I don't think I've ever been anywhere where I couldn't get one of my kids to be quiet. Granted, it might take me getting a toy or some candy but silence is greater than a few bucks because nothing is worse than a kid showing his or her ass out in public.
That being said, this old dude would have got me put in the Ass Whipping Hall of Fame if he had tried that shit with one of mine.
That's pretty ballsy though. To hit a kid that you don't know in the world's largest retail chain with more security cameras than any place in the known universe. That's fucking old school.
some of us don't have kids so we don't have to deal with that shit, why should we shut up and deal with other people's shit?
Hmm, easy answer here - because you elected to venture out into a public place like Walmart and took the assumed risk that you may end up hearing some noise while you're there, possibly from a child.
If your kids have any effect on my life whatsoever, either by being loud or otherwise, I'll speak my mind and if you proceed to tell me to go fuck myself... well that may not be a wise choice of yours.
This is quite possibly the most arrogant and self-centered post I have ever read on the pit. Just wow.
It's amazing how elitist some of you are when it comes to children. "Attention Walmart shoppers: Please muzzle your children immediately. Queen Heineken Helen has entered the store and demands total silence!"
I was in a Walmart in Wyoming last week and there was a kid acting nuts and got about ten warnings from his Dad before finally getting yanked over his Dad's knee and getting a stiff spanking. It shut the kid up. I saw them 15 minutes later and he was still well behaved. You usually don't see stuff like that anymore thanks to the politically correct society we live in.
The moral of the story is that people that shop at Walmart like to beat up kids . . . and buy $9.99 DVD's.
thats shocking!!! dvds are $9.99 over there!!!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
What's even worse than a screamin kid is a screamin kid who has been warned "keep it up and no toy" but they keep it up AND get the toy.
Its not so much about the kid screamin, its how parents deal with it. FOLLOW THROUGH!!! Kids aren't dumb, you threaten them then don't follow through they know they can do what they want. I saw this happen at Yankee Candle and I wanted to slap the mother. My boyfriend does it all the time with his kid, threatens this or that but let's her do what she wants anyway.
Parents, its YOUR fault if the kid acts up, public or not. Thank god my 2 year old nephew knows better, one look from his Aunty and he knows what time it is.
Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one.
"do gay midgets come out of the cupboard"
some of us don't have kids so we don't have to deal with that shit, why should we shut up and deal with other people's shit?
Hmm, easy answer here - because you elected to venture out into a public place like Walmart and took the assumed risk that you may end up hearing some noise while you're there, possibly from a child.
If your kids have any effect on my life whatsoever, either by being loud or otherwise, I'll speak my mind and if you proceed to tell me to go fuck myself... well that may not be a wise choice of yours.
This is quite possibly the most arrogant and self-centered post I have ever read on the pit. Just wow.
It's amazing how elitist some of you are when it comes to children. "Attention Walmart shoppers: Please muzzle your children immediately. Queen Heineken Helen has entered the store and demands total silence!"
I would have fucked that guy over right there. Screaming kids on planes, in malls, etc, piss me off too but I would never condone violence, whether it be name calling or aggression against the child or its parents. I have no children and hope to so Im just not use to kids screaming. Some people dont deserve kids
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
I'm wondering if kids should not go out in public or if people who can't handle a kid crying should stay home.
I have an answer for that one...when I was a kid, my little brother (who was about 2 or 3) used to throw tantrums in stores all the time. One day, my mom had enough. She said to him, "If you throw one more tantrum while we're in here, I'm not taking you to the store for a YEAR." Sure enough, while we were there he threw a tantrum...and she kept her word. My brother wasn't allowed in any store for an entire year. He never threw a tantrum in public again.
Moral of the story...kids who are acting like that need to be taught that it's not appropriate, and they need to be disciplined.
I find that extreme. I think one should make sure when they make threats they make them reasonable and carry through. I'm surprised he knew how to act in public without being there to learn.
When my daughter was young, we'd go out to eat at a family restaurant, (did you catch the family part of the restaurant), anyway, I'd make her sit near the wall/window and me on the outside and her brother across from us. Well, instead of asking me to get out, she'd crawl underneath the table. I found it embarassing. One day, I said that if she does it again, I am going to do it too. Well, she did it and so did I. I never had that problem again. Because of that incident, my son learned I ain't kidding when I threaten. So, he got in a bad habit of doing his homework and forgetting to take it to school. In junior high, he was still doing this. I told him I would pin it on him and walk him to school if he didn't learn to do this himself. He knew I meant it and I didn't have to carry through. His homework got to school.
I also learned while raising my kids to not have the "cuz I said so additude". I learned that all I wanted was results and would do what it takes to get that. The "cuz I said so" never worked. Stern punishment doesn't either. Discipline is different. Its them learning to internalize and behave without my threats. They discipline themselves. I think that is lacking with a lot of kids. They only know what to do when their parents are there and punishing. They are loss without the parent bitching. Discipline is them directing themselves, which takes time.
My 30 yr. old daughter and I had to go to court this past Tuesday. My daughter was dressed appropriately and addressed the court mannerfully. Most people in there had not learned this, likely cuz they only were "ordered to be mannerful" and they were inappropriate and dressed in jeans and spoke to the judge using slang and just rude.
I was proud. I had taught her to do this without me.
Stranger allegedly slaps crying child in store By Gabriel Falcon
AC360° Writer
Roger Stephens allegedly slapped a stranger's crying toddler in a Walmart store in Stone Mountain, Georgia.
(CNN) -- A Georgia man allegedly slapped a toddler at a Walmart store because she wouldn't stop crying, authorities said.
Roger Stephens, 61, was arrested Monday and charged with first-degree cruelty to children. An incident report obtained from police in Gwinnett County indicated Stephens did not know the 2-year-old girl he stands accused of hitting.
The confrontation happened shortly before noon at the Walmart in Stone Mountain, a suburb of Atlanta.
According to the arresting officer, the child's mother said her daughter was crying as they walked down one of the aisles.
The mother said a stranger later identified as Stephens approached them and said, "If you don't shut the baby up, I will shut her up for you." Video Watch what the stranger said »
A few moments later, while the mother and the crying child were in another aisle, Stephens allegedly grabbed the girl and slapped her across the face.
Police said he hit her four or five times. "See, I told you I would shut her up," the suspect allegedly told the mother.
Authorities described "slight redness" to the toddler's face. Before he was arrested, Stephens apologized to the mother for striking the girl, the incident report said.
Stephens, a Stone Mountain resident, is being held by the Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department.
if anyone hit my child they would not make out out of the store
Looking at that dude's picture, I'm suprised the headline wasn't "Man takes a bite out of screaming kid in Walmart". On the other hand, it almost seems like some people on this board defend him...maybe they're sick in the head too. Sure no one wants to hear a kid throwing a fit, but it happens, for any number of reasons. To assume that parent is a bad parent because their kid is acting up in Wal Mart is just ignorant. Hell, I feel like throwing a fit when I go to that place too!
It obviously bothers you to hear a child crying or screaming in a public place but, honestly now, how many times have you approached the parent and asked them to quiet their child?
I'm guessing never. You hide behind you're computer screen and say all the things you don't have the balls to say in public when they actually happen. You let it happen, then bitch about it later to someone else or on a message board of all places.
I have a kid and sometimes, yeah, he cries in public. I don't like it any more than anyone else but it happens. I deal with it and try my best to comfort him. But if someone came up to me and told me to quiet my kid, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. You don't like it? You leave. No one is forcing you to stay.
On the one hand you ask him if he ever asks the parents to keep their kid quiet... then you go on to tell him that you'd tell him to go fuck himself if he did?????????????? Well that's just rude... wouldn't you prefer people speak their minds? You'd really be teaching your kid an example by telling a stranger to go fuck themselves.
There's a lot of 'if you don't have kids, don't tell me what to do' going on here... and then followed by telling other people how they SHOULD parent... like smacking being child abuse. Surely all parents have their own way of dealing with things... some parents can be sooooo bloody sanctimonious, it's ridiculous. Try saying 'don't tell me how to parent my kid' when they start stealing or being little bastards. If your kids have any effect on my life whatsoever, either by being loud or otherwise, I'll speak my mind and if you proceed to tell me to go fuck myself... well that may not be a wise choice of yours.
I just asked if he ever did. Then I gave my own personal response if that ever happened. Sure it's rude. Never said I wasn't. But at a stressful time like trying to quiet you're kid down, you don't need some yuppie douche to tell you what you already know. I'm sure most parents would apologize if a stranger approached them and asked them to quiet their kid. Sounds like a PC answer nowadays. I'm not most parents. I like to think I tell it like it is. I'm not at all trying to give people advice either. I simply stated what I would do. That's all. I guess we'll agree to disagree. You have a right to tell me to quiet my kid, and I have a right to tell you to go fuck yourself. End of story.
fair enough... I appreciate that... there are just so many parents who are pretty scary when it comes to defending their kids that it's not an easy thing to approach someone to ask them to do something. I think most of us ARE patient and understanding when it comes to kids crying/having a tantrum or just being kids... sometimes though you can TELL it's a result of shit parenting. Of course a kid crying is going to annoy people... most of the parents will even admit it annoys them... so be a little more understanding of other people who don't have any emotional connection to the kid, it's just an annoying noise.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
After a spanking I remember feeling shocked, ashamed and embarassed it came to such a silly act.
You forgot the anger and the confusion. Shocked, humiliated, angry and confused. I just got hit for what . . . ?!
I only know the I'll hit you because I can attitude of being parented.
I'm not a parent, but isn't there another way?
Again... some people forget there's a difference between a smack and a beating. I was never EVER in any doubt about why I got smacked. I was never shocked, humiliated, angry or confused... I was only sorry I got caught and I always knew it was coming. It was only if I did something really bad, like stealing, breaking something or putting my or someone elses life in danger. The worst one I got was when I was 5 and I pushed my neighbour (of the same age) into the river at the back of our house. I really needed to learn that that was incredibly serious... and it was definitely something I would never do again... would you put your kid on a step for 2 minutes in that situation? If so, then I simply have no words to describe your parenting. When you're that age you don't fully understand the consequences of your actions as I've stated before... a smack will teach you that these actions have them.
Post edited by Heineken Helen on
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
im a parent and all you need to do is get the kids attention, if words arent doing it a smack on the mouth wont do any harm, gets the eye contact you are after. there have been many times where i wanna treat others kids like mine, but i know i cant do that. and for the stranger to feel it is their place to step in is pretty hypocritical, like saying, dont bother me when no one was even paying attention to you.
You smack your children in the mouth. You should be sitting in the cell right next to that ass that hit that little girl. I feel sorry for your children.
If someone hit my child, I would hope I was in one of the more interesting sharp aisles in the store. He wouldn't be able to hit another child again.
You people that are posting like you're sympathizing with that monster are pathetic. I hope you don't have children.
I feel sorry for you... your kids will possibly grow up to be sociopaths... yearning for SOME kinda reaction!
Wishing other people don't have kids is pretty mature of you... I'm sure you're a great parent :roll:
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
some of us don't have kids so we don't have to deal with that shit, why should we shut up and deal with other people's shit?
Hmm, easy answer here - because you elected to venture out into a public place like Walmart and took the assumed risk that you may end up hearing some noise while you're there, possibly from a child.
If your kids have any effect on my life whatsoever, either by being loud or otherwise, I'll speak my mind and if you proceed to tell me to go fuck myself... well that may not be a wise choice of yours.
This is quite possibly the most arrogant and self-centered post I have ever read on the pit. Just wow.
It's amazing how elitist some of you are when it comes to children. "Attention Walmart shoppers: Please muzzle your children immediately. Queen Heineken Helen has entered the store and demands total silence!"
see... YOU understand... thank you
How is it arrogant, elitist and self centred? People were saying we HAVE to put up with their little brats... I simply disagreed
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
What's even worse than a screamin kid is a screamin kid who has been warned "keep it up and no toy" but they keep it up AND get the toy.
Its not so much about the kid screamin, its how parents deal with it. FOLLOW THROUGH!!! Kids aren't dumb, you threaten them then don't follow through they know they can do what they want. I saw this happen at Yankee Candle and I wanted to slap the mother. My boyfriend does it all the time with his kid, threatens this or that but let's her do what she wants anyway.
Parents, its YOUR fault if the kid acts up, public or not. Thank god my 2 year old nephew knows better, one look from his Aunty and he knows what time it is.
Lol, I had THAT look to my niece too. Worked EVERY SINGLE time. I never laid a finger on her or did anything bad to her so I never knew what she thought that look meant... it still works on her now, even though she's 14. Although it even works on my boyfriend so maybe I have a naturally scary face
My sister and I used to laugh about 'the look' though cos she did it too. Seriously though, if nothing ever comes from the look why are kids so scared of it? It's fantastic!
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
oh, Helen!! Thank you for all of these posts...they're fantastic!!! I agree with you 98%!!!!!!!!
what happened to the 2%??
People forget that we still know what kids are like... with my niece and nephews, sometimes they act up in public and you just get them out of there straight away (their mother does too.. cos as much as teaching them stuff is important, she still understands that you have to respect other people and their mental health). You teach them how to behave at home and enforce it in public. If you can't control your kids in public, you're simply a bad parent. Sorry if that's something you don't wanna hear. But letting your kid cry and cry and cry whilst you continue to do your shopping is much MUCH worse than a smack.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
oh, Helen!! Thank you for all of these posts...they're fantastic!!! I agree with you 98%!!!!!!!!
what happened to the 2%??
People forget that we still know what kids are like... with my niece and nephews, sometimes they act up in public and you just get them out of there straight away (their mother does too.. cos as much as teaching them stuff is important, she still understands that you have to respect other people and their mental health). You teach them how to behave at home and enforce it in public. If you can't control your kids in public, you're simply a bad parent. Sorry if that's something you don't wanna hear. But letting your kid cry and cry and cry whilst you continue to do your shopping is much MUCH worse than a smack.
Yup! Kids need to be taught respect very early on...and consequences to their actions. I have friends who let their boy do whatever he wants--there is no discipline of any sort, he doesn't clean up after himself, etc--it's terrible. They ask me to babysit and I run in the opposite direction!
oh, Helen!! Thank you for all of these posts...they're fantastic!!! I agree with you 98%!!!!!!!!
what happened to the 2%??
People forget that we still know what kids are like... with my niece and nephews, sometimes they act up in public and you just get them out of there straight away (their mother does too.. cos as much as teaching them stuff is important, she still understands that you have to respect other people and their mental health). You teach them how to behave at home and enforce it in public. If you can't control your kids in public, you're simply a bad parent. Sorry if that's something you don't wanna hear. But letting your kid cry and cry and cry whilst you continue to do your shopping is much MUCH worse than a smack.
Yup! Kids need to be taught respect very early on...and consequences to their actions. I have friends who let their boy do whatever he wants--there is no discipline of any sort, he doesn't clean up after himself, etc--it's terrible. They ask me to babysit and I run in the opposite direction!
rightly so :oops: I think some people tend to forget that advice from the outside is often the best. E.g if you're looking for some petty teenage relationship advice, it's quite often that someone who's never been in your stupid situation will be the one who can give you the most practical advice. But if you're gonna be all defensive, well you won't learn anything. Sometimes when you're on the outside, the solution is soooo simple.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
All those who somehow think the kid deserved to be slapped cuz of its continual crying still got it wrong, even if I should agree with you as to not having to listen to some crying kid. Slap the parent, but not the kid. I still cannot see how you can see that it is ever allright to slap a baby repeatedly. I just don't get the rationalization.
I'd f'ck up that guy so bad. Cops wouldn't have to be called. It wouldn't even have to be my kid.
this thread is like funny... non-parents telling us how we should treat and deal with our own kids...
its like getting advice from Michael J Fox at the best way to win Musical Statues
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
this thread is like funny... non-parents telling us how we should treat and deal with our own kids...
its like getting advice from Michael J Fox at the best way to win Musical Statues
Yeah!! Can you imagine if your kid was just having one of those days, (this was a toddler), and some stranger slapped it repeatedly?? Oh man!! I just can't imagine.
One time my 5 year old son and I went to the movie show. An old lady in back of us placed her feet inside the crevice of my son's seat; where the top and bottom meet, but in the back of his seat, so he gets up and then sits right back down and pinched her toes. I heard her yell out, turned and realized what happned and apologized, even though it was not my kid's fault. She ignored me and put her hand up like she was gonna back hand him and said, "I oughta slap you, sonny". I felt my blood boil. My ex was there too and I saw him get pissed. I waved to him to just ignore her and calm down, but then she proceeded to bitch to her husband thru the whole movie about how her toes hurt!!! The movie was some older version of Superman, or something like that, it may have been Star Wars.
It took a lot for my ex and I to just sit there and try to ignore her. I had taken my son out at some point and let him know he was not at fault. Why she had her feet in the crevice of a seat that automatically folds when someone gets up is beyond me. When my son got up and this happened, the show hadn't started and he was getting up to go with his dad to get treats, I said he couldn't go right then, and he sat back down, pinching her toes which shouldn't had been on my kid's seat anyway. To threaten to slap him and me stay quiet was very hard!! My blood boiled.
this thread is like funny... non-parents telling us how we should treat and deal with our own kids...
its like getting advice from Michael J Fox at the best way to win Musical Statues
Yeah!! Can you imagine if your kid was just having one of those days, (this was a toddler), and some stranger slapped it repeatedly?? Oh man!! I just can't imagine.
One time my 5 year old son and I went to the movie show. An old lady in back of us placed her feet inside the crevice of my son's seat; where the top and bottom meet, but in the back of his seat, so he gets up and then sits right back down and pinched her toes. I heard her yell out, turned and realized what happned and apologized, even though it was not my kid's fault. She ignored me and put her hand up like she was gonna back hand him and said, "I oughta slap you, sonny". I felt my blood boil. My ex was there too and I saw him get pissed. I waved to him to just ignore her and calm down, but then she proceeded to bitch to her husband thru the whole movie about how her toes hurt!!! The movie was some older version of Superman, or something like that, it may have been Star Wars.
It took a lot for my ex and I to just sit there and try to ignore her. I had taken my son out at some point and let him know he was not at fault. Why she had her feet in the crevice of a seat that automatically folds when someone gets up is beyond me. When my son got up and this happened, the show hadn't started and he was getting up to go with his dad to get treats, I said he couldn't go right then, and he sat back down, pinching her toes which shouldn't had been on my kid's seat anyway. To threaten to slap him and me stay quiet was very hard!! My blood boiled.
i would have punched her in the fudd™
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
That being said, this old dude would have got me put in the Ass Whipping Hall of Fame if he had tried that shit with one of mine.
That's pretty ballsy though. To hit a kid that you don't know in the world's largest retail chain with more security cameras than any place in the known universe. That's fucking old school.
Hmm, easy answer here - because you elected to venture out into a public place like Walmart and took the assumed risk that you may end up hearing some noise while you're there, possibly from a child.
This is quite possibly the most arrogant and self-centered post I have ever read on the pit. Just wow.
It's amazing how elitist some of you are when it comes to children. "Attention Walmart shoppers: Please muzzle your children immediately. Queen Heineken Helen has entered the store and demands total silence!"
thats shocking!!!
Its not so much about the kid screamin, its how parents deal with it. FOLLOW THROUGH!!! Kids aren't dumb, you threaten them then don't follow through they know they can do what they want. I saw this happen at Yankee Candle and I wanted to slap the mother. My boyfriend does it all the time with his kid, threatens this or that but let's her do what she wants anyway.
Parents, its YOUR fault if the kid acts up, public or not. Thank god my 2 year old nephew knows better, one look from his Aunty and he knows what time it is.
"do gay midgets come out of the cupboard"
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
When my daughter was young, we'd go out to eat at a family restaurant, (did you catch the family part of the restaurant), anyway, I'd make her sit near the wall/window and me on the outside and her brother across from us. Well, instead of asking me to get out, she'd crawl underneath the table. I found it embarassing. One day, I said that if she does it again, I am going to do it too. Well, she did it and so did I. I never had that problem again. Because of that incident, my son learned I ain't kidding when I threaten. So, he got in a bad habit of doing his homework and forgetting to take it to school. In junior high, he was still doing this. I told him I would pin it on him and walk him to school if he didn't learn to do this himself. He knew I meant it and I didn't have to carry through. His homework got to school.
I also learned while raising my kids to not have the "cuz I said so additude". I learned that all I wanted was results and would do what it takes to get that. The "cuz I said so" never worked. Stern punishment doesn't either. Discipline is different. Its them learning to internalize and behave without my threats. They discipline themselves. I think that is lacking with a lot of kids. They only know what to do when their parents are there and punishing. They are loss without the parent bitching. Discipline is them directing themselves, which takes time.
My 30 yr. old daughter and I had to go to court this past Tuesday. My daughter was dressed appropriately and addressed the court mannerfully. Most people in there had not learned this, likely cuz they only were "ordered to be mannerful" and they were inappropriate and dressed in jeans and spoke to the judge using slang and just rude.
I was proud. I had taught her to do this without me.
No question.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
http://www.slashfood.com/2009/09/11/res ... n-check%2F
hey at least they didn't charge for the comment
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Wishing other people don't have kids is pretty mature of you... I'm sure you're a great parent :roll:
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
How is it arrogant, elitist and self centred? People were saying we HAVE to put up with their little brats... I simply disagreed
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
My sister and I used to laugh about 'the look' though cos she did it too. Seriously though, if nothing ever comes from the look why are kids so scared of it? It's fantastic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
People forget that we still know what kids are like... with my niece and nephews, sometimes they act up in public and you just get them out of there straight away (their mother does too.. cos as much as teaching them stuff is important, she still understands that you have to respect other people and their mental health). You teach them how to behave at home and enforce it in public. If you can't control your kids in public, you're simply a bad parent. Sorry if that's something you don't wanna hear. But letting your kid cry and cry and cry whilst you continue to do your shopping is much MUCH worse than a smack.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Yup! Kids need to be taught respect very early on...and consequences to their actions. I have friends who let their boy do whatever he wants--there is no discipline of any sort, he doesn't clean up after himself, etc--it's terrible. They ask me to babysit and I run in the opposite direction!
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I'd f'ck up that guy so bad. Cops wouldn't have to be called. It wouldn't even have to be my kid.
its like getting advice from Michael J Fox at the best way to win Musical Statues
seriously you should get a job in stand up - i would pay money to see (heckle) you
London, Copenhagen 07
MSG 08
SBE, Manchester, London 09
Dublin, Belfast, London 10
i love me some dunky.
One time my 5 year old son and I went to the movie show. An old lady in back of us placed her feet inside the crevice of my son's seat; where the top and bottom meet, but in the back of his seat, so he gets up and then sits right back down and pinched her toes. I heard her yell out, turned and realized what happned and apologized, even though it was not my kid's fault. She ignored me and put her hand up like she was gonna back hand him and said, "I oughta slap you, sonny". I felt my blood boil. My ex was there too and I saw him get pissed. I waved to him to just ignore her and calm down, but then she proceeded to bitch to her husband thru the whole movie about how her toes hurt!!! The movie was some older version of Superman, or something like that, it may have been Star Wars.
It took a lot for my ex and I to just sit there and try to ignore her. I had taken my son out at some point and let him know he was not at fault. Why she had her feet in the crevice of a seat that automatically folds when someone gets up is beyond me. When my son got up and this happened, the show hadn't started and he was getting up to go with his dad to get treats, I said he couldn't go right then, and he sat back down, pinching her toes which shouldn't had been on my kid's seat anyway. To threaten to slap him and me stay quiet was very hard!! My blood boiled.
i would have punched her in the fudd™