I was in Vegas a couple weeks ago, and we were at Ceasars at the bottom by the bathrooms, and all of a sudden these guys walk in with camara's and I start thinking is this cops or something. Then I see that loser Brody talking to some dude Then I see that chick with black hair and no upper lip, and I'm like is this the hills? Then I see lauren come out of the bathroom and I like ok this the hills or the new season of flavor of love. When I saw Lauren I started thinking what is Brody doing here Lauren didnt take him back did she? I know I know I should lose my man card forever thinking that. I wish that I would of made a move on Lauren so I could tell everybody that I got turned down by a c list star. regrets man
are ya KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW????? Freakin Lauren wasted a good night at Ketchup just becuz 2 morons walked in????? And jason got sent home???? She didnt even invite him upstairs?????!!!! WHAT THE DEVIL IS GOING ON!!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
maaaaajor point score for Elodie!!! That chick freakin told Heidi like it IS!!! This was a great episode. However....i know theres lots of editing but.....jason moving in with some OTHER chick & being engaged? Thats CRAZY!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
maaaaajor point score for Elodie!!! That chick freakin told Heidi like it IS!!! This was a great episode. However....i know theres lots of editing but.....jason moving in with some OTHER chick & being engaged? Thats CRAZY!!!
yea the editing was crazy tonight.. the voiceovers and such.. but my jaw dropped when elodie dismissed heidi. i almost cried i laughed so hard. what a jerk spencer is.. just keep your damn mouth shut.. i want to smack him.. and hes so ugly with his eyebrow pubes. ew.
so are justinbobby and audrina actually dating now or will it end
and omg next week looks ammaaaaazing.. how hurt would you be if your ex said i want you to meet my new gf and then invite you to their engagement party.. omg...
what would of made this show even better would have been Lo telling off Heidi. I'm proud of Elodie, it took major guts to tell Heidi off. Heidi wasn't even mad, I think she realized a little of what she did.
Spencer is such an ass! I wish that both Lauren and Jason had thrown the drinks that Heidi and Spencer ordered them at them, I can't believe that he would make such a comment! Are ex's not allowed to hang out??
I think Justin Bobby and Audrina are going out, but I think Audrina is going along with Justin Bobby's "no title" deal. He's so freakin' hotttttt.
Wedding dress shopping, Jason's engagement party... I wish it were next monday already.
Don't let the world bring you down, not everyone here is that fucked up and cold. Remember why you came and while you're alive, experience the warmth before you grow old.
Best two days of my life: Oasis at MSG and Pearl Jam at the Gorge.
that was so great. wow. what the hell was she doing. does she think that because seh is lip synching she can cover that up with huge hand gestures. wow. i thank you for making this day a little brighter
yea the editing was crazy tonight.. the voiceovers and such.. but my jaw dropped when elodie dismissed heidi. i almost cried i laughed so hard. what a jerk spencer is.. just keep your damn mouth shut.. i want to smack him.. and hes so ugly with his eyebrow pubes. ew.
so are justinbobby and audrina actually dating now or will it end
and omg next week looks ammaaaaazing.. how hurt would you be if your ex said i want you to meet my new gf and then invite you to their engagement party.. omg...
i have to pick my jaw up off the floor
hahahaha i lOVE how u said spencers Eyebrow pubes!!! thats INSANE!!! seriously, elodie hadd major guts telling Heidi like she did. WEll, maybe not GUTS but just the fact that she did so was great. I love how heidi just walked in to bullcrap with elodie & tell her gossip/drama and elodie didnt care. she's AWESOME!!! and u KNOW jason still loves lc. come on.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
that was so great. wow. what the hell was she doing. does she think that because seh is lip synching she can cover that up with huge hand gestures. wow. i thank you for making this day a little brighter
I gotta play catch up, but thanks for keeping me posted...f*ckin' homework BLOWS!!!
Miss ya Q;)
If I could be anything in the world I would be your teardrop...I would be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.
what would of made this show even better would have been Lo telling off Heidi. I'm proud of Elodie, it took major guts to tell Heidi off. Heidi wasn't even mad, I think she realized a little of what she did.
Spencer is such an ass! I wish that both Lauren and Jason had thrown the drinks that Heidi and Spencer ordered them at them, I can't believe that he would make such a comment! Are ex's not allowed to hang out??
I think Justin Bobby and Audrina are going out, but I think Audrina is going along with Justin Bobby's "no title" deal. He's so freakin' hotttttt.
Wedding dress shopping, Jason's engagement party... I wish it were next monday already.
ahhhhhhhhh! Lo wouldve been PERFECT at Ketchup! She woulda said some sassy but true comment that wouldve been GREAT. Wedding dress shopping......YIKES.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
ahhhhhhhhh! Lo wouldve been PERFECT at Ketchup! She woulda said some sassy but true comment that wouldve been GREAT. Wedding dress shopping......YIKES.
I had never watched it until like three weeks ago. My g/f wants me to watch it with her and I pretty much commentate the whole thing. It's not that bad, but these guys are a bunch of tools.
Spencer looks like he had his teeth capped. He reminds me of Healy on There's Something about Mary. This Audrina chick just eats up Justin Bobby's garbage and it's hilarious. Since I like the sampson myself she calls me Justin Bobby cause of some of the stuff I say to her, but I'm joking. This guy is actually serious when he says it. Brody seems ok, but he's the typical single hard dick early 20's male. Not much depth there. Sorry I had to vent. I now have to watch this weekly.
"That's part of the curse: If you're gonna play the song, you better play it. I've tried to phone in "Jeremy" a few times, and it's tough. It doesn't work."
I gotta play catch up, but thanks for keeping me posted...f*ckin' homework BLOWS!!!
Miss ya Q;)
oh my.. well thank you for gracing us with that. i miss you Q! play catch up so you can come hang with the cool kids hehehe.
and honestly i applaud Elodie. if someone is gonna take a job from me and say its just business.. well then thats the only type of relationship we are gonna have from now on.. dont take a job from me and then expect me to care anymore... maybe with heidis new singing career elodie got the other job hahahha
I had never watched it until like three weeks ago. My g/f wants me to watch it with her and I pretty much commentate the whole thing. It's not that bad, but these guys are a bunch of tools.
Spencer looks like he had his teeth capped. He reminds me of Healy on There's Something about Mary. This Audrina chick just eats up Justin Bobby's garbage and it's hilarious. Since I like the sampson myself she calls me Justin Bobby cause of some of the stuff I say to her, but I'm joking. This guy is actually serious when he says it. Brody seems ok, but he's the typical single hard dick early 20's male. Not much depth there. Sorry I had to vent. I now have to watch this weekly.
well yay for your gf wanting u to watch it!!! Spencer AND Audrina got teeth issues. Audrinas glow in the dark & Spencers are just too far out that he cant stop smiling! I forgot about Brody, he wasnt on this week.... and its GREAT that you are addicted now!!! We have these Hills Support Meetings every monday!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
and honestly i applaud Elodie. if someone is gonna take a job from me and say its just business.. well then thats the only type of relationship we are gonna have from now on.. dont take a job from me and then expect me to care anymore...
right right. the way heidi said 'its just business' was CRRAZY. i know for SURE she wouldnt have responded as calmly if Elodie hadd gotten the job & said that to heidi. i freakin just DIED laughing when Elodie was going off on heidi & the faces heidi was making. oh MAN it was the highlight for me!!! She hadd this look like she was being insulted after doing a good deed!!! that is one thing i enjoy about heidi-her facial exxxpressions!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
Spencer has alot of issues, he really needs to shave everyday as he looks like absolute crap when he has a 5 o'clock shadow or more, that is one ugly dude.
They need more Whitney this year, not just her asking LC what she did the night before.
oh man last night was painful!!! poor lauren. i would feel sooo awkward being at that party. Jason's such an ass.. and im sure its editing that made them look like they were staring at each other all night but if you just got engaged you should probably stay away from your ex gf all night. his chick was rank too.. why are all these 20 year olds getting married.. don't they realize they are gonna grow up and not want what they wanted back then. oy. the only awesome comments were laurens to jason and jen to heidi... you fall out of love so quickly why get married. i looooove Jason's response " i just like being in relationships".. yea that marriage is gonna last.
speaking of things not lasting.. who here would EVER stay with someone who says to you "i havent really talked to my parents about our engagement".. no way.. sorry.. if you cant even tell mommy and daddy forget it.
looks like next week Lo gets in trouble with audrina about justin bobby!!!
oh man last night was painful!!! poor lauren. i would feel sooo awkward being at that party. Jason's such an ass.. and im sure its editing that made them look like they were staring at each other all night but if you just got engaged you should probably stay away from your ex gf all night. his chick was rank too.. why are all these 20 year olds getting married.. don't they realize they are gonna grow up and not want what they wanted back then. oy. the only awesome comments were laurens to jason and jen to heidi... you fall out of love so quickly why get married. i looooove Jason's response " i just like being in relationships".. yea that marriage is gonna last.
speaking of things not lasting.. who here would EVER stay with someone who says to you "i havent really talked to my parents about our engagement".. no way.. sorry.. if you cant even tell mommy and daddy forget it.
looks like next week Lo gets in trouble with audrina about justin bobby!!!
yeah it was just CRAZY how jason all of a sudden dropped the bomb of him having a girlfriend & them moving in together. people are free to do what they want but that kinda sucked the way he told her. And what about his "fiance" when she commented to her friend that SOMETHING was STUPID!!! i was like ohhhh man theres gonna be a fight! Then the way she walked out and turned her back toward lauren while standing by jason. that was gangster.
yeah whats WITH spencer not telling the parentals? but more importantly...THAT BEARD!!!! oh man!!! I didnt catch what went on with Lo but i saw a bit of a catastrophy for nexxxt week. justin bobby is in trouble all on his own. he doesnt NEED help!!! haha and is it just me or did Bunney get facial work done as well? these chicks.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
Yeah that was fucking sweet. Ha!
What was Heidi thinking - or was she? Is it me, or does Spencer look even weirder these days? I can't believe he went out to meet Heidi's parents and he still hasn't told his own parents that he's engaged.
Oh and why does Justin Bobby hate Lo? I missed that whole thing. Audrina is a bit of a dramaqueen when she's drunk - seriously, what was that?
Yes on the Jen Bunny having work done. She at least had a nose job and maybe something else to soften her features. I'm so looking forward to all of the reconciliation nonsense.
Yeah that was fucking sweet. Ha!
What was Heidi thinking - or was she? Is it me, or does Spencer look even weirder these days? I can't believe he went out to meet Heidi's parents and he still hasn't told his own parents that he's engaged.
Oh and why does Justin Bobby hate Lo? I missed that whole thing. Audrina is a bit of a dramaqueen when she's drunk - seriously, what was that?
Yes on the Jen Bunny having work done. She at least had a nose job and maybe something else to soften her features. I'm so looking forward to all of the reconciliation nonsense.
ohhh man.. this show just gets better and better. elodie rocked my world.. i couldnt figure out why she was being so nice and then it clicked.. stupid Heidi... i can't wait to see what happens with her job. not to mention their relationship is not healthy.. spencer is just way too crazy.. its like hes completely possesive and obsessive over his friends and gf... when heidi was like ok i gotta peace but i love you he's like no you dont.. dude you were the one who wanted her to have that job in the first place. and what the hell does spencer do.. apparently he used to "manage" brody and he manages Heidi.. buuut so what.. its not like you can make alot off of that. and ewww he needs to shave the chin pubs now.. blond hair does not go well on a blond face.
apparently justinbobby doesnt like Lo because she called him justinbobby. go figure. hes obviously the kind of guy who can't be bothered to hang out with anyone other than who he likes. and do we nto see a pattern.. lauren is sooo judgemental. i know you dont want your friends to get hurt but sometimes you kinda just have to let them and then back away so that they will get it out of their system. she hates every guy.. maybe she's secretly hookin up with girls.
It's amazing, this is literally a show about nothing. Nothing important has happened for weeks now. Thankfully next weeks show looks good as Lauren and Heidi finally confront each other. I'm still not sure why I watch this crap.
yay! i was wondering when we'd bring this back!
how about heidis birthday celebration???? they looked as bored as HELL.
i thought LC shouldve stood up when she met marc jacobs. come on. Thats like meeting the boys and not caring! :eek:
Heidi's birthday celebration looked like my 21st birthday. Girls, never, EVER, make one person, one man, one woman, your entire life! It was pretty ridiculous as to what she said "i only need spencer blahblahblah." god I can't stand her or for that sake, girls like her. BTW, I WANT HER CHANEL PURSE! My boyfriend was watching with me and I look at him and say "I think you know what to get me for my 24th birthday, I mean, she's 21. Please?" I don't think she deserves the purse anyway, it's a billion times more attractive than her.
Okay, so I used to like Audrina, but not anymore. When did she become a bimbo? I thought she was better than that? Bring back LO!
Don't let the world bring you down, not everyone here is that fucked up and cold. Remember why you came and while you're alive, experience the warmth before you grow old.
Best two days of my life: Oasis at MSG and Pearl Jam at the Gorge.
yay! i was wondering when we'd bring this back!
how about heidis birthday celebration???? they looked as bored as HELL.
i thought LC shouldve stood up when she met marc jacobs. come on. Thats like meeting the boys and not caring! :eek:
I'm with you too. I couldn't believe she didn't stand up or say more.
I like Heidi because you can see her wheels turning all of the time. She'll figure out that spencer is an ass, it will just take her much longer than a regular person.
I'm with you too. I couldn't believe she didn't stand up or say more.
I like Heidi because you can see her wheels turning all of the time. She'll figure out that spencer is an ass, it will just take her much longer than a regular person.
heidi is a trip. her facial exxxpressions really crack me up. i am just WAITING for the day she realizes she cant marry spencer. OR the day spencer tells her he doesnt WANT to get married!!!! :eek:
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
Heidi's birthday celebration looked like my 21st birthday. Girls, never, EVER, make one person, one man, one woman, your entire life! It was pretty ridiculous as to what she said "i only need spencer blahblahblah." god I can't stand her or for that sake, girls like her. BTW, I WANT HER CHANEL PURSE! My boyfriend was watching with me and I look at him and say "I think you know what to get me for my 24th birthday, I mean, she's 21. Please?" I don't think she deserves the purse anyway, it's a billion times more attractive than her.
Okay, so I used to like Audrina, but not anymore. When did she become a bimbo? I thought she was better than that? Bring back LO!
absofreakinlutely. dont EVER make a guy OR girl your wholeworld is RIGHT. people that say they only need so and so are lying thru their teeth!!!! you say that BECUZ u have NO ONE!!!! heidi is totally lost.
oh but WAIT!!!! what about justinbobbys freakin response to that dude asking what the deal was with him & audrina!!!!!! oh MAN that guy is BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
:eek: WHAAAAAAAAAT???!!!! :eek:
thats freakin SWEET!!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
yea the editing was crazy tonight.. the voiceovers and such.. but my jaw dropped when elodie dismissed heidi. i almost cried i laughed so hard. what a jerk spencer is.. just keep your damn mouth shut.. i want to smack him.. and hes so ugly with his eyebrow pubes. ew.
so are justinbobby and audrina actually dating now or will it end
and omg next week looks ammaaaaazing.. how hurt would you be if your ex said i want you to meet my new gf and then invite you to their engagement party.. omg...
i have to pick my jaw up off the floor
Spencer is such an ass! I wish that both Lauren and Jason had thrown the drinks that Heidi and Spencer ordered them at them, I can't believe that he would make such a comment! Are ex's not allowed to hang out??
I think Justin Bobby and Audrina are going out, but I think Audrina is going along with Justin Bobby's "no title" deal. He's so freakin' hotttttt.
Wedding dress shopping, Jason's engagement party... I wish it were next monday already.
Best two days of my life: Oasis at MSG and Pearl Jam at the Gorge.
that was so great. wow. what the hell was she doing. does she think that because seh is lip synching she can cover that up with huge hand gestures. wow. i thank you for making this day a little brighter
hahahaha i lOVE how u said spencers Eyebrow pubes!!! thats INSANE!!! seriously, elodie hadd major guts telling Heidi like she did. WEll, maybe not GUTS but just the fact that she did so was great. I love how heidi just walked in to bullcrap with elodie & tell her gossip/drama and elodie didnt care. she's AWESOME!!! and u KNOW jason still loves lc. come on.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Miss ya Q;)
ahhhhhhhhh! Lo wouldve been PERFECT at Ketchup! She woulda said some sassy but true comment that wouldve been GREAT. Wedding dress shopping......YIKES.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
I had never watched it until like three weeks ago. My g/f wants me to watch it with her and I pretty much commentate the whole thing. It's not that bad, but these guys are a bunch of tools.
Spencer looks like he had his teeth capped. He reminds me of Healy on There's Something about Mary. This Audrina chick just eats up Justin Bobby's garbage and it's hilarious. Since I like the sampson myself she calls me Justin Bobby cause of some of the stuff I say to her, but I'm joking. This guy is actually serious when he says it. Brody seems ok, but he's the typical single hard dick early 20's male. Not much depth there. Sorry I had to vent. I now have to watch this weekly.
oh my.. well thank you for gracing us with that. i miss you Q! play catch up so you can come hang with the cool kids hehehe.
and honestly i applaud Elodie. if someone is gonna take a job from me and say its just business.. well then thats the only type of relationship we are gonna have from now on.. dont take a job from me and then expect me to care anymore... maybe with heidis new singing career elodie got the other job hahahha
well yay for your gf wanting u to watch it!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
right right. the way heidi said 'its just business' was CRRAZY. i know for SURE she wouldnt have responded as calmly if Elodie hadd gotten the job & said that to heidi. i freakin just DIED laughing when Elodie was going off on heidi & the faces heidi was making. oh MAN it was the highlight for me!!! She hadd this look like she was being insulted after doing a good deed!!! that is one thing i enjoy about heidi-her facial exxxpressions!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Spencer has alot of issues, he really needs to shave everyday as he looks like absolute crap when he has a 5 o'clock shadow or more, that is one ugly dude.
They need more Whitney this year, not just her asking LC what she did the night before.
have u seen the new laguna beach that is now called NEWPORT HARBOR? Its kinda gay. And yes, heidi is blind!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
speaking of things not lasting.. who here would EVER stay with someone who says to you "i havent really talked to my parents about our engagement".. no way.. sorry.. if you cant even tell mommy and daddy forget it.
looks like next week Lo gets in trouble with audrina about justin bobby!!!
yeah it was just CRAZY how jason all of a sudden dropped the bomb of him having a girlfriend & them moving in together. people are free to do what they want but that kinda sucked the way he told her. And what about his "fiance" when she commented to her friend that SOMETHING was STUPID!!! i was like ohhhh man theres gonna be a fight! Then the way she walked out and turned her back toward lauren while standing by jason. that was gangster.
yeah whats WITH spencer not telling the parentals? but more importantly...THAT BEARD!!!! oh man!!! I didnt catch what went on with Lo but i saw a bit of a catastrophy for nexxxt week. justin bobby is in trouble all on his own. he doesnt NEED help!!! haha and is it just me or did Bunney get facial work done as well? these chicks.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Elodie is my HERO!!!
Dude the look spencer was giving Heidi after she had to leave dinner was making me uncomfortable.. I was like, He's gonna punch her in the face!
Yeah that was fucking sweet. Ha!
What was Heidi thinking - or was she? Is it me, or does Spencer look even weirder these days? I can't believe he went out to meet Heidi's parents and he still hasn't told his own parents that he's engaged.
Oh and why does Justin Bobby hate Lo? I missed that whole thing. Audrina is a bit of a dramaqueen when she's drunk - seriously, what was that?
Yes on the Jen Bunny having work done. She at least had a nose job and maybe something else to soften her features. I'm so looking forward to all of the reconciliation nonsense.
ohhh man.. this show just gets better and better. elodie rocked my world.. i couldnt figure out why she was being so nice and then it clicked.. stupid Heidi... i can't wait to see what happens with her job. not to mention their relationship is not healthy.. spencer is just way too crazy.. its like hes completely possesive and obsessive over his friends and gf... when heidi was like ok i gotta peace but i love you he's like no you dont.. dude you were the one who wanted her to have that job in the first place. and what the hell does spencer do.. apparently he used to "manage" brody and he manages Heidi.. buuut so what.. its not like you can make alot off of that. and ewww he needs to shave the chin pubs now.. blond hair does not go well on a blond face.
apparently justinbobby doesnt like Lo because she called him justinbobby. go figure. hes obviously the kind of guy who can't be bothered to hang out with anyone other than who he likes. and do we nto see a pattern.. lauren is sooo judgemental. i know you dont want your friends to get hurt but sometimes you kinda just have to let them and then back away so that they will get it out of their system. she hates every guy.. maybe she's secretly hookin up with girls.
can we have more of whitney please.. i like her.
SERIOUSLY!!! it so looked like they were gonna go 415 after that whole scene!!!! :eek:
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
how about heidis birthday celebration???? they looked as bored as HELL.
i thought LC shouldve stood up when she met marc jacobs. come on. Thats like meeting the boys and not caring! :eek:
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Heidi's birthday celebration looked like my 21st birthday. Girls, never, EVER, make one person, one man, one woman, your entire life! It was pretty ridiculous as to what she said "i only need spencer blahblahblah." god I can't stand her or for that sake, girls like her. BTW, I WANT HER CHANEL PURSE! My boyfriend was watching with me and I look at him and say "I think you know what to get me for my 24th birthday, I mean, she's 21. Please?" I don't think she deserves the purse anyway, it's a billion times more attractive than her.
Okay, so I used to like Audrina, but not anymore. When did she become a bimbo? I thought she was better than that? Bring back LO!
Best two days of my life: Oasis at MSG and Pearl Jam at the Gorge.
I'm with you too. I couldn't believe she didn't stand up or say more.
I like Heidi because you can see her wheels turning all of the time. She'll figure out that spencer is an ass, it will just take her much longer than a regular person.
heidi is a trip. her facial exxxpressions really crack me up. i am just WAITING for the day she realizes she cant marry spencer. OR the day spencer tells her he doesnt WANT to get married!!!! :eek:
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
absofreakinlutely. dont EVER make a guy OR girl your wholeworld is RIGHT. people that say they only need so and so are lying thru their teeth!!!! you say that BECUZ u have NO ONE!!!! heidi is totally lost.
oh but WAIT!!!! what about justinbobbys freakin response to that dude asking what the deal was with him & audrina!!!!!! oh MAN that guy is BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!