Nimma didn't get on my nerves like she seemed to on most people from here, she just sucked ass and didn't belong. But what about the cat that didn't know what the hell a piccata was?!? He might as well pack his knives now as there is no way they would ever crown that assclown top chef, even if he made it to the finals and prepared a meal only suitable for the gods.
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
Nimma didn't get on my nerves like she seemed to on most people from here, she just sucked ass and didn't belong. But what about the cat that didn't know what the hell a piccata was?!? He might as well pack his knives now as there is no way they would ever crown that assclown top chef, even if he made it to the finals and prepared a meal only suitable for the gods.
But he's been cooking since he was 11! 11!! Isn't that CCCCCCCCCRAZY?! :rolleyes:
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
But he's been cooking since he was 11! 11!! Isn't that CCCCCCCCCRAZY?! :rolleyes:
Yeah! And his dad fired 2-3 chefs because he outcooked them at 11! Which was it padre?!? 2 or 3?!? How do some of these clowns even make it on the show?!?
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
Yeah! And his dad fired 2-3 chefs because he outcooked them at 11! Which was it padre?!? 2 or 3?!? How do some of these clowns even make it on the show?!?
Hmm...excellent question. I'm still trying to figure out The Couple.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I am a dork and stayed up waaaay to late to watch this last night.
I thought it was between this guy (outcooking others at 11) that should have gone home...well, it was a close call between him & the gal that ended up going home.
I think my fav is the guy from New Zealand...or the 'star tattoo' guy that trierd making the soufflé...think they will both do well.
As for the lesbians, I don't think they have an advantage - and wonder if they will still be a couple at the end? Makes for interesting watching
well i thought it was pretty good. you can already tell who the assholes and who the stars are going to be. just based on personality i liked spike and mark.. that poor guys face when he was up for elimination.. and the accent.. oh my.
the guy with the orange hair was funny at first.. like seth green.. and then he got mucho annoying. other than that nothing really stood out. ryan, miguel and the guy with the faux hawk look like they are going to be the most annoying.
oh oh and looks like we have another howie with the big dude sweating in his food!!!
That moron made fucking nachos..
Even though it’s taking place in Chicago the show should be appropriately renamed Top Chef New York. Over half of the cast work in New York City, and even that semi mohawk guy who looks exactly the same as the lesbian chick, is originally from New York. The slightly retarded fella from Australia works in some NYC restaurant named ‘Public Restaurant,’ what the fuck is that? Btw, wasn’t the lesbian chick also a contestant last year? Very confusing season thus far..
This season already seems to lack the tension of previous competitions. Last season at least we had the two fatties going at it from the start while Hung nearly maimed everyone in the kitchen with his incredible knife skills.
I feel sorry for the wannabe Hung who is a year too late, though he does work in a decent restaurant downtown. Someone already mentioned this but what the fuck is up with the red/orange headed dude cussing up a…btw, so far I’d probably only bang Nikki in case you’re wondering..
Western, did you pick someone to ride yet? I’m getting close..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I feel sorry for the wannabe Hung who is a year too late, though he does work in a decent restaurant downtown.
more like a morimoto wannabe-see that au poivre? He totally tried to copy morimoto only that plate was way too busy.
decent? more like mediocre and pricey.
Even though it’s taking place in Chicago the show should be appropriately renamed Top Chef New York. Over half of the cast work in New York City, and even that semi mohawk guy who looks exactly the same as the lesbian chick, is originally from New York. The slightly retarded fella from Australia works in some NYC restaurant named ‘Public Restaurant,’ what the fuck is that? Btw, wasn’t the lesbian chick also a contestant last year? Very confusing season thus far..
This season already seems to lack the tension of previous competitions. Last season at least we had the two fatties going at it from the start while Hung nearly maimed everyone in the kitchen with his incredible knife skills.
I feel sorry for the wannabe Hung who is a year too late, though he does work in a decent restaurant downtown. Someone already mentioned this but what the fuck is up with the red/orange headed dude cussing up a…btw, so far I’d probably only bang Nikki in case you’re wondering..
Western, did you pick someone to ride yet? I’m getting close..
don't you make fun of my mark. he does seem way too sweet to be on a gameshow though.. i feel like he's gonna get his heart broken hahah. but the accent man the accent. you can have nikki and that brooklyn/new jersey thing going on.. ick
and how mean was it to unleash bourdain on them the first night! ouch.
like i said i know who i like based on personality but i dont know who i wanna "ride" to the end...
I'm right there with you except I'll remove the "so far" part. The rest of the cast looks like they were plucked from an Indigo Girls concert.
You catch everything man, good call ..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I caught the last 3/4 of the show last night and I'll probably continue watching. I think they got it right by getting rid of the girl that couldn't cook a scampi. I'm not a very good cook, but even I can do that dish. I don't think the breaded chicken guy is going to last very long either.
I caught the last 3/4 of the show last night and I'll probably continue watching. I think they got it right by getting rid of the girl that couldn't cook a scampi. I'm not a very good cook, but even I can do that dish. I don't think the breaded chicken guy is going to last very long either.
1) AMEN!! I can whip up a damn good shrimp scampi...and I don't consider myself a good cook by far. My personal opinion? TPTB were trying to be politically correct by having a muslim on the show.
2) LOL @ "breaded chicken guy"!!
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
The Christmas Special?? On TC?? Nope. Just seen a few epis here and there. But I watch No Reservations religiously!
I take it Bourdain is the Simon Cowell of Top Chef?
no the christmas special was the no reservations! it was hilarious.. i think you can find it on youtube.
and mookie good call on the indigo girls hahhaha. i actually thought to myself last night if they were all gonna go see lilith fair after this was over.. oh boy..
and if i were a dude walking in and a girl looked just like me.. i would change the look pronto
don't you make fun of my mark. he does seem way too sweet to be on a gameshow though.. i feel like he's gonna get his heart broken hahah. but the accent man the accent. you can have nikki and that brooklyn/new jersey thing going on.. ick
and how mean was it to unleash bourdain on them the first night! ouch.
like i said i know who i like based on personality but i dont know who i wanna "ride" to the end...
Yeah, not too into Nikki either but consider the alternatives? And go ahead, ride Mark..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
1) AMEN!! I can whip up a damn good shrimp scampi...and I don't consider myself a good cook by far. My personal opinion? TPTB were trying to be politically correct by having a muslim on the show.
But by the same token, where are the black chefs this season?
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Yeah, not too into Nikki either but consider the alternatives? And go ahead, ride Mark..
I find Antonia attractive.
And she can cook.
She just seems cozy.
I loved that Bourdin was there last night. lol
I will never forget the Flintstonian execution.
Padma and those dresses and boots...holy mackeral. :eek:
Oh anyway, the food. I needed a glass of water just hearing about that salty scampi. Ick. And potatoes and rice all over a plate of chicken piccatta???
Antonia is going to make it to the final 3.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
What are you talking about??? I missed a Padma moment? :(
I think it was as they were getting ready to display the results from the text challenge, it was a taped promo she was in a tight little number doing circles while holding two knives and shifting them around. It was over as soon as it started (I know Dunk can relate) so I had to rewind it once or forty times to see it again!
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
I think it was as they were getting ready to display the results from the text challenge, it was a taped promo she was in a tight little number doing circles while holding two knives and shifting them around. It was over as soon as it started (I know Dunk can relate) so I had to rewind it once or forty times to see it again!
Text challenge??? :(
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
But he's been cooking since he was 11! 11!! Isn't that CCCCCCCCCRAZY?! :rolleyes:
Yeah! And his dad fired 2-3 chefs because he outcooked them at 11! Which was it padre?!? 2 or 3?!? How do some of these clowns even make it on the show?!?
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Hmm...excellent question. I'm still trying to figure out The Couple.
I thought it was between this guy (outcooking others at 11) that should have gone home...well, it was a close call between him & the gal that ended up going home.
I think my fav is the guy from New Zealand...or the 'star tattoo' guy that trierd making the soufflé...think they will both do well.
As for the lesbians, I don't think they have an advantage - and wonder if they will still be a couple at the end? Makes for interesting watching
That moron made fucking nachos..
Even though it’s taking place in Chicago the show should be appropriately renamed Top Chef New York. Over half of the cast work in New York City, and even that semi mohawk guy who looks exactly the same as the lesbian chick, is originally from New York. The slightly retarded fella from Australia works in some NYC restaurant named ‘Public Restaurant,’ what the fuck is that? Btw, wasn’t the lesbian chick also a contestant last year? Very confusing season thus far..
This season already seems to lack the tension of previous competitions. Last season at least we had the two fatties going at it from the start while Hung nearly maimed everyone in the kitchen with his incredible knife skills.
I feel sorry for the wannabe Hung who is a year too late, though he does work in a decent restaurant downtown. Someone already mentioned this but what the fuck is up with the red/orange headed dude cussing up a…btw, so far I’d probably only bang Nikki in case you’re wondering..
Western, did you pick someone to ride yet? I’m getting close..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I'm right there with you except I'll remove the "so far" part. The rest of the cast looks like they were plucked from an Indigo Girls concert.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
That's what happens when you do alot of coke before you go on-camera.
Im sure you meant mentally challenged!
more like a morimoto wannabe-see that au poivre? He totally tried to copy morimoto only that plate was way too busy.
decent? more like mediocre and pricey.
don't you make fun of my mark. he does seem way too sweet to be on a gameshow though.. i feel like he's gonna get his heart broken hahah. but the accent man the accent. you can have nikki and that brooklyn/new jersey thing going on.. ick
and how mean was it to unleash bourdain on them the first night! ouch.
like i said i know who i like based on personality but i dont know who i wanna "ride" to the end...
He's tough...but man oh man is he ever-so cool!! :cool:
Plus, not to mention he's a Pearl Jam fan!!
and Queens of the Stone Age.. did you see his christmas special.. the boys in christmas sweaters.. oh boy.. nothing better than that...
yes he's a badass...but he's also a beast with his opinions.
You catch everything man, good call
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
The Christmas Special?? On TC?? Nope. Just seen a few epis here and there. But I watch No Reservations religiously!
I take it Bourdain is the Simon Cowell of Top Chef?
1) AMEN!! I can whip up a damn good shrimp scampi...and I don't consider myself a good cook by far. My personal opinion? TPTB were trying to be politically correct by having a muslim on the show.
2) LOL @ "breaded chicken guy"!!
no the christmas special was the no reservations! it was hilarious.. i think you can find it on youtube.
and mookie good call on the indigo girls hahhaha. i actually thought to myself last night if they were all gonna go see lilith fair after this was over.. oh boy..
and if i were a dude walking in and a girl looked just like me.. i would change the look pronto
Yeah, not too into Nikki either but consider the alternatives? And go ahead, ride Mark..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
But by the same token, where are the black chefs this season?
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
LOL! Guess I don't watch No Reservations as religiously as I thought! LMAO!!!
And, this cracked me up!!!
Nimma covered both bases. 2 birds. 1 stone. Plus, they have a lesbian couple...that counts double in the politically correct category.
And she can cook.
She just seems cozy.
I loved that Bourdin was there last night. lol
I will never forget the Flintstonian execution.
Padma and those dresses and boots...holy mackeral. :eek:
Oh anyway, the food. I needed a glass of water just hearing about that salty scampi. Ick. And potatoes and rice all over a plate of chicken piccatta???
Antonia is going to make it to the final 3.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
How about when they were doing that little text message thing and she was going in circles with those knives?!? Hello!!!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Cozy is the PERFECT word for Antonia. And, I'm not really sure how I feel about Spike.
I think it was as they were getting ready to display the results from the text challenge, it was a taped promo she was in a tight little number doing circles while holding two knives and shifting them around. It was over as soon as it started (I know Dunk can relate)
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Text who you think will be booted (or win, can't remember which).
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Oh...yeah...duh, that's what I meant! :cool: