at no point did he lump ALL asians into a stereotype... nothing racist in his comment so settle down PC police... there has recently in the news been a few people that fit that description however and it warrents some observation... not to say there arent plenty of disturbed people that belong to other races (most historic serial killers are white)
The people on flight 93 had time to think about it, and no means of escape. The flight or fight response is an instantaneous chemical and neurological reflex. The vast majority of people, and animals for that matter, in the grip of this reflex, will only fight if backed into a corner. If there's a means to escape, they will, and they are not even thinking about it. There's no room or time for thought or planning. One simply reacts, triggered by powerful catecholamines that spur the body into action. Blood supply is instantly increased to the muscles, the pupils dilate, the heart and breathing rate increases, digestion stops and you are moving before you realize it. A bit like walking along a bush track and encountering a snake, you react and move out of harms way before you have a chance to even think there's a snake in your path. I feel incredibly sorry for these people, that they witnessed this. I know just reading about it, it will stay with me for a long time, these poor people are in for a lifetime of what if's, not to mention the horror of what they saw revisting them for years to come. So sad.
what about the 3 or 4 guys from Glasgow, Scotland who attacked and subdued 2 would be terorrists who had just driven a burning jeep into the airport?
they could have ran, but didnt. in fact one of them couldnt as he broke his leg trying to kick the shit out of the crazy fuckers.
and can i just add that these people who attacked the burning suicide arsonists could have fled at any point... they didnt...
now... as StuGee has said... you and i dont know how we would react... as everyone is quite different.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Funny how people freak about this, but people are massacred in Iraq and Afghanistan all the time and everyone is for the most part very calm about it.
as brutal as Iraq and Afghanistan are i dont think many of them are getting onto buses and seeing peoples heads hacked off in front of them.... also apathy and emotional fatigue sets in when its the 16th car bomb of the week and we dont actually see any of it.... when its a nutter hacking someones head off on a bus in a quiet suburban area of canada it kinda stands out.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
now... as StuGee has said... you and i dont know how we would react... as everyone is quite different.
Yep definitely, when faced with extraordinary situations our minds can work very differently. The point FPC highlighted earlier in the thread about the guy lifting the car up on adrenaline backed this point up more than his in my opinion!!
People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
what about the 3 or 4 guys from Glasgow, Scotland who
now... as StuGee has said... you and i dont know how we would react... as everyone is quite different.
Thats true...... yer right, none of us really know how we'd respond. I'd like to think I'd do something too, but the reality is, I would probably be outta there so fast it'd make my head spin.
Yep definitely, when faced with extraordinary situations our minds can work very differently. The point FPC highlighted earlier in the thread about the guy lifting the car up on adrenaline backed this point up more than his in my opinion!!
Nope. I'm willing to bet that a complete nutter is under more stress than his victim, or those around him, unless those around him are psycho wee Scots fuckers to start with, eh, Dunk?
Nope. I'm willing to bet that a complete nutter is under more stress than his victim, or those around him, unless those around him are psycho wee Scots fuckers to start with, eh, Dunk?
As i said before though, you wouldnt know untill faced with that situation what you are capable of.
People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
As i said before though, you wouldnt know untill faced with that situation what you are capable of.
I would. Give me a beautiful woman with no clothes who wants to ravish me, and I'd know what to do. Put a truck load of Jehovah's Witnesses on my doorstep and I'd know what to do. (Not answer the door.) Put me in a pub with free beer and I'd know what to do, until I didn't know what to do any more.
Stick me on a cramped bus with a huge homicidal maniac chopping some other poor sod to shreds, and I'd know what to do, or not to do. I know my hormones.
Nope. I'm willing to bet that a complete nutter is under more stress than his victim, or those around him, unless those around him are psycho wee Scots fuckers to start with, eh, Dunk?
i remember reading about one of the guys who attacked the Glasgow terrorists and basically he said something along the lines of 'nae fucker was gonna spoil his summer holidays!!!'
it's weird and it sorta plays up to our national stereotype... but the only person who tried to confront the failed July London bombers was a wee old man and a guy who tried to talk to the rucksack bomber.
2 idiots who were still alight and trying to open up gas canisters get the shit kicked out of them by 3 scottish holidaymakers and a luggage handler.
as with your other post finsy... i know what to do with that woman, those Jehovah's and those free pints... but i have no idea what i'd do with a knife wielding maniac... i know what i'd do if my kids were sitting in the seat in front of him, but if i was on my own i'd like to think i would have Cantona'd him in the face... but i just dont know.
equating your nanosecond reaction to a life-risking scenario to the drinking of free pints, hot sex and the opportunity to ignore some bible nutters is like comparing a light bulb to a sea lion.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I would. Give me a beautiful woman with no clothes who wants to ravish me, and I'd know what to do. Put a truck load of Jehovah's Witnesses on my doorstep and I'd know what to do. (Not answer the door.) Put me in a pub with free beer and I'd know what to do, until I didn't know what to do any more.
Stick me on a cramped bus with a huge homicidal maniac chopping some other poor sod to shreds, and I'd know what to do, or not to do. I know my hormones.
That is what your mind is telling you you would do just now. Ill bet if someone told that guy in the story you were talking about to go and pick up a car in normal circumstances beforehand he'd have told them to fuck right off and question whether they were stupid or something.
People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
I think the car picker-upper is similar to an attacker, who uses superhuman strength as a last-ditch survival mechanism. If there's an escape route available, most people would take that first. If that option isn't available, then you go for the others. I think in split second situations, the brain is very logical. If not A, then B.
I think the car picker-upper is similar to an attacker, who uses superhuman strength as a last-ditch survival mechanism. If there's an escape route available, most people would take that first. If that option isn't available, then you go for the others. I think in split second situations, the brain is very logical. If not A, then B.
As Dunk said, everyone is different though. The thought of running and attacking a man on fire with petrol all over the place, gas cannisters and a car on fire next to him in amongst it all wouldnt appeal to many people i'd imagine. Those people's decision to try and stop him wasnt a long drawn out procedure i wouldnt have thought, most people's natural instinct would tell you to get away from it, but you dont know how someone would react till they are faced with it, as proven by those people's reactions. I can imagine being very scared but very angry at the same time, just depends how you filter your emotions into actions, and this differs with people and situations for sure.
Think ive posted basically the same thing over and over now so im going to stop lol
People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
exactly what weapon did this man have to behead someone?!
I believe it was either a machete (sorry for sp) or a long army knife
1998 ~ Barrie
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
exactly what weapon did this man have to behead someone?!
big rambo-esque hunting knife... i would think it would still be a bitch getting through the spinal column without something serated, but im no doctor and i guess that would support fins argument of adrenaline powered super strength... plus we dont know what the exact time frame of all this was... not to be overly morbid or nit picky
I just think it's interesting how the "Asian" guys/gals who have snapped recently are polite,quiet, hard working members of society. Without warning or signs they just snap.
For example:
Virginia Tech Shooting
Bus Beheading
The guy who killed all those hunters
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
I was debating going to the dc show because of transportation, because of my fear of this! yet my friends kept making fun of me. I told them!!!!
i wouldnt let this stop you... its like they kept saying after 9/11... if we let this effect our everyday lives than the terrorists win... its an isolated incident (though incredible terrible) and it shouldnt stop you from enjoying an awesome show... its not even the type of thing that would inspire copycat killers IMO since its SO incredibly gruesome... it takes a truly deranged person
I just think it's interesting how the "Asian" guys/gals who have snapped recently are polite,quiet, hard working members of society. Without warning or signs they just snap.
For example:
Virginia Tech Shooting
Bus Beheading
The guy who killed all those hunters
add Northern IL shooting to the list
definitely a trend
jet li has always been kindof quiet too... and we all know what hes capable of... lets hope nothing ever pushes him overboard
I was debating going to the dc show because of transportation, because of my fear of this! yet my friends kept making fun of me. I told them!!!!
Just kick some dudes ass when you get on the bus!
Just like Prison....
You gotta kick someone's ass the first day!
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
jesus... i just heard on the radio that someone in vancouver started hitting people over the head with a hammer (on davie?). They said he was a homophobe so i'm assuming that it was during the gay pride parade...
they were talking about both incidents.... whats this world coming to??
jet li has always been kindof quiet too... and we all know what hes capable of... lets hope nothing ever pushes him overboard
All bad ass ninja types are quiet...
We may have a serious epidemic on our hands.
Beware of ninjas on buses!
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
if ive said it once, ill say it again... you should have to check your ninja stars and nunchucks BEFORE boarding any type of public transportation... in all seriousness though i dont get the blatant lack of security on a bus compared to the security at the airport... obviously planes are a greater hazard and escape is harder at such a great height... but buses can be dangerous too ("speed" anyone?) and it wouldnt take that much effort to have a metal detector at grey hound stations... maybe this will get some people thinking
this conversation about "oh i wouldve tried to do something" is bullshit... have any of you been on a fuckin bus before?? the aisle is about 2 feet wide... theres no headroom... you have zero room to do much of anything let alone over power a crazed knife-wielding monster... everyone in this thread wouldve booked it for the door just like i wouldve... and anyone who tried to be a hero would just get hurt too if not killed
Amen, brother. Can you believe some clown on another thread suggested that the passengers may have had time to organize into a suitcase-throwing mob that would've disarmed the attacker? ~giggles~
Amen, brother. Can you believe some clown on another thread suggested that the passengers may have had time to organize into a suitcase-throwing mob that would've disarmed the attacker? ~giggles~
People always think they would pull off some Rambo shit in situations like that.
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
Amen, brother. Can you believe some clown on another thread suggested that the passengers may have had time to organize into a suitcase-throwing mob that would've disarmed the attacker? ~giggles~
I guess you would have screamed like a little girl and took off? What if you were the one being stabbed? What would you want others to do?
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
I guess you would have screamed like a little girl and took off? What if you were the one being stabbed? What would you want others to do?
are you saying you would run up to a guy who just stabbed another man to death and take him on? I assume you have no training to do this....correct?
Sacramento 10-30-00, Bridge School 10-20 and 10-21-01, Bridge School 10-25 and 10-26-01, Irvine 06-02-03, Irvine 06-03-03, San Diego 06-05-03, San Diego 07-07-06, Los Angeles 07-09-06, Santa Barbara 07-13-06, London UK 06-18-07, San Diego 10-9-09, San Diego 2013, LA 1 2013
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
what about the 3 or 4 guys from Glasgow, Scotland who attacked and subdued 2 would be terorrists who had just driven a burning jeep into the airport?
they could have ran, but didnt. in fact one of them couldnt as he broke his leg trying to kick the shit out of the crazy fuckers.
and can i just add that these people who attacked the burning suicide arsonists could have fled at any point... they didnt...
now... as StuGee has said... you and i dont know how we would react... as everyone is quite different.
as brutal as Iraq and Afghanistan are i dont think many of them are getting onto buses and seeing peoples heads hacked off in front of them.... also apathy and emotional fatigue sets in when its the 16th car bomb of the week and we dont actually see any of it.... when its a nutter hacking someones head off on a bus in a quiet suburban area of canada it kinda stands out.
Yep definitely, when faced with extraordinary situations our minds can work very differently. The point FPC highlighted earlier in the thread about the guy lifting the car up on adrenaline backed this point up more than his in my opinion!!
Thats true...... yer right, none of us really know how we'd respond. I'd like to think I'd do something too, but the reality is, I would probably be outta there so fast it'd make my head spin.
Nope. I'm willing to bet that a complete nutter is under more stress than his victim, or those around him, unless those around him are psycho wee Scots fuckers to start with, eh, Dunk?
As i said before though, you wouldnt know untill faced with that situation what you are capable of.
I would. Give me a beautiful woman with no clothes who wants to ravish me, and I'd know what to do. Put a truck load of Jehovah's Witnesses on my doorstep and I'd know what to do. (Not answer the door.) Put me in a pub with free beer and I'd know what to do, until I didn't know what to do any more.
Stick me on a cramped bus with a huge homicidal maniac chopping some other poor sod to shreds, and I'd know what to do, or not to do. I know my hormones.
i remember reading about one of the guys who attacked the Glasgow terrorists and basically he said something along the lines of 'nae fucker was gonna spoil his summer holidays!!!'
it's weird and it sorta plays up to our national stereotype... but the only person who tried to confront the failed July London bombers was a wee old man and a guy who tried to talk to the rucksack bomber.
2 idiots who were still alight and trying to open up gas canisters get the shit kicked out of them by 3 scottish holidaymakers and a luggage handler.
as with your other post finsy... i know what to do with that woman, those Jehovah's and those free pints... but i have no idea what i'd do with a knife wielding maniac... i know what i'd do if my kids were sitting in the seat in front of him, but if i was on my own i'd like to think i would have Cantona'd him in the face... but i just dont know.
equating your nanosecond reaction to a life-risking scenario to the drinking of free pints, hot sex and the opportunity to ignore some bible nutters is like comparing a light bulb to a sea lion.
What claps suddenly if you plug into the wrong socket? :cool:
That is what your mind is telling you you would do just now. Ill bet if someone told that guy in the story you were talking about to go and pick up a car in normal circumstances beforehand he'd have told them to fuck right off and question whether they were stupid or something.
As Dunk said, everyone is different though. The thought of running and attacking a man on fire with petrol all over the place, gas cannisters and a car on fire next to him in amongst it all wouldnt appeal to many people i'd imagine. Those people's decision to try and stop him wasnt a long drawn out procedure i wouldnt have thought, most people's natural instinct would tell you to get away from it, but you dont know how someone would react till they are faced with it, as proven by those people's reactions. I can imagine being very scared but very angry at the same time, just depends how you filter your emotions into actions, and this differs with people and situations for sure.
Think ive posted basically the same thing over and over now so im going to stop lol
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
I believe it was either a machete (sorry for sp) or a long army knife
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
I just think it's interesting how the "Asian" guys/gals who have snapped recently are polite,quiet, hard working members of society. Without warning or signs they just snap.
For example:
Virginia Tech Shooting
Bus Beheading
The guy who killed all those hunters
definitely a trend
jet li has always been kindof quiet too... and we all know what hes capable of... lets hope nothing ever pushes him overboard
Just kick some dudes ass when you get on the bus!
Just like Prison....
You gotta kick someone's ass the first day!
they were talking about both incidents.... whats this world coming to??
All bad ass ninja types are quiet...
We may have a serious epidemic on our hands.
Beware of ninjas on buses!
I guess you would have screamed like a little girl and took off? What if you were the one being stabbed? What would you want others to do?
are you saying you would run up to a guy who just stabbed another man to death and take him on? I assume you have no training to do this....correct?