Personally, part of me hopes they don't make any more Batman movies cause I'm not sure its possible to live up to this one.
i was thinking the same thing when i left the theater. i loved begins and the first burton batman, but this blows those two away. yea, its 2.5 hrs long, but it really did not feel that long at all. i couldve sat there for another 30 minutes or so and it would not have bothered me. thrill ride from start to finish. i was on the edge of my seat for the whole film. there were plenty of plot twists that i did not see coming at all (and i've been reading up on this film since the last one came out). heath ledger was phenomenal. im going to see it on sunday again with my brothers. cant wait!
i read today that christian bale said as long as nolan's in, he is in.
i just watched it again without the imax distortion...much easier to watch on the regular screen. i am still in awe of this movie. twice in 24 hours...i need an
seen it twice already too. lets start a support group, afterwards we'll go see batman, haha.
This is probably the first summer movie I have seen in a long, long time that actually lived up to the hype.
The only thing that got me a bit (and there's nothing that could help this) is that whenever Christian Bale was in a normal suit and driving around the city or walking around I couldn't get visions of him as Patrick Bateman out of my head which is an odd sort of thing when you're supposed to be watching a super hero.
But I'm going to see it again in a week or two and see if I missed anything.
The only thing that got me a bit (and there's nothing that could help this) is that whenever Christian Bale was in a normal suit and driving around the city or walking around I couldn't get visions of him as Patrick Bateman out of my head which is an odd sort of thing when you're supposed to be watching a super hero.
There was actually a couple times where I thought the same thing, hey theres Patrick Bateman!
just got back from seeing it. WOW!! i absolutely loved it. i usually avoid movies that get so hyped up, but curiosity got the better of me and i'm glad it did. beautifully shot, and just so freaking dark and twisted. that's what i loved about hte original batman, and this has that same spirit going. it's nice to see an action movie that is also intelligent...amazing! lol
and heath's performance....he makes nicholson's joker look like ronald mcdonald in comparison. total perfect.
whenever Christian Bale was in a normal suit and driving around the city or walking around I couldn't get visions of him as Patrick Bateman out of my head
those weren't the visions of him i couldn't get out of my head. he's dreamy...haha. there's my 'girl take' on batman.
was that an Illinois plate on the Lamborghini? Thought that was weird
nope... definitely something custom for the movie... i kept looking at all the chicago scenery to see if they fucked up and left something obviously chicago... but i didnt notice anything
It was good, but not the greatest comic book movie. Kinda sad, thought it would be better, I hate the way bale does the batman voice, it sounds really bad.
The joker was great of course, nailed that role for sure. same with dent, very good acting.
i understand why people would have enjoyed the film, i just wanted a little bit more from it. any batman movie is like a pearl jam album, i'm going to like it (so yes stupidity was a bit much) but not every one can be perfect. as far as length the movie had like three endings...the chase scene, the first death scene, then the second death scene. i could have done without the second one which made the movie 1/2 hour long IMO...but no biggie. Of the 4 movies I've seen this year this was second best to Speed Racer, which, once you get by the kiddie stuff, was actually a much smarter movie than this batman. Ironman, and Indiana 4 were miles behind the prior two.
Fuckin Speedracer...brought to u buy the guys who should have never made 2 more Matrix films, and your calling Dark Knight stupid..Speedracer=stylish garbage
And also you guys might want to restrain from basically giving the whole movie away..some people might not have seen it yet and your talking about who dies and the ending.Start another thread that has the word "SPOILERS" in it
Fuckin Speedracer...brought to u buy the guys who should have never made 2 more Matrix films, and your calling Dark Knight stupid..Speedracer=stylish garbage
And also you guys might want to restrain from basically giving the whole movie away..some people might not have seen it yet and your talking about who dies and the ending.Start another thread that has the word "SPOILERS" in it
if people didnt see it at midnight then they obviously dont care enough about batman and they deserve to have the movie ruined for them!
It was good, but not the greatest comic book movie. Kinda sad, thought it would be better, I hate the way bale does the batman voice, it sounds really bad.
The joker was great of course, nailed that role for sure. same with dent, very good acting.
I totally disagree that it wasn't the best comic book movie
What comic book movie would you put a head of TDK ?
My drinking team has a hockey problem
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
I totally disagree that it wasn't the best comic book movie
What comic book movie would you put a head of TDK ?
that preview they showed for "the watchmen" before batman looked pretty cool... ive heard good things about the graphic novel... but i dont really know enough about it to say for sure
and the only comic book movies i can think of that even compare with "the dark knight" are "iron man" and "batman begins".... the most recent hulk was good too but not in the same league... i absolutely hated the spiderman movies, daredevil, fantastic 4, and the punisher
It was good... kind of dragged on a little in the middle though. Heath was great, but I would have liked to have seen more of the Scarecrow!
yah the way he was in it was so short that it was almost unnecessary... not that i wouldve wanted anymore... i didnt care for that character... and every shot without heath was wasted
yep.. I got kind of bored with Harvey Dent's character.
thought the animation was good though... much better than tommy lee jones' 2 face (obviously)... i just wish they had wrapped up that story line before the jokers so i could focus on a real badguy instead... it was pretty well balanced though... not too much 2 face... and his character development was pretty well mapped out that i didnt feel his transition was unrealistic
It was good, but not the greatest comic book movie. Kinda sad, thought it would be better, I hate the way bale does the batman voice, it sounds really bad.
The joker was great of course, nailed that role for sure. same with dent, very good acting.
I thought Bale's voice was so overdone and cheesy! I really wasn't buying Batman in this movie. He the shit kicked out of him in the most important scenes. 00
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
I thought Bale's voice was so overdone and cheesy! I really wasn't buying Batman in this movie. He the shit kicked out of him in the most important scenes. 00
thats the main problem my dad had with the movie too... the "batman voice"... ill admit its a lil much... its like how the only difference between superman and clark kent is the glasses... i didnt notice it as much in "batman begins", but he talks alot more as batman in this one... i still think bale makes an excellent batman and bruce wayne though... i cant think of a single actor i would prefer
just got back from seeing it. WOW!! i absolutely loved it. i usually avoid movies that get so hyped up, but curiosity got the better of me and i'm glad it did. beautifully shot, and just so freaking dark and twisted. that's what i loved about hte original batman, and this has that same spirit going. it's nice to see an action movie that is also intelligent...amazing! lol
and heath's performance....he makes nicholson's joker look like ronald mcdonald in comparison. total perfect.
i already can't wait to see it again!
saw it this afternoon....excellent!
quite honestly, with bale and nolan in future batman flicks, i truly DO believe they can still make solid, great i look forward to the next installment!
soooooo well done! ledge was brilliant, but to be fair to nicholson, there really is no comparison. this film and the batman flick that nicholson was in, soooooo different. while this was dark yer 'real'......that batman was over-the-top and a far campier flick. obviously, while the same character....very different batmans, very different jokers....and written that way, not simply acting alone. i far prefer ledger, simply b/c i far prefer the newer batman flick's style and content.
i saw it again today and i think it was better the second time around. i noticed a few signs that Two-Face might have always been around, and the story seemed to flow better and the ending made more sense. Bat's voice didnt bother me as much either. great movie.
my guess is in the next one Batman will get his chance to shine, instead of being a supporting character in this one.
The Dark Knight is simply amazing. I hate when sequels get compared to Empire Strikes Back or Godfather II, but this film deserves it. It is probably the best film I've seen in theaters since Pulp Fiction, it takes a genre bordering on wearing out and turns it on it's ear. it goes so much deeper than a comic book film has ever gone. It's a fucking masterpiece.
The Dark Knight is simply amazing. I hate when sequels get compared to Empire Strikes Back or Godfather II, but this film deserves it. It is probably the best film I've seen in theaters since Pulp Fiction, it takes a genre bordering on wearing out and turns it on it's ear. it goes so much deeper than a comic book film has ever gone. It's a fucking masterpiece.
Excellently put !
I couldn't agree more
Its more of a crime/drama then a comic book movie
My drinking team has a hockey problem
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
i've seen it twice and i still can't put into words how awesome it was to write a decent review.
Dont believe the hype about Heath Ledgers Joker. Why? Because they under sell it. Ledger was brilliant as the joker. A psychopath. The interrogation room scene was probably my favorite. The jokers speech to dent in the hospital scene was also bad ass.
I also loved this bit!!
joker: asks the cop "how many of your friends have i killed?"
cop: i'm a cop of 20 years. i know the difference between a punk who needs to learn a lesson and a freak like you who would just enjoy it. you killed six of my friends."
joker: (he mouths)............... six.
fanfreakin awesome!!!
Eckhart was great too. His angry moments are something else. I loved his portrayal of Harvey. His transformation into two face was heart-breaking. I have never felt that before. For me he completely nailed it.
I've read a bit of criticizm over bales voice, but it didn't bother me. Not at all. I mean he's batman, he's got to disguise his voice to conceal his identity. Jeez darth vaders voice was a little hard to understand for some, but i think most people would blow him if given the opportunity .
It's easily my favorite movie of the summer so far and definitely my favorite film of the last couple of years.
I’ve often worried that Nolan would be one of those directors who’s work will always appreciated but never rewarded, this should be the final wake up call to Hollywood that this man is one of the most gifted in the industry.
I have not seen it, but I hope to see at the Imax this week if I can get in. I love Christian Bale, but I guess the whole Batman thing is the mystery and I find it quite .........attractive.
Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
i was thinking the same thing when i left the theater. i loved begins and the first burton batman, but this blows those two away. yea, its 2.5 hrs long, but it really did not feel that long at all. i couldve sat there for another 30 minutes or so and it would not have bothered me. thrill ride from start to finish. i was on the edge of my seat for the whole film. there were plenty of plot twists that i did not see coming at all (and i've been reading up on this film since the last one came out). heath ledger was phenomenal. im going to see it on sunday again with my brothers. cant wait!
seen it twice already too. lets start a support group, afterwards we'll go see batman, haha.
The only thing that got me a bit (and there's nothing that could help this) is that whenever Christian Bale was in a normal suit and driving around the city or walking around I couldn't get visions of him as Patrick Bateman out of my head which is an odd sort of thing when you're supposed to be watching a super hero.
But I'm going to see it again in a week or two and see if I missed anything.
Great movie!
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There was actually a couple times where I thought the same thing, hey theres Patrick Bateman!
and heath's performance....he makes nicholson's joker look like ronald mcdonald in comparison. total perfect.
i already can't wait to see it again!
The joker was great of course, nailed that role for sure. same with dent, very good acting.
Fuckin Speedracer...brought to u buy the guys who should have never made 2 more Matrix films, and your calling Dark Knight stupid..Speedracer=stylish garbage
And also you guys might want to restrain from basically giving the whole movie away..some people might not have seen it yet and your talking about who dies and the ending.Start another thread that has the word "SPOILERS" in it
I totally disagree that it wasn't the best comic book movie
What comic book movie would you put a head of TDK ?
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
and the only comic book movies i can think of that even compare with "the dark knight" are "iron man" and "batman begins".... the most recent hulk was good too but not in the same league... i absolutely hated the spiderman movies, daredevil, fantastic 4, and the punisher
yep.. I got kind of bored with Harvey Dent's character.
I thought Bale's voice was so overdone and cheesy! I really wasn't buying Batman in this movie. He the shit kicked out of him in the most important scenes. 00
saw it this afternoon....excellent!
quite honestly, with bale and nolan in future batman flicks, i truly DO believe they can still make solid, great i look forward to the next installment!
soooooo well done! ledge was brilliant, but to be fair to nicholson, there really is no comparison. this film and the batman flick that nicholson was in, soooooo different. while this was dark yer 'real'......that batman was over-the-top and a far campier flick. obviously, while the same character....very different batmans, very different jokers....and written that way, not simply acting alone. i far prefer ledger, simply b/c i far prefer the newer batman flick's style and content.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
my guess is in the next one Batman will get his chance to shine, instead of being a supporting character in this one.
I saw it again today with my wife !
You definitely pick up more the 2nd time around..I would suggest it
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
Excellently put !
I couldn't agree more
Its more of a crime/drama then a comic book movie
The ONLY thing better than a glass of beer is tea with Miss McGill
A protuberance of flesh above the waistband of a tight pair of trousers
going again tomorrow
it's that good
dvd version better have more Joker scenes
every time it was showing Batman I wanted it to go back to Joker
Joker lived up to the hype but I was really impressed with Two-face as well. especially the design of his face.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Dont believe the hype about Heath Ledgers Joker. Why? Because they under sell it. Ledger was brilliant as the joker. A psychopath. The interrogation room scene was probably my favorite. The jokers speech to dent in the hospital scene was also bad ass.
I also loved this bit!!
joker: asks the cop "how many of your friends have i killed?"
cop: i'm a cop of 20 years. i know the difference between a punk who needs to learn a lesson and a freak like you who would just enjoy it. you killed six of my friends."
joker: (he mouths)............... six.
fanfreakin awesome!!!
Eckhart was great too. His angry moments are something else. I loved his portrayal of Harvey. His transformation into two face was heart-breaking. I have never felt that before. For me he completely nailed it.
I've read a bit of criticizm over bales voice, but it didn't bother me. Not at all. I mean he's batman, he's got to disguise his voice to conceal his identity. Jeez darth vaders voice was a little hard to understand for some, but i think most people would blow him if given the opportunity
It's easily my favorite movie of the summer so far and definitely my favorite film of the last couple of years.
I’ve often worried that Nolan would be one of those directors who’s work will always appreciated but never rewarded, this should be the final wake up call to Hollywood that this man is one of the most gifted in the industry.
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........