That time out Renney called was really a turning point-! The Isles really started to get hungry and were zipping and skating all around us- great call, Tom Renney!
It is unfathomable that in a 34 year old rivalry such as ours, and how much these 2 teams have hated each other, and go thru the history of players, teams, coaches, GMs, and lines, that in all that there has NEVER BEEN A PENALTY SHOT ?????????????
That blew my mind hearing that and alltho i couldnt recall one before , it was interesting to hear and really unbelievable. So much for DiP's streak of not allowing any penalty shots up to this point . Yes !!!!!!
The faceoffs and special teams really improved bigtime last night. Plus the skating and hey how about all those passes. The nice passes are good and all, but the only negative I would bring up is that at times they seem to be making 1 extra pass whereas a shot on goal would have been a better choice but hey,...
If we thought the previous game with Philly was big, then the next one is gargantuan . That game is HUGE ! And what the F is with the 5pm startime ? Thats fucked ! But I will somehow find the time to see it,....
have a grat weekend, Ranger Fans !
Lets Go, Rangers !
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
What a great f-ing game! I swear I think there were more Rangers fans there than Islanders, or at least the Rangers fans were more vocal. Although the Islander fans were probably chanting "DiP Sucks!" along with all of us. The first two goals, things of beauty. The third, ugly. Sweet penalty shot! The place went absolutely nuts. And nice to see Jagr adding one late in the third as well. And, I didn't feel like too much of a moron as there were a lot of people with Bure jerseys on as well. Tied for first, bring on those Flyers, its time for payback!
I'm debating who's jersey to get....I'm thinking maybe Henrik's. So many of the guys on this team might not be around in 2-3 years.
im under the same decision, as I dont know who to get and of course the dreaded if -i-getem-theyll-tradem deal,..
Theres always Montoya, Pock, Jessiman,.. but we havent seen too much & only heard this and that about them,( and dont know what # theyll eventually wear ) at least Henrik we are seeing him now. I dont think theyll part ways with him anytime soon so thats probably the safest bet. Plus his # 30 is a good double number. Then thers the blue, white, or alternate question we already posted about.
That game last night had everything- penalty shot, PP, heck even a fight between Orr and Godard- 2 very big dudes. I like how Orr went right up to those guys who were yapping at Rucinsky and the other forwards on his line, trying to push them around and take liberties- he knew this is his role on this team and heck he hadnt played in umpteen games,..probably a draw on that fight., no?
*as a side,...Another thing I was wondering, if theres going to be a new " Captain " announced any time soon.
with all due respects to THE captain(#11) ,
the team goes on and I believe evn Mr Messier would want them to name a new team captain. Perhaps it is time ?, or maybe they'll ride out the season this year, with all "A"s out there on the ice.
whats interesting is there could be many guys wearing it on any given night, which might be why we are successful this year. ( in reality we all know whos team this is )
whatever the case may be, keep it up boys
Lets Go Rangers
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
I'm debating who's jersey to get....I'm thinking maybe Henrik's. So many of the guys on this team might not be around in 2-3 years.
Jagr, Lundqvist and Prucha are probably safe choices.
Its funny though, I was watching Rangers in 60 last night when I got home, and they had one of those Bobby Granger commercials come on where he's asking Jagr how to say stuff in Czech. And he passes Prucha in the hall and his number was 58, not 25.
Jagr, Lundqvist and Prucha are probably safe choices.
Its funny though, I was watching Rangers in 60 last night when I got home, and they had one of those Bobby Granger commercials come on where he's asking Jagr how to say stuff in Czech. And he passes Prucha in the hall and his number was 58, not 25.
I have a blank older "home" jersey (white) that I am really tempted to get Henrik's, Pruchas, or Moore name/number put on. Not sure though.
As of now, I have:
#9 Graves blue
#35 Richter white
#34 Cloutier 3rd navy blue
#22 Gartner blue
#1 "Die Hard" split white/blue (seems cheesey though so I dont really wear it)
#27 Kovalev Practice jersey
Blank White
Blank White
Blank Navy (3rd with star/sonor)
Navy blank
If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
in nyc can always go to the garden and gerry cosbys
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Big game today. Should be good. Lets hope for a positive outcome and a complete 60 minutes of hockey. We should've had the Flyers on Monday, thats for sure. Now its time for payback!
Big game today. Should be good. Lets hope for a positive outcome and a complete 60 minutes of hockey. We should've had the Flyers on Monday, thats for sure. Now its time for payback!
5 PM faceoff? I think this timeslot sucks, anyone else ?
Huge game ! Wonder if Renny will start some sort of controversy and start Weekes again. He'll have us all scratching our heads.
Its time to gain those points , NOW - these guys were lucky the last 2 meetings.Wins are Wins, so thats it, but really,...c'mon
next game is senators and as we all know they are no joke. We need Buffalo to go south for a few games- those boys are hot even with all their injuries. Then a home & home with Toronto before Olympic break. c'mon boys,....
Lets Go Rangers
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
5 PM faceoff? I think this timeslot sucks, anyone else ?
Yeah, a little. I'm just pissed its an away game, as it may not be in HD. Although certain big market cities broadcast in HD as well, like Boston, so hopefully Philly does as well.
Yeah, a little. I'm just pissed its an away game, as it may not be in HD. Although certain big market cities broadcast in HD as well, like Boston, so hopefully Philly does as well.
so does that mean away games , even on MSG Network, arent transmitted in HD ? Thats good to know for future reference. Still, we will be enjoying it no doubt.
Lets Go Rangers !
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
so does that mean away games , even on MSG Network, arent transmitted in HD ? Thats good to know for future reference. Still, we will be enjoying it no doubt.
Lets Go Rangers !
Most away games aren't in HD. But if its in a big city, like Boston, then it could be. Games like Columbus weren't, but I'm hoping Philly enough is high tech to have it in HD.
just got home... what a game big win and big comeback....
payback for monday..
fucking prucha gotta hope its only a sprain and no tear please lord
at least we stuck up and fought stevenson
Great game, but I hope the kid is alright. Thankfully the Olympics are coming up and if it is something that'll sideline him for a few weeks, he won't miss much.
still waiting on mri its def a bad sprain min 6 weekes
if its a tear done for the season ..please lord no tear
hockey is a game where this shit happens we must move forward
at least the olympics are 2 free weekes to recover if its just a sprain
True, plus the week between now and the olympics, so 3 weeks off the start to try and get healthy. I read in Newsday that Jagr was trying to put it into perspective for Prucha, he was out once for 4 months and came back for the best playoffs of his career. Lets hope.
Its all dependant on if its tear or sprain---: the ANTERIOR cruciate ligament, or the MEDIAL collateral ligament ( in the knee ). The medial is of lesser concern, and has better healing time, less degree of weight bearing impact. Either or the timing is not good but i guess being the Olympics are almost upon us , hey who knows. All teams are secretive with these sort of things so we'll have to wait and see what they want to release to us.
It was clear , that this time, he wasnt "popping" right back up into play , so clearly there is / was something wrong. Even on the replays, it really didnt look that serious, like he almost missed the impact.
How about Strudwick standing up for Prucha? That was pretty cool .
And how about that Orr character ? What a tough dude- ( even if Brashear maybe landed a few more then him ) He was there and ready to fill that tough guy enforcer role. Marcel Hossa also had a super game !
Long wait now till Wednesday Night and the hot ottawa sen's. I saw a few highlights and Dominick Hasek didnt appear to be as sharpe as his normal self. Lets hope he has another bad night against the Blueshirts from Broadway.
Lets Go Rangers
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
i just read that press release on
thats excellent news.
That kid has tenacity so thats in his favor , too.
They havent announced if Prucha is backing out of the Olympics, ( if he was going- i dont know ) but certainly i would think so .
Lets Go Rangers !
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
i just read that press release on
thats excellent news.
That kid has tenacity so thats in his favor , too.
They havent announced if Prucha is backing out of the Olympics, ( if he was going- i dont know ) but certainly i would think so .
Lets Go Rangers !
He was supposed to play for the Czech team, not anymore.
Prucha leads the league in shooting percentage for rookies ( 26.3 )
I hope he can bounce back and rehabilitate quickly and strongly. He has 25 goals & he has had a good presence on the ice. Leaving the Wachovia Arena on crutches & in tears? ? ? ! ! ! Thats almost unbelievable !
Looking ahead- The Senators come into town- hopefully we can break thru the Dominator quickly ! I also read that Toronto has been hit by the injury bug also- quite possibly we wont be seeing Big Eric skating this upcoming series before the break . would have been interesting to see how the Garden faithful greeted him, if anything at all,...
Lets Go Rangers
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
That time out Renney called was really a turning point-! The Isles really started to get hungry and were zipping and skating all around us- great call, Tom Renney!
It is unfathomable that in a 34 year old rivalry such as ours, and how much these 2 teams have hated each other, and go thru the history of players, teams, coaches, GMs, and lines, that in all that there has NEVER BEEN A PENALTY SHOT ?????????????
That blew my mind hearing that and alltho i couldnt recall one before , it was interesting to hear and really unbelievable. So much for DiP's streak of not allowing any penalty shots up to this point . Yes !!!!!!
The faceoffs and special teams really improved bigtime last night. Plus the skating and hey how about all those passes. The nice passes are good and all, but the only negative I would bring up is that at times they seem to be making 1 extra pass whereas a shot on goal would have been a better choice but hey,...
If we thought the previous game with Philly was big, then the next one is gargantuan . That game is HUGE ! And what the F is with the 5pm startime ? Thats fucked ! But I will somehow find the time to see it,....
have a grat weekend, Ranger Fans !
Lets Go, Rangers !
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Theres always Montoya, Pock, Jessiman,.. but we havent seen too much & only heard this and that about them,( and dont know what # theyll eventually wear ) at least Henrik we are seeing him now. I dont think theyll part ways with him anytime soon so thats probably the safest bet. Plus his # 30 is a good double number. Then thers the blue, white, or alternate question we already posted about.
That game last night had everything- penalty shot, PP, heck even a fight between Orr and Godard- 2 very big dudes. I like how Orr went right up to those guys who were yapping at Rucinsky and the other forwards on his line, trying to push them around and take liberties- he knew this is his role on this team and heck he hadnt played in umpteen games,..probably a draw on that fight., no?
*as a side,...Another thing I was wondering, if theres going to be a new " Captain " announced any time soon.
with all due respects to THE captain(#11) ,
the team goes on and I believe evn Mr Messier would want them to name a new team captain. Perhaps it is time ?, or maybe they'll ride out the season this year, with all "A"s out there on the ice.
whats interesting is there could be many guys wearing it on any given night, which might be why we are successful this year. ( in reality we all know whos team this is )
whatever the case may be, keep it up boys
Lets Go Rangers
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Jagr, Lundqvist and Prucha are probably safe choices.
Its funny though, I was watching Rangers in 60 last night when I got home, and they had one of those Bobby Granger commercials come on where he's asking Jagr how to say stuff in Czech. And he passes Prucha in the hall and his number was 58, not 25.
As of now, I have:
#9 Graves blue
#35 Richter white
#34 Cloutier 3rd navy blue
#22 Gartner blue
#1 "Die Hard" split white/blue (seems cheesey though so I dont really wear it)
#27 Kovalev Practice jersey
Blank White
Blank White
Blank Navy (3rd with star/sonor)
Navy blank
in nyc can always go to the garden and gerry cosbys
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
5 PM faceoff? I think this timeslot sucks, anyone else ?
Huge game ! Wonder if Renny will start some sort of controversy and start Weekes again. He'll have us all scratching our heads.
Its time to gain those points , NOW - these guys were lucky the last 2 meetings.Wins are Wins, so thats it, but really,...c'mon
next game is senators and as we all know they are no joke. We need Buffalo to go south for a few games- those boys are hot even with all their injuries. Then a home & home with Toronto before Olympic break. c'mon boys,....
Lets Go Rangers
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
i got a party a 7pm im gonna miss the whole second half of the game ...
THIS SUCKS!!! anyway enjoy this HUGE game .... BIG 2 POINTS
Yeah, a little. I'm just pissed its an away game, as it may not be in HD. Although certain big market cities broadcast in HD as well, like Boston, so hopefully Philly does as well.
so does that mean away games , even on MSG Network, arent transmitted in HD ? Thats good to know for future reference. Still, we will be enjoying it no doubt.
Lets Go Rangers !
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
Most away games aren't in HD. But if its in a big city, like Boston, then it could be. Games like Columbus weren't, but I'm hoping Philly enough is high tech to have it in HD.
payback for monday..
fucking prucha gotta hope its only a sprain and no tear please lord
at least we stuck up and fought stevenson
Great game, but I hope the kid is alright. Thankfully the Olympics are coming up and if it is something that'll sideline him for a few weeks, he won't miss much.
if its a tear done for the season ..please lord no tear
hockey is a game where this shit happens we must move forward
at least the olympics are 2 free weekes to recover if its just a sprain
True, plus the week between now and the olympics, so 3 weeks off the start to try and get healthy. I read in Newsday that Jagr was trying to put it into perspective for Prucha, he was out once for 4 months and came back for the best playoffs of his career. Lets hope.
It was clear , that this time, he wasnt "popping" right back up into play , so clearly there is / was something wrong. Even on the replays, it really didnt look that serious, like he almost missed the impact.
How about Strudwick standing up for Prucha? That was pretty cool .
And how about that Orr character ? What a tough dude- ( even if Brashear maybe landed a few more then him ) He was there and ready to fill that tough guy enforcer role. Marcel Hossa also had a super game !
Long wait now till Wednesday Night and the hot ottawa sen's. I saw a few highlights and Dominick Hasek didnt appear to be as sharpe as his normal self. Lets hope he has another bad night against the Blueshirts from Broadway.
Lets Go Rangers
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
thank you lord plus 2 weekes olympics,,,, so should only be a couple of missed games
Good news. Where'd you hear that? So between missing this week and the Olympics, it shouldn't be much after that.
thats excellent news.
That kid has tenacity so thats in his favor , too.
They havent announced if Prucha is backing out of the Olympics, ( if he was going- i dont know ) but certainly i would think so .
Lets Go Rangers !
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
He was supposed to play for the Czech team, not anymore.
Prucha leads the league in shooting percentage for rookies ( 26.3 )
I hope he can bounce back and rehabilitate quickly and strongly. He has 25 goals & he has had a good presence on the ice. Leaving the Wachovia Arena on crutches & in tears? ? ? ! ! ! Thats almost unbelievable !
Looking ahead- The Senators come into town- hopefully we can break thru the Dominator quickly ! I also read that Toronto has been hit by the injury bug also- quite possibly we wont be seeing Big Eric skating this upcoming series before the break . would have been interesting to see how the Garden faithful greeted him, if anything at all,...
Lets Go Rangers
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life