Howard Stern



  • oppie1oppie1 Posts: 755
    Pierce wrote:
    at humor???

    yeah.. you tried to be witty, and failed miserably
    BoyHitsCar Masked Street Team

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  • oppie1oppie1 Posts: 755
    cutback wrote:
    How's that info on the supposed webcams coming?

    i'll do it later.. i'm not spending my friday night infront of my pc to show you a audio clip
    plus the audio isnt up on the newsgroups yet..

    *edit* no sooner then i hit save, it shows up..

    go grab it aind listen.. it was sometime in the late 2nd hour, early 3rd hour.. i was on my way to work when i heard it .. around 7:50am ish
    BoyHitsCar Masked Street Team

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  • PiercePierce Posts: 71
    oppie1 wrote:
    yeah.. you tried to be witty, and failed miserably

    just acting like doppie and anthony...sorry...
  • oppie1oppie1 Posts: 755
    Pierce wrote:
    just acting like doppie and anthony...sorry...

    steeeeeeeerike 2...

    doppie and anthony..
    BoyHitsCar Masked Street Team

    Upcoming boyhitscar concerts:
    11/7/07 - Allentown Pa
    11/11/07 - Hartford Ct
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    oppie1 wrote:
    hoo-hoo .. tell 'em fred

    You mock other people for not being funny and you post this? This same post that you have written for all the other Howard/Sirius threads that you enter and bash Howard.

    I think you might really be Opie.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • CorduroyboyCorduroyboy Posts: 1,256
    rrivers wrote:
    You mock other people for not being funny and you post this? This same post that you have written for all the other Howard/Sirius threads that you enter and bash Howard.

    I think you might really be Opie.

    This dude says the same garbage every freaking time Howard is mentioned. It's so old. We can't ever have a rant for how much we like Howard without this tool chiming in with his dry humor. If there ever is, and I doubt there ever will be a "pro" Oppie and Anthony thread in this forum, I will go in and shit on it every day.

    Jealousy is a terrible thing dude.
  • yeah seriously. I'm not a fan of Stern, but this guy is actually obsessed with him. Just let these guys talk about what they want to talk about. O & A have become as unlistenable to me as Howard was in his last 5 years or so on the radio. Way too much Jim Norton, way too many listeners who think they should be a part of the show, and way too much stupid stuff. they truly were the best on WNEW, pre-syndication, and pre-Norton. They've fallen a long way since then
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    yeah seriously. I'm not a fan of Stern, but this guy is actually obsessed with him. Just let these guys talk about what they want to talk about. O & A have become as unlistenable to me as Howard was in his last 5 years or so on the radio. Way too much Jim Norton, way too many listeners who think they should be a part of the show, and way too much stupid stuff. they truly were the best on WNEW, pre-syndication, and pre-Norton. They've fallen a long way since then

    Thank you, Fighting Hellfish. Wow, maturity!!!
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • oppie1oppie1 Posts: 755
    yeah seriously. I'm not a fan of Stern, but this guy is actually obsessed with him. Just let these guys talk about what they want to talk about. O & A have become as unlistenable to me as Howard was in his last 5 years or so on the radio. Way too much Jim Norton, way too many listeners who think they should be a part of the show, and way too much stupid stuff. they truly were the best on WNEW, pre-syndication, and pre-Norton. They've fallen a long way since then

    are you fucking kidding me? Norton is probably the best part of the show. he always brings the show to a whole new level. the days he's not in, cause he's traveling for his stand up shows, are the days where the show is lacking. Patrice and Vos are good stand ins (and even Billy Burr), but Norton is comic gold.
    BoyHitsCar Masked Street Team

    Upcoming boyhitscar concerts:
    11/7/07 - Allentown Pa
    11/11/07 - Hartford Ct
  • I had more than enough of him when he was jsut coming in a few days a week. How many times can you hear a guy tell the same joke?
  • lockedlocked Boston Posts: 4,039
    oppie1 wrote:
    are you fucking kidding me? Norton is probably the best part of the show. he always brings the show to a whole new level. the days he's not in, cause he's traveling for his stand up shows, are the days where the show is lacking. Patrice and Vos are good stand ins (and even Billy Burr), but Norton is comic gold.

    enough with the "news scare teases"...(lame)

    we need more of Anthony's past marriage woes and "half life" rituals...

    Hil-arious bit about "candle night"...
    "This here's a REQUEST!"
    EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
    10/25/13 Hartford
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    Is Howard off this week?
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • CorduroyboyCorduroyboy Posts: 1,256
    rrivers wrote:
    Is Howard off this week?

    Gotta be. This Billy West crap for the past 2 days is killing me. I've got a new love for the other stations.
  • lockedlocked Boston Posts: 4,039
    what a hypercrit getting married..!
    "This here's a REQUEST!"
    EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
    10/25/13 Hartford
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    Yeah I haven't even listened to the Billy West stuff. I wasn't even that impressed with the music weekend. Too many lame bands. Every time I turned it on, Bon Jovi was on.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • Low_Light03Low_Light03 Posts: 1,227
    I heard Dice had a good appearance today. I can't stand him though.

    Hickory Dickory.....

    he wears those huge lame sunglasses and thinks he's still relevant.
    If You Give, You Begin To Live

    But You Might Die Trying
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    Dice sucks but he can be entertaining. I'm listening to the replay now. So far Siobahn wants to talk to Howard privately but he wouldn't let him and Siobahn got pissed. And then Riley called in - fucking priceless! And now Richard hasn't brushed his teeth since Sunday. :eek:
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    cutback wrote:
    Dice sucks but he can be entertaining. I'm listening to the replay now. So far Siobahn wants to talk to Howard privately but he wouldn't let him and Siobahn got pissed. And then Riley called in - fucking priceless! And now Richard hasn't brushed his teeth since Sunday. :eek:

    Yeah I was not a big fan of Dice when he was big. But he is interesting as a guest, especially when he was fighting with Artie and Benji. It was also good when he was talking about O & A.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • CorduroyboyCorduroyboy Posts: 1,256
    Dice is an ass. His act is so overdone. But Dice/Gottfreid, that's some funny shit. I could listen to those phony phone calls all day.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    "What's the big deal about Dice? Cmon people, he's Fonzie with Tourettes." - Dennis Miller
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    Dice is an ass. His act is so overdone. But Dice/Gottfreid, that's some funny shit. I could listen to those phony phone calls all day.


    Corduroyboy, have you gotten the Christmas single yet?
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • CorduroyboyCorduroyboy Posts: 1,256
    rrivers wrote:

    Corduroyboy, have you gotten the Christmas single yet?

    I have not. Yours arrive?
  • I don't want to be "Bring up O & A in every Howard thread" guy, but I'm curious as to what Dice said about them. They brought him onto their WNEW in the late 90's when everyone had forgotten about him and had some very good radio. I wonder if O & A are pissed at Dice for going on Stern?
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    I don't believe he mentioned O&A today or in the past. However, in my opinion Dice could give a shit who's show he's on as long as he's able to promote himself. Howard and Dice used to be good friends and then they had a falling out. When Howard moved to Sirius he had Dice in and they made up and now he's been back I think 2 or 3 times. I wish he would have stuck with O&A. :)
  • Tom KTom K Posts: 842
    I love Stern and Gilbert... but Dice annoys the shit out of me...
    I'm gone ..Long gone..This time I'm letting go of it all...So long...Cause this time I'm gone
  • Flannel ShirtFlannel Shirt Posts: 1,021
    cutback wrote:
    "What's the big deal about Dice? Cmon people, he's Fonzie with Tourettes." - Dennis Miller

    jaaaaaaaa hooooooooooooooo......
    All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
  • CorduroyboyCorduroyboy Posts: 1,256
    Tom K wrote:
    I love Stern and Gilbert... but Dice annoys the shit out of me...

    What are you a homo, aaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooooo! I laughed all day again today at the gay bath house prank call. I've heard it a hundred times and I still keep laughing at it.
  • CorduroyboyCorduroyboy Posts: 1,256
    cutback wrote:
    I don't believe he mentioned O&A today or in the past. However, in my opinion Dice could give a shit who's show he's on as long as he's able to promote himself. Howard and Dice used to be good friends and then they had a falling out. When Howard moved to Sirius he had Dice in and they made up and now he's been back I think 2 or 3 times. I wish he would have stuck with O&A. :)

    More exposure on Howard.
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    cutback wrote:
    I don't believe he mentioned O&A today or in the past. However, in my opinion Dice could give a shit who's show he's on as long as he's able to promote himself. Howard and Dice used to be good friends and then they had a falling out. When Howard moved to Sirius he had Dice in and they made up and now he's been back I think 2 or 3 times. I wish he would have stuck with O&A. :)

    I don't think he mentioned them yesterday but the first time he was back on Howard at Sirius, they had a pretty lengthy discussion about O & A. Here's a summary from

    Dice said that after the last time he was on, he heard that ''Olivia and Annette'' (Opie and Anthony) went after him and his kids on their show. Dice went on Kidd Chris' show after that and told him that he's going to go after this guy ''Olivia'' and let people know where he lives. He said he's let him know that if he mentioned his kids on the air again, he was going to go after them. Dice said he's got an 11 year old and talking about his kid isn't right. He's going to have to run into him some day and he knows that he'll crumble as soon as he sees him.

    Dice said that if that guy ever comes to L.A. He'd better be very well protected because he's going to get him if he's not. He went off on both of them for a short time and said that Anthony's face looks like it was hit with a meteorite. He said he's the only guy uglier than the guy in ''Grease'' who was a crater face. He said that they even used his face to design the bottom of a sneaker. He went off on him for a few minutes. He said that for them to go backwards, by going back on terrestrial radio, is ridiculous. He said that they had no listeners and they're trying to explain why they're going on free radio after their fans shelled out money to hear them on XM. Dice said that they had no ratings but Howard thought they did okay when they were on terrestrial radio before. Dice took credit for that saying that they got ratings after he started to show up on their show.

    The whole show is here: But I think that is all that O & A are mentioned.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698
    I have not. Yours arrive?

    No, haven't got mine either.
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
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