LOST: Season 5



  • pjsteelerfanpjsteelerfan Maryland Posts: 9,903
    I am curious as to who the people on the plane work for- Widmore? Dharma? It does not seem like Ben. I do think he is really surprised that Locke is alive though.
    ...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
  • Solat13Solat13 Posts: 6,996
    I am curious as to who the people on the plane work for- Widmore? Dharma? It does not seem like Ben. I do think he is really surprised that Locke is alive though.

    Ilana told Sayid she works for the family of Mr. Avellino who Sayid killed on the golf course. Mr. Avellino was on the list of people that Ben had prepared for Sayid to kill who were associates of Widmore so if I had to guess Ilana is still working for Widmore.

    Here's a theory - Widmore has Mrs. Hawkins contact info. After he got the call from Ben on the dock that he was going back to the island - Widmore contacted Hawkins and made some arrangements of his own for flight 316.
    - Busted down the pretext
    - 8/28/98
    - 9/2/00
    - 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
    - 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
    - 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
    - 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
    - 8/2/07, 8/5/07
    - 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
    - 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
    - 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
    - 9/11/11, 9/12/11
    - 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
  • pjsteelerfanpjsteelerfan Maryland Posts: 9,903
    Solat13 wrote:
    I am curious as to who the people on the plane work for- Widmore? Dharma? It does not seem like Ben. I do think he is really surprised that Locke is alive though.

    Ilana told Sayid she works for the family of Mr. Avellino who Sayid killed on the golf course. Mr. Avellino was on the list of people that Ben had prepared for Sayid to kill who were associates of Widmore so if I had to guess Ilana is still working for Widmore.

    Here's a theory - Widmore has Mrs. Hawkins contact info. After he got the call from Ben on the dock that he was going back to the island - Widmore contacted Hawkins and made some arrangements of his own for flight 316.

    I thought Widmore too, but with this show who knows. It seems a lot of people were on the plane for the same reason- hence the password phrase. It may be that a lot pf people wanted Ben off that Island.
    ...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    I don't know why, but I just didn't get into this episode like some of the previous ones.

    Question: I am a little confused about the timeline of when Ben took Alex. Was this after he killed all of the Dharma folk? I would think so since he is living with the Others. If that is the case, then why are they still in tents and not at the Dharma village?

    Question: I can't figure out how the "infection" ties in. Danielle's group got "infected" when they went into the temple. When they came out they wanted to kill everyone? each other? or just Danielle? Does the smoke monster a/k/a the island want Danielle dead? Is that why Ben was sent to kill her? Is the infection really just instructions from Smokey to kill somebody?
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • pjsteelerfanpjsteelerfan Maryland Posts: 9,903
    I don't know why, but I just didn't get into this episode like some of the previous ones.

    Question: I am a little confused about the timeline of when Ben took Alex. Was this after he killed all of the Dharma folk? I would think so since he is living with the Others. If that is the case, then why are they still in tents and not at the Dharma village?

    Question: I can't figure out how the "infection" ties in. Danielle's group got "infected" when they went into the temple. When they came out they wanted to kill everyone? each other? or just Danielle? Does the smoke monster a/k/a the island want Danielle dead? Is that why Ben was sent to kill her? Is the infection really just instructions from Smokey to kill somebody?

    As to the first question- I think it is after the purge since Locke did mention it was Ben that convinced the Others to move into the village later on.

    I assume that the Infection has something to do with the Monster- maybe they will explain that later on.
    ...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
  • OneTooFreeOneTooFree Posts: 265
    i'm starting to think it's not Tawaret, but Khonsu


    Khonsu (Khons, Chons, Khensu) was a god of the moon and time. His cult center was at Thebes where he was part of a triad with Amun and Mut. He was one of the companions of Thoth (who was also associated with the moon and the measurement of time). It was thought that he could influence the fertility of both the people and their livestock and one myth (recorded on the walls of the Ptolemaic temple of Khonsu at Karnak) gives him a prominent role in the creation of the universe. He was also revered as a god of healing, as is recorded in the story of the "Princess of Bekheten". It was said that he personally healed the pharaoh Ptolemy IV (who took the epithet "beloved of Khonsu who protects the king and drives away evil spirits" in thanks for the gods help) and he was also thought to extend his protection to the common people. As a result, many Egyptians were named after him.

    However, he also had a darker side. During the early part of Egyptian history, Khonsu seems to have been considered to be a violent and dangerous god. He appears in the "Cannibal hymn" (part of the Pyramid Texts) as a blood-thirsty deity who helps the deceased king to catch and eat the other gods and the Coffin Texts describe him as "Khonsu who lives on hearts". Yet, by the New Kingdom he was worshipped primarily as the gentle and compassionate son of Amun and Mut.
  • 57Goldtop57Goldtop Posts: 218
    Ok, a few things.

    The sub originally belonged to the Dharma peeps, right?

    After "the purge", the Others started to use it. When did Ben take Alex and when did Widmore get banished? Widmore had to get banished after they killed the DI people because the Others were using the Sub.

    How did the others come and go randomly from the island before they had the sub?

    I have to know so bad who the Others are and how they got there.

    Did anybody else think the whole smoke monster thing with Ben standing there was just lame?

    What is up with all the Hieroglyphics in the temple?

    I think Ben and Charles are both very bad men. Ben is just a liar. When he told Sun that he was scared out of his mind about John, that was crap. I hope this show really goes somewhere. Only about 4 episodes and one more season left. We better get some answers.
  • pjsteelerfanpjsteelerfan Maryland Posts: 9,903
    i'm starting to think it's not Tawaret, but Khonsu


    Khonsu (Khons, Chons, Khensu) was a god of the moon and time. His cult center was at Thebes where he was part of a triad with Amun and Mut. He was one of the companions of Thoth (who was also associated with the moon and the measurement of time). It was thought that he could influence the fertility of both the people and their livestock and one myth (recorded on the walls of the Ptolemaic temple of Khonsu at Karnak) gives him a prominent role in the creation of the universe. He was also revered as a god of healing, as is recorded in the story of the "Princess of Bekheten". It was said that he personally healed the pharaoh Ptolemy IV (who took the epithet "beloved of Khonsu who protects the king and drives away evil spirits" in thanks for the gods help) and he was also thought to extend his protection to the common people. As a result, many Egyptians were named after him.

    However, he also had a darker side. During the early part of Egyptian history, Khonsu seems to have been considered to be a violent and dangerous god. He appears in the "Cannibal hymn" (part of the Pyramid Texts) as a blood-thirsty deity who helps the deceased king to catch and eat the other gods and the Coffin Texts describe him as "Khonsu who lives on hearts". Yet, by the New Kingdom he was worshipped primarily as the gentle and compassionate son of Amun and Mut.

    I think your were right about Anubis
    ...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    57Goldtop wrote:
    Did anybody else think the whole smoke monster thing with Ben standing there was just lame?


    57Goldtop wrote:
    I think Ben and Charles are both very bad men.

    I agree.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • OneTooFreeOneTooFree Posts: 265
    57Goldtop wrote:
    After "the purge", the Others started to use it. When did Ben take Alex and when did Widmore get banished? Widmore had to get banished after they killed the DI people because the Others were using the Sub.
    Ben took Alex after the purge as well
    57Goldtop wrote:
    How did the others come and go randomly from the island before they had the sub?
    who says they did leave?
    57Goldtop wrote:
    Did anybody else think the whole smoke monster thing with Ben standing there was just lame?
    at first, yes... then "Alex" showed up :twisted:
    57Goldtop wrote:
    What is up with all the Hieroglyphics in the temple?
    there are ties between Ancient Egypt & Atlantis :shock:
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    who says they did leave?

    Richard Alpert was there when Locke was born in the 50's or maybe in 1949, and then again when Locke was a little boy.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • OneTooFreeOneTooFree Posts: 265
    another cool Egyptian god to look into: Thoth
    ...It was also thought that Ra gave Thoth and area of the underworld to rule in the "Land of the Caves", He kept a register of those in his realm and decreed just punishments for their transgressions and acted as Ra´s representative in the afterlife. In this role, his wife was Ma´at.

    It was said that he was the author of the spells in the "Book of the Dead" and "Book of Breathings" (which was also attributed to Isis) and he was given the grand title, the "Author of Every Work on Every Branch of Knowledge, Both Human and Divine". Egyptian mythology speaks of the "Book of Thoth" in which the god inscribed all of the secrets of the universe. Anyone who read it would become the most powerful sorcerer in the world, but would be cursed by their knowledge. Needless to say, people have been searching for this text despite the warning, and some more "colourful" theories propose that it is hidden in a secret chamber in or near the Great Pyramid. This book is said by some to be the "emerald tablets of Thoth" a work of dubious authenticity which suggests that Thoth and the other gods were from Atlantis.


    As Thoth was associated with writing and with the moon it is perhaps unsurprising that he was also linked to the creation of the calendar. As his association with the moon waned, he developed into a god of wisdom, magic and the measurement of time.Similarly he was considered to measure and record time. He was known by the epithets; "the One who Made Calculations Concerning the Heavens, the Stars and the Earth", "the Reckoner of Time and of Seasons" and "the one who Measured out the Heavens and Planned the Earth".
  • pjsteelerfanpjsteelerfan Maryland Posts: 9,903

    There is still a lot that has not been explained about the Island. They may have used boats before.
    I really hope that they do at least one episode on Richard Alperts back story. But that would probably not be until next season.
    ...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
  • OneTooFreeOneTooFree Posts: 265
    who says they did leave?

    Richard Alpert was there when Locke was born in the 50's or maybe in 1949, and then again when Locke was a little boy.

    :lol: oh yeah
  • 57Goldtop wrote:
    Did anybody else think the whole smoke monster thing with Ben standing there was just lame?

    What is up with all the Hieroglyphics in the temple?

    yes, quite lame! like bad '80s movies lame!

    and i dunno but i definitely saw an airplane symbol.
    "Find myself singing the same songs every day....
    ones that make me feel good when things behind the smile ain't ok...." -Hoon
  • tvismyfriendtvismyfriend Posts: 2,118
    Anyone else feel there's more to that remark about the statue then it just being a password? I'm thinking that maybe someone from the Dharma Initiative dropped something in the water and used the statue as a marker.
  • mbangel10mbangel10 Posts: 548
    I am really looking forward to this weeks Ack Attack recap. I have a feeling it will be more hysterical than usual. There were just too many great things in this episode for it not to be.
    Pitt 98, Pitt 00, Cleveland 03, Pitt 03, State College 03, Toledo 04, Toronto 05, Pitt 05, Cleveland 06, Pitt 06 & Chicago 07, Chicago 1&2 09, Philly 2,3,4 09, Cleveland 10, Columbus 10, Alpine Valley 1& 2 11
  • Who PrincessWho Princess out here in the fields Posts: 7,305
    mbangel10 wrote:
    I am really looking forward to this weeks Ack Attack recap. I have a feeling it will be more hysterical than usual. There were just too many great things in this episode for it not to be.
    OMG you think just like I do. Seems like every episode now I'm watching and thinking about what is Ack going to do with this one. :P ;):lol:
    "The stars are all connected to the brain."
  • battan1120battan1120 Posts: 310
    Maybe this has been asked before.Why has'nt Richard aged?Everyone else has.We know that he is of some importance.Its gotta tie in with Locke somehow.
    The bus came by and I got on!!!!!
  • Who PrincessWho Princess out here in the fields Posts: 7,305
    Random thoughts:

    Seems to me that this season's episodes that have had Locke in them (where he was alive and breathing, not just in a coffin) have been among the more interesting ones. In the past he's screwed up just up everything so maybe he's finally going to start getting things right.

    I was a little surprised to see Caesar get shot. He seemed like he was going to be an important character, not a red shirt. Although maybe he's not dead. :?

    Speaking of not dead, I'd suspected that Ben hadn't succeeded in killing Penny. If he had, he wouldn't have been beaten up like that.
    "The stars are all connected to the brain."
  • jervin007jervin007 Posts: 3,182
    Was unable to watch the episode on Wednesday, so I watched it last night. Great episode, one of my favorites this season.

    I would to agree with people in saying the swirling smoke monster around Ben was kind of lame and cheesy. I would have preferred for the smoke monster to initially manifest itself as Alex and judge him in that form, maybe rough him up a bit in the process.

    Glad Penny wasn't killed, but hope Desmond becomes an active character in the storyline again soon.
    2003 Mansfield: July 2
    2004 Boston: Sept 28 & 29
    2005 Montreal: Sept 15
    2006 Boston: May 24 & 25
    2008 Hartford: June 27, Mansfield: June 28,
    2010 Boston: May 17
    2013 Worcester: Oct 15, Hartford: Oct 25,
    2016 Hampton: April 18, Raleigh: April 20 (cancelled), Columbia: April 21. Quebec: May 5. Boston (Fenway): August 7

    EV Solo: Boston 8/2/08, Boston 6/16/11
  • mbangel10mbangel10 Posts: 548
    mbangel10 wrote:
    I am really looking forward to this weeks Ack Attack recap. I have a feeling it will be more hysterical than usual. There were just too many great things in this episode for it not to be.
    OMG you think just like I do. Seems like every episode now I'm watching and thinking about what is Ack going to do with this one. :P ;):lol:

    I do the same thing! When I got to "opposite day" in the last recap, I almost spit out my coffee it was so funny. That has got to be the most entertaining TV show blog out there.
    Pitt 98, Pitt 00, Cleveland 03, Pitt 03, State College 03, Toledo 04, Toronto 05, Pitt 05, Cleveland 06, Pitt 06 & Chicago 07, Chicago 1&2 09, Philly 2,3,4 09, Cleveland 10, Columbus 10, Alpine Valley 1& 2 11
  • pjsteelerfanpjsteelerfan Maryland Posts: 9,903
    jervin007 wrote:
    Was unable to watch the episode on Wednesday, so I watched it last night. Great episode, one of my favorites this season.

    I would to agree with people in saying the swirling smoke monster around Ben was kind of lame and cheesy. I would have preferred for the smoke monster to initially manifest itself as Alex and judge him in that form, maybe rough him up a bit in the process.

    Glad Penny wasn't killed, but hope Desmond becomes an active character in the storyline again soon.

    I have a feeling Desmond, Penny, Charlie and Charles Widmore are going to be parts of the story again. Maybe not until next season, but Hawking said the Island was not done with him yet.
    ...got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul...
  • OneTooFreeOneTooFree Posts: 265
    battan1120 wrote:
    Maybe this has been asked before.Why has'nt Richard aged?Everyone else has.We know that he is of some importance.Its gotta tie in with Locke somehow.

    i have two thoughts on the immortal Richard Alpert. either:

    1) he, like Christian Shepherd & John Locke, has died and been resurrected by the island


    2) his initials, RA = Ra = The Egyptian God of the Sun & therefore he never ages
  • Who PrincessWho Princess out here in the fields Posts: 7,305
    BTW didn't Ben look great with that extremely realistic looking full head of hair? :roll: :P Especially when he was pushing Alex in the swing. I was wondering if he'd borrowed Jack's old beard for a wig. :shock: :lol:

    I always thought the Others just moved into the barracks after they got rid of the Dharma people but judging by Locke's conversation with Ben it didn't exactly happen that way. So now I think Ben convinced them to move into Dharmaville after he adopted Alex so he could give her a nice cozy home rather than camping out in the jungle.

    Another thing--what was the deal with him unclogging the drain? That was NOT how he summoned the smoke monster the last time. So what was he up to? By now I never believe anything Ben says although he did seem serious when Smokey appeared as the apparition of his dead daughter.
    "The stars are all connected to the brain."
  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    Why did whitmore want to kill the frenchy and the baby :S

    I wonder if we will meet the real father ever?
  • Who PrincessWho Princess out here in the fields Posts: 7,305
    I BrisK I wrote:
    Why did whitmore want to kill the frenchy and the baby :S

    I wonder if we will meet the real father ever?
    You mean the baby's (Alex) real father? We saw him a few episodes back when the French crew landed on the island and picked up Jin. They had a run in with Smokey and everybody went into the temple except Rousseau because she was pregnant. Then Jin saw her arguing with her husband on the beach who pulled a gun on her so she shot him because he was "infected." Jin also found the bodies of the other guys in her group that she had shot because they were infected.

    Now why Widmore wanted them killed, I don't know. Either he's really mean or he wants to protect the island from crazy gun-toting French women.
    "The stars are all connected to the brain."
    are those fuckers still on that fucking island???????????/
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • OneTooFreeOneTooFree Posts: 265
    are those fuckers still on that fucking island???????????/

    more like they're back on the island...
  • spatspat Posts: 644
    are those fuckers still on that fucking island???????????/

    and there's some new fuckers to make things more fucking complicated!
    My favorite Pearl Jam song: "Corporate Greed Boat Asshole Behind a Counter in the Oval Office"
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