I think I am in the Twilight Zone. I don't remember her ever having a fire there, so perhaps that was with the owners after her. I'm really freaking out now.
I'm freaking out right, too! LOL! My mom said she thinks there was another owner between your gparents and mine.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I'm freaking out right, too! LOL! My mom said she thinks there was another owner between your gparents and mine.
I was thinking about that house in June. My grandma passed away, and her funeral was in Hot Springs. I was thinking about all the time as a kid I spent out at Pearcy and how I would love to go out there again to see where she made a life for herself.
I was thinking about that house in June. My grandma passed away, and her funeral was in Hot Springs. I was thinking about all the time as a kid I spent out at Pearcy and how I would love to go out there again to see where she made a life for herself.
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. My grandpa passed away a couple years ago and Gma moved out of that house and is currently living in Hot Springs.
Yeah, we used to go back to visit them every summer in Pearcy...being from San Diego I thought it was so cool that they had cows, could go fishing in the ponds etc. They had pasture land that they were lease out to their neighbor who let their cows graze there.
My mom said they moved to Pearcy in the 90s.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I've never heard about feeding marshmellows to your dog....where in Arkansas did you spend time!?!
The Duggar's house, obviously.
And, yes, we have slept under the same roof...probably in the same room. I remember my grandpa sitting me down and telling me that he has loaded guns all over the house and NEVER to touch them. He told me, "I don't believe in gun safety...I believe in kids obeying".
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
And, yes, we have slept under the same roof...probably in the same room. I remember my grandpa sitting me down and telling me that he has loaded guns all over the house and NEVER to touch them. He told me, "I don't believe in gun safety...I believe in kids obeying".
Way to turn this thread back on course...I was wondering if that was going to happen.
We are going to get rumors started saying we have slept in the same room. lol
I always slept in the room at the back of the hallway to the left hand side.
Way to turn this thread back on course...I was wondering if that was going to happen.
We are going to get rumors started saying we have slept in the same room. lol
I always slept in the room at the back of the hallway to the left hand side.
Yeah because the bedroom directly across from it is the master bedroom. Yes, we have indeed slept in the same room. It was the guest room/sewing room. The other bedroom was my grandpa's office....complete with loaded guns.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
Well, from what I've heard her body is in bad shape. She's had 2 c-sections and I guess it's REALLY bad for the mom to have regular births after c-sections (because of scarring). She had to search and search until she found a doctor who would do natural births despite the risks.
Not that I necessarily support people having so many children, I just wanted to clear up the misconception about the supposed "danger" of normal birth after cesarean. In fact, the risks are very very low. The issue causing the most concern with a VBAC ( vaginal birth after cesarean) is uterine rupture. It used to be thought that the risk of this was quite high, but it was not based in fact at all. The research and evidence indicates the risk is really quite low, and that there is a 0.07% chance of uterine rupture. The marginally higher risk of this is in the pregnancy itself. I am so sick of this perception that is perpetuated by the medical establishment that pregnancy and birth are "dangerous"......... it is not, and if ever there were proof of that, this woman has got to be it.
Not that I necessarily support people having so many children, I just wanted to clear up the misconception about the supposed "danger" of normal birth after cesarean. In fact, the risks are very very low. The issue causing the most concern with a VBAC ( vaginal birth after cesarean) is uterine rupture. It used to be thought that the risk of this was quite high, but it was not based in fact at all. The research and evidence indicates the risk is really quite low, and that there is a 0.07% chance of uterine rupture. The marginally higher risk of this is in the pregnancy itself. I am so sick of this perception that is perpetuated by the medical establishment that pregnancy and birth are "dangerous"......... it is not, and if ever there were proof of that, this woman has got to be it.
What are you....a medicated genius?!
Thanks for the clear-up on that!!
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I think the danger is not natural birth after C-section, but natural birth after 17 kids. That has to take its toll on a woman's body. She has not had time to recover from pregnancy before Jim Bob has her knocked up again. Poor woman.
Not that I necessarily support people having so many children, I just wanted to clear up the misconception about the supposed "danger" of normal birth after cesarean. In fact, the risks are very very low. The issue causing the most concern with a VBAC ( vaginal birth after cesarean) is uterine rupture. It used to be thought that the risk of this was quite high, but it was not based in fact at all. The research and evidence indicates the risk is really quite low, and that there is a 0.07% chance of uterine rupture. The marginally higher risk of this is in the pregnancy itself. I am so sick of this perception that is perpetuated by the medical establishment that pregnancy and birth are "dangerous"......... it is not, and if ever there were proof of that, this woman has got to be it.
Why do VBACs get such a bad rap??
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
VBAC's, and childbirth in general, get a bad rap mostly out of fear. Modern obstetrics are based around fear, and the perception that somehow nature got it wrong, and that womens bodies are not built to birth their babies. This is utter rubbish of course. If women were not designed for childbirth, the human race would have died out a long time ago. This idea has been created that the gold standard of care is in the hospital, with an obstetrician and that those OB's know a womans body best. This had eaten away at womens faith in their own bodies and ability. Recent research for instance is showing that in the US, less than 5% of births are completely intervention free. Even those that are considered "natural" births are not without their medical interventions. It is interesting to note that around 3% of all births in the US are home births. It demonstrates to me that the most dangerous place for a healthy, normal pregnant woman is in the hospital. Don't get me wrong, modern obstetrics can be wonderful, but like anything, should not be abused.
An OB's is a specialist in difficult and complicated pregnancy and birth, NOT normal birth. The expert in normal birth (80% of women when left the hell alone) is a midwife. She has the clinical skills and experience to recognize when things are not within the range of normal and refer on to the specialist. Sadly, due to power struggles and fear, very few OB's can say the same. They are NOT recognizing a normal pregnancy and referring to the specialist in that area. They are taking on women who have no complications at all, and because they come at childbirth as a problem to be fixed, interfere with a perfectly normal and natural process and make it high tech.
To give an example of how inexperienced an OB is with normal birth. Firstly, very few OB's have even attended normal birth, in most instances where they are not the primary caregiver, they are not called unless complications develop. I was recently doing a rotation in a large tertiary hospital here. I am midway through my second year of a 3 year degree in midwifery and a woman presented in very established labour. She was hand balled to me to deliver, and just as the baby's head was on view, a second year resident OB poked her head in the door and asked if she could do the delivery. She said " I only have two and I need to get my numbers up" Since I already had 21 deliveries under my belt, I didn't have an issue and said sure, she could do it if the woman didn't object. At that point, the woman didn't really give a rats arse who caught the baby, as long as someone did. This OB fumbled about, finally caught the baby, then proceeded to put too much traction on the cord to deliver the placenta, and snapped the cord. The registrar was called and a manual removal was done right there and then to prevent a hemorrhage. What struck me about this, was that I am required by law to have 40 supervised normal births by the end of my three year degree. An OB requires 5, and this particular doctor, in her second year as a RESIDENT only had two! Which means she has so far done her 6 years of general medicine, and two years of a four year residency and has rarely seen, participated or facilitated a normal birth.
If you're interested in knowing more about this, I highly recommend a documentary called " The business of being born". It's a fascinating and pretty shocking expose` of modern obstetrics and a must see for anyone who is contemplating a normal birth at some point in their life.
VBAC's, and childbirth in general, get a bad rap mostly out of fear. Modern obstetrics are based around fear, and the perception that somehow nature got it wrong, and that womens bodies are not built to birth their babies. This is utter rubbish of course. If women were not designed for childbirth, the human race would have died out a long time ago. This idea has been created that the gold standard of care is in the hospital, with an obstetrician and that those OB's know a womans body best. This had eaten away at womens faith in their own bodies and ability. Recent research for instance is showing that in the US, less than 5% of births are completely intervention free. Even those that are considered "natural" births are not without their medical interventions. It is interesting to note that around 3% of all births in the US are home births. It demonstrates to me that the most dangerous place for a healthy, normal pregnant woman is in the hospital. Don't get me wrong, modern obstetrics can be wonderful, but like anything, should not be abused.
An OB's is a specialist in difficult and complicated pregnancy and birth, NOT normal birth. The expert in normal birth (80% of women when left the hell alone) is a midwife. She has the clinical skills and experience to recognize when things are not within the range of normal and refer on to the specialist. Sadly, due to power struggles and fear, very few OB's can say the same. They are NOT recognizing a normal pregnancy and referring to the specialist in that area. They are taking on women who have no complications at all, and because they come at childbirth as a problem to be fixed, interfere with a perfectly normal and natural process and make it high tech.
To give an example of how inexperienced an OB is with normal birth. Firstly, very few OB's have even attended normal birth, in most instances where they are not the primary caregiver, they are not called unless complications develop. I was recently doing a rotation in a large tertiary hospital here. I am midway through my second year of a 3 year degree in midwifery and a woman presented in very established labour. She was hand balled to me to deliver, and just as the baby's head was on view, a second year resident OB poked her head in the door and asked if she could do the delivery. She said " I only have two and I need to get my numbers up" Since I already had 21 deliveries under my belt, I didn't have an issue and said sure, she could do it if the woman didn't object. At that point, the woman didn't really give a rats arse who caught the baby, as long as someone did. This OB fumbled about, finally caught the baby, then proceeded to put too much traction on the cord to deliver the placenta, and snapped the cord. The registrar was called and a manual removal was done right there and then to prevent a hemorrhage. What struck me about this, was that I am required by law to have 40 supervised normal births by the end of my three year degree. An OB requires 5, and this particular doctor, in her second year as a RESIDENT only had two! Which means she has so far done her 6 years of general medicine, and two years of a four year residency and has rarely seen, participated or facilitated a normal birth.
If you're interested in knowing more about this, I highly recommend a documentary called " The business of being born". It's a fascinating and pretty shocking expose` of modern obstetrics and a must see for anyone who is contemplating a normal birth at some point in their life.
I've heard of that. Isn't it by Rikki Lake? LOL.
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I think the danger is not natural birth after C-section, but natural birth after 17 kids. That has to take its toll on a woman's body. She has not had time to recover from pregnancy before Jim Bob has her knocked up again. Poor woman.
This is true. Personally I think it's quite mad to have so many kids, but more from the point of view that there are plenty of needy kids in the world who need a good home. From a biological point of view, this is kinda natural. Without any kind of contraception, nature intends for women to be pregnant every couple of years. As soon as a child is weaned from the breast, the woman is fertile again. In that respect we're not much different from any other mammal. In this case though, this couple are having a child every year it seems, which indicates to me that the babies are not entirely breastfed for the first couple of years of their lives. No doubt she has succumbed to the false belief that we must shovel solid food into our babies mouths at four months of age, or perhaps give them artificial milk from some other mammal because her milk isn't good enough. Or it may be she simply doesn't have time to breastfeed with so many other kids to care for. From a biological point of view though, if a woman is breastfeeding, every two to four hours or whenever the bubs wants it, she will not naturally conceive. If you look at more natural cultures and societies, women have babies every three or four years, not every year.
LOL yea it is, but don't let that put you off. In spite of her previous misdemeanors with crap TV, she's actually a pretty insightful, intelligent and strong woman.
TC, you make a very excellent point. We do live in a free country and should be able to raise our children how we see fit. You are right they aren't being molested etc...and are probably well adjusted. My concern, however, is when they join the "real" world...talk about culture shock.
and imagine growing up in this so called "real" world and coming to the realisation that everything youve been fed through the media and society your entire life is bullshit. that its as much an indoctrination as so called cults.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
yeah...i live like in the same city as those people..well I lived in Fayetteville, AR and they lived in Sprindale, which is pretty much the same damn town. Yeah..creepy...saw the clan at Aldi in fayetteville. O.o
"I feel the same way about disco as I do about herpes." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, 1977
My only bone with these people (only bone) is that all their kids names start with the same letter. That bugs me. They'll probably name the 18th "January."
As long as they are paying for the pregnancy and hospital bill themselves, feeding them on their own and not taxpayer dollars, it's fine with me. That's great.
I'm more bitter about the single mother in Harlem raising her 3 children by 3 different daddies on my tax dollars!
At least this family is still intact....
My only bone with these people (only bone) is that all their kids names start with the same letter. That bugs me. They'll probably name the 18th "January."
As long as they are paying for the pregnancy and hospital bill themselves, feeding them on their own and not taxpayer dollars, it's fine with me. That's great.
I'm more bitter about the single mother in Harlem raising her 3 children by 3 different daddies on my tax dollars!
At least this family is still intact....
And, yeah, the "J" thing is a bit annoying. For the record, I believe you can go to Discovery Health and vote on the new baby's name.
and they all use fucking paper plates for everything.
i dont know why they bug me so much but they do.
think about it, 7 or 8 times the amount of kids that the average family has, is 7 or 8 times the amount of diapers they must have used, plus 7 or 8 times the amount of waste they throw out and food they consume etc etc...
and how do the babies not just fall out by now?
and i dont mean to offend any religious people, but their over zealous religious lifestyle bugs me for some reason. they showed a clip of their children being homeschooled... the 17 year olds were learning the same thing as the 5 year olds... its brainwashing is what.
one time they were asked, do you find that you've got any individuality at all? and one of the kids, like the 14 year old responded with, 'of course, like i like pickles but my dad doesnt like pickles'
and they all use fucking paper plates for everything.
i dont know why they bug me so much but they do.
think about it, 7 or 8 times the amount of kids that the average family has, is 7 or 8 times the amount of diapers they must have used, plus 7 or 8 times the amount of waste they throw out and food they consume etc etc...
and how do the babies not just fall out by now?
and i dont mean to offend any religious people, but their over zealous religious lifestyle bugs me for some reason. they showed a clip of their children being homeschooled... the 17 year olds were learning the same thing as the 5 year olds... its brainwashing is what.
one time they were asked, do you find that you've got any individuality at all? and one of the kids, like the 14 year old responded with, 'of course, like i like pickles but my dad doesnt like pickles'
give me a break!
In a way...isn't all parenting "brainwashing"??
This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper
I'm freaking out right, too! LOL! My mom said she thinks there was another owner between your gparents and mine.
I was thinking about that house in June. My grandma passed away, and her funeral was in Hot Springs. I was thinking about all the time as a kid I spent out at Pearcy and how I would love to go out there again to see where she made a life for herself.
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. My grandpa passed away a couple years ago and Gma moved out of that house and is currently living in Hot Springs.
Yeah, we used to go back to visit them every summer in Pearcy...being from San Diego I thought it was so cool that they had cows, could go fishing in the ponds etc. They had pasture land that they were lease out to their neighbor who let their cows graze there.
My mom said they moved to Pearcy in the 90s.
That's the understatement of the year. Pearcy is a TEENY tiny town.
I love arkansas...I was there for a few days when I was on tour.
Good people.
But the people down there feed marshmallows to their dogs! :eek:
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
LOL. We have spent time under the same roof! lol
I've never heard about feeding marshmellows to your dog....where in Arkansas did you spend time!?!
LOL! Um...I don't think we're related. LOL...but at this rate who knows!
And, yes, we have slept under the same roof...probably in the same room. I remember my grandpa sitting me down and telling me that he has loaded guns all over the house and NEVER to touch them. He told me, "I don't believe in gun safety...I believe in kids obeying".
I think I have only been to Fayetteville and Little Rock.
I want to go camping in the Ozarks.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Way to turn this thread back on course...I was wondering if that was going to happen.
We are going to get rumors started saying we have slept in the same room. lol
I always slept in the room at the back of the hallway to the left hand side.
Yeah because the bedroom directly across from it is the master bedroom. Yes, we have indeed slept in the same room. It was the guest room/sewing room. The other bedroom was my grandpa's office....complete with loaded guns.
Not that I necessarily support people having so many children, I just wanted to clear up the misconception about the supposed "danger" of normal birth after cesarean. In fact, the risks are very very low. The issue causing the most concern with a VBAC ( vaginal birth after cesarean) is uterine rupture. It used to be thought that the risk of this was quite high, but it was not based in fact at all. The research and evidence indicates the risk is really quite low, and that there is a 0.07% chance of uterine rupture. The marginally higher risk of this is in the pregnancy itself. I am so sick of this perception that is perpetuated by the medical establishment that pregnancy and birth are "dangerous"......... it is not, and if ever there were proof of that, this woman has got to be it.
We'll stick to the twizzlers, he does fine on them...
What are you....a medicated genius?!
Thanks for the clear-up on that!!
Why do VBACs get such a bad rap??
LMFAO on yer previous response!
VBAC's, and childbirth in general, get a bad rap mostly out of fear. Modern obstetrics are based around fear, and the perception that somehow nature got it wrong, and that womens bodies are not built to birth their babies. This is utter rubbish of course. If women were not designed for childbirth, the human race would have died out a long time ago. This idea has been created that the gold standard of care is in the hospital, with an obstetrician and that those OB's know a womans body best. This had eaten away at womens faith in their own bodies and ability. Recent research for instance is showing that in the US, less than 5% of births are completely intervention free. Even those that are considered "natural" births are not without their medical interventions. It is interesting to note that around 3% of all births in the US are home births. It demonstrates to me that the most dangerous place for a healthy, normal pregnant woman is in the hospital. Don't get me wrong, modern obstetrics can be wonderful, but like anything, should not be abused.
An OB's is a specialist in difficult and complicated pregnancy and birth, NOT normal birth. The expert in normal birth (80% of women when left the hell alone) is a midwife. She has the clinical skills and experience to recognize when things are not within the range of normal and refer on to the specialist. Sadly, due to power struggles and fear, very few OB's can say the same. They are NOT recognizing a normal pregnancy and referring to the specialist in that area. They are taking on women who have no complications at all, and because they come at childbirth as a problem to be fixed, interfere with a perfectly normal and natural process and make it high tech.
To give an example of how inexperienced an OB is with normal birth. Firstly, very few OB's have even attended normal birth, in most instances where they are not the primary caregiver, they are not called unless complications develop. I was recently doing a rotation in a large tertiary hospital here. I am midway through my second year of a 3 year degree in midwifery and a woman presented in very established labour. She was hand balled to me to deliver, and just as the baby's head was on view, a second year resident OB poked her head in the door and asked if she could do the delivery. She said " I only have two and I need to get my numbers up" Since I already had 21 deliveries under my belt, I didn't have an issue and said sure, she could do it if the woman didn't object. At that point, the woman didn't really give a rats arse who caught the baby, as long as someone did. This OB fumbled about, finally caught the baby, then proceeded to put too much traction on the cord to deliver the placenta, and snapped the cord. The registrar was called and a manual removal was done right there and then to prevent a hemorrhage. What struck me about this, was that I am required by law to have 40 supervised normal births by the end of my three year degree. An OB requires 5, and this particular doctor, in her second year as a RESIDENT only had two! Which means she has so far done her 6 years of general medicine, and two years of a four year residency and has rarely seen, participated or facilitated a normal birth.
If you're interested in knowing more about this, I highly recommend a documentary called " The business of being born". It's a fascinating and pretty shocking expose` of modern obstetrics and a must see for anyone who is contemplating a normal birth at some point in their life.
I've heard of that. Isn't it by Rikki Lake? LOL.
This is true. Personally I think it's quite mad to have so many kids, but more from the point of view that there are plenty of needy kids in the world who need a good home. From a biological point of view, this is kinda natural. Without any kind of contraception, nature intends for women to be pregnant every couple of years. As soon as a child is weaned from the breast, the woman is fertile again. In that respect we're not much different from any other mammal. In this case though, this couple are having a child every year it seems, which indicates to me that the babies are not entirely breastfed for the first couple of years of their lives. No doubt she has succumbed to the false belief that we must shovel solid food into our babies mouths at four months of age, or perhaps give them artificial milk from some other mammal because her milk isn't good enough. Or it may be she simply doesn't have time to breastfeed with so many other kids to care for. From a biological point of view though, if a woman is breastfeeding, every two to four hours or whenever the bubs wants it, she will not naturally conceive. If you look at more natural cultures and societies, women have babies every three or four years, not every year.
LOL yea it is, but don't let that put you off. In spite of her previous misdemeanors with crap TV, she's actually a pretty insightful, intelligent and strong woman.
and imagine growing up in this so called "real" world and coming to the realisation that everything youve been fed through the media and society your entire life is bullshit. that its as much an indoctrination as so called cults.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
As long as they are paying for the pregnancy and hospital bill themselves, feeding them on their own and not taxpayer dollars, it's fine with me. That's great.
I'm more bitter about the single mother in Harlem raising her 3 children by 3 different daddies on my tax dollars!
At least this family is still intact....
And, yeah, the "J" thing is a bit annoying. For the record, I believe you can go to Discovery Health and vote on the new baby's name.
and they all use fucking paper plates for everything.
i dont know why they bug me so much but they do.
think about it, 7 or 8 times the amount of kids that the average family has, is 7 or 8 times the amount of diapers they must have used, plus 7 or 8 times the amount of waste they throw out and food they consume etc etc...
and how do the babies not just fall out by now?
and i dont mean to offend any religious people, but their over zealous religious lifestyle bugs me for some reason. they showed a clip of their children being homeschooled... the 17 year olds were learning the same thing as the 5 year olds... its brainwashing is what.
one time they were asked, do you find that you've got any individuality at all? and one of the kids, like the 14 year old responded with, 'of course, like i like pickles but my dad doesnt like pickles'
give me a break!
In a way...isn't all parenting "brainwashing"??