Opioid Addiction in the US, Heroin and Oxys
Here on Long Island the new buzz word is "Opioid Addiction". I've watched this problem grow worse and worse since 1999.
In 1999 I was working in Virginia at a place called Pennington Gap and most of the teens and young adults all did pills. They preferred pharmaceuticals than to real drugs. Oxycontin pills were later refereed to as "hillbilly heroin".
Well now this problem isn't for the rural folks, it's in suburbia bigger than ever.
I've watched friends and family members in their 20's and below get sucked into this.
Teach your kids at a young age about everything that's out there...
In 1999 I was working in Virginia at a place called Pennington Gap and most of the teens and young adults all did pills. They preferred pharmaceuticals than to real drugs. Oxycontin pills were later refereed to as "hillbilly heroin".
Well now this problem isn't for the rural folks, it's in suburbia bigger than ever.
I've watched friends and family members in their 20's and below get sucked into this.
Teach your kids at a young age about everything that's out there...
I'm surprised this doesn't get more traction.
When the pharmaceutical company that makes a rehab drug for the opioid you know there's a damn problem...
we will find a way, we will find our place
we will find a way, we will find our place
This happens here a lot too.
One of the reasons I changed doctors 2 years ago and chose the one I did is because she will not prescribe pain medication. At least someone in the medical field has enough gall not to perpetuate the problem.
I've been told if you go down the needle route there isn't a very good chance of you coming back from it...
I was prescribed some strong pain killers when I broke a bone in my foot.
Fuck it was the best feeling I've had. I couldn't work out why I felt so warm, fuzzy, and happy until I read the packet haha.
I was tempted to pop a few more after I no longer needed them but my mind said don't do it.
Every rap song talks about popping pills now. Hell Eminem was rapping about it in the late 90's...
Education and have doctors stop prescribing these drugs like they are candy?
The opposite of addiction is connection.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I do not deny that there is much opiate abuse out there.
The current demonizing of opiates is very damaging to those that rely on them for basic life function.
I have a rarely diagnosed genetic disorder (Ehlers Danlos). The rate of diagnosis is, in itself a huge issue, but that is for another discussion altogether. One of the core issues of this disorder is intractable widespread pain. Many of the individuals with this disorder rely on opiates to function on a basic level. My presentation of this disorder is very mild, so I can typically function with OTC Ibuprofen. I start my day off with a minimum of 600mg, to just be able to do things like laundry and driving kids to school, and end my day with another minimum of 600mg. On really bad days I go as high as 1000mg every 4 hours (I metabolize meds quicker than most thanks to EDS.) My stomach is a mess. I have a slew of nsaid prescriptions that I have tried. None of which relieve my pain. ($60.00 a pop for things that don't work.) I have muscle relaxers and migraine meds. Some days none of these things work, and so I end up curled up on the couch with a blanket over my head. "Couch" mom, is not a fun mom. I had the fortunate experience of having a bad flare up of bursitis a year ago, and a doctor willing to prescribe a mild opiate. I layered my meds, just like I always have to do, and was able to keep a few meds for future flare ups. On the days I would have needed to resort to "Couch" mom, I was able to function. Those days, I could even get out and tend to my dahlia garden. The script was mild enough to not get me high. I have never needed to be 100% pain free everyday. I need a few days of relief occasionally to be able to recharge myself to be able to handle pain days. I do not get to enjoy this luxury because of the current mindset about opiates. I would be thrilled to have a non-opiate solution to my pain flare ups.
Some people need opiates for basic function.
Individuals can metabolize meds in unique ways. (Because of this not all pain relievers work for everyone.)
More investment into research and development of alternative pain relievers is crucial.
Access to quality mental healthcare is essential.
At minimum, legalizing medical marijuana in all states. (Remember though, metabolism of anything can be unique to the individual. )
Intractable pain can rob someone of their will to live.
Intractable pain can disable a person that would rather be engaged physically.
Unfortunately when the pharmaceutical industry pushed the doctors to prescribe pain meds like candy it all started to go south...
Medical marijuana is going to be the future. The tobacco inductry will find a way to fuck that up though...
I agree that opiates have been over prescribed.
If you only agree with a few of my last statements, I would encourage you to look into some of the things you disagree with further. It may or may not sway your perspective, but will absolutely give you more to think about.
This is my favorite site for information on issues relating to Ehlers Danlos. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?term=ehlers+danlos+syndrome https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?term=Ehlers+danlos+pain Through awareness spread by friends with the disorder, and this site, I was able to get my official diagnosis from a geneticist. Without these sources/resources, I would have died without a diagnosis.
Thanks for sharing with us!
This will be very interesting to watch unfold.
The damage is done though. I hope they can figure out a way to not reproduce the tragedy.