with her dad under the weather, Gracie is taking it easy too
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
with her dad under the weather, Gracie is taking it easy too
Some days are good for that Hope you guys feel better tomorrow.
she feels fine. just lazy
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Well, after a long time of being out of her cage again and being really good Molly has disgraced herself in the last week, chewing stuff and shredding it, and today she did 2 poo's in the house! All when in on her own, so she is back in the cage when we are out.
Just wanted to run something by everyone though, someone at work suggested that she might be coming into season again. I wondered if anyone else thought there might be a link. She also climbed up a pile of recycling last week and over our back yard wall and off she tootled down the road. Fortunately we found her.
Well, after a long time of being out of her cage again and being really good Molly has disgraced herself in the last week, chewing stuff and shredding it, and today she did 2 poo's in the house! All when in on her own, so she is back in the cage when we are out.
Just wanted to run something by everyone though, someone at work suggested that she might be coming into season again. I wondered if anyone else thought there might be a link. She also climbed up a pile of recycling last week and over our back yard wall and off she tootled down the road. Fortunately we found her.
She's normally really good.
"in season" = in heat? :?
I wouldn't know. gracie is spayed....and still a little shit
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Well, after a long time of being out of her cage again and being really good Molly has disgraced herself in the last week, chewing stuff and shredding it, and today she did 2 poo's in the house! All when in on her own, so she is back in the cage when we are out.
Just wanted to run something by everyone though, someone at work suggested that she might be coming into season again. I wondered if anyone else thought there might be a link. She also climbed up a pile of recycling last week and over our back yard wall and off she tootled down the road. Fortunately we found her.
She's normally really good.
"in season" = in heat? :?
I wouldn't know. gracie is spayed....and still a little shit
Quite the doggie expert, eh?
Yes, "in season" means "in heat." Or "estrus" if you want to get all technical. :P
It's been a long time since I had a dog that wasn't spayed but she would sometimes do a lot "nesting" behavior, like shredding paper to make a bed. But like Gracie, she was always kind of wild and crazy.
On the other hand, Django has always had a knack for chewing up clothing and towels, if he can get them. He was worse at it when he was puppy when several things disappeared but he still likes to chew on pieces of paper if he can get them. And if we make the mistake of leaving the laundry basket on the floor, he will sometimes pick out a towel or some underwear (!) and chew that to pieces.
So back to Claire's problem, when was the last time she was in season? Seems like it's usually 6-8 months apart. I think she's still young enough to enjoy destroying things occasionally so I'd keep her in the crate when you're not there. Getting out of the yard would worry me a lot. You may have to carefully walk all around it with her to make sure she doesn't have any escape routes. If she can get her head through an opening, then she can get out.
Thank you for the replies it could be that she is just going through a naughty phase - I am probably expecting a wee bit much for a 14 month old :roll: I think I was lulled into a false sense of security because she has been a little angel for a while.
She's already been in season twice about 4 1/2 months apart - I've put it down to teenage hormones.
Back in the cage she goes for a while.
Whoprincess - she is rather partial to my disgaurded underwear too, I've had to wrestle many pairs of knickers off her :oops:
Dogs are just funny like that when it comes to underwear and socks, but there is a reason for it.. annnnd you DON'T want to know what it is..Horses are twice as bad about this reaction to scent..Anyhow as for the escapee thing and the estrus problem, young females can go into heat up to three times in the first year til they get their bodies all regulated into a normal cycle sequence which is commonly ( as stated earlier), about every six to eight months. And you'll know she's getting ready to "go hot" when she starts licking herself more than usual. This is due to the fact that the dog releases a milky and sometimes stinky discharge, and then this discharge becomes more and more bloody, til only blood comes out, at which point the dog is in FULL estrus and can breed successfully. This will be prefaced by nesting habits and wanting to escape, however at 14 months that's just plain old natural.. The more often and longer you walk the dog, the less this becomes a factor, but yes check your fence-line for escape routes. As for prevention of loss in times of escape I suggest you invest in a "GPS program" for your dog.. this is better known as a micro-chip. After I got MY wolf-dog back after four days of him wandering loose in the woods, I was soo happy I'd spent the 45 dollars 11 years pior..However, my sister just got HER Blue Heeler chipped last year and it was down to 26 dollars.. so check around, it is worth every penny!!!!! other than that good luck!! And Commendations for good crate training, it is forever training that sticks with the dog for life!!!
Thanks whispering hands - she is micro chipped, we did it as soon as she was old enough. Well worth the money. She did go for a wander last time she was coming into season. She saw a dog she took a liking to and off she went.
Hopefully we'll let her have puppies when she's about 2 and then we'll take her for the snip. All being well that is.
Thanks whispering hands - she is micro chipped, we did it as soon as she was old enough. Well worth the money. She did go for a wander last time she was coming into season. She saw a dog she took a liking to and off she went.
Hopefully we'll let her have puppies when she's about 2 and then we'll take her for the snip. All being well that is.
Good human.. I alway suggest letting them have at least ONE litter and then fixing them. The reason being is that their bodies are designed to reproduce; hard wired for it even.. so to avoid issues of cancer and hormonal imbalances later in life, I always tell peeps to breed them once on the first cycle of their second year. She will be happier and you'll get to have cute, fuzzy puppies for 8 weeks! But unless you've whelped a litter at least once before.. let me warn you.. THOSE little guys are LOUD!!
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Thank you for the replies it could be that she is just going through a naughty phase - I am probably expecting a wee bit much for a 14 month old :roll: I think I was lulled into a false sense of security because she has been a little angel for a while.
She's already been in season twice about 4 1/2 months apart - I've put it down to teenage hormones.
Back in the cage she goes for a while.
Whoprincess - she is rather partial to my disgaurded underwear too, I've had to wrestle many pairs of knickers off her :oops:
Remind me again what breed she is. My Dobeboy Monty is 16 months old and if he doesn't get enough exercise, physical and mental, he will chew things. That may be your problem with her. Monty has never been crated, except to eat. He isn't alone very long though, we have a house full and there aren't many days that there isn't someone at home at least for part of the day.
Why do you want to breed her? Here in the states something like 5 million dogs are put to sleep each year because there aren't enough homes for them. I'm not sure if you have the same problems where you are. I think letting them go though several heats and then spaying helps ensure that they grow properly. Spaying after maturity helps lesson the chances for cancer. I'm on the fence as when to neuter Monty. I know that I do want to do it because I'd like him to be able to play with other dogs and stop molesting them. :? We will try and make it until he is 2 because he is still growing and filling out.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Thank you for the replies it could be that she is just going through a naughty phase - I am probably expecting a wee bit much for a 14 month old :roll: I think I was lulled into a false sense of security because she has been a little angel for a while.
She's already been in season twice about 4 1/2 months apart - I've put it down to teenage hormones.
Back in the cage she goes for a while.
Whoprincess - she is rather partial to my disgaurded underwear too, I've had to wrestle many pairs of knickers off her :oops:
Remind me again what breed she is. My Dobeboy Monty is 16 months old and if he doesn't get enough exercise, physical and mental, he will chew things. That may be your problem with her. Monty has never been crated, except to eat. He isn't alone very long though, we have a house full and there aren't many days that there isn't someone at home at least for part of the day.
Why do you want to breed her? Here in the states something like 5 million dogs are put to sleep each year because there aren't enough homes for them. I'm not sure if you have the same problems where you are. I think letting them go though several heats and then spaying helps ensure that they grow properly. Spaying after maturity helps lesson the chances for cancer. I'm on the fence as when to neuter Monty. I know that I do want to do it because I'd like him to be able to play with other dogs and stop molesting them. :? We will try and make it until he is 2 because he is still growing and filling out.
She's a Border Terrier, very local to here - we live in the Borders. We want to breed from her because she is such a lovely dog (despite recent events), it'll help reduce the risk of problems in later life for her, plus we want to keep one of her pups. My sister also wants one as well, so out of the litter two won't need rehoming. Because of where we live there is always a very strong demand for her breed, so we will have no problem rehoming them.
Even though we live in a small town, our surrounding area is rural and our nearest dog shelter is never particularly full, in fact more so with cats than dogs. There are two main breeds that you often see around here that need rehoming; Border Collies, a working dog used on the farms in the area, you do see some that need rehoming if they haven't taken to the work that they are required to do. The other breed is Staffordshire Bull Terriers, a lot of young people get them here as a status symbol i.e. they think it makes them look 'hard'. Then due to poor training they end up handing over the dog to the shelter.
I've just checked on their website and there are currently 7 dogs that need rehoming, surprisingly there were three Lurchers. I'm pretty sure that they don't put any dogs down and have an excellent record of rehoming.
I know this doesn't apply to all areas of the country and we're probably very fortunate where we live. But we want her to have one litter and then she'll be off to be spayed.
I've just checked on their website and there are currently 7 dogs that need rehoming, surprisingly there were three Lurchers. I'm pretty sure that they don't put any dogs down and have an excellent record of rehoming.
Excuse me for going off topic a minute.
Aren't Lurchers very desirable dogs? I remember seeing pictures and thinking I would love one.
I've just checked on their website and there are currently 7 dogs that need rehoming, surprisingly there were three Lurchers. I'm pretty sure that they don't put any dogs down and have an excellent record of rehoming.
Excuse me for going off topic a minute.
Aren't Lurchers very desirable dogs? I remember seeing pictures and thinking I would love one.
Ok sounds good to me. It's so different here in the states now. Our shelter is full and over flowing so sad. On the Dobe forum I belong to we only support breeders who breed champion or at least titled in some venue, fully health tested dogs. I'm done with purebreds. Petey's disease has taken it's toll on us emotionally and financially.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
hey, dude....spring for a new tennis ball. they're cheap
Sophie is looking good
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Excuse me for going off topic a minute.
Aren't Lurchers very desirable dogs? I remember seeing pictures and thinking I would love one.
I thought a lurcher was someone who spends a lot of time here, but rarely posts :?
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
hey, dude....spring for a new tennis ball. they're cheap
Sophie is looking good
At least she plays with the older tennis ball. She tears off the skin of anything new, 4 Kong toys, skin torn off, 2 tennis balls, skin torn off. Kids these days
1995 San Francisco San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
yeah but my dog is cute too, right?
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Some days are good for that
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Gracie looks so comfy
1995 San Francisco
San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
2013 Portland
2018 Missoula
Just wanted to run something by everyone though, someone at work suggested that she might be coming into season again. I wondered if anyone else thought there might be a link. She also climbed up a pile of recycling last week and over our back yard wall and off she tootled down the road. Fortunately we found her.
She's normally really good.
I wouldn't know. gracie is spayed....and still a little shit
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Quite the doggie expert, eh?
Yes, "in season" means "in heat." Or "estrus" if you want to get all technical. :P
It's been a long time since I had a dog that wasn't spayed but she would sometimes do a lot "nesting" behavior, like shredding paper to make a bed. But like Gracie, she was always kind of wild and crazy.
On the other hand, Django has always had a knack for chewing up clothing and towels, if he can get them. He was worse at it when he was puppy when several things disappeared but he still likes to chew on pieces of paper if he can get them. And if we make the mistake of leaving the laundry basket on the floor, he will sometimes pick out a towel or some underwear (!) and chew that to pieces.
So back to Claire's problem, when was the last time she was in season? Seems like it's usually 6-8 months apart. I think she's still young enough to enjoy destroying things occasionally so I'd keep her in the crate when you're not there. Getting out of the yard would worry me a lot. You may have to carefully walk all around it with her to make sure she doesn't have any escape routes. If she can get her head through an opening, then she can get out.
She's already been in season twice about 4 1/2 months apart - I've put it down to teenage hormones.
Back in the cage she goes for a while.
Whoprincess - she is rather partial to my disgaurded underwear too, I've had to wrestle many pairs of knickers off her :oops:
Hopefully we'll let her have puppies when she's about 2 and then we'll take her for the snip. All being well that is.
1995 San Francisco
San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
2013 Portland
2018 Missoula
This is from today...
She is getting big and losing teeth, found 3 so far. Saving them i am.
1995 San Francisco
San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
2013 Portland
2018 Missoula
Can't believe how big she's getting to be!
hi, my name is norm and i hate everything having to do with water...i barely tolerate my water bowl
go figure, is he like his owner
Hi Norm, looking good you are.
1995 San Francisco
San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
2013 Portland
2018 Missoula
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Looks like a great place for chilling!
Remind me again what breed she is. My Dobeboy Monty is 16 months old and if he doesn't get enough exercise, physical and mental, he will chew things. That may be your problem with her. Monty has never been crated, except to eat. He isn't alone very long though, we have a house full and there aren't many days that there isn't someone at home at least for part of the day.
Why do you want to breed her? Here in the states something like 5 million dogs are put to sleep each year because there aren't enough homes for them. I'm not sure if you have the same problems where you are. I think letting them go though several heats and then spaying helps ensure that they grow properly. Spaying after maturity helps lesson the chances for cancer. I'm on the fence as when to neuter Monty. I know that I do want to do it because I'd like him to be able to play with other dogs and stop molesting them. :? We will try and make it until he is 2 because he is still growing and filling out.
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
awesome pics lovely view thanks!
She's a Border Terrier, very local to here - we live in the Borders. We want to breed from her because she is such a lovely dog (despite recent events), it'll help reduce the risk of problems in later life for her, plus we want to keep one of her pups. My sister also wants one as well, so out of the litter two won't need rehoming. Because of where we live there is always a very strong demand for her breed, so we will have no problem rehoming them.
Even though we live in a small town, our surrounding area is rural and our nearest dog shelter is never particularly full, in fact more so with cats than dogs. There are two main breeds that you often see around here that need rehoming; Border Collies, a working dog used on the farms in the area, you do see some that need rehoming if they haven't taken to the work that they are required to do. The other breed is Staffordshire Bull Terriers, a lot of young people get them here as a status symbol i.e. they think it makes them look 'hard'. Then due to poor training they end up handing over the dog to the shelter.
I've just checked on their website and there are currently 7 dogs that need rehoming, surprisingly there were three Lurchers. I'm pretty sure that they don't put any dogs down and have an excellent record of rehoming.
I know this doesn't apply to all areas of the country and we're probably very fortunate where we live. But we want her to have one litter and then she'll be off to be spayed.
p.s the boys looked like they had a great time
Aren't Lurchers very desirable dogs? I remember seeing pictures and thinking I would love one.
I know - I was surprised to!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
Sophie is looking good
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
That's a lurker.
Smart ass!
Here's some info about Lurchers:
So glad to read they had a good time, how about you?
1995 San Francisco
San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
2013 Portland
2018 Missoula
At least she plays with the older tennis ball. She tears off the skin of anything new, 4 Kong toys, skin torn off, 2 tennis balls, skin torn off. Kids these days
1995 San Francisco
San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
2013 Portland
2018 Missoula