
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Thanks for the update Andrew. I still can't get over how awesome it is that someone gave up a part of themselves to help another person live.

    Hopefully all of your posts have inspired others to consider it.

    Take care, hope to see you in Philly again soon. :D

    no doubt !

    whats the matter, you don't ever come up to the BIG city ?
    Its only 2 hours drive,...
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • PureandEasyPureandEasy Posts: 5,818
    It's funny you ask, because no I don't. I haven't been to NYC in probably 20 years.

    I bypass it and go straight to Boston. :lol:
    Don't come closer or I'll have to go
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    That's great, Andrew!! :thumbup:
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • pdalowskypdalowsky Doncaster,UK Posts: 15,100
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    wow this thread got buried !

    Hey folks - its been a while and a pretty hectic summer for me.

    6 month anniversary note

    On Febuary 24th, 2011, ~~already 6 months past ~~I was transplanted with not only a brand new kidney ,but a brand new lease on life itself. I must express my deepest appreciations and gratitude , and to acknowledge the most generous and selfless person I have ever beeen lucky enough to know in this lifetime. Thanks to Kevin Lynch for extending my time here on earth.
    Kevin has allowed me to continue with Gods plan for my life and the things I am personally most passionate about:

    -- My Family, my faith , my job ( & great coworkers ) , old and new friends ,

    The New York Rangers , The New York Yankees , PEARL JAM, and Bruce .
    Not only do I carry a piece of Kevin with my in my abdomen with my new kidney,
    but he is forever inside my heart as well.
    Thank you so so much, Kevin Lynch ,
    an awesome man and spectacular human being.

    2/24/2011 http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 8176_n.jpg

    My prograf levels and creatine seemed to have leveled off.
    My next doctors appointment is October 6th @ Columbia -Pres
    and he assures me i will be released and cleared to return to work !
    This will be the 7 month mark
    and a little bit behind where we originally anticipated,
    but hey , it's all good !

    I am currently taking 6 MG of Prograf ( Tacrolimus )
    2 x daily, and the level is hovering somewhere around 10,
    which is acceptable and within normal range for post transplant.
    The kidney is working well and performing all of its tasks.

    Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and words of encouragement.
    Its all been deeply appreciated and I have much gratitude to all of you.
    You all helped me along the way !
    I've also developed many new friendships out there as a result of my ordeal and the many sympathetic and thoughtful Pearl Jam fans out there.
    You guys rock.

    Thanks again,


    what a wonderful thing to read.....
  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    much congrats on reaching 6th months, Andrew!

    awesome that your tacrolimus levels are finally smoothing out for you...may you continue doing well...

    hope you & kevin :angel: have a great time celebrating the anniversary of this most truly incredible bond you share! :D

    *superbean does the happy dance* :)

    angels share laughter
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    It's funny you ask, because no I don't. I haven't been to NYC in probably 20 years.

    I bypass it and go straight to Boston. :lol:

    scaredy cat.
    now you have a reason to stop by
    ( as if Pearl Jam alone wasnt enough )
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    So very pleased it'svgoing so well :D
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,424
    It's funny you ask, because no I don't. I haven't been to NYC in probably 20 years.

    I bypass it and go straight to Boston. :lol:
    Smart girl.

    Glad to see the latest update sounds good Andrew, here's to getting back to work.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    Good to hear things are going so well! Transplant-wise that is. I see that you are in Rockaway Beach, so good luck with the hurricane.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813

    First PJ gig since TX ( transplant ) !

    So psyched- i hope to meet all my fellow Pearl Jam fanatics that are attending !

    work after Oct 6th . !

    Life is so very good,...
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • that's awesome Andrew.

    Funny you called me a scardy cat, one of my earliest experiences in NYC was visiting a friend at Hofstra and we went into the city and it was St. Patty's day and the parade was happening, and yes, I was one frightened young woman. :lol:

    Enjoy Canada, it's so very beautiful up there.
    Don't come closer or I'll have to go
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    cant find my tickets in my profile under goods.
    not very happy right now

    i did receive the ticket confirmation email tho .
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66 wrote:
    cant find my tickets in my profile under goods.
    not very happy right now

    i did receive the ticket confirmation email tho .

    oh that's not good, contact them asap!
    Don't come closer or I'll have to go
  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    cant find my tickets in my profile under goods.
    not very happy right now

    i did receive the ticket confirmation email tho .

    it doesn't look like the canadian shows tickets appear in 10c goods orders...my vancouver tix don't. probably cause they were sold through the TM presale...otherwise they're done the same as 10club tix

    relax...have fun & enjoy the shows :)
    angels share laughter
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    its all calm .
    they werent handled thru 10c but ticketmaster canada.
    its on my profile there.

    peace and joy !
    TO= 6 days.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    edited October 2011
    Hi everybody !

    7 months out of transplant,
    and as of October 14th ( yeah it's a Friday )
    I will finally be returning to work !

    I met with my follow up team at Columbia yesterday,
    and the doctors were more than pleased with my progress,
    and furthermore, they are very happy
    with the most recent lab results --

    My creatine ( kidney function ) has lowered down to a number they never even thought I would reach!
    I am at 1.5 now, a beautiful number. ( they first termed my 'baeline' at 1.6 )

    After all these months the doctors have tweaked my medication dosgaes
    both increasing and decreasing many times throughout this process.

    I am now on my medications 3 x / day
    ( every 8 hours ) and my prograf ( tacrolimus ) is now 5 MG/ 3 times daily .
    ( Of course along with a plethora of other meds )

    The doctors yesterday began the process of my Pancreas transplant next .
    They assure me that this will cure my diabetes-
    instantly . .
    They told me that if I go into the OR with a blood sugar of 200,
    by the time I come out , ( after a 7 hour surgery ) ,
    it could be as low as 75-80 .

    This is really unbelievable to me, and I cannot begin to imagine,...
    as I have lived my entire life with Type 1 Diabetes since age 5 .
    ( I'm 45 now )

    Thanks go out to all of you here at the PJ Forums,,
    thanks for the kind thoughts and words here,
    You all are the best !

    Stay tuned,......
    Post edited by Bathgate66 on
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • pearljgirl2010pearljgirl2010 Shillington, PA/Tuckerton, NJ Posts: 3,428
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    Hi everybody !

    7 months out of transplant,
    and as of October 14th ( yeah it's a Friday )
    I will finally be returning to work !

    I met with my follow up team at Columbia yesterday,
    and the doctors were more than pleased with my progress,
    and furthermore, they are very happy
    with the most recent lab results --

    My creatine ( kidney function ) has lowered down to a number they never even thought I would reach!
    I am at 1.5 now, a beautiful number. ( they first termed my 'baeline' at 1.6 )

    After all these months the doctors have tweaked my medication dosgaes
    both increasing and decreasing many times throughout this process.

    I am now on my medications 3 x / day
    ( every 8 hours ) and my prograf ( tacrolimus ) is now 5 MG/ 3 times daily .
    ( Of course along with a plethora of other meds )

    The doctors yesterday began the process of my Pancreas transplant next .
    They assure me that this will cure my diabetes-
    instantly . .
    They told me that if I go into the OR with a blood sugar of 200,
    by the time I come out , ( after a 7 hour surgery ) ,
    it could be as low as 75-80 .

    This is really unbelievable to me, and I cannot begin to imagine,...
    as I have lived my entire life with Type 1 Diabetes since age 5 .
    ( I'm 45 now )

    Thanks go out to all of you here at the PJ Forums,,
    thanks for the kind thoughts and words here,
    You all are the best !

    Stay tuned,......

    That's awesome...I hope things continue to go well :-)
    Need a tour Travel Agent??? Pick me :-)

    Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Really good news!

    How long is the recovery with a panceas transplant?? Is it as major an operation as before?? Probably a dumb question to ask - but I don't know.
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Claireack wrote:
    Really good news!

    How long is the recovery with a panceas transplant?? Is it as major an operation as before?? Probably a dumb question to ask - but I don't know.

    It is a much more intensive operation.
    Its deeper into the abdominal cavity,the scar is alot larger ,
    the bowel is involved (( a drain from the duct in the pancreas into the bowel loop ))
    ( theyve already reserved the spot for the new pancreas on the right side )

    The hospital stay is alot longer,
    as is the recuperation time.
    It is an overall much more intensive procedure, and the Pancreas itsel;f is a much more " fickle " organ .
    There are also major things they need to watch for,
    that they dont really wprry asbout with Kidneys.
    ( Thrombosis being the biggest concern )

    Of course this also mans there will be another intensive regimen of anti- rejection drugs,
    and all that goes with them.
    ( Lots of side effects )

    People are not used to this procedure- its very very new.
    Theyve only done 32 of these procedures at Columbia,
    and had only 1 failure.
    It is not older than 3 or 4 years old ( at Columbia-Pres anyway )

    People are sometimes negative and doubtful,
    but I have absolutely no room or tolerance for that .
    I've lived my whole life with type 1 ( since age 5 ) ,
    if it doesnt work out for whatever reason, then I'm right back to where I started from,
    so there really is no risk or consequence.
    The same surgeon who did my Kidney TX will be doing the Pancreas TX .

    Also , there is a slight chance that i may need a new kidney somewhere down the road, being that the anti-rejection drugs will be so high and so intense,
    it theoretiucally can damage the new kidney.
    However this is not automatic, it may not happen .

    ( Of course, being in Health Care,
    I do realize that any medical surgical procedure is a risk- even a bunionectomy )

    to be continued,.........
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    new kidney...new pancreas...we'll just call you steve austin from now on ;):D
  • prismprism Posts: 2,440
    good to see things are progressing well for your pancreas TX. :)

    though i was on the kidney/pancreas list when i received superbean in '07 the pancreas wasn't available then. i chose not to go back & get on the pancreas list for a few reasons. despite being diabetic since 7 yrs old, i'm one of the type 1's holding out for one of the newer experimental means toward a cure...just the direction i think best for me...

    still i very much respect your decision to go through with a pancreas tx. i hope that you'll have smooth sailing through out it all without any bumps along the way. wish you the best of luck for a successful outcome...i'm excited for you, dude

    any ideas for what you might name your new pancreas? ;)
    angels share laughter
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    edited October 2011
    norm wrote:
    new kidney...new pancreas...we'll just call you steve austin from now on ;):D

    wheres jamie sommers?
    the chick with the ear

    glad to report after 7 and half months,
    and with a new fully functional kidney.,
    i am returning to my job this Friday morning, at 6am .

    There have been only 34 Pancreas TXs @ Columbia -Presbyterian.

    A new pancreas will work instantly.
    If upon entering the operating room,
    I had a hypothetical blood sugar ( glucose ) of 200 ,
    by the time they wheel me out ,...
    it could be down somewhere near 80 .

    There has only been 1 failure
    ( there were extenuating circumstances here )
    The main complication with the Pancreas TX overall is Thrombosis.
    This would shut down and destroy the Pancreas,
    and then they take it out .

    I am about to become active on the Pancreas list,
    alltho I have been accruing time
    since i first went on dialysis and on the kidney list as well.
    I will just be classifed as " active " on that list.
    Columbia has also told me that there are only
    like 1 or 2 people ahead of me right now*-
    ( * under my blood type ---"A" )

    so a new Pancreas,
    & life without diabetes,.. is not too far off, either.

    I'll keep you all posted.
    thanks everyone.


    Donate Organs and Save a Life
    You can be the difference.
    Post edited by Bathgate66 on
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    Pancreas too! I had no idea. Congrats on getting back to work, and good luck with it all - hope to share many more years of Bruce fanboy/fangirlness with you!
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    Bathgate66 wrote:
    The doctors yesterday began the process of my Pancreas transplant next .
    They assure me that this will cure my diabetes-
    instantly . .
    They told me that if I go into the OR with a blood sugar of 200,
    by the time I come out , ( after a 7 hour surgery ) ,
    it could be as low as 75-80 .


    that is soooo great!!!

    Here's to your continued good health.

    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • PureandEasyPureandEasy Posts: 5,818
    God bless you Andrew, what a lot to go through, but how wonderful that it is even possible! And to completely cure your Diabetes is fantastic.

    As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    and enjoy going back to work!
    Don't come closer or I'll have to go
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    thank you everybody.

    life is good.
    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,424
    You enjoyed the transplant procedure so much you decided to do it again! ;)

    Glad to see things are going so well with the kidney, best of luck with the pancreas.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    Poncier wrote:
    You enjoyed the transplant procedure so much you decided to do it again! ;)

    Glad to see things are going so well with the kidney, best of luck with the pancreas.

    the TX procedure, not so much,
    the results?
    absolutely !

    again,...thanks everybody !

    Tomorrow is WORK !

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561

    Good luck for tomorrow! :D:D
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