Want to bump this thread up. Seeing as everyone says its hard to get in out of the venue I'm wondering if anyone is into meeting up and carpooloing to take advantage of the YES parking program. 4 or more passengers means priority parking. Anyone else going up from the Eugene area?
Honolulu Dec 2, 2006
Seattle Sept 21 & 22 2009
Portland Sept 26, 2009
Madison Square Garden May 20 & 21, 2010
Bridge School Oct 23 & 24, 2010
Alpine Valley - PJ20 Sept 3 & 4, 2011
DeLuna Sept 21, 2012
Atlanta Sept 22, 2012
Missoula Sept 30, 2012
Wrigley Field July 19, 2013
Portland Nov 29, 2013
Spokane Nov 30, 2013
Vancouver Dec 4, 2013
Seattle Dec 6, 2013
Tulsa Oct 8, 2014
Want to bump this thread up. Seeing as everyone says its hard to get in out of the venue I'm wondering if anyone is into meeting up and carpooloing to take advantage of the YES parking program. 4 or more passengers means priority parking. Anyone else going up from the Eugene area?
my thoughts were that if we all pre-partied at the same place we might have enough people to take advantage of the yes parking.
otherwise, my husband and I are probably going to use the park and ride.
I think I am the only one on this board who bought a premier parking pass for Clark County.
Yeah, never thought they would sell out so fast....After seeing that Chicago had early 10 club parking, I am hoping that Clark County will have some sort of VIP for Ten Club. I have read some real horror stories online about getting out of this venue.
I will not lose my Faith, it's an Inside job today....
The Ten Club added hotel special rates for those going to this show! Check out the listings on the home page if you are staying in Portland or Vancouver, WA! Thanks 10C!!
I will not lose my Faith, it's an Inside job today....
I sent a PM to foxy about the Oregon Food Bank being interested in helping with the Canned food drive. If this of interest to anybody email me <!-- e --><a href="mailto:brandonhubbard_3@msn.com">brandonhubbard_3@msn.com</a><!-- e --> for more info!
I sent a PM to foxy about the Oregon Food Bank being interested in helping with the Canned food drive. If this of interest to anybody email me <!-- e --><a href="mailto:brandonhubbard_3@msn.com">brandonhubbard_3@msn.com</a><!-- e --> for more info!
Just popping in to say will be answering PM's and updating the 1st post tonight!
There is a campground located about 6 miles to the Northeast of the amphitheater. I've never stayed there. I have friends that live next door though on 5 acres and I get the impression it might be a bit of a party place because when we're outside we hear music and hollering on the weekend sometimes at night. Good or bad? Meh. Anyway it's name is Big Fir. I think it is going to be your closest and least expensive place, but I don't know much about it's amenities. 360-887-8970 or 800-532-4397.
There were a couple other places, but I believe there wasn't any room that weekend. I can keep looking if you want. Just let me know.
I did wand to share this camping information again. I drove through the camp ground today and it looks like an ok place to stay if you're camping. It looked like each site had trees surrounding it as well as a picnic table. It was clean and had on-site management. Just fyi for campers.
I sent a PM to foxy about the Oregon Food Bank being interested in helping with the Canned food drive. If this of interest to anybody email me <!-- e --><a href="mailto:brandonhubbard_3@msn.com">brandonhubbard_3@msn.com</a><!-- e --> for more info!
Got this added it, Brandon - nice job!
Finally got to updating the small but respectable RSVP section!
As far as location... I would definitely say that a bar closest to the venue would be best, right? That way we can park at the bar and arrange for a shuttle to/from the venue. That way we have parking covered and no one has to worry about drinking & driving.
We've made it a policy to never pay for any room/bar, so any kind of rental place would be off the list (unless they want to donate).
anotherclone was super helpful and came up with this place: http://www.billygansroadhouse.com/ but I am so confused as to the location of everything.
Anyone have the actual address of the venue? I can't find it for anything!
I sent a PM to foxy about the Oregon Food Bank being interested in helping with the Canned food drive. If this of interest to anybody email me <!-- e --><a href="mailto:brandonhubbard_3@msn.com">brandonhubbard_3@msn.com</a><!-- e --> for more info!
Got this added it, Brandon - nice job!
Finally got to updating the small but respectable RSVP section!
As far as location... I would definitely say that a bar closest to the venue would be best, right? That way we can park at the bar and arrange for a shuttle to/from the venue. That way we have parking covered and no one has to worry about drinking & driving.
We've made it a policy to never pay for any room/bar, so any kind of rental place would be off the list (unless they want to donate).
anotherclone was super helpful and came up with this place: http://www.billygansroadhouse.com/ but I am so confused as to the location of everything.
Anyone have the actual address of the venue? I can't find it for anything!
I sent a PM to foxy about the Oregon Food Bank being interested in helping with the Canned food drive. If this of interest to anybody email me <!-- e --><a href="mailto:brandonhubbard_3@msn.com">brandonhubbard_3@msn.com</a><!-- e --> for more info!
Got this added it, Brandon - nice job!
Finally got to updating the small but respectable RSVP section!
As far as location... I would definitely say that a bar closest to the venue would be best, right? That way we can park at the bar and arrange for a shuttle to/from the venue. That way we have parking covered and no one has to worry about drinking & driving.
We've made it a policy to never pay for any room/bar, so any kind of rental place would be off the list (unless they want to donate).
anotherclone was super helpful and came up with this place: http://www.billygansroadhouse.com/ but I am so confused as to the location of everything.
Anyone have the actual address of the venue? I can't find it for anything!
I sent a PM to foxy about the Oregon Food Bank being interested in helping with the Canned food drive. If this of interest to anybody email me <!-- e --><a href="mailto:brandonhubbard_3@msn.com">brandonhubbard_3@msn.com</a><!-- e --> for more info!
Got this added it, Brandon - nice job!
Finally got to updating the small but respectable RSVP section!
As far as location... I would definitely say that a bar closest to the venue would be best, right? That way we can park at the bar and arrange for a shuttle to/from the venue. That way we have parking covered and no one has to worry about drinking & driving.
We've made it a policy to never pay for any room/bar, so any kind of rental place would be off the list (unless they want to donate).
anotherclone was super helpful and came up with this place: http://www.billygansroadhouse.com/ but I am so confused as to the location of everything.
Anyone have the actual address of the venue? I can't find it for anything!
mid afternoon-show time! Let me know if I can help. Cheers
Seattle Sept 21 & 22 2009
Portland Sept 26, 2009
Madison Square Garden May 20 & 21, 2010
Bridge School Oct 23 & 24, 2010
Alpine Valley - PJ20 Sept 3 & 4, 2011
DeLuna Sept 21, 2012
Atlanta Sept 22, 2012
Missoula Sept 30, 2012
Wrigley Field July 19, 2013
Portland Nov 29, 2013
Spokane Nov 30, 2013
Vancouver Dec 4, 2013
Seattle Dec 6, 2013
Tulsa Oct 8, 2014
my thoughts were that if we all pre-partied at the same place we might have enough people to take advantage of the yes parking.
otherwise, my husband and I are probably going to use the park and ride.
yeah, I f-ed up and forgot to get one. what a loser.
unfortunately, they are sold out.
Good seats for All!!!!
Just popping in to say will be answering PM's and updating the 1st post tonight!
This is my kind of love...
I did wand to share this camping information again. I drove through the camp ground today and it looks like an ok place to stay if you're camping. It looked like each site had trees surrounding it as well as a picnic table. It was clean and had on-site management. Just fyi for campers.
Got this added it, Brandon - nice job!
Finally got to updating the small but respectable RSVP section!
As far as location... I would definitely say that a bar closest to the venue would be best, right? That way we can park at the bar and arrange for a shuttle to/from the venue. That way we have parking covered and no one has to worry about drinking & driving.
We've made it a policy to never pay for any room/bar, so any kind of rental place would be off the list (unless they want to donate).
anotherclone was super helpful and came up with this place: http://www.billygansroadhouse.com/ but I am so confused as to the location of everything.
Anyone have the actual address of the venue? I can't find it for anything!
This is my kind of love...
The address was on the website
http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&sourc ... a=N&tab=wl
Not to Billy goat's roadhouse, ya goose, to the concert venue!
This is my kind of love...
Ha Ha Ha
This might work better http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=13200 ... 122.674499
What the heck?? Is this like a Gorge kinda place?? It's out in the middle of........nothing? Does the concert venue have a website? :? :shock:
This is my kind of love...
It appears to be in the middle of nowhere...right off I-5. Here is the venue site:
Not quite the scenery of the Gorge, but it is an amphitheater, kinda looks like Alpine Valley does to me, picture wise at least.
It's in the middle of Vantucky Washington. Not much around there but farms, casinos, strip malls and freeway.
Just natural for me to respond when somebody says Alpine Valley. hehe
Woa. Totally wasn't paying attention to this at all - LOL!! Thought it was downtown Portland kinda dealie. Interesting.
So if we had it nearby and got a shuttle it would drop us at the little dot in the middle..
This is my kind of love...