What... you're going to make ME do all the talking?
(I guess I usually do in the abortion threads anyway :oops: )
i was using it as an example. i think that is the first time anyone has made a whole thread from something i have said lol...i have debated this topic going back to at least 2 prior boards and nobody has ever been swayed one way or the other. hence my signature.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
What... you're going to make ME do all the talking?
(I guess I usually do in the abortion threads anyway :oops: )
i was using it as an example. i think that is the first time anyone has made a whole thread from something i have said lol...i have debated this topic going back to at least 2 prior boards and nobody has ever been swayed one way or the other. hence my signature.
Your signature is specifically about the abortion debate?
I think before we answer this question we need to come to some consensus about what it means to use abortion as a form of birth control.
And then about how we define "acceptable" and acceptable to whom.
women who dont use any forms of "traditional" birth control, the pill, condoms, etc. because they can just as easily take the morning after pill or have an abortion if pregnancy happens.
i have never in my life known of a woman who conscoiusly chooses not to use BC simply b/c " they can just as easily take the morning after pill or have an abortion if pregnancy happens." do you honestly believe there are women who think like this? and if so, what makes you think that?
i personally believe that women who utilize the morning after pill or abortion are in the same category of 'forethought' as a woman who accidentally - as in not desired at the time - gets pregnant and decides to continue the pregnancy and have the child. the *oops* factor of pregnancy is behind most unwanted pregnancies, no? i think the main problem is the LACK of forethought, period, no matter what decision a woman may actually decide after the fact.
IS it "so easy" to get the morning after pill or an abortion? again, you truly believe it is an EASY decision to have an abortion? yikes. while i am fully pro-choice, i doubt it is an easy decision, for anyone.
btw - unless you are one who believes that life begins *right* at conception....what exactly would be the issue with the morning after pill? i mean, IUDs, which are a form of BC, do not allow a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus, so it all does the same thing there. so wouldn't you actually think it is more 'responsible' for lack of a better term, to go and take a morning after pill right away in an *oops* scenario, ya know 'just in case'....rather than wait a few weeks/months....and then decide for abortion? i only ask b/c i just think, isn't the main goal to reduce abortion? so why lump the morning after pill with abortion? i do know some consider it the *same* thing....but really.....all forms of BC interfere with fertilization and/or with implantation of fertilization. so if you are ok with IUDs, i don't really see where the issue lies with the morning after pill. as i said, i am pro-choice....but i would just think even someone who is pro-life, if they truly want to do away with abortion.....access and education to ALL forms of BC, including the morning after pill, would be seen as a good thing.
i have never in my life known of a woman who conscoiusly chooses not to use BC simply b/c " they can just as easily take the morning after pill or have an abortion if pregnancy happens." do you honestly believe there are women who think like this? and if so, what makes you think that?
i personally believe that women who utilize the morning after pill or abortion are in the same category of 'forethought' as a woman who accidentally - as in not desired at the time - gets pregnant and decides to continue the pregnancy and have the child. the *oops* factor of pregnancy is behind most unwanted pregnancies, no? i think the main problem is the LACK of forethought, period, no matter what decision a woman may actually decide after the fact.
IS it "so easy" to get the morning after pill or an abortion? again, you truly believe it is an EASY decision to have an abortion? yikes. while i am fully pro-choice, i doubt it is an easy decision, for anyone.
Abortion as Birth Control - 1,300 UK Women Have Had at Least Five Abortions
The statistics for 2006 showed that nearly 15,000 women in the UK have had three or more abortions, with 54 having had eight or more abortions. A total of 193,737 women in England and Wales had an abortion in 2006, 17,173 of which were on women under 18 years.
Pritchard said the numbers make it clear that abortion was being used as a form of back-up contraception.
Half of all women seeking a first abortion had not been using any type of contraception when they conceived (despite agreement with their sexual partners about not wanting to become pregnant). These women were seeking an abortion due to not using birth control or because of inconsistent birth control use.
i have never in my life known of a woman who conscoiusly chooses not to use BC simply b/c " they can just as easily take the morning after pill or have an abortion if pregnancy happens." do you honestly believe there are women who think like this? and if so, what makes you think that?
While I don't think that there are many people who decide to forgo all means of birth control because they can just get an abortion if they get pregnant, they do exist...
But more so, there are a lot of people (mostly young people) who engage in unprotected sex because they are lazy, stupid, don't want to use condoms, are drunk, or whatever... a percentage of these acts result in pregnancy, and a percentage of those who become pregnant take the abortion route.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
this train of thought just got me thinkin' more about it....always a dangerous thing ....
NOT that i would EVER wish for even MORE fights against women's rights/access/choice...but i AM curious...those who DO believe that life begins exactly at conception.....do you have a problem with IUDs? why don't more fight to outlaw them? i've never actually heard or read any discussion in regard to them, no desire to do away with them, etc. again, i would NOT wish it to happen...but it mkes me curious. IUDs (intra-uterine devices) work on the principle of making the environment of the uterus unsuitable for a fertilized egg. orginally, they were designed out of copper, now most ar made from plastic....many nowadays also have some hormonal agent though they are still made w/o it too. IUDs have had a bit of a resurgence in popularity b/c i believe they can be implanted and kept in place for 5 years, maybe longer? and moreso, women who have undergone or are under treatment for breast cancer - specifically taking tamoxifen - they cannot use any hormonal forms of BC, such as the pill, so the non-hormonal IUD is an excellent choice for a woman who wants to take control of her own BC, not rely on condoms. i don't think their effectivity is as high as BC pills, also it is a wee bit uncomfortable to have inserted, etc......thus why they fell out of favor when the BC pill came into being. that said, many are turning back to them. anyhoo...i bring this up b/c again, if one believes life begins at conception, an IUD, by design, works AFTER the egg is fertilized. so why the hoopla over the morning after pill, abortion, etc......and not over this? is it simply b/c many people have no idea how they work?
i am pro-choice....and want it left to the mother.....but even i see 'differences' between the IUD...the morning after pill....abortion. i do not believe human life begins at conception, so i don't have a problem with any of these methods....but it does make me wonder just what exactly people think in regards to it all, and where those who DO believe differently from me...where exaclty they personally 'drw the line' so to speak...of what is ok or not ok. as i've said, i've never read/heard anything negative against IUDs yet so much against the morning after pill...yet they both basically do the same thing, after fertilization. i believe BC pills are meant to work prefertilization, but may also work after fertilization...condoms obviously are pre-fertilization, same with a diaphraghm.....so i wonder if those pro-lifers actually specifiy preferences of BC (and i am not talking of the religious who are anti-BC, period...but those who are of a more moderate mindset, against abortion but not necesssarily BC)
again...sorry for rambling, hahaha....but just got me thinkin' about it all! i've thought of it in the past, have asked...but never got any answers. maybe someone who is definitely pro-life and/or reads a LOT of websites/literature from the pro-life side, could possibly tell if this issue has ever been given much mention...
jlew.......1300 women......out of a population of HOW many? 5 abortions is far from the norm. and yes, i already said that first time aborters weren't using any BC regularly, probably th same with many unintended first-time mothers. if abortion is legal, abortion is legal.....while i may not *like* that a woman would do that....on the other hand, i do believe it's her right, her choice....and her body. however, the majority of women who choose abortion do NOT 'use it as regular BC'....but utilize it once......as BC. i mean, preventing or ending a pregnancy, technically, IS BC. the fact that some women may choose to abuse their bodies....and i think doing so 8! times definitely is abusing your body, again.....i will not let the 'extremes' in the situation infringe on the rights of the majority. you may think differently.
hey, if a woman is allowed to implant 8 embryos all at once...why can't she abort 8 times?
i really am not a believer in either practice, but then again i AM a believer in choice.
luckily, both extremes, overall, are rare.
blackredyellow.....i agree, entirely.
i did not say they don't exist, i said that i personally have never known a woman to think like that....and yes, i do think it is rare.
btw jlew - you did not at ALL address my questions about the morning after pill.
While I don't think that there are many people who decide to forgo all means of birth control because they can just get an abortion if they get pregnant, they do exist...
But more so, there are a lot of people (mostly young people) who engage in unprotected sex because they are lazy, stupid, don't want to use condoms, are drunk, or whatever... a percentage of these acts result in pregnancy, and a percentage of those who become pregnant take the abortion route.
if abortion were illegal, I wonder how this would change the mindset of people being lazy, stupid, dont want to use condoms, drunk, etc.
i have never in my life known of a woman who conscoiusly chooses not to use BC simply b/c " they can just as easily take the morning after pill or have an abortion if pregnancy happens." do you honestly believe there are women who think like this? and if so, what makes you think that?
While I don't think that there are many people who decide to forgo all means of birth control because they can just get an abortion if they get pregnant, they do exist...
But more so, there are a lot of people (mostly young people) who engage in unprotected sex because they are lazy, stupid, don't want to use condoms, are drunk, or whatever... a percentage of these acts result in pregnancy, and a percentage of those who become pregnant take the abortion route.
Exactly. There are some incredibly ignorant people out there, and I know quite a few personally. It's horrible, really. They value a few minutes of pleasure above their own safety, and the very obvious potential consequence of pregnancy with all of the potential issues that come with it.
Education will only take you so far. In the end, it's straight common sense that avoids this type of situation.
While I don't think that there are many people who decide to forgo all means of birth control because they can just get an abortion if they get pregnant, they do exist...
But more so, there are a lot of people (mostly young people) who engage in unprotected sex because they are lazy, stupid, don't want to use condoms, are drunk, or whatever... a percentage of these acts result in pregnancy, and a percentage of those who become pregnant take the abortion route.
if abortion were illegal, I wonder how this would change the mindset of people being lazy, stupid, dont want to use condoms, drunk, etc.
see life pre-legalized abortion?
abortions happened long before abortion was made legal.
i mean, there is reason why abortion was made legal.
question tho - again, unless you consider that life begins at conception...why lump the morning after pill with abortion? ( as per your original post) do you truly view them both as one and the same? as i said, as a pro-choice person, obviously my views are different from the get-go....but i just think, even as a pro-choice person, i would think the morning after pill a far better option/choice....rather than face an abortion.
While I don't think that there are many people who decide to forgo all means of birth control because they can just get an abortion if they get pregnant, they do exist...
But more so, there are a lot of people (mostly young people) who engage in unprotected sex because they are lazy, stupid, don't want to use condoms, are drunk, or whatever... a percentage of these acts result in pregnancy, and a percentage of those who become pregnant take the abortion route.
if abortion were illegal, I wonder how this would change the mindset of people being lazy, stupid, dont want to use condoms, drunk, etc.
see life pre-legalized abortion?
abortions happened long before abortion was made legal.
i mean, there is reason why abortion was made legal.
yea I suppose. but I think people would be more responsible about sex if abortion was illegal.
question tho - again, unless you consider that life begins at conception...why lump the morning after pill with abortion? ( as per your original post) do you truly view them both as one and the same? as i said, as a pro-choice person, obviously my views are different from the get-go....but i just think, even as a pro-choice person, i would think the morning after pill a far better option/choice....rather than face an abortion.
I'm simply having a discussion. I dont have a hard line stance either way on abortion. but I do understand those who believe life begins at conception..thus making the morning after pill abortion. I just don't feel comfortable telling those people they are wrong. that doesnt mean I agree with their stance either.
I agree however, that the morning after pill is a far better option then abortion
question tho - again, unless you consider that life begins at conception...why lump the morning after pill with abortion? ( as per your original post) do you truly view them both as one and the same? as i said, as a pro-choice person, obviously my views are different from the get-go....but i just think, even as a pro-choice person, i would think the morning after pill a far better option/choice....rather than face an abortion.
I'm simply having a discussion. I dont have a hard line stance either way on abortion. but I do understand those who believe life begins at conception..thus making the morning after pill abortion. I just don't feel comfortable telling those people they are wrong. that doesnt mean I agree with their stance either.
I agree however, that the morning after pill is a far better option then abortion
and i am simply having a discussion too. i am not trying to force you to have a 'hard-line stance'...i simply want to gain an understanding of your thoughts on it. your first post made me think/question, but thanks for clarifying. i am not saying my thoughts are 'right' either.....just seeing where others' mindsets are at when weighing all the available options and the like.
i too understand how some may hold completely opposed views t o my own on the topic, and i respect that. i also admit it is easier for me to respect that as abortion IS currently legal as i personally believe it should be. that said, i AM always curious as to others' "lines"....and i do wonder why there is not more support for the morning-after pill, all forms of BC, access/education/acceptance. again, i understand the religious angle, but outside of that i do believe there are a LOT of moderates on both sides....and i think that could possibly help the entire situation. i do believe most people, pro-choice and pro-life, would far prefer less and less abortion....it's how we get there that seems to be the sticking point oftentimes, and again, where the more moderate thinkers on both sides need to make the most headway.
as to your first point, i will simply, politely, agree to disagree......
While I don't think that there are many people who decide to forgo all means of birth control because they can just get an abortion if they get pregnant, they do exist...
But more so, there are a lot of people (mostly young people) who engage in unprotected sex because they are lazy, stupid, don't want to use condoms, are drunk, or whatever... a percentage of these acts result in pregnancy, and a percentage of those who become pregnant take the abortion route.
if abortion were illegal, I wonder how this would change the mindset of people being lazy, stupid, dont want to use condoms, drunk, etc.
It might change some of their minds, but not all.
The first step is society collectively pulling its head out of its own ass-- and it starts with us men. We let movies, television, and pop culture dupe us into thinking that it's the greatest thing in the world to blow our seed in every vagina out there like it's some kind of contest. What's even worse is that a lot of us milk it for all it's worth-- in other words, it's not just enough to bring home a broad and have a good time... No, we must always take it as far as possible and maximize pleasure-- go bare back, and bust it inside of her. If you can't seriously picture yourself having a kid with someone you bring home from a bar drunk, why would you ever EVER trade off 10 seconds of pleasure for potentially days of confusion / anguish that may result from this one night stand resulting in pregnancy? Fuckin pull out, man! Wear a condom! Or how about simply NOT try and bang everything that makes your pee pee say, "SWEET!" Yes, we are animals, LITERALLY. But we do have the ability to think and to reason. It's about time we started doing just that.
i am going to get my wife pregnant today and then, after 1 month, we are going to have an abortion.............that way i will be able to understand the "pro abortion" mindset.
shit........maybe abortion is not all that bad.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
Exactly. There are some incredibly ignorant people out there, and I know quite a few personally. It's horrible, really. They value a few minutes of pleasure above their own safety, and the very obvious potential consequence of pregnancy with all of the potential issues that come with it.
Education will only take you so far. In the end, it's straight common sense that avoids this type of situation.
The bad news is that you can't teach common sense. :evil:
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
i am going to get my wife pregnant today and then, after 1 month, we are going to have an abortion.............that way i will be able to understand the "pro abortion" mindset.
shit........maybe abortion is not all that bad.
do please share, b/c i too would love to understand the 'pro-abortion' mindset as i personally have never met anyone who is pro-abortion.
pro-choice is just that......choice.
i respect the choice to have a child just as much as i respect the choice to not have one. and in an ideal world, BC would be used 100% of the time when one does not desire a pregnancy, would be 100% effective, always, and no woman/girl would ever be forced to have intercourse against her will, with or w/o BC. until that day comes, yea.....i am pro-choice.
i am going to get my wife pregnant today and then, after 1 month, we are going to have an abortion.............that way i will be able to understand the "pro abortion" mindset.
shit........maybe abortion is not all that bad.
do please share, b/c i too would love to understand the 'pro-abortion' mindset as i personally have never met anyone who is pro-abortion.
pro-choice is just that......choice.
i respect the choice to have a child just as much as i respect the choice to not have one. and in an ideal world, BC would be used 100% of the time when one does not desire a pregnancy, would be 100% effective, always, and no woman/girl would ever be forced to have intercourse against her will, with or w/o BC. until that day comes, yea.....i am pro-choice.
pro choice is just a pc way of saying........... pro abortion.
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
I think before we answer this question we need to come to some consensus about what it means to use abortion as a form of birth control.
And then about how we define "acceptable" and acceptable to whom.
women who dont use any forms of "traditional" birth control, the pill, condoms, etc. because they can just as easily take the morning after pill or have an abortion if pregnancy happens.
I think "because" is the key word here.
Also, I'm not sure why the morning after pill is included with abortion here...
i have never in my life known of a woman who conscoiusly chooses not to use BC simply b/c " they can just as easily take the morning after pill or have an abortion if pregnancy happens." do you honestly believe there are women who think like this? and if so, what makes you think that?
i personally believe that women who utilize the morning after pill or abortion are in the same category of 'forethought' as a woman who accidentally - as in not desired at the time - gets pregnant and decides to continue the pregnancy and have the child. the *oops* factor of pregnancy is behind most unwanted pregnancies, no? i think the main problem is the LACK of forethought, period, no matter what decision a woman may actually decide after the fact.
IS it "so easy" to get the morning after pill or an abortion? again, you truly believe it is an EASY decision to have an abortion? yikes. while i am fully pro-choice, i doubt it is an easy decision, for anyone.
btw - unless you are one who believes that life begins *right* at conception....what exactly would be the issue with the morning after pill? i mean, IUDs, which are a form of BC, do not allow a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus, so it all does the same thing there. so wouldn't you actually think it is more 'responsible' for lack of a better term, to go and take a morning after pill right away in an *oops* scenario, ya know 'just in case'....rather than wait a few weeks/months....and then decide for abortion? i only ask b/c i just think, isn't the main goal to reduce abortion? so why lump the morning after pill with abortion? i do know some consider it the *same* thing....but really.....all forms of BC interfere with fertilization and/or with implantation of fertilization. so if you are ok with IUDs, i don't really see where the issue lies with the morning after pill. as i said, i am pro-choice....but i would just think even someone who is pro-life, if they truly want to do away with abortion.....access and education to ALL forms of BC, including the morning after pill, would be seen as a good thing.
sorry for rambling.....;)
I see you already beat me to it! All excellent points!
I think before we answer this question we need to come to some consensus about what it means to use abortion as a form of birth control.
And then about how we define "acceptable" and acceptable to whom.
women who dont use any forms of "traditional" birth control, the pill, condoms, etc. because they can just as easily take the morning after pill or have an abortion if pregnancy happens.
seems confusing.............if you have the sense to take a morning after pill, why not take a before preventive measure?
this has been addressed. lazy, stupid, drunk, immature, etc. personally, I believe another reason is because people subconsciously know the abortion option is there.
Abortion as Birth Control - 1,300 UK Women Have Had at Least Five Abortions
The statistics for 2006 showed that nearly 15,000 women in the UK have had three or more abortions, with 54 having had eight or more abortions. A total of 193,737 women in England and Wales had an abortion in 2006, 17,173 of which were on women under 18 years.
Pritchard said the numbers make it clear that abortion was being used as a form of back-up contraception.
Half of all women seeking a first abortion had not been using any type of contraception when they conceived (despite agreement with their sexual partners about not wanting to become pregnant). These women were seeking an abortion due to not using birth control or because of inconsistent birth control use.
1. While 3 or more abortion is impressive (no, not in a good way), if a sexually active woman were to use abortion as her means of birth control and wanted two children, she would have 30 abortion - that's 10 times more! - by the time she reached age 45. (I'll have to dig up that source after I get my LA tickets, if you want it.)
2. Even missing your pill one day when your pharmacy ran out counts as "inconsistent birth control use," but I certainly wouldn't count these among women who supposedly use abortion as birth control. Inconsistent use mean they DO use birth control.
seems confusing.............if you have the sense to take a morning after pill, why not take a before preventive measure?
this has been addressed. lazy, stupid, drunk, immature, etc. personally, I believe another reason is because people subconsciously know the abortion option is there.
i do not think it is even subconscious.............i think it is just "fuck it, i will get an abortion."
live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
i have never in my life known of a woman who conscoiusly chooses not to use BC simply b/c " they can just as easily take the morning after pill or have an abortion if pregnancy happens." do you honestly believe there are women who think like this? and if so, what makes you think that?
While I don't think that there are many people who decide to forgo all means of birth control because they can just get an abortion if they get pregnant, they do exist...
But more so, there are a lot of people (mostly young people) who engage in unprotected sex because they are lazy, stupid, don't want to use condoms, are drunk, or whatever... a percentage of these acts result in pregnancy, and a percentage of those who become pregnant take the abortion route.
1. While 3 or more abortion is impressive (no, not in a good way), if a sexually active woman were to use abortion as her means of birth control and wanted two children, she would have 30 abortion - that's 10 times more! - by the time she reached age 45. (I'll have to dig up that source after I get my LA tickets, if you want it.)
is it acceptable for a woman to have 45 abortions?
2. Even missing your pill one day when your pharmacy ran out counts as "inconsistent birth control use," but I certainly wouldn't count these among women who supposedly use abortion as birth control. Inconsistent use mean they DO use birth control.
they use abortion as a back up means of birth control. which in my opinion, is wrong.
lol thanks. i have nothing to say on this topic........nothing to contribute here.... :?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
(I guess I usually do in the abortion threads anyway :oops: )
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Your signature is specifically about the abortion debate?
I think before we answer this question we need to come to some consensus about what it means to use abortion as a form of birth control.
And then about how we define "acceptable" and acceptable to whom.
women who dont use any forms of "traditional" birth control, the pill, condoms, etc. because they can just as easily take the morning after pill or have an abortion if pregnancy happens.
i personally believe that women who utilize the morning after pill or abortion are in the same category of 'forethought' as a woman who accidentally - as in not desired at the time - gets pregnant and decides to continue the pregnancy and have the child. the *oops* factor of pregnancy is behind most unwanted pregnancies, no? i think the main problem is the LACK of forethought, period, no matter what decision a woman may actually decide after the fact.
IS it "so easy" to get the morning after pill or an abortion? again, you truly believe it is an EASY decision to have an abortion? yikes. while i am fully pro-choice, i doubt it is an easy decision, for anyone.
btw - unless you are one who believes that life begins *right* at conception....what exactly would be the issue with the morning after pill? i mean, IUDs, which are a form of BC, do not allow a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus, so it all does the same thing there. so wouldn't you actually think it is more 'responsible' for lack of a better term, to go and take a morning after pill right away in an *oops* scenario, ya know 'just in case'....rather than wait a few weeks/months....and then decide for abortion? i only ask b/c i just think, isn't the main goal to reduce abortion? so why lump the morning after pill with abortion? i do know some consider it the *same* thing....but really.....all forms of BC interfere with fertilization and/or with implantation of fertilization. so if you are ok with IUDs, i don't really see where the issue lies with the morning after pill. as i said, i am pro-choice....but i would just think even someone who is pro-life, if they truly want to do away with abortion.....access and education to ALL forms of BC, including the morning after pill, would be seen as a good thing.
sorry for rambling.....;)
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Abortion as Birth Control - 1,300 UK Women Have Had at Least Five Abortions
The statistics for 2006 showed that nearly 15,000 women in the UK have had three or more abortions, with 54 having had eight or more abortions. A total of 193,737 women in England and Wales had an abortion in 2006, 17,173 of which were on women under 18 years.
Pritchard said the numbers make it clear that abortion was being used as a form of back-up contraception.
http://contraception.about.com/od/unpla ... _stats.htm
Half of all women seeking a first abortion had not been using any type of contraception when they conceived (despite agreement with their sexual partners about not wanting to become pregnant). These women were seeking an abortion due to not using birth control or because of inconsistent birth control use.
While I don't think that there are many people who decide to forgo all means of birth control because they can just get an abortion if they get pregnant, they do exist...
But more so, there are a lot of people (mostly young people) who engage in unprotected sex because they are lazy, stupid, don't want to use condoms, are drunk, or whatever... a percentage of these acts result in pregnancy, and a percentage of those who become pregnant take the abortion route.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
NOT that i would EVER wish for even MORE fights against women's rights/access/choice...but i AM curious...those who DO believe that life begins exactly at conception.....do you have a problem with IUDs? why don't more fight to outlaw them? i've never actually heard or read any discussion in regard to them, no desire to do away with them, etc. again, i would NOT wish it to happen...but it mkes me curious. IUDs (intra-uterine devices) work on the principle of making the environment of the uterus unsuitable for a fertilized egg. orginally, they were designed out of copper, now most ar made from plastic....many nowadays also have some hormonal agent though they are still made w/o it too. IUDs have had a bit of a resurgence in popularity b/c i believe they can be implanted and kept in place for 5 years, maybe longer? and moreso, women who have undergone or are under treatment for breast cancer - specifically taking tamoxifen - they cannot use any hormonal forms of BC, such as the pill, so the non-hormonal IUD is an excellent choice for a woman who wants to take control of her own BC, not rely on condoms. i don't think their effectivity is as high as BC pills, also it is a wee bit uncomfortable to have inserted, etc......thus why they fell out of favor when the BC pill came into being. that said, many are turning back to them. anyhoo...i bring this up b/c again, if one believes life begins at conception, an IUD, by design, works AFTER the egg is fertilized. so why the hoopla over the morning after pill, abortion, etc......and not over this? is it simply b/c many people have no idea how they work?
i am pro-choice....and want it left to the mother.....but even i see 'differences' between the IUD...the morning after pill....abortion. i do not believe human life begins at conception, so i don't have a problem with any of these methods....but it does make me wonder just what exactly people think in regards to it all, and where those who DO believe differently from me...where exaclty they personally 'drw the line' so to speak...of what is ok or not ok. as i've said, i've never read/heard anything negative against IUDs yet so much against the morning after pill...yet they both basically do the same thing, after fertilization. i believe BC pills are meant to work prefertilization, but may also work after fertilization...condoms obviously are pre-fertilization, same with a diaphraghm.....so i wonder if those pro-lifers actually specifiy preferences of BC (and i am not talking of the religious who are anti-BC, period...but those who are of a more moderate mindset, against abortion but not necesssarily BC)
again...sorry for rambling, hahaha....but just got me thinkin' about it all! i've thought of it in the past, have asked...but never got any answers. maybe someone who is definitely pro-life and/or reads a LOT of websites/literature from the pro-life side, could possibly tell if this issue has ever been given much mention...
jlew.......1300 women......out of a population of HOW many? 5 abortions is far from the norm. and yes, i already said that first time aborters weren't using any BC regularly, probably th same with many unintended first-time mothers. if abortion is legal, abortion is legal.....while i may not *like* that a woman would do that....on the other hand, i do believe it's her right, her choice....and her body. however, the majority of women who choose abortion do NOT 'use it as regular BC'....but utilize it once......as BC. i mean, preventing or ending a pregnancy, technically, IS BC. the fact that some women may choose to abuse their bodies....and i think doing so 8! times definitely is abusing your body, again.....i will not let the 'extremes' in the situation infringe on the rights of the majority. you may think differently.
hey, if a woman is allowed to implant 8 embryos all at once...why can't she abort 8 times?
i really am not a believer in either practice, but then again i AM a believer in choice.
luckily, both extremes, overall, are rare.
blackredyellow.....i agree, entirely.
i did not say they don't exist, i said that i personally have never known a woman to think like that....and yes, i do think it is rare.
btw jlew - you did not at ALL address my questions about the morning after pill.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
if abortion were illegal, I wonder how this would change the mindset of people being lazy, stupid, dont want to use condoms, drunk, etc.
Exactly. There are some incredibly ignorant people out there, and I know quite a few personally. It's horrible, really. They value a few minutes of pleasure above their own safety, and the very obvious potential consequence of pregnancy with all of the potential issues that come with it.
Education will only take you so far. In the end, it's straight common sense that avoids this type of situation.
see life pre-legalized abortion?
abortions happened long before abortion was made legal.
i mean, there is reason why abortion was made legal.
question tho - again, unless you consider that life begins at conception...why lump the morning after pill with abortion? ( as per your original post) do you truly view them both as one and the same? as i said, as a pro-choice person, obviously my views are different from the get-go....but i just think, even as a pro-choice person, i would think the morning after pill a far better option/choice....rather than face an abortion.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
yea I suppose. but I think people would be more responsible about sex if abortion was illegal.
I'm simply having a discussion. I dont have a hard line stance either way on abortion. but I do understand those who believe life begins at conception..thus making the morning after pill abortion. I just don't feel comfortable telling those people they are wrong. that doesnt mean I agree with their stance either.
I agree however, that the morning after pill is a far better option then abortion
and i am simply having a discussion too.
i too understand how some may hold completely opposed views t o my own on the topic, and i respect that. i also admit it is easier for me to respect that as abortion IS currently legal as i personally believe it should be. that said, i AM always curious as to others' "lines"....and i do wonder why there is not more support for the morning-after pill, all forms of BC, access/education/acceptance. again, i understand the religious angle, but outside of that i do believe there are a LOT of moderates on both sides....and i think that could possibly help the entire situation. i do believe most people, pro-choice and pro-life, would far prefer less and less abortion....it's how we get there that seems to be the sticking point oftentimes, and again, where the more moderate thinkers on both sides need to make the most headway.
as to your first point, i will simply, politely, agree to disagree......
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
It might change some of their minds, but not all.
The first step is society collectively pulling its head out of its own ass-- and it starts with us men. We let movies, television, and pop culture dupe us into thinking that it's the greatest thing in the world to blow our seed in every vagina out there like it's some kind of contest. What's even worse is that a lot of us milk it for all it's worth-- in other words, it's not just enough to bring home a broad and have a good time... No, we must always take it as far as possible and maximize pleasure-- go bare back, and bust it inside of her. If you can't seriously picture yourself having a kid with someone you bring home from a bar drunk, why would you ever EVER trade off 10 seconds of pleasure for potentially days of confusion / anguish that may result from this one night stand resulting in pregnancy? Fuckin pull out, man! Wear a condom! Or how about simply NOT try and bang everything that makes your pee pee say, "SWEET!" Yes, we are animals, LITERALLY. But we do have the ability to think and to reason. It's about time we started doing just that.
shit........maybe abortion is not all that bad.
do please share, b/c i too would love to understand the 'pro-abortion' mindset as i personally have never met anyone who is pro-abortion.
pro-choice is just that......choice.
i respect the choice to have a child just as much as i respect the choice to not have one. and in an ideal world, BC would be used 100% of the time when one does not desire a pregnancy, would be 100% effective, always, and no woman/girl would ever be forced to have intercourse against her will, with or w/o BC. until that day comes, yea.....i am pro-choice.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I think "because" is the key word here.
Also, I'm not sure why the morning after pill is included with abortion here...
I see you already beat me to it!
ok and?
for those who believe life begins at conception, it is abortion.
this has been addressed. lazy, stupid, drunk, immature, etc. personally, I believe another reason is because people subconsciously know the abortion option is there.
1. While 3 or more abortion is impressive (no, not in a good way), if a sexually active woman were to use abortion as her means of birth control and wanted two children, she would have 30 abortion - that's 10 times more! - by the time she reached age 45. (I'll have to dig up that source after I get my LA tickets, if you want it.)
2. Even missing your pill one day when your pharmacy ran out counts as "inconsistent birth control use," but I certainly wouldn't count these among women who supposedly use abortion as birth control. Inconsistent use mean they DO use birth control.
spot on.
is it acceptable for a woman to have 45 abortions?
they use abortion as a back up means of birth control. which in my opinion, is wrong.