*** Philadelphia 3 Fanviews Here 10/30/09 ***



  • HinnHinn Posts: 1,517
    Solat13 wrote:
    just looking back on the setlist...HOLY HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This might have been my favorite of the four....I mean....phew!

    I agree. Night 4 was an experience, but this was the can't miss show.

    ya think?
    i loved both nights, and am not much for comparisons....but witnessing pj dress/perform as devo, playing whip it....well, that's just too good...... :lol: i'm just soooo glad i was there for BOTH!

    i had originally really, really wanted to head to seattle, then to LA....couldn't do it.....glad i wound up in philly... :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
    Yeah, with a bit more perspective, looking back, musically I did prefer night 3. Night 3 was a perfect specimen of what a rock show should be, whereas night 4 was more of a party, a celebration, a let your hair down group hug of a show.
    115 bucks for half a haircut by a novice? I want my money back!
  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    edited November 2009
    OMG!!! Has it seriously been ONE WEEK TO THE DAY?? :shock: WTF??? Wow! That's how long it's taken me to be able to put this all into words....or attempt to anyways. haha. I seriously have to get this out!!!

    Everything still feels just as unreal now as it did last Friday! I can't tell you how many times I've just stared at this set list stuck on stupid. It's STILL not sinking in!!!!!

    Can you BELIEVE this thing?!?!?!??! :shock:


    *bows down*



    Last weekend really has me in a total blur! I knew the second these shows were announced that they would be THE shows not to miss...but nothing could have prepared me for what went down in Philly town!!!

    I hear you dream!!! The band decided not to check my travel itinerary this year (rude I tell ya!!) and as a result I was on the other side of the world Sep/early Oct. I ended up missing most of the West Coast tour. This totally just sealed the deal for me even further....I AM GOING TO PHILLY NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!! I AM MAKING THIS HAPPEN!!!!!! I was able to make it to San Diego....which was an amazing fuckin show...but I just KNEW it was only a warm up for this....THE GRAND FINALE!!!!!

    Something I must mention....one of my MOST fav boots has always been Spectrum 2003!!! *faints* Ever since then I have dreeeeamed of seeing a show in Philly and in THAT place!!! To have it happen the way it did??! Wow! DREAM COME TRUE and then some! So much emotion...added emotion because of the circumstances. Like Ed said, a lot of energy combining. Just fuckin heavy! Everything was exaggerated to the extreme. HISTORY IN THE MAKING!!!! I'm feeling more blessed than ever to have been a part of it all!!!

    I ended up getting a ticket a few hours before the show (thank you PJ angel! :) ). During BR I decided "fuck this I'm gonna go one section over and try to sit with my friends" I was able to stay there the ENTIRE show! SUCH a blessing! If I would have experienced all this ALONE?!?!??! :o Good lord!!!!! I cannot even BEGIN to imagine. Being able to experience PJ HISTORY with good friends made it all that much more amazing!!


    GONNA SEE MY FRIEND! WHAT A SICK ASS OPENER! That chorus always make me do the swim! haha. How much fun!! Perfect way to get us alllll super riled up...even more than we already were!

    YEAH YEAH YEAH during Fixer! *chills* DEAFENING!

    After the Fixer Ed talks about wishing they could have saved/fixed the Spectrum...then went onto say

    "it might be too late to save this place so lets just celebrate it!"

    That we did!!! The entire night was one MASSIVE celebration!!!!

    'theres some shit going on in this town"
    <~~~ exactly! Shits going dooooown!

    IN MY TREE!?!
    ? Ahhhh!!! :o REALLY!! RIGHT OFF THE BAT???! Oh lord this fucked me UP! New school Old school, I don't give a rats ass I just plain LOVE THIS SONG TO THE VERY CORE!!! But yeah, hearing it done old school was definitely a treat! I cant lie!!! I cant even explain how deeply this song gets me....forces me to hippie dance all over the place! *grinning from ear to ear* It's a feeling you just cant deny!! Feels sooooooo good!!! EVERYONE CLAPPIN DURING THE INTRO! Wave to all my friends!! *just got chills* cannot even PUT INTO WORDS how loud this was! Full on freak out all around!!!!

    The energy that was trapped in the Spectrum was ELECTRIC! I felt it surging through my veins every single second! It was like nothing I have ever felt before. A MAGIC ALL IT'S OWN!!!

    Alive and Given to Fly are 2 examples of songs I hear all the time but that hit me EXTRA hard because of this special Spectrum energy! SO loud and SO powerful!
    GTF, I mean come on, the song is always great live and is one of the greatest super feel good songs....it always gets me...but it never got me all like THAT!!!!


    Hooooooly!@#!!!! CRAZY LOUD!!!! *chills* *tears* Looking in every direction and seeing everyone around me grinning from ear to ear...FEELING them...elevated as one....it just brought tears to my eyes.

    I had NO time to gather myself before hearing the tweaked out, super unique, super fuckin BAD ASS intro I have been LONGING to hear......TREMOR *hits the floor* OOOOOH FUUUUUCK!!!!!!! Is this REALLY HAPPENING?!?!?!? I have been hoping and praying for this for fuckin YEARS! This song is easily fuckin TOP 5 for me!!!!! I heard it at my VERY first show back in 95 but desperately ACHED and LONGED for a refresher!!! Was so jealous of Europe and LA but NO MORE! All week before the show I was listening to it on repeat, kept telling people the VIBES WERE OUT!!!!!!! AHhhh and the boys saved it until I got there! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

    Even typing this is giving me chills and bringing me back to the feeling of hearing that INTRO KICK IN!!!!!!! Turning to everyone around me and screaming....grabbing onto my friends so I wouldn't collapse!!! TOTAL HOLY SHIT MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the MANY this night had in store! This was only the beginning!!! THIS! :o

    "little secrets" part was INSANE!!!! We were all one LOUD ASS voice!!!! *tremors* And the "I'll decide part" ???/ Forget about it!!! That part just DESTROYS ME!!!! Ugh!! One of the greatest moments of my PJ life!!!!


    "you guys are the crowd we've been waiting for"

    "the crowd this place deserves"

    WOW!!!!!!! *tears* I knew he was waiting for me to get there on Friday! ;) Really though, what a moment! SUCH a compliment and SUCH the truth! That was the crowd I HAVE been waiting for as well Eddie!!!!!!!!

    THEN YOU GO INTO UNTITLED@ *faints* Whaaat!?!??! Back to back with MFC!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YES!!!! These 2 songs just belong together. MFC is never complete to my ears without Untiltiled. Ahh and Untitled always makes me teary! Love it!! By the time MFC kicks in the entire floor is bouncing, clapping!! Everyone turning to each other singing! "There's a lot to be said for RIGHT HERE!" Amen Eddie. A LOT!!!!

    Neeeeext!!! Seriously...NO TIME to gather yourself! Can't....breathe. Just BAM BAM BAM!! We kept turning to each other going "OMG are you kidding me!? OMG! Is this real???" and then before we could even repeat our confusion....KA-BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!

    "we're gonna call this an attempt. Never played it with Matt before" (in comes Stone) "we've NEVER PLAYED IT"

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SPECTRUM EXPLODES...and so do I!!!!!!

    HOLD ON * :shock: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *hits the floor*

    This song has been an obsession since the very first second I heard it on Lost Dogs.


    I mean honestly, I always keep the hope alive but never in my wildest PJ dreams did I imagine this reeeeeally happening...like in real life!!!! My mind is completely blown to pieces over here!! Cannot believe it....transported back to the 90's and then some!! The boys musta rehearsed the shit outta this baby too!!! TOTAL PERFECTION!...! They NAAAIIIILED it!!!!! Eddie's voice?! IS THIS A JOKE!!!? TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!! Doc Brown is in the house! TIME TRAVEL!!! Holy FUCK!!!! BRAVO Matt!!!!! UNREAL!! A MILLION TIMES THANK YOU PJ FOR UNLEASHING THIS UPON PHILADELPHIA!!! I keep watching the vid on Youtube and everytime it hits me like the first!!! MINDBLOWING!!! We are SUCH LUCKY BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!! Soooooo blessed! DID THAT REALLY HAPPEN?!!??! I'LL NEVER STOP ASKING!!!!

    UNTHOUGHT KNOWN! LOVE LOVE LOVE this song! Without a doubt one of my top favs and everything is taken to even more amazing levels live! The way it builds and builds!!!!!! The crowd clappin in the beginning! "THIS IS LIVING:" shouted louder than ever/ringing truer than ever! *just got chills* :D

    Seriously Pearl Jam, were you guys just living in my head when you wrote this set?!?! Unbelievable!!!!

    IN HIDING!!!!!!!!!!
    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!@#@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INtro kicks in, everyone around lets out HUGE screams of joy! Ahhh god this song! One of the absolute GREATEST FEELINGS ON EARTH!!! The sing along is always so much fun and this one was the LOUDEST!!!!!!!!! BEYOND LOUD! *chills from head to toe* The look on Eddie's face, biggest smile! So proud!!

    "I'll tell you people right now I think thats the loudest I've ever heard that"


    High as hell!! It was just plain intoxicating being a part of this!!!!!!

    NEXT........"try this one......."

    DEEP!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: ANOTHER HOLY SHIT MOMENT IN EFFECT!!! Finally!!!
    Me and my girl Pati had been telling each other 2 things all week.....TREMOR & DEEP!!!!!!


    "she doesnt like the view....CANT TOUCH THE BOTTOM!" Everyone headbanging, screaming. Time warp AGAIN! Its the frickin 90's tonight!!

    ED~~~>"Still keep going??"

    YES...BUT NO GIVE US A MINUTE.....BUT HELL YES KEEP GOING!!!!! Ahhhh so confusing!!

    Blast into HABIT!!!!!!!!!! Funny, before the show colorsblend and decides2dream and I were all talking about least fav songs and I had to admit this is one of mine. Well, you would have NEVER GUESSED IT FRIDAY NIGHT*!!! haha. I was going nuuuts!!! What a beating! The crowd fuckin ate this one UP!!! Everyone screaming "NEVER THOUGHT YOU'D HABIT!!" Oooh man, it KICKED ASS!!! Eddie during his "speaking as a child of the 90's" , crowd exploded! Loved it!! Everywhere I looked people were headbanging and going ballistic. I think after this experience I'm now removing Habit from THAT list. God's Dice will always be there though....there's just no hope for me and that one! :p

    So after this massacre Ed checked in on us again to make sure we were ok! They knew they were dishing out a beating of a lifetime!!!! Throughout the night he kept making sure we were ok! hahaha. Loved that! At one point when he was praising the Spectrum and saying what an honor it was to be a part of this...he said he wouldnt have been possible without US...and how WE were what secured them the honor of playing the last shows ever there!!! Awwwww! SO SWEET!!! There was SO MUCH LOVE IN THE AIR!!!!!! :D

    The people in and around our row were AWESOME!!!!!!! Everyone constantly in shock!!! Mouths open, eyes about to pop outta their skulls! I loved to be surrounded by EXACTLY what I was feeling!

    But ok , Is this really still the first set?!?!!? haha. We all kept turning to each other like WTF??? INSANITY!!!!! No remorse!!!

    ICE!!! Appreciated it EXTRA much this night because it was so nice to be able to sloooow things down and just take it easy.... enjoy the song without feeling like I was about to have a frickin heart attack!

    Ed says the next song is dedicated to Ben Harper! He starts talking about how being a touring band is hard because if keeps you away not only from your family but your friends.

    "This song is what it's like to be one of our friends."

    OFF HE GOES!!!!!!!!!
    ADORE THIS SONG TO BITS! It always manages to floor me with it's sheer fuckin perfection!!!!!! It definitely owns a huge part of my PJ loving soul. Ahh and when the music kicked back in "before his first step...." The crowd was SPECTACULAR!!!!!! What a feeling!! Again, being able to just chill back and let everything soak in here was MUCH APPRECIATED!!!

    FORCE OF FUCKIN NATURE! Awwww yeeeeah!!!! God damn this song is the jaaaaam!!! *shakes hips* Everyone in our row dancing and singing along! WOoooo! Another fav! Fuckin LOOOOVE IT! As far as Backspacer songs, to get this AND Unthought Known at the same show was just THE BEST!!!!! Crowd was having a BLAST....such excitement, singing every word!! Was awesome to see this kinda reaction for this kick ass groove!!!! SOOOO deserved!!!

    PRESENT TENSE one of the songs I could hear every night (multiple times a night even) and would NEVER tire of~!!!! The essence of a PJ show! When I think of seeing PJ live this song is one of the first things that enter my mind. There is just NOTHING like the feeling of belting these words out with people that UNDERSTAND!!! *spiritual experience* All of us just completely alive in the present tense!!!! Ahhh god!!!! That breakdown...everyone clapping along!!!! With this crowd, it was all taken to NEW LEVELS!!!!!!!

    "keep it going?

    Before GOT SOME! Eddie asks "Ya need it??"

    UM! HELL YEAH WE DO!!! Even though we are completely jacked up and can't hardly breathe......DON'T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!


    loudest I have ever heard a crowd cheer for Stoney during his solo! Yeeehaw!!!

    Joni's moment! ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! Her tears were totally contagious...was crying right along with her as I'm sure many others were. It was such a touching thing to witness. SOOO overwhelmed with happiness for her. What a truly special thing for the boys to do. Very moving. Pushed my love for this band/fans to ever greater levels! Amazing!

    PARTING WAYS!!!!! With the string quartet!! *heart swells* This song = a beautiful work of art.! Demands to be felt!!!! I had to just close my eyes and let it soak through me!! One of the most GORGEOUS things I have ever heard!!!!! Matt pounding on the drums???! WHOA!

    "driftiny awaaaaay" Eddie holding it for days....we all drift!!! powerful! *chills galore*

    Was SO THRILLED to get this. and at THIS show and LIKE THIS!!! The string quartet!! LORD HAVE MERCY! Just when I thought this song could not possibly be ANY MORE AMAZING~!!!

    This is the MOST I have enjoyed this song. Ever. Period! The end! Also the best crowd participation!!! The enter place was rumbling!!!! Everyone screaming their frickin LUNGS out!!! *ears hurt* INSANELY LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God and it sounded sooooo amazing with the STRINGS!!!!!!

    BREATH!!!!!!!!!!! *chills chills chills* :D CANNOT STOP SMILING!!!!!! Entire body is one giant goosebump! hahha. Everywhere I look people are just BURSTING with joy...grabbing onto one another, hugging, high fiving, man love! It's like everything that had happened the entire night, all the love, all the out of control energy....it was all at it's GREATEST PEAK during this moment!!! United more than ever!!! Everyone finally letting it all out.....not the shock, not the "HOLY SHIT" moments....no, just the PURE FUCKIN JOY and realization of what exactly was happening to us!!! I've never felt more alive....and AWARE of being alive.....AWARE of my happiness....AWARE of full on fuckin togetherness!!!!!!!!

    "if I knew where it was"

    OUT OF THIS UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "there's NOT much more than this!!" EXACTLY!

    The song ends and we're all still standing there smiling from ear to ear...hugging one another....total bliss......them BAM....Eddie starts alks about losing people..... goes right into....

    OMG! *cries* To go from tears of joy to tears of sadness LIKE THAT was crazy. This song = too much emotion! That's the thing though, it ALWAYS transforms those tears of sadness into tears of JOY, total appreciation, makes me completely grateful for every second. No other song has touched my soul so much...by PJ, or any other band for that matter. Therapy. I've always loved Light Years (it was actually love at first listen), but if you lose someone or go through something seriously life changing...this song is totally reborn and seems to become a reflection of you, your life. This was my 2nd time ever hearing it live. With THIS crowd??? In THIS moment!!! My god. Even more emotional than the first. As the tears rained down my face, I actually remember smiling, looking up and just thinking "can you see this now???" INTENSE!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! BEYOND TOUCHED!

    RVM! saw things! WOW clap crazy! Philly was SO clappy! My kinda crowd!

    "we ain't through with you yet" WHIPPING!!!!!!!! How fitting!

    Man throughout the entire night the boys were just TOTALLY ON FIRE!!!! Sounded BETTER THAN EVER!! Eddie nailing notes from the 90's like it was his first time! Everyone up there just playing their hearts out....taking it all in....pouring it all back out x a million!!! Smiles all around. The energy and passion radiating from that stage....it was like they weren't just playing to us, they were playing TO the Spectrum. They had a job to do, tribute to pay. They wanted to make sure it was known every single SECOND just how special this experience was...how much it meant to THEM! It really, really felt like we were all in this together. Us, them, the venue, the music, the appreciation, the joy, the celebrating. We all come together to create this MASSIVE MAGICAL FORCE!!!!

    And I know I keep saying the crowd was SO LOUD, I'm aware that I sound like a broken record but I cannot stress this enough!!!! Unless you were there you wont understand...it's not an exaggeration...it's THE TRUTH~~~~>it was SO LOUD MY EARS LITERALLY HURT!!!!!!!! THEY DID!!! NO JOKE!!!!

    FOOTSTEPS!!!!! *collective gasp* HOW DROP DEAD GORGEOUS WAS THIS?!?!?! Perfection!! The crowd and band alike!! Just..........WOW!!!

    ONCE!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!!! \m/ *stomps around like a maniac* As soon as Footsteps ended I grabbed my peeps nextt to me and was like "if they go into Once I'm gonna fuckin LOSE IT!" In comes that sick ass intro!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!! Jesus christ! This song drives me WILD!!!!!!!!! Just seeing and endless row of fingers all raised up, everyone shouting "ONCE! ONCE!" at the top of their lungs! HOLY CRAP!!!! Another deafening moment...you couldnt even hear Ed! The crowd just OWNED THIS SHIT!!!!! Totally transported back to the 90's....once again!!!! The entire night was such a time warp!!!

    SONIC REDUCER!!!!!! :crazy: :twisted: Dude next to me lets out a massive "OOOOH HOLY SHIT* UH HUH! EXACTLY!

    *goes completely apeshit*

    THANK YOOOOOOU PEARL JAM!!!!!!! *fists a flyin* Good god this song brings out the beast!~!!! The entire place was either screaming all the way through or singing along.....I did my fair share of both!! At one point I even got fuckin chest pains!!! Shit was FUCKIN ME UP!!!! :o I'm like "am I about to have a heart attack during SONIC!!????!!!!!!!!" hahah. Gasping for air!!! I think this was actually when I had so many hairballs in my mouth from headbanging that I coughed and threw up! LOL!!!!! :lol: I'm telling you!!! Thats what kinda show this was!!!! COMPLETE INSANITY! People behind us were laughing at how out of our minds we were!!! :D Uggggh! This song just kicks everyones ass! \m/

    **things will be different theeeeeeeen, the sun will rise from HEEEEEEERE-AH....then i'll be ten feet tall, then you'll be NOOOOOOTHING AT AHHHHHHLL**


    I might have to rank this show as the best i have attended just looking at the set list 8-) and i have been to a few classic one's .....

    I have also seen quite a few classics in my PJ life but at this point, PHILLY 3 IS THE GREATEST PJ SHOW I HAVE EVER WITNESSED /BEEN A PART OF! ON every single level! The set list, the crowd, the band, the energy!!!!! The night was completely magical. I am not one to make huge ass statements like this (BEST SHOW etc), but I'm doing it here!!! This night was A DREAM!!! A PJ wet dream to be exact!!!!! :p A show for the freaks!!! A show that will go down in the books forever!!!! Absolutely UNREAL!!!!!!!!!

    Another thing that made this show so special was reuniting with friends. People I am use to seeing spread out on one coast or the other....ALL TOGETHER IN THIS ONE SINGLE PLACE!! Loooooved it! One massive party/reunion! So many hugs/screams shared!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! SOLAT13...you are the BEST! Thank you so much for everything! Our entire group the whole weekend...amazing people! Everyone I reunited with, new friends, old friends, EVERYONE!!! It truly made everything that much more to be surrounded by THIS kinda energy at all times!

    Here it is a WEEK LATER!!!! What a trip!! My bruises are finally starting to heal, my voice is almost back to normal (yes I'm actually STILL a bit horse!!!).....but I'll tell you, the impact of this night will be with me FOREVER!!!!!! I've honestly been flying high ever since. If I could relive this night in a loop for the rest of my life I would do it in a frickin HEARTBEAT!!!!!!

    *bows down to PHILLY*
    *bows down to the SPECTRUM (RIP)*
    *bows down to THAT SET LIST*
    *bows down to THIS CROWD*
    *bows down to THIS BAND*


    Post edited by VEDHEAD27 on

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,555
    Um could you possibly sum that up in like five sentences for those of us with add?


    make no mistake, this was the best night of the run
    notwithstanding Saturdays longer show
  • Does anyone know when bootlegs are going to be available for any of the Philly/Spectrum shows?

    It's been a week since show 3 and I can't stop thinking about how mindblowing that show was.

    I've seen Widespread Panic tons of times, and only seen Pearl Jam 3x, but Friday night was the best concert of any kind I've ever been to. I don't know if I'm ever going to another concert besides PJ after last weekend.

    I don't know what else to say besides thank you.
  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    Get_Right wrote:
    Um could you possibly sum that up in like five sentences for those of us with add?


    make no mistake, this was the best night of the run
    notwithstanding Saturdays longer show

    LOL!!! Thats the thing...THAT IS SUMMED UP!!!!!!!!! :D :P hahahaha.

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • nfanelnfanel Posts: 2,558
    VEDHEAD27 wrote:

    LOL!!! Thats the thing...THAT IS SUMMED UP!!!!!!!!! :D :P hahahaha.
    i heart you. :mrgreen:

    loved your review...no one can say it quite like you can! i wish we were back there in night 3 right now!!!
  • VEDHEAD27 wrote:
    OMG!!! Has it seriously been ONE WEEK TO THE DAY?? :shock: WTF??? Wow! That's how long it's taken me to be able to put this all into words....or attempt to anyways. haha. I seriously have to get this out!!!

    Everything still feels just as unreal now as it did last Friday! I can't tell you how many times I've just stared at this set list stuck on stupid. It's STILL not sinking in!!!!!

    Can you BELIEVE this thing?!?!?!??! :shock:


    *bows down*



    Last weekend really has me in a total blur! I knew the second these shows were announced that they would be THE shows not to miss...but nothing could have prepared me for what went down in Philly town!!!

    I hear you dream!!! The band decided not to check my travel itinerary this year (rude I tell ya!!) and as a result I was on the other side of the world Sep/early Oct. I ended up missing most of the West Coast tour. This totally just sealed the deal for me even further....I AM GOING TO PHILLY NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!! I AM MAKING THIS HAPPEN!!!!!! I was able to make it to San Diego....which was an amazing fuckin show...but I just KNEW it was only a warm up for this....THE GRAND FINALE!!!!!

    Something I must mention....one of my MOST fav boots has always been Spectrum 2003!!! *faints* Ever since then I have dreeeeamed of seeing a show in Philly and in THAT place!!! To have it happen the way it did??! Wow! DREAM COME TRUE and then some! So much emotion...added emotion because of the circumstances. Like Ed said, a lot of energy combining. Just fuckin heavy! Everything was exaggerated to the extreme. HISTORY IN THE MAKING!!!! I'm feeling more blessed than ever to have been a part of it all!!!

    I ended up getting a ticket a few hours before the show (thank you PJ angel! :) ). During BR I decided "fuck this I'm gonna go one section over and try to sit with my friends" I was able to stay there the ENTIRE show! SUCH a blessing! If I would have experienced all this ALONE?!?!??! :o Good lord!!!!! I cannot even BEGIN to imagine. Being able to experience PJ HISTORY with good friends made it all that much more amazing!!


    GONNA SEE MY FRIEND! WHAT A SICK ASS OPENER! That chorus always make me do the swim! haha. How much fun!! Perfect way to get us alllll super riled up...even more than we already were!

    YEAH YEAH YEAH during Fixer! *chills* DEAFENING!

    After the Fixer Ed talks about wishing they could have saved/fixed the Spectrum...then went onto say

    "it might be too late to save this place so lets just celebrate it!"

    That we did!!! The entire night was one MASSIVE celebration!!!!

    'theres some shit going on in this town"
    <~~~ exactly! Shits going dooooown!

    IN MY TREE!?!
    ? Ahhhh!!! :o REALLY!! RIGHT OFF THE BAT???! Oh lord this fucked me UP! New school Old school, I don't give a rats ass I just plain LOVE THIS SONG TO THE VERY CORE!!! But yeah, hearing it done old school was definitely a treat! I cant lie!!! I cant even explain how deeply this song gets me....forces me to hippie dance all over the place! *grinning from ear to ear* It's a feeling you just cant deny!! Feels sooooooo good!!! EVERYONE CLAPPIN DURING THE INTRO! Wave to all my friends!! *just got chills* cannot even PUT INTO WORDS how loud this was! Full on freak out all around!!!!

    The energy that was trapped in the Spectrum was ELECTRIC! I felt it surging through my veins every single second! It was like nothing I have ever felt before. A MAGIC ALL IT'S OWN!!!

    Alive and Given to Fly are 2 examples of songs I hear all the time but that hit me EXTRA hard because of this special Spectrum energy! SO loud and SO powerful!
    GTF, I mean come on, the song is always great live and is one of the greatest super feel good songs....it always gets me...but it never got me all like THAT!!!!


    Hooooooly!@#!!!! CRAZY LOUD!!!! *chills* *tears* Looking in every direction and seeing everyone around me grinning from ear to ear...FEELING them...elevated as one....it just brought tears to my eyes.

    I had NO time to gather myself before hearing the tweaked out, super unique, super fuckin BAD ASS intro I have been LONGING to hear......TREMOR *hits the floor* OOOOOH FUUUUUCK!!!!!!! Is this REALLY HAPPENING?!?!?!? I have been hoping and praying for this for fuckin YEARS! This song is easily fuckin TOP 5 for me!!!!! I heard it at my VERY first show back in 95 but desperately ACHED and LONGED for a refresher!!! Was so jealous of Europe and LA but NO MORE! All week before the show I was listening to it on repeat, kept telling people the VIBES WERE OUT!!!!!!! AHhhh and the boys saved it until I got there! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

    Even typing this is giving me chills and bringing me back to the feeling of hearing that INTRO KICK IN!!!!!!! Turning to everyone around me and screaming....grabbing onto my friends so I wouldn't collapse!!! TOTAL HOLY SHIT MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the MANY this night had in store! This was only the beginning!!! THIS! :o

    "little secrets" part was INSANE!!!! We were all one LOUD ASS voice!!!! *tremors* And the "I'll decide part" ???/ Forget about it!!! That part just DESTROYS ME!!!! Ugh!! One of the greatest moments of my PJ life!!!!


    "you guys are the crowd we've been waiting for"

    "the crowd this place deserves"

    WOW!!!!!!! *tears* I knew he was waiting for me to get there on Friday! ;) Really though, what a moment! SUCH a compliment and SUCH the truth! That was the crowd I HAVE been waiting for as well Eddie!!!!!!!!

    THEN YOU GO INTO UNTITLED@ *faints* Whaaat!?!??! Back to back with MFC!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YES!!!! These 2 songs just belong together. MFC is never complete to my ears without Untiltiled. Ahh and Untitled always makes me teary! Love it!! By the time MFC kicks in the entire floor is bouncing, clapping!! Everyone turning to each other singing! "There's a lot to be said for RIGHT HERE!" Amen Eddie. A LOT!!!!

    Neeeeext!!! Seriously...NO TIME to gather yourself! Can't....breathe. Just BAM BAM BAM!! We kept turning to each other going "OMG are you kidding me!? OMG! Is this real???" and then before we could even repeat our confusion....KA-BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!

    "we're gonna call this an attempt. Never played it with Matt before" (in comes Stone) "we've NEVER PLAYED IT"

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SPECTRUM EXPLODES...and so do I!!!!!!

    HOLD ON * :shock: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *hits the floor*

    This song has been an obsession since the very first second I heard it on Lost Dogs.


    I mean honestly, I always keep the hope alive but never in my wildest PJ dreams did I imagine this reeeeeally happening...like in real life!!!! My mind is completely blown to pieces over here!! Cannot believe it....transported back to the 90's and then some!! The boys musta rehearsed the shit outta this baby too!!! TOTAL PERFECTION!...! They NAAAIIIILED it!!!!! Eddie's voice?! IS THIS A JOKE!!!? TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!! Doc Brown is in the house! TIME TRAVEL!!! Holy FUCK!!!! BRAVO Matt!!!!! UNREAL!! A MILLION TIMES THANK YOU PJ FOR UNLEASHING THIS UPON PHILADELPHIA!!! I keep watching the vid on Youtube and everytime it hits me like the first!!! MINDBLOWING!!! We are SUCH LUCKY BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!! Soooooo blessed! DID THAT REALLY HAPPEN?!!??! I'LL NEVER STOP ASKING!!!!

    UNTHOUGHT KNOWN! LOVE LOVE LOVE this song! Without a doubt one of my top favs and everything is taken to even more amazing levels live! The way it builds and builds!!!!!! The crowd clappin in the beginning! "THIS IS LIVING:" shouted louder than ever/ringing truer than ever! *just got chills* :D

    Seriously Pearl Jam, were you guys just living in my head when you wrote this set?!?! Unbelievable!!!!

    IN HIDING!!!!!!!!!!
    Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!@#@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INtro kicks in, everyone around lets out HUGE screams of joy! Ahhh god this song! One of the absolute GREATEST FEELINGS ON EARTH!!! The sing along is always so much fun and this one was the LOUDEST!!!!!!!!! BEYOND LOUD! *chills from head to toe* The look on Eddie's face, biggest smile! So proud!!

    "I'll tell you people right now I think thats the loudest I've ever heard that"


    High as hell!! It was just plain intoxicating being a part of this!!!!!!

    NEXT........"try this one......."

    DEEP!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: ANOTHER HOLY SHIT MOMENT IN EFFECT!!! Finally!!!
    Me and my girl Pati had been telling each other 2 things all week.....TREMOR & DEEP!!!!!!


    "she doesnt like the view....CANT TOUCH THE BOTTOM!" Everyone headbanging, screaming. Time warp AGAIN! Its the frickin 90's tonight!!

    ED~~~>"Still keep going??"

    YES...BUT NO GIVE US A MINUTE.....BUT HELL YES KEEP GOING!!!!! Ahhhh so confusing!!

    Blast into HABIT!!!!!!!!!! Funny, before the show colorsblend and decides2dream and I were all talking about least fav songs and I had to admit this is one of mine. Well, you would have NEVER GUESSED IT FRIDAY NIGHT*!!! haha. I was going nuuuts!!! What a beating! The crowd fuckin ate this one UP!!! Everyone screaming "NEVER THOUGHT YOU'D HABIT!!" Oooh man, it KICKED ASS!!! Eddie during his "speaking as a child of the 90's" , crowd exploded! Loved it!! Everywhere I looked people were headbanging and going ballistic. I think after this experience I'm now removing Habit from THAT list. God's Dice will always be there though....there's just no hope for me and that one! :p

    So after this massacre Ed checked in on us again to make sure we were ok! They knew they were dishing out a beating of a lifetime!!!! Throughout the night he kept making sure we were ok! hahaha. Loved that! At one point when he was praising the Spectrum and saying what an honor it was to be a part of this...he said he wouldnt have been possible without US...and how WE were what secured them the honor of playing the last shows ever there!!! Awwwww! SO SWEET!!! There was SO MUCH LOVE IN THE AIR!!!!!! :D

    The people in and around our row were AWESOME!!!!!!! Everyone constantly in shock!!! Mouths open, eyes about to pop outta their skulls! I loved to be surrounded by EXACTLY what I was feeling!

    But ok , Is this really still the first set?!?!!? haha. We all kept turning to each other like WTF??? INSANITY!!!!! No remorse!!!

    ICE!!! Appreciated it EXTRA much this night because it was so nice to be able to sloooow things down and just take it easy.... enjoy the song without feeling like I was about to have a frickin heart attack!

    Ed says the next song is dedicated to Ben Harper! He starts talking about how being a touring band is hard because if keeps you away not only from your family but your friends.

    "This song is what it's like to be one of our friends."

    OFF HE GOES!!!!!!!!!
    ADORE THIS SONG TO BITS! It always manages to floor me with it's sheer fuckin perfection!!!!!! It definitely owns a huge part of my PJ loving soul. Ahh and when the music kicked back in "before his first step...." The crowd was SPECTACULAR!!!!!! What a feeling!! Again, being able to just chill back and let everything soak in here was MUCH APPRECIATED!!!

    FORCE OF FUCKIN NATURE! Awwww yeeeeah!!!! God damn this song is the jaaaaam!!! *shakes hips* Everyone in our row dancing and singing along! WOoooo! Another fav! Fuckin LOOOOVE IT! As far as Backspacer songs, to get this AND Unthought Known at the same show was just THE BEST!!!!! Crowd was having a BLAST....such excitement, singing every word!! Was awesome to see this kinda reaction for this kick ass groove!!!! SOOOO deserved!!!

    PRESENT TENSE one of the songs I could hear every night (multiple times a night even) and would NEVER tire of~!!!! The essence of a PJ show! When I think of seeing PJ live this song is one of the first things that enter my mind. There is just NOTHING like the feeling of belting these words out with people that UNDERSTAND!!! *spiritual experience* All of us just completely alive in the present tense!!!! Ahhh god!!!! That breakdown...everyone clapping along!!!! With this crowd, it was all taken to NEW LEVELS!!!!!!!

    "keep it going?

    Before GOT SOME! Eddie asks "Ya need it??"

    UM! HELL YEAH WE DO!!! Even though we are completely jacked up and can't hardly breathe......DON'T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!


    loudest I have ever heard a crowd cheer for Stoney during his solo! Yeeehaw!!!

    Joni's moment! ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! Her tears were totally contagious...was crying right along with her as I'm sure many others were. It was such a touching thing to witness. SOOO overwhelmed with happiness for her. What a truly special thing for the boys to do. Very moving. Pushed my love for this band/fans to ever greater levels! Amazing!

    PARTING WAYS!!!!! With the string quartet!! *heart swells* This song = a beautiful work of art.! Demands to be felt!!!! I had to just close my eyes and let it soak through me!! One of the most GORGEOUS things I have ever heard!!!!! Matt pounding on the drums???! WHOA!

    "driftiny awaaaaay" Eddie holding it for days....we all drift!!! powerful! *chills galore*

    Was SO THRILLED to get this. and at THIS show and LIKE THIS!!! The string quartet!! LORD HAVE MERCY! Just when I thought this song could not possibly be ANY MORE AMAZING~!!!

    This is the MOST I have enjoyed this song. Ever. Period! The end! Also the best crowd participation!!! The enter place was rumbling!!!! Everyone screaming their frickin LUNGS out!!! *ears hurt* INSANELY LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God and it sounded sooooo amazing with the STRINGS!!!!!!

    BREATH!!!!!!!!!!! *chills chills chills* :D CANNOT STOP SMILING!!!!!! Entire body is one giant goosebump! hahha. Everywhere I look people are just BURSTING with joy...grabbing onto one another, hugging, high fiving, man love! It's like everything that had happened the entire night, all the love, all the out of control energy....it was all at it's GREATEST PEAK during this moment!!! United more than ever!!! Everyone finally letting it all out.....not the shock, not the "HOLY SHIT" moments....no, just the PURE FUCKIN JOY and realization of what exactly was happening to us!!! I've never felt more alive....and AWARE of being alive.....AWARE of my happiness....AWARE of full on fuckin togetherness!!!!!!!!

    "if I knew where it was"

    OUT OF THIS UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "there's NOT much more than this!!" EXACTLY!

    The song ends and we're all still standing there smiling from ear to ear...hugging one another....total bliss......them BAM....Eddie starts alks about losing people..... goes right into....

    OMG! *cries* To go from tears of joy to tears of sadness LIKE THAT was crazy. This song = too much emotion! That's the thing though, it ALWAYS transforms those tears of sadness into tears of JOY, total appreciation, makes me completely grateful for every second. No other song has touched my soul so much...by PJ, or any other band for that matter. Therapy. I've always loved Light Years (it was actually love at first listen), but if you lose someone or go through something seriously life changing...this song is totally reborn and seems to become a reflection of you, your life. This was my 2nd time ever hearing it live. With THIS crowd??? In THIS moment!!! My god. Even more emotional than the first. As the tears rained down my face, I actually remember smiling, looking up and just thinking "can you see this now???" INTENSE!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! BEYOND TOUCHED!

    RVM! saw things! WOW clap crazy! Philly was SO clappy! My kinda crowd!

    "we ain't through with you yet" WHIPPING!!!!!!!! How fitting!

    Man throughout the entire night the boys were just TOTALLY ON FIRE!!!! Sounded BETTER THAN EVER!! Eddie nailing notes from the 90's like it was his first time! Everyone up there just playing their hearts out....taking it all in....pouring it all back out x a million!!! Smiles all around. The energy and passion radiating from that stage....it was like they weren't just playing to us, they were playing TO the Spectrum. They had a job to do, tribute to pay. They wanted to make sure it was known every single SECOND just how special this experience was...how much it meant to THEM! It really, really felt like we were all in this together. Us, them, the venue, the music, the appreciation, the joy, the celebrating. We all come together to create this MASSIVE MAGICAL FORCE!!!!

    And I know I keep saying the crowd was SO LOUD, I'm aware that I sound like a broken record but I cannot stress this enough!!!! Unless you were there you wont understand...it's not an exaggeration...it's THE TRUTH~~~~>it was SO LOUD MY EARS LITERALLY HURT!!!!!!!! THEY DID!!! NO JOKE!!!!

    FOOTSTEPS!!!!! *collective gasp* HOW DROP DEAD GORGEOUS WAS THIS?!?!?! Perfection!! The crowd and band alike!! Just..........WOW!!!

    ONCE!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!!! \m/ *stomps around like a maniac* As soon as Footsteps ended I grabbed my peeps nextt to me and was like "if they go into Once I'm gonna fuckin LOSE IT!" In comes that sick ass intro!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!! Jesus christ! This song drives me WILD!!!!!!!!! Just seeing and endless row of fingers all raised up, everyone shouting "ONCE! ONCE!" at the top of their lungs! HOLY CRAP!!!! Another deafening moment...you couldnt even hear Ed! The crowd just OWNED THIS SHIT!!!!! Totally transported back to the 90's....once again!!!! The entire night was such a time warp!!!

    SONIC REDUCER!!!!!! :crazy: :twisted: Dude next to me lets out a massive "OOOOH HOLY SHIT* UH HUH! EXACTLY!

    *goes completely apeshit*

    THANK YOOOOOOU PEARL JAM!!!!!!! *fists a flyin* Good god this song brings out the beast!~!!! The entire place was either screaming all the way through or singing along.....I did my fair share of both!! At one point I even got fuckin chest pains!!! Shit was FUCKIN ME UP!!!! :o I'm like "am I about to have a heart attack during SONIC!!????!!!!!!!!" hahah. Gasping for air!!! I think this was actually when I had so many hairballs in my mouth from headbanging that I coughed and threw up! LOL!!!!! :lol: I'm telling you!!! Thats what kinda show this was!!!! COMPLETE INSANITY! People behind us were laughing at how out of our minds we were!!! :D Uggggh! This song just kicks everyones ass! \m/

    **things will be different theeeeeeeen, the sun will rise from HEEEEEEERE-AH....then i'll be ten feet tall, then you'll be NOOOOOOTHING AT AHHHHHHLL**


    I might have to rank this show as the best i have attended just looking at the set list 8-) and i have been to a few classic one's .....

    I have also seen quite a few classics in my PJ life but at this point, PHILLY 3 IS THE GREATEST PJ SHOW I HAVE EVER WITNESSED /BEEN A PART OF! ON every single level! The set list, the crowd, the band, the energy!!!!! The night was completely magical. I am not one to make huge ass statements like this (BEST SHOW etc), but I'm doing it here!!! This night was A DREAM!!! A PJ wet dream to be exact!!!!! :p A show for the freaks!!! A show that will go down in the books forever!!!! Absolutely UNREAL!!!!!!!!!

    Another thing that made this show so special was reuniting with friends. People I am use to seeing spread out on one coast or the other....ALL TOGETHER IN THIS ONE SINGLE PLACE!! Loooooved it! One massive party/reunion! So many hugs/screams shared!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! SOLAT13...you are the BEST! Thank you so much for everything! Our entire group the whole weekend...amazing people! Everyone I reunited with, new friends, old friends, EVERYONE!!! It truly made everything that much more to be surrounded by THIS kinda energy at all times!

    Here it is a WEEK LATER!!!! What a trip!! My bruises are finally starting to heal, my voice is almost back to normal (yes I'm actually STILL a bit horse!!!).....but I'll tell you, the impact of this night will be with me FOREVER!!!!!! I've honestly been flying high ever since. If I could relive this night in a loop for the rest of my life I would do it in a frickin HEARTBEAT!!!!!!

    *bows down to PHILLY*
    *bows down to the SPECTRUM (RIP)*
    *bows down to THAT SET LIST*
    *bows down to THIS CROWD*
    *bows down to THIS BAND*



    Amen,now thats a fuckn review. I was thinking how to explain this show but ill just reads yours again and smile.
    Go Birds!!!!
  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    Awwww! I heart you too Nicole! :D Glad you enjoyed the fuckin novel!! And you see, I knew I forgot to mention something!!! There's just no WAY to sum up this madness! haha.



    (((( :D:D:D:D ))))
    PERFECT END TO A PERFECT NIGHT!!!!!! *tearing up over here* It was just the epitome of PURE HAPPINESS!!!!!

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    Amen,now thats a fuckn review. I was thinking how to explain this show but ill just reads yours again and smile.

    haha. Thanks bud!! :D I knew it would be a challenge to put the experience of THIS NIGHT into word form....but I also knew once I started I would NOT BE ABLE TO STOP!!!!!

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • Back_PedalBack_Pedal Posts: 1,171
    I needed a week to fully let this show sink in. Honest to God, I don't think I'll see a better show in terms of setlist, crowd energy, and passionate performance. At the end of the night when the lights when on and the boys broke out Baba O'Riley, there wasn't a single soul in the place sitting down, and it wasn't just for that song, it was for the whole night. There was such an amazing atmosphere of celebration, unity, and fun, and I'll never forget it.

    And man, what a show to start off my Live PJ career.
    Thanks EPOTTSIII!
    "Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
    424, xxx
  • That reveiw sum's it up to a tee thank you for that reveiw .I would of never been able to explain it that well thank you so much VEDHEAD. :D:D:D:D
  • SOLAT319SOLAT319 Posts: 4,594
    vitodacat wrote:
    Solat13 wrote:
    just looking back on the setlist...HOLY HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This might have been my favorite of the four....I mean....phew!

    I agree. Night 4 was an experience, but this was the can't miss show.

    I am in total agreement with this....night 3 was far and away the best show musicwise

    100% agree! Can't believe I was there a week ago....

    The next tour couldn't come soon enough! :twisted:
    I have no patience for bad music and stupid people...

    The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED

    #resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
    #standingman #duranadam
  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    Back_Pedal wrote:
    I needed a week to fully let this show sink in. Honest to God, I don't think I'll see a better show in terms of setlist, crowd energy, and passionate performance. At the end of the night when the lights when on and the boys broke out Baba O'Riley, there wasn't a single soul in the place sitting down, and it wasn't just for that song, it was for the whole night. There was such an amazing atmosphere of celebration, unity, and fun, and I'll never forget it.

    AMEN AMEN! It's sooooooooo true!!!! :D Ahhhh BABA!!!!



    YAY! You're welcome lukinforredmosquitos!!

    And I am with you Selin!!! I will NEVER believe that I was there!! This night is just TOO much to wrap your head around!!! Like Pati and I kept saying "is this a joke??? are we being punked?!?" haha. :lol: Just WAAAY TOO RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING!!!!!!

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • SOLAT319SOLAT319 Posts: 4,594
    LYDIA! you have no idea how fucking glad I am to see you and your kick ass reviews back here!

    I have no patience for bad music and stupid people...

    The whole world will be different soon the whole world will be RELIEVED

    #resistgezi #resistturkey #resisttaksim #direnturkiye #direngezi
    #standingman #duranadam
  • HinnHinn Posts: 1,517
    After night 3...

    'Fuck me, I'm retiring, no more, that'll do me right there... wait, there's one more night? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shittttttttttttttttttttt'

    Frick on a stick that was one brilliantly awesome show.
    115 bucks for half a haircut by a novice? I want my money back!
  • Hinn wrote:
    After night 3...

    'Fuck me, I'm retiring, no more, that'll do me right there... wait, there's one more night? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shittttttttttttttttttttt'

    Frick on a stick that was one brilliantly awesome show.
    That's what I felt too until I heard Out of My Mind on Sat. I'd hang it up now but still have a few years til DLT can tour on his own. Gotta teach the 2nd generation Jammers how it's done to carry on.:-D
    "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." Albert Pine.

  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    Hinn wrote:
    After night 3...

    'Fuck me, I'm retiring, no more, that'll do me right there... wait, there's one more night? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shittttttttttttttttttttt

    hahaha. YES!!! I love it!! :lol: I felt the EXACT same way!! :D I kept asking myself what the HELL is left? Where do you go from HERE??? Saturday night was definitely special and yeah Tuolumne Mama, hearing OUT OF MY MIND made the entire show for me....but still, the impact of Friday night is just unmatchable imo...on soooooo many levels.

    Aww and thanks Selin, good to be back. ;)

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • Check out the "Breathe" from 10/30 on Youtube. It's one of the best McCready solos (at the end of the song) I've ever heard. Definetly some Jimmy Page influence in there!
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,555
    edited November 2009
    I cannot get reviewmirror out of my head

    Its been stuck there since this show

    the band kicked the shit out of that song and the place was going nuts when the strobes hit

    what great fun

    boots, i need boots!!!!!
    Post edited by Get_Right on
  • ZosoZoso Posts: 6,425
    Get_Right wrote:
    I cannot get reviewmirror out of my

    Its been stuck there since this show

    the band kicked the shit out of that song and the place was going nuts when the strobes hit

    what great fun

    boots, i need boots!!!!!

    don't we all!!!
    I'm just flying around the other side of the world to say I love you

    Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl

    I love you forever and forever :)

    Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
  • Joni-LeeJoni-Lee Posts: 430
    I'd say I was bawling my eyes out :) Went down the stairs then had to go all the way back up again to show my ID :)

    Black-12 wrote:
    Tonight was hands down my best show ever! The energy was like nothing I have ever experancied. It's 3 in the morning and I'm in the cab with my very good friend Joni. I'm am so very happy for her. She had a bad car crash in maui while out there to see Ed. She was in the hospital for 4 days.

    Tonight Ed called her up and she got to see the show from the side of the stage. This ment everything to her! So for me that just made tonight extra special.

    Thanks again 10 club for 6th row center. I can't even wit for tomorrow night! I do believe we are making some history this week!

    i could see her as she made her way down from the 200's section, it looked like she was crying
  • Joni-LeeJoni-Lee Posts: 430
    Awwww what a beautiful message. Yankee Joni...my new friend :) please email me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:jonijames@hotmail.com">jonijames@hotmail.com</a><!-- e --> and please share the photo of us with me. I'll post it on Facebook.

    Something has most definitely happened to me since the accident. It's a bit of good karma and my Pa watching out above for me xxxx

    Congrats Joni! What a great memory to have![/size]

    The entire night was total KARMA. It gives me chills to think about how perfectly this all fell together. I had previously hooked Joni up with her original ticket for that night and we began corresponding after that. I had also first met DemetriosPearlJam as a result since I have the same first name as she. I then coined us the Aussie Joni and Yankee Joni to keep up straight on the boards. When Ed started talking about a car accident and Joni, the tears started pouring down my face since it was all just meant to be that she was there and it all came together. I finally got to meet her in person the next night and she is a beautiful and wonderful person. She shared her experience and showed me her photos and we giggled like school girls. We talked awhile and it's remarkable how life throws you some horrible curves at times but in the end it all works out and as she explained to me, her life has been going very well since then. A truly remarkable woman and am proud to call my friend. I cherish the picture I have of the two "Joni's" and memory now of that night. I hope she has fun the rest of her trip in NYC and safe travels back to Australia. Besides this the setlist for this night was incredible and it is probably one of the best shows I have ever seen in 35 years of attending concerts including seeing the orginal Who.
  • Joni-LeeJoni-Lee Posts: 430
    Ohhhhh D what a beautiful message. And thank you for reminding me of the introduction to Mary and Bill and getting the whole amazing Hawaii journey started. I feel bad for not remembering this and owe you so much appreciation. I'm sorry too that we didn't get much time in Philly. That's my only regret...I never had enough time for everyone but I sure gave it a good crack. What a journey...what amazing new friends I have. You are a generous soul...be happy and keep smiling...let's aim to meet again next year and spread some aloha.

    Love xxxx

    demetrios wrote:
    Night 3 .. Sec 102 .. Row 20 .. Seat 7! :)

    What an AMAZING FUCKING DAY!!!!! Preparty first, was another great time. Won a signed Tom Tomorrow poster! :) Got a few freebie goodies passed around. The weather was just sweet!

    The seats tonight was great. Sitting next to Jim (jimbojones1138) tonight! :) The show again was fanominal! :) Seeing mamson played backwords, Sonic Reducer, Baba, BREATH .. oh mama! It was amazing. The friends who sat on the left of us scored front row seats the other night. They were so flipping this night, so wore we! :)

    When Ed talked about Joni, seeing her come downstairs in tears from the left side of us (mike's side), gave us all goosebumps. Brings back memories of month's back. Joni asked me if I knew anybody in Hawaii. To hook up etc.. I knew 2 friends on my Facebook account, Bill & Mary who could help out. Things were set. Days after the crash, hearing what happen. Tears on my face, with new's they had her in their arms, almost pronounced ... .. :( But lord helped her to get well. It was faith & friendship that kept things together. It was my first time seeing Joni, Night 1 @ the preparty. I saw those TimTam's but missed out on a crunch. D'oh! Maybe next time. ;) Think she's now in NYC. Safe travels back to Australia, Joni! :)

    After the show, yet again, we all went back to McFaddens. Time was getting late, but we were getting hungry. Zack & Bobby were to be going to Pat's for some Philly Cheese Steaks. Something I haven't tried yet. So we tagged along. Those were so good. The line up @ Pat's & Geno's (who was across the street) was huge. By the window we could see crates of Cheese Whiz. I've been to Costco many times, and swear I have never seen these huge can's before. Got a Philly Cheese Steak with Oinions, Frutiopia & a sweet Pizza Pie Fries. Pizza Pie Fries, mama mia! Those were so gooooooooood!!!!

  • Joni-LeeJoni-Lee Posts: 430
    And D....I hope you got double wit with your cheesesteak! They are the bomb. I preferred Geno's to Pat's. I went three times :)
  • E.KE.K New South Wales, Australia Posts: 7,726
    Hi Joni, Glad you're back in Oz safe and sound and now it's time for the Australian shows..

    Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006;  Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024

  • E.K wrote:
    Hi Joni, Glad you're back in Oz safe and sound and now it's time for the Australian shows..

    +1 8-)
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • E.KE.K New South Wales, Australia Posts: 7,726
    E.K wrote:
    Hi Joni, Glad you're back in Oz safe and sound and now it's time for the Australian shows..

    +1 8-)

    Are you coming down for the Australian shows, Dimi?
    You know you want to. :)
    Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006;  Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024

  • Get_Right wrote:
    I cannot get reviewmirror out of my head

    Its been stuck there since this show

    the band kicked the shit out of that song and the place was going nuts when the strobes hit

    what great fun

    boots, i need boots!!!!!

    I know I can't stop listening to it now! It really was an insanely ass kicking show.
  • E.K wrote:
    E.K wrote:
    Hi Joni, Glad you're back in Oz safe and sound and now it's time for the Australian shows..

    +1 8-)

    Are you coming down for the Australian shows, Dimi?
    You know you want to. :)
    "...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
    "..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
    “..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
  • Def in Da kids top 5 shows ever wow the seating lottery 9 row closest Da kids been since ivering plaza played da kids 2 fav songs in Breath and PT plus seeing and hearing what happened to Joni and witnessing ev come throu like that Awesome Btw Joni great meeting ya never made it to Deliahas maybe next time Da kids in Philly
    Let's Go Yanks!
    96)Randalls Island I,II
    98)NJ,MSG I,II
    00) Virginia Beach Jones Beach I,II,III Saratoga Springs Seattle I
    03)Nassau Camden I MSG I,II NJ
    04)Boston I,II Reading
    05)Montreal Ottawa Toronto Borgata I,II Philly
    06) Irving plaza Albany Hartford Camden I,II NJ I,II LA I,II Gorge I,II
    08)Roo Camden I,II MSG I,II Hartford Beacon
    09)Chicago I,II Philly II,III,IV
    10)Hartford Newark MSG I,II
    11)PJ20 I,II
    13)Wrigley Brooklyn I,II Hartford
    15)Central Park
    16)MSG I,II
    17)Wrigley I,II
    18)Wrigley I,II
    24)MSG I,II
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