Nagging Wife, Anyone?

Hi everyone,
This post is not meant to be offensive to the ladies. I just have a communication problem with my wife and wanted to see if anyone else has found a way to deal with it.
When I get done work what I want to do is come home have a beer, play guitar, watch TV and veg. I def don't want to sit there and argue.
My wife, on the other hand, wants to chat about her day or about upcoming plans. I normally try to oblidge but it gets me tense because she typically talks about bad things (or what I deam to be problems at work) or problem situations about future events and planning.
I deal with things like men do... I try to solve her problems when she presents them to me. So, typically I try to give her solutions to her problems. She'll typically shrug them off, saying how she just wants to talk. Why do women raise problems if they don't want solutions? I guess that question is for another time.
The truth is I understand she wants to talk. But, I don't want to talk as I said in the beginning. I feel bad that I can't do everything she wants. When I say I don't want to talk, she gets offended. When I do talk, she gets offended because I try to help her and that's not what she wants. UGH!
Anyone EVER find a way to deal with something like this? And please don't say zone her out, cause I tried and that just gets me yelled at.
This post is not meant to be offensive to the ladies. I just have a communication problem with my wife and wanted to see if anyone else has found a way to deal with it.
When I get done work what I want to do is come home have a beer, play guitar, watch TV and veg. I def don't want to sit there and argue.
My wife, on the other hand, wants to chat about her day or about upcoming plans. I normally try to oblidge but it gets me tense because she typically talks about bad things (or what I deam to be problems at work) or problem situations about future events and planning.
I deal with things like men do... I try to solve her problems when she presents them to me. So, typically I try to give her solutions to her problems. She'll typically shrug them off, saying how she just wants to talk. Why do women raise problems if they don't want solutions? I guess that question is for another time.

The truth is I understand she wants to talk. But, I don't want to talk as I said in the beginning. I feel bad that I can't do everything she wants. When I say I don't want to talk, she gets offended. When I do talk, she gets offended because I try to help her and that's not what she wants. UGH!
Anyone EVER find a way to deal with something like this? And please don't say zone her out, cause I tried and that just gets me yelled at.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Grow the hell up.
You're not listening. That's your 'communication problem'.
Listen to her. Don't offer solutions, just listen. How hard can that be?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
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and I would add:
why did you get married or enter into a relationship in the first place if you didn't want to have another person (or one who you obvisouly knew enjoys talking) in your house when you got home after work?
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
They do like to talk a lot.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
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why do men want to be with women if they have a stereotype of how we all behave that they don't like? if you hate it so much, why bother?
Just out of interest, does she go out to work, or work at home with kids and slave away doing housework and making your dinner?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I like to talk...whats the problem with that? Sometimes you need to vent, sometimes you want to chat...btw, I'm just as good at listening
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
We really like sex?
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Well...relationships require communication - especially about the unpleasant you gotta listen and least sometimes. Although I have to say I listen and talk about problems all day at work and it's the last thing I really feel like doing in my private time...especially since I have trouble sitting still after sitting for 8 hours every day. I used to make my ex follow me around the house so we could talk while I did other things (maybe that's why we're no longer together)
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
honestly, I think that's the really the case (although I don't understand why you wouldn't just have sex then and not bother getting to know people)
because it seems like men really, truly hate us.
If you feel like it's too much to deal with as soon as you get home from work, then maybe tell her that you want to provide an ear (or a shoulder), but that it is stressful for you to be greeted with that directly after the workday is over. Maybe she could talk about it another time after you've decompressed? Or you could find an activity to do together each day that would help you both unwind?
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Sad really.. I miss the AET days when you could laugh freely at sexist morons with their 'communication problems' and not see them banned.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Disclaimer - I am a prick; don't be like me unless you have a wife who understands.
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We don't have kids. She works and I work.
I prefer to relax for about 1 hour before cooking. She likes to rush into it. We split the job of housework including cooking.
I prefer to relax for about an hour when I get home, that's all. That was why I made the comment about beer ect.
I do give a F about what she is saying, dude. You don't know me, so chill. I love my wife and I'm trying to figure things out in an anonomous manner. That's why I posted this.
But, anyway, you're probably right; I should just listen. My point is, how am I different from a wall if I just listen and offer nothing back in the form of communication? Isn't communication a two-way street? So, when I'm presented with a problem from someone I love, should I not try to help her solve it?
I would bake you a cake, but I don't want your wife to get lazy in the kitchen.
great answer.
as with most things, including relationships, it is the art of communication and negotiation (for lack of a better word).
Otherwise saveuplife, you do sound an eensy-weensy bit selfish. Honestly, I mean no offense, I'm just not sure how to word that any other way. Nothing wrong with that, but when you're married, you really have to consider the other person. That's kind of "Marriage 101".
Not true. We just don't subject you to every painful mundane detail of our day and would appeciate the same in return.
I'm mostly kidding. I really do try to listen to my wife if the subject seems important to her. However, I often times space out and I really don't even mean to.
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Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Women don't want that, they just want you to listen. That's where I get pissed and frustrated sometimes because I'm a problem solver. You just have to let her complain and offer support.
You should also tell her how you feel about when you get home and what you want to do.
That's relationship communication.
my husband actually closed his eyes once when I was talking to him. I was looking right at him and he was looking right at me and he closed his friggin eyes like he was falling asleep. that was the point I realized I was droning on, and on, and on. I couldn't get too mad at him about that. We still laugh about that to this day.