see an "old" woman faint, do her a favor and catch her, please (I'm not heavy).
i'm "old" too and i havent been feeling well this week either so i definitely feel your pain. i dont have kids so i couldnt imagine how drained you must be right now. i hope you can catch a good nap and be rested enough to enjoy what will probably be one of the best pj shows ever!
Thank you. At the very least, I plan to nap in the car until 8:15 or so. I would hate to miss the best Halloween party ever.
Still debating! If it was just a cold I was getting over, I'd definitely not hesitate. But I was so sick a couple days ago, I almost had to go to the hospital.
I am not young, young (31)...but we'll see! I'm sure it WILL be an awesome night.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I'm not about to give thanks or appologize"
"Caught a bolt of lighting, cursed the day he let it go"
My thirteenth show. The first will always be on a pedestal for sentimental reasons, but Friday might become #1b. After Gonna See My Friend and the Fixer I was thinking it may be a more run of the mill show but then Matt kicked in with In My Tree, which is one of my favorites. The span from the start of it through Deep was probably the most unbelievable stretch of a show I had seen: GtF, Tremor Christ, MFC, it was just all unreal. For me Habit and Cropduster brought a bit of a lull, but the rest of the first set (Present Tense!) was phenomenal.
In the encores, the string quartet, with Eddie introducing and thanking each member individually, was nice and Jeremy may have been the best version I have heard. I was on a high from it, but nothing could prepare me for what was next. After my fifth or sixth show I started making a list of the ten favorite songs I hadn't yet heard them play live. Breath has always been number one. Like most of us, I can identify nearly any of their songs within a second. At each show, before every song they play I think about how great it would be to hear the beginning of Breath. When they really went into it, it took me a couple seconds to realize it wasn't just in my head and they were actually playing it. They pulled it off marvelously, and it was well worth the wait. In the end they played four of the songs on that list: Breath (1), Tremor Christ (5), and then two off the new album I added with Force of Nature and Unthought Known. Force of Nature doesn't seem to get a ton of love, but man I like that song so much. Had the band allowed me to come up with the setlist I don't think there is much I would have changed. Reverse mamasan, Hold On, Breath, Tremor Christ, In My Tree, and Present Tense...unbelievable. I couldn't have been more happy.
I attended with show with a friend who was a PJ virgin. He didn't know much beyond the radio songs until I made him a mix CD with a few songs off each album that I am particularly fond of or songs they often play. What was great was that they ended up playing a lot of songs off the list that aren't regulars, such as In My Tree, In Hiding, and Present Tense, plus a few on the CD that are regulars with GtF and DtE. I was also thrilled that he got to hear Alive, as the song has certainly taken on a different meaning and the crowd reacts so well to it.
After the show he said that when Alive ended he assumed the show was over because they would want to close with what is more or less their anthem. But after seeing Sonic Reducer and Baba, he said he understood why they kept going. As soon as EV opened Sonic Reducer by saying "Let's play some punk rock" the crowd when batshit crazy. I like the song and all, but I have never seen the audience react to it they way it did. Unbelievable. I didn't think it was possible, but the energy grew even more for Baba. Our seats were near the top of 204. Not great, but not bad. We were near a corner so we had a pretty good view of the entire audience. A lot of people in our section were pretty lame, but it was as though every other section was on fire the entire night. I've seen some good crowds before, but nothing like what I saw last night. I normally brush off the comments about how [insert your city here] has the best crowd, but it made me believe those from Philadelphia may have a point.
Unfortunately I can't go to Saturday's show and am so envious of those of you who are going. EV said something about how it is unrealistic to play everything in the four nights because they may have to play for six hours, but I have a feeling they are going to come pretty close.
I was kind of drunk (all right, real drunk) but I remember eddie mentioning trying to play their entire catalog in the spectrum, but that its too large. but, you never know, so show up early
http://www.pearljam.com/tour/show/first ... ct-30-2009
6/24/08 (MSG1)
6/25/08 (MSG2)
7/1/08 (Beacon Theater -NYC)
10/30/09 (Philly3)
5/18/10 (Newark, NJ)
5/20/10 (MSG1)
5/21/10 (MSG2)
10/18/13 (Brooklyn 1)
10/19/13 (Brooklyn 2)
5/1/16 (MSG 1)
5/2/16 (MSG 2)
3/30/20 (MSG)
9/3/24 I(MSG1)
9/4/24 (MSG 2)
Parting Ways - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxfE_yBPoTI
Hold On - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOy_YcjdaKQ
Tremor Christ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV33o4ATs_s
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
(and feel free to add in Amongst The Waves, I Got ID and Crown of Thorns if you feel like it!)
Does anyone who went to that show have any photos of video footage of this? Anyone? Please.
Heard some great songs I haven't heard in awhile (Sonic Reducer Rocked !).
Philly III was GREAT !!
Which row? I was row 10, seat 8....wonder if you were the one in front of me.
That and Footsteps were definitely my biggest/rarest highlights having seen each only *once* before
(yeah, yeah - Hold On was the biggest unexpected gem for everyone - true)
Then I thought back to the first time I saw Sonic Reducer in '95 in New Orleans and I noticed that the Official PearlJam.com Tour Setlist makes no mention what so ever of the coolest part of that specific version...
Thought I had dreamt it and couldn't find it anywhere - thank God for google and youtube
Sick Memory
On a separate note - blew away night 2 imho, but I have no idea how they top that - at least not for me, but if they do - I may kill myself for not going tonight (#4)