What's the fucking deal with Palestinians?

I just thought I'd give equal time here.

Free the West Memphis Three
Ron Paul 2012
Ron Paul 2012
Post edited by Unknown User on
True. I thought I'd make a concession to move towards peace on this board.
Ron Paul 2012
Someone should have told Golda Meir...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and if i hear one more bitch and whine about checkpoints cutting them off from access to medical facilities, income, food... those things are for the jews ONLY
can't they just quietly take the bullets in their and their children's backs????
the nerve of some ppl
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Maybe, one day all Arabs/Muslims will recognize Israel's right to exist. One can dream the impossible dream.
Ron Paul 2012
Now if only both Israel and Palestine could follow your lead over there, maybe some progress could be made. I don't think you're going to find too many people supporting suicide bombings. What you might find is people sympathetic to the Palestinian's plight, and understanding why they're driven to such awful measures.
The method for proclaiming existence kinda sucked.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
especially when you compare how many israeli's die compared to how many palestinians are killed
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Also, why the fuck can't Jewish kids just suck it up and live with the fact that when they step on their school bus in the morning, there's a chance some Jihadist will blow them all up into ground meat? C'mon Jews, it isn't that bad having mortars launched into your homes from Gaza and southern Lebanon. Get a freaking backbone!
Ron Paul 2012
Exactly. You can support the Palestinians' need to escape Israel's oppression without supporting the killing of innocent people, just like you could support Ireland's need for independence without condoning the terrorist acts of the IRA. The deaths of innocent people is what we're trying to avoid here, on both sides.
I have a hard time sympathizing with people who hang posters of suicide bombers on their streets. It's difficult for me to sympathize with people who consider all Jews as swine. I have a hard time feeling compassion for people who teach their kids from the earliest of ages that all non-muslims are not worthy of life, and to martyr yourself while killing innocents is an honorable goal.
Ron Paul 2012
That's such a one-sided view of things, I'm not surprised you made such horrible remarks before.
When a balance is disturbed by an external force a reaction takes place.
Creating around a million homeless people by lethal force (and enforcing it ruthlessly) carries with it a few consequences.
I'm pretty sure the holocaust was not supposed to be a "pay it forward" situation.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Unfortunately, what I said is true.
Ron Paul 2012
From a certain point of view. But as long as that's the prevailing point of view, you're only looking at symptoms. Not the cause of the problem.
The cause of the problem could be the radical view of Islam many take. I don't see Arab Christians blowing themselves up.
Ron Paul 2012
a bit over dramatic, aren't ya??
Suicide and Other Bombing Attacks in Israel Since the Declaration of Principles (Sept 1993)
10 in 2005 - 24 dead, 3 killed no one
3 in 2006 - 15 dead
1 in 2007 - 3 dead
2 this year - 9 dead
that doesn't add up to very many dead Israeli's in the past 4 years, especially compared to just these TWO articles:
From the Independent in 2006:
Palestinian death toll triples this year
The number of Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces in the West Bank and Gaza Strip tripled this year, according to an Israeli human rights organisation. B'Tselem said 660 Palestinians had been killed during 2006, including 141 minors. The report claimed that at least 322 of those killed were not fighters.
Israel eclipsed Palestine's 4 year death toll in a single year!
From Amnesty International this year:
Children and civilian bystanders in Gaza death toll
Israeli military air strikes and artillery attacks on the Gaza Strip during the last few days have killed over 100 Palestinians, including dozens of children and other civilian bystanders. Three Israelis – a civilian killed by a rocket fired by a Palestinian armed group on 27 February and two soldiers – were also killed.
Many of the Palestinians killed were militants involved in attacks on Israel, but others were unarmed civilians taking no part in the hostilities, including some 25 children. The precise number of civilians killed is unclear and difficult to establish.
The Israeli chief of staff is reported to have claimed that 90 percent of those killed were militants, but the UN and other sources, including those in Gaza, suggest that as many as half of the dead were civilians. More than 250 other people, including scores of unarmed civilians, have been injured.
Israeli forces also destroyed houses and property across the Gaza Strip, including at least two medical facilities, before withdrawing on 3 March.
israel eclipsed the 4 year toll in just a few days!!
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
and there's plenty of ppl and even school who teach their kids to hate muslims. like the school that had kids write letters to the idf like 'kill a thousand arabs for me!' 'the only good arab is a dead arab!'
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Why do you automatically assume it's down to radical Islam? If you lived in a country occupied by a government and military who refuse to acknowledge your basic human rights, you'd probably be driven to drastic measures yourself. Entirely separate from any sort of religious conflict, desperation can make a man do horrible things.
So the smart thing to do would be to see what makes those men desperate, and solve that.
Retaliation is a bitch, isn't it? Again, all of this would end if the Arabs truly wanted peace with Israel. Like I said before, unfortunately, many won't rest until every Jew is pushed into the sea. There was a great chance to attain a peaceful settlement in the late 90s, but good old Yasser Arafat wasn't interested in peace.
Ron Paul 2012
Give them billions in military aid.
I can guarantee you suicide bombing will stop overnight.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The sad thing is, the lives of many Arabs in occupied territories would be greatly improved if their so-called leaders wanted a true and lasting peace with their Jewish neighbors. Again, when Muslim children are taught from infancy to despise Jews/Christians, there's not much chance for peace in the future.
I do see radical Islam as the problem.
Ron Paul 2012
Until you, and America at large, start to see Israel's part in this carnage, the cycle will just keep repeating.
I fixed your post...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Netanyahu is a smart man. He realizes that trying to attain peace with those who are bent on your destruction, is an act of futility. Ehud Barak and others certainly tried, but we all know what happened.
Ron Paul 2012
hahha..retalition is a bitch? Im sure that's what the suicide bombers say too. Unless you open your mind; you will always be part of the problem. Look in the f'n mirror.
So it went in the media...
Ahh... the media.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
As I mentioned previously, my mother is from Ireland and Catholic, so I definitely have an interest in this topic. I think it was perfectly justifiable for Irish Catholics to fight against English occupation, but I denounce the terror that the IRA took part in. Part of my mother's family was beaten and killed by the Black and Tans, yet my mom has always denounced the IRA's tactics as counter-productive and cruel.
Ron Paul 2012
How does the vicious cycle of violence end? What's your solution?
Ron Paul 2012