Lottery... So much for appeasing the loyal fanbase.



  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,719
    There are more fans than tickets.

    The band decided it is better to have 10,000 people get tickets to one or two shows than 3,000 people getting tickets to five. They changed the system.

    That is all there is to it. Really.

    I think its fine. Pick wisely and you have a decent shot at winning every time. But the days of getting 10c tix to a run of shows is over as long as this system is in place.
  • marc34marc34 Posts: 221
    edited July 2013
    The more I have read and learned about the lottery system I don't mind it as much. Granted I got both shows I wanted and I am sure I might feel differently about it had I not. It is similar to the old index cards/paper system except its digital. I was always under the impression that seniority got you tickets but I have read and been told by numerous people that was not the case. I guess I have been really fortunate and lucky for tickets all these years.

    The issue I do have is the choice to have a GA pit. That puts your seniority system in question. As a longtime member and getting a little older I will not line up for 10 hours to get to the front of the pit. Also If I want to get a drink or go the bathroom you will never make your way close to the front if you leave the pit. I know the newer 10c members are in favor of this because they think it evens out the chance to be up front. My argument is I will never have a chance to be front row unless I got random tickets in rows 1,2,9,10.....Just like a new club member. So I don't see why people feel the seniority is unfair.
    Post edited by marc34 on
    Hartford 96
    Mansfield 98 x 2
    Mansfield 00 x2
    Mansfield 03 x 3
    Boston 04 VFC x 2
    Hartford 06
    Boston 06 x 2
    Hartford 08
    Mansfield 08 x 2
    EV Boston 08 x 2
    Hartford 10
    Boston 10
    EV Providence 11
    EV Boston 11
    EV Hartford 11
    Worcester 13 x 2
    Hartford 13
    Buffalo 13
    Baltimore 13
    Fenway 2016 x 2
    Hot Stove 2017
    Fenway 2018 x 2
  • MG79478MG79478 Posts: 1,664
    Sorry - but people can only favor the old system over the lottery for one reason: they had an unfair advantage which gave them a leg up on tickets and now that advantage is gone.

    The unfair advantage they refer to is persistence and dedication to refresh until you get the tickets, or sold out.

    If someone wanted tickets bad enough, that they figured out the URL system, more power to them. EVERYONE had the same opportunity to figure out the same tricks. You can't be mad that some people put in the effort, and some didn't.
  • ZodZod Posts: 10,502
    Get_Right wrote:
    There are more fans than tickets.

    The band decided it is better to have 10,000 people get tickets to one or two shows than 3,000 people getting tickets to five. They changed the system.

    That is all there is to it. Really.

    I think its fine. Pick wisely and you have a decent shot at winning every time. But the days of getting 10c tix to a run of shows is over as long as this system is in place.

  • BinFrogBinFrog Posts: 7,305
    In the F5 days, at least you had some control over the situation: patience. In all the years they had the old system, yes it could royally SUCK to have tickets in your cart, and them have your browser timeout, but patience paid off. the ONLY show I ever got shut out of was because I was on vaca and had a friend log in for me, and I don't think he was quite prepared for what was in store.

    Everyone who says this new system is better is crazy.

    1) As mentioned, you're going to kill the core group of fans who travel to many cities to see the band.
    2) Nobody was 100% clear on how the rankings worked. It should be setup so that if you win a city, your next entry for that city is voided and everything in your queue moves up 1 spot. Or just screw the whole GA and Seats options and just make it 1 option.
    3) In the week+ that the lottery window was open, there was a lot of time for coordinated ticket schemes among groups of fans. And yes, I guarantee a lot of the extras will be on ebay and stubhub.
    4) This system takes the ticket buying experience completely out of the hands of the loyal fans.
    5) The worst part: We now all have to resort to TM onsale dates. You know, the company that Stone and Jeff went to congress to rally against. So now we have to deal with a system we KNOW is stacked against us. We will log in, and within 10 seconds of the onsale date there will be HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of tickets, per show, up on scalping sites. TM will make us bend over and take one for the team...unless we want nosebleed seats. Nosebleeds are fine from time to time if that is what it takes to get me in the door, but I have come to recognize and know a lot of familiar faces on tour over these years, and that communal aspect is now completely destroyed. TM will do their shady backroom scalping deals, brokers will guzzle up tickets and make us pay hundreds of dollars over face, and there is NOTHING we can do about it. Nothing. Oh, and you know there are tons of scalpers in the 10C now.

    I love this band. I love going to see them. I will end up with tickets to the 3 shows I requested and got denied. But this system just does not feel right.
    Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
    Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,666
    Poncier wrote:
    Divka wrote:
    MayDay10 wrote:

    I think the real issue is the allure of creating many garbage number accounts to get multiple entries for ga tickets

    Is it possible to have more than 1 account under the same name? Using fake names would not work...
    Not under the same name, but spouses, children other family members, employees etc.

    yup. This system greatly favors multiple new accounts. The ga aspect of it creates a perfect storm.

    im a mid to high member number too. I didnt lose anything really with ga. Its a scalpers dream thouhh
  • GrandmaGrandma Posts: 259
    I think the countdown hurt us a LOT here - plenty of warning for amateur scalpers to sign up - and the chance of getting Pit to sell made it even worse. The pros would have known in any case.

    Bet there are a lot of new members.
  • frisbiecfrisbiec Posts: 112
    Get_Right wrote:
    There are more fans than tickets.

    The band decided it is better to have 10,000 people get tickets to one or two shows than 3,000 people getting tickets to five. They changed the system.

    That is all there is to it. Really.

    I think its fine. Pick wisely and you have a decent shot at winning every time. But the days of getting 10c tix to a run of shows is over as long as this system is in place.
    Except this system did not do that. It shut out many people that were only going to attend or could only afford to attend 1-2 shows. And beyond that, many people still did get multiple shows. A lottery would work fine if everyone had one solid shot to a show. If there are indeed less tickets, there is no need for anyone to gain access to multiple shows. I often wonder if management is worried that without offering multiple shows, the band could not sufficiently fill some of the venues?
    Remove yourself from comfort . . . all progress involves risk
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,055
    Grandma wrote:
    I think the countdown hurt us a LOT here - plenty of warning for amateur scalpers to sign up - and the chance of getting Pit to sell made it even worse. The pros would have known in any case.

    Bet there are a lot of new members.
    I think people should be members for one full year before being able to buy tickets. Seems fair and would remove some scalpers maybe...
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • PJ2k3PJ2k3 Posts: 218
    It's pretty simple:

    Got Tickets = This lottery thing works, it's good for everyone!

    Didn't Get Tickets = Fuck the lottery, Pearl Jam owes me cause I joined in [insert year here].

    Why don't you go down to your state's lottery office and tell them it's not fair you didn't win $300 million?? I'm tired of these elitist pains in the ass bitching about everything. Take that $5000 you had set aside for an entire tour and go help someone who can't afford to feed their family and turn that frown upside down.
    9/24/96, 6/14/98, 9/18/98, 8/3/00, 9/1/00, 9/4/00, 4/28/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 9/15/05, 9/16/05, 9/19/05, 9/30/05, 10/03/05, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 8/7/08 (Eddie solo)
  • ZodZod Posts: 10,502
    BinFrog wrote:
    In the F5 days, at least you had some control over the situation: patience. In all the years they had the old system, yes it could royally SUCK to have tickets in your cart, and them have your browser timeout, but patience paid off. the ONLY show I ever got shut out of was because I was on vaca and had a friend log in for me, and I don't think he was quite prepared for what was in store.

    Everyone who says this new system is better is crazy.

    1) As mentioned, you're going to kill the core group of fans who travel to many cities to see the band.
    2) Nobody was 100% clear on how the rankings worked. It should be setup so that if you win a city, your next entry for that city is voided and everything in your queue moves up 1 spot. Or just screw the whole GA and Seats options and just make it 1 option.
    3) In the week+ that the lottery window was open, there was a lot of time for coordinated ticket schemes among groups of fans. And yes, I guarantee a lot of the extras will be on ebay and stubhub.
    4) This system takes the ticket buying experience completely out of the hands of the loyal fans.
    5) The worst part: We now all have to resort to TM onsale dates. You know, the company that Stone and Jeff went to congress to rally against. So now we have to deal with a system we KNOW is stacked against us. We will log in, and within 10 seconds of the onsale date there will be HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of tickets, per show, up on scalping sites. TM will make us bend over and take one for the team...unless we want nosebleed seats. Nosebleeds are fine from time to time if that is what it takes to get me in the door, but I have come to recognize and know a lot of familiar faces on tour over these years, and that communal aspect is now completely destroyed. TM will do their shady backroom scalping deals, brokers will guzzle up tickets and make us pay hundreds of dollars over face, and there is NOTHING we can do about it. Nothing. Oh, and you know there are tons of scalpers in the 10C now.

    I love this band. I love going to see them. I will end up with tickets to the 3 shows I requested and got denied. But this system just does not feel right.

    10c gets less tickets now (due to ticket agencies) and PJ plays less shows. I'd imagine the F5 system would be worse now that it used to be. We have fond memories of it because concerts and tickets were more in abundance back then.

    The Band seems to have made a statement. They only get so many tickets now (not the plethora in days gone past). They'd rather see more fans see 1 one show, then a few fans see all the shows. The new system says that loud and clear. I missed out on my 2nd preference but I guess that's why the band did it.

    PJ doesn't really have a choice. TM (and other agencies) have implement policies that restrict fan clubs to 10 percent of a venue's tickets. There is not fair system that gets everyone the tickets they want. They've chose to try and get as many people a pair as possible... I understand that, even if it cost me seeing a 2nd show.

    I completely agree about scams. I imagine they were a small presence on this tour (as it had only been used at Wrigley so far). Now that the cat's out of the bag, I would imagine this would have a bigger impact on the next tour.
  • pjsteelerfanpjsteelerfan Posts: 9,893
    frisbiec wrote:
    Get_Right wrote:
    There are more fans than tickets.

    The band decided it is better to have 10,000 people get tickets to one or two shows than 3,000 people getting tickets to five. They changed the system.

    That is all there is to it. Really.

    I think its fine. Pick wisely and you have a decent shot at winning every time. But the days of getting 10c tix to a run of shows is over as long as this system is in place.
    Except this system did not do that. It shut out many people that were only going to attend or could only afford to attend 1-2 shows. And beyond that, many people still did get multiple shows. A lottery would work fine if everyone had one solid shot to a show. If there are indeed less tickets, there is no need for anyone to gain access to multiple shows. I often wonder if management is worried that without offering multiple shows, the band could not sufficiently fill some of the venues?

    It is possible some venues will not see out. Charlotte may not, Oklahoma may not. Phoenix may not. Everyone that chose NYC as a priority #1 had a shot at that show equally. Are you suggesting since someone chose that show as #1 and could make another show that was less in demand, say Phoenix, and got both should not be allowed to do both? Or should the person that can do more than one show not try for a show in a high demand market since they can do more than one? a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
  • bakerfallbakerfall Posts: 76
    Honestly, pretty much all of these problems go away if you just outsource to music today like so many bands do. You won't always get tickets, but the system works and you're removing the human element. The lottery/priority system is obviously not working as advertised or intended as people are getting their 7th choice that was someone's 1st and they were denied. There is a human element at work here that still instills a genuine distrust of the system. The old F5 system, while flawed, favored those of us who cared enough to try and try and try until it worked. We happen to also be the most active and vocal fans, so the problems are going to be very loudly discussed. The lottery didn't effect me as I am unable to go to any shows on the fall tour, but I'm paying close attention to the process for next time. It certainly seems like a step back for most people I've talked to.

    Use music today (or ticketmaster unique codes like Canada '11) and these hassles are no longer the ten clubs. People can then bitch about other companies when they don't get tickets.
  • frisbiecfrisbiec Posts: 112
    PJ2k3 wrote:
    It's pretty simple:

    Got Tickets = This lottery thing works, it's good for everyone!

    Didn't Get Tickets = Fuck the lottery, Pearl Jam owes me cause I joined in [insert year here].

    Why don't you go down to your state's lottery office and tell them it's not fair you didn't win $300 million?? I'm tired of these elitist pains in the ass bitching about everything. Take that $5000 you had set aside for an entire tour and go help someone who can't afford to feed their family and turn that frown upside down.
    Except I do not think it is this simple. For some, yes, but not all.

    This system skews it so those that can only attend or only want to attend 1-3 shows have less of a chance than those that put in for multiple shows. Those elitists that you speak of with $5000 in disposable income have more of a chance than your everyday fan club member to score tickets to at least 1 show (if you buy 5000 lotto tickets, you have a better chance than if you buy 1). Did some of the "elitists" you speak of get screwed? Yes, but several everyday people got shut out of the only show(s) they could attend.
    Remove yourself from comfort . . . all progress involves risk
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,666
    PJ2k3 wrote:
    It's pretty simple:

    Got Tickets = This lottery thing works, it's good for everyone!

    Didn't Get Tickets = Fuck the lottery, Pearl Jam owes me cause I joined in [insert year here].

    Why don't you go down to your state's lottery office and tell them it's not fair you didn't win $300 million?? I'm tired of these elitist pains in the ass bitching about everything. Take that $5000 you had set aside for an entire tour and go help someone who can't afford to feed their family and turn that frown upside down.

    I won the only show I went for... and my member number is likely in the lower 50%.

    But I can see down the road that this system is ripe to be raided by those who profit off of ticket resales... or pockets of fans who want to and can hit most of a tour and dont mind reselling to cover costs.
    This will leave people like me, who hope to go to one show and hopefully land a "special" show once in awhile at a severe disadvantage.
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,719
    frisbiec wrote:
    Get_Right wrote:
    There are more fans than tickets.

    The band decided it is better to have 10,000 people get tickets to one or two shows than 3,000 people getting tickets to five. They changed the system.

    That is all there is to it. Really.

    I think its fine. Pick wisely and you have a decent shot at winning every time. But the days of getting 10c tix to a run of shows is over as long as this system is in place.
    Except this system did not do that. It shut out many people that were only going to attend or could only afford to attend 1-2 shows. And beyond that, many people still did get multiple shows. A lottery would work fine if everyone had one solid shot to a show. If there are indeed less tickets, there is no need for anyone to gain access to multiple shows. I often wonder if management is worried that without offering multiple shows, the band could not sufficiently fill some of the venues?

    People are always going to get shut out of tickets for popular shows. NYC, Philly, Boston are always a difficult ticket to get no matter what system they use. Id bet the system put tickets in more members hands.
  • frisbiec wrote:
    Get_Right wrote:
    There are more fans than tickets.

    The band decided it is better to have 10,000 people get tickets to one or two shows than 3,000 people getting tickets to five. They changed the system.

    That is all there is to it. Really.

    I think its fine. Pick wisely and you have a decent shot at winning every time. But the days of getting 10c tix to a run of shows is over as long as this system is in place.
    Except this system did not do that. It shut out many people that were only going to attend or could only afford to attend 1-2 shows. And beyond that, many people still did get multiple shows. A lottery would work fine if everyone had one solid shot to a show. If there are indeed less tickets, there is no need for anyone to gain access to multiple shows. I often wonder if management is worried that without offering multiple shows, the band could not sufficiently fill some of the venues?

    I agree frisbiec,

    I am a long time member in the 194xxx (and pay the analog membership) and this is the first time I have ever been shut out of a show, since I am with the club. I could only afford to go to 1-2 shows and I put in for both Brooklyn shows (Reserved) as I live on Long Island. Seeing that e-mail from the club saying my next chance was the "Public Onsale" kinda burned me a bit :evil: .

    I don't know what the right answer is, but I and many others who are long timers are feeling it today. For those who got their shows I am happy for you. I didn't expect to get both shows, but I also didn't expect to get zero.

    Especially with the comment in the ticket FAQ that stated there was seniority in seated shows. Now I realize that seniority is only based on who won the lottery, then it applies.
  • eddieceddiec Posts: 3,858
    What kind of scalper would pay an annual fee only to be put in a lottery? A moron scalper maybe. They just wait for the TM sales where their high speed computers and army of workers get their tickets.

    Also, it's been said a zillion times but here it is again. I know some people feel they're the 'true' fans because they sat around for days hitting F5 when others couldn't do this because of work, family, etc. How was the other way possibly fair to long time members that had to be in the office, in the hospital or anywhere other than a computer screen?
    Seriously, the old way was unfair to a lot of people, senior members as well.
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    Get_Right wrote:

    People are always going to get shut out of tickets for popular shows. NYC, Philly, Boston are always a difficult ticket to get no matter what system they use. Id bet the system put tickets in more members hands.

    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • BB24919BB24919 Posts: 41
    this is getting ridiculous. I posted back when I didn't get tics to PJ20. I to have been a fanclub member for a longtime, 1997. Like I said when I missed out on PJ20, I was not bitter. I have never seen Ed solo. I sometimes get tickets and sometimes I don't. To all of you who say this is going to kill there "core fanbase" I laugh so loud. Really listen to yourselves. No it's not. PJ's fanbase is HUGE. Not a thing is going to change my friends, nothing. Get over yourselves and your whining. Seriously getting old. This new system really is much better if you step back. I spoke on the phone Sunday night with my old college friends who I went to Maui with in 1998 to see PJ and countless of other trips together to see the band. All 5 of us were shut out of PJ20. Did I whine, talk shit, make ridiculous comments? No. I realize this fanbase is giant and the band is doing quite a bit to make it as fair as possible. Trust me when PJ20 came and I didn't get tics and newbies did thats ok. Thats life. Keep things in perspective people. Deep breaths.
  • mvhessmvhess Posts: 19
    This argument is so tired. I understand the frustration of getting shut out of tickets. No matter which way they do it, someone is going to be shut out. Seniority never has been a factor in getting tickets from the TC, nor should it be. If you're overly upset over this system versus the old, then you're probably like me...a long time member who works in front of a computer all day. I never had a problem with the old system, bc I can waste hours during a weekday refreshing a website over and over. Hell, I usually scored my tickets, then logged back in and got tickets for my friends as well. It was great! But I'm not going to call it fair.
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    Just because you got shut out for tix, doesn't mean its the end of the road. We've ALL been shut out at some point. As it gets closer to the shows, tickets will become available. They *ALWAYS* do. I've always somehow managed to get tickets, even to Showbox!
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • frisbiecfrisbiec Posts: 112
    frisbiec wrote:
    Get_Right wrote:
    There are more fans than tickets.

    The band decided it is better to have 10,000 people get tickets to one or two shows than 3,000 people getting tickets to five. They changed the system.

    That is all there is to it. Really.

    I think its fine. Pick wisely and you have a decent shot at winning every time. But the days of getting 10c tix to a run of shows is over as long as this system is in place.
    Except this system did not do that. It shut out many people that were only going to attend or could only afford to attend 1-2 shows. And beyond that, many people still did get multiple shows. A lottery would work fine if everyone had one solid shot to a show. If there are indeed less tickets, there is no need for anyone to gain access to multiple shows. I often wonder if management is worried that without offering multiple shows, the band could not sufficiently fill some of the venues?

    It is possible some venues will not see out. Charlotte may not, Oklahoma may not. Phoenix may not. Everyone that chose NYC as a priority #1 had a shot at that show equally. Are you suggesting since someone chose that show as #1 and could make another show that was less in demand, say Phoenix, and got both should not be allowed to do both? Or should the person that can do more than one show not try for a show in a high demand market since they can do more than one?

    I am saying that everyone should be able to have an equal shot to 1 show (this is how it was in the past and it worked). If you want to have a go for broke lottery after round 1, they by all means, if you can afford to go for 10 shows, then do it. Based on the logic that if someone has the means or time to attend multiple shows then, the band should just start offering priority packages and sell seats based on their true market value, etc. Make it pay to play . . . its more honest and transparent that way. Obviously they don't want to do that even though there are plenty of affluent fans that would shell out for 1500 seats. Pearl Jam has always been about championing the everyday person and this lottery just doesn't do that. Instead it encourages hoggishness, resentment, jealousy, entitlement, etc.

    They get an A-/B+ for effort, but in execution, it falls short.
    Remove yourself from comfort . . . all progress involves risk
  • MayDay10MayDay10 Posts: 11,666
    eddiec wrote:
    What kind of scalper would pay an annual fee only to be put in a lottery? A moron scalper maybe. They just wait for the TM sales where their high speed computers and army of workers get their tickets.
    Its $20. Just sign up the accounts when a tour is imminent. They make it pretty obvious.

    With ga in effect. Any accounts whether they are 30xxx or 500xxx are essentially worth the same: the lottery draw. They land 1 ga pair and that alone pays for numerous accounts.

    At least without ga, scalpers were bound to whatever 10c numbers they possess, so obtaining more 500xxx accounts didnt hold nearly as much value
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,719
    Just because you got shut out for tix, doesn't mean its the end of the road. We've ALL been shut out at some point. As it gets closer to the shows, tickets will become available. They *ALWAYS* do. I've always somehow managed to get tickets, even to Showbox!
    This. Where there is a will there is a way.
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,719
    frisbiec wrote:

    I am saying that everyone should be able to have an equal shot to 1 show (this is how it was in the past and it worked)
    Everybody has an equal shot. There just aren't enough tickets.
  • BB24919 wrote:
    this is getting ridiculous. I posted back when I didn't get tics to PJ20. I to have been a fanclub member for a longtime, 1997. Like I said when I missed out on PJ20, I was not bitter. I have never seen Ed solo. I sometimes get tickets and sometimes I don't. To all of you who say this is going to kill there "core fanbase" I laugh so loud. Really listen to yourselves. No it's not. PJ's fanbase is HUGE. Not a thing is going to change my friends, nothing. Get over yourselves and your whining. Seriously getting old. This new system really is much better if you step back. I spoke on the phone Sunday night with my old college friends who I went to Maui with in 1998 to see PJ and countless of other trips together to see the band. All 5 of us were shut out of PJ20. Did I whine, talk shit, make ridiculous comments? No. I realize this fanbase is giant and the band is doing quite a bit to make it as fair as possible. Trust me when PJ20 came and I didn't get tics and newbies did thats ok. Thats life. Keep things in perspective people. Deep breaths.

    BB, how can you compare a one-time event, where anyone would be lucky to just get to the PJ20 show, versus a whole leg of a tour? The odds were far, far greater in that regard. How could anyone be bothered if they could not be at that one single PJ20 event?

    I agree the fanbase is huge, however the old F5 system managed to get me to the show I desired each time. Not sure how that was, but I always felt I had a leg up on the public, because I belonged to the club. Maybe they looked at people who lived close by, and assigned tickets as bes they could that way? I don't know. All I can tell you is back in 2000 at Jones Beach, I went to all 3 shows (through the club), what were my odds then? at a smaller venue and arguably with a larger fan base at that time. Was that luck of the draw? or was that a better system?
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,719
    All I can tell you is back in 2000 at Jones Beach, I went to all 3 shows (through the club), what were my odds then? at a smaller venue and arguably with a larger fan base at that time. Was that luck of the draw? or was that a better system?

    fewer fans
    I thought 2000 was only one show per member...hmmm
  • BinFrogBinFrog Posts: 7,305
    All I can tell you is back in 2000 at Jones Beach, I went to all 3 shows (through the club), what were my odds then? at a smaller venue and arguably with a larger fan base at that time. Was that luck of the draw? or was that a better system?

    The 2000 tour was still a "1 show per tour per fanclub member" setup.
    Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
    Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,719
    great minds think alike froggie!
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