ps whats up with the scary porn stach that spencer has been rocking lately?? or is that just a bunch of fuzzies on his face?? his hair and skin are the same color.. its weird
I have to admit this really is my new guilty pleasure of the season. I haven't found myself making sure I'm home to watch anything since the Sopranos; which I loved, but since the Hills first season I'm hooked. Audrina is so beautiful but she isn't all that bright; JustinBobby excluded. Heidi is a complete tool, i love the line "when you meet a Spencer at my age." And what is with all the text/aim speak, omg, wtf, etc? This show can only get better as the girls find themselves with douchebags.
Philly '98 '00 (1 & 2) '03 '06 (1 & 2) '08 (1 & 2)
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
I cant beleive spencer graffitied their wall. I would probably have to kill him, and then he gets mad at heidi for painting over it. He is so annoying and he thinks he's good looking.
ps whats up with the scary porn stach that spencer has been rocking lately?? or is that just a bunch of fuzzies on his face?? his hair and skin are the same color.. its weird
HAHAHAHA yes! i noticed facial hair on playboy spence. But only when the sun hit him cuz as you said, its the SAME COLOR AS HIS FACE!!!! hahahahaha
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
HAHAHAHA yes! i noticed facial hair on playboy spence. But only when the sun hit him cuz as you said, its the SAME COLOR AS HIS FACE!!!! hahahahaha
ok im glad im not the only one to see pubic hair sprouting all over him. ewwww i couldnt handle that.. why does heidi even like him??? i cant wait till they run into jason and lauren at dinner.. it looks vicious.
am i the only one who thinks if you cut justinbobbys hair he could be kinda cute. and audrina has way too much teeth goin on.
looooove this shit. i love the way lauren yells at everyone. how come she didnt have the balls to do that to Kristen. maybe cause Kristen is scary. oh man and i saw jason is coming back.. talk about bad for you choices. i love how girls can be so judgemental but as soon as their ex comes back its all good.
im not ashamed at all to watch this show.. its just like all the other garbage on TV. and hey someone elses drama is always the best.
dude, LC should've TOTALLY been that way to Kristen. Things woulda got WAY more interesting in Laguna! And Jason is lookin' hott in the episode where they are at Ketchup and Heidi & Playboy walk in and start bashin' them. No shame here AT ALL for watchin this show. Everyone has their cup of tea!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
dude, LC should've TOTALLY been that way to Kristen. Things woulda got WAY more interesting in Laguna! And Jason is lookin' hott in the episode where they are at Ketchup and Heidi & Playboy walk in and start bashin' them. No shame here AT ALL for watchin this show. Everyone has their cup of tea!!!
ahh great minds think alike.. i like how we both just thought of that scene.
i love that lauren is an animal about things. she just goes balls out. do you think heidi really started the rumor? i think spencer did and she just didnt stop it.
and omg hello new boobies... heidis are huuuuuuuuge
ok im glad im not the only one to see pubic hair sprouting all over him. ewwww i couldnt handle that.. why does heidi even like him??? i cant wait till they run into jason and lauren at dinner.. it looks vicious.
am i the only one who thinks if you cut justinbobbys hair he could be kinda cute. and audrina has way too much teeth goin on.
and i love Lo.
hahahahaha i was trying to study what it is thats weird about audrina!!! I did notice its hard for her to close her mouth when not smiling. Kinda like Jenny Jones..... its the TEETH!! And they looked SUPER WHITE the other day. Like Ross Geller's when he bleached them and they glowed!!! oh but wait!!! what about how Heidi cried when playboy "proposed" to her. It looked SOOOOO forced and he is DEFINITELY up to something!!! Lo is hilarious!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
hahahahaha i was trying to study what it is thats weird about audrina!!! I did notice its hard for her to close her mouth when not smiling. Kinda like Jenny Jones..... its the TEETH!! And they looked SUPER WHITE the other day. Like Ross Geller's when he bleached them and they glowed!!! oh but wait!!! what about how Heidi cried when playboy "proposed" to her. It looked SOOOOO forced and he is DEFINITELY up to something!!! Lo is hilarious!
i just cried i laughed so hard at the ross geller thing. heidi has huge teeth too.. whats up with LA and big teeth????
yea the proposal was lame. and the rock looked fake. and who actually says O-M-G when saying that???
ahh great minds think alike.. i like how we both just thought of that scene.
i love that lauren is an animal about things. she just goes balls out. do you think heidi really started the rumor? i think spencer did and she just didnt stop it.
and omg hello new boobies... heidis are huuuuuuuuge
i was JUST gonna mention this! Last week, i noticed heidi looked diff. I couldnt place what it was. My friend pointed out heidi got implants but i thought it was her cheeks. Like, Mariah Carey hadd hers done and now her cheeks are ALWAYS glossy and weird. She told me to pay attention to Heidi in the white dress at the housewarming party. I guess i never really noticed she hadd no breastasess before! :eek: i think she hadd nose work done! and i agree about spence starting the rumor. He's a dork.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
i was JUST gonna mention this! Last week, i noticed heidi looked diff. I couldnt place what it was. My friend pointed out heidi got implants but i thought it was her cheeks. Like, Mariah Carey hadd hers done and now her cheeks are ALWAYS glossy and weird. She told me to pay attention to Heidi in the white dress at the housewarming party. I guess i never really noticed she hadd no breastasess before! :eek: i think she hadd nose work done! and i agree about spence starting the rumor. He's a dork.
those were def new tatas and they were huuuuge and gross and fake. i really cant wait for her album to come out.. it will be a huge smash like paris hiltons hahahahahha. oh and spencer raps on it. i can't even say that with a straight face.
so pretty much i feel like lauren is gonna push all of her friends away until they all hate her and she is left all alone. and why oh why would she ever move out of her parents house... that thing is sick
i just cried i laughed so hard at the ross geller thing. heidi has huge teeth too.. whats up with LA and big teeth????
yea the proposal was lame. and the rock looked fake. and who actually says O-M-G when saying that???
ohhhhh but what about when spence told Brody he needed HIS credit card to buy that fake bling!!! We all make fun of spence ALOT around here. My brother said it best when he said spence is a freak cuz even when he's NOT happy he's still smiling cuz of the way his mouth is!!! He could be PISSED like the day he saw heidi painting, and he STILL hadd a semi smile. i loved the way he walked in all exxxcited: "yo yo......what......." and heidi said "SURPRIIIIIISE!!!" good times!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
ohhhhh but what about when spence told Brody he needed HIS credit card to buy that fake bling!!! We all make fun of spence ALOT around here. My brother said it best when he said spence is a freak cuz even when he's NOT happy he's still smiling cuz of the way his mouth is!!! He could be PISSED like the day he saw heidi painting, and he STILL hadd a semi smile. i loved the way he walked in all exxxcited: "yo yo......what......." and heidi said "SURPRIIIIIISE!!!" good times!!!
stop that!!!!! i called spence the joker cause his mouth was always turned up... what the hell is up with people on the hill and not being able to close their mouths properly.. is it all the plastic surgery????????
those were def new tatas and they were huuuuge and gross and fake. i really cant wait for her album to come out.. it will be a huge smash like paris hiltons hahahahahha. oh and spencer raps on it. i can't even say that with a straight face.
so pretty much i feel like lauren is gonna push all of her friends away until they all hate her and she is left all alone. and why oh why would she ever move out of her parents house... that thing is sick
oh man i can just SEE us in this thread all damn day. i love it!!! haha and yeah, it freakin' annoyed me that she JUST hadd her room built and now she left it??? she is BANANAS!!! remember the episode of Laguna when her and steven were standing in the dirt where the jacuzzi would be? that was craziness. I've seen her house up close in person and it is GORRRRGEOUS. But, i guess she hadd to live her life..... yeah.
heidi does NOT have an album coming out!!!! are you SERIOUS???????? oh man. that is gonna be........sumthin.....
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
stop that!!!!! i called spence the joker cause his mouth was always turned up... what the hell is up with people on the hill and not being able to close their mouths properly.. is it all the plastic surgery????????
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the joker!!!!! and yes, it COULD be the plastic surgery!!! hahaha whats funnier is when the older ladies have their cheeks done and lips injected (gross), they cant help but smile even when they are angry!!! if they frown, it all will sag!!! :eek:
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
oh man i can just SEE us in this thread all damn day. i love it!!! haha and yeah, it freakin' annoyed me that she JUST hadd her room built and now she left it??? she is BANANAS!!! remember the episode of Laguna when her and steven were standing in the dirt where the jacuzzi would be? that was craziness. I've seen her house up close in person and it is GORRRRGEOUS. But, i guess she hadd to live her life..... yeah.
heidi does NOT have an album coming out!!!! are you SERIOUS???????? oh man. that is gonna be........sumthin.....
oh man that house is sick. i really would do anything to just have it for a week let alone my parents own it. does she even still go to school?? they seem to not show that part anymore...
oh she does indeed have an album coming out... i have no idea what it sounds like.. but spence def raps. cause they are the cool couple that does everything together. im suprised kristen or talen dont have another show coming out.. they were all about the spotlight.
I have to admit this really is my new guilty pleasure of the season. I haven't found myself making sure I'm home to watch anything since the Sopranos; which I loved, but since the Hills first season I'm hooked. Audrina is so beautiful but she isn't all that bright; JustinBobby excluded. Heidi is a complete tool, i love the line "when you meet a Spencer at my age." And what is with all the text/aim speak, omg, wtf, etc? This show can only get better as the girls find themselves with douchebags.
come aint got no love for JustinBobby???? and yeah what was up with THAT line heidi dropped? jeeze.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
oh man that house is sick. i really would do anything to just have it for a week let alone my parents own it. does she even still go to school?? they seem to not show that part anymore...
oh she does indeed have an album coming out... i have no idea what it sounds like.. but spence def raps. cause they are the cool couple that does everything together. im suprised kristen or talen dont have another show coming out.. they were all about the spotlight.
i HEARD that steven was filming for a show of some kind. i would've LOVED to have seen who he ended up with-LC or Kristen. Speaking of Kristen, you kow what pissed me off SO much? When she went to see him in San Fran and he took her to that top of the hill and watched fireworks and she was YAWNING!!!! :mad: i was like WHAT IN THEE HELL???!!! well, maybe its personal cuz i absolutely LOVVVVE fireworks beyond exxxplanation! she was always mean to him though. And her and Talan DEFINITELY hadd the attention.
I think LC may be "dunnzo" with school. Remember she hadd a breakdown of being able to work AND study? yeah....
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
i HEARD that steven was filming for a show of some kind. i would've LOVED to have seen who he ended up with-LC or Kristen. Speaking of Kristen, you kow what pissed me off SO much? When she went to see him in San Fran and he took her to that top of the hill and watched fireworks and she was YAWNING!!!! :mad: i was like WHAT IN THEE HELL???!!! well, maybe its personal cuz i absolutely LOVVVVE fireworks beyond exxxplanation! she was always mean to him though. And her and Talan DEFINITELY hadd the attention.
I think LC may be "dunnzo" with school. Remember she hadd a breakdown of being able to work AND study? yeah....
really? i thought steven hated the show and the limelight. i heard he had a gf from his college that he went too. it would be boring if they did a show on the guys though cause there was no direct drama wit them.. only girls fighting over them. aww sometimes i miss the simpler times of laguna hahah. that really tall chick.. i wonder what happened to her... and didnt jessica get arrested.. oh man when jason was playing her so bad. it was so pathetic.
This show is going to be almost as dysfunctional as Flavor of Love 3, especially with the love fest that is Heidi and Spencer. What is crazier then the show is the after show, they totally rip on the girls for all the bad decisions they make when it comes to men. But seriously if you could date any of the girls from either Laguna or the Hills who is your pick? I would have to say in order Audrina, Lauren, Lo, Whitney, then Heidi.
Philly '98 '00 (1 & 2) '03 '06 (1 & 2) '08 (1 & 2)
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
This show is going to be almost as dysfunctional as Flavor of Love 3, especially with the love fest that is Heidi and Spencer. What is crazier then the show is the after show, they totally rip on the girls for all the bad decisions they make when it comes to men. But seriously if you could date any of the girls from either Laguna or the Hills who is your pick? I would have to say in order Audrina, Lauren, Lo, Whitney, then Heidi.
well, i dont date chicks but um......i think the most attractive would be LC. That after show is GANGSTA! they DO tear them up but i think its good. They are just keepin it real! I think the hosts of that are ANNOYING though. Heidi and spencer have a VERY weird thing together.....
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
well, i dont date chicks but um......i think the most attractive would be LC. That after show is GANGSTA! they DO tear them up but i think its good. They are just keepin it real! I think the hosts of that are ANNOYING though. Heidi and spencer have a VERY weird thing together.....
i had never seen the after show before but ive been home this week cause i just moved and i caught it. how funny was that when the host cut off lauren at the end and she looks at the camera like "fuck you".. and they called justinbobby a homeless man hahahahahah love it
i had never seen the after show before but ive been home this week cause i just moved and i caught it. how funny was that when the host cut off lauren at the end and she looks at the camera like "fuck you".. and they called justinbobby a homeless man hahahahahah love it
hahahaha i didnt see that part!!! and i would cracked the hell up at them call JB homeless!!!
wasnt it not too long ago that heidi was SUPPOST to be outta town but showed up at the club only to find playboy all up on these chicks??? but now she TRUSTS HIM???? ahhhhhh the maddness!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
well, i dont date chicks but um......i think the most attractive would be LC. That after show is GANGSTA! they DO tear them up but i think its good. They are just keepin it real! I think the hosts of that are ANNOYING though. Heidi and spencer have a VERY weird thing together.....
yeah im in love with lc but i think she needs to finds some new friends
really? i thought steven hated the show and the limelight. i heard he had a gf from his college that he went too. it would be boring if they did a show on the guys though cause there was no direct drama wit them.. only girls fighting over them. aww sometimes i miss the simpler times of laguna hahah. that really tall chick.. i wonder what happened to her... and didnt jessica get arrested.. oh man when jason was playing her so bad. it was so pathetic.
hahahhhaa you said dunzo... i love it!!
Stephen is actually dating the cheerleader from Heroes. So I don't think he hates the limelight that much.
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
HAHAHAHA yes! i noticed facial hair on playboy spence. But only when the sun hit him cuz as you said, its the SAME COLOR AS HIS FACE!!!! hahahahaha
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
ok im glad im not the only one to see pubic hair sprouting all over him. ewwww i couldnt handle that.. why does heidi even like him??? i cant wait till they run into jason and lauren at dinner.. it looks vicious.
am i the only one who thinks if you cut justinbobbys hair he could be kinda cute. and audrina has way too much teeth goin on.
and i love Lo.
dude, LC should've TOTALLY been that way to Kristen. Things woulda got WAY more interesting in Laguna! And Jason is lookin' hott in the episode where they are at Ketchup and Heidi & Playboy walk in and start bashin' them. No shame here AT ALL for watchin this show. Everyone has their cup of tea!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
ahh great minds think alike.. i like how we both just thought of that scene.
i love that lauren is an animal about things. she just goes balls out. do you think heidi really started the rumor? i think spencer did and she just didnt stop it.
and omg hello new boobies... heidis are huuuuuuuuge
hahahahaha i was trying to study what it is thats weird about audrina!!! I did notice its hard for her to close her mouth when not smiling. Kinda like Jenny Jones..... its the TEETH!! And they looked SUPER WHITE the other day. Like Ross Geller's when he bleached them and they glowed!!! oh but wait!!! what about how Heidi cried when playboy "proposed" to her. It looked SOOOOO forced and he is DEFINITELY up to something!!! Lo is hilarious!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
i just cried i laughed so hard at the ross geller thing. heidi has huge teeth too.. whats up with LA and big teeth????
yea the proposal was lame. and the rock looked fake. and who actually says O-M-G when saying that???
i was JUST gonna mention this! Last week, i noticed heidi looked diff. I couldnt place what it was. My friend pointed out heidi got implants but i thought it was her cheeks. Like, Mariah Carey hadd hers done and now her cheeks are ALWAYS glossy and weird. She told me to pay attention to Heidi in the white dress at the housewarming party. I guess i never really noticed she hadd no breastasess before! :eek: i think she hadd nose work done! and i agree about spence starting the rumor. He's a dork.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
those were def new tatas and they were huuuuge and gross and fake. i really cant wait for her album to come out.. it will be a huge smash like paris hiltons hahahahahha. oh and spencer raps on it. i can't even say that with a straight face.
so pretty much i feel like lauren is gonna push all of her friends away until they all hate her and she is left all alone. and why oh why would she ever move out of her parents house... that thing is sick
ohhhhh but what about when spence told Brody he needed HIS credit card to buy that fake bling!!! We all make fun of spence ALOT around here. My brother said it best when he said spence is a freak cuz even when he's NOT happy he's still smiling cuz of the way his mouth is!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
stop that!!!!! i called spence the joker cause his mouth was always turned up... what the hell is up with people on the hill and not being able to close their mouths properly.. is it all the plastic surgery????????
oh man i can just SEE us in this thread all damn day. i love it!!! haha and yeah, it freakin' annoyed me that she JUST hadd her room built and now she left it??? she is BANANAS!!! remember the episode of Laguna when her and steven were standing in the dirt where the jacuzzi would be? that was craziness. I've seen her house up close in person and it is GORRRRGEOUS. But, i guess she hadd to live her life..... yeah.
heidi does NOT have an album coming out!!!! are you SERIOUS???????? oh man. that is gonna be........sumthin.....
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the joker!!!!! and yes, it COULD be the plastic surgery!!! hahaha whats funnier is when the older ladies have their cheeks done and lips injected (gross), they cant help but smile even when they are angry!!! if they frown, it all will sag!!! :eek:
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
oh man that house is sick. i really would do anything to just have it for a week let alone my parents own it. does she even still go to school?? they seem to not show that part anymore...
oh she does indeed have an album coming out... i have no idea what it sounds like.. but spence def raps. cause they are the cool couple that does everything together. im suprised kristen or talen dont have another show coming out.. they were all about the spotlight.
come aint got no love for JustinBobby????
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
i HEARD that steven was filming for a show of some kind. i would've LOVED to have seen who he ended up with-LC or Kristen. Speaking of Kristen, you kow what pissed me off SO much? When she went to see him in San Fran and he took her to that top of the hill and watched fireworks and she was YAWNING!!!! :mad: i was like WHAT IN THEE HELL???!!! well, maybe its personal cuz i absolutely LOVVVVE fireworks beyond exxxplanation!
I think LC may be "dunnzo" with school. Remember she hadd a breakdown of being able to work AND study? yeah....
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
really? i thought steven hated the show and the limelight. i heard he had a gf from his college that he went too. it would be boring if they did a show on the guys though cause there was no direct drama wit them.. only girls fighting over them. aww sometimes i miss the simpler times of laguna hahah. that really tall chick.. i wonder what happened to her... and didnt jessica get arrested.. oh man when jason was playing her so bad. it was so pathetic.
hahahhhaa you said dunzo... i love it!!
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
well, i dont date chicks but um......i think the most attractive would be LC. That after show is GANGSTA! they DO tear them up but i think its good. They are just keepin it real!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
i had never seen the after show before but ive been home this week cause i just moved and i caught it. how funny was that when the host cut off lauren at the end and she looks at the camera like "fuck you".. and they called justinbobby a homeless man hahahahahah love it
hahahaha i didnt see that part!!! and i would cracked the hell up at them call JB homeless!!!
wasnt it not too long ago that heidi was SUPPOST to be outta town but showed up at the club only to find playboy all up on these chicks??? but now she TRUSTS HIM???? ahhhhhh the maddness!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
an besides here ,im not to sure i no any other guys that watches the show,or at least admits to it
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
haha i know one guy that watches this show.......
but hes gay....does that still count?
the fact that you addmit to watching this show and youre a incredibly hott!!!
and YES!!!! Heidi finally grew some and turned the tables! i LOVVVVE that part!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Stephen is actually dating the cheerleader from Heroes. So I don't think he hates the limelight that much.
is he really? craziness.
a re-run of monday nights Hills is on right now!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
*playboy spence ripping up the receipt to heidis engagement "bling"....
*justinbobbys "evaluation" of lauren to audrina- 'im so in love with lauren that im trying to get thru you to her..."
*sigh* justinbobby......
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!