i find changing a CD way more dangerous than smoking a cigarette while driving. will they ban that as well i wonder?
Well it prevents more people from throwing stuff out the window and it's one less thing that may cause an accident.
I knew someone that once tried to throw his cigerette out of the car window but unfortunately, the wind blew it staight back in and down the back of his pants. He nearly crashed the car. He had to quickly pull over, get out of the car and pull his pants down to get it out.
Well it prevents more people from throwing stuff out the window and it's one less thing that may cause an accident.
I knew someone that once tried to throw his cigerette out of the car window but unfortunately, the wind blew it staight back in and down the back of his pants. He nearly crashed the car. He had to quickly pull over, get out of the car and pull his pants down to get it out.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Smoking stinks, the banning in public places is way too late coming in, yet still very welcome. And littering with your dog ends is just a complete disregard of any responsibility you may have.
Get over it smokers, you're a dying breed
Smoking stinks, the banning in public places is way too late coming in, yet still very welcome. And littering with your dog ends is just a complete disregard of any responsibility you may have.
Get over it smokers, you're a dying breed
you know jamie youre right..smoking does stink. what i find fascinating is that inch by inch smokers are squeezed in regard to where they can smoke. if governments had the balls theyd just outlaw smoking all together, instead of neglecting their duty of care.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Why oh why do people just toss their cigarette butts on the ground? So rude and disgusting. I *HATE* it.
I think to find this answer one must go to the bars where they seem to have big tanks for the butts to go in, but come the morn all you see is butts on the ground. Hell, if I couldn't smoke anywhere but outside I'd take my frustration out on nature too.
its nyc, my cigs are just landing with the rest of the crap
i mean their is dogshit all over... whats a cig?
i will say when im on the beach i would never throw them in the ocean
dogshit gets washed away and is easily turned back into the earth where as your fucking cigarettes do not.
how in the world can you compare cigarette littering to dogshit.
that is probably the most insane thing i have heard in quite some time.
cigarette butts are fucking plastic fibers.
dogshit, not a plastic fiber.
nyc, fucking dump...
good luck with your east coast attitude.
you know jamie youre right..smoking does stink. what i find fascinating is that inch by inch smokers are squeezed in regard to where they can smoke. if governments had the balls theyd just outlaw smoking all together, instead of neglecting their duty of care.
Yeah, and if it was banned outright, people would be up in arms about a 'nanny' state. As far as I'm concerned, banishing the stinking, unhealthy habit to outdoors is good for now. You should see how pathetic these people look, cowering in the doorway of a bar, trying to stay dry in a rain storm...cos they just can't refuse the lure of another cancer stick. And how lovely and clear the air is on the inside.
Yeah, and if it was banned outright, people would be up in arms about a 'nanny' state. As far as I'm concerned, banishing the stinking, unhealthy habit to outdoors is good for now. You should see how pathetic these people look, cowering in the doorway of a bar, trying to stay dry in a rain storm...cos they just can't refuse the lure of another cancer stick. And how lovely and clear the air is on the inside.
oh i see it jamie. when they gather around the doorways of buildings puffing as if their lives depended on that nicotine rush. and the crazy thing is they do believe it does. and it pains me to see our governments so impotent no matter how voluntery it is.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
littering period drives me nuts.
i walk the beach, trails, woods, everywhere.
i pick up trash every damn time im out hiking around.
it gets old but i can not pass by some assholes trash.
i'll get my hands dirty i don't mind.
4th of July...you should see the beach here,
it is something that will bring tears to your eyes.
dogshit gets washed away and is easily turned back into the earth where as your fucking cigarettes do not.
how in the world can you compare cigarette littering to dogshit.
that is probably the most insane thing i have heard in quite some time.
cigarette butts are fucking plastic fibers.
dogshit, not a plastic fiber.
nyc, fucking dump...
good luck with your east coast attitude.
settle down THE CHAD
im not comparing anything,,just saying their is alot of dirt here in the city
one of the few bad things about nyc
p.s. its better to step on a stogie ,then a pile of shit
littering period drives me nuts.
i walk the beach, trails, woods, everywhere.
i pick up trash every damn time im out hiking around.
it gets old but i can not pass by some assholes trash.
i'll get my hands dirty i don't mind.
4th of July...you should see the beach here,
it is something that will bring tears to your eyes.
Hell, if I couldn't smoke anywhere but outside I'd take my frustration out on nature too.
So, how about non smokers who have to put up with your acrid stench indoors? Do you not think they get frustrated? Bars in the UK are much more pleasant places to be these days believe me. The silent majority have won in the end
im not comparing anything,,just saying their is alot of dirt here in the city
one of the few bad things about nyc
p.s. its better to step on a stogie ,then a pile of shit
For sure, nothing quite as bad a stepping in a dog turd!
But the point being made, I think, is that surely it's down to each and every individual to clean up the place. If we all took the attitude of 'well one more won't make a difference', then it will never get better. Dog owners need to be more responsible, as do smokers, as does anyone who tosses a crisp packet, or drinks carton, or chewing gum wrapper on the ground.
i pick up what i can so i can feel good about myself knowing that i made
the world maybe a little nicer looking for myself and for whomever.
walking by a beer can on the beach, trails, woods, camp sites, streets is something i can not do.
oh sure i do but it eats at me and it doesn't feel pleasant for me knowing i
left it lying there.
i'd almost be as irresponcible as the person that threw the damn thing on the ground in the first place.
It irritates me a lot. I guess every smoker out there has no problem with throwing lit cigarettes out the window of their car when driving down the road.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
i pick up what i can so i can feel good about myself knowing that i made
the world maybe a little nicer looking for myself and for whomever.
walking by a beer can on the beach, trails, woods, camp sites, streets is something i can not do.
oh sure i do but it eats at me and it doesn't feel pleasant for me knowing i
left it lying there.
i'd almost be as irresponcible as the person that threw the damn thing on the ground in the first place.
For sure, nothing quite as bad a stepping in a dog turd!
But the point being made, I think, is that surely it's down to each and every individual to clean up the place. If we all took the attitude of 'well one more won't make a difference', then it will never get better. Dog owners need to be more responsible, as do smokers, as does anyone who tosses a crisp packet, or drinks carton, or chewing gum wrapper on the ground.
well i grew up surrounded by farms in rural Iowa, live stock.
cows, pigs, horses, fields endless and woods forever.
dog shit, horse shit, cow shit, hog shit, doesn't bother me in the slightest.
who gives a shit?
i'd rather step in dog shit than throw my cig on the ground.
shit is natural.
well i grew up surrounded by farms in rural Iowa, live stock.
cows, pigs, horses, fields endless and woods forever.
dog shit, horse shit, cow shit, hog shit, doesn't bother me in the slightest.
who gives a shit?
i'd rather step in dog shit than throw my cig on the ground.
shit is natural.
country boy can survive...fact
country boy's dont mind walking around with piles of shit on their shoes
littering period drives me nuts.
i walk the beach, trails, woods, everywhere.
i pick up trash every damn time im out hiking around.
it gets old but i can not pass by some assholes trash.
i'll get my hands dirty i don't mind.
4th of July...you should see the beach here,
it is something that will bring tears to your eyes.
chadwick, i agree about the litter on trails. i get so mad when i'm hiking and come across some ass-hats garbage.
and to the op, i hate it when people empty their ENTIRE car ash tray full of butts onto the street/parking lot.
country boy's dont mind walking around with piles of shit on their shoes
then bringing it into their homes?
thats disgusting
but what do i know?
they have garden hoses to wash off shoes
and ppl take their shoes off on the porch thingy.
and it isn't like they go out looking to jump into a pile of shit.
but if one does happen to walk into a pile, who cares?
wash it off, scrape it off...get on your way..it is not the end of life...
whats good about it?
i find changing a CD way more dangerous than smoking a cigarette while driving. will they ban that as well i wonder?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Well it prevents more people from throwing stuff out the window and it's one less thing that may cause an accident.
I knew someone that once tried to throw his cigerette out of the car window but unfortunately, the wind blew it staight back in and down the back of his pants. He nearly crashed the car. He had to quickly pull over, get out of the car and pull his pants down to get it out.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
cause we can
oh god j. please tell me you think before you act.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
sure i do
but my stogies get tossed wherever i finish them
you do that,"i think i'll toss my stogie on the floor" doesn't constitute thinking?
oooooh gross you smoke cigars???? :(
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Get over it smokers, you're a dying breed
no cigs...... sadly
but when im outside they go on the floor
its nyc, my cigs are just landing with the rest of the crap
i mean their is dogshit all over... whats a cig?
i will say when im on the beach i would never throw them in the ocean
you know jamie youre right..smoking does stink. what i find fascinating is that inch by inch smokers are squeezed in regard to where they can smoke. if governments had the balls theyd just outlaw smoking all together, instead of neglecting their duty of care.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
and us swmimmers are so thankful for that j.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I think to find this answer one must go to the bars where they seem to have big tanks for the butts to go in, but come the morn all you see is butts on the ground. Hell, if I couldn't smoke anywhere but outside I'd take my frustration out on nature too.
dogshit gets washed away and is easily turned back into the earth where as your fucking cigarettes do not.
how in the world can you compare cigarette littering to dogshit.
that is probably the most insane thing i have heard in quite some time.
cigarette butts are fucking plastic fibers.
dogshit, not a plastic fiber.
nyc, fucking dump...
good luck with your east coast attitude.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Yeah, and if it was banned outright, people would be up in arms about a 'nanny' state. As far as I'm concerned, banishing the stinking, unhealthy habit to outdoors is good for now. You should see how pathetic these people look, cowering in the doorway of a bar, trying to stay dry in a rain storm...cos they just can't refuse the lure of another cancer stick. And how lovely and clear the air is on the inside.
oh i see it jamie. when they gather around the doorways of buildings puffing as if their lives depended on that nicotine rush. and the crazy thing is they do believe it does. and it pains me to see our governments so impotent no matter how voluntery it is.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i walk the beach, trails, woods, everywhere.
i pick up trash every damn time im out hiking around.
it gets old but i can not pass by some assholes trash.
i'll get my hands dirty i don't mind.
4th of July...you should see the beach here,
it is something that will bring tears to your eyes.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
settle down THE CHAD
im not comparing anything,,just saying their is alot of dirt here in the city
one of the few bad things about nyc
p.s. its better to step on a stogie ,then a pile of shit
So, how about non smokers who have to put up with your acrid stench indoors? Do you not think they get frustrated? Bars in the UK are much more pleasant places to be these days believe me. The silent majority have won in the end
For sure, nothing quite as bad a stepping in a dog turd!
But the point being made, I think, is that surely it's down to each and every individual to clean up the place. If we all took the attitude of 'well one more won't make a difference', then it will never get better. Dog owners need to be more responsible, as do smokers, as does anyone who tosses a crisp packet, or drinks carton, or chewing gum wrapper on the ground.
i pick up what i can so i can feel good about myself knowing that i made
the world maybe a little nicer looking for myself and for whomever.
walking by a beer can on the beach, trails, woods, camp sites, streets is something i can not do.
oh sure i do but it eats at me and it doesn't feel pleasant for me knowing i
left it lying there.
i'd almost be as irresponcible as the person that threw the damn thing on the ground in the first place.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
you're a better person than me thats for sure
well i grew up surrounded by farms in rural Iowa, live stock.
cows, pigs, horses, fields endless and woods forever.
dog shit, horse shit, cow shit, hog shit, doesn't bother me in the slightest.
who gives a shit?
i'd rather step in dog shit than throw my cig on the ground.
shit is natural.
country boy can survive...fact
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
country boy's dont mind walking around with piles of shit on their shoes
then bringing it into their homes?
thats disgusting
but what do i know?
and to the op, i hate it when people empty their ENTIRE car ash tray full of butts onto the street/parking lot.
they have garden hoses to wash off shoes
and ppl take their shoes off on the porch thingy.
and it isn't like they go out looking to jump into a pile of shit.
but if one does happen to walk into a pile, who cares?
wash it off, scrape it off...get on your way..it is not the end of life...
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
that person who is emptying their car ash tray into the street should be kicked square in the teeth or nuts..
true fact...
im out, good night........
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce