Did anyone else laugh out loud about the tambourine discussion on the previous page? I did.
That entire discussion belongs on Saturday Night Live. I can see it now- a whole flashback sequence in slow motion. Tambourine goes flying, guy grabs it, other guy thinks it's for him- is it or isn't it? Was Ed looking at him, the girlfriend, or the other guy? Did the tambourine infact ricochet off both men when it was actually intended for the short woman behind them?
Let's rewind and watch it again.
It reminded me of that famous Seinfeld episode where Kramer gets hit by flying spit after the Yankee game.
Thank you for the laughs- I'm happy you both got tambourines. But just so you know, Ed wanted the tambourine to go my way. He confirmed this later that evening over dinner.
awesome show....off he goes, given to fly and evolution....we my favourites and they played them....they totally rocked, can't wait to see them again!!! One of the best shows I've ever seen!!!
the show was good, but thats it in my opinion...just good... i've seen sooo many better shows than this by these guys. I'm not sure if it was the seats, the crowd, or the band. I love these guys so much, but the energy wasn't there. I have a feeling it was the 10c section we were placed in. As far right in the 200's as you can get, I think I prefer a more interior seat so the crowd is all around us to give a full effect. I'm just used to almost not being able to even hear the band play cause the crowd is so loud, but It wasn't like that tonight. I have to blame it on the seats, cause I really don't want it to be that 10clubbers are mellowing out, or the band for that matter either. They played soo amazing though, but maybe cause we were on Stone's side, it just seemed pretty slow paced up on stage too. Ed jumped a couple of times but stayed pretty attached to the stand all night, and just seemed tired or something. The set list was great, probably the best set I've seen, but as far as stage and crowd I just hope It's better next time. You can flame away, I'm just stating how I felt. It seems like everyone else really loved it though, which is great I'm very happy for those who loved it. So like I said I'm just going to blame it on where we were sitting. :?
It had to be your seats. Although this show certainly wasn't my favorite (I was at Buffalo '03 and Hartford '08), I don't think I have ever heard the crowd as loud as they were on Friday. Crazy loud. So loud I could barely hear Eddie singing. I was in section 202 (more in the interior), so I do think it must have been your seats.
I agree it had to be your seats cause the crowd was insane where I was at.... or maybe I was just so damn excited to see the band! I was in the zone with the Jam!
Hamilton 9-13-05; Toronto 5-9-06, Toronto 8-21-09, Toronto 9-12-11, Hamilton 9-15-11....
Goose Bumps all over again...It's been a long time since I felt that I could be proud of the fans at a Toronto show. Wow- of the 10 shows I've hands down best crowd.
Is PJ coming back to T.O. to promote their new album???
You would tend to think so because this is what they did with the last album. Did a tour then released avocado and did two dates in TO. fingers crossed!
Hamilton 9-13-05; Toronto 5-9-06, Toronto 8-21-09, Toronto 9-12-11, Hamilton 9-15-11....
"...Dimitri...He talks to me...'.."The Ghost of Greece..".
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
They'll be back...they have much love for and from TO!!
I hope so cause I've been having PJ withdrawals since. Been humming of the girl for days now.
Let's hope it's at least a 2 show in a row rendezvous, preferably I'd like 4 nights please More setlist variety.
With their entire catalog being so good I think 4 nights should become the mandatory minimum stay in Toronto. It is however much harder to withdraw from 4 shows.
In 2006 I did most of the tour and afterward had to go into rehab and my bank account went into hiding.
Oh dear dad
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
WOW what an AMAZING night in Toronto!! I was shocked that my shit ass number got me 201 row D seats 2, and 3. I woulda preferred to have been more centre but hell those seats were WAAY better than I thought I was going to get so I was pretty happy.
I was in total awe of the opening set. I had NO idea Mikey could sing like that. Both songs were beautiful.
Guys please let Mike write more on the albums! WOW!!!!!!!!
I Was soo stoked about getting Needle and the Damage Done too cause I LOOOOOOOOOOVE that song!!!
I was riding a high till I came back from the bathroom just before PJ came on and realized I left my EXPENSIVE camera in the bathroom stall. (I hadn't been back more than 5 mins at this point) I ran like a bat out of hell to the bathroom to discover that it was gone :( Sadly the person who found it was NOT an honest person as I never did get my camera back. If you hear some bragging about getting a canon camera at the PJ show...its probably MINE. The one positive was that I took out my memory card with all my pics before the pre-set and put in a brand new card that I JUST bought that day. The only thing on it was the pics I took of the pre-set.
I still enjoyed the heck out of the show though...as best I could. Danced and jumped a round all night..sang. My heart wasn't entirely into it, but the amazing show took the sting away from my being a tool and leaving my camera in the bathroom in the first place.
Btw i don't get the need to be constantly smoking the whole show. The girl beside me...if she wasn't puffing on a cig, she was toking on a joint...it was ANNOYING...even tho she did over me a toke at one point. (which I refused as I don't smoke).
Otherwise it was a GREAT Crowd...soooo loud!! I daresay we were louder than the crowd BOTH nights in Chicago (I went to both shows). I can't wait for the boot of this show!!
Did anyone get any shots of Mike's back tat. (the tree thingy) I think its new and I was curious was it was.
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
They'll be back...they have much love for and from TO!!
I hope so cause I've been having PJ withdrawals since. Been humming of the girl for days now.
Let's hope it's at least a 2 show in a row rendezvous, preferably I'd like 4 nights please More setlist variety.
With their entire catalog being so good I think 4 nights should become the mandatory minimum stay in Toronto. It is however much harder to withdraw from 4 shows.
In 2006 I did most of the tour and afterward had to go into rehab and my bank account went into hiding.
Ok, I have been wanting to find one of these people who travels with the band. What is that like? Do you actually go to every single show on the tour? How much does it cost to do all of that? Do you rent an RV with some people or do you stay in hotels? Is it worth it? I'd really like to know. It sounds like the most fun you could ever have, like, ever.
WOW what an AMAZING night in Toronto!! I was shocked that my shit ass number got me 201 row D seats 2, and 3. I woulda preferred to have been more centre but hell those seats were WAAY better than I thought I was going to get so I was pretty happy.
I was in total awe of the opening set. I had NO idea Mikey could sing like that. Both songs were beautiful.
Guys please let Mike write more on the albums! WOW!!!!!!!!
I Was soo stoked about getting Needle and the Damage Done too cause I LOOOOOOOOOOVE that song!!!
I was riding a high till I came back from the bathroom just before PJ came on and realized I left my EXPENSIVE camera in the bathroom stall. (I hadn't been back more than 5 mins at this point) I ran like a bat out of hell to the bathroom to discover that it was gone :( Sadly the person who found it was NOT an honest person as I never did get my camera back. If you hear some bragging about getting a canon camera at the PJ show...its probably MINE. The one positive was that I took out my memory card with all my pics before the pre-set and put in a brand new card that I JUST bought that day. The only thing on it was the pics I took of the pre-set.
I still enjoyed the heck out of the show though...as best I could. Danced and jumped a round all night..sang. My heart wasn't entirely into it, but the amazing show took the sting away from my being a tool and leaving my camera in the bathroom in the first place.
Btw i don't get the need to be constantly smoking the whole show. The girl beside me...if she wasn't puffing on a cig, she was toking on a joint...it was ANNOYING...even tho she did over me a toke at one point. (which I refused as I don't smoke).
Otherwise it was a GREAT Crowd...soooo loud!! I daresay we were louder than the crowd BOTH nights in Chicago (I went to both shows). I can't wait for the boot of this show!!
Did anyone get any shots of Mike's back tat. (the tree thingy) I think its new and I was curious was it was.
Awwww hun I'm sorry about your camera!
I wish we could have met up, it was a crazy night! Glad you had a good time and enjoyed Chi town too!
Talk soon!
Thank you 10c for the amazing seats! We were 9 rows from the stage, in section 101 row F. With my 248xxx number, there is no way I would have gotten such sweet seats if we didn't win the lottery! The view we had was awesome!
Every time I leave a PJ show I say, "Holy shit! That was the best one ever!" They really do just keep getting better and better! The Toronto show is in at least my top 5
The pre-set was just beautiful, the crowd energy was great, the band sounded fantastic, and I jumped up and down so much I could hardly walk the next day
This was my first show since 2003 where I got to go home and sleep in my own bed! That was pretty cool!
I went to both of the Chicago shows too, and they were awesome, but the Toronto show was very special for me. I cannot wait to see them at the ACC, whenever that may be!
1st show-1995 Soldier Field
10th show-2005 Thunder Bay,ON
40th show-2012 Berlin II
50th show-2014 Amsterdam II
57th show-Moline,IL
58th show-Mexico City
I was riding a high till I came back from the bathroom just before PJ came on and realized I left my EXPENSIVE camera in the bathroom stall. (I hadn't been back more than 5 mins at this point) I ran like a bat out of hell to the bathroom to discover that it was gone :( Sadly the person who found it was NOT an honest person as I never did get my camera back. If you hear some bragging about getting a canon camera at the PJ show...its probably MINE. The one positive was that I took out my memory card with all my pics before the pre-set and put in a brand new card that I JUST bought that day. The only thing on it was the pics I took of the pre-set.
Argghhhh. SO SORRY to hear about your camera . . . my heart sank when I read that. I would have been sick to my stomach the whole night :? Man, I still don't understand how some people would just take something like that after finding it . . . . I would have definitely handed it in to security or waited int he bathroom for a bit had I found it. Did you ask/check with security? Glad to hear you didn't lose any pics though - cameras can be replaced, but memories cannot.
Hope you were still able to get some enjoyment out of the show despite the losing your camera & the annoying girl beside you
Barrie 08/22/98 Montreal 10/04/00 Toronto 10/05/00 Toronto 06/28/03 Kitchener 09/11/05 Ottawa 09/16/05 Toronto 08/21/09 Toronto 09/11/11 Ottawa 09/14/11 Buffalo 10/12/13 Ottawa 05/08/16 Chicago 08/20/18 Ottawa 09/03/22 Nashville 09/16/22
For me, this was by far my most memorable gig I have been too. I got front row, Stone Gossard's side. I brought my mom to this gig, it was here first concert ever. She was in heaven. Vedder even gave me a tambourine. He was pointing at me, telling me that he wants to give me his tambourine and I just stood there in shock and owe, as everyone was telling me to grab it, I moved forward to get his toss and the guy next to me, that we were having a great time with all concert snagged it off me. Everyone was saying that's your tambourine, that's your tambourine. I looked at the fool and he said sorry buddy and shrugged his shoulders. I leaned over and said"your lucky, I am giving it to you" I wasn't going to ruin my unbelievable night over a tambourine. Get this!! 2 minutes later, right at the end of the RTFW.....Vedder throws out the two last tambourines that he had, out of the eight he was given. One took a weird flop and I ended up snagging it.....My mind was blown at that point. Everyone, for the next 10 minutes were giving high fives and saying you deserved that, the girl behind me said, that's Karma for you. The whole night was just so surreal, from getting the front row tickets, right down to the fluke tambourine grab at the end. Thanks Pearl Jam, from the bottom of my heart.
So you're the second one he tosses @ about 3:10? I see, it looks like it took a funny bounce, hit an amp or something . . . I can totally see the last one come flying your way too. Glad you got one in the end
Barrie 08/22/98 Montreal 10/04/00 Toronto 10/05/00 Toronto 06/28/03 Kitchener 09/11/05 Ottawa 09/16/05 Toronto 08/21/09 Toronto 09/11/11 Ottawa 09/14/11 Buffalo 10/12/13 Ottawa 05/08/16 Chicago 08/20/18 Ottawa 09/03/22 Nashville 09/16/22
So you're the second one he tosses @ about 3:10? I see, it looks like it took a funny bounce, hit an amp or something . . . I can totally see the last one come flying your way too. Glad you got one in the end
Even BETTER shot of it here . . . in this vid, where you can see it on the big screens . .. @ the 4:02 mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I3Y9TWOZyw which guy are you?
Barrie 08/22/98 Montreal 10/04/00 Toronto 10/05/00 Toronto 06/28/03 Kitchener 09/11/05 Ottawa 09/16/05 Toronto 08/21/09 Toronto 09/11/11 Ottawa 09/14/11 Buffalo 10/12/13 Ottawa 05/08/16 Chicago 08/20/18 Ottawa 09/03/22 Nashville 09/16/22
Even BETTER shot of it here . . . in this vid, where you can see it on the big screens . .. @ the 4:02 mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I3Y9TWOZyw which guy are you?
i think it has been resolved ...
man ... i am going thru some major withdraw here ...
i might have to try and get to the philly shows ... "yeah yeah yeah - TRY to get it back again"
I am the long haired guy that comes up with a smile.......even though the tambourine that was giving to me from Vedder was robbed off me, there was nothing that was going to bring me down off the cloud I was on that night, and yeah the situation has been resolved, ones man's misunderstanding was almost another man's loss. I guess we all can't be straight up and true.....Thanks to everyone that was around me(front row seats 3-4), for making my night an even better one.
Sad to have missed the pre-set...but at that point I was just glad to have made it in at all. (You're the man Eduardo..nice hustle!)
Mikey put on a clinic that night! Black was the highlight of my night.. Mike's solo was so beautiful and powerful, you cold tell that everyone, even Ed, was affected. Between that and Inside Job, Alive, Porch...ahhhh My face was totally melted.
Faithful, Down, Off He Goes... good stuff.
PJ: St. Paul 6.16.2003, St. Paul 6.26.2006, St. Paul 6.27.2006, Hartford 6.27.2008, Mansfield 6.28.2008, Mansfield 6.30.2008, Beacon Theater 7.1.2008, Toronto 8.21.2009, Chicago 8.23.2009, Chicago 8.24.2009, Philly 10.30.2009, Philly 10.31.2009, Columbus 5.6.2010, Noblesville 5.7.2010
EV: Los Angeles 4.12.2008, Los Angeles 4.13.2008, Nashville 6.17.2009, Nashville 6.18.2009, Memphis 6.20.2009
I am the long haired guy that comes up with a smile.......even though the tambourine that was giving to me from Vedder was robbed off me, there was nothing that was going to bring me down off the cloud I was on that night, and yeah the situation has been resolved, ones man's misunderstanding was almost another man's loss. I guess we all can't be straight up and true.....Thanks to everyone that was around me(front row seats 3-4), for making my night an even better one.
The guy in the black shirt on the right?
Cool. Yeah, I know it was resolved, I was just curious as to how it went down . . . that vid really let's you see how . . . so nice that MOST people just sort of moved out the way when they realized the tambourine wasn't "meant" for them . . .
Barrie 08/22/98 Montreal 10/04/00 Toronto 10/05/00 Toronto 06/28/03 Kitchener 09/11/05 Ottawa 09/16/05 Toronto 08/21/09 Toronto 09/11/11 Ottawa 09/14/11 Buffalo 10/12/13 Ottawa 05/08/16 Chicago 08/20/18 Ottawa 09/03/22 Nashville 09/16/22
Great show, the energy of the crowd was amazing..even though I got jipped out of my 10C seats it was still great!!!! Cant wait for the next one and the boot, Im going through withdrawls :(
the show was good, but thats it in my opinion...just good... i've seen sooo many better shows than this by these guys. I'm not sure if it was the seats, the crowd, or the band. I love these guys so much, but the energy wasn't there. I have a feeling it was the 10c section we were placed in. As far right in the 200's as you can get, I think I prefer a more interior seat so the crowd is all around us to give a full effect. I'm just used to almost not being able to even hear the band play cause the crowd is so loud, but It wasn't like that tonight. I have to blame it on the seats, cause I really don't want it to be that 10clubbers are mellowing out, or the band for that matter either. They played soo amazing though, but maybe cause we were on Stone's side, it just seemed pretty slow paced up on stage too. Ed jumped a couple of times but stayed pretty attached to the stand all night, and just seemed tired or something. The set list was great, probably the best set I've seen, but as far as stage and crowd I just hope It's better next time. You can flame away, I'm just stating how I felt. It seems like everyone else really loved it though, which is great I'm very happy for those who loved it. So like I said I'm just going to blame it on where we were sitting. :?
It had to be your seats. Although this show certainly wasn't my favorite (I was at Buffalo '03 and Hartford '08), I don't think I have ever heard the crowd as loud as they were on Friday. Crazy loud. So loud I could barely hear Eddie singing. I was in section 202 (more in the interior), so I do think it must have been your seats.
I agree that it must have been your seats . . and I strongly disagree that the band didn't have energy . . . did you watch the same show as us Mikey was an animal ALL NIGHT LONG, all over the stage, Eddie couldn't stop moving either . . . Stone had is usual "reserved" energy, and Jeff and Matt were crazy all night too . . .
I do feel that the venue and seats have a huge impact on how much you'll enjoy the show, so perhaps, unfortunately, it was your seats and the combination of fans around you that detracted from your enjoyment . . . I was in 202 as well, row N on the aisle closer to Stone's side . . . and I had an amazing time.
Sorry it wasn't all it could have been, but that's the way it goes with randomly assigned seats sometimes. Hopefully you'll have better luck at the next show. Keep believin'!!!!
Oh I'm believin still!! No worries there. I'm almost 100% sure it was the seats. Maybe I'll get Mike's side or centre with Ed next time
looking up...wondering if there is anything that you cannot do....
And yes a 10c/Toronto only Massey Hall show would kick ass.
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
That entire discussion belongs on Saturday Night Live. I can see it now- a whole flashback sequence in slow motion. Tambourine goes flying, guy grabs it, other guy thinks it's for him- is it or isn't it? Was Ed looking at him, the girlfriend, or the other guy? Did the tambourine infact ricochet off both men when it was actually intended for the short woman behind them?
Let's rewind and watch it again.
It reminded me of that famous Seinfeld episode where Kramer gets hit by flying spit after the Yankee game.
Thank you for the laughs- I'm happy you both got tambourines. But just so you know, Ed wanted the tambourine to go my way. He confirmed this later that evening over dinner.
I agree it had to be your seats cause the crowd was insane where I was at.... or maybe I was just so damn excited to see the band! I was in the zone with the Jam!
I was in 409 and it sounded a-ok to me.
I also echo the love for a Massey Hall show. My favourite venue in TO!
I was in 201 and it sound ok...not great but the venue is known for that. I don't mind cus it's a small place and my seat were great.
Goose Bumps all over again...It's been a long time since I felt that I could be proud of the fans at a Toronto show. Wow- of the 10 shows I've hands down best crowd.
You would tend to think so because this is what they did with the last album. Did a tour then released avocado and did two dates in TO. fingers crossed!
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
I hope so cause I've been having PJ withdrawals since. Been humming of the girl for days now.
Let's hope it's at least a 2 show in a row rendezvous, preferably I'd like 4 nights please
With their entire catalog being so good I think 4 nights should become the mandatory minimum stay in Toronto. It is however much harder to withdraw from 4 shows.
In 2006 I did most of the tour and afterward had to go into rehab and my bank account went into hiding.
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
WOW what an AMAZING night in Toronto!! I was shocked that my shit ass number got me 201 row D seats 2, and 3. I woulda preferred to have been more centre but hell those seats were WAAY better than I thought I was going to get so I was pretty happy.
I was in total awe of the opening set. I had NO idea Mikey could sing like that. Both songs were beautiful.
Guys please let Mike write more on the albums! WOW!!!!!!!!
I Was soo stoked about getting Needle and the Damage Done too cause I LOOOOOOOOOOVE that song!!!
I was riding a high till I came back from the bathroom just before PJ came on and realized I left my EXPENSIVE camera in the bathroom stall. (I hadn't been back more than 5 mins at this point) I ran like a bat out of hell to the bathroom to discover that it was gone :( Sadly the person who found it was NOT an honest person as I never did get my camera back. If you hear some bragging about getting a canon camera at the PJ show...its probably MINE. The one positive was that I took out my memory card with all my pics before the pre-set and put in a brand new card that I JUST bought that day. The only thing on it was the pics I took of the pre-set.
I still enjoyed the heck out of the show though...as best I could. Danced and jumped a round all night..sang. My heart wasn't entirely into it, but the amazing show took the sting away from my being a tool and leaving my camera in the bathroom in the first place.
Btw i don't get the need to be constantly smoking the whole show. The girl beside me...if she wasn't puffing on a cig, she was toking on a joint...it was ANNOYING...even tho she did over me a toke at one point. (which I refused as I don't smoke).
Otherwise it was a GREAT Crowd...soooo loud!! I daresay we were louder than the crowd BOTH nights in Chicago (I went to both shows). I can't wait for the boot of this show!!
Did anyone get any shots of Mike's back tat. (the tree thingy) I think its new and I was curious was it was.
Ok, I have been wanting to find one of these people who travels with the band. What is that like? Do you actually go to every single show on the tour? How much does it cost to do all of that? Do you rent an RV with some people or do you stay in hotels? Is it worth it? I'd really like to know. It sounds like the most fun you could ever have, like, ever.
Awwww hun
I wish we could have met up, it was a crazy night! Glad you had a good time and enjoyed Chi town too!
Talk soon!
Every time I leave a PJ show I say, "Holy shit! That was the best one ever!" They really do just keep getting better and better! The Toronto show is in at least my top 5
The pre-set was just beautiful, the crowd energy was great, the band sounded fantastic, and I jumped up and down so much I could hardly walk the next day
This was my first show since 2003 where I got to go home and sleep in my own bed! That was pretty cool!
I went to both of the Chicago shows too, and they were awesome, but the Toronto show was very special for me. I cannot wait to see them at the ACC, whenever that may be!
10th show-2005 Thunder Bay,ON
40th show-2012 Berlin II
50th show-2014 Amsterdam II
57th show-Moline,IL
58th show-Mexico City
Argghhhh. SO SORRY to hear about your camera . . . my heart sank when I read that. I would have been sick to my stomach the whole night :? Man, I still don't understand how some people would just take something like that after finding it . . . . I would have definitely handed it in to security or waited int he bathroom for a bit had I found it. Did you ask/check with security? Glad to hear you didn't lose any pics though - cameras can be replaced, but memories cannot.
Hope you were still able to get some enjoyment out of the show despite the losing your camera & the annoying girl beside you
Montreal 10/04/00
Toronto 10/05/00
Toronto 06/28/03
Kitchener 09/11/05
Ottawa 09/16/05
Toronto 08/21/09
Toronto 09/11/11
Ottawa 09/14/11
Buffalo 10/12/13
Ottawa 05/08/16
Chicago 08/20/18
Ottawa 09/03/22
Nashville 09/16/22
'Kay, I'm trying to figure this out :?
You can see all the tambourines he tosses in malta73's video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl_7mkhS5l4
So you're the second one he tosses @ about 3:10? I see, it looks like it took a funny bounce, hit an amp or something . . . I can totally see the last one come flying your way too. Glad you got one in the end
Montreal 10/04/00
Toronto 10/05/00
Toronto 06/28/03
Kitchener 09/11/05
Ottawa 09/16/05
Toronto 08/21/09
Toronto 09/11/11
Ottawa 09/14/11
Buffalo 10/12/13
Ottawa 05/08/16
Chicago 08/20/18
Ottawa 09/03/22
Nashville 09/16/22
One of the Pearl Jam "official" Flickr photos (Calgary maybe) has a shot of it....I'm just going off memory. Not sure if it would be helpful or not...
Even BETTER shot of it here . . . in this vid, where you can see it on the big screens . .. @ the 4:02 mark.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I3Y9TWOZyw which guy are you?
Montreal 10/04/00
Toronto 10/05/00
Toronto 06/28/03
Kitchener 09/11/05
Ottawa 09/16/05
Toronto 08/21/09
Toronto 09/11/11
Ottawa 09/14/11
Buffalo 10/12/13
Ottawa 05/08/16
Chicago 08/20/18
Ottawa 09/03/22
Nashville 09/16/22
i think it has been resolved ...
man ... i am going thru some major withdraw here ...
i might have to try and get to the philly shows ... "yeah yeah yeah - TRY to get it back again"
Mikey put on a clinic that night! Black was the highlight of my night.. Mike's solo was so beautiful and powerful, you cold tell that everyone, even Ed, was affected. Between that and Inside Job, Alive, Porch...ahhhh My face was totally melted.
Faithful, Down, Off He Goes... good stuff.
EV: Los Angeles 4.12.2008, Los Angeles 4.13.2008, Nashville 6.17.2009, Nashville 6.18.2009, Memphis 6.20.2009
Sorry it was hard to steady my hand while I was taking them but I got a few, with the last one being my fave:
Cool. Yeah, I know it was resolved, I was just curious as to how it went down . . . that vid really let's you see how . . . so nice that MOST people just sort of moved out the way when they realized the tambourine wasn't "meant" for them . . .
Montreal 10/04/00
Toronto 10/05/00
Toronto 06/28/03
Kitchener 09/11/05
Ottawa 09/16/05
Toronto 08/21/09
Toronto 09/11/11
Ottawa 09/14/11
Buffalo 10/12/13
Ottawa 05/08/16
Chicago 08/20/18
Ottawa 09/03/22
Nashville 09/16/22
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
Oh I'm believin still!! No worries there. I'm almost 100% sure it was the seats. Maybe I'll get Mike's side or centre with Ed next time