Hamburger SV
Her mit den guten Holländern
Die geglückte Qualifikation für die Champions League spült nach dem Verkauf von Khalid Boulahrouz zum FC Chelsea weitere Millionen in die Kassen des Hamburger SV. Der erste Transfer steht schon kurz vor dem Abschluss.
Von Matthias Linnenbrügger
Besser als Boulahrouz: Mathijsen
Besser als Boulahrouz: Mathijsen
Foto: dpa
Pamplona/Hamburg - Mit seinem Treffer zum 1:1 im Rückspiel bei C.A. Osasuna bescherte der niederländische Nationalspieler Nigel de Jong den Hamburgern die Teilnahme an der Champions League und damit eine garantierte Einnahme in Höhe von acht Millionen Euro. De Jong hatte sich mit seinem Zimmerkollegen Rafael van der Vaart vor dem Spiel auf die Aufgabe eingeschworen. Van der Vaart erzählte: „Ich habe zu Nigel gesagt: Amigo, wir haben mit Ajax schon einmal in der Königsklasse gespielt, wir machen das heute zusammen.“ Beide waren vergangene Saison von Ajax zum HSV gewechselt.
Der Mann, der die für Bundesliga-Verhältnisse spektakulären Transfers realisiert hatte, war nach der Partie in Pamplona zu Scherzen aufgelegt, nachdem er zuvor einen sehr gereizten Eindruck vermittelt hatte. Sportdirektor Dietmar Beiersdorfer sagte auf die Frage, was er denn mit dem vielen Geld machen wolle: „Den Gymnastikraum vergrößern, einen zusätzlichen Fitnesstrainer einstellen und eine Datenbank aufbauen“. Tätsächlich sollen die Gelder, die sich durch den Verkauf von Khalid Boulahrouz zum FC Chelsea und den Einnahmen, die im Hinspiel gegen Osasuna sowie im Ligapokal eingespielt wurden und sich auf etwa 20 Millionen Euro summieren, zur Verstärkung des Kaders verwendet werden.
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Der erste Transfer steht bereits kurz vor dem Abschluss. Den Part von Boulahrouz im Abwehrzentrum übernimmt erneut ein Niederländer: Joris Mathijsen von AZ Alkmaar wechselt zum HSV und wird schon am Sonntag gegen Hertha BSC sein Bundesligadebüt feiern. Der 26-jährige Innenverteidiger absolvierte bisher zwölf Länderspiele, drei davon bei der Weltmeisterschaft. In den Niederlanden gilt Mathijsen im Vergleich zu Boulahrouz sogar als der bessere Defensivspieler. Nicht zuletzt deswegen erhielt er den Vorzug bei der WM. Die Hamburger lassen sich den Kauf etwa sechs Millionen Euro kosten.
Noch vor Ende der Transferperiode am 31. August will der HSV weitere Zugänge präsentieren. Die Teilnahme an der Champions League habe einige Türen geöffnet, sagte Doll, „wir werden noch den einen oder anderen Kracher präsentieren, um den nächsten Level zu erreichen.“ Ein Linksverteidiger sowie ein Angreifer sollen noch kommen, zu den Kandidaten zählen Juan Pablo Sorin (30, FC Villarreal), Kapitän der argentinischen Nationalmannschaft, sowie das 19-jährige Sturmjuwel Ryan Babel von Ajax Amsterdam.
Simply because he's been with the club for SO MANY YEARS! and he plans to retire there. Schelotto and Abbondanzieri are the players who won the most titles with the club in Boca's history.
The so-called "whining" that gives River Plate fans terrible headaches is another reason why people love him so much. Although sometimes, there are games where he seems to complain about EVERY single call, now THAT's when it gets annoying. But Boca fans will always love him...whining included, lol.
He's become a legend to the club.
(just a piece of trivia in case you guys didn't know, well, Towerman probably does He has a twin brother, Gustavo, and at a time they both played for Boca)
Tevez, Palacio, and Riquelme are loved by the people too. But guess what? Tevez and Riquelme don't play for Boca anymore. What's the use of chanting the name of someone who doesn't play in your team? Actually, some people do carry huge flags with the portraits of current and past players in them, and I've seen Tevez and Riquelme ones there too. But you can't expect the people to love someone as much when they're not playing for the team anymore...makes sense?
and Palacio is pretty new...people love him already (I know I DO!!!!!!), but he hasn't reached "legend" status yet, lol.
Palermo is far from a good player. He's just good at scoring...with his head. He's the Argentine Peter Crouch, lol. In the mid- to late 90's he was highly regarded by the people (and he still is...) when him and Schelotto were always on the starting line-up and formed this force often referred by fans as the "dynamic duo"
I kinda agree with almost everything you said, but I mean... I'm not argie but always follow the argentine league and mainly I'm a River Plate supporter since the days of the great Enzo Francescoli. THe thing with Schelotto is that he's the kind of player that you either love or hate and trust me having him as a rival in the "clasicos" is totally IRRITATING. But well I still respect him for all the titles he has won and all.
I kinda agree with almost everything you said, but I mean... I'm not argie but always follow the argentine league and mainly I'm a River Plate supporter since the days of the great Enzo Francescoli. THe thing with Schelotto is that he's the kind of player that you either love or hate and trust me having him as a rival in the "clasicos" is totally IRRITATING. But well I still respect him for all the titles he has won and all.
haha well...I'm not complaining, because I have him on my side. But if I wasn't a Boca fan, I would absolutely despise him!!!!!!!!!! lol. He's very loathable. Like you said, it's a love or hate thing.
Btw, I really dislike Gallardo and Ameli. Gallardo is like River's Schelotto...sorta. Except that this guy is "El Hombre Araña" lol. Remember when he scratched the Boca player's face, in a sorta cat fight way?? :eek: lol. That was pretty weird...and funny.
thAT´S TRUE AND I JUST LOVE IT BEC: IT SHOWS HOW IT WAS AFTER THE MATCH ...everybody was just smiling...for the moment ...
maybe we get a new deffender from holland (again but not ajax ) tommorow ...
and yes he may play allready vs heartha on sunday´s a homematch it will be really cool;)
HSV wil Mathijsen als vervanger Boulahrouz'
Joris Mathijsen
Foto: ANP
HAMBURG - De Duitse voetbalclub Hamburger SV wil verdediger Joris Mathijsen overnemen van AZ. De 26-jarige Nederlandse international moet zijn landgenoot Khalid Boulahrouz vervangen. Boulahrouz vertrok onlangs naar Chelsea. Bij Hamburger SV spelen de Nederlanders Rafael van der Vaart en Nigel de Jong.
Dinsdag plaatste de club zich voor het hoofdtoernooi van de Champions League na een gelijkspel (1-1) bij Osasuna. Na afloop van die wedstrijd verklaarde trainer Thomas Doll dat HSV het te verdienen geld in de Champions League wil gebruiken voor drie of vier nieuwe aankopen.
De grootste prioriteit bij Hamburger SV ligt centraal in de verdediging. Naast Boulahrouz vertrok eerder de Belg Daniël van Buyten naar Bayern München. Vincent Kompany, een andere centrale Belgische verdediger, raakte dinsdag tegen Osasuna geblesseerd. Hij kan waarschijnlijk voorlopig niet spelen.
Mathijsen is voor Doll en HSV de eerste keuze als nieuwe centrale verdediger. De club heeft ongeveer 6 miljoen euro over voor de oud-Willem II'er. Voor Mathijsen ligt een contract voor vier jaar klaar. De clubleiding van AZ overlegt momenteel in Duitsland met een delegatie van de Duitse club.
Voor reageren op artikelen bij en haar subsites gelden huisregels. Klik hier om die regels te lezen.
Ik las verder dat ze ongeveer 6 miljoen willen bieden als ik dan kijk wat ze gevangen hebben voor Bouhla (13 miljoen) vind ik dat veel te weinig.
Sandokan wo 23/08, 18:01
6 Miljoen is veel geld voor deze WK mislukkeling en zeer matige speler.
Jorien wo 23/08, 18:16
Vooral doen het probleem met voetballers is, dat ze zo weinig verdienen, kun je over twee jaar ook naar Chelsea, en dan die groote postzak nog meer vullen ,God voetbal jongens wat heb ik met jullie allemaal te doen.
Anne wo 23/08, 18:31
En zowordt de Nederlandse competitie steeds verder uitgekleed. Waarom winkelen al die prutsclubs in Nederland? Van Basten bedankt!
Boom wo 23/08, 18:39
So they did actually come for Mathijssen. HSV offered 6 million for him. I don't know how long his contract still is, but 6 million is a joke.
I do think the EUFA should do something about this last minute shopping. The season has already begun and clubs still don't know how the selection will look like. Ooijer and Vennegoor, Boulahrouz, Kuijt, and now Mathijssen and it also works on down. Utrecht losses Tiendalli. I hate this. I realize clubs like HSV have to wait until the Champions league shot is save. Still this is unfair. The big clubs from the big leagues do what they want and the rest should follow. Chelsea can buy Boulahrouz and Real can buy Diarra, player that are ready from the word go. HSV, Feyenoord, PSV, Celtic, Porto they can't afford players that are a sure thing. AZ can't get a defender with the same skill for 6 million. They have to buy a player that is less good but has the potential to grow. I think this has an element of unfair play.
Maybe the qualification could take place at the end of the season, but that would cause problems with the world cup. Still something has to be done.
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Quaresma is very good, he was labeled as the new Figo when he first came out...., Barcelona bought him two years ago but couldn't really shine there
He was player of the year in Portugal and a lot of people expected him to go to the world cup, Scolari left him out and so he played the under 21 Europaen championship. He has a good pass, cross and freekick.
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
haha well...I'm not complaining, because I have him on my side. But if I wasn't a Boca fan, I would absolutely despise him!!!!!!!!!! lol. He's very loathable. Like you said, it's a love or hate thing.
Btw, I really dislike Gallardo and Ameli. Gallardo is like River's Schelotto...sorta. Except that this guy is "El Hombre Araña" lol. Remember when he scratched the Boca player's face, in a sorta cat fight way?? :eek: lol. That was pretty weird...and funny.
hahaha, first time I see that... though I remember when he scratched Abondanzieri's face, that was pretty embarrasing. The main dfference between him and Schelotto is that Gallardo gets himself kickout of games while "El Mellizo" get rival's players kick out of the games.
The main dfference between him and Schelotto is that Gallardo gets himself kickout of games while "El Mellizo" get rival's players kick out of the games.
yes ,it´s made the 3th dutch guy for HSV ...but i´ve no clue how you pronounce or talk his family name..
I'll try to find the sounds in English.
Ma (short for mother)
Tijh sounds like lei only with a T instead of an L
Ssen Souds like sun.
If you say Mike Tyson very fast you are very close.:D Only jose the K
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
now I'm the one who has no clue at all of what's going on.... hehehe
You know Mario Pergolini?
He's the host of CQC, a sorta funny/sarcastic "news" show in Argentina. Now there are different versions of this show in Spain, Italy..and I think in England as well, I'm not sure...
Anyway, he's also a DJ @ Rock&Pop, a rock radio station from Argentina. So, Pergolini broadcasted Pearl Jam's 2nd Buenos Aires show live, and during the broadcast there was this recording that went "PUUUUUUURL SHAM......EXCLUSIVO ROCK&POP" in order to "supposedly" control any possible attempt of "piracy" of the
So yeah, the recording was repeated quite a few times, people from USA and Europe starting e-mailing him telling him to shut up, people got annoyed and mad, and finally started to think it was actually funny....exclusivoooooo.
Except when you talk about football in German....THEN I'm completely lost! LOL!
How about Dutch? Heb je daar wel kaas van gegeten?
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
HSV is in the market for Juan Pablo Sorín. At least I read that they were.
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
How about Dutch? Heb je daar wel kaas van gegeten?
Looks cool, but I don't know what you
I actually used Dutch on my "Who I'd Like to Meet" section on myspace. I used a whole bunch of different languages, and Dutch looked really cool. I'm not sure if what it says it's right though...I used the translator on
He's the host of CQC, a sorta funny/sarcastic "news" show in Argentina. Now there are different versions of this show in Spain, Italy..and I think in England as well, I'm not sure...
Anyway, he's also a DJ @ Rock&Pop, a rock radio station from Argentina. So, Pergolini broadcasted Pearl Jam's 2nd Buenos Aires show live, and during the broadcast there was this recording that went "PUUUUUUURL SHAM......EXCLUSIVO ROCK&POP" in order to "supposedly" control any possible attempt of "piracy" of the
So yeah, the recording was repeated quite a few times, people from USA and Europe starting e-mailing him telling him to shut up, people got annoyed and mad, and finally started to think it was actually funny....exclusivoooooo.
I actually used Dutch on my "Who I'd Like to Meet" section on myspace. I used a whole bunch of different languages, and Dutch looked really cool. I'm not sure if what it says it's right though...I used the translator on
Post it I'll check it for you.
What I said was Heb je daar wel kaas van gegeten.
Have you eaten cheese from that. It is a Dutch saying, it is a question meaning; Do you have knowledge about that subject.
Why do you like it so much? Why does it look cool?
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Her mit den guten Holländern
Die geglückte Qualifikation für die Champions League spült nach dem Verkauf von Khalid Boulahrouz zum FC Chelsea weitere Millionen in die Kassen des Hamburger SV. Der erste Transfer steht schon kurz vor dem Abschluss.
Von Matthias Linnenbrügger
Besser als Boulahrouz: Mathijsen
Besser als Boulahrouz: Mathijsen
Foto: dpa
Pamplona/Hamburg - Mit seinem Treffer zum 1:1 im Rückspiel bei C.A. Osasuna bescherte der niederländische Nationalspieler Nigel de Jong den Hamburgern die Teilnahme an der Champions League und damit eine garantierte Einnahme in Höhe von acht Millionen Euro. De Jong hatte sich mit seinem Zimmerkollegen Rafael van der Vaart vor dem Spiel auf die Aufgabe eingeschworen. Van der Vaart erzählte: „Ich habe zu Nigel gesagt: Amigo, wir haben mit Ajax schon einmal in der Königsklasse gespielt, wir machen das heute zusammen.“ Beide waren vergangene Saison von Ajax zum HSV gewechselt.
Der Mann, der die für Bundesliga-Verhältnisse spektakulären Transfers realisiert hatte, war nach der Partie in Pamplona zu Scherzen aufgelegt, nachdem er zuvor einen sehr gereizten Eindruck vermittelt hatte. Sportdirektor Dietmar Beiersdorfer sagte auf die Frage, was er denn mit dem vielen Geld machen wolle: „Den Gymnastikraum vergrößern, einen zusätzlichen Fitnesstrainer einstellen und eine Datenbank aufbauen“. Tätsächlich sollen die Gelder, die sich durch den Verkauf von Khalid Boulahrouz zum FC Chelsea und den Einnahmen, die im Hinspiel gegen Osasuna sowie im Ligapokal eingespielt wurden und sich auf etwa 20 Millionen Euro summieren, zur Verstärkung des Kaders verwendet werden.
Default Banner
Der erste Transfer steht bereits kurz vor dem Abschluss. Den Part von Boulahrouz im Abwehrzentrum übernimmt erneut ein Niederländer: Joris Mathijsen von AZ Alkmaar wechselt zum HSV und wird schon am Sonntag gegen Hertha BSC sein Bundesligadebüt feiern. Der 26-jährige Innenverteidiger absolvierte bisher zwölf Länderspiele, drei davon bei der Weltmeisterschaft. In den Niederlanden gilt Mathijsen im Vergleich zu Boulahrouz sogar als der bessere Defensivspieler. Nicht zuletzt deswegen erhielt er den Vorzug bei der WM. Die Hamburger lassen sich den Kauf etwa sechs Millionen Euro kosten.
Noch vor Ende der Transferperiode am 31. August will der HSV weitere Zugänge präsentieren. Die Teilnahme an der Champions League habe einige Türen geöffnet, sagte Doll, „wir werden noch den einen oder anderen Kracher präsentieren, um den nächsten Level zu erreichen.“ Ein Linksverteidiger sowie ein Angreifer sollen noch kommen, zu den Kandidaten zählen Juan Pablo Sorin (30, FC Villarreal), Kapitän der argentinischen Nationalmannschaft, sowie das 19-jährige Sturmjuwel Ryan Babel von Ajax Amsterdam.
Artikel erschienen am Mi, 23. August 2006
I kinda agree with almost everything you said, but I mean... I'm not argie but always follow the argentine league and mainly I'm a River Plate supporter since the days of the great Enzo Francescoli. THe thing with Schelotto is that he's the kind of player that you either love or hate and trust me having him as a rival in the "clasicos" is totally IRRITATING. But well I still respect him for all the titles he has won and all.
Btw, I really dislike Gallardo and Ameli. Gallardo is like River's Schelotto...sorta. Except that this guy is "El Hombre Araña" lol. Remember when he scratched the Boca player's face, in a sorta cat fight way?? :eek: lol. That was pretty weird...and funny.
♪ Juli ♪
♪ Juli ♪
thAT´S TRUE AND I JUST LOVE IT BEC: IT SHOWS HOW IT WAS AFTER THE MATCH ...everybody was just smiling...for the moment ...
maybe we get a new deffender from holland (again but not ajax ) tommorow ...
and yes he may play allready vs heartha on sunday´s a homematch it will be really cool;)
Joris Mathijsen
Foto: ANP
HAMBURG - De Duitse voetbalclub Hamburger SV wil verdediger Joris Mathijsen overnemen van AZ. De 26-jarige Nederlandse international moet zijn landgenoot Khalid Boulahrouz vervangen. Boulahrouz vertrok onlangs naar Chelsea. Bij Hamburger SV spelen de Nederlanders Rafael van der Vaart en Nigel de Jong.
Dinsdag plaatste de club zich voor het hoofdtoernooi van de Champions League na een gelijkspel (1-1) bij Osasuna. Na afloop van die wedstrijd verklaarde trainer Thomas Doll dat HSV het te verdienen geld in de Champions League wil gebruiken voor drie of vier nieuwe aankopen.
De grootste prioriteit bij Hamburger SV ligt centraal in de verdediging. Naast Boulahrouz vertrok eerder de Belg Daniël van Buyten naar Bayern München. Vincent Kompany, een andere centrale Belgische verdediger, raakte dinsdag tegen Osasuna geblesseerd. Hij kan waarschijnlijk voorlopig niet spelen.
Mathijsen is voor Doll en HSV de eerste keuze als nieuwe centrale verdediger. De club heeft ongeveer 6 miljoen euro over voor de oud-Willem II'er. Voor Mathijsen ligt een contract voor vier jaar klaar. De clubleiding van AZ overlegt momenteel in Duitsland met een delegatie van de Duitse club.
Voor reageren op artikelen bij en haar subsites gelden huisregels. Klik hier om die regels te lezen.
Ik las verder dat ze ongeveer 6 miljoen willen bieden als ik dan kijk wat ze gevangen hebben voor Bouhla (13 miljoen) vind ik dat veel te weinig.
Sandokan wo 23/08, 18:01
6 Miljoen is veel geld voor deze WK mislukkeling en zeer matige speler.
Jorien wo 23/08, 18:16
Vooral doen het probleem met voetballers is, dat ze zo weinig verdienen, kun je over twee jaar ook naar Chelsea, en dan die groote postzak nog meer vullen ,God voetbal jongens wat heb ik met jullie allemaal te doen.
Anne wo 23/08, 18:31
En zowordt de Nederlandse competitie steeds verder uitgekleed. Waarom winkelen al die prutsclubs in Nederland? Van Basten bedankt!
Boom wo 23/08, 18:39
Quaresma is very good, he was labeled as the new Figo when he first came out...., Barcelona bought him two years ago but couldn't really shine there
I do think the EUFA should do something about this last minute shopping. The season has already begun and clubs still don't know how the selection will look like. Ooijer and Vennegoor, Boulahrouz, Kuijt, and now Mathijssen and it also works on down. Utrecht losses Tiendalli. I hate this. I realize clubs like HSV have to wait until the Champions league shot is save. Still this is unfair. The big clubs from the big leagues do what they want and the rest should follow. Chelsea can buy Boulahrouz and Real can buy Diarra, player that are ready from the word go. HSV, Feyenoord, PSV, Celtic, Porto they can't afford players that are a sure thing. AZ can't get a defender with the same skill for 6 million. They have to buy a player that is less good but has the potential to grow. I think this has an element of unfair play.
Maybe the qualification could take place at the end of the season, but that would cause problems with the world cup. Still something has to be done.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
He was player of the year in Portugal and a lot of people expected him to go to the world cup, Scolari left him out and so he played the under 21 Europaen championship. He has a good pass, cross and freekick.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
hahaha, first time I see that... though I remember when he scratched Abondanzieri's face, that was pretty embarrasing. The main dfference between him and Schelotto is that Gallardo gets himself kickout of games while "El Mellizo" get rival's players kick out of the games.
LOL! true that.
♪ Juli ♪
really ?i thought he plays for Porto ..but ok if he is good maybe he get´s back to shine if he joins hamburg..
thanx for the info anyways
p.s. sorry guys but i´ve no clue about riverplate ...etc. i hope you don´t mind:)
♪ Juli ♪
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
yeah he's currently playing for Porto...
and don't worry about the other thing, hehehhe
Speaking of which...
Tonight I'm watching that dude's tv show, CQC. It's pretty cool. They actually play Marker in the Sand and Glorified G in between segments.
♪ Juli ♪
now I'm the one who has no clue at all of what's going on.... hehehe
I'll try to find the sounds in English.
Ma (short for mother)
Tijh sounds like lei only with a T instead of an L
Ssen Souds like sun.
If you say Mike Tyson very fast you are very close.:D Only jose the K
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
but in the end it´s one language-foothball
You know Mario Pergolini?
He's the host of CQC, a sorta funny/sarcastic "news" show in Argentina. Now there are different versions of this show in Spain, Italy..and I think in England as well, I'm not sure...
Anyway, he's also a DJ @ Rock&Pop, a rock radio station from Argentina. So, Pergolini broadcasted Pearl Jam's 2nd Buenos Aires show live, and during the broadcast there was this recording that went "PUUUUUUURL SHAM......EXCLUSIVO ROCK&POP" in order to "supposedly" control any possible attempt of "piracy" of the
So yeah, the recording was repeated quite a few times, people from USA and Europe starting e-mailing him telling him to shut up, people got annoyed and mad, and finally started to think it was actually funny....exclusivoooooo.
So there you go.
♪ Juli ♪
Except when you talk about football in German....THEN I'm completely lost!
♪ Juli ♪
How about Dutch? Heb je daar wel kaas van gegeten?
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Looks cool, but I don't know what you
I actually used Dutch on my "Who I'd Like to Meet" section on myspace. I used a whole bunch of different languages, and Dutch looked really cool. I'm not sure if what it says it's right though...I used the translator on
♪ Juli ♪
hahahahahaha... now all makes sense, that's funny
Post it I'll check it for you.
What I said was Heb je daar wel kaas van gegeten.
Have you eaten cheese from that. It is a Dutch saying, it is a question meaning; Do you have knowledge about that subject.
Why do you like it so much? Why does it look cool?
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
when Barcelona played in NY last week, in the press conference Rijkaard was answering questions perfectly in like 4 that's crazy