Yes, but I didn't want to make Mer feel ever worse about forgetting the most important ingredients.
She is new to the whole Top Chef thing...don't want to frighten my friend away.
I think she looks better for not being with him.
The lighting in Uno's is atrocious.
but where is hells kitchen? Isnt time for a new one, or do we have to wait until after may sweeps?
but where is hells kitchen? Isnt time for a new one, or do we have to wait until after may sweeps?
I miss Hell's Kitchen. Though they always pick these trashy people to be on it, don't you think? They all smoke and drink. I don't like the idea of the person cooking my food to be a smoker. Ick.
oops...edit to say I don't think drinkers and smokers are trashy. Easy now, ya'll.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I miss Hell's Kitchen. Though they always pick these trashy people to be on it, don't you think? They all smoke and drink. I don't like the idea of the person cooking my food to be a smoker. Ick.
oops...edit to say I don't think drinkers and smokers are trashy. Easy now, ya'll.
ahh don't you miss the day when people could take a joke. but then again does smoking affect the cooking????
i think i like this show better this year because im actually cooking this year. its so much fun to pretend im a great chef in the kitchen.. what doesnt everyone pretend they are on a cooking show everytime they make a meal?? no??
I miss Hell's Kitchen. Though they always pick these trashy people to be on it, don't you think? They all smoke and drink. I don't like the idea of the person cooking my food to be a smoker. Ick.
oops...edit to say I don't think drinkers and smokers are trashy. Easy now, ya'll.
kitchen work is not a glamourous job
I have no issues with what others choose to do to their body
I have no issues with what others choose to do to their body
I just miss gordon calling people donkey!
It's psychosomatic. I have nothing against smokers cooking my food on a personal level.
Anytime the cooks were in downtime they just sat around all dirty, gross, drunk and chain smoking. That's all.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
She is kind of cute. I have no sound at work and as such have no idea what she is describing with 50 seconds left, but I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with cooking and is banned in 47 states.
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
Even though it’s taking place in Chicago the show should be appropriately renamed Top Chef New York. Over half of the cast work in New York City, and even that semi mohawk guy who looks exactly the same as the lesbian chick, is originally from New York. The slightly retarded fella from Australia works in some NYC restaurant named ‘Public Restaurant,’ what the fuck is that? Btw, wasn’t the lesbian chick also a contestant last year? Very confusing season thus far..
This season already seems to lack the tension of previous competitions. Last season at least we had the two fatties going at it from the start while Hung nearly maimed everyone in the kitchen with his incredible knife skills.
I feel sorry for the wannabe Hung who is a year too late, though he does work in a decent restaurant downtown. Someone already mentioned this but what the fuck is up with the red/orange headed dude cussing up a…btw, so far I’d probably only bang Nikki in case you’re wondering..
Western, did you pick someone to ride yet? I’m getting close..
Alright champ, i'm actually going to agree w/ a bit here. Can't stand the red headed guy...or Nimma. i was pretty happy she got kicked off right away. I don't think he'll last long either. Also...note to champ...hung was last season...time to pick a new guy
Anyways, my pick to win...the mohawk guy, richard. He seems to have all the skills. I'm still trying to sort through the people i like though. So far it's betwween mark, spike and stephanie. Probably the two i'd most like to see get the boot....dale and andrew.
Fuck it's hard to type w/ one hand...just had shoulder surgery yesterday
"Everyone is a patriot in some form or another.... i prefer the intelligent ones."
What the fuck you doing up at 3 AM? You know the show airs at 10, then again at 11 right..
HAHA! Knowing Bravo it will re-air about 47 times before next weeks episode. I dvr'ed it at 10 but haven't been getting to sleep lately until around 4 a.m. so what else to do at that time than watch some Top Chef?!?
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
Of course they send the wallflower home.
I am second guessing my thoughts on Antonia, she isn't as cozy as I thought. She is like 7 ft tall!
I was psyched Wylie Dufresne was on again. I remember someone saying they met him or went to his restaraunt...mookie? get right?
I really began to dislike Mark the aussie during the pillsbury quickbread challenge...I didn't appreciate the way he was barking to the vendors. And I don't find him attractive. If I had to pick one that was attractive, I would go with Spike. I like the way he talks. lol
I really wasn't impressed with anything during the quickfire.
I thought they threw a HUGE task at them for the elimination. Catering a party for 200??? In a zoo??
Premaking blinis???? Oh lord. That group was not cohesive and that brought them down.
I thought the glacier was cool.
I guess the sardine-quinoa bite was good, but it sure looked unappetizing to me. I am not a fan of the way quinoa looks. I am not bothered by sardines.
Good call in the end.
The fist fights begin next week.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I was psyched Wylie Dufresne was on again. I remember someone saying they met him or went to his restaraunt...mookie? get right?
Sorry there, that was me. I didn't open this thread because I missed last weeks episode. Wylie's sous chef at WD-50 started working at a restaurant that I worked at out on Long Island and Wylie came in one night and the two of them talked for hours about the molecular cooking/creation that Wylie is known for. Wylie invited me into the city for one of his tasting menu's but I didn't know if he was just being nice or actually sincere, so I didn't take him up on it. Seeing how he is on the show, I definitely should have went! Really cool guy and the passion that he has for his creations is quite inspiring!
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
You all posting on some other secret board???
I like Spike.
Was so sad to see the tattooed dude go because he seemed sweet but everything he did was a trainwreck.
Sorry Trix and I hope Western is feeling better..As you know, I no longer get paid for posting on the message pit during the day..Now I have to teach little motherfuckers all day long and attend Grad school three times a week..
As for who I'm riding..I'm going all the way with Stephanie!!
Regarding the tattoed dude, yeah he was boring as shit no doubt..
Btw Trix, yes BAD call on Antonia! And sorry, but Spike ain't going nowhere ..I hope to see Nikki leave soon...
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Sorry there, that was me. I didn't open this thread because I missed last weeks episode. Wylie's sous chef at WD-50 started working at a restaurant that I worked at out on Long Island and Wylie came in one night and the two of them talked for hours about the molecular cooking/creation that Wylie is known for. Wylie invited me into the city for one of his tasting menu's but I didn't know if he was just being nice or actually sincere, so I didn't take him up on it. Seeing how he is on the show, I definitely should have went! Really cool guy and the passion that he has for his creations is quite inspiring!
Should have went you knucklehead..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Sorry Trix and I hope Western is feeling better..As you know, I no longer get paid for posting on the message pit during the day..Now I have to teach little motherfuckers all day long and attend Grad school three times a week..
As for who I'm riding..I'm going all the way with Stephanie!!
Regarding the tattoed dude, yeah he was boring as shit no doubt..
Btw Trix, yes BAD call on Antonia! And sorry, but Spike ain't going nowhere ..I hope to see Nikki leave soon...
I know, I know...I miss your daily dose of sunshine and happiness.
Maybe I thought stephanie was antonia????
Spike is pretty good. I am not saying he is going to win, I just think he is cute.
Richard is really good, but boring as a person. But he has the fauxhawk, so that helps.
Nikki is the worst one there right now. Bless that mess.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
What's the name of the girl that cooked the mac and cheese? She needs to go soon. I don't think she's produced a dish throughout the whole season that I would try.
I don't really have a favorite yet, but I'm starting to not like Richard because he's a little too condescending it seems. I don't really like Andrew either....his ADD drives me crazy at times.
What's the name of the girl that cooked the mac and cheese? She needs to go soon. I don't think she's produced a dish throughout the whole season that I would try.
I don't really have a favorite yet, but I'm starting to not like Richard because he's a little too condescending it seems. I don't really like Andrew either....his ADD drives me crazy at times.
The mac and cheese was Nikki. I agree, everything she makes is inedible to me.
That is why I don't like Andrew too much...the ADD. Is that what makes him all jumpy and twitchy and bitchy?
Next week Daniel Boulud is the guest! In the previews Padma brings him in and says if you don't know who he is then get out of the kitchen.
I am a dork.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
The mac and cheese was Nikki. I agree, everything she makes is inedible to me.
That is why I don't like Andrew too much...the ADD. Is that what makes him all jumpy and twitchy and bitchy?
Next week Daniel Boulud is the guest! In the previews Padma brings him in and says if you don't know who he is then get out of the kitchen.
I am a dork.
OK, thanks, I'm horrible with names until there's about 5 or 6 left. So, yeah, Nikki needs to go next.
I honestly don't know if he's got ADD (or whatever the new hip term is nowadays), but he shows the signs of having it. If he does have it, that could be a factor in his jumping and twitching. My best guess would be that he does have ADD, but it hasn't been diagnosed and he's not taking any medication for it.
I have no idea who Daniel Boulud is?? Any background info on him? To be honest, I haven't known any of their guest judges other than Anthony Bourdain.
OK, thanks, I'm horrible with names until there's about 5 or 6 left. So, yeah, Nikki needs to go next.
I honestly don't know if he's got ADD (or whatever the new hip term is nowadays), but he shows the signs of having it. If he does have it, that could be a factor in his jumping and twitching. My best guess would be that he does have ADD, but it hasn't been diagnosed and he's not taking any medication for it.
I have no idea who Daniel Boulud is?? Any background info on him? To be honest, I haven't known any of their guest judges other than Anthony Bourdain.
Daniel is the most adorable little French chef ever. He was the executive chef at le cirque for years and then opened a bunch of restaurants in NYC like Cafe Boulud and Daniel. He is awesome.
Definitely a Yin to Bourdain's Yang. lol
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
So i'm finally getting around to posting around here (i work till midnight so it isn't too conducive to posting after i get done watching TC at 1:30 )
I didn't think Eric was going to last too long. His stuff looked to be about on par w/ that southern guys food that got booted in the first competition last season. Who really expects to make nachos and corn dogs (shitty corn dogs at that) and win top chef...or even make it to the next round?
I really want to see Andrew leave but another part of me wants him to stick around for a little while just to make the show interesting.
"Everyone is a patriot in some form or another.... i prefer the intelligent ones."
So i'm finally getting around to posting around here (i work till midnight so it isn't too conducive to posting after i get done watching TC at 1:30 )
I didn't think Eric was going to last too long. His stuff looked to be about on par w/ that southern guys food that got booted in the first competition last season. Who really expects to make nachos and corn dogs (shitty corn dogs at that) and win top chef...or even make it to the next round?
I really want to see Andrew leave but another part of me wants him to stick around for a little while just to make the show interesting.
Were you peeping through my window??? :eek:
I thought you were in Norwalk?
You are right down the street from me!
I always felt bad for Eric because he was always on the verge of tears. And that 'souffle'??? Oh my. These people don't know how to make a souffle????
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Were you peeping through my window??? :eek:
I thought you were in Norwalk?
You are right down the street from me!
I always felt bad for Eric because he was always on the verge of tears. And that 'souffle'??? Oh my. These people don't know how to make a souffle????
My fiance moved out a couple months ago so i had to move out of sono...from the ghetto to the ghetto :rolleyes: It's not too bad though. We're in the black rock area. Going to the hartford show?
Eric did seem like a cool that i wouldn't mind bbq-ing for me. Just didn't seem like he knew anything at all about fine food...or regular food for that matter lol. Just home cooking.
"Everyone is a patriot in some form or another.... i prefer the intelligent ones."
The question was not how do you F up a corn dog, but why would you even try a corn dog on a show that's based in fine or eclectic dining?
But I did like Erik, I thought he had potential...
1996: Randall's Island I, Hartford
1998: MSG I, Hartford
2000: Jones Beach I
2003: Albany, MSG II, Mansfield II & III, Homdel
2004: Boston (VFC) I & II
2006: Albany, Hartford, Boston I and E. Rutherford I
2008: MSG I & II, Hartford, Mansfield II (saw BostonLou in the FRONT ROW!!) EV-NYC II
2010: Hartford
2013 Worcester II, Hartford
2016 Fenway I 2018 Wrigley II, Fenway II
So I was glad that Erik got kicked off - I really really didn't like the line he had about "no such thing as upscale Mexican [food]" He was pissy with Rick Bayless, and he did a basic street seller's taco...I really hate when "chefs" scoff at traditional Mexican they not realize that much of the French or Spanish foods that they give so much props to can also be deemed "peasant" food?? The expressions on the faces of the contestants with the announcement of the quick fire challenge was priceless! they were so SHOCKED that the lowly taco was going to be the star...hahahaa - it was kinda a shock that Miguel screwed up on the taco challenge...tho it looked like some of the contestants thought he would have an unfair advantage - guess not! hahaha
I love love love Antonia...she is direct and an honest chef...I also liked the dude from New Zealand...Mark...tho, I also like Ryan.
Spike annoyed me and Andrew looks like someone I would want to make cry for sport.
So I was glad that Erik got kicked off - I really really didn't like the line he had about "no such thing as upscale Mexican [food]" He was pissy with Rick Bayless, and he did a basic street seller's taco...I really hate when "chefs" scoff at traditional Mexican they not realize that much of the French or Spanish foods that they give so much props to can also be deemed "peasant" food?? The expressions on the faces of the contestants with the announcement of the quick fire challenge was priceless! they were so SHOCKED that the lowly taco was going to be the star...hahahaa - it was kinda a shock that Miguel screwed up on the taco challenge...tho it looked like some of the contestants thought he would have an unfair advantage - guess not! hahaha
I love love love Antonia...she is direct and an honest chef...I also liked the dude from New Zealand...Mark...tho, I also like Ryan.
Spike annoyed me and Andrew looks like someone I would want to make cry for sport.
Yeah, i'm liking mark and stephanie. Spike kinda started to get on my nerves as well. Actually the whole red team got on my nerves by cooking for the people instead of the judges and then wondering why the judges hated their stuff. Wake up people!!
"Everyone is a patriot in some form or another.... i prefer the intelligent ones."
but where is hells kitchen? Isnt time for a new one, or do we have to wait until after may sweeps?
oops...edit to say I don't think drinkers and smokers are trashy. Easy now, ya'll.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
ahh don't you miss the day when people could take a joke. but then again does smoking affect the cooking????
i think i like this show better this year because im actually cooking this year. its so much fun to pretend im a great chef in the kitchen.. what doesnt everyone pretend they are on a cooking show everytime they make a meal?? no??
kitchen work is not a glamourous job
I have no issues with what others choose to do to their body
I just miss gordon calling people donkey!
Anytime the cooks were in downtime they just sat around all dirty, gross, drunk and chain smoking. That's all.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
She is kind of cute. I have no sound at work and as such have no idea what she is describing with 50 seconds left, but I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with cooking and is banned in 47 states.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
its funny cause its true
Alright champ, i'm actually going to agree w/ a bit here. Can't stand the red headed guy...or Nimma. i was pretty happy she got kicked off right away. I don't think he'll last long either. Also...note to champ...hung was last season...time to pick a new guy
Anyways, my pick to win...the mohawk guy, richard. He seems to have all the skills. I'm still trying to sort through the people i like though. So far it's betwween mark, spike and stephanie. Probably the two i'd most like to see get the boot....dale and andrew.
Fuck it's hard to type w/ one hand...just had shoulder surgery yesterday
"She fell funny"
"Klaus Daimler, 40, engineer, calm, collected, German"
You're telling me!!! Oh wait. Didn't see the part about shoulder surgery...nvm.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
HAHA! Knowing Bravo it will re-air about 47 times before next weeks episode. I dvr'ed it at 10 but haven't been getting to sleep lately until around 4 a.m. so what else to do at that time than watch some Top Chef?!?
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
My husband text me at lunch all freaked out because Dale from top chef was his server at lunch today whfn he went out with his boss!
Why is dale a server???? Get in the kitchen!!
Even more embarrassing is that it was at a TGI Friday's!!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
It was an upscale place called Sola
I'll have to find our how the service was when I get home and see my husband later.
Sola is an awesome place too. They have truffle French fries that are to die for!!
Of course they send the wallflower home.
I am second guessing my thoughts on Antonia, she isn't as cozy as I thought. She is like 7 ft tall!
I was psyched Wylie Dufresne was on again. I remember someone saying they met him or went to his restaraunt...mookie? get right?
I really began to dislike Mark the aussie during the pillsbury quickbread challenge...I didn't appreciate the way he was barking to the vendors. And I don't find him attractive. If I had to pick one that was attractive, I would go with Spike. I like the way he talks. lol
I really wasn't impressed with anything during the quickfire.
I thought they threw a HUGE task at them for the elimination. Catering a party for 200??? In a zoo??
Premaking blinis???? Oh lord. That group was not cohesive and that brought them down.
I thought the glacier was cool.
I guess the sardine-quinoa bite was good, but it sure looked unappetizing to me. I am not a fan of the way quinoa looks. I am not bothered by sardines.
Good call in the end.
The fist fights begin next week.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Posting here
All by myself
You all posting on some other secret board???
I like Spike.
Was so sad to see the tattooed dude go because he seemed sweet but everything he did was a trainwreck.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Sorry there, that was me. I didn't open this thread because I missed last weeks episode. Wylie's sous chef at WD-50 started working at a restaurant that I worked at out on Long Island and Wylie came in one night and the two of them talked for hours about the molecular cooking/creation that Wylie is known for. Wylie invited me into the city for one of his tasting menu's but I didn't know if he was just being nice or actually sincere, so I didn't take him up on it. Seeing how he is on the show, I definitely should have went! Really cool guy and the passion that he has for his creations is quite inspiring!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Sorry Trix and I hope Western is feeling better..As you know, I no longer get paid for posting on the message pit during the day..Now I have to teach little motherfuckers all day long and attend Grad school three times a week..
As for who I'm riding..I'm going all the way with Stephanie!!
Regarding the tattoed dude, yeah he was boring as shit no doubt..
Btw Trix, yes BAD call on Antonia! And sorry, but Spike ain't going nowhere
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Should have went you knucklehead..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Maybe I thought stephanie was antonia????
Spike is pretty good.
Richard is really good, but boring as a person. But he has the fauxhawk, so that helps.
Nikki is the worst one there right now. Bless that mess.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I don't really have a favorite yet, but I'm starting to not like Richard because he's a little too condescending it seems. I don't really like Andrew either....his ADD drives me crazy at times.
That is why I don't like Andrew too much...the ADD. Is that what makes him all jumpy and twitchy and bitchy?
Next week Daniel Boulud is the guest!
I am a dork.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I honestly don't know if he's got ADD (or whatever the new hip term is nowadays), but he shows the signs of having it. If he does have it, that could be a factor in his jumping and twitching. My best guess would be that he does have ADD, but it hasn't been diagnosed and he's not taking any medication for it.
I have no idea who Daniel Boulud is?? Any background info on him? To be honest, I haven't known any of their guest judges other than Anthony Bourdain.
Definitely a Yin to Bourdain's Yang. lol
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I didn't think Eric was going to last too long. His stuff looked to be about on par w/ that southern guys food that got booted in the first competition last season. Who really expects to make nachos and corn dogs (shitty corn dogs at that) and win top chef...or even make it to the next round?
I really want to see Andrew leave but another part of me wants him to stick around for a little while just to make the show interesting.
"She fell funny"
"Klaus Daimler, 40, engineer, calm, collected, German"
I thought you were in Norwalk?
You are right down the street from me!
I always felt bad for Eric because he was always on the verge of tears. And that 'souffle'??? Oh my. These people don't know how to make a souffle????
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
My fiance moved out a couple months ago so i had to move out of sono...from the ghetto to the ghetto :rolleyes: It's not too bad though. We're in the black rock area. Going to the hartford show?
Eric did seem like a cool that i wouldn't mind bbq-ing for me. Just didn't seem like he knew anything at all about fine food...or regular food for that matter lol. Just home cooking.
"She fell funny"
"Klaus Daimler, 40, engineer, calm, collected, German"
But I did like Erik, I thought he had potential...
1998: MSG I, Hartford
2000: Jones Beach I
2003: Albany, MSG II, Mansfield II & III, Homdel
2004: Boston (VFC) I & II
2006: Albany, Hartford, Boston I and E. Rutherford I
2008: MSG I & II, Hartford, Mansfield II (saw BostonLou in the FRONT ROW!!) EV-NYC II
2010: Hartford
2013 Worcester II, Hartford
2016 Fenway I
2018 Wrigley II, Fenway II
I love love love Antonia...she is direct and an honest chef...I also liked the dude from New Zealand...Mark...tho, I also like Ryan.
Spike annoyed me and Andrew looks like someone I would want to make cry for sport.
Yeah, i'm liking mark and stephanie. Spike kinda started to get on my nerves as well. Actually the whole red team got on my nerves by cooking for the people instead of the judges and then wondering why the judges hated their stuff. Wake up people!!
"She fell funny"
"Klaus Daimler, 40, engineer, calm, collected, German"