Not as good as last week. Desmond is much more appealing than Juliet.
yeah, i was not a fan of tonight's show at all. thought it was a weak episode and didn't like seeing ben acting so pathetic running for his ham and whatnot.
Not as good as last week. Desmond is much more appealing than Juliet.
I can see that, but as one of the few Juliet fans on this thread I was really happy plus I loved her line about it "Being really stressful being an Other."
I guess I also was thrilled because all of the main locations - the new Dharma station, where Goodwin died, the stream where Kate got hit in the head I've been to. It was like I was having a flashback watching this episode.
I can see that, but as one of the few Juliet fans on this thread I was really happy plus I loved her line about it "Being really stressful being an Other."
Yeah, that was good.
What's the deal with her saying Ben wanted her to kill them? How was he communicating with her? Or did she just know that he wanted them dead?
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
What's the deal with her saying Ben wanted her to kill them? How was he communicating with her? Or did she just know that he wanted them dead?
Like Harper, the therapist said, Ben always has a plan. Ben is in such total control with the Locke situation. I don't think Ben is communicating with them, but I have a feeling he had a failsafe plan in case he didn't contact the rest of his people by a certain deadline.
It was cool hearing the whispers again and seeing one of the Others appear and disappear like they used to.
Ben would rather kill everyone on the island than let the island be taken over by someone else.
What's the deal with her saying Ben wanted her to kill them? How was he communicating with her? Or did she just know that he wanted them dead?
harper told juliet that ben wanted her to kill them to keep them away from the station. remember juliet asked how she'd keep them away from the station and harper told her use her gun...
edit: p.s. i'm assuming she was real and not just part of the whispers since jack also saw/interacted with her.... of course who knows.
I thought it was interesting that Ben taped over the Red Sox World Series victory with the tape of Widmore. That means that the tape he and Locke watched was just recently taped. I wonder if Mikhail got that tape before Locke blew up the Flame or if there is another observation station we don't know about.
How did Ben get a camera in that random parking lot to capture Widmore? Or was there another one's of Ben's people who filmed the beating?
Btw the look on Sawyer's face seeing Ben walking around was priceless. How many lives does Ben have? It seems like everytime he looks like he has no options left he gets Locke to release him. I also think that Juliet now never leaves the Island because Ben would never let her.
I thought it was interesting that Ben taped over the Red Sox World Series victory with the tape of Widmore. That means that the tape he and Locke watched was just recently taped. I wonder if Mikhail got that tape before Locke blew up the Flame or if there is another observation station we don't know about.
How did Ben get a camera in that random parking lot to capture Widmore? Or was there another one's of Ben's people who filmed the beating?
Btw the look on Sawyer's face seeing Ben walking around was priceless. How many lives does Ben have? It seems like everytime he looks like he has no options left he gets Locke to release him. I also think that Juliet now never leaves the Island because Ben would never let her.
i bet Ben will end up killing Juliette.
Cuyahoga Falls 98, Columbus 00, Cleveland 03, Columbus 03, Toledo 04, Grand Rapids 04, Kitchener 05, Cleveland 06, Cincinnati 06, Washington DC 08, Philadelphia IV 09, Columbus 10, Cleveland 10, Chicago 13, Pittsburgh 13, Cincinnati 14, Chicago (1) 16, Chicago (2) 16
yeah, i was not a fan of tonight's show at all. thought it was a weak episode and didn't like seeing ben acting so pathetic running for his ham and whatnot.
It's hard to follow last week's episode. I thought it started out slow, but it picked up. It was cool to find out where Charles Widmore is starting to fit into things with the island; although, I wonder how he knows about the island. I felt teased. I thought we were going to hear who Ben's insider on the boat is. I guess we'll have to wait, yet again.
No time to be void or save up on life. You got to spend it all.
It's hard to follow last week's episode. I thought it started out slow, but it picked up. It was cool to find out where Charles Widmore is starting to fit into things with the island; although, I wonder how he knows about the island. I felt teased. I thought we were going to hear who Ben's insider on the boat is. I guess we'll have to wait, yet again.
Yeah I really dug the Widmore part. It looked like Widmore might have known he was being taped with the way he looked right at the camera at the end.
I liked this episode better than last week's. I didn't care for last week's until the end with Penny and Desmond talking on the phone.
The one thing about this week I thought was lame was that they didn't have Ben tell who his person on the boat was. I was way into that part and was dying to hear who his person is. My guess is Michael.
Also looks like the eighth episode will air before the break.
Here's a link with very minor spoilers (ie who the 8th episode is about):
What's the deal with her saying Ben wanted her to kill them? How was he communicating with her? Or did she just know that he wanted them dead?
I'm assuming Harper wasn't really Harper, but an apparition like so many have seen before, cause she disappeared awful fast...though Jack saw her, so who knows. So was she "sent" by Jacob, by Ben, by the smoke monster? Whoever sent her wanted Faraday stopped so that the island would have its defense system in tact against Widmore or whoever.
Yeah Charles Widmore won the auction for the log from the Black Rock.
On this show there are no coincidences, so I think that Widmore is way involved in the island.
Hmmmm....could be.
And in the auction they mentioned the Black Rock's journey was commissioned by someone named Hanso.
In the pop up video replay they said the donor of the log, Tovar Hanso, was a distant relative of Boom (OK I forgot the first name) Hanso, the captain of the Black Rock, and also a distant relative of Alvar Hanso, benefactor of the Dharma Initiative.
Or was there another one's of Ben's people who filmed the beating?
Thats the impression I got, it wasn't a stationary camera, angles changed, and when Chuckles Widmore looked up directly into the camera the video ended, like the person filming was like "Oh shit, gotta go..."
Btw the look on Sawyer's face seeing Ben walking around was priceless. How many lives does Ben have? It seems like everytime he looks like he has no options left he gets Locke to release him.
"See you at dinner."
And did you notice Juliet "lied" again by abandoning Jack in the jungle? Lying bitch.
harper told juliet that ben wanted her to kill them to keep them away from the station. remember juliet asked how she'd keep them away from the station and harper told her use her gun...
edit: p.s. i'm assuming she was real and not just part of the whispers since jack also saw/interacted with her.... of course who knows.
doh! Forgot all about that.
I also assume that she was real. The Others have to be somewhere hanging out.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
I'm assuming Harper wasn't really Harper, but an apparition like so many have seen before, cause she disappeared awful fast...though Jack saw her, so who knows. So was she "sent" by Jacob, by Ben, by the smoke monster? Whoever sent her wanted Faraday stopped so that the island would have its defense system in tact against Widmore or whoever.
I figured she was real, but then again.....
I am anxious to find out where the Others went and what they are doing. Who is leading them now? Where is Alex, Carl, and Danielle? I can't imagine Danielle being all touchy feely with the Others since she seemed to be fighting them previously.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
I am anxious to find out where the Others went and what they are doing. Who is leading them now? Where is Alex, Carl, and Danielle? I can't imagine Danielle being all touchy feely with the Others since she seemed to be fighting them previously.
The others are on their way to the temple.
I thought that Alex, Carl, and Danielle were with Locke.
I wander how Ben told her that stuff. I thought she wasn't real because if she was, how did Ben tell her all that stuff when he is locked up?
Cuyahoga Falls 98, Columbus 00, Cleveland 03, Columbus 03, Toledo 04, Grand Rapids 04, Kitchener 05, Cleveland 06, Cincinnati 06, Washington DC 08, Philadelphia IV 09, Columbus 10, Cleveland 10, Chicago 13, Pittsburgh 13, Cincinnati 14, Chicago (1) 16, Chicago (2) 16
I thought she wasn't real because if she was, how did Ben tell her all that stuff when he is locked up?
That was my thought, combined with the whispers before she appeared and after she disappeared right before Jack and Liar's eyes. The only thing that makes it possible she was real was Jack interacting with her or it.
That was my thought, combined with the whispers before she appeared and after she disappeared right before Jack and Liar's eyes. The only thing that makes it possible she was real was Jack interacting with her or it.
Well, Locke interacted with Walt, but was he really there? I bet we will find out that maybe Juliette killed or something. I mean, Juliette told Jack, "Trust me, you don't want to see my file", where having an affair is a terrible thing IMO, that comment was leading me to believe that we were going to find out something very crazy about her past. Maybe we still will.
Cuyahoga Falls 98, Columbus 00, Cleveland 03, Columbus 03, Toledo 04, Grand Rapids 04, Kitchener 05, Cleveland 06, Cincinnati 06, Washington DC 08, Philadelphia IV 09, Columbus 10, Cleveland 10, Chicago 13, Pittsburgh 13, Cincinnati 14, Chicago (1) 16, Chicago (2) 16
Well, Locke interacted with Walt, but was he really there? I bet we will find out that maybe Juliette killed or something. I mean, Juliette told Jack, "Trust me, you don't want to see my file", where having an affair is a terrible thing IMO, that comment was leading me to believe that we were going to find out something very crazy about her past. Maybe we still will.
Yeah I had the thought that maybe Liar killed HarperValleyPTA.
As far as Locke interacting with Walt...lots of Losties have interacted with "ghosts"...Eko with his brother for example..but its the introduction of a second person (in this case Jack) interacting with a possible "ghost" intended for another person that makes me wonder...usually I think only the person that Jacob/Benry/Smokemonster/Island (whoever is responsible for these visions) wants to see the "ghost" sees it.
Yeah I had the thought that maybe Liar killed HarperValleyPTA.
As far as Locke interacting with Walt...lots of Losties have interacted with "ghosts"...Eko with his brother for example..but its the introduction of a second person (in this case Jack) interacting with a possible "ghost" intended for another person that makes me wonder...usually I think only the person that Jacob/Benry/Smokemonster/Island (whoever is responsible for these visions) wants to see the "ghost" sees it.
That is a very good point about the Second person seeing the "ghost", never thought of that.....I justed sounded like a member of the Brady Bunch!!
Cuyahoga Falls 98, Columbus 00, Cleveland 03, Columbus 03, Toledo 04, Grand Rapids 04, Kitchener 05, Cleveland 06, Cincinnati 06, Washington DC 08, Philadelphia IV 09, Columbus 10, Cleveland 10, Chicago 13, Pittsburgh 13, Cincinnati 14, Chicago (1) 16, Chicago (2) 16
hi kids! so i think last nights epi sealed the deal. i adore ben. because he is the opposite of juliet. he will manipulate you and lie to you and twist things to what he wants.. and he will clearly tell you he is doing it.. no apologies.
but liar is just a wolf in sheeps clothing. i dont like women who can't just find their own men.
so here's the thing. and i wonder about this. and im sure its just a guess. ben made mention last night that goodwin thought ana lucia would be a good "other".. im sure this was just a ploy to get juliet jealous. and then goodwin ends up dying by ana lucia's hands. and she acts really shady about it but we thought it was cause she was a crazy cop. but what if she was working for ben. now i know michael shot her.. but again he was told by ben to shoot her.. so i think it would be awesome if she were the "man on the boat"... and before everyone has to go run off to do research to tell me why im wrong.. yes i know she was in jail and her contract probably was not renewed this year.. im jus sayin.
otherwise it was an ok epi. nothing new. juliet's a whore, ben is caaaraaaazy and hurley is good at weird sports. the end. oh and the crazy redhead.. is a crazy redhead.
hi kids! so i think last nights epi sealed the deal. i adore ben. because he is the opposite of juliet. he will manipulate you and lie to you and twist things to what he wants.. and he will clearly tell you he is doing it.. no apologies.
but liar is just a wolf in sheeps clothing. i dont like women who can't just find their own men.
so here's the thing. and i wonder about this. and im sure its just a guess. ben made mention last night that goodwin thought ana lucia would be a good "other".. im sure this was just a ploy to get juliet jealous. and then goodwin ends up dying by ana lucia's hands. and she acts really shady about it but we thought it was cause she was a crazy cop. but what if she was working for ben. now i know michael shot her.. but again he was told by ben to shoot her.. so i think it would be awesome if she were the "man on the boat"... and before everyone has to go run off to do research to tell me why im wrong.. yes i know she was in jail and her contract probably was not renewed this year.. im jus sayin.
otherwise it was an ok epi. nothing new. juliet's a whore, ben is caaaraaaazy and hurley is good at weird sports. the end. oh and the crazy redhead.. is a crazy redhead.
That is not a bad thought. think it is weird how they all came out and told us it Michael was returning to the show. It takes away the surprise. Maybe they had it planned to make it appear she was dead and really not. Who knows. It is odd that Ana Lucia's name has been mentioned twice this season thus far. I think they would to explain things very, very good for it to be her, but it is not impossible.
Did we see them bury her?
Cuyahoga Falls 98, Columbus 00, Cleveland 03, Columbus 03, Toledo 04, Grand Rapids 04, Kitchener 05, Cleveland 06, Cincinnati 06, Washington DC 08, Philadelphia IV 09, Columbus 10, Cleveland 10, Chicago 13, Pittsburgh 13, Cincinnati 14, Chicago (1) 16, Chicago (2) 16
But if anything we learned for the first time that Ben really does have a weakness and its Juliet. And I think Jack is going to use this knowledge in the future.
Ben recruited Juliet personally to get her there, treated her special, fawned over her like a puppy, and got jealous when she fell for someone else and killed her lover. Ben seems to be totally rational except around Juliet. And he was really hurt in last year's finale when he found out Juliet betrayed him. My question is who is the her that Juliet looks just like - Ben's mom or Annie?
And before we go calling about Juliet the liar, I think Ben is just using Locke as a pawn again.
The one on the right is from the Hanso Foundation. I'm not totally up to all the connections but I'm pretty sure Widmore Industries is tight with the Hanso Foundation. So if Ben is so paranoid about Widmore, why would his therapist be someone who got some sort of degree from the Hanso Foundation.
I love you even more...for the above statement!! LOL Cracked me up!!
well its true no? (i love you too)
the thing about ben is.. he's protecting his island. he makes no apologies or wimpers about who gets in the way. widmore wants to exploit his island and ben is gonna do everything he can to stop that.. he's not lying about that.. and i think he was pretty honest about that. i think this is the truth coming out for ben. he needs all the help he can get.
all im sayin is that he doesnt hide what he feels about anything... like some others do...
Yep, show keeps getting better.
I can't wait till June till I get to go back to the Island (well ranch where they film Lost.)
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
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- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
I can see that, but as one of the few Juliet fans on this thread I was really happy plus I loved her line about it "Being really stressful being an Other."
I guess I also was thrilled because all of the main locations - the new Dharma station, where Goodwin died, the stream where Kate got hit in the head I've been to. It was like I was having a flashback watching this episode.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
- 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
- 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
- 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
- 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
Yeah, that was good.
What's the deal with her saying Ben wanted her to kill them? How was he communicating with her? Or did she just know that he wanted them dead?
Like Harper, the therapist said, Ben always has a plan. Ben is in such total control with the Locke situation. I don't think Ben is communicating with them, but I have a feeling he had a failsafe plan in case he didn't contact the rest of his people by a certain deadline.
It was cool hearing the whispers again and seeing one of the Others appear and disappear like they used to.
Ben would rather kill everyone on the island than let the island be taken over by someone else.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
- 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
- 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
- 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
- 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
edit: p.s. i'm assuming she was real and not just part of the whispers since jack also saw/interacted with her.... of course who knows.
How did Ben get a camera in that random parking lot to capture Widmore? Or was there another one's of Ben's people who filmed the beating?
Btw the look on Sawyer's face seeing Ben walking around was priceless. How many lives does Ben have? It seems like everytime he looks like he has no options left he gets Locke to release him. I also think that Juliet now never leaves the Island because Ben would never let her.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
- 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
- 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
- 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
- 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
Yeah I really dug the Widmore part. It looked like Widmore might have known he was being taped with the way he looked right at the camera at the end.
I liked this episode better than last week's. I didn't care for last week's until the end with Penny and Desmond talking on the phone.
The one thing about this week I thought was lame was that they didn't have Ben tell who his person on the boat was. I was way into that part and was dying to hear who his person is. My guess is Michael.
Also looks like the eighth episode will air before the break.
Here's a link with very minor spoilers (ie who the 8th episode is about):
In the pop up video replay they said the donor of the log, Tovar Hanso, was a distant relative of Boom (OK I forgot the first name) Hanso, the captain of the Black Rock, and also a distant relative of Alvar Hanso, benefactor of the Dharma Initiative.
"See you at dinner."
And did you notice Juliet "lied" again by abandoning Jack in the jungle?
And that kiss looked so forced and uncomfortable.
doh! Forgot all about that.
I also assume that she was real. The Others have to be somewhere hanging out.
I figured she was real, but then again.....
I am anxious to find out where the Others went and what they are doing. Who is leading them now? Where is Alex, Carl, and Danielle? I can't imagine Danielle being all touchy feely with the Others since she seemed to be fighting them previously.
I thought that Alex, Carl, and Danielle were with Locke.
I wander how Ben told her that stuff. I thought she wasn't real because if she was, how did Ben tell her all that stuff when he is locked up?
Well, Locke interacted with Walt, but was he really there? I bet we will find out that maybe Juliette killed or something. I mean, Juliette told Jack, "Trust me, you don't want to see my file", where having an affair is a terrible thing IMO, that comment was leading me to believe that we were going to find out something very crazy about her past. Maybe we still will.
As far as Locke interacting with Walt...lots of Losties have interacted with "ghosts"...Eko with his brother for example..but its the introduction of a second person (in this case Jack) interacting with a possible "ghost" intended for another person that makes me wonder...usually I think only the person that Jacob/Benry/Smokemonster/Island (whoever is responsible for these visions) wants to see the "ghost" sees it.
but liar is just a wolf in sheeps clothing. i dont like women who can't just find their own men.
so here's the thing. and i wonder about this. and im sure its just a guess. ben made mention last night that goodwin thought ana lucia would be a good "other".. im sure this was just a ploy to get juliet jealous. and then goodwin ends up dying by ana lucia's hands. and she acts really shady about it but we thought it was cause she was a crazy cop. but what if she was working for ben. now i know michael shot her.. but again he was told by ben to shoot her.. so i think it would be awesome if she were the "man on the boat"... and before everyone has to go run off to do research to tell me why im wrong.. yes i know she was in jail and her contract probably was not renewed this year.. im jus sayin.
otherwise it was an ok epi. nothing new. juliet's a whore, ben is caaaraaaazy and hurley is good at weird sports. the end. oh and the crazy redhead.. is a crazy redhead.
Did we see them bury her?
But if anything we learned for the first time that Ben really does have a weakness and its Juliet. And I think Jack is going to use this knowledge in the future.
Ben recruited Juliet personally to get her there, treated her special, fawned over her like a puppy, and got jealous when she fell for someone else and killed her lover. Ben seems to be totally rational except around Juliet. And he was really hurt in last year's finale when he found out Juliet betrayed him. My question is who is the her that Juliet looks just like - Ben's mom or Annie?
And before we go calling about Juliet the liar, I think Ben is just using Locke as a pawn again.
Check out one of Harper's diplomas:
The one on the right is from the Hanso Foundation. I'm not totally up to all the connections but I'm pretty sure Widmore Industries is tight with the Hanso Foundation. So if Ben is so paranoid about Widmore, why would his therapist be someone who got some sort of degree from the Hanso Foundation.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
- 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
- 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
- 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
- 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
I love you even more...for the above statement!! LOL
well its true no? (i love you too)
the thing about ben is.. he's protecting his island. he makes no apologies or wimpers about who gets in the way. widmore wants to exploit his island and ben is gonna do everything he can to stop that.. he's not lying about that.. and i think he was pretty honest about that. i think this is the truth coming out for ben. he needs all the help he can get.
all im sayin is that he doesnt hide what he feels about anything... like some others do...
oh my god you too? whats up with those crazy bitches? crazy in the head.
I guess I'm alone again on this one too. I've had good experiences with red heads.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
- 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
- 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
- 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
- 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13